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Jan 31, 2009 9:03 PM

Jul 2008

So we know a bit more about every character, especially about Yuki's manager. And the little secret room in echo (lol). Damn paparazzi's ruining Rina :(

I wonder what will happen to Misaki now =\
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Feb 1, 2009 11:58 AM

Aug 2008
I honestly don't know what route they're following right now...
Feb 1, 2009 12:29 PM

Jan 2008
Touya is such a douchebag, I'm following this series just to see how much more douchebaggy this maggot can get.
Feb 2, 2009 12:00 AM

Jul 2008
Uminekko said:
I honestly don't know what route they're following right now...
I have no idea; it's not following the game AND the actual manga itself. haha.
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Feb 2, 2009 6:16 AM

May 2008
Sizzling hot episode. I <3 the manager.
Feb 2, 2009 7:58 AM
Apr 2008
for a anime thats not following the manga , as a stand alone series its amazing .
written beautifully .
i dont think touya is a bad guy hes just trapped.
good episode so the manager is going all out and what you think will happen with misaka and our main man ?
confused boy + emotional girl = regret hmm or maybe suminthing different we shall have to wait
Feb 2, 2009 8:04 AM

Jun 2008
i dont like how this anime is going, it has a very depressing atmosphere to it.
it makes me think of school days, where it starts out fine but half way through screws the anime over i hope it doesnt end like that.

With that said i have to drop this anime, though i might finish it off once it's done airing.
Feb 2, 2009 10:24 AM

Jul 2008
canephalanx said:
Sizzling hot episode. I <3 the manager.

The manager is a bitch. She's ruining Touya D=
Feb 2, 2009 10:25 AM

Jul 2008
Wow, really liked this episode ! : D Yuki's manager is just so hot and it was nice to get known her better >:3 But it wasn't right when she kissed Toyua !

But the end was... boring ?

Feb 2, 2009 11:56 AM

Aug 2008
This is so obviously a set-up. The Manager chick is setting him up so that if they were to sleep together, it would break up Yuki/Touya. I hate cliched stuff like this - I mean how old is the "boyfriend should break up with idol girlfriend because he'll hold her back" shtick? I've seen it a MILLION times. Eventually the girl always chooses love over career. In reality, that kind of thing doesn't happen. Idols don't lead the lives of slaves who concentrate on career only. That would just make them all blow up.

There were a few other things I didn't get. I'm starting to wish we get to see a little more of all these girls - I mean why do they cling to Touya so much? We need some more explanation and some more resolution for at least a couple of them. The story is getting stale and cliched. I hope the next episode will be better, but I'm guessing it won't be.
Romance comedy anime - Japan's gift to America
Feb 2, 2009 11:58 AM
Oct 2008

i just couldn't stand the way that manager
was throwing herself on touya : \
and the way he stared to her lips was .. like .. So Perverted :|
Poor yuki for having a boyfriend like himself ..

They both fail : ( !

i did like the episode .. although there wasn't enough Rina <3
Feb 2, 2009 2:23 PM

Aug 2008
ok see what:

-he's not perfect ! thx touya, you could at least start running ...if you can't say no...
-yuki, sry , better luck next time
-hope it doesn't finish like school days ...
-manager she sure took pictures of it ... at least evidence for yuki... at least touya's mind is ruined...

Feb 2, 2009 5:24 PM

Mar 2008
canephalanx said:
Sizzling hot episode. I <3 the manager.

I second that :P

She's actually pretty hot... but wasting herself on a useless guy like Touya is just so sad ...
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Feb 2, 2009 7:44 PM

Aug 2008
Why do I find joy in watching shows that annoy me to death? Maybe I'm just tsundere with WA
Feb 2, 2009 9:09 PM

Jun 2008
... i was gonna say (in ep.3 or 4) that the manager was the only character that didn't annoy me. thankfully i didn't say it 'cause i would have to take it back right now. i hate them all. seriously. except maybe Akira -- he just doesn't get enough screentime to annoy me.
Feb 3, 2009 12:00 AM

May 2008
meh i hope Akira gets to go with Misaki.nice episode, but its starting to remind me of school days .Touya better get serious

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Feb 3, 2009 12:16 AM

Jun 2008
I feel kinda bad for Haruka. Touya doesn't really care about her feelings, let alone understand her. And it seems like everything is going in a bad direction now. Everything is getting in Yuki and Touya's way.
Feb 3, 2009 4:16 AM

May 2008
Oke where almost at the half of the serie and so far this serie is going no where.
So far it feels more like a boring slice of life with almost no real romance development.
I seriously think this serie fails as a romance serie so far because on the area of romance almost nothing happens.
Futhermore I totally dont like Touya he has not consideration for other people feeling.
Only thing he cares about is Yuki and nothing more.
Hes just not a interesting main character.

The only real interesting thing that happend was this episode with Shinozuka, Yayoi (Yuki Manager).
It was quite unexpected that so would present herself as the consultation money.

6/10 so far for this serie.
Feb 3, 2009 9:58 AM

Nov 2007
touya has a harem but for once it seems as if the harem is actually really causing him trouble. i hope he makes the right decision and stays true.
Feb 3, 2009 12:08 PM

Jan 2007
i really enjoyed this episode. it was great seeing the manager make her move on Touya. for sure this show is keeping interested in how it will turn out and particularly Rina's role in this.
Feb 3, 2009 12:31 PM

Mar 2008
deleted for unexpected double-posting.. gomen ne!
Feb 3, 2009 12:33 PM

Mar 2008
the only cliche in this show that strongly disappoints me is... the main character being a naive, weak, and infantile boy.. well, but that's what the plot is based on anyway so I have to live with it ^^

to my mind the optimal ending would be:
Touya gets mature enough for his age and Yuki drops the showbiz, so they end up together..
I can't imagine Yuki as an "aidoru" - her personality indeed contradicts the showbiz rules. She's too reserved and closed, isn't she?

But since we're dealing with anime, anything can happen ^^ I just hope Touya won't go SchoolDay-ishly mad at the end. Though, for some reason, I suppose we can expect the Ogata Eiji's death... he seemed to be so devillish...
And the next eppy gonna bring us some more kisses.. at least this is how I understand the "other people's business". So who's the lucky one in your opinion? Haruka? Rina? Misaki? Anyone ERUSU? ^^
Feb 3, 2009 12:40 PM

Nov 2008
Yayoi is a bitch! Is she really interested in Touya? Is he that handsome or what?
I don't get what is Yuki doing in showbiz. I would understand if she composed her songs herself and needed public to listen to them, but it's not like that.
Touya is boring. He is a complete cliche and very much alike the main character of Kimi Ga Nozomu Ein.

Credits for the av go to =)
I used to be Dolce_Vitka here, but Vitka_Lynx is my nickname at alost all other sites, so I decided to take it here, too ^___^
Feb 3, 2009 2:16 PM

Aug 2008
This was bizarre.
Questionable event after questionable event, after questionable event.

Touya had the nerve to think "the cold lips of a doll"?
He's the one being strung around like a silly puppet by all these women.

And what was with the false wall?
Is someone dead?
Secret society?
It seems much too ridiculous to be in a harem show.
Feb 3, 2009 2:35 PM

Oct 2007
About Yayoi, what she said is not wrong but what she did is not right either. If she want to discuss about that problem, there should be 3 of them together not just Touya and her alone. And I could be right about Yayoi being told to do that by the other.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Feb 3, 2009 2:38 PM
Dec 2007
1986 Japan's vision in White Album is seriously scary, with everyone trying to take advantage of everyone and manipulating even feelings... This anime has a great atmosphere and a very good writing so overall I'm loving it despite the obvious over-dramatization of the plot (in fact, I don't really mind, I prefere over to under-dramatization).

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Feb 3, 2009 2:48 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
This episode was great, really enjoyed it. Can't wait to see how all this turns out. The manager is awesome. =D




[H+] ³  
Feb 3, 2009 2:51 PM

Dec 2008
The manager has something weird... she love Yuki and her love TOO much :/
At the begining, she was a normal character... now, she's starting to show her true colors :S
Feb 3, 2009 3:55 PM

Aug 2008
I can see that this show is getting more into a "dark" harem. Anyway, there are still a lot of episodes left. Probably, all of these things will be answered eventually. I don't like the fact that the story development is really slow. There are too many characters involved on the story on which I find it irritating.

Feb 3, 2009 5:23 PM

Dec 2008
This episode was pretty confusing. Hopefully, we'll be able to remember who each character is cause right now, there's too man. Lot's and lot's of drama. Can't wait for the next episode.

Feb 3, 2009 7:12 PM

Aug 2008
Dolce_Vitka said:
Touya is boring. He is a complete cliche and very much alike the main character of Kimi Ga Nozomu Ein.
Takayuki was a goddamn brainsurgeon (even if emotionally blind) compared to this a-hole.
noteDhero said:
And what was with the false wall?
Is someone dead?
Secret society?
I figured that must be the entrance for the Bat-cave. Which probably makes Akira Robin.
Feb 3, 2009 8:33 PM

Nov 2007
Takai said:
i hate them all. seriously. except maybe Akira -- he just doesn't get enough screentime to annoy me.

Okay, so you basically said everything I was gonna say. The girls suck for being pathetic, whiny, all over Touya. And Touya sucks for not saying what he feels and instead going along with the flow (and harem) which will end in disaster.
Feb 3, 2009 8:52 PM

Jul 2008
i sure hope this doesn't go the "School Days" route..
Feb 3, 2009 9:15 PM

Jun 2007
Touya had it right when he said the managers lips where cold as a doll. She looks and acts like she's being controlled by someone all the time.

Touya is indeed stuck. Unlike most main characters that are indecisive and don't know who to pick for a g/f, Touya is extremely decisive but has everyone getting in his way and cock blocking him from being with Yuki.

The who convo with with the manager talking about the twins and how they've overcome a lot gave me some weird incest feelings...not sure if thats where their going with Rin's story but with the way Rin and her brother act I wouldn't be surprised.

Lawl at the hidden door at the Cafe.

I have a funny feeling Touya might go into show biz or music like Yuki. He has the looks and has the connections...he could do it. The upside would be that he could see Yuki when they worked. The downside is all eyes would be on them which would make being together outside of work even harder. The reason I even brought up the subject is because Touya has a dream about a rocker on stage with Yuki singing. For some reason I think the rocker looks like Touya with his hair died.

Anyway heres the latest relationship chart.
Feb 3, 2009 10:16 PM

Jul 2007
Theres like so many ways this anime can go. So annoying, can't figure whos best.
Feb 3, 2009 11:20 PM

Jan 2009
noteDhero said:
This was bizarre.
Questionable event after questionable event, after questionable event.

Like what?

Touya had the nerve to think "the cold lips of a doll"?
He's the one being strung around like a silly puppet by all these women.

The point he was making was that there was no genuine feeling behind her kiss, Yayoi was cold and calculating.

And what was with the false wall?

That's where Eiji came out from at the end of episode 3, where Touya was looking so confused (thinking "where did HE come from? Out of this broom closet? WTF?"). Now we know that obviously this secret door leads to a place where Eiji is doing something (probably composing music), and which Rina knows.

Is someone dead?
Secret society?

No and no. What the heck makes you think that? ^_^;

It seems much too ridiculous to be in a harem show.

I don't know what episode of which anime you've been watching, but NOTHING in ep5 has been ridiculous or confusing. It was pretty straightforward.
Feb 4, 2009 4:48 AM
Apr 2008
mcjazzman32 said:
This is so obviously a set-up. The Manager chick is setting him up so that if they were to sleep together, it would break up Yuki/Touya.
I don't appreciate you saying such preposterous things about Shinozuka.
Feb 4, 2009 5:55 AM

Dec 2008
phammo said:
i sure hope this doesn't go the "School Days" route..

GOD! ... maybe D:
Feb 4, 2009 6:46 AM

Mar 2008
cyruz said:
This episode was great, really enjoyed it. Can't wait to see how all this turns out. The manager is awesome. =D

I know eh! She's like even more pro than Rina! I love her!! (Though I still want Rina X Yuki ending) :P
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Feb 4, 2009 9:16 AM

Aug 2008
Mentar said:

Like what?

Like Yayoi coming on to Touya like fatal attraction. Like Akira suddenly being this super emotionally unstable character. Like the sudden addition of the guy who has a grudge against Akira, the false door, and like Touya getting in the car with Yaoi in the first place.

The point he was making was that there was no genuine feeling behind her kiss, Yayoi was cold and calculating.

I understand what the point was, my point is that he is so weak that he doesn't fight the kiss, and is constantly making ridiculous decisions as soon as a "goddess" is in the picture.

That's where Eiji came out from at the end of episode 3, where Touya was looking so confused (thinking "where did HE come from? Out of this broom closet? WTF?"). Now we know that obviously this secret door leads to a place where Eiji is doing something (probably composing music), and which Rina knows.

Again, I know, I'm merely stating how out of place it is.

No and no. What the heck makes you think that? ^_^;

I don't know what episode of which anime you've been watching, but NOTHING in ep5 has been ridiculous or confusing. It was pretty straightforward.

All jokes good sir, but seriously, I mean that given the tone of the show, and the nebulous motives/actions of every single character, you'd think that someone was about to get murdered or something. It's just weird. Given the tone of the show so far, to say that anything is straightforward, and to believe everything that is presented is naive to me.
Feb 4, 2009 9:24 PM

Aug 2008
What a devoted Manager...
Anyway, did anyone else detect a hint of suicidal thoughts at the end? Oh boy... :D
greenmush said:
meh i hope Akira gets to go with Misaki.nice episode, but its starting to remind me of school days .Touya better get serious

Ahhhh? What's with you people hating SD so much? xD
Feb 4, 2009 11:02 PM

Dec 2007
Yuki's manager is just so hot. I really enjoyed this episode. Good episode so far even though, the ending is little decent. This series makes me interested to watch more.
gameoffreak8Feb 4, 2009 11:10 PM
Feb 4, 2009 11:57 PM

Nov 2008
Genix said:

Anyway, did anyone else detect a hint of suicidal thoughts at the end?

No... Why?

Credits for the av go to =)
I used to be Dolce_Vitka here, but Vitka_Lynx is my nickname at alost all other sites, so I decided to take it here, too ^___^
Feb 5, 2009 12:58 AM

Sep 2008
God this was a horrible, stupid episode, I really hate Touya he's got the personality of a brick yea for some unknown reason women are attracted to him.
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Feb 5, 2009 5:23 AM

Apr 2008
Jigero said:
God this was a horrible, stupid episode, I really hate Touya he's got the personality of a brick yea for some unknown reason women are attracted to him.

Same here... I don't understand why those bitchy girls are attracted to him...

Feb 5, 2009 6:26 AM

Aug 2008
Feb 5, 2009 7:49 AM

Nov 2008
Oh, I got it! Touya-kun is a mazo type! >___<

Credits for the av go to =)
I used to be Dolce_Vitka here, but Vitka_Lynx is my nickname at alost all other sites, so I decided to take it here, too ^___^
Feb 6, 2009 1:29 AM

May 2008
Anyone else think that there needs to be more Rina? |:
Feb 6, 2009 3:49 AM

Apr 2008
Not bad i think this show is okay

Feb 6, 2009 6:04 AM

Sep 2007
aww no sex?


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