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Is the "controversy" over this really just about it being fanservice for girls?

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Aug 19, 2013 5:46 PM

Apr 2013
tsudman said:
phoenixalia said:
tsudecimo said:
But to be blunt, I think most people ''hate'' on the show or bash it because it is fun, it's simply too fun to give any kind of criticism, valid or not against the show and see the rapid fan girls and the whiteknight fags respond to it.'

So you enjoy laughing at other people's sadness, anger or frustration. That's nice. And to the actual guys who actually CONSIDER a female fan's feelings, try and treat female anime fans fairly, see their side of the situation by retorting when people like you make fun of label those nice guys as 'whiteknight fags'. That is just plain horrible and mean.

Sadness, anger? umm what? people actually get sad because people bashed their favorite anime?

Why would anyone consider female fans feeling in the first place? fan-service for girls is not a new concept. The show was bashed because Kyo ani made it. If it were just guys with no fan-service, it would have been bashed regardless.

Well to quote your own words
tsudecimo said:
Personally my ONLY problem regarding the show is that it's often compared to Kuroko no Baske. Now that just pisses me off
If people can get upset over a simple comparison, then I don't know why you're so surprised to see people getting upset over a show they like being bashed just for the lulz... If they're silly for getting worked up then it would apply to you as well lol. Also, you still haven't addressed it, but why were you calling the people who've gone through the trouble of displaying some actual human decency and sense “whiteknight fags”?

For the other part, the main issue isn't about the bashing itself, but about what's being bashed—which from what I've seen have either been about the show being gay when the problem is that it's not gay enough and about aspects of the show being crap without further details and/or objective reasons to back it up... I can't even tell if it's Kyoani that's being bashed because if it is, it's frequently brought up in conjunction with other complaints that aren't even related.

tsudman said:
phoenixalia said:
tsudecimo said:
Personally my ONLY problem regarding the show is that it's often compared to Kuroko no Baske. Now that just pisses me off, because:

A/ KnB is a serious anime that focus most of the time on Basketball.
B/ KnB hardly has any fanservice, wither it is for males or females.
C/ KnB's target demographic was and still is males.
D/ KnB doesn't have any kind of Shounen ai undertones or implied or w/e. The characters are just simply good looking and for that sole reason fujoshi try to make it gay by shipping characters and shit.

Well, I'm sorry if people compared it to Kuroko no Basuke because as you said:

"A/ KnB is a serious anime that focus most of the time on Basketball.
B/ KnB hardly has any fanservice, wither it is for males or females.
C/ KnB's target demographic was and still is males."

But just because some people on anime forums/manga forums/whatever said that's it's like KuroBasu you put the blame on the show for not being a serious sports anime like KuroBasu? That's kind of weird don't you think? Like I said before, from the beginning, this show was only meant to be a slice of life youth story NOT a sports one. Sports is only a sub-genre in this anime.

I worded that a bit wrong, I meant that I dislike the people that compare it to KnB. I can't actually blame the anime in itself. Even if Free didn't happen, people still imply that KnB is ''gay'', so in the end I blame the fujoshi fan-base.

For some reason whenever a comparison with Free is made I keep seeing people misconstruing what exactly is being compared in the first place. From what I've seen the comparisons mostly center on both shows having an all bishounen team and some of the plot points being similar rather than the sports aspect itself. If I missed the ones comparing them on the basis of sports/fanservice/demographic then point me towards them so I can change my opinion. Anyway even I can admit that the comparisons aren't completely baseless. As for the BL subtext, even if a few people or a hundred are implying that KnB is what? Whether it's actually gay or not won't really affect the show's quality.

Also, I like Free because of the humor, the animation, the character dynamics/interaction, the back muscles, and the ED <3
Aug 19, 2013 9:38 PM

Jun 2013
you remove Nagisa, the obvious yaoi scenes etc out of the equation and the gayness reduces by a huge amount,, maybe the only problem with the show is that its trying to be something without really trying much... Its definitely not a sports anime, thats for sure up until now it still lacks that "raw" feeling of sports,, the touch of competition...

i am still hoping for some swimming bcoz i still feel this anime has potential in that direction, if it doesn't then its out of my list...
Aug 20, 2013 4:02 AM

Oct 2012
tsudman said:
Itermin8rX said:
Mediocre to you.

Oh wow. No shit Sherlock. You figured that was my opinion, what a fucking genius.

I don't need to add ''imo'' to everything for someone to understand that it is my opinion. I asked you why is free good and you ignored that to point out something as obvious as it being my opinion. Forums are meant for discussions, not lame one liners and fangirling. Just admit that you like the show because it has man-service, nobody cares enough to judge you.
Or are you forgetting this is an animated sequel like the other 90%?

I didn't get this. What do you mean? what does Free being a sequel have to do with anything?

Maybe some like it for the animation? Maybe some do like it for the fanservice? Just because it isn't good doesn't mean some people can't enjoy it, just like some people praise the stuff out of DBZ yet they can point out flaws.

Fangirling? Since when did I say "its the best show ever"? I didnt even say it was Good. You seem like you don't want others to enjoy the show.
I can say I did enjoy the manservice when they went swimsuit shopping and Kou's ab sightseeing, but maybe I found it funny.

Maybe the sequel is concentrating more on the characters instead of swimming?
Alone on a Friday night? Remember that DIO did nothing wrong!
Aug 20, 2013 8:33 AM

Aug 2013
Wouldn't girls be more interested in the character's personality than the appearence?

The fanservice is a poor marketing strategy that assumes females think like men.

And appearently

Free does a better job being a sports anime (a pretty bad one) than an anime targeted to women. The only reason why there's a female audience is for the hype.

There are far better anime with a cast of boys targeted to women (ouran higschool is one example).

This anime is a blunder, which is sad considering it's made by KyoAni. But if you think about it, this is the first anime KyoAni has made targetting women.

As a straight male, I was excited for this show. It was a sports anime but targeted to women. I was interested to see how they will pull it off. Unfortunately, it does a bad job at being a shoujo and a sports anime.

So if any girl is reading this and wants to watch anime directed to women, you're better off watching Ouran highschool or another shoujo.
Aug 20, 2013 5:40 PM

Apr 2012
Jesus Christ the fact that boys and others are still flipping their nutsacks over this issue is ridiculous.
KyoAni doesn't live for anyone. Many times in the past, it has catered to disgusting little otaku fanboys with Haruhi, fanservice shots in Hyouka, and that abomination known as K-On.
What I don't understand is that why isn't anyone popping a lock about K-On?? A slice of life music anime directed at "moe moe kyun" cutesy high school girls who make a band but most of the time have tea and cakes and shit around. As a person in a band, I was pretty upset at what came of that. Free! does a lot better so far than K-On is. It has a fair amount of sports, actually focuses on swimming, places good enough sub plots, while giving fan service to -gasp- girls. Yet, people say that KyoAni is BETRAYING them??? I don't see what the problem is here for boys who hate the show. Hell, I've been pissed off at a lot of harem ecchi fucking basic ass anime but you don't see me going on every forum trolling my ass off.
If you don't like Free, leave it the hell alone. Just because YOU aren't gonna watch it doesn't mean it's not gonna be popular. It's doing a hell of a lot better than I first expected it to be, especially since the show derived from a goddamn commercial. From my POV, it's getting plenty attention from many people so despite what you say, KyoAni isn't making a mistake.
It's just doing something different.
Maybe that's what you're afraid of.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 20, 2013 10:23 PM

Oct 2012
Meg-nyan said:

KyoAni doesn't live for anyone. Many times in the past, it has catered to disgusting little otaku fanboys with Haruhi, fanservice shots in Hyouka, and that abomination known as K-On.

Actually the moe in Haruhi is just "incase if the sales flop, let's add some moe" sort of thing. Though I don't understand why they had to put moe, because FMP sold great without moe.
Moe is just more recognized than any other anime, and it is a dying industry. They have to earn enough to *make* enough.
Alone on a Friday night? Remember that DIO did nothing wrong!
Aug 20, 2013 10:34 PM
Nov 2011
It's controversial because it has homo in it and everyone knows homos should die!

But seriously...not all girls are homofans. Not all guys are homofans. Stop saying that this is aimed just at girls. This anime is aimed at homofans.

The reason this is controversial is because people are DENYING that it is a homosexual anime. It is a homosexual anime. Get the hell over it. Does it REALLY matter if this homosexually is implicit or explicit?

Meg-nyan said:

KyoAni doesn't live for anyone. Many times in the past, it has catered to disgusting little otaku fanboys with Haruhi, fanservice shots in Hyouka, and that abomination known as K-On.

You made me laugh and shake my head in anger at the same time. It doesn't live for anyone? You stupid? You stupid.

If it didn't cater to people, it would have no business. The people who enjoy it ARE BEING CATERED TO. Catering isn't a bad thing, moron.

Independence sounds like a fine and fucking dandy thing, but it doesn't exist. There is no independence, anywhere. Even if you live isolated in the wild, you are dependent on nature. In business, you are dependent on the customers. Don't be ridiculous and spew this bull about independence.
AriaFlameAug 20, 2013 10:44 PM
Aug 20, 2013 10:45 PM

Jul 2013
It's TRAP Service for TRAPS
Dr. Sheldon Cooper " It is no way to make new humans. People coming out of people. Some kind of dirty magic show.
Aug 21, 2013 1:32 AM

Oct 2012
AriaFlame said:
It's controversial because it has homo in it and everyone knows homos should die!

But seriously...not all girls are homofans. Not all guys are homofans. Stop saying that this is aimed just at girls. This anime is aimed at homofans.

The reason this is controversial is because people are DENYING that it is a homosexual anime. It is a homosexual anime. Get the hell over it. Does it REALLY matter if this homosexually is implicit or explicit?

its just 2straight4u

> Code Geass totally doesnt have the slightest homofan material

Alone on a Friday night? Remember that DIO did nothing wrong!
Aug 21, 2013 11:34 AM

Jun 2013
Itermin8rX said:
AriaFlame said:
It's controversial because it has homo in it and everyone knows homos should die!

But seriously...not all girls are homofans. Not all guys are homofans. Stop saying that this is aimed just at girls. This anime is aimed at homofans.

The reason this is controversial is because people are DENYING that it is a homosexual anime. It is a homosexual anime. Get the hell over it. Does it REALLY matter if this homosexually is implicit or explicit?

its just 2straight4u

> Code Geass totally doesnt have the slightest homofan material

Well, in regards to elitists, they just really don't like seeing all these fangirls giving the anime straight 10's before it's finished. Especially, since the majority of them do it just because they're happy they finally got fanservice... Which elitists find kind of ridiculous... Just what I assume though...

Anyway, I don't think the anime is bad/gay really, but it's definitely nothing extraordinary. It's just a basic sports anime with fanservice for girls in it. Now, being that I'm a guy, I'm not gonna just sit around with a hard on watching other men swim, so I obviously can't garner any sort of "enjoyment value" from Free!

In short, not a bad anime, but nowhere near as good as the fangirls make it out to be.
It's natural for a person to deny he's a failure as a human being. That's why he searches for somebody who is more miserable than himself. That's why so much animosity exists on the internet. Those who aren't able to find a more miserable person, turn to the internet and call other people losers, even though they've never met. Just to make themselves feel superior. isn't that pathetic? There's a sense of security that comes from speaking badly of someone else. But that isn't true salvation. — Tatsuhiro Satou
YandereTheEmo said:
The only thing more pathetic than quoting someone you know nothing about, is quoting yourself.
Aug 21, 2013 11:54 AM

Nov 2011
Well, most male otaku are homophobes. The are insecure about seeing themselves shown in a sexualised manner.... if women can be sexualised, why not males to? (And I don't mean in that way, before you ask.)
I think it's also because they only want KyoAni to be male focused.... why? If males can make shows about cute girls doing cute things, whats wrong with having females create a show about cute boys doing cute things?
Aug 21, 2013 11:58 AM
Jul 2012
Yondy375 said:
It's TRAP Service for TRAPS

Aug 21, 2013 12:03 PM

Jun 2013
GoldenBRS said:
Yondy375 said:
It's TRAP Service for TRAPS


It's natural for a person to deny he's a failure as a human being. That's why he searches for somebody who is more miserable than himself. That's why so much animosity exists on the internet. Those who aren't able to find a more miserable person, turn to the internet and call other people losers, even though they've never met. Just to make themselves feel superior. isn't that pathetic? There's a sense of security that comes from speaking badly of someone else. But that isn't true salvation. — Tatsuhiro Satou
YandereTheEmo said:
The only thing more pathetic than quoting someone you know nothing about, is quoting yourself.
Aug 21, 2013 12:17 PM

Jun 2013
Mizokami said:
Klonoa79H said:
Well, most male otaku are homophobes. The are insecure about seeing themselves shown in a sexualised manner.... if women can be sexualised, why not males to? (And I don't mean in that way, before you ask.)
I think it's also because they only want KyoAni to be male focused.... why? If males can make shows about cute girls doing cute things, whats wrong with having females create a show about cute boys doing cute things?

It is suppose to be "Well, most male are homophobes." Homophobia have nothing to do with otaku culture.

Keep the gender generalizations coming :D
It's natural for a person to deny he's a failure as a human being. That's why he searches for somebody who is more miserable than himself. That's why so much animosity exists on the internet. Those who aren't able to find a more miserable person, turn to the internet and call other people losers, even though they've never met. Just to make themselves feel superior. isn't that pathetic? There's a sense of security that comes from speaking badly of someone else. But that isn't true salvation. — Tatsuhiro Satou
YandereTheEmo said:
The only thing more pathetic than quoting someone you know nothing about, is quoting yourself.
Aug 21, 2013 12:32 PM

Jun 2013
Mizokami said:
YandereTheEmo said:
Mizokami said:
Klonoa79H said:
Well, most male otaku are homophobes. The are insecure about seeing themselves shown in a sexualised manner.... if women can be sexualised, why not males to? (And I don't mean in that way, before you ask.)
I think it's also because they only want KyoAni to be male focused.... why? If males can make shows about cute girls doing cute things, whats wrong with having females create a show about cute boys doing cute things?

It is suppose to be "Well, most male are homophobes." Homophobia have nothing to do with otaku culture.

Keep the gender generalizations coming :D

I don't care much about this discussion. I did just not like that it said "most male otaku" as otaku have nothing to do with being homophobic. I don't think most male are homophobic. Most people just don't care if you are gay or not at least were i live (Sweden). I don't know how it is in other countries. :)

I knew you didn't care much :D

I just wanted to add oil to the already burning fire :D
It's natural for a person to deny he's a failure as a human being. That's why he searches for somebody who is more miserable than himself. That's why so much animosity exists on the internet. Those who aren't able to find a more miserable person, turn to the internet and call other people losers, even though they've never met. Just to make themselves feel superior. isn't that pathetic? There's a sense of security that comes from speaking badly of someone else. But that isn't true salvation. — Tatsuhiro Satou
YandereTheEmo said:
The only thing more pathetic than quoting someone you know nothing about, is quoting yourself.
Aug 21, 2013 12:35 PM
Jun 2013
YandereTheEmo said:
Itermin8rX said:
AriaFlame said:
It's controversial because it has homo in it and everyone knows homos should die!

But seriously...not all girls are homofans. Not all guys are homofans. Stop saying that this is aimed just at girls. This anime is aimed at homofans.

The reason this is controversial is because people are DENYING that it is a homosexual anime. It is a homosexual anime. Get the hell over it. Does it REALLY matter if this homosexually is implicit or explicit?

its just 2straight4u

> Code Geass totally doesnt have the slightest homofan material

Well, in regards to elitists, they just really don't like seeing all these fangirls giving the anime straight 10's before it's finished. Especially, since the majority of them do it just because they're happy they finally got fanservice... Which elitists find kind of ridiculous... Just what I assume though...

Anyway, I don't think the anime is bad/gay really, but it's definitely nothing extraordinary. It's just a basic sports anime with fanservice for girls in it. Now, being that I'm a guy, I'm not gonna just sit around with a hard on watching other men swim, so I obviously can't garner any sort of "enjoyment value" from Free!

In short, not a bad anime, but nowhere near as good as the fangirls make it out to be.
Aug 21, 2013 2:48 PM
Dec 2009
Itermin8rX said:
AriaFlame said:
It's controversial because it has homo in it and everyone knows homos should die!

But seriously...not all girls are homofans. Not all guys are homofans. Stop saying that this is aimed just at girls. This anime is aimed at homofans.

The reason this is controversial is because people are DENYING that it is a homosexual anime. It is a homosexual anime. Get the hell over it. Does it REALLY matter if this homosexually is implicit or explicit?

its just 2straight4u

> Code Geass totally doesnt have the slightest homofan material

I cannot see the picture?

Aug 21, 2013 2:54 PM

Sep 2012
Itermin8rX said:
its just 2straight4u

> Code Geass totally doesnt have the slightest homofan material

The funny thing about that, is that Code Geass is by definition of the genre, a harem.
Aug 21, 2013 3:03 PM

Dec 2012
Klonoa79H said:
Well, most male otaku are homophobes.

Can you possibly be more ignorant.

P.S : most anime watchers in japan didn't care or gave 2 fucks about free or its commercial, it was the western fan base who had a strong reaction in terms of hate or love.
Aug 21, 2013 4:37 PM

Dec 2008
AriaFlame said:
It's controversial because it has homo in it and everyone knows homos should die!

But seriously...not all girls are homofans. Not all guys are homofans. Stop saying that this is aimed just at girls. This anime is aimed at homofans.

The reason this is controversial is because people are DENYING that it is a homosexual anime. It is a homosexual anime. Get the hell over it. Does it REALLY matter if this homosexually is implicit or explicit?

Yeah it has homo? Point a factual homosexual act in Free! and I shall agree. Two types of people see homo everywhere: Fujoshi who derive pleasure from doing so and men who are too insecure about their own masculinity to demonstrate affection and caring towards friends (or to accept that done to them or other males). Effeminate perhaps, homo... In your perspective, until that becomes a fact in the series.

It REALLY does matter if said homosexuality is implicit or explicit when one relies on your point of view and the other is actually visible independent of opinion.

Some shit I read here, damn it.
Aug 22, 2013 12:36 AM

Apr 2009
phoenixalia said:
tsudecimo said:

But to be blunt, I think most people ''hate'' on the show or bash it because it is fun, it's simply too fun to give any kind of criticism, valid or not against the show and see the rapid fan girls and the whiteknight fags respond to it.'

So you enjoy laughing at other people's sadness, anger or frustration. That's nice. And to the actual guys who actually CONSIDER a female fan's feelings, try and treat female anime fans fairly, see their side of the situation by retorting when people like you make fun of label those nice guys as 'whiteknight fags'. That is just plain horrible and mean.

tsudecimo said:
Come on lets face it, the show is gay albeit not in the literal sense of the word but the show is pretty damn gay. The show is just man-service and a slice of life. It's really nothing special, and other than I personal enjoyment, I wouldn't understand if someone rate this above 5.

YES IT'S PRETTY DAMN GAY.The director of the anime herself said that the point of this anime is MALE UPPER BODIES and friendship between the guys. She specifically said the anime will not be focusing much on sports and the like but it would be more like a slice of life focusing on friendship, youth and drama.

YES, it's a man-service and a slice of life. I already explained why before.
But, with your next sentence, I disagree. Just because YOU think it's mediocre and nothing really special doesn't mean your opinion is what the show actually is. Ever heard of one person's garbage is another one's treasure? So, if you don't like it fine, but for others it's a great anime.

tsudecimo said:
Personally my ONLY problem regarding the show is that it's often compared to Kuroko no Baske. Now that just pisses me off, because:

A/ KnB is a serious anime that focus most of the time on Basketball.
B/ KnB hardly has any fanservice, wither it is for males or females.
C/ KnB's target demographic was and still is males.
D/ KnB doesn't have any kind of Shounen ai undertones or implied or w/e. The characters are just simply good looking and for that sole reason fujoshi try to make it gay by shipping characters and shit.

Well, I'm sorry if people compared it to Kuroko no Basuke because as you said:

"A/ KnB is a serious anime that focus most of the time on Basketball.
B/ KnB hardly has any fanservice, wither it is for males or females.
C/ KnB's target demographic was and still is males."

But just because some people on anime forums/manga forums/whatever said that's it's like KuroBasu you put the blame on the show for not being a serious sports anime like KuroBasu? That's kind of weird don't you think? Like I said before, from the beginning, this show was only meant to be a slice of life youth story NOT a sports one. Sports is only a sub-genre in this anime.

KnB's target demographic is most probably females actually. It's in SJ but everyone (including SJ) knows that the magazine has about 50% female readership. It's been noted that KnB has larger female readership/purchasing power than male. You brought up the art. That is actually the most telling way the author has marketed the manga to females. It's obvious that KnB had a DRASTICALLY different art style at the beginning. Part of it was because the author lacked skilled. However, the author could've chosen to take the art style down a different path as he gradually got more skilled, he could've stuck closer to his original character designs/style. He chose to make them bishies because girls love bishies. Given KnB's previously precarious situation (I remember when it was always struggling down at the bottom), the people behind the manga obviously made a conscious decision to appeal more heavily to fujoshi and female readers. So no, fujoshi are the reason the characters are so good looking, not the other way around. They saw potential in the female fanbase and milked it.
Aug 22, 2013 2:35 AM

Dec 2012
Don't make up shit, the author himself said in an interview that he was really surprised that KnB has a female fan base. The manga is published in SHOUNEN JUMP so yes then demographic for KnB is males only ( young teens) the fact that it has female readers doesn't change anything.
Aug 25, 2013 7:08 AM
Mar 2010
Reverb_Shock said:
This show is a missed opportunity to show off an amazing sport. Being a swimmer myself, I was looking forward to a good swimming anime that would focus on the competition aspect, and what I got was this slice of life manservice. I'm not gonna insult the show because of this, but it's still a disappointment.

Well, hate it to break it to you but the director of the anime herself said so in the beginning that the focus of this anime is SoL not competitive swimming.

Reverb_Shock said:
And why couldn't they make the swim team co-ed just like most of the real swim teams around the world. Give fanservice to both sexes lol.

Because there is more than enough fanservice for males out there. Want to see a girl in a swimsuit? Every harem anime has that. There are at least 5 harem/ecchi per season after all. More than enough for males.

tsudman said:
Don't make up shit, the author himself said in an interview that he was really surprised that KnB has a female fan base. The manga is published in SHOUNEN JUMP so yes then demographic for KnB is males only ( young teens) the fact that it has female readers doesn't change anything.

How does it not change anything? It changes a lot. Merchandise, BD/DVD sales, events, CDs, doujins etc. Many manga whose target demographic is male is actually more popular with females/fujoshi. Basically, the hardcore fans who actually buy stuff(other than the manga) are female.

Heck, Shingeki no Kyojin is shonen but do you know what a strong female/fujoshi fanbase it has? I'd go on to say half of it's hardcore fans are comprised of fujoshi.
LeviXEren is so popular that often doujins about them top the charts.

tsudman said:

KnB's target demographic is most probably females actually. It's in SJ but everyone (including SJ) knows that the magazine has about 50% female readership. It's been noted that KnB has larger female readership/purchasing power than male. You brought up the art. That is actually the most telling way the author has marketed the manga to females. It's obvious that KnB had a DRASTICALLY different art style at the beginning. Part of it was because the author lacked skilled. However, the author could've chosen to take the art style down a different path as he gradually got more skilled, he could've stuck closer to his original character designs/style. He chose to make them bishies because girls love bishies. Given KnB's previously precarious situation (I remember when it was always struggling down at the bottom), the people behind the manga obviously made a conscious decision to appeal more heavily to fujoshi and female readers. So no, fujoshi are the reason the characters are so good looking, not the other way around. They saw potential in the female fanbase and milked it.

I agree with what you said.
phoenixaliaAug 25, 2013 7:13 AM
Check out the News Club for daily rankings, discussion on future CD and BD releases, manga and novels. New members are welcome!
Aug 28, 2013 9:53 PM

Apr 2009
tsudman said:
Don't make up shit, the author himself said in an interview that he was really surprised that KnB has a female fan base. The manga is published in SHOUNEN JUMP so yes then demographic for KnB is males only ( young teens) the fact that it has female readers doesn't change anything.

You realize that Shounen Jump is more a brand than anything else right? And that its series aren't, from a marketing standpoint, all targeted towards males. Because that's fucking stupid. Because series like KHR and POT got huge runs and Haikyuu!! is given a chance because of their female readership appeal. Whether they started out as female targeted series or not doesn't matter. As soon as marketing gets a hold of where the money is coming from, that group is going to be their target.

I get that the mangaka was surprised. Even if he had said this last month it would still make sense since he originally targeted the towards guys. THAT'S where the surprise comes from. What he originally intended to do and what marketing and feeling out your audience ended up directing him towards. Once you know what your audience is comprised of, that's what your target becomes. Anyone who wishes to remain blind to the fact that Fujimaki's character designs got WAY PRETTIER than what can be attributed to skill accumulation can stay under a rock.

Here are some actual numbers when it comes to manga volume purchases. Even outside of merchandise, female fans are the majority when it comes to purchasing some of the most popular SJ titles (Gintama, KnB, Bleach, One Piece). Though you could say that ultimately these popular series target the entire population of Japan and girls just have great taste =)
hikoghertAug 28, 2013 9:58 PM
Aug 31, 2013 9:34 AM

Aug 2011
[size=5000]NOBODY CARES

Okay here's the situation.

PEOPLE THAT HATE FREE <<<<<<<<<<<<<----------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>> PEOPLE THAT LOVE FREE (if they don't they usually try to go to intellectual arguments or some other wannabe intellectual crap in order to justify their neutrality or to neuter the hate or as I've said just an attempt to look smart)

The "controversy" or whatever smart word you want to use to describe this is basically the major male demographic doing the same thing girls do when girls see something with a connotation of "ecchi". The guys are called perverts so now they return the favor and it's a controversy?

Heck, I'd expect Free to be tagged as ecchi and it's not.

TLDR fujoshis eat their own soup and complain it tastes bad
Did you like my avatar, perv?
Aug 31, 2013 9:40 AM

Aug 2011
Also can you please shut the fuck up about homophobia? Nobody cares about your stupid opinion especially not on the internet. Fact is most of those "otaku homophobic disgusting micropenis GUY-MEN ABCD-CUP DROOLING PERVERTS" probably don't voice their opinion in real life which means it's pointless. In fact you're probably the same thing just on a different subject. I bet you watched a fishing video on youtube and said "OH MY THE FISH IS BLEEDING" despite the fact you've NEVER been to an animal shelter.

So shut up and stop taking pixels on the screen so seriously.
Did you like my avatar, perv?
Aug 31, 2013 4:12 PM

Mar 2013
There are people who complain about fan service in general, just so you know.
Aug 31, 2013 4:18 PM
Aug 2013
yup it is controversy.
Sep 1, 2013 3:04 AM

Mar 2010
This thread need to be LOCKED.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 1, 2013 3:10 AM

Mar 2010
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Sep 1, 2013 4:03 AM

Apr 2013
I don't understand people who are saying Free! is a homosexual anime.Seriously you need to watch some Shounen Ai/Yaoi because Free! is not a homosexual anime at all so far.No homosexual acts have been done,and no characters have been revealed or even hinted at being gay.So what are your reasons for saying it's a homosexual anime?people of the same sex can't be friends anymore?

seriously what's with this ignorance?I don't see anyone calling K-on and the other countless similar shows with no males in existence (while Free! actually has some females) a lesbian anime,so why should Free! be called a homosexual one?
Sep 1, 2013 6:51 AM

Apr 2012
S-ER said:
I don't understand people who are saying Free! is a homosexual anime.Seriously you need to watch some Shounen Ai/Yaoi because Free! is not a homosexual anime at all so far.No homosexual acts have been done,and no characters have been revealed or even hinted at being gay.So what are your reasons for saying it's a homosexual anime?people of the same sex can't be friends anymore?

seriously what's with this ignorance?I don't see anyone calling K-on and the other countless similar shows with no males in existence (while Free! actually has some females) a lesbian anime,so why should Free! be called a homosexual one?
- Because some moefags (some; I have no problem with it) can't bear to see their precious KyoAni make something that doesn't involve cute girls as main characters, so they decide to attack this show based on the already unproven pre-air speculation that this would be a yaoi anime.

- Bandwagon haters, much akin to the Sword Art Online and K-On! haters, like to join the inevitable hate train that follows any show of relatively high popularity, since it gives them the chance to attack said show using untrue facts and flawed logic, since the loud elitist voices of his fellow bandwagoner will overpower the voice of logic, truth, and reason that comes about from non-hipsters to correct him.

- People secretly want this to be a yaoi anime, so under the guise of hating the anime and its constant scenes of male sex, romance, and bodily contact (since it obviously has those things based on what I've heard people saying), they like to look for the smallest, most minuscule detail and attribute it to being a sign of yaoi. For example, if two guys are arguing with one another and get in one another's face (a la episode 4), then clearly it's because they want to start making out with each other since they're gay like that. Yep, all of the times I've gotten into another guy's face, ready to fight, was because I wanted to engage in hardcore guy on guy action. Yep, yep. Or if my swim buddy appears to have stopped breathing and I decide to give him CPR, I clearly am only doing it as a chance to join our lips as one, not because I want so save his life or anything.

Choose any one of the three above and you have every single vocal anti-Free! fag in the anime community.
AndyRayySep 1, 2013 6:54 AM

Sep 14, 2013 3:08 AM

Jun 2011
I like how MALES are screaming GAYYYY when they saw full naked male casts with ABS (heck they're just jealous), and when they're watching full female casts with fanservices, they don't go LESBIANNNNNN, I find that very funny. :) I don't know if they're just trying to attract attention of what, but before actually watching the show, they're already like that, I see no future for them. They're not suited for sports show I guess, since sports show mostly contain male bonding, or some sort. They're just gonna go "eww" when nothing actually happens lulzzz
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Sep 17, 2013 6:34 PM

Sep 2009
Those who don't watch anime with understanding & paying attention, are saying such ridiculous things.

first: the story is NOT only fanservice ! it have great value, of many various things humans appreciate, such as friendship, loss, competing, wishes, truth, talent, obstacles, memories etc

people, especially those who are really into sport or something like art etc, can understand those emotions and this flow of story.
cause talent and those who don't posses it but have big passion..especially for things such as: sport & art. all those kind of feelings and fight in our minds. I really understand that *o*

second: characters are great! various personalities, but without overall drama like in most harem anime. various psyhological problems and attitudes that clash and compromise. Without making it into some kind of supernatural, sci-fi or excessive unreal.
usual, relaxing, cute, sad, mellow and beautiful anime.
this is one great slice of life ! with usual people's problems in their young days, or later ~(depends on the person xD)

music: is wonderful ! fantastic instrumental also a bit of rokish style ` good harmonization with the feelings and episodes flow.

art: I don't have words! perfect animatons! every move registered perfectly! The most thing that points that this anime aims for girls, is acctually art and bodies of those swimmers (oh yeah I acknowledge that also ! xD)

but if only art was good, I wouldn't watch this anime.
it really shocked me when I saw 1st episode and it's wonderful story animations and details ~
also for girls yeah it's nosebleeding, but it's also great story with meaning ~
we like to go for yaoi and for those amazing boy-harem, but as anime in all this have great value!

and most important - I really like the girl isn't annoying ^^ she really wants to help boys with talent and her brother ~ without usual annoying shoujo girl, this show is great with every character outstanding and all in one making one wonderful story :)

this anime resembles Natsume Yuujinchou for me (which I really really LOVE), with it's flow, movemenets and art details (nature, houses, effects, music) ~
I really love it !
and I really don't see a problem with watching this anime even if you are guy O.o ?

the boys have usual problems especially when it comes to competing, sports and friendship, and especially those who are in sport's field.

I really don't understand stupid people who would say bad things and underrate this anime!
they didn't watch this anime at all, just took a look on first few minutes, or started abuse just seeing pictures, or they watched without paying attention to story & characters, or someone is just lowminded. other thing which is causing such bad rummors, I can't think of.

for me personaly for now, it's the best anime of 2013. for sure.

p.s. the SEIYUU cast is magical ;3
*ANIME I.NTERE.ST*----> +IN anime pictures and get FREE anime & manga merchandize from JAPAN!
Jun 15, 2014 5:16 PM

Feb 2014
ToG25thBaam said:
I like how MALES are screaming GAYYYY when they saw full naked male casts with ABS (heck they're just jealous), and when they're watching full female casts with fanservices, they don't go LESBIANNNNNN, I find that very funny. :) I don't know if they're just trying to attract attention of what, but before actually watching the show, they're already like that, I see no future for them. They're not suited for sports show I guess, since sports show mostly contain male bonding, or some sort. They're just gonna go "eww" when nothing actually happens lulzzz

oh my god, I completely agree. I was recently watching shinsekai yori and immediately as there was like a hint of a shounen-ai relationship, guys started going all bat shit crazy and being like "GAAAAYYYYYYY GAYYYYYYY" and I've watched a lot of other animes where there's like a yuri relationship and no one cares. it's fucking double standards just because they can't handle a little bit of shounen-ai they start losing their shit....pathetic

Jun 15, 2014 5:16 PM
Aug 2012
What controversy
Jun 15, 2014 5:18 PM

Jul 2012
KiraieAeterna said:
ToG25thBaam said:
I like how MALES are screaming GAYYYY when they saw full naked male casts with ABS (heck they're just jealous), and when they're watching full female casts with fanservices, they don't go LESBIANNNNNN, I find that very funny. :) I don't know if they're just trying to attract attention of what, but before actually watching the show, they're already like that, I see no future for them. They're not suited for sports show I guess, since sports show mostly contain male bonding, or some sort. They're just gonna go "eww" when nothing actually happens lulzzz

oh my god, I completely agree. I was recently watching shinsekai yori and immediately as there was like a hint of a shounen-ai relationship, guys started going all bat shit crazy and being like "GAAAAYYYYYYY GAYYYYYYY" and I've watched a lot of other animes where there's like a yuri relationship and no one cares. it's fucking double standards just because they can't handle a little bit of shounen-ai they start losing their shit....pathetic


MyWastedTimeList said:
Heck, I'd expect Free to be tagged as ecchi and it's not.

So any swimming anime is ecchi now...Okay there. :|
MayukaJun 15, 2014 5:22 PM
Jul 6, 2014 7:44 PM

Feb 2014
At first, I dropped the series because I am not a fan of sports. I agreed at the time that it was just service. When I heard that a 2nd season was coming out, I though I re-try. Into the second episode, it's not half-bad. I don't squeal and oogle at the muscles and yaoi (I highly disagree its yaoi), but I really do enjoy the comedy and Makoto being the straight man to the groups' strange antics. I treat Free! more like a comedy and slice of life than fanservice.

DarthVantos said:
To put it simply people are tired of KyoAni and it's flopping animes. It was such a promising studio in the past, back then you would be a fool to not watch every release. But now they are dropping anime projects from KEY for free!? Are we serious.....I think that is were all the outrage is coming from, im sure it started on a japanese forum and slowly crept it's way here.

Next KyoAni is going to come out with Boku no Pico 2 and reject a project to create "rewrite" From key. KyoAni is taking a jump in the wrong damn direction with this anime. Really hope it flops

I thought some animes from them were really good, like Kyoukai no Kanata and Hyouka. I mean sure people don't think KyoAni is the greatest, but they'll have their great moments like every other animation studio.
Jul 16, 2015 11:38 PM
May 2015
Redfoxoffire said:
Everywhere I go, I see people lashing out against complaints that this show is "just fanservice for girls," calling out a double standard since there's plenty of similar anime aimed at guys already, a logical counterargument I can agree with. Or at least I would agree with, if that was the actual, whole complaint.

Ironically, I've seen more of the lashing out against such complaints than the complaints themselves, but whenever I did see the complaints, it wasn't "why does a fanservice show for girls exist!?" it was "KyoAni, why have you betrayed us!?"

Yes, this distinction has meaning. Why? Because when the hell have people actually complained about the existence of anime for girls? Yeah, this stuff has existed before. Anyone heard such complaints for Brothers Conflict, a reverse harem airing in this same season as Free? What about your various yaoi shows? K? No, they're just ignored by the male fanbase, or in the case of K, disliked because it just sucks. On the other hand, even guys like Ouran High School Host Club and that's laden with service. I've also heard comparisons between Free! and Kuroko's Basketball for both shows' similar ability to draw in the female crowd with hot guys, but the latter's source material is actually published in a shounen manga and has plenty of male fans.

Is this really about Free! being fanservice for the ladies*, or is it that Kyoto Animation made a show that is fanservice for the ladies? KyoAni has been pretty much known as the ultimate moe production company with lots of shows with lots of cute girls and the fans came to expect that from them always. Then they were contracted to do Free! Storm came overnight.

It doesn't help that some of the early silhouette images had people thinking/hoping this would be a new FMP season.

I do not sympathize with the complaints since KyoAni can do what they will do, but it's hardly a double standard to expect more of what you love from where you've always been getting it. Imagine how the Twilight fans would react (it always comes down to Twilight, doesn't it?) if Stephanie Meyer wrote something as equally shallow and wish-fulfilling as Twilight but for boys instead of girls.

No one cares that an anime for girls exists. They care that Kyoto Animation made it.

*Disclaimer: I do not mean to judge the quality of Free! in any way. If you disagree that it's "just fanservice for girls," do not complain about that to me.
the controversy is that its sexist to men
May 12, 2016 6:12 AM
Aug 2015
its mostly pointing out the sexism
Jun 16, 2016 8:07 PM

Sep 2011
Honestly I think the controversy comes from closed-minded people who think that women don't need/want fan service or that a company spent time making an anime that wasn't targeted at them. Quite frankly I am extremely disappointed at some of the comments you people have been making. You are making complete fools out of yourself. Let's look at the following quote:

Sourire said:
No, its because it is suppose to be a sports anime but there's barely anything sports related. Its a slice of life / comedy anime that teases us with the possibility that something interesting might actually happen at some point, aka on the last episode.

This quote here clearly comes from a closed-minded individual. "It's not a sports anime" even though the sports tag is last in the list and the synopsis strongly hints at a more slice-of-life showing. "Because it is not what I expected I will discredit the show and pass it off as pure fan service."

While this may not be the intent of the poster it pretty much sums up a lot about "critics". The show isn't what they thought it was so they pass it off as garbage. It's like saying you expected a rose to be a lily, but since it isn't it is a failure of a flower. You simply can't trust anything these people say and their opinions, even in the context of opinions, are worth absolutely nothing. They aren't even opinions - they are baseless, uneducated claims brought about by a failure to even look at the thing they are criticizing.

If you dislike the show for justifiable reasons that is fine. Don't like the art style? Felt the show was boring? Perfectly valid criticism. The show wasn't what you thought it was? Absolutely not valid at all since it isn't constructive. The fault lies entirely on you there.

As for me, I can understand why people would think the show was boring. I watched it all in one sitting all the way through so events happened at a decent pace, but I could tell that the pacing would have been completely unacceptable if you had to wait a week between episodes. The series had a story and it stuck to it. There were places where the writing was weak, but there were plenty of places where the writing was great. Rin and his brown-nosed lackey were sort of obnoxious and nothing really made me care about him. A few of the characters were definitely shallow and had no personalities, but others were strong of character. There's female fan service scattered throughout, but it is by no means intrusive or unnecessary. The dudes have to strip in order to swim. Of course the animation quality was exceptional. Overall it was a mixed bag, and those looking for a pure sports show would be better off looking elsewhere.
Jun 17, 2016 7:27 AM
Aug 2015
[quote=Mayuka message=31656247][quote=KiraieAeterna]
ToG25thBaam said:

MyWastedTimeList said:
Heck, I'd expect Free to be tagged as ecchi and it's not.

So any swimming anime is ecchi now...Okay there. :|

thank god nobody that cancer to be attached to the
Dec 7, 2021 2:17 PM
Dec 2017
yeah its just beyond pointless as its just drawings.

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