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Aug 23, 2013 11:16 AM

Jan 2011

Miyano reveals his hand and defeats CROWDS which takes out the 100.
Serious O.D., so cool.
Finally Paiman's suit! Which doubles as a Gatchamobile.

Thankfully Joe got saved and we got some Hajime x Sugane at the end. Really good episode, tons of happening! Perhaps Rui will become a good guy now?

BB code is disabled so only links this week.
VioLinkAug 23, 2013 4:36 PM
Aug 23, 2013 12:59 PM

Nov 2011
>I'm dreamy
I never get tired of hearing that tbh.

Episode was pretty fun to watch with the action. The weird question asked was:
Katze said:
When does a planet have the prettiest shine?

Katze said:
Answer: when it is destroyed

Was hoping Hajime to kick some ass this episode though. Ahh...BB codes are disabled right now, can't post any cool images. Oh well~
Aug 23, 2013 1:10 PM

Jun 2012
Mamoru Miyano's performance as Berg Katze!! WOW!!!!

So now I know why last week's episode looked like crap, all of Tatsunoko's people were working on this one
HybridMBLAug 23, 2013 1:22 PM
Aug 23, 2013 1:12 PM

Apr 2013
Oh my, that episode was crazy. And pretty dark. Things are getting serious.

Berg Katze is ridiculous. He/she took out the Hundred in a quick minute. Then Rui really got the crap beat out of him. Does this mean no more CROWDS?

Pai was cool for a second when he revealed his transformation, but then he ran away after having second thoughts. Kind of a buzzkill. I'm still curious on why Pai doesn't want OD to fight though.

That scene where Berg Katze ripped out Jou's NOTE was kind of scary. I really thought he was gonna die after that. Hope he'll be okay.
Aug 23, 2013 1:26 PM

Aug 2012
Pai-Pai transformed and was awesome until he ran away...

So 7 episodes in and there is no more CROWDS? Or will he just get a new group of 100 or perhaps use everyone in the world?

I hope Joe is not dead. They didn't look said so it safe to assume he is alive?
Aug 23, 2013 1:37 PM

Jul 2013
I swear, Miyano must have a lot of fun playing as Katze, it was funny hearing him when he was mocking Joe's attacks, but I hope that Joe is alright though.

Also Paiman fails as a leader -_-, you transformed and act all epic and then you just run away like that, shame, shame, shame

But Hajime and Katze's conversation was interesting, I do wonder what is the sweetest thing that every human loves. I also wonder what Rui plans on doing now since Crowds is gone.
Aug 23, 2013 1:47 PM

Aug 2012
Pai-Pai was so cool transforming and then he just runs away. I was hoping Hajime would fight but im fine with the way things went. Joe got thrashed left and right and left in a puddle of blood. While Katze was just toying with him =, i enjoyed that so much.

Aug 23, 2013 1:57 PM

May 2012
I was like shit just got real when Pai-Pai transformed. Then I was like, you asshole when Pai-Pai ran way. Pretty intense episode. Rui and Joe got banged up pretty badly. I think the one thing that got me was that last riddle.
''What's the sweetest and tastiest thing every human beings loves?''
I thinks its life but I guess I just have to wait and see. Anyway good episode.
Aug 23, 2013 1:58 PM
Aug 2013
Oh my gosh!!! Shit just hit the fan! When Berg Katze started toying with Jou I wanted to cry, I felt really disgusted and sad. I'm glad he's okay though! I hope the whole gatchaman team start fighting together soon. I don't know why JJ. made pai-pai the leader though, I think pai pai is really selfish. I also think JJ didn't answer pai pai because maybe he's giving him the hint that pai pai shouldn't rely on him to much.
Aug 23, 2013 2:15 PM

Dec 2011
Pai-Pai transformed!! Also, how cute is Utsutsu with her bangs parted to the side?

Aug 23, 2013 3:00 PM

Feb 2009
Knowing Katze his answer might be violence. One thing though I am glad that Jou is still alive wonder how badly wounded he is though. As Pai Pai running away, can't blame the little guy.
Aug 23, 2013 3:27 PM

May 2013
That Pai-Pai tranforming was awesome!
Aug 23, 2013 3:30 PM

Aug 2013
Nice Pai-Pai transformation, Hajime talking to Katse was entertaining
Aug 23, 2013 3:44 PM

Apr 2012
I really wish they would give Hajime some flaws, she's starting to ruin the show for me. ;~;

I think the answer to the riddle is power? mm I don't know though, seems too obvious.
u gay
Aug 23, 2013 3:58 PM

Dec 2009
The best episode yet.

And Hajime delivering the truth about Internet:

Since pictures don't work for the time being:
I have my own anime blog. It's called Anime Viking. Hope you'll you read it!

Aug 23, 2013 4:38 PM

Aug 2007
Aug 23, 2013 4:48 PM

Jan 2011
I'm pretty sure the answer to the riddle is "a kiss".

Marow said:
The best episode yet.

And Hajime delivering the truth about Internet:

Since pictures don't work for the time being:

That's some nice social commentary right there.
Aug 23, 2013 4:51 PM
Jul 2018
Well that was certainly interesting.
Miyano is doing a really good job with Berg-Katze. So.. happy-creepy.
Paipai turns into a giant car in his gatchaman form. did not see that coming.
PLEASE BE OK JOE.... Berg-Katze destroyed his NOTE, though, so anything could happen.
Aug 23, 2013 5:07 PM

Oct 2012
10/10 episode. I really thought Joe was a gonner there, I'm glad he's okay but I doubt he'll be doing any Gatchaman related activities for a while. Wasn't expecting it to get this brutal to be honest but I loved every second of this episode and Miyano's performance as Berg was amazing. Not sure about Pai-Pai, I was kind of disappointed when he ran away after that awesome transformation but it's understandable and Hajime continues to be my favourite character.

OST in less than a week. Can't wait.
Aug 23, 2013 5:16 PM

Aug 2007
Wow what an episode. I have to agree with people here that its the best ep thus far. I thought we lost Joe for a second, but I guess he was able to pull through. Man that had to be a huge blow to Rui losing the Crowds hopefully it won't impact future ones since it seems only one survived that. Hajime actually having a conversation and getting Katse to like her. This was a great episode throughout hopefully I can get more like this.
Aug 23, 2013 5:27 PM

Dec 2009
VioLink said:
I'm pretty sure the answer to the riddle is "a kiss".

Kiss, the Sun and satisfaction/power is what I thought of when I heard it.
I have my own anime blog. It's called Anime Viking. Hope you'll you read it!

Aug 23, 2013 5:36 PM

May 2011
I'm surprised Sugane wasn't more upset by the conclusion of the episode. But I guess there is a calming effect to being around Hajime. I am glad that Sugane came to see Rui isn't a bad guy after all.
Aug 23, 2013 5:40 PM

Mar 2008
Well can now say that literally nothing will shake Hajime going forward. I mean Jou was left in a bloody pile on the ground and Sugane wasn't in great shape there. Didn't throw her off at all. I really think she is supposed to be a similar character to Katze. Both of them are pretty nuts and don't get thrown off their game by anything. Just that one wants to destroy planets and the other isn't inclined in that fashion.

Not surprised Paimon got rattled and ran. Avenging your friend, fighting the good fight all sounds good until you realize you are facing off against something that you can't beat. They can't even see this guy. Attacks come out of nowhere and are just too powerful. Of course maybe he should have explained that before they ran into a life or death situation. Either way Paimon needs to get it together.

What a mess though. Seems like most of their options right now involve the world being destroyed. 1. They do nothing and the world ends. 2. They fight then die, and the world ends. 3. OD unleashes his power and the world ends but they take down Katze. 4. Hajime mind games Katze into giving up...yeah that's all I can think of that doesn't destroy the world.
Aug 23, 2013 5:44 PM
Apr 2013
Amazingly, Joe avoided his Death Flag again - guy must have awesome luck to survive that level of injury. Calling it now, Berg Katze must have hax'd the game somehow. Seriously, he managed to kill most of the Crowds in a few seconds and also beat the crap out of Jou + Sugane and Rui - what worse is that you can't even bloody see him expt for those crimson tail thingys.

My feels hearing Rui get tortured by Katze like that...poor Rui Rui D:

That aside, why the hell did we not get to see O.D transform? Lord lol, this show really knows how to leave you on a cliffhanger.....and Pai Pai really is pathetic atm -___-

Hajime talking to Katze -like a boss- is also pretty funny, I think for a moment there she found out where he was standing already towards the end of their conversation. I wonder how would thing go on from here for Rui, this episode completely destroyed 96/97 of his Crowds and now he is only left with X and his own Crowds...guess he does have to trust the Gatchaman now.

Wait....does this mean No.26 and the other 95 Crowds are now dead or are they just in a coma? On a more random note, Rui's wig is immortal, it doesn't fall off or look severely damaged even after his torture session by Katze o.o
FreqnAug 23, 2013 6:25 PM
Aug 23, 2013 5:48 PM

Mar 2008
Rui-Rui said:
Amazingly, Joe avoided his Death Flag again - guy must have awesome luck to survive that level of injury. Calling it now, Berg Katze must have hax'd the game somehow. Seriously, he managed to kill most of the Crowds in a few seconds and also beat the crap out of Jou + Sugane and Rui - what worse is that you can't even bloody see him expt for those crimson tail thingys.

My feels hearing Rui get tortured by Katze like that...poor Rui Rui D:

That aside, why the hell did we not get to see O.D transform? Lord lol, this show really knows how to leave you on a cliffhanger.....and Pai Pai really is pathetic atm -___-

Hajime talking to Katze -like a boss- is also pretty funny, I think for a moment there she found out where he was standing already towards the end of their conversation. I wonder how would thing go on from here for Rui, this episode completely destroyed 96/97 of his Crowds and now he is only left with X and his own Crowds...guess he does have to trust the Gatchaman now.

I presume OD's transformation involves unleashing a power that can destroy the we might not actually see it unless he can find a way to fight Katze in the emptiness of space.
Aug 23, 2013 5:51 PM

Jan 2013
Impressive voice acting range in this anime.
The beating she took was actually hard to sit through.

I'd like to see how Hajime would handle extreme pain and sadness.
Aug 23, 2013 5:57 PM

Aug 2013
This anime is just amazing. I can already tell it is going to be a long time favorite. I haven't seen anything this good in a long time.
Aug 23, 2013 6:03 PM

May 2011
This was the best episode so far for me.
I'm really liking Berg-Katze so far and Miyano, Mamoru voice acting is incredibly well done in this particular episode.
Aug 23, 2013 6:15 PM

Aug 2013
Utsutsu and Hajime's bonding over origami was so cute.
Aug 23, 2013 6:41 PM

May 2012
Berg-Katze's VA is just cool and awesome. The voice is too perfect for the villain role. Can't get enough of it. And his interaction with Hajime is interesting. It's like listening to two "crazy and special" kids talking to each other.

But I am SO disappointed with Pai Pai. Was so hyped up with that epic transformation then suddenly she bailed out...
Aug 23, 2013 7:11 PM
Jul 2018
Best episode in everything. Animation, direction, everything...
The director of this episode is Shin Matsuo, who worked in the last 2 episodes of C as episode director.
And Hironori "sexhair" Tanaka worked in the effects animation part (
But sadly, I don't expect they keep this level in the rest of the series. Maybe only in the last episodes...
Aug 23, 2013 7:34 PM
Apr 2011
I think it is fascinating that Hajime and Katze can get along so well. Hajime is really one of the most fascinating characters I have ever seen. Many of her actions and speech are erratic and weird but not only do they all have deep meaning under them, she can get along with the strangest people. Still, I'm wondering what is the reason that Berg-Katze is destroying the planet. "It is all you people's fault". That is a interesting phrase.
Aug 23, 2013 8:04 PM

Mar 2008
trannon1 said:
I think it is fascinating that Hajime and Katze can get along so well. Hajime is really one of the most fascinating characters I have ever seen. Many of her actions and speech are erratic and weird but not only do they all have deep meaning under them, she can get along with the strangest people. Still, I'm wondering what is the reason that Berg-Katze is destroying the planet. "It is all you people's fault". That is a interesting phrase.

Feels like Katze is just projecting his destructive impulses onto others. It's not his fault, it's the fault of everyone else. He attacks people while transformed into them it's not his fault that people die, it's their fault.

Maybe Katze has just given up on people in general. That transformation ability lets him see into the hearts of others and maybe he's just given up on it all.

And Hajime is something else. Can get along with politicians, leaders, and serial killers. Nobody she can't have a chat with.
Aug 23, 2013 8:25 PM

Dec 2012
I wonder what's the effect of having Joe NOTE (the manifestation of his soul) being forcefully ripped from him. Together with how Katze mocked his motivations and dreams, I think Joe isn't going to be as determined in the next episodes.

Also, would that be similar to what happened to the Hundred or did they just pass out? I'm guessing they didn't die, because nothing was mentioned, but maybe next episode...

And LoL at "Katze-ssu!" etc., Berg Katze sure likes to mimic people. XD
TulicloureAug 23, 2013 8:29 PM
Aug 23, 2013 8:57 PM

May 2013
is hundred dead?

this episode kinda disappointed.

joe is henshin, but LOSE.
PAi pai transform, but he COWARD and RUN AWAY.

only Hajime-ssu who only fight - word/quiz play- with berg, and then,

nothing happen.
Aug 23, 2013 9:06 PM

Feb 2013
Wow, this episode was something else. Expect for the parts with Hajime (yeah, I don't think I will ever like her character), this episode was awesome. I love Berg and he is the most hax opponent in this show. When he was playing with Jou's mind, that was the most creepy, yet sensual scene I've ever seen.

This show seems to balance the ridiculous with brutal seriousness all at the same time. OD has become one of may favorite characters of this show, alongside Berg and Jou. That guy may look like your typical over-the-top anime cross-dresser, however we've seen several times that that's actually a facade and that he's quite a shrewd, serious fellow beneath that neon yellow lipstick. His serious scenes here are some of his best, and I cannot wait to see when he transforms.

However, OD and Pai-Pai weren't joking when they warned about Berg. That guy is ridiculously unstoppable. He does whatever he wants, kills who he wants, and no one can stop him. And he does it for fun. He's a true psychopath, and I just find that weirdly awesome.

Poor Rui, you knew you had it coming didn't you? You are way too naive and idealistic, dismiss anyone who doesn't agree with your views, and then try to take on the very person who gave you your powers in the first place? Yeah, you're going to get your butt kicked. Not only did you get 98% of your forces killed, but Berg Katze wiped the floor with you. In fact, Berg was acting like he was disciplining a disobedient child, and in a way Rui walking right into it.
I'm glad to see he learned the error of his ways, at least a little, in that the world needs heroes, even if it was a harsh lesson to learn. But sometimes you just need the crap beat out of you. However, I'm concerned that that computer AI of his will draw him back in again. I'm suspicious of Sousei X and will continue to be until proven otherwise.

Pai-pai transformed this time, but he still did nothing really of merit. Utsutsu seems to be a walking deus ex machina and she and Hajime come in just at the right time to save both a beaten Sugane and a practically mortally wounded Jou.

Berg Katze talks with Hajime and the two seem to both be crazy enough to be on the same wavelength. Yet, somehow I like Berg infinitely more than Hajime? But that may just be because he's a villain.

So, all in all, this episode was great, with awesome fights, mayhem, destruction, a bit of character development, and a great villain. I give this a 8.9/10.
Aug 23, 2013 9:24 PM

Jan 2011
best episode in this series so far Hajime and Katze talking was pretty funny/interesting at the same time

also got a good laugh at him repeating every time Joe used one of his moves
Aug 23, 2013 10:17 PM

Jul 2011
Gawd I love Hajime. So happy-going, and nothing shakes her!!

Miyano Mamoru's voice acting shines again. >:)

Poor Joe. :(
Aug 23, 2013 10:22 PM
Jan 2011
I just came to a terrifying conclusion -Berg Katse is the avatar of Earth! That's why he/she killed all those people. It view humans as a disease that is kiling the planet. Maybe that's why the note was given to Rui - it wants to initiate the apocalypse and wipe out the human race!

Aug 23, 2013 10:30 PM

Jul 2010
Pai-Pai acting so cool until actually thinking how to defeat Katze. Hilarious!

Hajime and Utsutsu bonding was so cute.
Aug 23, 2013 11:04 PM

Dec 2012
KanameFujiwara said:
I just came to a terrifying conclusion -Berg Katse is the avatar of Earth! That's why he/she killed all those people. It view humans as a disease that is kiling the planet. Maybe that's why the note was given to Rui - it wants to initiate the apocalypse and wipe out the human race!


Wasn't it stated that Katze has destroyed other planets before? Wouldn't work if that's true.
Aug 23, 2013 11:07 PM
Jan 2012
Best episode so far. Perfect role for Miyano Mamoru xD
Aug 23, 2013 11:19 PM

Jul 2012
Love this episode!!!
Aug 23, 2013 11:30 PM

Oct 2009
Tulicloure said:
I wonder what's the effect of having Joe NOTE (the manifestation of his soul) being forcefully ripped from him. Together with how Katze mocked his motivations and dreams, I think Joe isn't going to be as determined in the next episodes.

I don't know, but we can hope some 'miracle' happens, after all, Joe bird symbol is a phoenix.
Also, that foreshadowing from previous episode..

Hajime is probably the only one that Katze cannot tamper with right now, she was like a blank white paper with no shed of ink to exploit. I wonder how they would deal with Katze. Also, what X doing is really suspicious, he keep telling Rui about his dreams and ideals to update the world...

BTW, there are 3 of the hundreds that is spared from the killing, I think this will become a major point later in relation with Rui.

And where is MESS-chan! I miss em already!
azzuReAug 23, 2013 11:34 PM
The most important things in life is the people that you care about
Aug 24, 2013 2:12 AM

Apr 2011
little-flower said:
I really wish they would give Hajime some flaws, she's starting to ruin the show for me. ;~;

so her being smart, not giving a fuck, being cute, and her being straight forward with other characters has you upset? why?
Glorious Titties Nuff Said!

Make America Great Again!
Aug 24, 2013 2:20 AM

Aug 2013
I screamed loudly when Katze ripped out Joe's NOTE mercilessly and Joe's screaming in pain

and yeah I love Katze-Hajime talks
I WANNA SEE O.D'S G-SUIT SO BADLY but I don't wanna lose him ;-; he's a fantastic character!
Pai Pai I was about to compliment you on your cool G-Suit/G-Mobile but when you ran away, I WAS TERRIBLY UPSET

this is definitely my ultimate favourite of the season besides Uchouten Kazoku
Aug 24, 2013 2:22 AM
Lewd Depresso

Jul 2008
Well this anime is really interesting. And Hajime is quite similar to that villain. Though 1 light while other darkness
Aug 24, 2013 2:57 AM

Jan 2013
Berg-Katze is forever creepy ;A; but starting to appreciate Mamo-chan's awesome performance for this character.

I thought Joe and Rui were gonna die D:
Maybe next time.
Aug 24, 2013 5:20 AM

Mar 2012
It pains me to see my beloved Rui getting beaten up by Berg-Katze. I mean, Berg is so creepy! Also, whenever he mimics the expressions of our Gatchaman it gives me the chillz!

Fortunately, Joe survived (?). I was about to be so sad when I saw that his note was pulled from his body. If I remembered correctly, the note is also their soul or something? So it is destroyed, he's going to die right? Oh well. At least they have Utsutsu-chan.

I really like Hajime now.
Aug 24, 2013 5:44 AM

Apr 2009
The scene with Berg Katze and Hajime conversing, with both of them trying to verbally joust eachother (Berg mimicking Hajime's speech patterns and Hajime attempting to get some kind of meaning out of him) was excellent. Even better when Berg abandoned all common sense, a very in-character decision, and left Hajime completely bewildered.

I hope that girl from episode 5 isn't an orphan now thanks to Rui.
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