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Is the "controversy" over this really just about it being fanservice for girls?

Aug 14, 2013 3:19 PM

Jun 2008
Everywhere I go, I see people lashing out against complaints that this show is "just fanservice for girls," calling out a double standard since there's plenty of similar anime aimed at guys already, a logical counterargument I can agree with. Or at least I would agree with, if that was the actual, whole complaint.

Ironically, I've seen more of the lashing out against such complaints than the complaints themselves, but whenever I did see the complaints, it wasn't "why does a fanservice show for girls exist!?" it was "KyoAni, why have you betrayed us!?"

Yes, this distinction has meaning. Why? Because when the hell have people actually complained about the existence of anime for girls? Yeah, this stuff has existed before. Anyone heard such complaints for Brothers Conflict, a reverse harem airing in this same season as Free? What about your various yaoi shows? K? No, they're just ignored by the male fanbase, or in the case of K, disliked because it just sucks. On the other hand, even guys like Ouran High School Host Club and that's laden with service. I've also heard comparisons between Free! and Kuroko's Basketball for both shows' similar ability to draw in the female crowd with hot guys, but the latter's source material is actually published in a shounen manga and has plenty of male fans.

Is this really about Free! being fanservice for the ladies*, or is it that Kyoto Animation made a show that is fanservice for the ladies? KyoAni has been pretty much known as the ultimate moe production company with lots of shows with lots of cute girls and the fans came to expect that from them always. Then they were contracted to do Free! Storm came overnight.

It doesn't help that some of the early silhouette images had people thinking/hoping this would be a new FMP season.

I do not sympathize with the complaints since KyoAni can do what they will do, but it's hardly a double standard to expect more of what you love from where you've always been getting it. Imagine how the Twilight fans would react (it always comes down to Twilight, doesn't it?) if Stephanie Meyer wrote something as equally shallow and wish-fulfilling as Twilight but for boys instead of girls.

No one cares that an anime for girls exists. They care that Kyoto Animation made it.

*Disclaimer: I do not mean to judge the quality of Free! in any way. If you disagree that it's "just fanservice for girls," do not complain about that to me.
FloreteAug 14, 2013 10:00 PM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Aug 14, 2013 4:17 PM

Dec 2007
Yes, IT IS BECAUSE KyoAni decided to do a show that would cater to female audience that's why there's a "controversy" about it. If it was A-1 Pictures or Studio Deen, no one would have bat an eyelash.
Aug 14, 2013 4:54 PM

Apr 2013
No, its because it is suppose to be a sports anime but there's barely anything sports related. Its a slice of life / comedy anime that teases us with the possibility that something interesting might actually happen at some point, aka on the last episode.
Aug 14, 2013 7:18 PM

Jul 2010
I'll start out by saying there's a certain degree of ironic amusement in your premise that it's not hypocritical for Kyoani! fans to have a problem with this anime when posts like

Sourire said:
No, its because it is suppose to be a sports anime but there's barely anything sports related. Its a slice of life / comedy anime that teases us with the possibility that something interesting might actually happen at some point, aka on the last episode.

this one exist which is pretty much shutting down this show and getting upset at Kyoani! for making a show that is seemingly about a club activity on the surface, but not really it's actually about five friends being cute and derping around while being adorable and enjoying since when did Kyoani ever do that? Oh yeah, since ever.

(Also I'll just say right now, I disagree with your assessment of Free! as nothing but shallow fanservice. Kyoani! is quite talented at building up complex yet subtle character relationships through every day experiences and continues this trend in Free!. It's nothing particularly deep and it was provided to be a work with numerous instances of fanservice true, but again expecting this particular SOL to be deep and complex when not expecting it -and rightly so- out of any other work from the genre is again, an instance of hypocrisy)

As for the rest of your post.

"Ironically, I've seen more of the lashing out against such complaints than the complaints themselves, but whenever I did see the complaints, it wasn't "why does a fanservice show for girls exist!?" it was "KyoAni, why have you betrayed us!?"

What a wonderful protective bubble you must live in, to have escaped all of the vicious misogynistic homophobic hateful slurs slung at (female) fans of this anime. "Fujoshit landwhale" (I'm not spending the mental energy to recall any of the other gross word vomit people came up with, use your imagination) might not be a phrase that holds any meaning to you, but if you honestly think that there was little vitriolic backlash, and that the justifiable reaction against such abuse is way overblown when compared, then I really have to wonder where you spend your time on the internet, that's actually rather amazing.

You seem to think that the incredibly entitled "Why have you betrayed us" quote is somehow in any way shape or form a better or more justified complaint. As if Kyoani owes anyone anything, as if they belong on some chain and leash. I see you don't apparently think this way, but for some reason are justifying others feeling that way which is incredibly confusing. Because it is never justified when any group of people who have had the majority of power whether it comes to representation or anything else, go after groups with less power and representation. Never. And the way I see it is, Kyoani gave this project to a woman who had put in a lot of effort into the company, into anime that people have slobbered over for years now, and all of a sudden now it's a huge deal. You've enjoyed her work before, you just didn't notice it.

Anyone heard such complaints for Brothers Conflict, a reverse harem airing in this same season as Free? What about your various yaoi shows? K? No, they're just ignored by the male fanbase, or in the case of K, disliked because it just sucks. On the other hand, even guys like Ouran High School Host Club and that's laden with service. I've also heard comparisons between Free! and Kuroko's Basketball for both shows' similar ability to draw in the female crowd with hot guys, but the latter's source material is actually published in a shounen manga and has plenty of male fans.

Quite a lot to get to in this paragraph but I'll start with some pretty obvious points of interest.

Both K and Kuroko get called "gay" "homoshit" "fujoshit" blah blah blah ect, again using homophobic slurs as insults for something that doesn't cater to them enough. (Because K was an anime that for all it's numerous flaws plot wise very very VERY clearly sought to pander to both genders, but the rage at a show pandering to girls while not falling under such "safe and obviously for girls" demographics such as shoujo or reverse harem was palpable and again, if you missed it I have no idea where you've been. Pick a K thread, I will find you at least five posts... and Kuroko is a shounen manga yes, one which again focuses largely on character interactions and relationships making it very appealing to girls, and also a subject of slurs and vitriol, I don't even have to point you any further than the mangaka's MAL page for that one). If you're starting to notice a trend of anime that is not explicitly reverse harem or shoujo but manages to be popular with women anyways being attacked by male anime fans, then congratulations! You have noticed something completely obvious.

I mean you flat out say that Kuroko wasn't originally for girls, which strictly speaking on genre, is correct. But it still gets attacked, or rather it's female fanbase gets attacked. Because girls aren't allowed to like things that are not "for them".

The reason shoujo anime, reverse harems, yaoi (though god try to find me one news announcement of a yaoi OVA on this site that is free of homophobia and misogyny, I'm taking yaoi out of this talk because it is attacked I don't agree with that either) aren't frequently attacked is because they are pretty much the corner of the sandbox that girls are allowed to be in. I mean they'll still be talked shit at, but guys have gained a certain level of acceptance to allow the Iunno 5-7 of those made every year, to exist. Thanks for that.

Free! makes guys mad in a way that anime in those genres do not because it doesn't stay in the corner. There have been anime for girls obviously, there have been amazing anime made off the works of women, females have been here all along, no one is saying otherwise. But Free! is the very first anime made by a woman for a certain group of girls who don't want the same two genres that have been deemed "female acceptable". They want a sports show made for them, they want a fanservice show made for them, they want a show depicting close friendship between males (ohmygerd das gay tho hurrr), they want ship teasing. And that's what they got. One freaking anime with all those things, bring out your pitchforks.

Imagine how the Twilight fans would react (it always comes down to Twilight, doesn't it?) if Stephanie Meyer wrote something as equally shallow and wish-fulfilling as Twilight but for boys instead of girls.

They'd be upset, and maybe they'd even say some mean things to the poor little boys. But they still wouldn't be the group in power, they still wouldn't be the group with the mountains and mountains of entertainment made just for them while being highly exclusive of others at their feet. Never mind the fact that you are randomly comparing two different forms of media, you're also implying taking food from a starving child and feeding it to an overfed one is somehow exactly comparable to the inverse. It's not, and that's a painful weak argument to suggest it is.

I'll admit the point of it being Kyoani being a big deal is factually correct, but the entitlement that Kyoani fans felt is not an isolated case as you are painting it to be, it's indicative of the much bigger problem of lack of representation for all sorts of groups in media, anime being a prime example.

(For the sake of this argument I did generalize mainly in terms of males versus females, I do acknowledge that as said generalization and not 100% factual either way, not all girls like Free! not all boys shit themselves over it, but I think we can all agree I typed up enough on this subject yet again)
Aug 14, 2013 8:20 PM

Mar 2010
In the end no matter how many people bitch and complain, this series will still sell like hot-cakes and KyoAni will keep doing what it's been doing all these years to become the successful and well known company it is.
I see more 'Free!' type anime in the future from them, definitely.

Aug 14, 2013 8:26 PM

Nov 2011
Girls have right to fap too.
Jaguer91Aug 14, 2013 8:37 PM
I luv u
Aug 14, 2013 8:31 PM

Apr 2013

This thread needs to be locked. It will attract more attention whores who love to hate on Free!.

Aug 14, 2013 9:59 PM

Jun 2008
Soudadorable said:
I'll start out by saying there's a certain degree of ironic amusement in your premise that it's not hypocritical for Kyoani! fans to have a problem with this anime when posts like

Sourire said:
No, its because it is suppose to be a sports anime but there's barely anything sports related. Its a slice of life / comedy anime that teases us with the possibility that something interesting might actually happen at some point, aka on the last episode.

this one exist which is pretty much shutting down this show and getting upset at Kyoani! for making a show that is seemingly about a club activity on the surface, but not really it's actually about five friends being cute and derping around while being adorable and enjoying since when did Kyoani ever do that? Oh yeah, since ever.

What exactly is the argument here? User in question hasn't even seen K-On! and doesn't seem to like that kind of show, so not liking Free! for being what it is is hardly hypocritical.

(Also I'll just say right now, I disagree with your assessment of Free! as nothing but shallow fanservice. Kyoani! is quite talented at building up complex yet subtle character relationships through every day experiences and continues this trend in Free!. It's nothing particularly deep and it was provided to be a work with numerous instances of fanservice true, but again expecting this particular SOL to be deep and complex when not expecting it -and rightly so- out of any other work from the genre is again, an instance of hypocrisy)

I said I'm not making judgments about Free!'s quality for a reason. "Just fanservice for girls" is not my words and I'd appreciate you not taking them as such. I'm simply describing the situation of the people in that area as I see it.

For the record, I think the fanservice is very intentional but neither overboard nor the only thing Free! has.

What a wonderful protective bubble you must live in, to have escaped all of the vicious misogynistic homophobic hateful slurs slung at (female) fans of this anime. "Fujoshit landwhale" (I'm not spending the mental energy to recall any of the other gross word vomit people came up with, use your imagination) might not be a phrase that holds any meaning to you, but if you honestly think that there was little vitriolic backlash, and that the justifiable reaction against such abuse is way overblown when compared, then I really have to wonder where you spend your time on the internet, that's actually rather amazing.

Oh, I know there was some bad stuff going on, and the complaints against some of it is very justified, but at other times it just becomes a "STOP NOT LIKING WHAT I LIKE" and the fans get defensive over things that aren't there. For every legitimately offensive slur thrown around, there's been a fan overreacting to something that doesn't mean much of anything. Also, since the show actually began a lot of the more offensive stuff died down but the backlash to it increased, oddly. (Yes, I know people are still insulting it but find me one show or fandom that doesn't get insulted before you act like Free! fans are the worst of victims)

Also, I do tend to avoid garbage dumps of the internet that bring out the worst in people in all ways because it makes me stupider, so forgive me for only going to places where I can expect a certain level of sanity in the first place.

You seem to think that the incredibly entitled "Why have you betrayed us" quote is somehow in any way shape or form a better or more justified complaint.

I think nothing of the sort. I simply think it's more understandable and not nearly as offensive as people take it.

I see you don't apparently think this way, but for some reason are justifying others feeling that way which is incredibly confusing.

I'm not, I'm telling it as it is. I'm saying that if you're going to complain, have at it, but know what you're complaining about.

Because it is never justified when any group of people who have had the majority of power whether it comes to representation or anything else, go after groups with less power and representation. Never. And the way I see it is, Kyoani gave this project to a woman who had put in a lot of effort into the company, into anime that people have slobbered over for years now, and all of a sudden now it's a huge deal. You've enjoyed her work before, you just didn't notice it.

Oh please, don't go for power plays in here, I'm really not interested. Honestly, this is just taking the problem to an extreme to justify your excessive whining. (Note that in here I acknowledged a problem exists; this is intentional)

Quite a lot to get to in this paragraph but I'll start with some pretty obvious points of interest.

Both K and Kuroko get called "gay" "homoshit" "fujoshit" blah blah blah ect, again using homophobic slurs as insults for something that doesn't cater to them enough. (Because K was an anime that for all it's numerous flaws plot wise very very VERY clearly sought to pander to both genders, but the rage at a show pandering to girls while not falling under such "safe and obviously for girls" demographics such as shoujo or reverse harem was palpable and again, if you missed it I have no idea where you've been. Pick a K thread, I will find you at least five posts... and Kuroko is a shounen manga yes, one which again focuses largely on character interactions and relationships making it very appealing to girls, and also a subject of slurs and vitriol, I don't even have to point you any further than the mangaka's MAL page for that one). If you're starting to notice a trend of anime that is not explicitly reverse harem or shoujo but manages to be popular with women anyways being attacked by male anime fans, then congratulations! You have noticed something completely obvious.

I'll admit K was actually a bad example as I do remember unjustified backlash against that (it sucking didn't help, of course). I've heard some stuff against Kuroko but largely minimal, and sometimes even in ways like "it's kind of gay but I like it," which you might find slightly offensive but is seriously not worth getting hung up over.

I mean you flat out say that Kuroko wasn't originally for girls, which strictly speaking on genre, is correct. But it still gets attacked, or rather it's female fanbase gets attacked. Because girls aren't allowed to like things that are not "for them".

While it's a similar subject for sure, "fujoshi" hate is not what I'm talking about here. I know they get more flak than they deserve, but in here I'm only talking about reactions to Free!, not reactions from typical otaku to fans of shows like Free! Because when it comes to that, there's no need to single out Free!

Free! makes guys mad in a way that anime in those genres do not because it doesn't stay in the corner. There have been anime for girls obviously, there have been amazing anime made off the works of women, females have been here all along, no one is saying otherwise. But Free! is the very first anime made by a woman for a certain group of girls who don't want the same two genres that have been deemed "female acceptable". They want a sports show made for them, they want a fanservice show made for them, they want a show depicting close friendship between males (ohmygerd das gay tho hurrr), they want ship teasing. And that's what they got. One freaking anime with all those things, bring out your pitchforks.

And yet if Free! had been made by any other production company (except maybe SHAFT), it would just be another on the pile. Free! only has any infamy because it's made by KyoAni. That's the point I'm trying to make.

Never mind the fact that you are randomly comparing two different forms of media, you're also implying taking food from a starving child and feeding it to an overfed one is somehow exactly comparable to the inverse. It's not, and that's a painful weak argument to suggest it is.

Another ridiculous extreme. Your victim complex is showing.

I mean, I've often been considered a feminist, but what you're saying is overboard.

I'll admit the point of it being Kyoani being a big deal is factually correct, but the entitlement that Kyoani fans felt is not an isolated case as you are painting it to be, it's indicative of the much bigger problem of lack of representation for all sorts of groups in media, anime being a prime example.

I think I agree with this, but just to be sure I'm reading you write, what exactly do you mean by "isolated case?"
Aug 14, 2013 10:52 PM

Jul 2013
Even if it is KyoAni, I don't see why so many people who bashed on it decided to watch in the first place. A large portion of its popularity started from that commercial, and even then Nagisa might as well have had a sign hanging around his neck that said "SHOTA" (YT video below for reference). Regardless, KyoAni has the right to do what it wants to do. People should recognize that a company has every right to appeal to different kinds of audiences if they want a more diverse audience in the future. Bringing in different kinds of people creates more varied responses, which in turn will give them good experience to improve as a studio. Let them do what they want, I say!

Although I do agree the "KyoAni, why have you betrayed us" thing is an argument about Free, I think another common complaint that Soudadorable brought up is that a lot of people got on thinking this anime wouldn't be like a male K-On when it basically is. For people who have seen and enjoyed K-On, they should have seen this coming and they shouldn't complain since it's been done before and received positive feedback. For those who haven't seen K-On, doing some research on why Free was so hyped in the first place couldn't hurt. Or they could just drop it without complaining if they didn't get what they were expecting.

Hopefully the "controversy" dies down soon as it's getting old. But I'm also hoping some bashers will come to their senses.

Aug 14, 2013 11:19 PM

Nov 2010
Sourire said:
No, its because it is suppose to be a sports anime but there's barely anything sports related. Its a slice of life / comedy anime that teases us with the possibility that something interesting might actually happen at some point, aka on the last episode.
Whoever said that this was supposed to be a sports anime? From the first second the anime was announced people were calling it K-ON for girls and fanservice for fujoshi. Kyoani isn't famous for blood pumping action series and they never said it would be one. While it does have sports, it's more focused on the characters like almost every one of Kyoani's previous works.

And please tell me you were expecting a serious sports anime when you said this on the news thread 4 months before it even aired.

Sourire said:
fanservice for girls? dropped.
Aug 14, 2013 11:35 PM

Oct 2012
IntroverTurtle said:
Sourire said:
No, its because it is suppose to be a sports anime but there's barely anything sports related. Its a slice of life / comedy anime that teases us with the possibility that something interesting might actually happen at some point, aka on the last episode.
Whoever said that this was supposed to be a sports anime? From the first second the anime was announced people were calling it K-ON for girls and fanservice for fujoshi. Kyoani isn't famous for blood pumping action series and they never said it would be one. While it does have sports, it's more focused on the characters like almost every one of Kyoani's previous works.

And please tell me you were expecting a serious sports anime when you said this on the news thread 4 months before it even aired.

Sourire said:
fanservice for girls? dropped.

well said, bravo
Aug 15, 2013 12:48 AM

Dec 2010
I don't get why there's any controversy at all.
Aug 15, 2013 3:58 AM

Oct 2007
Of course Free! is hated only because it's KyoAni series! "why not a new Haruhi season?", "why not a new FMP season?" and so on...
And all the hate for fujoshi/fujoshi girls are from a self named "country of freedom" people! this is even worst!
And btw, anime for girls= anime for fujoshi is wrong!
In Japan, except maybe in some forum/chat users (where it's usually cool to bitch about someone different) there is not hate against fujoshi! maybe some surprise/laugh when first heard about someone being a fujoshi, but from guys or girls no hate! on even from the no anime lovers/otakus! I was surprise at first also, because when writing in anime/manga international forums fujoshi are always bashed, so even if I usually say to my Japanese friends I like manga/anime I usually don't speak too much about it (like being a fujoshi) except if someone ask me.
I just hope KyoAni Free! series is just the first of this kind! We need more good series for girls, not only pink romance for 12 years old girls or reverse-harem! Since it seems that anime for guys almost always need ecchi fanservice to sell well (few exception: Kuroko no basket (but as it was said before girls buy it a lot, like most of the other sports animes with male characters (not like Ro-Kyu-bu)), Shingeki no Kyoujin (girls also seems to like it a lot)... Anime need more series for everyone! and Free! is one of those series for everyone! except for the one who hate it because it's not the "usual moe KyoAni stuff", Free! is really for everyone! it's one of those series you can watch with your kids or with your grand'parents! There are not so many new series like this! The "bishounen fanservice" can be seen by everyone, it's just funny and in the latest episodes (5-6) don't focus (Gou's eyes) at all on it!

I hope in the next seasons we will have more series to enjoy with other people without being worried to have panties shot, naked shower, bouncing big boobs fanservice... I don't say we need to remove fanservice (it's needed to boost the sales, it's a fact!) series, but having some some fanservice-free series each season, not only episodic comedy series would be great!
Aug 15, 2013 4:15 AM

Jul 2008
Am I perhaps the only person on the planet who does NOT see this anime as blatant fanservice?

I'm personally not a fangirl (hell, I enjoy plenty of shows that are meant as fanservice for males simply because they can actually be good or downright hilarious). While I enjoy Free!, it certainly has its faults. The plot pacing, even for slice-of-life, is erratic and pretty close to downright awful. It can't decide on a focal point.... is the focus on the relationship of the 4 members of the Iwatobi Swim Club or the dynamics of the rivalry between Rin and Haruka? Their method of mixing these two aspects of the show is utterly random and nonsensical at worst and a blundering blind sight by the show's writers at best. On the other hand, the animation is captivating and brilliant, and the show is a bit of light hearted fun even in some of it's worse moments. (Side note: As for unrealistic body types.... have you ever seen the bodies of swimmers that actually take the sport seriously? lol. The character designs, including their bodies, are highly realistic for athletes. They have muscles, yes, but we aren't seeing something utterly absurd like 12-pack abs :P)


There is something DISTINCTLY different about having a show that centers around swimming (my LORD, there ARE MALE SWIM TEAMS FOR GOD"S SAKE!!! Is it fanservice to go watch a swim meet or practice?), which of course necessitates *gasp* SWIMSUITS! as opposed to having the blatant fanservice mainly centered around girls when the plot has absolutely NOTHING to do with a beach, a pool, summer vacation. or anything of the sort. Yet nonetheless, we often find ourselves with many shows that nonetheless get the obligatory random beach episode thrown in for no other purpose other than to show slow motion shots of the female characters in their swimwear or clumsily smashing a watermelon.

A lot of people say that this is K-ON! for girls. I know plenty of females like K-ON!. While people can ship couples all they want, it's up to the viewer. Free! is NO different, you can choose to look at it as fanservice and ship a couple, or you can simply see it as a slife-of-life anime that's only crime is that it is centered around males.

There absolutely NOTHING wrong with men or boys being interested in something that would show their bodies. The idea that men can't have close friendships with others, particularly during adolescence is ABSURD to the umpteenth degree. The idea that people can have interests that are more important than trying to score a relationship with someone of the opposite sex is quite silly as well. Different people, different priorities.

The closest Free! comes to blatant fanservice is Gou's remarks about male musculature... and again, this entirely up to the viewer to interpret as fanservice or being an endearing and silly fascination that is attributed to Gou.

THE ONLY THING Free! requires to watch is a mind equal to its title... go in with no preconceived notions. Personally, I find the fact that KyoAni! leaves the idea of fanservice, possible yaoi character pairings, or blatantly just seeing it as a light-hearted slife-of-life show up to the viewer absolutely brilliant. Nothing is thrown into your face to force interpretations of the anime or its characters in a certain way unless YOU YOURSELF decide to see it that way.
Aug 15, 2013 4:24 AM

Sep 2012

Well I think its good to have an anime that appeals to various differant viewers. If this anime only appeals to girls then I'm actually happy you found an anime that suits what you want. Feel there should be more more animes that appeals directly to what females would like. I personally will avoid such titles, but I will not bash something that is not aimed towards my interests. If I were to think its trashy doesn't mean I should make you feel bad for watching it. So feel free to enjoy your anime =)
Aug 15, 2013 4:28 AM

Oct 2007
killbethy said:
Am I perhaps the only person on the planet who does NOT see this anime as blatant fanservice?

I'm personally not a fangirl (hell, I enjoy plenty of shows that are meant as fanservice for males simply because they can actually be good or downright hilarious). While I enjoy Free!, it certainly has its faults. The plot pacing, even for slice-of-life, is erratic and pretty close to downright awful. It can't decide on a focal point.... is the focus on the relationship of the 4 members of the Iwatobi Swim Club or the dynamics of the rivalry between Rin and Haruka? Their method of mixing these two aspects of the show is utterly random and nonsensical at worst and a blundering blind sight by the show's writers at best. On the other hand, the animation is captivating and brilliant, and the show is a bit of light hearted fun even in some of it's worse moments. (Side note: As for unrealistic body types.... have you ever seen the bodies of swimmers that actually take the sport seriously? lol. The character designs, including their bodies, are highly realistic for athletes. They have muscles, yes, but we aren't seeing something utterly absurd like 12-pack abs :P)


There is something DISTINCTLY different about having a show that centers around swimming (my LORD, there ARE MALE SWIM TEAMS FOR GOD"S SAKE!!! Is it fanservice to go watch a swim meet or practice?), which of course necessitates *gasp* SWIMSUITS! as opposed to having the blatant fanservice mainly centered around girls when the plot has absolutely NOTHING to do with a beach, a pool, summer vacation. or anything of the sort. Yet nonetheless, we often find ourselves with many shows that nonetheless get the obligatory random beach episode thrown in for no other purpose other than to show slow motion shots of the female characters in their swimwear or clumsily smashing a watermelon.

A lot of people say that this is K-ON! for girls. I know plenty of females like K-ON!. While people can ship couples all they want, it's up to the viewer. Free! is NO different, you can choose to look at it as fanservice and ship a couple, or you can simply see it as a slife-of-life anime that's only crime is that it is centered around males.

There absolutely NOTHING wrong with men or boys being interested in something that would show their bodies. The idea that men can't have close friendships with others, particularly during adolescence is ABSURD to the umpteenth degree. The idea that people can have interests that are more important than trying to score a relationship with someone of the opposite sex is quite silly as well. Different people, different priorities.

The closest Free! comes to blatant fanservice is Gou's remarks about male musculature... and again, this entirely up to the viewer to interpret as fanservice or being an endearing and silly fascination that is attributed to Gou.

THE ONLY THING Free! requires to watch is a mind equal to its title... go in with no preconceived notions. Personally, I find the fact that KyoAni! leaves the idea of fanservice, possible yaoi character pairings, or blatantly just seeing it as a light-hearted slife-of-life show up to the viewer absolutely brilliant. Nothing is thrown into your face to force interpretations of the anime or its characters in a certain way unless YOU YOURSELF decide to see it that way.

I alsmot agree with everything who write, but... Free! is considered as fanservice for girls mainly because it's almost the only anime where we can see "half naked bishounen"... usually it's girls shower time, girls bath time, girls hot spring time, girls touching each other, bouncing boobs, panties shots... so here it's MALE body, which is different that what we usually have, even for girls series (in shoujo/reverse-harem there is almost never naked or half naked bishounen!!!)! That's why it looks so much fanservice for girls!
Aug 15, 2013 4:28 AM
Oct 2011
If anything, there are more girls in the forums, or on the internet in general. I see no reason for guys to complain tbh.
Aug 15, 2013 4:40 AM

Dec 2012
Jaguer91 said:
Girls have right to fap too.

Hmm! Hm!
Aug 15, 2013 10:56 AM

Apr 2009
Redfoxoffire said:
Soudadorable said:
I'll start out by saying there's a certain degree of ironic amusement in your premise that it's not hypocritical for Kyoani! fans to have a problem with this anime when posts like

Sourire said:
No, its because it is suppose to be a sports anime but there's barely anything sports related. Its a slice of life / comedy anime that teases us with the possibility that something interesting might actually happen at some point, aka on the last episode.

this one exist which is pretty much shutting down this show and getting upset at Kyoani! for making a show that is seemingly about a club activity on the surface, but not really it's actually about five friends being cute and derping around while being adorable and enjoying since when did Kyoani ever do that? Oh yeah, since ever.

What exactly is the argument here? User in question hasn't even seen K-On! and doesn't seem to like that kind of show, so not liking Free! for being what it is is hardly hypocritical.

It's hypocritical because they were never upset that an anime like K-ON! which existed on the premise of music and bands teased the audience but never delivered on the music goodness. If they had been upset by it, they never would've expected any better/different from Free! seeing as they would've been paying attention to the type of stuff KyoAni produced. (Though, one would argue that anyone remotely into anime would know anyway). You don't have to be a fan of KyoAni to be inconsistent with what you single out, therefore hypocritical.

Redfoxoffire said:
Soudadorable said:
(Also I'll just say right now, I disagree with your assessment of Free! as nothing but shallow fanservice. Kyoani! is quite talented at building up complex yet subtle character relationships through every day experiences and continues this trend in Free!. It's nothing particularly deep and it was provided to be a work with numerous instances of fanservice true, but again expecting this particular SOL to be deep and complex when not expecting it -and rightly so- out of any other work from the genre is again, an instance of hypocrisy)

I said I'm not making judgments about Free!'s quality for a reason. "Just fanservice for girls" is not my words and I'd appreciate you not taking them as such. I'm simply describing the situation of the people in that area as I see it.

For the record, I think the fanservice is very intentional but neither overboard nor the only thing Free! has.

Actually this was quite unclear in your original (unedited) post since you qualified Free! several times using only 'fanservice for girls' as a description, without quotation marks or any indication that you did not support what you were typing.

Redfoxoffire said:
Soudadorable said:
What a wonderful protective bubble you must live in, to have escaped all of the vicious misogynistic homophobic hateful slurs slung at (female) fans of this anime. "Fujoshit landwhale" (I'm not spending the mental energy to recall any of the other gross word vomit people came up with, use your imagination) might not be a phrase that holds any meaning to you, but if you honestly think that there was little vitriolic backlash, and that the justifiable reaction against such abuse is way overblown when compared, then I really have to wonder where you spend your time on the internet, that's actually rather amazing.

Oh, I know there was some bad stuff going on, and the complaints against some of it is very justified, but at other times it just becomes a "STOP NOT LIKING WHAT I LIKE" and the fans get defensive over things that aren't there. For every legitimately offensive slur thrown around, there's been a fan overreacting to something that doesn't mean much of anything. Also, since the show actually began a lot of the more offensive stuff died down but the backlash to it increased, oddly. (Yes, I know people are still insulting it but find me one show or fandom that doesn't get insulted before you act like Free! fans are the worst of victims)

Also, I do tend to avoid garbage dumps of the internet that bring out the worst in people in all ways because it makes me stupider, so forgive me for only going to places where I can expect a certain level of sanity in the first place.

What have they been overreacting to? What I see is mostly people calling others out for using 'gay' in a derogatory manner and for insisting that the characters are gay/not manly enough. All of which is legitimate. As for 'stop not liking what I like', that's merely discussion at work. If someone posts in a PUBLIC forum their criticisms, that opens their post to be criticized. I, myself, have addressed complaints about this show which IMO are unsupported and based mostly on delusional expectations. If they can't back up their opinions successfully then that's their loss.

Redfoxoffire said:
Soudadorable said:
You seem to think that the incredibly entitled "Why have you betrayed us" quote is somehow in any way shape or form a better or more justified complaint.

I think nothing of the sort. I simply think it's more understandable and not nearly as offensive as people take it.

I see you don't apparently think this way, but for some reason are justifying others feeling that way which is incredibly confusing.

I'm not, I'm telling it as it is. I'm saying that if you're going to complain, have at it, but know what you're complaining about.

Because it is never justified when any group of people who have had the majority of power whether it comes to representation or anything else, go after groups with less power and representation. Never. And the way I see it is, Kyoani gave this project to a woman who had put in a lot of effort into the company, into anime that people have slobbered over for years now, and all of a sudden now it's a huge deal. You've enjoyed her work before, you just didn't notice it.

Oh please, don't go for power plays in here, I'm really not interested. Honestly, this is just taking the problem to an extreme to justify your excessive whining. (Note that in here I acknowledged a problem exists; this is intentional)

But this is what the problem is rooted in. The entire issue is a power play because the fans complaining about their ~studio-on-a-pedestal~ KyoAni producing this somehow feel like their 'territory' is being 'invaded' by a less represented group that they could easily ignore before. On the surface they complain about KyoAni being the one to produce a show not aimed at them. What is the context of this complaint? KyoAni puts an incredible amount of work into their shows. They're all amazingly beautiful and excellently marketed every season. The studio is so popular that their work every season is impossible to ignore/be ignorant of. What their complaint really means is, 'Girls don't deserve a KyoAni quality show. KyoAni shouldn't be making THIS kind of show which isn't as good as others because look how 'gay' it is and it's just 'fanservice for girls''. They don't care when the shows are produced by Studio Deen and low tier A-1 because the quality is shit and they don't even have to know it exists. 'Power plays' is why girls are talking about this and rallying around this show; they finally have ONE well produced and well told anime blatantly aimed at them and it's being barraged by shallow complaints from a group constantly pandered to in anime. People think things like 'homophobia' and 'misogyny' are the EXTREMES of an issue when it's always actually the underlying problem to an issue.

Redfoxoffire said:
Soudadorable said:
Quite a lot to get to in this paragraph but I'll start with some pretty obvious points of interest.

Both K and Kuroko get called "gay" "homoshit" "fujoshit" blah blah blah ect, again using homophobic slurs as insults for something that doesn't cater to them enough. (Because K was an anime that for all it's numerous flaws plot wise very very VERY clearly sought to pander to both genders, but the rage at a show pandering to girls while not falling under such "safe and obviously for girls" demographics such as shoujo or reverse harem was palpable and again, if you missed it I have no idea where you've been. Pick a K thread, I will find you at least five posts... and Kuroko is a shounen manga yes, one which again focuses largely on character interactions and relationships making it very appealing to girls, and also a subject of slurs and vitriol, I don't even have to point you any further than the mangaka's MAL page for that one). If you're starting to notice a trend of anime that is not explicitly reverse harem or shoujo but manages to be popular with women anyways being attacked by male anime fans, then congratulations! You have noticed something completely obvious.

I'll admit K was actually a bad example as I do remember unjustified backlash against that (it sucking didn't help, of course). I've heard some stuff against Kuroko but largely minimal, and sometimes even in ways like "it's kind of gay but I like it," which you might find slightly offensive but is seriously not worth getting hung up over.

Nobody is 'hung up' on it. It's not something 'you might find slightly offensive'. It IS offensive. Going back to the 'power play'. This is what the less represented group has to deal with. You think you might be giving them leeway to be offended by something, but they're fed up with an environment which makes it seem like the problem is with their perception and reactions and not the people dishing out bigoted comments. 'Gay' is not a negative attribute and not a legitimate detraction from a show. A statement like 'wow this show is a little heterosexual but I still like it' is NONSENSICAL and 'it's kind of gay but I like it' should also be so.

Also, just a sidenote. 60% of KnB readership/volume purchases comes from girls, along with a bunch of other manga.

Redfoxoffire said:
Soudadorable said:
I mean you flat out say that Kuroko wasn't originally for girls, which strictly speaking on genre, is correct. But it still gets attacked, or rather it's female fanbase gets attacked. Because girls aren't allowed to like things that are not "for them".

While it's a similar subject for sure, "fujoshi" hate is not what I'm talking about here. I know they get more flak than they deserve, but in here I'm only talking about reactions to Free!, not reactions from typical otaku to fans of shows like Free! Because when it comes to that, there's no need to single out Free!

Free! makes guys mad in a way that anime in those genres do not because it doesn't stay in the corner. There have been anime for girls obviously, there have been amazing anime made off the works of women, females have been here all along, no one is saying otherwise. But Free! is the very first anime made by a woman for a certain group of girls who don't want the same two genres that have been deemed "female acceptable". They want a sports show made for them, they want a fanservice show made for them, they want a show depicting close friendship between males (ohmygerd das gay tho hurrr), they want ship teasing. And that's what they got. One freaking anime with all those things, bring out your pitchforks.

And yet if Free! had been made by any other production company (except maybe SHAFT), it would just be another on the pile. Free! only has any infamy because it's made by KyoAni. That's the point I'm trying to make.

Never mind the fact that you are randomly comparing two different forms of media, you're also implying taking food from a starving child and feeding it to an overfed one is somehow exactly comparable to the inverse. It's not, and that's a painful weak argument to suggest it is.

Another ridiculous extreme. Your victim complex is showing.

I mean, I've often been considered a feminist, but what you're saying is overboard.

That's not what a victim complex is. This person has no personal failures that they're trying to blame on other people. They're offering a differing point of view on this subject that you're brushing off because it comes off as 'overboard'. Their assessment of the situation is not any more biased than yours.

Also, everyone should identify as a feminist, not just 'often' or 'sometimes'. Feminism is about equality. You might not identify with certain feminist movements, but that's another issue.

Redfoxoffire said:
Soudadorable said:
I'll admit the point of it being Kyoani being a big deal is factually correct, but the entitlement that Kyoani fans felt is not an isolated case as you are painting it to be, it's indicative of the much bigger problem of lack of representation for all sorts of groups in media, anime being a prime example.

I think I agree with this, but just to be sure I'm reading you write, what exactly do you mean by "isolated case?"
hikoghertAug 15, 2013 11:09 AM
Aug 15, 2013 11:52 AM

Jan 2009
To put it simply people are tired of KyoAni and it's flopping animes. It was such a promising studio in the past, back then you would be a fool to not watch every release. But now they are dropping anime projects from KEY for free!? Are we serious.....I think that is were all the outrage is coming from, im sure it started on a japanese forum and slowly crept it's way here.

Next KyoAni is going to come out with Boku no Pico 2 and reject a project to create "rewrite" From key. KyoAni is taking a jump in the wrong damn direction with this anime. Really hope it flops
Aug 15, 2013 12:31 PM
Jun 2012
DarthVantos said:
To put it simply people are tired of KyoAni and it's flopping animes. It was such a promising studio in the past, back then you would be a fool to not watch every release. But now they are dropping anime projects from KEY for free!? Are we serious.....I think that is were all the outrage is coming from, im sure it started on a japanese forum and slowly crept it's way here.

Next KyoAni is going to come out with Boku no Pico 2 and reject a project to create "rewrite" From key. KyoAni is taking a jump in the wrong damn direction with this anime. Really hope it flops

That might have made sense. If this wasn't just like all those other kyoani shows, except targeted at girls. And K-on was hardly a "flop".

Don't remember people calling K-on a lesbian anime either, or complaining about the lack of music. I'm sure there are anecdotal exceptions, but it wasn't common. So yes, it's all about it being targeted at girls.
Aug 15, 2013 4:44 PM

Dec 2007
DarthVantos said:
To put it simply people are tired of KyoAni and it's flopping animes. It was such a promising studio in the past, back then you would be a fool to not watch every release. But now they are dropping anime projects from KEY for free!? Are we serious.....I think that is were all the outrage is coming from, im sure it started on a japanese forum and slowly crept it's way here.

Next KyoAni is going to come out with Boku no Pico 2 and reject a project to create "rewrite" From key. KyoAni is taking a jump in the wrong damn direction with this anime. Really hope it flops

Zzzzzzz.. Sorry Free is NOT gonna flop
Aug 15, 2013 5:43 PM

Jan 2013
I am a 19 year old female. I've flipped through the Free! forums and even written a bit about my opinion on one episode or another. I personally dislike it when I see other females lash out at others and say "Us girls need fanservice too!" which I do agree with, but I never really saw anyone going completely over the top with calling it out on it's fanservice. By what I've read, it's because this is from a KyoAni studio? I don't really understand that so could someone explain this to me? I don't really follow anime based upon studio name. I thought all studios produced the same variety of anime.

My rating on Free! keeps jumping between 6 and 7. I mean, I'll be the first to admit I like bishounen. Sue me. Pretty boys make me feel fuzzy inside. Take a look at my Fushimi signature. I've watched a lot of sucky bishounen anime. In fact, I think most of bishounen anime is terrible. Karneval and Amnesia were...ugh. This might sound weird, but I like "for female" fanservice... but at the same time I don't. There are some parts of Free! that make me cringe. Episode 4 most specifically. I just didn't think it was classy and I can't take the characters seriously (not that they were ever supposed to be taken seriously. I think I might be one of the only girls who finds Haruka's consistent "silent and cool" aura to be somewhat annoying).

I'll also say that I thought Free! was going to have more competitive swimming in it. I should've read up more on it after my friend told me to watch this with her.

I'm not really taking a side here, just showing another perspective on this if anyone is interested, because I am also bewildered on why this is a "controversy".
kyorikaAug 15, 2013 5:48 PM
Aug 15, 2013 10:37 PM

Mar 2011
DarthVantos said:
To put it simply people are tired of KyoAni and it's flopping animes. It was such a promising studio in the past, back then you would be a fool to not watch every release. But now they are dropping anime projects from KEY for free!? Are we serious.....I think that is were all the outrage is coming from, im sure it started on a japanese forum and slowly crept it's way here.

Next KyoAni is going to come out with Boku no Pico 2 and reject a project to create "rewrite" From key. KyoAni is taking a jump in the wrong damn direction with this anime. Really hope it flops
-Flopping anime? Chu2koi sold well, and people are expecting Free! to sell fairly well also.
-KyoAni is not obligated to animate every KEY visual novel. They're becoming more independent as a studio and are animating titles that THEY own the rights too
-Boku no Pico 2? Are you retarded?
-KyoAni is taking a jump in the right direction, since now they are animating and profitting off their own titles
-Free! will not flop, so get over it
Aug 16, 2013 1:46 AM
Mar 2010
DarthVantos said:
To put it simply people are tired of KyoAni and it's flopping animes.

I dunno what you're talking about. Only two KyoAni anime have really flopped. Tamako Market and Nichijou.

DarthVantos said:
It was such a promising studio in the past, back then you would be a fool to not watch every release. But now they are dropping anime projects from KEY for free!? Are we serious.....I think that is were all the outrage is coming from, im sure it started on a japanese forum and slowly crept it's way here.

Well, I'll admit that Clannad was great and K-On! was fun, I loved them. But KyoAni is under no obligation to animate KEY's visual novels. It's their(KyoAni's) decision. The outrage is from the Japanese side? Nah. At first you could see posts on 2chan and Yaoron about how they were so mad(I think they're still mad at Yaoron) but now not many call it 'fujoshit'(which Free! isn't btw) and many enjoy it. Western fans are just mad that KyoAni 'betrayed' them by making an anime for girls.

DarthVantos said:
Next KyoAni is going to come out with Boku no Pico 2 and reject a project to create "rewrite" From key. KyoAni is taking a jump in the wrong damn direction with this anime. Really hope it flops

Don't worry, I assure you KyoAni will never make Boku no Pico 2. Though, yes, they probably won't animate Rewrite from KEY. And I'm sorry to inform you that Free! will most likely NOT flop. Why? Here:

1. The Novel has sold very well for KyoAni. KA Esuma Bunko's books have never charted in the past I believe. But High Speed! sold more about 25k which is saying something.

2. Character Songs are selling amazingly well. Most character songs for anime don't chart or sell less than 5k. Free! is selling more than 15k. Not to mention Free! is an original anime.

3. The Opening and the Ending are selling very well, the Ending could probably sell 40k(sold 32k so far) or something. That is just phenomenal because it's an original anime and only a few songs sell more than 30k first week. (Well, exceptions are Nana Mizuki etc.)

4. Merchandise keeps getting made and from the looks of things are selling good.

5.BD and DVD sales have taken a strong upward turn lately and could sell 15k or so. Which is great.
Check out the News Club for daily rankings, discussion on future CD and BD releases, manga and novels. New members are welcome!
Aug 16, 2013 2:33 AM

Oct 2012
DarthVantos said:
To put it simply people are tired of KyoAni and it's flopping animes. It was such a promising studio in the past, back then you would be a fool to not watch every release. But now they are dropping anime projects from KEY for free!? Are we serious.....I think that is were all the outrage is coming from, im sure it started on a japanese forum and slowly crept it's way here.

Next KyoAni is going to come out with Boku no Pico 2 and reject a project to create "rewrite" From key. KyoAni is taking a jump in the wrong damn direction with this anime. Really hope it flops

why do i feel like this guy torrents instead of buying?
Alone on a Friday night? Remember that DIO did nothing wrong!
Aug 16, 2013 2:37 AM

Apr 2013
Itermin8rX said:
DarthVantos said:
To put it simply people are tired of KyoAni and it's flopping animes. It was such a promising studio in the past, back then you would be a fool to not watch every release. But now they are dropping anime projects from KEY for free!? Are we serious.....I think that is were all the outrage is coming from, im sure it started on a japanese forum and slowly crept it's way here.

Next KyoAni is going to come out with Boku no Pico 2 and reject a project to create "rewrite" From key. KyoAni is taking a jump in the wrong damn direction with this anime. Really hope it flops

why do i feel like this guy torrents instead of buying?
Because he does...

Aug 16, 2013 3:20 AM

May 2013
The posts are all so long here.

OT: Because people like to whine. Fairy Tail gives lots of fanservice for male audiences but they complained how Fairy Tail is all about fanservice. And now Free! gives fanservice for female audiences, they also complained. They don't even buy the anime and yet they complained like KyoAni just scammed them.
Aug 16, 2013 4:08 AM
Aug 2012
I honestly do not know wtf my moewatchin compatriots are complaining for, they are just stupid. I apologize for them, I mean, what part of this show being about almost naked dudes swimming all the time did you think KyoAni wanted us, who mostly watch anime comprised of only girls - save the main character for romance related shows, to enjoy? The signs were clear, KyoAni doesn't really give a shit about catering to just the moe-lovers, this was clear when they stopped adapting key anime, and started adapting crap like Nichijou and the forgettable all-ages, Tamako-Market.

All you had to do was look at the thumbnail when you go to this shows description page, see the MUSCLES instead of wide varying array of bust sizes that are unmistakingly all belonging to moe-girls to realize that this show was not aimed at your typical Kyoani fan.

So when I looked at the teaser art for this show, and noticed that I all I saw, was I don't know, MALE BODIES EVERYWHERE, I would flip through the first episode only, and very quickly decide this show wasn't for me. That's no reason to bad mouth the show though, I think the main reason for there being resentment for the show is because Kyoani is doing it, and it's bringing a lot of attention from where people aren't used to this sort of thing, and all of a sudden we're getting a lot of opinions from the male side. I mean, it's Kyoani, they practically led the moe-revolution that is anime today. Personally, I speak for myself, and i am kind of just rambling here, but I know that when I first got started on Moe, I was also really tired of all the masculine crap that is American culture. So this is the kind of show moe-watchers hate, because man, why was i only fed masculine crap growing up? ONE CUTE SHOW ABOUT CUTE GIRLS DOING CUTE THINGS WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE GROWING UP IN AMERICA. even though I wouldn't have watched it because I didn't want to be embarassed, hehheh.

Yea, there's nothing wrong with this show, I think there's just a lot of confused and mis-led Kyoani fans, who haven't seen a show like Ouran Host High or Fruits Basket, or a josei/shoujo show with lots of fanservice in general, to know they should stay the fuk away, So don't get your boxers riled up men, our panty wearing better halves seem to like this show, even if we hate the show, let's try our best not to bad mouth it, because they do. Would we want fan-girls coming in all of our moe-threads complaining about effeminate action and unfair female-body stereotypes? Shit is anime, this show got MALE BODIES, are you seriously trying to pick the plot apart? Why waste your time? You don't want a show like Kiniro-Mosaic to be judged on it's plot right? That would be silly. don't be silly guys.
MoeWatchinMadmanAug 16, 2013 4:17 AM
Aug 16, 2013 5:41 AM

Apr 2012
DarthVantos said:
To put it simply people are tired of KyoAni and it's flopping animes. It was such a promising studio in the past, back then you would be a fool to not watch every release. But now they are dropping anime projects from KEY for free!? Are we serious.....I think that is were all the outrage is coming from, im sure it started on a japanese forum and slowly crept it's way here.

Next KyoAni is going to come out with Boku no Pico 2 and reject a project to create "rewrite" From key. KyoAni is taking a jump in the wrong damn direction with this anime. Really hope it flops
The people who have already responded to your post pointing out your argument's numerous flaws and inaccuracies pretty much said everything that needed to be said. However...
But now they are dropping anime projects from KEY for free!?
I'm pretty sure this is coming from the mistaken idea that Key asked KyoAni "Could you pretty please animate Little Busters! for us? <3" and KyoAni responded "No. We only animate non-Key stuff!"

If you read this news article posted on MAL a while back, you'll see that KyoAni never turned down an offer to animate Little Busters!

On the contrary, it was Key who wasn't willing to wait their turn with KyoAni. From the article:

"...the President of Visual Arts, said he wanted to ask Kyoto Animation to produce [the] Little Busters! anime, but Kyoto Animation has been quite busy in producing other titles and Visual Arts could not wait for their turn to come...

...Visual Arts with anime producers have convinced [the President of Visual Arts] that the production studio of [the]Little Busters anime is not necessarily Kyoto Animation."

As such, if an anime adaptation of Rewrite is ever announced (and I hope to God it is, having just finished the amazing visual novel myself a couple of days ago), if it's animated by anyone other than KyoAni, to make the baseless assumption that KyoAni turned down an offer to animate it would be asinine, though that's exactly what you're doing here with Little Busters!.

Aug 16, 2013 9:39 AM

Jan 2009
phoenixalia said:
DarthVantos said:
To put it simply people are tired of KyoAni and it's flopping animes.

I dunno what you're talking about. Only two KyoAni anime have really flopped. Tamako Market and Nichijou.

DarthVantos said:
It was such a promising studio in the past, back then you would be a fool to not watch every release. But now they are dropping anime projects from KEY for free!? Are we serious.....I think that is were all the outrage is coming from, im sure it started on a japanese forum and slowly crept it's way here.

Well, I'll admit that Clannad was great and K-On! was fun, I loved them. But KyoAni is under no obligation to animate KEY's visual novels. It's their(KyoAni's) decision. The outrage is from the Japanese side? Nah. At first you could see posts on 2chan and Yaoron about how they were so mad(I think they're still mad at Yaoron) but now not many call it 'fujoshit'(which Free! isn't btw) and many enjoy it. Western fans are just mad that KyoAni 'betrayed' them by making an anime for girls.

DarthVantos said:
Next KyoAni is going to come out with Boku no Pico 2 and reject a project to create "rewrite" From key. KyoAni is taking a jump in the wrong damn direction with this anime. Really hope it flops

Don't worry, I assure you KyoAni will never make Boku no Pico 2. Though, yes, they probably won't animate Rewrite from KEY. And I'm sorry to inform you that Free! will most likely NOT flop. Why? Here:

1. The Novel has sold very well for KyoAni. KA Esuma Bunko's books have never charted in the past I believe. But High Speed! sold more about 25k which is saying something.

2. Character Songs are selling amazingly well. Most character songs for anime don't chart or sell less than 5k. Free! is selling more than 15k. Not to mention Free! is an original anime.

3. The Opening and the Ending are selling very well, the Ending could probably sell 40k(sold 32k so far) or something. That is just phenomenal because it's an original anime and only a few songs sell more than 30k first week. (Well, exceptions are Nana Mizuki etc.)

4. Merchandise keeps getting made and from the looks of things are selling good.

5.BD and DVD sales have taken a strong upward turn lately and could sell 15k or so. Which is great.

All in all these do sound good hell they sound great! But In terms of the Animes kyoAni has had in the past this is nothing but below average. This is why the rage is appear. Why would you settle for this anime which has a lower potential than let's say an Adaption of Little busters. KynoAni decided to continue working on chuunibyou and free!. While chuunibyou was decent it was far from what you expect from a KyoAni title yet again. KyoAni once a star player and very important figure in Anime now nothing more than a cash shop that produces nothing but money.

I have seen a very many animes and nothing KyoAni has been producing gives me the same feelings as clannad kanon and haruhi. Most the people responding to me on this forum are people who have one track minds and only watch a certain type of anime. If someone insults their holy religious ways they will be smited. From your numbers are correct than i will be correct in thinking this will not be on par with their other projects.

But no worry Production IG coming to save anime industry with Shingeki no kyojin.
Aug 16, 2013 12:29 PM
Mar 2010
DarthVantos said:

All in all these do sound good hell they sound great! But In terms of the Animes kyoAni has had in the past this is nothing but below average. This is why the rage is appear.

It's below average according to you and a few fans like you. But mainly it's because it has fanservice for girls.

DarthVantos said:
Why would you settle for this anime which has a lower potential than let's say an Adaption of Little busters. KynoAni decided to continue working on chuunibyou and free!. While chuunibyou was decent it was far from what you expect from a KyoAni title yet again. KyoAni once a star player and very important figure in Anime now nothing more than a cash shop that produces nothing but money.

Hmm, like I said, you may feel that it's low potential but for say a person like me, it's an anime which is as good as Little Busters. May not be the same genre but yeah. It may seem stupid for you or something but me and other people like me just have different tastes I guess. I haven't watched Chuunikoi yet so I can't say anything. And about the money part, isn't that what companies have to do in order to survive? I mean, I know you'd like a third season of FMP or Haruhi or K-On! but you do realize that for those anime, it's not KyoAni's decision to make a new season for them. Kadokawa and Hobunsha are the ones who have to give the go ahead for a new season.

DarthVantos said:
I have seen a very many animes and nothing KyoAni has been producing gives me the same feelings as clannad kanon and haruhi. Most the people responding to me on this forum are people who have one track minds and only watch a certain type of anime. If someone insults their holy religious ways they will be smited.

I think we're getting off topic here but I'm not really a big KyoAni fan but I agree that I have heard many fans say KyoAni is not like how it was before.

DarthVantos said:
From your numbers are correct than i will be correct in thinking this will not be on par with their other projects.

You mean in how much money they make? Well, for Free! the BD, DVD sales aren't as important as for other KyoAni titles because of the extra sales with merchandise, character songs, drama cds and doujins since it's popular with fujoshi. Not to mention music sales and special events. KyoAni has never catered to fujoshi before and the fujoshi market is offering a whole lot of new things to KyoAni. Lantis and KyoAni are making loads of money off the Music and Character Songs in Free!.

DarthVantos said:
But no worry Production IG coming to save anime industry with Shingeki no kyojin.

Ah, I love that anime. But once again, that's your taste. Others have different tastes.
Check out the News Club for daily rankings, discussion on future CD and BD releases, manga and novels. New members are welcome!
Aug 16, 2013 1:16 PM

Aug 2011
DarthVantos said:
But no worry Production IG coming to save anime industry with Shingeki no kyojin.

Nope. Shingeki will be old news by the time Production I.G x Basugay (that's my OTP right there) comes around this Fall.
Aug 16, 2013 2:30 PM

Jul 2013
parfaited said:
DarthVantos said:
But no worry Production IG coming to save anime industry with Shingeki no kyojin.

Nope. Shingeki will be old news by the time Production I.G x Basugay (that's my OTP right there) comes around this Fall.

SnK may be old news in the future, but hopefully its opening sticks around for a while.

Aug 16, 2013 2:44 PM

Apr 2011
I personally don't understand how straight females can be attracted to male characters who both acts feminine, and looks more feminine.
Aug 16, 2013 2:59 PM

Sep 2012
Nidstang said:
I personally don't understand how straight females can be attracted to male characters who both acts feminine, and looks more feminine.

ahh Lifes greatest mystery... I use to think the same, but gender roles are hardly what they use to be. Besides not even women understand women.Your confusion is normal so don't worry about understanding. Men have given up on that "idea" long ago...
Aug 16, 2013 3:23 PM

Jul 2013
Nidstang said:
I personally don't understand how straight females can be attracted to male characters who both acts feminine, and looks more feminine.

Some traits that are associated with being "feminine" in today's society include sensitivity, emotional awareness, kindness, and courtesy. So if you don't understand, just try rephrasing it.

"I personally don't understand how straight females can be attracted to male characters that are sensitive, caring, and courteous." There you have it! Dating a guy like that is much more refreshing than the stereotypical "masculine" type who try to be tough and bottle up their emotions for the sake of appearing strong. Because eventually they blow up and it's not pretty. I dated a football player with "feminine" qualities and it was definitely my best relationship so far. And he got along with guys as well. In fact, he was what brought his group of friends together.

Also I don't see how they look feminine besides Nagisa. They look like your standard anime men except with more muscle.
Aug 16, 2013 4:04 PM

Dec 2012
No, I don't think that's the only reason. The other reasons you already mentioned on the OP.

But to be blunt, I think most people ''hate'' on the show or bash it because it is fun, it's simply too fun to give any kind of criticism, valid or not against the show and see the rapid fan girls and the whiteknight fags respond to it with stuff like:
'' Aren't girls allowed to have fun once in a while?!''
'' You all are just mad because Kyo ani decided to cater to another demographic''
'' You are just a homophobe.''

Come on lets face it, the show is gay albeit not in the literal sense of the word but the show is pretty damn gay. The show is just man-service and a slice of life. It's really nothing special, and other than I personal enjoyment, I wouldn't understand if someone rate this above 5.

Personally my ONLY problem regarding the show is that it's often compared to Kuroko no Baske. Now that just pisses me off, because:

A/ KnB is a serious anime that focus most of the time on Basketball.
B/ KnB hardly has any fanservice, wither it is for males or females.
C/ KnB's target demographic was and still is males.
D/ KnB doesn't have any kind of Shounen ai undertones or implied or w/e. The characters are just simply good looking and for that sole reason fujoshi try to make it gay by shipping characters and shit.
Aug 16, 2013 6:30 PM

Oct 2012
Nidstang said:
I personally don't understand how straight females can be attracted to male characters who both acts feminine, and looks more feminine.

I dont understand why people like Kirino, while I've met so many girls exactly the same as her ; bitchy and rude. and They say real girls aren't good enough.

tsudecimo said:
The show is just man-service and a slice of life. It's really nothing special,

>still up to episode 1

oh yes, almost drowning just to keep up with the team is totally just manservice
Alone on a Friday night? Remember that DIO did nothing wrong!
Aug 16, 2013 8:23 PM
Jun 2013
tsudecimo said:
No, I don't think that's the only reason. The other reasons you already mentioned on the OP.

But to be blunt, I think most people ''hate'' on the show or bash it because it is fun, it's simply too fun to give any kind of criticism, valid or not against the show and see the rapid fan girls and the whiteknight fags respond to it with stuff like:
'' Aren't girls allowed to have fun once in a while?!''
'' You all are just mad because Kyo ani decided to cater to another demographic''
'' You are just a homophobe.''

Come on lets face it, the show is gay albeit not in the literal sense of the word but the show is pretty damn gay. The show is just man-service and a slice of life. It's really nothing special, and other than I personal enjoyment, I wouldn't understand if someone rate this above 5.

Personally my ONLY problem regarding the show is that it's often compared to Kuroko no Baske. Now that just pisses me off, because:

A/ KnB is a serious anime that focus most of the time on Basketball.
B/ KnB hardly has any fanservice, wither it is for males or females.
C/ KnB's target demographic was and still is males.
D/ KnB doesn't have any kind of Shounen ai undertones or implied or w/e. The characters are just simply good looking and for that sole reason fujoshi try to make it gay by shipping characters and shit.
This dude said it the best :)
Aug 16, 2013 8:29 PM

Nov 2010
Itermin8rX said:
tsudecimo said:
The show is just man-service and a slice of life. It's really nothing special,

>still up to episode 1

oh yes, almost drowning just to keep up with the team is totally just manservice
The cpr after it could be considered.
Aug 16, 2013 8:51 PM

Oct 2012
IntroverTurtle said:
Itermin8rX said:
tsudecimo said:
The show is just man-service and a slice of life. It's really nothing special,

>still up to episode 1

oh yes, almost drowning just to keep up with the team is totally just manservice
The cpr after it could be considered.

Yeah true. even though it was just a tease and got cockblocked.

But really, i dont care if anyone hates it but just because you hate it doesn't mean everyone else should. It's like SAO all over again.

90% of MAL said:

I hate it, others should too
Alone on a Friday night? Remember that DIO did nothing wrong!
Aug 16, 2013 9:02 PM

Sep 2012
This show is a missed opportunity to show off an amazing sport. Being a swimmer myself, I was looking forward to a good swimming anime that would focus on the competition aspect, and what I got was this slice of life manservice. I'm not gonna insult the show because of this, but it's still a disappointment.

And why couldn't they make the swim team co-ed just like most of the real swim teams around the world. Give fanservice to both sexes lol.
Aug 16, 2013 10:41 PM

Jul 2008
Reverb_Shock said:
This show is a missed opportunity to show off an amazing sport. Being a swimmer myself, I was looking forward to a good swimming anime that would focus on the competition aspect, and what I got was this slice of life manservice. I'm not gonna insult the show because of this, but it's still a disappointment.
I disagree. I'm a swimmer as well and I feel like it is handling itself as a sports anime quite well actually. For now, it focuses a lot towards more personal struggles (ie Rei learning to swim, the rivalry between Haru and Rin), while other sports anime focuses more towards teamwork and competition rather than their individuality. Additionally, the slice of life aspect of the show gives the characters more personality and shows what actual athletes go through when they are not practicing.

And why couldn't they make the swim team co-ed just like most of the real swim teams around the world. Give fanservice to both sexes lol.
And I'm sure this is the one thing that irks all fangirl/boys that people like you often ignorantly spew. You have countless fanservice everywhere, what's wrong with fanservice for girls? There should be no reason to keep repeating this over and over.
Aug 17, 2013 5:00 AM

Dec 2012
Itermin8rX said:
tsudecimo said:
The show is just man-service and a slice of life. It's really nothing special,

>still up to episode 1

oh yes, almost drowning just to keep up with the team is totally just manservice

I watched till ep 5 I just didn't update it. Yeah so ? give me examples or explain to me how this show has anything worthwhile.

It's mediocre all around in terms of characters, plot, dialogue, comedy and anything other than the animation. There is nothing groundbreaking or new about the show, fan-service for girls existed before this show.
Aug 17, 2013 6:50 AM

Jun 2012
Edefrem said:
DarthVantos said:
To put it simply people are tired of KyoAni and it's flopping animes. It was such a promising studio in the past, back then you would be a fool to not watch every release. But now they are dropping anime projects from KEY for free!? Are we serious.....I think that is were all the outrage is coming from, im sure it started on a japanese forum and slowly crept it's way here.

Next KyoAni is going to come out with Boku no Pico 2 and reject a project to create "rewrite" From key. KyoAni is taking a jump in the wrong damn direction with this anime. Really hope it flops
-Flopping anime? Chu2koi sold well, and people are expecting Free! to sell fairly well also.
-KyoAni is not obligated to animate every KEY visual novel. They're becoming more independent as a studio and are animating titles that THEY own the rights too
-Boku no Pico 2? Are you retarded?
-KyoAni is taking a jump in the right direction, since now they are animating and profitting off their own titles
-Free! will not flop, so get over it

parfaited said:
DarthVantos said:
But no worry Production IG coming to save anime industry with Shingeki no kyojin.

Nope. Shingeki will be old news by the time Production I.G x Basugay (that's my OTP right there) comes around this Fall.
NemuriNezumiAug 17, 2013 6:57 AM

- I only draw freestyle! -
Aug 18, 2013 4:00 AM

Oct 2012
tsudecimo said:
Itermin8rX said:
tsudecimo said:
The show is just man-service and a slice of life. It's really nothing special,

>still up to episode 1

oh yes, almost drowning just to keep up with the team is totally just manservice

I watched till ep 5 I just didn't update it. Yeah so ? give me examples or explain to me how this show has anything worthwhile.

It's mediocre all around in terms of characters, plot, dialogue, comedy and anything other than the animation. There is nothing groundbreaking or new about the show, fan-service for girls existed before this show.

Mediocre to you. Or are you forgetting this is an animated sequel like the other 90%?
Alone on a Friday night? Remember that DIO did nothing wrong!
Aug 18, 2013 7:47 AM

Sep 2010
tsudecimo said:
Itermin8rX said:
tsudecimo said:
The show is just man-service and a slice of life. It's really nothing special,

>still up to episode 1

oh yes, almost drowning just to keep up with the team is totally just manservice

I watched till ep 5 I just didn't update it. Yeah so ? give me examples or explain to me how this show has anything worthwhile.

It's mediocre all around in terms of characters, plot, dialogue, comedy and anything other than the animation. There is nothing groundbreaking or new about the show, fan-service for girls existed before this show.

Comparing to other series targeted at girls that have a mostly male cast, "Free!" is surprisingly very good. I was thinking it would be an another boring anime with fanservice for girls, but when I started watching it I was pleasantly surprised.
Yes, we had lots of reverse harems, but to be honest, I haven't yet seen one that was at least half good as "Free!".
We had "Hakuouki" with a female heroine hated by the most of the watchers. We had "Uta no Prince-sama", again with a character I hated from the very beginning. We had "Starry Sky" which was so bad I was bored all the time, especially seeing that the game it was based of was pretty good. I could go on, talking about many other reverse harem series, but I hope you already get what I'm talking about.

Even now, except for "Free!" there's an another reverse harem airing, which is "Brothers Conflict". I watched the first episode right before starting "Free!" and it was like looking at two different genres.
In your typical reverse harem, you get a irritating heroine with no personality at all, lots of male characters that don't even get developed well because there aren't enough episodes and no plot. In "Free!", not only there's a pretty interesting storyline, we also get male characters with evolving personalities and Kou, who's a very likeable female heroine.

I understand that "Free!" isn't an outstanding masterpiece, but judging it in the pure enterainment categories, we can say it's pretty good. Hell, I would even call it amazing, considering how much fun I had while watching it and that I'm impatiently waiting for the next episodes, which doesn't happen to me often!
Aug 18, 2013 11:31 AM
Mar 2010
tsudecimo said:

But to be blunt, I think most people ''hate'' on the show or bash it because it is fun, it's simply too fun to give any kind of criticism, valid or not against the show and see the rapid fan girls and the whiteknight fags respond to it.'

So you enjoy laughing at other people's sadness, anger or frustration. That's nice. And to the actual guys who actually CONSIDER a female fan's feelings, try and treat female anime fans fairly, see their side of the situation by retorting when people like you make fun of label those nice guys as 'whiteknight fags'. That is just plain horrible and mean.

tsudecimo said:
Come on lets face it, the show is gay albeit not in the literal sense of the word but the show is pretty damn gay. The show is just man-service and a slice of life. It's really nothing special, and other than I personal enjoyment, I wouldn't understand if someone rate this above 5.

YES IT'S PRETTY DAMN GAY.The director of the anime herself said that the point of this anime is MALE UPPER BODIES and friendship between the guys. She specifically said the anime will not be focusing much on sports and the like but it would be more like a slice of life focusing on friendship, youth and drama.

YES, it's a man-service and a slice of life. I already explained why before.
But, with your next sentence, I disagree. Just because YOU think it's mediocre and nothing really special doesn't mean your opinion is what the show actually is. Ever heard of one person's garbage is another one's treasure? So, if you don't like it fine, but for others it's a great anime.

tsudecimo said:
Personally my ONLY problem regarding the show is that it's often compared to Kuroko no Baske. Now that just pisses me off, because:

A/ KnB is a serious anime that focus most of the time on Basketball.
B/ KnB hardly has any fanservice, wither it is for males or females.
C/ KnB's target demographic was and still is males.
D/ KnB doesn't have any kind of Shounen ai undertones or implied or w/e. The characters are just simply good looking and for that sole reason fujoshi try to make it gay by shipping characters and shit.

Well, I'm sorry if people compared it to Kuroko no Basuke because as you said:

"A/ KnB is a serious anime that focus most of the time on Basketball.
B/ KnB hardly has any fanservice, wither it is for males or females.
C/ KnB's target demographic was and still is males."

But just because some people on anime forums/manga forums/whatever said that's it's like KuroBasu you put the blame on the show for not being a serious sports anime like KuroBasu? That's kind of weird don't you think? Like I said before, from the beginning, this show was only meant to be a slice of life youth story NOT a sports one. Sports is only a sub-genre in this anime.
Check out the News Club for daily rankings, discussion on future CD and BD releases, manga and novels. New members are welcome!
Aug 19, 2013 4:14 AM

Dec 2012
Itermin8rX said:
Mediocre to you.

Oh wow. No shit Sherlock. You figured that was my opinion, what a fucking genius.

I don't need to add ''imo'' to everything for someone to understand that it is my opinion. I asked you why is free good and you ignored that to point out something as obvious as it being my opinion. Forums are meant for discussions, not lame one liners and fangirling. Just admit that you like the show because it has man-service, nobody cares enough to judge you.
Or are you forgetting this is an animated sequel like the other 90%?

I didn't get this. What do you mean? what does Free being a sequel have to do with anything?
phoenixalia said:
tsudecimo said:

But to be blunt, I think most people ''hate'' on the show or bash it because it is fun, it's simply too fun to give any kind of criticism, valid or not against the show and see the rapid fan girls and the whiteknight fags respond to it.'

So you enjoy laughing at other people's sadness, anger or frustration. That's nice. And to the actual guys who actually CONSIDER a female fan's feelings, try and treat female anime fans fairly, see their side of the situation by retorting when people like you make fun of label those nice guys as 'whiteknight fags'. That is just plain horrible and mean.

Sadness, anger? umm what? people actually get sad because people bashed their favorite anime?

Why would anyone consider female fans feeling in the first place? fan-service for girls is not a new concept. The show was bashed because Kyo ani made it. If it were just guys with no fan-service, it would have been bashed regardless.
YES IT'S PRETTY DAMN GAY.The director of the anime herself said that the point of this anime is MALE UPPER BODIES and friendship between the guys. She specifically said the anime will not be focusing much on sports and the like but it would be more like a slice of life focusing on friendship, youth and drama.

So we agree, good.
YES, it's a man-service and a slice of life. I already explained why before.
But, with your next sentence, I disagree. Just because YOU think it's mediocre and nothing really special doesn't mean your opinion is what the show actually is. Ever heard of one person's garbage is another one's treasure? So, if you don't like it fine, but for others it's a great anime.

I realise it is my opinion, I just shared it. I'm just asking why it's a great anime?
But just because some people on anime forums/manga forums/whatever said that's it's like KuroBasu you put the blame on the show for not being a serious sports anime like KuroBasu? That's kind of weird don't you think? Like I said before, from the beginning, this show was only meant to be a slice of life youth story NOT a sports one. Sports is only a sub-genre in this anime.

I worded that a bit wrong, I meant that I dislike the people that compare it to KnB. I can't actually blame the anime in itself. Even if Free didn't happen, people still imply that KnB is ''gay'', so in the end I blame the fujoshi fan-base.

Free is still pretty gay though, just sayin'
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