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Monogatari Series: Final Season
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Jul 15, 2013 4:14 PM
Jul 2010
Beware of spoilers, this will involve a lot of information from the novels released so far. The whole thread will be full of spoilers, so do not approach much further if you do not want to be spoiled thoroughly.

I rewatched bakemonogatari and realised something about senjougahara. She can easily be the most dangerous person on the show and so far we have all been underestimating her.

This is all speculation but here goes:

For those curious and cannot read the novels, I'll catch you up with information not provided in my other threads (just check the forums for the monogatari novels).

In the latest instalment, Gaen has technically 'killed' araragi and he's now cut from reality though we all know he will be alive in Hanamonogatari (at least if nisio doesn't troll us). With this in consideration, let's talk about Senjougahara's sitaution.

Thus I've finally come up with a plausible idea to how the series will end now, thanks to rewatching bakemonogatari.

I truly believe Senjougahara will end up killing one of the characters or something (Most likely Gaen). Remember, Araragi is now considered "dead" in the human world, so she will carry out her vow to avenge him = she will need great power or rather, will attract great power. There's finally a reason for her to step up, Nisio's probably been saving her (the best imo) for last. Considering the hints we got in Hanamonogatari from Kanbaru as well, this could mean that Senjougahara will be heavily involved in wrapping things up when it comes down to fighting Gaen.

I'm of course referring to her original promise to Araragi: If anybody kills him, she will do everything in her power to avenge him. This would involve her finding and obtaining a powerful Kai in order for her to gain the power to kill Gaen. Assuming of course she finds out that Araragi is now dead, it would mean that she will resolve to this mentality no matter what.

What do you think? I'm curious and excited because all the clues point to Shinobu dying in the end by this point.
HmmmmmmmmmmmJul 15, 2013 4:19 PM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Jul 18, 2013 4:17 PM

Jun 2013
I'M SOLD AND FLOORED!!!!! The ending of this series will become the absolute best in Anime if this turns out to be true!!!
Jul 21, 2013 6:48 PM
Jul 2010
Grouchio said:
I'M SOLD AND FLOORED!!!!! The ending of this series will become the absolute best in Anime if this turns out to be true!!!

It really does make sense since Nisio has kept Senjougahara in the sidelines, even in the koimonogatari book. He must really be saving her for a last 'senjougahara' arc, especially considering shes meant to be the most important person to araragi.
Jul 23, 2013 6:35 AM
Jul 2010
Hanamonogatari is definitely the most ambiguous installment to the series. If many things are unresolved in Hanamonogatari, or if it ends up to be largely insignificant and the remaining novels will be set after it then the biggest clue would indeed be Kanbaru. It wouldn't be beyond Nisio isin to make Kanbaru a largely unreliable narrator as you said but I think most of this is going to come down to manly man oshino meme.

If we recall correctly, Meme has always had a peculiar relationship with araragi so if Ougi is really his familiar then it would make sense as Ougi works in ways somewhat reprehensible to Meme.

Which then comes down to gaen, and as I have said, if Araragi remains predominantly 'dead' for the next volume or two, senjougahara finding out will have dire consequences. The matter of how is quite simple: many of our characters have had more than one kai infect them (Nadeko snake and medusa, Tsubasa cat and tiger etc) so it wouldn't be unreasonable to say that Senjougahara can very well get her own Kai, something far more powerful that will make her capable of taking on Gaen. Remember, her vow was totally sincere and she seriously will kill Gaen if she finds out about Gaen 'killing araragi'.

As for Kagenui and Kaiiki, it wouldn't be wrong to assume that they were largely responsible for their own demise. At least in the case of Kaiiki. What it now comes down to is realising which characters are lying and which side is actually sincerely out to help others. I suspect this will come to Meme and his way of 'maintaining the balance'. It could very well be that Araragi has been unreliable as a narrator all along.

What you said about senjougahara only suggests how culpable and likely she is to intentionally seek a kai to take out Gaen, much like how Tsubasa sought out hers.
Jul 26, 2013 9:16 AM
Jul 2010
I'll actually be quote annoyed if niso lives up to expectations and kills someone especially if it's shinobu not from fandom but because it'll be what we all predicted I.e. a detrimental to his story and capacity sense writer
Jul 28, 2013 5:59 AM
Jan 2008
So it will be kinda REVERSE katanagatari ending.

Nisio trolled me again, i mean i respect him for the brave decision of killing araragi.

I hope there`s some kind of explanation, if he mets Mayoi in heaven.
Jul 28, 2013 12:32 PM
Jul 2010
fedek said:
So it will be kinda REVERSE katanagatari ending.

Nisio trolled me again, i mean i respect him for the brave decision of killing araragi.

I hope there`s some kind of explanation, if he mets Mayoi in heaven.

well mayoi got removed but then returned. Also koyomi isn't quite dead yet. just in the human world
Jul 30, 2013 1:45 AM

Nov 2012
I hope it will not became a bad end :p
grr.. ;p
Jul 31, 2013 7:46 AM
Mar 2013
I'm bewildered right now. I don't read the LN's, but damn, all this information is hard to digest. Guess I'll have to hold on to my questions since I see there are some more volumes to come and you guys don't have the answers yet. But just as a side note, will Oshino Meme make an appearance in the current airing season ?
Jul 31, 2013 8:07 AM
Mar 2013
Damn. I really liked the hawaiian surfer.


Ah, a few more questions if possible. Will Kagenui, Kaiki, Ononoki and Meme have anything to do with Gaen ? I mean if they'll be involved or anything, 'cause I could imagine Meme to be pretty upset about what she did to Shuraragi.
Jul 31, 2013 8:23 AM
Mar 2013
Ah, quite alluring. I'm still buoyant about some Meme action sometime in the future. You have my thanks for taking your time to answer my questions.
Jul 31, 2013 8:46 AM
Jul 2010
Meme has treated araragi very well but this can be misleading as meme is likely the strongest exorcist around. too many variables are unknown to answer or even speculate accurately but it's my opinion that meme will return for sure in the final books. too many things depending on him. especially ougi. the question isnt gaens motives but meme.
Jul 31, 2013 8:54 AM
Mar 2013
My apologies if the following question will sound retarded, but as I've mentioned I do not read the LN's.

How come Gaen's motives aren't in question ? I mean, she "killed" Koyomi, and mugimugi statement saying that she might've actually helped Araragi by doing so, confuses me. The only things I know about her are what has been narrated in the anime ( and of course, what I've read here ), but that arrogant attitude of hers and the fact that she killed Koyomi makes me think of her as the bad guy, and not just any kind of bad guy, but one of those guys I love to hate.
Jul 31, 2013 9:50 AM
Mar 2013
I see. So her arrogance is somehow founded. But I still can't fathom the possibility of Meme being the baneful character, so I'll continue to frantically hate on Gaen until my point of view is proved wrong.

For every bit of information you've put forth, I'm grateful. Thank you.
Jul 31, 2013 10:02 AM
Mar 2013
And now that you mention it...

But 'tis where I leave, for it's getting late.
Aug 1, 2013 1:44 AM
Jul 2010
mugimugi said:
Reading my own post makes me realize that given her abillities, Gaen is more suited to be the person pulling the strings....
I am very confused.

The thing about nisio is that as a writer he allows speculation to occur because he rarely pulls unexpected tropes. Katanagatari had enough ending that was a surprise but not one that was so unlikely to be ruled out. this means that nisio Also has the capacity to completely troll us in a nisio fashion and make a happy ending completely. from his style I think gaen is far less guilty than meme since unlike meme gaen doesn't feign wisdom. in kizu neko and bake meme was holding himself back imho and He's certainly the pinnacle character in the story by this point. ougi may or may not be related to meme but the fact that he or she uses the oshino name means she's at least aware of him.

gaen severing araragi from shinobu is Also interesting not only because of her motives but also because this rapidly will change shinobus plans. taking into account hanamonogatari and ougi being alive then as well as what happens in tsuki then we can only assume that someone must die. the likliest candidates are shinonu meme or gaen.
Aug 1, 2013 5:16 PM
Jul 2010
I am not expecting a new character to be the antagonist. if we account for the likely candidates to being the mastermind then we can assume that there will Also be combatants against them. I'm curious to see what the rest of the characters will do. we've already had kanbaru and the fire sisters at risk in tsuki and hitagi even declared war on nadeko due to ougi. if a battle royale goes down it isn't just gaen and meme involved. everyone has a stake in the outcome. araragi to say the least needs to get back to shinobu to not be useless
Aug 2, 2013 1:57 PM

Mar 2010
I cannot speculate anything though as I am still reading Koyomimonogatari and Onimonogatari, not to mention I'll probably read Hanamonogatari after finish reading Tsukimonogatari.
Aug 2, 2013 1:59 PM

Mar 2010
CRadu said:
I'm bewildered right now. I don't read the LN's, but damn, all this information is hard to digest. Guess I'll have to hold on to my questions since I see there are some more volumes to come and you guys don't have the answers yet. But just as a side note, will Oshino Meme make an appearance in the current airing season ?

Most probably Meme will not make any visual appearance in current second season anime.
Voice over-to-read-letter is still somewhat probable, considering Kabukimonogatari arc.
Aug 6, 2013 4:18 PM

Mar 2010
Something popped out of my mind.
Gaen Idzuko called Episode to carry an unspecified job, right?
I have not read Tsuki and Hana, and yet to finish Koyomimonogatari; So is there any event that mention anything about Episode or his job in the latter novels?
Aug 7, 2013 1:33 PM
Aug 7, 2013 3:18 PM
Mar 2013

Nan desu ka ?
Aug 7, 2013 3:37 PM

Mar 2010
CRadu said:

Nan desu ka ?

Information on Owarimonogatari.
Subtitled as [Ougi Formula].
Aug 7, 2013 5:34 PM

Sep 2012
Ougi Formula is the name of the first arc of the book, one of three I think. Oogi is Oogi Oshino, first seen in Kabuki so that must be her arc.
Aug 7, 2013 6:45 PM

Mar 2010
hpulley said:
Ougi Formula is the name of the first arc of the book, one of three I think. Oogi is Oogi Oshino, first seen in Kabuki so that must be her arc.

I didn't quite getting the gist of this.
Does it means that Owarimonogatari volume got three sub arcs?
Based on the information provided there, Owarimonogatari novel will be first release/publish in Bessatsu Shounen Magazine--pretty strange though.

Btw, I did know Ougi as I have read Kabuki before.
Aug 7, 2013 6:52 PM

Sep 2012
yukaru00 said:
hpulley said:
Ougi Formula is the name of the first arc of the book, one of three I think. Oogi is Oogi Oshino, first seen in Kabuki so that must be her arc.

I didn't quite getting the gist of this.
Does it means that Owarimonogatari volume got three sub arcs?
Based on the information provided there, Owarimonogatari novel will be first release/publish in Bessatsu Shounen Magazine--pretty strange though.

Btw, I did know Ougi as I have read Kabuki before.
The first 40 pages was released in the magazine. The whole book comes out September 9th.

I believe it says Oogi Formula (originally supposed to be Oogi Dark) is the first arc of three but it could have been part one of three in the magazine. I'd have to check the article again.
Aug 9, 2013 9:21 AM

Mar 2010
hpulley said:
The first 40 pages was released in the magazine. The whole book comes out September 9th.

I believe it says Oogi Formula (originally supposed to be Oogi Dark) is the first arc of three but it could have been part one of three in the magazine. I'd have to check the article again.

I see. Thanks for the info.
Aug 17, 2013 8:37 AM

Mar 2010
Kabukimonogatari first episode; Dat Ougi!
Aug 23, 2013 10:32 PM

Jun 2013
I wonder if the upcoming manga will be translated for reading...

It is a visual manga, right?
Aug 24, 2013 5:33 AM

Mar 2010
Grouchio said:
I wonder if the upcoming manga will be translated for reading...

It is a visual manga, right?

Nope. It is a novel.
Aug 24, 2013 10:58 AM

Jun 2013
...But isn't it on the same magazine as SNK? How does that work?
Aug 24, 2013 6:20 PM

Sep 2012
Grouchio said:
...But isn't it on the same magazine as SNK? How does that work?
Some parts of the magazine are manga, others are novels... I admit it is a little odd but marks on paper are marks on paper so at that level at least it works!
Sep 2, 2013 6:30 PM

Jun 2013
Wait, has the hinting Hana arc (which comes after Zokuowari I think) been bypassed by the final season, throwing all forms of possible good outcomes out of the window? Is Shinbo going to gainax the ending on us again?! *screams in terror*
Sep 3, 2013 1:50 AM

Mar 2010
Grouchio said:
Wait, has the hinting Hana arc (which comes after Zokuowari I think) been bypassed by the final season, throwing all forms of possible good outcomes out of the window? Is Shinbo going to gainax the ending on us again?! *screams in terror*

Hana is set after tsuki and koyomi. Owari and Zokuowari are most probably set after hana.
The story itself depends on Nisio Isin, the author of the novel. Shinbo (the anime director) is just following Nisio's lead with minor changes. Given that Monogatari is written by a gigantic pervert who loves to twist his stories, you cannot just bluntly predict the ending anyway.
Sep 21, 2013 7:10 PM
Jul 2013
Wait wait wait. If Hana is set after Koyomi.... how the fuck could Kanbaru know that Koyomi said that Shinobu will eat demon parts? Unless I'm missing something here.

Also, erhm.... I kinda miss Nadeko... poor girl... does Koyomi help her in Koyomimonogatari?

Any hints that Hitagi and Koyomi might break up? I send death threats to NishiOishiN if he makes that happen.
Sep 23, 2013 4:44 AM

Mar 2010
Xinception said:
Wait wait wait. If Hana is set after Koyomi.... how the fuck could Kanbaru know that Koyomi said that Shinobu will eat demon parts? Unless I'm missing something here.

Also, erhm.... I kinda miss Nadeko... poor girl... does Koyomi help her in Koyomimonogatari?

Any hints that Hitagi and Koyomi might break up? I send death threats to NishiOishiN if he makes that happen.

As said in previous posts, Koyomimonogatari is basically short stories that happened in between previous arcs spanning from Neko Kuro to Hana.
Only the last 2 chapters of Koyomimonogatari contains the opening stories for the next development.

1. That has been cover in earlier novels, I presume. I don't know the details as I haven't read Hana and Tsuki yet. Just assume Araragi tells Kanbaru about Shinobu stuff, Nisio loves to fuck the readers with twists.

2. Nadeko appears in Koyomimonogatari but her chapter is some side event that happened before Otori.

3. No hints on that matter yet. I don't think they will break up at all, unless someone are threaten them until there is no choice left, just like what Nadeko had done in Otori and Koi.
Sep 23, 2013 1:53 PM
Jul 2013
yukaru00 said:
Xinception said:
Wait wait wait. If Hana is set after Koyomi.... how the fuck could Kanbaru know that Koyomi said that Shinobu will eat demon parts? Unless I'm missing something here.

Also, erhm.... I kinda miss Nadeko... poor girl... does Koyomi help her in Koyomimonogatari?

Any hints that Hitagi and Koyomi might break up? I send death threats to NishiOishiN if he makes that happen.

As said in previous posts, Koyomimonogatari is basically short stories that happened in between previous arcs spanning from Neko Kuro to Hana.
Only the last 2 chapters of Koyomimonogatari contains the opening stories for the next development.

1. That has been cover in earlier novels, I presume. I don't know the details as I haven't read Hana and Tsuki yet. Just assume Araragi tells Kanbaru about Shinobu stuff, Nisio loves to fuck the readers with twists.

2. Nadeko appears in Koyomimonogatari but her chapter is some side event that happened before Otori.

3. No hints on that matter yet. I don't think they will break up at all, unless someone are threaten them until there is no choice left, just like what Nadeko had done in Otori and Koi.

Thanks a bunch mate!
Sep 25, 2013 1:58 PM
Jul 2013
mugimugi said:
Some little info about Koyomimonogatari

Hanamonogatari suggests that Koyomi and Hitagi still are together.

The first three stories of Ougi Dark are Ougi Formula, Sodachi Riddle and Sodachi Lost.
Ougi Formula plays after the summer holidays, also where Tsubasa Tiger starts and Kabuki starts/ends (the first scene of Kabuki with Ougi is after the time traveling) but before Nadeko Medusa since Hanekawa appears at the end of Ougi Formula.

So again, their first meeting must be somewhere after Kabuki and Nekomonogatari, mosty likely after early Onimonogatari.

Really appreciate it!!!!

Also, could you tell me a bit about Tsukimonogatari? Like the main plot points?
Sep 26, 2013 3:10 AM
Jul 2013
mugimugi said:
Xinception said:
mugimugi said:
Some little info about Koyomimonogatari

Hanamonogatari suggests that Koyomi and Hitagi still are together.

The first three stories of Ougi Dark are Ougi Formula, Sodachi Riddle and Sodachi Lost.
Ougi Formula plays after the summer holidays, also where Tsubasa Tiger starts and Kabuki starts/ends (the first scene of Kabuki with Ougi is after the time traveling) but before Nadeko Medusa since Hanekawa appears at the end of Ougi Formula.

So again, their first meeting must be somewhere after Kabuki and Nekomonogatari, mosty likely after early Onimonogatari.

Really appreciate it!!!!

Also, could you tell me a bit about Tsukimonogatari? Like the main plot points?

Koyomi notices he doesn't cast a reflection on the mirror and decides he needs to ask someone about it. Shinobu is little help and the only specialist on immortals he knows would be Kagenui but he doesn't want to meet her (Nisemonogatari still hurts)
The next best person he could talk to would be Yotsugi,i but he doesn't know how to find her until Gaen sends him information on how he can contact Yotsugi (turns out she's in an UFO catcher machine, being a doll).
Kagenui appears, and this is important, she tells him that Koyomi is actually turning into a real vampire (not a slave vamp, more like a real vamp like Kisshot). This is due to him using the vampirism too many times (after effects from the most recent fighting with Sengoku).
She tells him not to buff up anymore (enhance vampirism) or she'd have to kill him and there is no way to to stop it otherwise. (Kagenui suddenly disappeared later in Koyomimonogatari, this might be related to it)
Prior to this, Koyomi told Tsukihi to go to Kanbaru's place just in case Kagenui would do something silly again. Suddenly he gets a message from Gaen telling him to check out Kanbaru's place because something happened.
Koyomi and Yotsugi eventually figure out that they were kidnapped (Kanbaru and Tsukihi), because of some magical origami that has been left behind and multiplied itself by touching it.
Turns out the kidnapper is a "friend" of Kagenui, also specialist on immortals but not under Gaen's pawn. He want's to see Koyomi at the shrine.
They meet Ougi on the way, who apparently waited there for them but she's just being mysterious as ever.
The specialist tells Koyomi that he's sick of what's going, the recent occurences couldn't have been coincidences and there's someone behind all of it. (Same thing Kaiki mentioned once).
He then wants Koyomi to find Meme because he thinks Meme can end it all and then want his love to kill him. Yotusgi immediately kills him.
Later, some conversation are being held, mainly with Hitagi and Koyomi decides to contact Hanekawa to help him finding Meme. Yotsugi finds her new home in Tsukihi's room.


So by the time of Tsuki, Tsubasa was travelling around the world? Or she has just started?

Wait, didn't Kaiki con Nadeko, so Koyomi, Hitagi and Shinobu don't have to fight her? So how did he overused his vampirism? Or was it when he and Shinobu were defeated badly whent hey first fought Nadeko?
Sep 26, 2013 1:58 PM
Jul 2013
mugimugi said:
I don't know exactly, she's already gone in Otorimonogatari but Hanekawa was looking for Meme that's why Koyomi wants to contact her. She might already be in town because Hitagi says he should wait contacting her for the next day, with a smile on her face.

Koyomi fights Sengoku on a daily basis for almost two months. Kaiki resolves the matter later.

Oh, I get it now! Thanks!

Hoping that the main girls (IMO, they're Hitagi, Tsubasa and Shinobu) would do something about Koyomi's "death" in Owari.
Sep 26, 2013 5:05 PM
Jul 2013
mugimugi said:
Gaen expects Shinobu to kill herself so..
Also, it depends on what the second book of Ougi Dark is about. The first book seems to be more related to Sodachi or Koyomi. I have no idea right now though. But I wonder if the book jumps around time if not then it's all prior to Koyomi's death and we have to wait till Zokuowari. But I am sure the end of Owari contains some big thing especially when it's titled Ougi Dark.

Won't Shinobu go mad or regain her former glory as Kiss-shot instead? Like in Kabuki? Or has Gaen found a way to cockblock her?

IIRC, Sodachi is a new character right? Hope he/she wll be relevant to the main plot.
Sep 26, 2013 8:05 PM
Jul 2013
mugimugi said:
Xinception said:
mugimugi said:
Gaen expects Shinobu to kill herself so..
Also, it depends on what the second book of Ougi Dark is about. The first book seems to be more related to Sodachi or Koyomi. I have no idea right now though. But I wonder if the book jumps around time if not then it's all prior to Koyomi's death and we have to wait till Zokuowari. But I am sure the end of Owari contains some big thing especially when it's titled Ougi Dark.

Won't Shinobu go mad or regain her former glory as Kiss-shot instead? Like in Kabuki? Or has Gaen found a way to cockblock her?

IIRC, Sodachi is a new character right? Hope he/she wll be relevant to the main plot.

Gaen is kinda all knowing and also posses the original Kokorowatari. I think she might be knowing what's she's doing. If Shinobu could be stopped is one thing if she wants to act is another thing. The books pointed out that Shinobu can't or rather won't do anything like that after what she saw and disliked of events in the alternate timeline, showing her that might have been on purpose to "cockblock" her.
Also to be fair, Meme took Shinobu's heart without her noticing it, Gaen could do something similiar. In Neko: Shiro, Shinobu mentions that her link with Koyomi seems to be weakened or something like that. She didn't notice how it happened and she also didn't turn back into big Kisshot.

Yeah, Sodachi is the old classmate which went hikkimori. Shaft might tease her appearance in Onimonogatari. I don't know what exactly her role would be, besides that Koyomi remembers why he lost faith in humanity before he met Hanekawa. But it is also unkwown why Sodachi had to take the blame, if that's even relevant.

Kokorowatari? I'm guessing that it's some kind of ultimate weapon then?

Let's hope Sodachi's story have some hints about our current situation.
Sep 27, 2013 12:22 AM

Mar 2010
Xinception said:

Kokorowatari? I'm guessing that it's some kind of ultimate weapon then?

Let's hope Sodachi's story have some hints about our current situation.

Kokorowatari is the long sword that you have seen before in Neko Kuro and Kabuki, though the one Araragi and Shinobu used in these two installments is the replica of the original sword.

Kokorowatari is also called the kaii killer and alongside kokorowatari there is another sword, Yumewatari, the sword that can revive dead kaii. The origin of these two sword will be covered later in Onimonogatari.
Sep 27, 2013 2:43 AM
Jul 2013
yukaru00 said:
Xinception said:

Kokorowatari? I'm guessing that it's some kind of ultimate weapon then?

Let's hope Sodachi's story have some hints about our current situation.

Kokorowatari is the long sword that you have seen before in Neko Kuro and Kabuki, though the one Araragi and Shinobu used in these two installments is the replica of the original sword.

Kokorowatari is also called the kaii killer and alongside kokorowatari there is another sword, Yumewatari, the sword that can revive dead kaii. The origin of these two sword will be covered later in Onimonogatari.

Alrighty! I'm having a hunch that these 2 swords will play vital roles in the future. Yumewatari might be used to revive Koyomi? Since he's almost fully vampire and all?
Sep 27, 2013 3:55 AM

Mar 2010
Xinception said:
yukaru00 said:
Xinception said:

Kokorowatari? I'm guessing that it's some kind of ultimate weapon then?

Let's hope Sodachi's story have some hints about our current situation.

Kokorowatari is the long sword that you have seen before in Neko Kuro and Kabuki, though the one Araragi and Shinobu used in these two installments is the replica of the original sword.

Kokorowatari is also called the kaii killer and alongside kokorowatari there is another sword, Yumewatari, the sword that can revive dead kaii. The origin of these two sword will be covered later in Onimonogatari.

Alrighty! I'm having a hunch that these 2 swords will play vital roles in the future. Yumewatari might be used to revive Koyomi? Since he's almost fully vampire and all?

Most probably.
Sep 27, 2013 2:22 PM
Jul 2013
yukaru00 said:
Xinception said:
yukaru00 said:
Xinception said:

Kokorowatari? I'm guessing that it's some kind of ultimate weapon then?

Let's hope Sodachi's story have some hints about our current situation.

Kokorowatari is the long sword that you have seen before in Neko Kuro and Kabuki, though the one Araragi and Shinobu used in these two installments is the replica of the original sword.

Kokorowatari is also called the kaii killer and alongside kokorowatari there is another sword, Yumewatari, the sword that can revive dead kaii. The origin of these two sword will be covered later in Onimonogatari.

Alrighty! I'm having a hunch that these 2 swords will play vital roles in the future. Yumewatari might be used to revive Koyomi? Since he's almost fully vampire and all?

Most probably.

But the Yumewatari's location is nowhere to be found yet, yes?
Sep 27, 2013 11:06 PM

Mar 2010
Xinception said:

But the Yumewatari's location is nowhere to be found yet, yes?

Besides its function and origin, Nisio never told what happened to the sword after some misfortune happened to the original wielder.
Sep 28, 2013 7:04 AM
Jul 2013
yukaru00 said:
Xinception said:

But the Yumewatari's location is nowhere to be found yet, yes?

Besides its function and origin, Nisio never told what happened to the sword after some misfortune happened to the original wielder.

Big thanks to you and mugimugi for helping me catch up! Really appreciate it!
Oct 22, 2013 6:16 AM

Jul 2012
mugimugi said:
Okay I think we got a possible NTR ending.. again.

well, since I love all the girl characters here so NTR is not really a problem to me :D

not like Katanagatari, at that time I was really surprised, it's just like wtf? eventually he goes with Hitei hime? :v
Oct 22, 2013 4:13 PM

Oct 2013
mugimugi said:
Okay I think we got a possible NTR ending.. again.

How so?
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