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Jul 11, 2013 9:04 AM

May 2012

In a recent article on ANN, editor Zac Bertschy criticized C³-bu , by linking it to gun culture in the US.

My question is, do you think C³-bu promotes gun-culture?

Zac's article can be found here -

And my blog response can be found here -

Personally, I thought Zac's article was pretty uncalled for.
And I'm very interested to hear your opinion on this topic!
Jul 11, 2013 9:13 AM
Jul 2018
Without reading either article... just wat.

Airsoft has a huge following in Japan, not to mention that most of the best airsoft guns in the world are imported from there. The link to gun culture, especially in the US, is a blatantly idiotic and uninformed one, it makes me feel like he's whoring for attention.

I don't think this show is going to make airsoft or "gun culture" any more popular than it already is, in Japan or elsewhere.

Edit: The author obviously doesn't know anything about "gun culture" in Japan, and is just offended because he thinks his animes are being defiled.
His reviews look like a favorite outlet for stress, if nothing else.
removed-userJul 11, 2013 9:19 AM
Jul 11, 2013 9:21 AM

Nov 2008
The trope cowboy bebop at his computer describes him and he's not even amusing either.

Jul 11, 2013 9:28 AM

May 2012
Deserada said:
Without reading either article... just wat.

Airsoft has a huge following in Japan, not to mention that most of the best airsoft guns in the world are imported from there. The link to gun culture, especially in the US, is a blatantly idiotic and uninformed one, it makes me feel like he's whoring for attention.

I don't think this show is going to make airsoft or "gun culture" any more popular than it already is, in Japan or elsewhere.

Edit: The author obviously doesn't know anything about "gun culture" in Japan, and is just offended because he thinks his animes are being defiled.
His reviews look like a favorite outlet for stress, if nothing else.

I agree totally. Didn't even know about Airsoft and its Japanese following, makes a lot of sense though! To link a US issue to a Japanese cartoon is totally absurd.
Jul 11, 2013 3:23 PM

Jun 2009
It was uncalled for and airsoft is a sport. I play it and do not think it promotes gun violence at all.if you want see something that promotes gun violence the Call of Duty series is a prime example. I think the guy should write an a apology. How does a anime that comes from Japan promote gun violence in America. Also airsoft became popular when Tokyo marui created the gear box which revolutionized airsoft. Airsoft is a sport nothing more or less.
Setsuna200Jul 11, 2013 5:00 PM
Jul 11, 2013 5:30 PM

May 2012
Thanks for the replies guys.
It seems that you agree - Zac's article is way out of order and basically exists as a disservice to anime.
The main reason this gets me pissed off is that a whole bunch of people are going to read it... and believe it. He's already made up the minds of countless people for them.
Jul 11, 2013 6:02 PM

May 2009
Why are you even bother with that asshole? His AotY is Aku no Hana only because is different.
Jul 11, 2013 6:20 PM

Jun 2012
Why are you looking at other people's opinions on seasonal Anime anyway?

Their view means nothing, he clearly has a personal bias on gun safety judging from his low tolerance for it.
Jul 11, 2013 6:37 PM

Nov 2011
I'm pretty sure Zac doesn't even enjoy anime.

My Twitter : link
My : link
Jul 11, 2013 8:43 PM

May 2012
bastek66 said:
Why are you even bother with that asshole? His AotY is Aku no Hana only because is different.

Because he holds obvious presence in the community. He needs to be called out.

YorozuyaGinSan said:
Why are you looking at other people's opinions on seasonal Anime anyway?

Their view means nothing, he clearly has a personal bias on gun safety judging from his low tolerance for it.

Because I find seasonal anime discussion is interesting.

rederoin said:
I'm pretty sure Zac doesn't even enjoy anime.

This could well be true.
Jul 17, 2013 6:54 AM

Apr 2012
Oh, him. Yeah. Actually, I'm sympathetic to a certain degree in that if your own local culture means you can't enjoy a show, what can you say other than "well, due to my local culture I couldn't enjoy this show". But someone who has difficulties leaving their own culture behind when watching foreign television shows has no business being a Western anime commentator. And I've previously observed that "has no business being a Western anime commentator" applies to that guy quite well.

I don't think he understands gun culture anyway. Surely, the big problem with guns is that they're designed to shoot people and kill them. That's what gives them their allure of glamour and power, the feeling of protection if you've got one. Well, in this story, the characters deliberately and specifically choose "guns" which don't have that property!
logopolisJul 17, 2013 6:59 AM
Jul 17, 2013 7:28 AM

Mar 2012
bastek66 said:
Why are you even bother with that asshole? His AotY is Aku no Hana only because is different.
And yet he criticises Day Break Illusion for being overly edgy. Although he did mention some vague similarities to Madoka. I guess it just wasn't different enough for him
rederoin said:
I'm pretty sure Zac doesn't even enjoy anime.
If anyone thinks what Aku no Hana did was a step in the right direction for anime, then they probably shouldn't be watching anime at all.
Jul 17, 2013 8:46 AM

Mar 2010
It sure as hell doesn't promote AirSoft. But even if it does promote gun culture, then what? It's not wrong, it's subjective.

That's some signature, eh?
Jul 17, 2013 5:13 PM

Sep 2012
you guys are all wrong, after i saw the first 2 episodes the first thing i did was drive on down to the recruitment center and apply to join the military so i could get my hands on some guns. it really affected me deeply.
i also went out and bought a rambo trilogy booxset, the bodyguard on dvd and a whole heap of props so i can dress up as people from the movies.
Jul 17, 2013 5:15 PM

Apr 2009
Mixon said:
It sure as hell doesn't promote AirSoft.

Yeah it does. It's sponsored by one of the biggest airsoft companies in Japan, and all the guns used during the show are based off of products from that company.
Jul 18, 2013 4:22 PM

Jun 2009
Amarrez said:
Mixon said:
It sure as hell doesn't promote AirSoft.

Yeah it does. It's sponsored by one of the biggest airsoft companies in Japan, and all the guns used during the show are based off of products from that company.

It clearly says marui in the ending credits. All the airsoft guns they use are made by Tokyo marui. The tactical Glock 26 is only made by Tokyo Marui.
Jul 18, 2013 4:57 PM

Oct 2008
Goddamn hippies...

Japan makes some of the best GBBs not aegs :P

Airsoft promotes unsafe firearms control :P. I've seen it happen in safe zones all the time.
Jul 18, 2013 8:21 PM

Dec 2007
eldest said:
you guys are all wrong, after i saw the first 2 episodes the first thing i did was drive on down to the recruitment center and apply to join the military so i could get my hands on some guns. it really affected me deeply.
i also went out and bought a rambo trilogy booxset, the bodyguard on dvd and a whole heap of props so i can dress up as people from the movies.

At least you haven't volunteered for Iraq or Afghanistan just for a chance you might run across a chance to shoot something truly awesome like an MG-3 (basically an MG-42 chambered to 7.62x51mm NATO). I've known some guys who captured one in Iraq - too bad the Bundeswehr doesn't have a foreign legion.

All told, a troll will always be a troll, and this guy's so trollish you can smell him three websites away. There's little point even bothering with him, unless you want to point out that he might as well attack paintball, laser tag, Nerf & its clones, and every water pistol manufacturer out there. Some of those are potentially more dangerous than airsoft anyway.
Jul 19, 2013 2:35 AM

Mar 2012
ErwinJA said:
eldest said:
you guys are all wrong, after i saw the first 2 episodes the first thing i did was drive on down to the recruitment center and apply to join the military so i could get my hands on some guns. it really affected me deeply.
i also went out and bought a rambo trilogy booxset, the bodyguard on dvd and a whole heap of props so i can dress up as people from the movies.

At least you haven't volunteered for Iraq or Afghanistan just for a chance you might run across a chance to shoot something truly awesome like an MG-3 (basically an MG-42 chambered to 7.62x51mm NATO). I've known some guys who captured one in Iraq - too bad the Bundeswehr doesn't have a foreign legion.

All told, a troll will always be a troll, and this guy's so trollish you can smell him three websites away. There's little point even bothering with him, unless you want to point out that he might as well attack paintball, laser tag, Nerf & its clones, and every water pistol manufacturer out there. Some of those are potentially more dangerous than airsoft anyway.
After 2 episodes, I trained a bunch of teenage girls to drive tanks and sing Russian wartime songs. Here are the results

As for Zac, he does have a tendency to troll. However, he also has a tendency to be a complete idiot. It could be either one
Jul 19, 2013 6:28 AM
Aug 2011
Because cultural problems in your own little pond are obviously reflected in a piece from a completely different culture. What a tool.
Jul 19, 2013 6:44 AM

Jun 2013
.......It's like the video-games-makes-kids-violent argument, but for anime.

I'm pretty sure something like Airsoft would be very well regulated as well, so I don't really see how this series promotes gun culture at all. Especially when it's being aired in a country which has extremely strict gun laws .__________________.

Someone really doesn't understand what context is, how is he a reviewer?
Jul 19, 2013 5:07 PM

May 2012
PITNB said:

Someone really doesn't understand what context is, how is he a reviewer?


Glad you're on board with this, MAL.
Jul 19, 2013 9:33 PM

May 2012
I say all this not to suggest that my opinion is the best or the right one

Good call on the disclaimer, Zac. I love your podcast and your streams. Needless to say I'm a big fan, but you're most certainly wrong about this one.
Jul 22, 2013 9:44 AM

Apr 2012
I was just wasting away some time on ANN, saw that little seasonal "review" of C³-bu, came to the sub-forum to create this very same thread, and BAM! I came across this.

Anyhow, his assertion that this show in any way glorifies gun violence is beyond silly. Sure, I can understand someone, especially in this time and age where you have both gangsters with guns running the streets and want-to-be heroes armed and on lawless patrol making the everyday, sane person feel about as safe as a rebel in Syria, feeling that gun culture in the U.S. is beyond silly and far beyond what the Framers intended with the Second Amendment. To say that gun violence isn't a problem is just deluding oneself.

However, it is also deluding oneself to feel that any positive portrayal of guns is somehow a contribution to the problem. Sure, the girls have guns and shoot at each other, but it's within the rules of the game and it even shows them mentioning bits of safety items here and there. Even blaming something like CoD is silly, because no media will influence someone to do something they wouldn't otherwise have already done or been planning to do. I've played hours of CoD at a time in the past, but I've never gotten up and thought "Hmm...that game was fun. I feel like actually going out and killing some folks."

Why doesn't this Zac fellow take a look at gun deaths in Japan? I'm sure he'd find the correlation between the many military/gun themed shows an-- oh wait, there is no correlation. Gun deaths are minuscule there, countable with a few hands. Sure, you can argue that guns are illegal there, but illegal != not available.

I almost feel sorry for him, as his "reviews" seem like little rants that he uses to express his distaste in pretty much everything. He seems to label anything with an all girl cast or high school setting as "cute girls doing cute things" and can't take anything for entertainment value. The exact kind of person I'd never hope to become, he is.
AndyRayyJul 22, 2013 10:06 AM

Jul 22, 2013 10:04 AM

Sep 2012
Zac again? I should have known...
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Sep 18, 2013 2:35 PM

Oct 2009
found this thread by random and then read the most of his reviews ... wow! he workin hard to get that D bag of month Rec. reminds me of those "experts" who offer their opinion on games on foxnews.

bout the show i havnt watched it but seems worth a chance dint have a interest in a gun X girl anime since the gunslinger girl & noir. most recent moe 1's did grab my attn plus not give me dat creepy old man feeling after watching
. .. but im a in a gray area wit moe girls & guns i like the concept of upotte, aria and the scarlet ammo, strike witches but wont 'em watch past ep 2
Sep 13, 2015 5:19 AM

Mar 2013
Of course not.
added the fourth most popular anime onto this site

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