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Jul 10, 2013 8:54 AM

Nov 2011
Gogogogo, finally the swim competition is on.

>It's Gou!
I face palmed.

So much blushes this episode. It also felt calm too. Too bad the boys had to get their hands dirty.
Stark700Jul 10, 2013 9:10 AM
Jul 10, 2013 8:54 AM

Jun 2010
Gou is the best girl
Fun things are fun.
Jul 10, 2013 8:54 AM
Dec 2012
It was a slow and lighthearted episode. Highschool girls likely enjoy it.
Character setting of Rin felt forced, and Haru and Rin reminded me Arata and Kadowaki from Arata Kangatari interaction-wise.
eminagnamJul 10, 2013 9:00 AM
Jul 10, 2013 8:56 AM

Nov 2007
So there's a history to red hair guy's character change and the main guy's stopping to swim. lol @ that teacher, who ended up having that history. lol @ that imagination about the main guy as the leader. That guy from red hair guy's school sounds like Tsuda-san!

And because the main guy's giving up, so the red hair guy won this time.

+ the sister is muscle fetis, is the manager of the club & that megane guy appearing a bit though he hid his face, who will appear more next ep.
tsubasaloverJul 10, 2013 9:30 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jul 10, 2013 9:03 AM

Jul 2010
Gou is so adorable.

I swear the ED is growing on me. Watching it makes me grin everytime.
Jul 10, 2013 9:03 AM

Jul 2012
Haha, I liked the ep. Kou's so funny, saying exactly what all the fangirls are thinking.

So now we know a bit more about why neither Haru nor Rin had been doing competitive swimming up til that point. And it looks like Ryugazaki is going to have more screen time in the next ep..


Jul 10, 2013 9:08 AM
May 2013
Wow, this episode was quite awesome. Btw, I think Rin is kinda scary. His tooths look like those of a shark, and I can not believe that he has a good side.
Best thing was like the boys said "We will do everything to get a swimming pool" and suddenly they get a rotten pool and have to clean it, but only Nagisa and the teacher are ready to work xD
Can not wait for next week to see Rei joining the club.
Jul 10, 2013 9:11 AM

Jun 2012
garydx25 said:
Gou is the best girl

No sensei is best girl.
Jul 10, 2013 9:11 AM

Oct 2012
Gou's fetish is awesome..
also can i just point out that haruka's about to hop into that fish tank..
zozeJul 10, 2013 9:48 AM
Jul 10, 2013 9:13 AM
Jan 2011
Oh Haruka why are you so silly?

Also Gou was so cute in this episode.
Jul 10, 2013 9:31 AM
Mar 2010
Gou-chan should be my sister. I LOVE HER. <3 And she has a muscle fetish! How cute~
Can't wait for subs.
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Jul 10, 2013 10:13 AM

Apr 2007
This show brings me so much joy <3

It's funny how Rei was treated as a background character in this episode. I thought he and Nagisa were already friendly before the show started, but apparently not? Looks like we'll find out next episode anyway.
Jul 10, 2013 11:41 AM
Apr 2007
Way better than Episode 1!

Really looking forward to Rei next week :)
Jul 10, 2013 11:41 AM

Sep 2007
Gou is so great. I relate to her very much. *_* Anyways this ep was so fun! Can't wait to see more muscles next episode. :')
Jul 10, 2013 11:44 AM

Dec 2011

Rei only appeared for like 2 secs;
Rin'll also join a swimming club, I wonder who're the 4 people in the photo//
Jul 10, 2013 11:51 AM

Sep 2012
Glad to see a lot of Gou again in this episode.
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Jul 10, 2013 12:28 PM

May 2008
I predict that Gou is going to be everyone's favorite character! XD After all, she pretty much represents our inner fangirls!

It was nice to finally see where the tension between Haruka and Rin originated. I guess that's why Rin is so insistent on beating Haru at his absolute best. It seemed like he didn't really try and was content with just being in the water. Must piss off Rin quite a bit.

Can't wait to see how the guys get Rei to ditch track for swimming. (Seeing as they're quite different sports.)
Jul 10, 2013 12:42 PM

Aug 2011
So basically now we know Haru should be able to join the art club if swimming doesn't work out for him.
The swimming poster he made was glorious.

Gou is just cute all around. Love her tricep fetish and how shoujo sparkles come out of nowhere while looking at them.

Yes Rei arms next episode!

Oh and Tsuda Kenjirou acquired. That voice.

The Iwatobi mascot looks like Dera except wearing a speedo, slim, and yellow.
standJul 10, 2013 1:05 PM
Jul 10, 2013 12:43 PM

May 2011
That was a nice episode. Got some good backstory on Haruka and Rin. Overall, the enjoyability has definitely taken a turn for the better. :D Can't get enough of that soundtrack.
Jul 10, 2013 12:51 PM

Jul 2010
Kou-chan is so cute :) I would be the same way. xD "Those triceps...!" <3

Really loved this episode! Developed the plot a lot, and I got my hotness as always. :) When Haru goes "That's great for you, Rin." after Rin beats him, his smoldering glare is soooo sexy <3 I'm just like melting. xP

And Haru's an amazing artist! That's just another plus for his smexiness. :P
Lol'd at the fishtank. >_> I went swimming yesterday and I pretended to be like Haru-chan, all in love with the water. ^O^

That sensei is sooo cute xD Ama-chan. She's so nice. Lol, she was probably a swimsuit model. I really want to know what happened to her that she'd stop modeling. xD It's probably hilarious. Also, I'd love to see another match between Rin and Haru, looks like it'll happen in a tournament.

This show is great, just makes me so happy!

And as always, as expected of KyoAni, perfect animation. It's just so beautiful, it makes everything a thousand times better.
fishergirl16Jul 10, 2013 1:04 PM
Jul 10, 2013 12:51 PM

Aug 2012
I just really like this anime and the comedy is really good. And Gou is so cute!
And it was nice to see some backstory about Rin and Haruka.
Jul 10, 2013 12:58 PM

Nov 2012
a really funny and cute episode :-) so now we know why rin is so cold towards the others. gous reaction to harukas body was hilarious.
and from now on i ship haruka x pool ;)
Jul 10, 2013 1:00 PM

Aug 2011
I really like Gou she speaks to me on a spiritual level.

This show just makes me so happy, I'm grinning all the time, and half of the time I don't even know why. Poor Rin D: Well I'm sure it'll be resolved by the end. I'm assuming it has to do with something like Haru not taking him seriously or something. Like Arata Kangatari. I think at least.

I love everyone can everything please stop.

And Haru you can't just walk into a fish tank come on.

Jul 10, 2013 1:07 PM
May 2013
The anime is getting kinda interesting.
Jul 10, 2013 1:16 PM

May 2012
Good ep

Gou <3
Jul 10, 2013 1:17 PM

Apr 2009
Perfect anime continues being perfect.
Jul 10, 2013 1:19 PM
Apr 2013
It's official, Gou represents the fangirls. XD

It's interesting how we see the dynamic between Haru and Rin changed. (Though it really didn't,) but seeing how important Rin is to Haru made my feels hurt. This whole episode made the end card that much sweeter.

In other news teacher is an ex-model(?), Makoto has siblings, and Rei is still the best cameo.

Who else is rooting for Nagisa x Gou?
Scarlet_RainJul 10, 2013 1:47 PM
Jul 10, 2013 1:19 PM

Feb 2013
I loved this episode so much! Not only because of the fangirling, but because the storyline was really interesting.

I think Kou is an accurate representation of us fangirls when we see them

Haru was funny when they were shopping at the Dolphin store and he STARTED STRIPPING TO GET INTO A FISH TANK LOL

When Makoto figured out why Haruka quit the swimming club "because he hurt Rin" I started crying that's actually so sad ; A ; Harukaaaa </3[/spoilers]

So much loooove for this show!!!
Jul 10, 2013 1:21 PM

Nov 2008
This is actually a pretty good anime once you get used to all the naked guys.

All the people that keep raging about should look into the mirror, they might have a problem with their sexually. If you don't like it stop watching it. It's as easy as that.

Gou is actually cute! Although I don't think that there will be a romantic development between her and Haruka, although if it happened, it would be awesome!
Jul 10, 2013 1:23 PM

Jan 2012
That was a cool episode, at first glance, that track guy looks like haru but with dark blue hair :/
Though I wonder why Rin keeps looking back at that photo (guessing one of them got him into swimming but something tragic happened to that person).
Jul 10, 2013 1:30 PM

Aug 2011
jugann said:
That was a cool episode, at first glance, that track guy looks like haru but with dark blue hair :/
Though I wonder why Rin keeps looking back at that photo (guessing one of them got him into swimming but something tragic happened to that person).

Yeah that's something I didn't get either. I wonder who that one guy is.
Jul 10, 2013 1:31 PM
Manga Moderator

Sep 2012
I was fangirling with ya, Gou!
Haru trying to get into the fish tank, omg. xD

thanks to my lovely Secret Elf Santa
for the forum set~
Jul 10, 2013 1:31 PM

Sep 2012
I can't stop staring at Rin's teeth.
Jul 10, 2013 1:31 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
UtsukushiiYume said:
I really like Gou she speaks to me on a spiritual level.

This show just makes me so happy, I'm grinning all the time, and half of the time I don't even know why. Poor Rin D: Well I'm sure it'll be resolved by the end. I'm assuming it has to do with something like Haru not taking him seriously or something. Like Arata Kangatari. I think at least.

Gou is pretty awesome female character :) And LOL at the Arata Kangatari comment. I actually thought of the same thing during the flashback. Poor Haru though, quitting competitive swimming because of what happened with Rin. Hopefully Rin isn't another Kadowaki.

I love how Haru is good at art too and that scene where the art club people tried to take Haru away was pretty funny. I also like how serious he was when carving those Iwatobi-chan. This episode had a lot of funny moments, and the relaxing bgm was great.
Jul 10, 2013 1:32 PM
Jul 2013
I love it so far. But meh was hopping Rei would show up this episode. >< Lol I like Gou/Kou's personality xD! Funny.

Also.. poor Haru making all of those little mascots XD!
Jul 10, 2013 1:33 PM

Dec 2009
That scene with Haruka in the bath omfg

Haruka is actually the best thing. I expected myself to like Nagisa the most but Haruka's random stripping never gets old. The part where he decides to take a little dip in the fish tank omg

I'm not even the type of person who suspects everyone of being gay but I am absolutely positive that Haruka and Rin are in love.

I actually really like Gou. Normally I can't stand the female characters in this type of anime but she's less annoying than most. She is literally me.
Jul 10, 2013 1:40 PM
Apr 2013
Flowing said:
I can't stop staring at Rin's teeth.

In the flashback he has little shark teeth! <3
Jul 10, 2013 1:41 PM

Apr 2009
This anime has a good pace, really engaging. I was afraid they'd drag out the mystery of why Haruka quit competitive swimming and am glad there was some resolution this episode.

Also, does anyone know who the guys in the photo Rin was looking at are? I thought the Samezuka swim guys but Rin was scrutinizing the photo too hard. idk.

At the end, Gou was getting a net to catch Haruka. lol.
Jul 10, 2013 1:42 PM

Nov 2012
Wow, they toned down on the manservice a bit and focused more on the story.
ED still as gay as ever though. Won't drop it for now, a much better episode than the first.

Jul 10, 2013 1:43 PM
Feb 2013
This show is hilarious ! Really. Time flies when I'm watching it.
Gou is damn cute though I'm starting to doubt about my manliness… Though not.
Love ya' KyoAni

Jul 10, 2013 1:43 PM

Apr 2013
"I can't get enough of those triceps!"
^All my feels here. I freaking like Gou.
I wonder who is the boy on the photo that Rin kept? Did I miss something?
I'm waiting for the next episode as well.
Jul 10, 2013 1:44 PM
Jul 2013
Orevataf said:
Wow, they toned down on the manservice a bit and focused more on the story.
ED still as gay as ever though. Won't drop it for now, a much better episode than the first.

ED is actually pretty clever if you look at the symbolism. Like at the clubbing scene, their dance moves refer to their swimming styles and they're all inside the pool (which is why the background people wear masks, which are connected to oxygen tanks by straps). And how there was no water in the desert.
Jul 10, 2013 1:45 PM

Sep 2012
Well, we have a girl character, and she's funny XD
This series is gonna grow on me.
Jul 10, 2013 1:46 PM

Jan 2010
I lol'ed at gou, and haru trying to get into the fish tank.
Jul 10, 2013 1:47 PM

Jan 2013
I actually really enjoyed this episode! This is actually my first sports anime so it's certainly new for me. I really don't care that most of the cast is male either. Characters are very likable and I can't get past the amazing animation.

Brb working out triceps...
-Nothing can stay unchanged. Even so, can you still keep on loving this place?

-Be still my soul; when change and tears are past, all safe and blessed we shall meet at last.
Jul 10, 2013 1:48 PM
Sep 2012
This is really quirky and funny, really liked this episode. Haruka continues to be funny and the teacher and Gou are fun characters. I liked the brief appearance of the coach, too and how he seemed to be in the background everywhere. I'm glad this isn't taking itself too seriously, and of course, it looks great animation-wise.
Jul 10, 2013 1:52 PM

Jul 2008
I think the teacher is my favorite character.

Much better episode than the first, it was actually about something this time. Haru's angst annoys me, but whatever. It's going to be a long time before his habit of stripping whenever he sees water is anything but hilarious, so I'm willing to put up with it.
Jul 10, 2013 1:53 PM

Jan 2011
No sensei in a swimsuit?!? Why must they tease us so?? Hoping for a beach episode later on.

EDIT: Episode 5 will be the beach episode! My body is not ready for Sensei and Gou in swimsuits!

Also I wonder who those kids are in Rin's picture. Rei introduction next!
VioLinkJul 10, 2013 2:11 PM
Jul 10, 2013 1:54 PM

May 2013
Gou is me and I am Gou.
Seriously, when I see a hot guy I get all sparkly and just, 'Ohgodherehecomes.'

Anyway, this episode was just as fun as last week, if not more fun.
Haru is getting more and more ridiculous with this water.
I want to see him get in a fish tank, or just anything really small and not meant for swimming other than a bath.

I'm excited for Rei.
Ready for my glasses boy.
“Victor can’t be satisfied by anyone but me.”

Jul 10, 2013 1:55 PM

Jul 2012
FABULOUS TRICEPS. Too good. Can't wait to see them swim more with these animations.
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