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May 9, 2012 9:44 PM

Jan 2012
Great show!
I was hoping when I get to the last one how the story would end and to me it felt like it didn't end and all it left me was with more questions!! >.<

Did Lucy die? How the hell did the clock start working? Director was infected too (already knew that) and who the hell is that at the door in the end!?!?!

This show I will give a 4.5/5 if it wasn't because of the baffling ending I would have given this a "5/5".
May 11, 2012 3:56 AM

Mar 2012
Good show, i liked the story, I just feel like the story isn't finished yet..
I feel bad for the professor and his daughter, in the end they both died.. ;(
May 16, 2012 9:36 AM
May 2012
If Lucy was the first diclonius, why the company boss and his son had horns too??? They are much older then her.
Jun 7, 2012 8:21 PM

May 2012
W-wait, what? Well, this ending wasn't as bad as Death Note, I'll give it that (Death Note is my standard of comparison for bad anime endings). But really, I have so many questions left unanswered!

1. The facility and everyone in it. WHAT HAPPENED.
2. The fricking clock.
4. What happened to Lucy? I think she died, but I also think she may have used her two extra arms (only two went up, remember?) to shield herself and used the other two to kill everyone. Yeah, they said that she would've liked to eat, too, but that could mean that she escaped, disappeared.
5. When's the next season? ;)

Man, I feel so upset. Not only because the series is over, but the QUESTIONS. THOSE BURNING QUESTIONS!!
Jun 15, 2012 12:48 PM

Mar 2012
Imo this series was a masterpiece, it left a huge emotional impact on me. And all those questions just waiting to be revaled but never happend.. :/
Jun 24, 2012 3:47 PM

Jan 2009
The ending opens room for so much speculation that I think only the author can answer those...

I just feel so bad about Nana :l Being rejected by her own "father" like that. But I understand that was the only way to fairly kill Kurama and make her live with the others.
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Jun 25, 2012 10:12 PM
Mar 2012
to me the ending means that nyuu is still alive and lucy the other half died... when the music box stoped playing and the clock started to gong meaning lucyy died bcuz of the music box.... and nyuuu stayed alive symbolizing the clock working... since both personalities were split that seems to be the answer to me
Jun 27, 2012 4:20 PM

Jun 2012
i liked the anime ending more, atleast is gave us hope that lucy is still alive.

Jul 1, 2012 7:26 PM

Mar 2008
Shuhan said:
i liked the anime ending more, atleast is gave us hope that lucy is still alive.

I liked the ending. It's fairly obvious that Nyuu/Lucy is at the door. I don't think she let herself get gunned down in the final moments.

Overall it gets a 9/10 from me.
Jul 5, 2012 4:17 PM

Jan 2012
Okey, Kouta, you got some issues, dude! Lucy killed all our family, then says that is sorry and you agree??? Damn, that was dumb...

And that final was lame... ¬¬
Jul 9, 2012 4:53 PM

May 2012
Great ending! Sad there isn't a second season! Lets hope the OVA doesn't destroy's it
I rate this a 10/10 i would go 9.6 if it would be possible as its better than a 9 but not a total 10 for me!
Jul 25, 2012 10:10 AM
Hot Stuff

Mar 2012
The real, final, happy ending to Elfen Lied!

A lot of confusion about the conclusion of Elfen Lied has been expressed in this forum. I will clear up the confusion. Please note that the Anime is different from the manga! The anime is meant to stand alone and conclude without a second season. The basic point of this story is about the importance of Family, compassion, love and forgiveness.

Yuka and Kouta are the Mother and Father of the group and Mayu, Nana, and Lucy/Nyu are the children. The children have never been in a loving family group before.

Lucy didn’t die! That was her silhouetted at the entrance returning to her new family. She was saved by Kouta’s forgiveness and love. She had returned after destroying all the people who wanted to hunt her and Nana down and kill them. This was the only thing she could do to save her new family who would never be safe otherwise.

What about Kouta and Lucy? Don’t they love each other? Yes, but as a Father loves his Daughter! There would always be the underlying issue of Lucy killing Kouta’s father and sister to make sexual love possible. Lucy knows this and is happy to be forgiven, accepted and loved as a family member.

Here are a few more observations and speculations.

Kouta and Yuka will get married. 1st cousins get married all the time. It is legal in the USA, Japan and most other countries, IT IS NOT INCEST.

The clock suddenly working symbolizes Lucy has fixed herself by merging the Nyu part of herself and is no longer a murdering mutant.

Lucys horns. They were what prevented her from blending into society and being accepted. When they were shot off it would allow her to appear normal.

There you have it, Happy Ending!!!! Feel free to comment yea or nay.
Jul 30, 2012 1:15 AM

Jul 2011
well let me start by saying i loved this series so touching but not for the main characters like kota i mean he and yuka(omg yuka was so fucking annoying!) felt unattached emotionally to everything especially kota with his family being murdered and all... but for the characters like lucy/nana/mayu/35/and kuroma i cried my eyes out at their stories!! but the one i cried the most at was the one i thought i wouldnt cry at which was kuroma and 35.. man that was beautiful!! T.T

anyway about the happy ending everyone's assuming.. i dont think so i think when that lucy is dead the crazy professor guy found the virus infected himself with it then hooked up with that doctor and created a new race and one of their diclonien's showed up at kota's house to murder everyone as they were the only witnesses! the clock striking twelve signalized time being up and so did his never ending music box!! hahaha!! evil laugh!!

9/10 because without the incest/nudity this anime would have been fine not that im not done for nudity but it wasnt needed in this series
Aug 9, 2012 7:22 AM

Mar 2012
I wasn't fully happy that the ending wasn't the same as the manga but I have to say they did a decent job on the ending. They could have made the anime version better by having more episodes as the anime was rushed and missed quite a bit out from the manga
Aug 11, 2012 2:08 PM

Sep 2011
What an overrated anime this was.

My problem with the whole anime and my opinion on it is pretty much what this guy said (I think he explains it better than I could):

The anime tried to use as much unreasonable gore, oh-so-adorable characters and fanservice as possible to hide its shallow story which was also full of unexplained plot holes.
They tried to use the worst and most over-the-top situations (sexual and animal abuse...etc) to shock the viewer as much as possible so they can say how deep the story was.
I'm not even gonna start saying how stupid nearly every character was, all of them annoying as hell of course (with Nyu's nyu-ing as the worst).
Whatever, I don't really feel like continuing to explain the level of stupidity and shallowness of the anime. Some people and some reviews before me already explained it.

Of course there were some good ideas as well (the OP was also good), but even with those I can only give this anime a 3/10. I'm sad how easily most people were lured in by the gore and fanservice.
RazielZeroOct 20, 2021 1:56 PM
Aug 12, 2012 8:12 AM

Jan 2012
so Lucy didn't die, did she?
and i liked what Kurama did, i think it was the right thing to do
Aug 17, 2012 1:45 AM
Aug 2012
Great anime, it keeps you thinking and it makes me think that Kouta gets lucy. In the manga, well I hate the manga, so no lol. I don't want them to continue cause it seems that both the anime and manga end in different ways

Anime-Kouta gets Lucy
Manga-Can jump of a building lol
Aug 17, 2012 1:40 PM
Jul 2012
I think at the end Lucy didn't die.
Ending was aright.The anime could of been better.
7/10 Manga better. But haven't read it yet.
Sep 19, 2012 7:06 PM

Sep 2012
Loved this anime! though I wish Kouta ended up with Lucy :)
Overall, it was really good!!!
Sep 27, 2012 2:08 PM

Apr 2011
meh anime.
Nov 6, 2012 11:31 PM

Dec 2011

all i gotta say.
Nov 8, 2012 3:08 AM

Sep 2012
A good anime, though not amazing. I'm guessing that was Lucy at the end.
Nov 18, 2012 12:15 AM

May 2012
The anime was a little bit weird for me but somehow I liked it in a way O.o

The ending was sad :/ and is that Nyu standing at the door at the very last part? Voted 4 for the last episode as there's still a lot of questions unanswered >:(
Nov 21, 2012 5:16 PM

Nov 2012
Love the ending,when I finished the episode I was a little conflicted but I couldn't really concentrate at the time because the whole last episode brought me to tears.

And then something about the clock ringing at the end put me under like a trance it was really obvious that the person behind the door was Nyu but I kept wondering what if it wasn't.

At the time I hated the ending but eventually I understood the ending and accepted it.
Nov 24, 2012 3:09 AM
Jan 2011
I don't like the ending. They tried to take the easy way out with that open ending. I like the manga ending better.
Dec 23, 2012 6:50 AM
Oct 2012
Bad ending, Im disappointed...
Jan 2, 2013 5:56 AM
Aug 2012
Really liked the anime but the ending really disappointed me. All i wanted him to do was open that gate.
Jan 11, 2013 5:40 PM
Jan 2013
Simply amazing.
Jan 12, 2013 6:23 PM
Hot Stuff

Mar 2012
I posted this earlier, but no one seems to have read it, so here it is again. Because the ending is so vague, I came up with my take on what happened next.

The real, final, happy ending to Elfen Lied!

A lot of confusion about the conclusion of Elfen Lied has been expressed in this forum. I will clear up the confusion. Please note that the Anime is different from the manga! The anime is meant to stand alone and conclude without a second season. The basic point of this story is about the importance of Family, compassion, love and forgiveness.

Yuka and Kouta are the Mother and Father of the group and Mayu, Nana, and Lucy/Nyu are the children. The children have never been in a loving family group before.

Lucy didn’t die! That was her silhouetted at the entrance returning to her new family. She was saved by Kouta’s forgiveness and love. She had returned after destroying all the people who wanted to hunt her and Nana down and kill them. This was the only thing she could do to save her new family who would never be safe otherwise.

What about Kouta and Lucy? Don’t they love each other? Yes, but as a Father loves his Daughter! There would always be the underlying issue of Lucy killing Kouta’s father and sister to make sexual love possible. Lucy knows this and is happy to be forgiven, accepted and loved as a family member.

Here are a few more observations and speculations.

Kouta and Yuka will get married. 1st cousins get married all the time. It is legal in the USA, Japan and most other countries, IT IS NOT INCEST.

The clock suddenly working symbolizes Lucy has fixed herself by merging the Nyu part of herself and is no longer a murdering mutant.

Lucys horns. They were what prevented her from blending into society and being accepted. When they were shot off it would allow her to appear normal.

There you have it, Happy Ending!!!! Feel free to comment yea or nay.
Jan 17, 2013 3:21 PM
Dec 2012
the ending was sort of anticlimactic, going back to their normal life, i know it was to put in a cliffhanger about whether lucy survived or not, but they ended on a note that was a bit to happy to preserve the mood of the show. I didn't really like the characters that much, they were sort of generic and whiny, and I really wouldn't have spent much time mourning anyone if they'd died, this show is really good, though it might have been better if they'd made me care about the characters before they killed them.
Jan 30, 2013 7:30 PM
Jul 2012
Very good, but I had the expectation of a better ending.

Feb 2, 2013 12:11 AM
May 2011
I confess I was expecting them to stay together, but despite that, I believe this confusion is what makes the ep so good. There couldn't have any better way to finish the anime. Have Lucy died, or is she still alive? What will happen from now on? Questions that open space for countless possibilities. It was the perfect outcome.
M e e k a ~
Feb 3, 2013 1:51 PM

Jan 2013
I thought the ending was really good. When the clock chimed and Kouta looked at the door and seen the silhouette of Lucy at the same time it obviously signifies that it is Lucy behind the door since she spent so much time playing around with the clock in previous episodes. I loved the ending because it allows you to make your own ending. Did Kouta open the door and embrace Lucy? Did Lucy walk away and leave after being seen? Up to you :P!
Feb 3, 2013 2:54 PM
Dec 2012
Laursuka said:
I thought the ending was really good. When the clock chimed and Kouta looked at the door and seen the silhouette of Lucy at the same time it obviously signifies that it is Lucy behind the door since she spent so much time playing around with the clock in previous episodes. I loved the ending because it allows you to make your own ending. Did Kouta open the door and embrace Lucy? Did Lucy walk away and leave after being seen? Up to you :P!

I thought the ending was really bad. Lucy had already made up her mind to get killed by the police. Nevertheless she came back? Unacceptable inconsistency there. Besides, if she came back, it means she had killed another policemen again, which Kouta didn't want her to do.

But at any rate, she will not stay with Kouta. If she stays with him, it will put him in danger of getting killed by the police. For, they will find out her location sooner or later, Kouta will attempt to protect her, and they will kill both Lucy and Kouta who assisted the terrorist.
Mar 1, 2013 2:31 PM

Oct 2012
I really enjoyed this anime but the ending was just so disatisfying. :/
Def reading the manga now tho.
Mar 6, 2013 8:20 PM

Feb 2013
Ending was Great Not 10/10 though (due to TOO short of an anime)
But overall I loved the anime. Teared up a little to fro Kurama and his daughter Mariko(Guys can Cry too ya Know!!) lid probably give this one an 8 if weren't for the fact their is no second season and the ending was a little disappointing I mean the one that Could have easily lead to a second season the Horned Guy at the end could Make something but didn't oh well.. so

Elfen Lied 8/10 Great Anime :D
Argue? Nah Too lazy For That...
Are You Ready!~Gulcasa
Mar 9, 2013 6:57 AM
Jul 2018

I just finished this series just 2 mins ago and this ending man, I was wondering they will sort everything out and have a nice harem ending but noooo.... -_- well good series with a bad ending. Thats all I have to say
Mar 21, 2013 10:19 AM

Sep 2012
ending was wonderful...but f**K, its done..y didnt lucy and kohta live at the end happily???
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Mar 22, 2013 12:58 AM

Jan 2013
For all the hype this anime has, I was left disappointed.

More to do with the choices by the company who produced it than the actual story.

Simply put, I think they attempted to cram too much into 13 episodes. I know they started producing the anime before the manga was finished, but even still, there was just too much that wasn't fully explained or ever clarified. It's such a shame, there was so much the anime could have provided. A more mature, 'R'-rated version of Fullmetal Alchemist, so to speak in terms of what it could have expressed.

Speaking of FMA, I truly do hope there is a remake of this series sometime in the future. A longer, true to the manga version that develops into something better.
Mar 26, 2013 2:15 AM

Feb 2013
I personally loved this series from start to finish the story was good the action was fun to watch and I loved the music. Oh and Lucy was just an awesome character.

10/10 for me.
Mar 30, 2013 2:25 AM

Dec 2012
What I liked most about Lucy and Kouta's talk at the end was how Lucy became so real! Putting in her split personality Nyuu was genius! Nyuu was a fantasy-like character, someone who could never possibly exist with all her bubbly harem-like behavior (she at least provided some good comedy). Lucy/Nyuu could've had a serious character all throughout, but her drastic change at the end gave such a powerful impact to the conclusion. When she changed her hair, outfit, and tone, she became a completely believable person. I've even met people like that! (I mean, colored hair, dark clothes, with an interest in dark matters? That's a fellow geek from high school ;D)
Jym said:
[insert graciously long monologue of Jym's personally interpreted ending]
There you have it, Happy Ending!!!! Feel free to comment yea or nay.
*Begins golf clap* yay! Ending!
Kasane_TedMar 30, 2013 2:40 AM
Apr 26, 2013 6:29 AM
Aug 2012
yes, it is extremely very good anime is good that manga did not make the second season.........if manga did then may be it is not entertaining as the first............if in the end of a movie/video,.....if you are not curios about the fact what is described in the movie/video, then what is the meaning of watching the movie/video....that i think........but i hope manga will create a second season of 'elfen lied'......sorry for bad english...
Apr 26, 2013 6:39 PM

Dec 2012
Damn, this anime was just like I was expecting to.
The plot was really incredible as well and the music is just epic !
Somehow I'm sad it is over :(
May 1, 2013 6:38 AM

Jan 2013
Actually i enjoyed a lot the whole anime...
From the beginning it was a little bit weird,and maybe strange,but after a few episodes i started to liking the anime ;)
I think they overreached all those bloody parts,it was a little bit sad.

And wow Kouta forgave Nya/Lucy??

I would give a 7/10
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

May 16, 2013 11:10 AM

Jun 2012
I don't really like how they didn't conclude the secret research base story... I'm not sure I even understood where the Diclonius disease came from, and wish it explained how it allowed them to have psychic power arms like that.

I dislike how they didn't come up with a fitting conclusion for the guy with the robot hand, he was one of my favorite characters!

Also, did they explain who released Lucy in the first episode?

Overall, it was definitely far too rushed. I gave it a 7, but it could have been so much better.
Shoot first, think never.
May 21, 2013 5:11 AM

Apr 2013
AMAZING anime.
one anime I actually didn't feel sad finishing even though it instantly captivated me
from the first 10 minutes of episode 1!
soooo gooood!
May 21, 2013 10:48 AM
May 2013
WOw..ENDIN was so cool..Nur did she came backin the end right? i think so..stopping of the music and starting of the clock simplified matters a little i think..meaning life for lucy was back at home where she belonged..but still another season would be gr8!
Jun 4, 2013 3:06 AM
Jun 2013
I thought it was pretty good. I hope people dont think theres some sort of lucyxkouta thing going on cause its clear its more one sided. Lucy gave the kiss and kouta just hugged her cause he didint want to let her go to die or kill anymore. It more showed that kouta loves yuka since in a episode its shown that they actually kiss back to back with one another. I think kouta sees his relationship with lucy as more of a strong freindship.

I agree with those saying that its nyu at the door mainly cause the whole clock and music box thing.
souledge94Jun 4, 2013 12:55 PM
Jun 4, 2013 3:07 AM
Jun 2013
Open-Dice said:
I don't really like how they didn't conclude the secret research base story... I'm not sure I even understood where the Diclonius disease came from, and wish it explained how it allowed them to have psychic power arms like that.

I dislike how they didn't come up with a fitting conclusion for the guy with the robot hand, he was one of my favorite characters!

Also, did they explain who released Lucy in the first episode?

Overall, it was definitely far too rushed. I gave it a 7, but it could have been so much better.

yea the main bad guys son released her.
Jun 9, 2013 8:50 PM
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