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Pages (4) « 1 [2] 3 4 »
Feb 10, 2013 7:18 PM
Oct 2010
Shih said:
Aladdin: What dance is that?
My thought exactly
It's the Spaghetti dance. It gives the illusion of being able to freely disjoint the bones.
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
Feb 10, 2013 7:54 PM

Sep 2012
An incredible episode.
We got to meet the Eight Generals.
If this anime is headed towards the direction I believe it is, then this will become a masterpiece.
Feb 10, 2013 7:54 PM

May 2010
Mor dancing Could warm the coldest of hearts and melt butter So cute.
Feb 10, 2013 7:56 PM
Oct 2012
Okay.. This episode had very crappy changes. But my major question..
SINCE WHEN WAS PISTI FROM PARTEVIA? I'm guessing that was a subbing mistake? That's totally not right..
The changes.. They took out fat Alibaba and Aladdin (´Д` ) also shortened that interesting talk they had.I don't understand the point of cutting out comedic stuff to add some anoying emotional anime original bullcrap. Sorry for the complaining xD
I didn't actually hate it though, the generals appeared and their voice actors were great. Hakuryuu finally appears and Kougyoku is pissed.. Next episode might turn out to be pretty good. (maybe I shouldn't be getting my hopes up)
Feb 10, 2013 8:10 PM

Jun 2011
Woah this animation is just SAD.
I can't stand it anymore.
Going to read the manga.
Feb 10, 2013 8:28 PM

Nov 2011
Just 18 eps yet, but Magi already needs a remake.
Ufotable+Magi in my dreams...
"Why do I always realize it... when I've already lost it..." -Guts, Berserk
"Some things are beautiful because they cannot be obtained." -Gilgamesh, Fate/stay night
"We are constantly living in a peaceful world that somebody else won for us. Even if it were only a day of peace, I will be grateful for its value." - Minashiro Tsubaki, FAFNER
"Screw you, future me!" -Makise Kurisu, Steins;Gate
"We used to show off by waging wars and whatnot." -Watashi, Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
"Call me Moses. I'm going to part the sea of students before your eyes." -Moses?, Valvrave
"Time is guilty." -Andō & Tomoyo, INOU-Battle
Feb 10, 2013 9:33 PM
Aug 2011
Artego32rusFeb 10, 2013 9:39 PM
Feb 10, 2013 9:35 PM

Jun 2012
Amazing episode, I loved it. I like the new characters, and the start as a whole. Morgiana looked so pretty, too. I can't wait to see more of this amazing series, maybe it'll be another favorite of mine.
5/5, can't wait to see more.

itsvero said:
LOL dat dance animation. It was like 2 frames per second. Cute ep though.

lol, now that you mention it, I noticed it as well.

Feb 10, 2013 9:42 PM

Apr 2010
They cut out the bit where Yamu and Sharrk were pulling away Aladdin and Alibaba where they both called each others name in vain! And a majority of their hilarious squabble in general! WHY?! I was reading it the other week thinking how funny it'd be animated. They chopped this up too much. Geez.

They better do the next ep how the manga is done... For real. Maybe Alibaba was bitten because they want to rush the bit where Aladdin Solomon's Wisdom to try cure him? Maybe it's going to happen before they go to Zagan's since it seems they probably won't have the part after the dungeon.

Still I say BOO. People must read the manga, it's something you won't regret.
Feb 10, 2013 9:52 PM

Apr 2009
Uchihafan25 said:
Pretty okay episode I guess, except they really seem to be rushing things. I'm kinda bummed they skipped some things from the manga such as..........

@ ur spoilers they havnt even started training yet? or didnt u even watch this epiosode? and sinbad just returned
Feb 10, 2013 9:53 PM

Apr 2009
Kuromii said:
Severely disappointed with this episode. What the hell have they done to FattyBaba and Fatdin? And Sinbad's humour? And the fact that that snake is meant to bite Hakuryuu, and Alibaba leaves Balbadd of his own free will instead of being taken by force? I give up!

And that animation, dear lord above.

At least Yamuraiha and Sharrkan are here at last ♥

you manga people are starting to piss me fking off

its not the manga its not gunna be the same seriously when u people realise that and stop compaining week after week maybe the rest of us can enjoy this anime

bippo said:
A-1 fucked up on some SAO animations, and now Magi is getting the same treatment. Nice consistency A-1. Don't do this to magi A-1, doing it on SSY is enough.

SAO animations were amazing wtf u saying

antonnn said:
They cut out the bit where Yamu and Sharrk were pulling away Aladdin and Alibaba where they both called each others name in vain! And a majority of their hilarious squabble in general! WHY?! I was reading it the other week thinking how funny it'd be animated. They chopped this up too much. Geez.

They better do the next ep how the manga is done... For real. Maybe Alibaba was bitten because they want to rush the bit where Aladdin Solomon's Wisdom to try cure him? Maybe it's going to happen before they go to Zagan's since it seems they probably won't have the part after the dungeon.

Still I say BOO. People must read the manga, it's something you won't regret.

people dont wanna read a boring manga when they can see it animated

Mod Edit: Merged posts. Please do not double post.
LunaFeb 11, 2013 12:29 AM
Feb 10, 2013 10:40 PM
Sep 2012
Calumz said:

SAO animations were amazing wtf u saying

"Some" animations are fucked up. Firstly sugu's boob movements. It should've been bouncier.
Feb 10, 2013 10:42 PM

Nov 2012
So Al-Thaem is the Genei Ryodan of this series? oh
Feb 10, 2013 10:57 PM

Jan 2011
Calumz said:
Kuromii said:
Severely disappointed with this episode. What the hell have they done to FattyBaba and Fatdin? And Sinbad's humour? And the fact that that snake is meant to bite Hakuryuu, and Alibaba leaves Balbadd of his own free will instead of being taken by force? I give up!

And that animation, dear lord above.

At least Yamuraiha and Sharrkan are here at last ♥

you manga people are starting to piss me fking off

its not the manga its not gunna be the same seriously when u people realise that and stop compaining week after week maybe the rest of us can enjoy this anime

No, we'll keep complaining as long as A-1 keeps this up. As fans of the original work, it shouldn't be outrageous that we expect a modicum of quality from the adaptation. Just avoid the forums if you can't understand that.

Feb 10, 2013 11:06 PM

Nov 2012
Also fucking Sinbadass

Also the snake scene was fucking retarded

RX-782Feb 10, 2013 11:11 PM
Feb 10, 2013 11:25 PM
Dec 2012
I am disappointed.

This anime is nothing compared to the manga. (TAT)
Feb 10, 2013 11:44 PM

Apr 2010
Seems all of their budget is going into Vividred now.

Feb 11, 2013 12:55 AM

May 2011
RyanSaotome said:
Seems all of their budget is going into Vividred now.

My thoughts exactly
Feb 11, 2013 1:12 AM

Dec 2011
Alibaba x Morgiana!! ♥ XD hehee
Feb 11, 2013 1:29 AM

Sep 2011
Dat animation on the dancing wtf.
Feb 11, 2013 1:43 AM

May 2010
Monde11 said:

Decent episode, best part was Yamuraiha!

I think Aladin will have a good time with her

And Morgiana was so cute and pretty in new dress
Feb 11, 2013 1:48 AM

Aug 2012
ernst said:
Just 18 eps yet, but Magi already needs a remake.

Feb 11, 2013 2:03 AM

Apr 2009



but meh, animation still sucked..
Feb 11, 2013 2:40 AM

Feb 2011
This was such a relaxing episode . So many cute moments with Morg <3 She's really beautiful :D
Feb 11, 2013 2:53 AM

Aug 2009
"I am not familiar with that type of snake, but it does not appear to have been posionous."

Thanks, how reliable...
Feb 11, 2013 2:59 AM

Nov 2009
SilentTruth said:
RyanSaotome said:
Seems all of their budget is going into Vividred now.

My thoughts exactly

Huh? Why are you guys pushing the blame to an another anime? Both animes have their own separate budgets, A-1 Pictures does not control which anime will get more money dedicated into it over the other. It just goes to show that there were more third party groups that were generous enough to back up Vividred Operation's budget, compared to Magi.

Calumz said:
bippo said:
Calumz said:
A-1 fucked up on some SAO animations, and now Magi is getting the same treatment. Nice consistency A-1. Don't do this to magi A-1, doing it on SSY is enough.

SAO animations were amazing wtf u saying

"Some" animations are fucked up. Firstly sugu's boob movements. It should've been bouncier.

The quality of the animation was amazing in the first half, but it got dull in the second half as it continued compared to it's quality from the first half. The inconsistency is what he's probably talking about...
Feb 11, 2013 3:08 AM

Apr 2010
A whole lot of bastardization goin on in this ep.
Feb 11, 2013 3:09 AM

Jun 2011
Calumz said:
Kuromii said:
Severely disappointed with this episode. What the hell have they done to FattyBaba and Fatdin? And Sinbad's humour? And the fact that that snake is meant to bite Hakuryuu, and Alibaba leaves Balbadd of his own free will instead of being taken by force? I give up!

And that animation, dear lord above.

At least Yamuraiha and Sharrkan are here at last ♥

you manga people are starting to piss me fking off

its not the manga its not gunna be the same seriously when u people realise that and stop compaining week after week maybe the rest of us can enjoy this anime

bippo said:
A-1 fucked up on some SAO animations, and now Magi is getting the same treatment. Nice consistency A-1. Don't do this to magi A-1, doing it on SSY is enough.

SAO animations were amazing wtf u saying

antonnn said:
They cut out the bit where Yamu and Sharrk were pulling away Aladdin and Alibaba where they both called each others name in vain! And a majority of their hilarious squabble in general! WHY?! I was reading it the other week thinking how funny it'd be animated. They chopped this up too much. Geez.

They better do the next ep how the manga is done... For real. Maybe Alibaba was bitten because they want to rush the bit where Aladdin Solomon's Wisdom to try cure him? Maybe it's going to happen before they go to Zagan's since it seems they probably won't have the part after the dungeon.

Still I say BOO. People must read the manga, it's something you won't regret.

people dont wanna read a boring manga when they can see it animated

Firstly what reason would it not have for not following the manga? It is an adaptation of the manga and a part that was already long since covered and finished in the manga there was no reason to make those changes and they make very little sense. Fillers are meant to be used when padding out the story in wait of the source material to get ahead for more things to be animated, but the anime is not running out of material in fact it has rushed through large chunks that should of been covered better. Or filler could be used for a part of the manga that was not covered well but that is not the case here either. Everyone knows fillers are normally pretty shit anyway and comparatively weaker than the source material.

Also SAO had good animation? You must be blind SAO lacked animation the fights normally consisted of still screen animation and half the time when they could actually be bothered to animate it the quality dropped you should of seen some of the screens that popped up in the forum, much like the morg posts in this one. The only thing that managed to make some of the fights better was Yuki Kajiura's music and even that was weaker than her normal stuff it also sounded far to similar to Fate/Zero's soundtrack and was used to soon after Fate/Zero. The only thing they really bothered to animate were scenes like Suguha patting down her ass and he tits bouncing about. I could write a entire page with my complaints about A1 animation but anyone who is not blind should be able to see for themselves.

Your whole "people dont wanna read a boring manga when they can see it animated" what kind of crap is that? Anime can be the weakest form of story telling since it is the most time restrained of the 4 major forums of media for this type of thing (those being Anime, manga, light novels, visual novels). Parts often get cut out and inner monologue is vastly left out. The anime is constricted to a 30min (counting adverts) timeslot and a 10-26 episode tv slot normally they can not put everything in and you will often find reading any of the other 3 that are source material for the anime counterpart that there are parts that are often glossed over or skipped in the anime.

I have always thought that for almost all things the source material will always be the best of any of the choices. If it is a manga first then normally the manga is best, if it is a light novel first normally the light novel is the best, if it is a visual novel normally the visual novel is the best and maybe less often but still applies if it is an anime original first then the anime will be the best. If you watch an anime adaptation of something it is normally a good idea to read its source material since it is normally better or at the very least as good. People watch anime adaptations of the things they have read because they want to see them animated and/or voiced (depending if it was a manga, light novel or visual novel since visual novels are normally voiced.) They want to see the scenes they read and visualised animated and brought to life through animation or the scenes of the things they read such as the cities, landscapes, characters that were only described, the even the fights they read, they want to see all of these things visualised and given form or more so animated for the fights. Even the emotion on a characters face in a certain scene they want to see it or their voice they want to be able to hear the emotion and feelings in their voice at the time.

You are severely limiting yourself if you only watch anime and ignore the other 3 forms to enjoy this type of media. Also people complain when the animation is shit and things are changed and skipped because it ruins the point of the things they read being animated.
DragoonDeusFeb 11, 2013 3:26 AM
Feb 11, 2013 3:12 AM

Aug 2012
I was expecting Kana Hanazawa voice on tsundere.

She's coming next week though. Can't wait :D
Feb 11, 2013 3:20 AM

Oct 2011
Doesn't matter if it drifted from the manga, I still loved it.
Wish i could of seen Morgiana's jealousy moment though..
I love the Alibaba x Morgiana moments <3
Feb 11, 2013 3:32 AM

Aug 2012
They cut some parts in the manga (especially when Alibaba and Aladdin get fat)but Mori's dance saves this episode for me even if it wasn't fluid.

And finally, Ryuu.
Feb 11, 2013 3:51 AM

Oct 2010
Why the heck would they change the snake thing to have it biting Alibaba? Seems they're changing everything to do with Isnan for no reason whatsoever.

The stuff with Alibaba being kidnapped and forcefully being taken to Sindria didn't happen in the manga if I recall correctly. I can't remember the exact reason the manga gave to why he left but if anyone else can remember I'd like to know.

Wh....where was fat Alibaba and Aladdin? That was freakin hilarious...why would they skip that?.....
Feb 11, 2013 4:20 AM
Oct 2011
ernst said:
Just 18 eps yet, but Magi already needs a remake.
Ufotable+Magi in my dreams...
It needed a remake since episode one. The whole series is just one big mess.
Candor123Feb 11, 2013 4:28 AM
Feb 11, 2013 5:15 AM

Jun 2011
Damn why no fat Aladdin and Alibaba.

Also hell yea Hakuryuu, can't wait for him and the Sinbad/Kougyoku joke.
Feb 11, 2013 6:13 AM

Dec 2011
Hahaha. Aladdin on Yamraiha's breast.

And pouting-blushing Morgiana is so cute!!!!!!!

The Eight Generals looks so awesome.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 11, 2013 7:01 AM

Jan 2013
Calumz said:
people dont wanna read a boring manga when they can see it animated

This is one of the saddest things I've read this year.
A mind without imagination, without ability to create life by itself.
Feb 11, 2013 7:48 AM

Jun 2010
Man, that animation! I lol'd hard. A-1 best clown of the Anime industry.
Feb 11, 2013 9:15 AM
Oct 2011
Nah, it's always been this bad, except for episode 17, but this episode was simply the worst.


So let's see:

- The fat Alibaba & Aladdin chapters: Skipped. I can understand them skipping the first chapter, but why on earth did they skip the 2nd? Aladdin became fat because Ugo is not there anymore, and Ugo used to take his powers from Aladdin's energy to get summoned. (and it's been shown a couple of times that Aladdin has no energy left and gets hungry when he summons Ugo a couple of times)

- The training chapters that was skipped will most likely be animated next week, but they'll probably condense them, since why does Aladdin need to learn Magic when he was able to ass-pull magic in the Kouga arc, when he had no idea what Magic was? Right, A-1?

- Oh god the animation, it's so bad it hurts. Just what's the point of an anime without animation?

Btw, there was a mistake in the translation, Pisti is from Artemyura/Altemiura, not Paltevia, since there's another general from Paltevia, and supposedly each general is from a country.
Candor123Feb 11, 2013 10:08 AM
Feb 11, 2013 9:26 AM

Aug 2009
New arc, new faces. It's once again adventure time with MAGI. Balbadd is being reconditioned and the citizens are looking toward to a brighter future - but the Koi Empire still holds Balbadd as a part of its administration. It's thanks to Sinbad's negotiation with the emperor that Balbadd is being acknowledged as a republic. Sinbad informs about the Al Sharmen - the puppet masters behind all evil.

We meet the 8 generals - Awesome.
Morgiana has developed feelings for Alibaba. He is a savior in her eyes and she wants to stay by his and Aladdin's side. It's so sweet <3
Next up is the young prince of Kou and Kougyoku Ren.

The animation did suffer a lot, some where good (Yamu-san), others looked weird or just non-existing (Most scenes are still frames. I even caught Aladdin and Alibaba saying something but didn't move). It's sad to see a party being so non-animated, -make it look like the opening please :P

Aladdin : "What kind of dance is that?"
Alibaba : "Don't know but.... maybe she's trying to compensate for the lack of animation in this episode." ( ̄□ ̄;)

I can understand that A1 needed to cover lots of stuff in only 23 min but that meant to only show the important stuff and cut away "unimportant" funny stuff. Problem is that these small things help us relate to the characters and see them interact with each other in a funnier way. I usually won't bring up the manga, but if you would like to know the characters more, I suggest reading it.
mikadocsFeb 11, 2013 9:57 AM
Feb 11, 2013 10:05 AM
Feb 2012
Hi A1. And if I may add -- go and fuck yourselves, you incapable sons of bitches. Thanks for ruining a great manga.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Feb 11, 2013 12:33 PM
Mar 2012
just how many long running shonen benefit from a great adaptation? it's you guys' fault for expecting so much
plus it's a1, did you think these guys would try to go past 2 seasons? everything was obvious from the very beginning, it's sad but true
Feb 11, 2013 1:04 PM
Aug 2012
That's what you get a shitty animation on random streaming sites
Ill rather wait another day rather than sacrificing the animation just to watch it on the same day as everyone else

It was a great intro for the next arc........ I almost had tears their
KamiKaliFeb 11, 2013 1:47 PM
Feb 11, 2013 1:54 PM

Aug 2009
Feb 11, 2013 4:53 PM
Oct 2010
KamiKali said:
That's what you get a shitty animation on random streaming sites
Ill rather wait another day rather than sacrificing the animation just to watch it on the same day as everyone else

It was a great intro for the next arc........ I almost had tears their

I don't think the animation will improve if you wait for it.
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
Feb 11, 2013 6:31 PM
Dec 2012
Feb 11, 2013 6:55 PM
Aug 2012
Ajunky said:
KamiKali said:
That's what you get a shitty animation on random streaming sites
Ill rather wait another day rather than sacrificing the animation just to watch it on the same day as everyone else

It was a great intro for the next arc........ I almost had tears their

I don't think the animation will improve if you wait for it.

Are you telling me that I was blessed of a decent animated of magi?
Ill tell you what.. my Monitor is a damm old LCD and for the first time in half of a year this was the first time i had a decent animated episode watch on a streaming site

Now i really want to buy magi on blue ray after watching this episode
Feb 11, 2013 11:45 PM

May 2012
alexx_310 said:
So Al-Thaem is the Genei Ryodan of this series? oh

They remind of the Akatsuki.
Feb 12, 2013 12:53 AM

Feb 2012
-MgZ_ said:
Man, that animation! I lol'd hard. A-1 best clown of the Anime industry.

lol'd at this xD

Really, what's with that dance?

Seems like it's getting offtrack from the manga, huh? Anime-original story anyone? or might be for a filler?

Btw, why was Kougyoku angry? Did he "do" it? Did he??? :O
Feb 12, 2013 1:30 AM
Dec 2012
They didn't show fat Alibaba and Aladdin? T___T
Morgiana's dance! OMG! I'm gonna die XD
Feb 12, 2013 5:46 AM

Jan 2009
Aw man, I was looking forward to see this part animated, but this episode was quite a letdown. Still, it was an okay episode if you haven't read the manga and can get over the sloppy animation, I guess.
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