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Feb 7, 2013 5:20 PM

Jul 2011
Amon-Raw said:
Damn Makashima was kicking ass.....but got taken out like a bitch lol

I applaud! That was great of Tsunemori.
Feb 7, 2013 5:24 PM

Jul 2010
MM-Rosiie said:
Amon-Raw said:
Damn Makashima was kicking ass.....but got taken out like a bitch lol

I applaud! That was great of Tsunemori.

That felt so good it would've been better if it was a baseball bat instead of a helmet and more blood but I i take it!
Feb 7, 2013 5:33 PM

Aug 2012
Ishisu said:
I wasn't expecting the Cihef being an android/robot/cyborg thingy but now I can see how that makes sense. Also for some reason I think that Shogo and Akane are of the same kind as the Chief. Why would she want that pure bastard to be captured rather than killed? This'd also explain why his Psycho-Pass is crystal clear or up to his desire. (Akane could be a hybrid or the most human of the robots. Note her Psycho-Pass and the intelligence.

I dont' think so. That would pretty much kill the psychological allure to the show, which is its most well executed feature.
Feb 7, 2013 5:56 PM

Sep 2012
It's true the fact that she wanted Makishima captured rather than killed must be something really important. Maybe they want to study him and prevent more people like him from appearing?
Feb 7, 2013 6:12 PM

Feb 2010
i hope android baasan dies asap.


The inner sea of the planet. The platform of the watchtower. From the edge of paradise you shall hear my words.
Your story shall be full of blessings. โ”Let only those without sin pass. "Garden of Avalon"!
Feb 7, 2013 6:12 PM

Nov 2012
Makaizen said:
That was a very good episode.
I hypothesize that the core of Sibyl are like precogs from Minority Report.

exactly what i'm thinking atm, but who knows?
Feb 7, 2013 6:20 PM
Feb 2013
Hybridbloodszak said:
Oh Akane you're going to regret taking him alive X D

Feb 7, 2013 6:28 PM

Nov 2012
Holy hell this is really 5/5 !! I'm stil trembling from watching it, eventhough I had read the spoiler from days ago!

Oh my dat action. Suspense. OSTs !! I love all the scene! Finally an episode that I really enjoy to the fullest.

Kougami x Makishima fist fight is really intense. Daamn that's the coolest fight in entire series.
But Ko-chan I don't like when you tell Akane to kill him, WTF. No one can corrupt my innocent Akane!! DX
Awesome Akane, LOL when she bashed Makishima. It's really awesome seeing her struggling with her desire to revenge.

Kagari definitely goes for good.. Dat baasan totally shut everyone who has seen the true face of sybil up. RIP Kagari. I bet he will announced missing / ran away in order to cover his death.

Note: and how can anyone hate this episode?? Cmon...
Your so-called peaceful world makes me bored, so don't blame me if I destroy all of it.
Feb 7, 2013 6:29 PM

Mar 2010
Great episode, i really hated seeing kougami lose to Shougo, and Akane not killing him agh, i'm betting that will turn out to be a big mistake.

Kagari was a big loss, he was one of my favs, i hope the chief gets what she deserves.

And what the hell was in that room? why did he wanted to go public instead of destroying it, man i can't wait til next week.
Currently watching everything that comes out to avoid missing something good...

Feb 7, 2013 6:42 PM

Nov 2012
YESS! Go akane!
& what the heck.. the chief?!
So I guess she's able to manipulate the sibyl system stuff including the guns...
poor kagari ;c
โ™ฆ โ™ฃ โ™  โ™ฅ
Feb 7, 2013 6:47 PM

Jul 2012
Click Here for Sig source
Feb 7, 2013 6:48 PM
Feb 2013
one thing (maybe not just one) i do not quite understand is that it seems quite obvious to me that the situation of the downstairs is much more dangerous,since information remains unknown about what's going on down there after those people gone missing from -4F, while the information about the situation on top floor is quite clear.

And kougami himself even said something like, makashima is just a decoy,those who will do the real job are in the basement. And even though they still let kagari go to the basement alone? I mean, it seems to be more logical that they should be cautious at this point IMO. They could let kagari wait for other team members to come and then investigate the basement.
Feb 7, 2013 6:50 PM

Aug 2011
Damn most intense ep yet.

Dat Shougo headshot.
Feb 7, 2013 6:50 PM

May 2012
Good to know I wasn't the only one to think that episode was fucking boss as hell.
Feb 7, 2013 6:58 PM

Jul 2012
Really, really great episode of PP this week. Awesome fighting scenes, especially that German suplex! Dayum... And that punt from Makishima looked liked it stung like a bitch! A lot of emotions in this episode from Akane. Good thing they caught Makishima too! The ending was what got me. NO!! WHY KAGARI?! What happened at the end? Did we just see the lady being an android? What is going on here? I hope the sibyl system is something the MWSPB has to fight in the future episodes.
Feb 7, 2013 7:01 PM

Nov 2012
NIMBUS2000 said:
one thing (maybe not just one) i do not quite understand is that it seems quite obvious to me that the situation of the downstairs is much more dangerous,since information remains unknown about what's going on down there after those people gone missing from -4F, while the information about the situation on top floor is quite clear.

And kougami himself even said something like, makashima is just a decoy,those who will do the real job are in the basement. And even though they still let kagari go to the basement alone? I mean, it seems to be more logical that they should be cautious at this point IMO. They could let kagari wait for other team members to come and then investigate the basement.

because revenge is scary thing, that is.
Your so-called peaceful world makes me bored, so don't blame me if I destroy all of it.
Feb 7, 2013 7:06 PM

Jul 2009
why did that robot lady look so beat up lol. ohhhh nvm she was one of the gate guardians probably and the guy with the rainbow eyes probably beat her up but she's like hmph, iROBOT SON! and came back and shot them both. kewl.
Feb 7, 2013 7:12 PM
Jul 2011
Kagari...Why..?! ;_;

Feb 7, 2013 7:16 PM

Dec 2010
MsDiva said:
aypex said:
That smile at the end sent chills down my spine. NOOO and more importantly WTF?! what is going on?

I mean, seriously did most of y'all sit there and watch it NO SUBS or something?? Because half of y'all getting all sad about Kagari had watch W/ SUBS, then you would already know that the Chief didn't kill him; she just used non-lethal paralysis of the Dominator on him. If nothing else, she'll probably alter his memories of what he saw then leave him somewhere he can be found by the others.

And did you sit there and watch it without a brain?

@people complaining about how dominators shouldn't work on that floor: The chief shouldn't have been able to hack the dominator into lethal/decomposer mode either, and she did it. Clearly she has some kind of authority that lets her undermine the sibyl system (or she IS it).
Feb 7, 2013 7:24 PM

Jan 2012
Feeeeels!!! This episode was so good though!!!

Loved how this episode went back to the first scene of the first episode where Kougami and Makishima fight!

But so sad about Kagari :( :( I want to know the secret to Sibyl!!!!
Feb 7, 2013 7:31 PM

Dec 2011
wow, this episode was just... TOO FCKING EPIC!!!

finally got to the point shown in the very beginning of the first ep. the fight was cool, but DAMN! shinya got dominated, until that awkward save by akane. that was such an anticlimactic, but awesome, way to end the fight. xD

i really think akane shouldve killed makishima; simply arresting him definitely is gonna bite them all in the ass later on, but for the sake of story, im glad she didnt kill him of quite yet

and that end, way to finish this episode with a bang. literally.

hacker dude died such a quick, unappetizing death, despite the fact that he seemed to be such a sub-major antagonist throughout the series.
and damn, poor kagari... BUT I CALLED IT!!!
being a supporting character going off to fight the main antagonist(s) is never gonna end well, especially with how this show works

and looks like the chief bitch is actually an android, the "true" antagonist," and the sibyl system herself? my assumptions, but i wanna see where this is gonna go!

10/5 for this episode

<img src="" />
Feb 7, 2013 7:39 PM

Dec 2012
this episode was too damn good.
That granma actually a robot? or what?
Feb 7, 2013 7:45 PM

Apr 2007

When he was paired with Kogami and Akane I had a feeling he was going to die, but not like that. Damn robobitch. Some nice surprised at the end though. Not about her being "evil", just everything else.

We also did learn a little more about Kagari before his death, which was nice. Otherwise I would have been disappointed.
Feb 7, 2013 7:53 PM

Aug 2012
That was amaaaaaaaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing.


No coherent sentence to say.
Feb 7, 2013 7:53 PM

Aug 2010
Fucking Epic! This whole episode had me on the edge of my seat. Kougami was beast this episode. This episode guaranteed his spot in my top 10 favorites and the fight between him and Shougo was awesome.

Kagari was pretty cool this episode, probably the most screentime he's gotten and we actually learned about his character. I had a feeling Kagari was going to die but not by the chief. That was a pretty unexpected twist.

Ragna92Feb 7, 2013 8:14 PM
Feb 7, 2013 7:53 PM

Jun 2012
That was a pretty amazing episode. I knew Kagari was going to die T_T and I think it fits well that Akane kept Makishima alive.

In the beginning, I was sorta thinking how it would be disappointing if Makishima was the final antagonist, but I'm glad it turned out this way.
โ€Ž"Our everyday lives may, in fact, be a series of miracles." - Nichijou
Feb 7, 2013 8:00 PM

Aug 2012
wilcruz2 said:

and damn, poor kagari... BUT I CALLED IT!!!

So did everyone else..
Feb 7, 2013 8:04 PM

May 2012
That OST when Akane and Kougame arrived at the Nona Tower was cool.. it will really get you pumped up.

And that fist fight was epic too.. haha.. but all it take to make Shougo down was a helmet from Akane! Serves him right.

Can't wait for the next episode...
Feb 7, 2013 8:15 PM

Jul 2012
Damn, absolutely amazing. Well, someone was going to die sooner or later. People are right about the chief being a robot though. We still don't know what the Sibyl System really is and now, it looks like things have taken a turn yet again.
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Feb 7, 2013 8:35 PM

Mar 2011
Seeing Akane took down that douche was so awesome & hilarious at the the same.

I don't like that they killed off Kagari & Chloe like that though. Both were my favs. Oh well.
Feb 7, 2013 8:38 PM
Jul 2012
Great episode.
That one part when Kogami was fighting was part of the first episode. Liked that fight. Again Akise did well arresting Shougo.
That old lady kill the man.
Can't wait for the next episode!
Feb 7, 2013 8:56 PM

Dec 2011
Holy crap!!! What a good episode. A lot of stuff happened.

While I enjoyed Makishima vs. Kogami fight... ahh, Makishima is just beaten by Akane like that!!! Kinda disappointing, but he is captured finally.

And, the chief is an android!!!! Holy! What a twist.

This is becoming more dystopia like, where the people are battling machines.
Can't wait to see what is the Sibyl System is like.
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Feb 7, 2013 9:11 PM

Nov 2012
the hell happened in this episode??

Kogami and Makishima not even discussing for 2 minutes.

Anorexic Makishima beating athletic Kogami

My beloved Choe being killed by the dominator in a room without system link

This "woman" controlling the system as her pleasure, but getting burned whenever she does it?? I kinda feel "She" died too. But if that's the case, who or what the hell is behind all of this mess??

this episode was awesome, but it wa too much IMO. I'm smelling a lot of plot holes and nonsense from now on
Feb 7, 2013 9:18 PM
Sep 2009
Ferras said:

This "woman" controlling the system as her pleasure, but getting burned whenever she does it??

um... choe shot her
Feb 7, 2013 9:24 PM

Jan 2008
Nice arm combat between Makishima and Kougami. Akane did well as an inspector. She just left it by arresting Makishima at the end despite what happened to her friend in the past due to Makishima. Pretty well objective in her decision. Thumbs up for it and her response when her leg was hit.

I'm a bit confused here. How did Kougami used the denominator and was able to shot the guy before Makishima showed up? I thought the denominator was useless since Makishima was nearby.

What Kagari?! I thought he'll die when the denominator was aimed at him. Phew *sigh* The denominator was at non-lethal mode so that means he'll live, right?
If it is,prolly his memory of that night be just be altered or erased...damn...then, we still have no earth what actually Kagari and Choe have seen in there.
LieilaFeb 7, 2013 9:28 PM
Feb 7, 2013 9:25 PM

Oct 2012
Can't find the words to express how I felt after watching this.

*mind blown*
Feb 7, 2013 9:29 PM

Feb 2009
Nothing short of incredible. It was obvious that Kagari was fucked throughout the entire episode, but it still hurt to see him go.
Feb 7, 2013 9:31 PM
Oct 2010
Lieila said:
Nice arm combat between Makishima and Kougami. Akane did well as an inspector. She just left it by arresting Makishima at the end despite what happened to her friend in the past due to Makishima. Pretty well objective in her decision. Thumbs up for it and her response when her leg was hit.

I'm a bit confused here. How did Kougami used the denominator and was able to shot the guy before Makishima showed up? I thought the denominator was useless since Makishima was nearby.

What Kagari?! I thought he'll die when the denominator was aimed at him. Phew *sigh* The denominator was at non-lethal mode so that means he'll live, right?
If it is,prolly his memory of that night be just be altered or erased...damn...then, we still have no earth what actually Kagari and Choe have seen in there.

He was able to use the dominator because he broke the guy's helmit with a kick, you can literally see it sparking up...... also if you didn't notice the chief forced the dominator into decomposer mode so kagari is dead.
Feb 7, 2013 9:32 PM

Aug 2012
Ferras said:
the hell happened in this episode??

this episode was awesome, but it wa too much IMO. I'm smelling a lot of plot holes and nonsense from now on

whoa whoa whoa, calm your horses there missy. All of your questions/points(?) have already been addressed in the thread.

Ferras said:

Kogami and Makishima not even discussing for 2 minutes.

Formalities? Outstretched dialogue? Aint nobody got time fo dat!

But seriously,that was the best part of the episode. They both would love the chance to peer into one another's mind(well Ko really just wanted to kill him doe) but they both had a job to do, so they skipped the foreplay and settled their business like men.
Feb 7, 2013 9:36 PM

Nov 2012
giuli94 said:
I thought so too because it clearly said Lethal Eleminator when aimed at Choe and then Non Lethal Paralyzer when aimed at Kagari. But it somehow changed its form afterwards? Not fully though so half eleminator and half paralyzer...? I still have hope that he somehow survived. Maybe he is 'just' badly injured.

It was decomposer mode U,U Q.Q T.T
Feb 7, 2013 9:36 PM
Oct 2010
Ferras said:
the hell happened in this episode??

Kogami and Makishima not even discussing for 2 minutes.

Anorexic Makishima beating athletic Kogami

My beloved Choe being killed by the dominator in a room without system link

This "woman" controlling the system as her pleasure, but getting burned whenever she does it?? I kinda feel "She" died too. But if that's the case, who or what the hell is behind all of this mess??

this episode was awesome, but it wa too much IMO. I'm smelling a lot of plot holes and nonsense from now on

Not sure what you mean by your first sentence so I'll ignore it.

Makishima was using brain over brawn there, he pretty much countered/dodged or blocked kogami's strikes. It's not unrealistic in the slightest.

I don't even know what you mean in this 3rd line, she got burned by hacker's weapon which he fired at her before she killed him. What do you mean controlling for her pleasure?
Feb 7, 2013 9:37 PM

Nov 2012
addiemon said:
Celondor said:
Hybridbloodszak said:
Hybridbloodszak said:
Oh yeah how the hell did the Chief get as bruised up as she was where you could see her exoskeleton?

Maybe she was like "Noo, I can't let him see this!" and then she fell down, like 4-5 levels. xD

Choe shot her before she was able to shoot him.
Good observation
Feb 7, 2013 9:42 PM

Aug 2011
FINALLY a really good episode.

Urobutcher finally fulfilling his namesake.
Feb 7, 2013 9:46 PM

Jan 2008
skudoops said:

He was able to use the dominator because he broke the guy's helmit with a kick, you can literally see it sparking up...... also if you didn't notice the chief forced the dominator into decomposer mode so kagari is dead.

Thanks for the clarifications. That helps. I I forgot the form of dominator in decomposer mode so I was also a bit confused there when there's another change of the dominator.

Sh!t. Kagari!!! Man, nice work till the end.
Note to myself. Gah, it's dominator. Why the hell I typed it as denominator...
LieilaFeb 7, 2013 9:49 PM
Feb 7, 2013 9:49 PM

Aug 2012
Ferras said:
addiemon said:
Celondor said:
Hybridbloodszak said:
Hybridbloodszak said:
Oh yeah how the hell did the Chief get as bruised up as she was where you could see her exoskeleton?

Maybe she was like "Noo, I can't let him see this!" and then she fell down, like 4-5 levels. xD

Choe shot her before she was able to shoot him.
Good observation

Weren't you the one that came up with the conclusion that she had her face "burned" because she overrode the dominator..?lol.
Feb 7, 2013 9:52 PM
Oct 2010
Also before anyone brings it up, the reason they were able to use the radio in the room yet kagari couldn't use his dominator despite being in the same room as the Sybill system is that dominators and all other scanners send their requests through other points first, and they eventually get to the sibly system. Obviously this is a security feature so no one could just trace the route of the signal back to the system.

TLDR: The room was blocking the gun from sending a signal to one of the proxy locations.
Feb 7, 2013 9:53 PM

Nov 2012
Amarrez said:
It wasn't changed to lethal or non-lethal mode, it was changed to the Decomposer mode that was seen in episode 3.

Remember when Shinya used one to kill a drone? It was that mode.

It doesn't make Kagari any less dead though.

ninja'd by seven hours
Feb 7, 2013 10:03 PM
Mar 2011
theres that urobuchi's twist. epic again
"....i am the villain in this story"
Feb 7, 2013 10:05 PM

Sep 2012
Many here are excited over the action between Kougami and Makishima, but to me I find the longish talk by Kagari about why he may dislike the current society but still want to eliminate Jackson really cool and kick-ass.
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Feb 7, 2013 10:07 PM

Jul 2012
symbv said:
Many here are excited over the action between Kougami and Makishima, but to me I find the longish talk by Kagari about why he may dislike the current society but still want to eliminate Jackson really cool and kick-ass.

Ya I really enjoyed that too,
LOL at when he told him to destroy Sybil before he got there.
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