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Jan 24, 2013 3:01 PM

Oct 2011
This special was quite nice. :P I like how they introduced the outfits for this special and they look very good, I only didn't like Luffy's one-piece outfit xD The upper part looked very good and it would have been a nice sweatshirt, but since it also had the lower part, it didn't look so good.

And is the guy from the navy really that stupid to randomly fire the cannon at the island? o.O He really deserved the one-handed elephant gattling in the end xD

Too bad that Luffy and Coby didn't meet, but I guess that is left for the movie or the tv episodes.

I think the special was actually really nice, can't wait for the movie <3
Jan 24, 2013 3:14 PM

Nov 2010
A great special, I loved the new flashbacks. Seeing some of the things that the anime left out was great.

I thought they changed Kizaru's VA for a minute.

Jan 25, 2013 5:29 AM

Oct 2009
I thought this was atrocious. I don't think they had any idea about what they were doing with this thing. I gave it a five for the Sanji and Coby stuff, and then one more point for ending it with Zoro staring blankly for five seconds. Everything else was a mess.
Jan 25, 2013 6:34 AM

Nov 2011
I think its great for OVA. Coby has become quite strong after time-skip, wonder when we will see him in the manga again. For a second there, I was almost convinced it was Kizaru when he speak since I have already expected it to be made of wax which turn out to be true in the end after all.

Jan 25, 2013 10:18 AM

Aug 2010
Coby has become really strong.
Sanji and Zoro being totally BA!!

But I didn't like how they made Luffy put some effort into beating that loser :(...well at least he kicked his ass in the end without any injury worth mentioning.
Jan 26, 2013 6:52 PM

Dec 2011
That was nice.
I love how Luffy got a wax statue in the end.
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Jan 27, 2013 3:48 AM
May 2011
I honestly don't know what you guys are talking about . Huge waste of time and luffy was so much degraded . Only good thing was seeing Coby strength
Jan 27, 2013 6:30 AM

Aug 2008
I actually really liked this special, especially i liked watching luffy's past memories with shanks with better art and quality ^^
And haha Zoro the cannonballs cutter 8D
The end was really funny when they almost forgot zoro and that "Oui." ... i laughed too much at this special o_o"

But it's really a shame that Coby and Luffy didn't meet at the end ;A; (And Coby~ <3 *Fangirling*)
Woah... It brings me such a nostalgic feeling listening to "WE ARE!" again.. :D

Now the only thing left is to watch One Piece film Z~ ^^

Your life is just little part of this world...

Jan 27, 2013 7:02 AM
Jun 2009
anyone know where i can find this with eng subs
Jan 28, 2013 6:25 PM

Jan 2012
It was alright. I didn't really like Bilic that much, and they kinda made luffy look pretty weak compared to him, having to rely on such a simple tactic to defeat Bilic. But the comedy was great, The outfits looked pretty nice too! I loved the new Brooke outfit.. They should consider keeping that, since i still cant get used to his new world outfit. Zoro though, looked way too much like smoker in this Special.

Loved the flashbacks too, seeing The story of Shanks and Luffy Again made me shed a tear
And Coby turned into a badass! Cant wait to see more of him!

And ofcourse "We Are" always brings a huge grin to my face.
Jan 28, 2013 6:41 PM

Nov 2010
conan4 said:
I honestly don't know what you guys are talking about . Huge waste of time and luffy was so much degraded . Only good thing was seeing Coby strength
It had some new and improved flashbacks and had an ok story. What were you expecting.
Jan 29, 2013 6:29 PM

May 2011
I don't know... I liked the original flashbacks better, BY FAR. They lost some of the charm (mainly OST), and Shanks was pretty mellow as opposed to his usual self.

However, I still had a lot of fun, it's still good old One Piece.

The definite highlight for me was when Luffy first saw all the legendary wax statues, I was left speechless at that part. Also, the story of the wax artist and his son wasn't so bad.

The outfits intro was nice, and I especially liked Nami's.

Zoro wrecking the cannon balls was probably my favourite scene, lol at the ending with him.

Oh yeah... Coby Taichou! He's pretty cool now too.

The credits at the end gave me watery eyes! One Piece!
Feb 4, 2013 9:46 AM

Feb 2011
It was OK. That's all.
Feb 10, 2013 2:16 AM
Luny Tunes

Feb 2012
The flashbacks had good animation and it was great to see classic One Piece with new animation although the first flashback took up so much time from this special...

But I still liked this and definitely enjoyed it. Sanji was amazing kicking that steel cage while underwater. Only he can do that, ahaha!

I also wasn't expecting Luffy's final battle against Bilic would be this great, especially when he was piloting Elizabeth which was more versatile and more nimble (obviously) than Josephine. But, well...I should have expected great things in One Piece specials from the start. It'll always be good with a satisfying conclusion. :P

I lol'd when Zoro was left behind in Hand Island. xD And all the Strawhats are wearing such cool outfits in this special!

Coby has become a Captain with Helmeppo as his subordinate! Coby sure has become incredibly strong here, which was really impressive! Surprisingly, Luffy never met Coby on the island even though Coby witnessed Luffy fight against Bilic.

Diego-san made a new wax statue at the end of the movie to add to his collection. :D

I still enjoyed it, therefore, I'm giving it a 9/10. Thank you!
Feb 13, 2013 7:31 AM

Mar 2011
Nice special.

It was quite cool how the story was sort of like the first arc where they met Zoro with the evil Marines.

Although I felt Luffy struggled a bit too much with the guy.. Coby seemed awesome though.
"When everyone else is about to give up, the fighter who becomes the role model, is the true Leader."

Feb 20, 2013 3:53 AM

Jul 2011
Great special! The fashion show was good and contrary to what many people think I personally liked Luffy's outfit.

Franky : "Perfect landing!"
Sanji : "What the fuck..."

The 2 flashbacks gave me the chills, specially the first with Shanks, I looked like an idiot while I was watching with a big smile on my face.

Zoro and Sanji were badass, I liked the final fight too and damn, Coby is really strong now, is also official the fact that he finally learned how to use haki.

I loved the end with the old scenes. 9/10
Feb 24, 2013 3:33 PM

Jan 2012
it was good...

Mar 31, 2013 10:07 PM
Oct 2012
I really disliked this special. I had very high expectations and I ended up being very disappointed. This OVA had a story on par with a filler plus the animation was not even good. I hate how most animated things related to Luffy under power him so much. Apparently Toei thinks he has to struggle against everything. I don't get it. Anyway, looking forward to Film Z. Putting my hopes in that.
Jun 3, 2013 5:16 PM
Go read Medalist
Apr 2007
DareEvans said:
I thought this was atrocious. I don't think they had any idea about what they were doing with this thing. I gave it a five for the Sanji and Coby stuff, and then one more point for ending it with Zoro staring blankly for five seconds. Everything else was a mess.

This, pretty much. Easily the worst "episode of" I've seen so far; at least the other two weren't written by a six-year-old that makes Oda look like Umberto Eco in comparison. The flashback scenes were somewhat enjoyable, the rest went down the drain already with the fashion show scene. :\ Hopefully Film Z is better.
Jul 16, 2013 6:53 AM

Sep 2011
Special? Maybe movie? In any case it after a Strong World had to stop the release of something new, it is still all sad and some solid clowning gone. Is that a shortage of money, with the same kind of manga is a huge profit.
Jul 28, 2013 3:23 AM

Jun 2012
Ahh, this was a great special, but half way through, I was wondering if this was before or after the time skip, because Luffy has that scar on his chest like after the time skip, but Ussop's hair is short like before the time skip and he has his plant weapons, plus Robin's hair is also long. And also, the Navy said that Luffy had a bounty higher than 100,000,000. If it was before the time skip that would be the correct way to put it, but if it was after, they would have said he had a bounty of 400,000,000. Also, Luffy know's haki, and on that note, all of the crew can use the mores that learned during the time skip. Oh yeah, in the end, what happened to Zoro.
SusuBitesYouJul 28, 2013 4:26 AM
Feb 16, 2014 9:06 PM

May 2009
Coby was really badass.
But other than that, this special was boring... Also, how could anyone admire Kizaru? He's so lame...
"The weak get washed away by the tides of fate...The strong drink it up."-Godot
Mar 23, 2014 2:32 PM

Nov 2013
2/5 for me

- The story was bad honestly, there was no creativity in it. "Oh my god a marine officer is abusing his power"
- The last fight with the vilain was stupid. Come on ... this guy is a total joke, he has no power nor haki and he is able to dodge luffy's blows easily with a crappy canon? Who wrote this?? Luffy has trained two years to have problems with a random guy like this?
- While I like the fact that he is now a captain and a quite powerful fighter, Coby doesn't react at all to the presence of the Mugiwaras. Though Coby is Luffy's friend, he made the promise tol consider him as a pirate and arrest him.
short_reviewMar 23, 2014 2:40 PM
Apr 30, 2015 8:19 AM

Oct 2014
Better than the whole Punk Hazard arc.

TheMarathoner said:
I really disliked this special. I had very high expectations and I ended up being very disappointed. This OVA had a story on par with a filler plus the animation was not even good. I hate how most animated things related to Luffy under power him so much. Apparently Toei thinks he has to struggle against everything. I don't get it. Anyway, looking forward to Film Z. Putting my hopes in that.

Much better everything than Punk Hazard.

And yes, Luffy has to struggle, as he is in New World now. This isn't a joke anymore.

moozooh said:
DareEvans said:
I thought this was atrocious. I don't think they had any idea about what they were doing with this thing. I gave it a five for the Sanji and Coby stuff, and then one more point for ending it with Zoro staring blankly for five seconds. Everything else was a mess.

This, pretty much. Easily the worst "episode of" I've seen so far; at least the other two weren't written by a six-year-old that makes Oda look like Umberto Eco in comparison. The flashback scenes were somewhat enjoyable, the rest went down the drain already with the fashion show scene. : Hopefully Film Z is better.

Lol, Punk Hazard made by Oda had zero plot, compared to this.

short_review said:
2/5 for me
- The story was bad honestly, there was no creativity in it. "Oh my god a marine officer is abusing his power"
- The last fight with the vilain was stupid. Come on ... this guy is a total joke, he has no power nor haki and he is able to dodge luffy's blows easily with a crappy canon? Who wrote this?? Luffy has trained two years to have problems with a random guy like this?
- While I like the fact that he is now a captain and a quite powerful fighter, Coby doesn't react at all to the presence of the Mugiwaras. Though Coby is Luffy's friend, he made the promise tol consider him as a pirate and arrest him.

- The story was bad honestly, there was no creativity in it. "Oh my god a scientist is abusing his power"
- The last fight with the vilain was stupid. Come on ... this guy is a total joke, he has no power nor haki and he is able to tank luffy's blows easily with a crappy nothing? Who wrote this?? Luffy has trained two years to have problems with a random guy like this?

Hypocrisy, right here.
Phoenix_WrightApr 30, 2015 8:28 AM
Jun 29, 2016 3:13 PM

Mar 2015
Aokiji and Akainu have been mentioned, but so far we have no clue what happened to Kizaru. Maybe Cobys ignoring the question is hinting something?

I've always liked the little references and flashbacks they have in the movies, The wax figures were pretty cool but i'm pretty sure I saw Noland - he died 400yrs ago, how did the wax guy meet him?

Finally Luffy getting his scar is animated. Coby seems pretty strong now.

Sanjis kicks were well animated
Aug 1, 2016 9:12 PM

Mar 2015
Nice special here, surprised they decided to alter Luffy's past and his meeting with Coby a bit

The fashion show at the start was hilarious and fun to watch. Chopper was in PJs!

Agreed, Sanji's kicking was nicely animated in this one
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Apr 20, 2017 7:41 PM

Dec 2016
A nice story with some good new characters, a dickhead villan (as usual in this series), and just good ole times with the crew!
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Jun 15, 2017 6:35 PM

May 2014
Aww, I liked this one...even though Bilic was an awful and extremely annoying villain. I mean, that fight made absolutely no sense, what with Luffy having a bit of a hard time against such a weak Commodore given how strong he is. But, hey it's a fun little special so I can forgive it!

Everything else was great though!
We got a more fleshed out Shanks flashback, a well needed Coby flashback- finally- and more Coby in general!
Glad to see him as a Captain and that he's gotten so much stronger and cuter

Tbh this really felt like a pre-timeskip mini arc...I mean back in the East Blue Saga when the crew used to have those hilarious little in-between arcs. Had me all nostalgic ^^

+1 for that wonderful fashion show at the beginning, as well as the hilarious Zoro scene at the end XD

+100 for Sanji's glam outfit and gorgeously animation kicks.

tfw when you don't know if Kizaru's a wax statue or if Toei just got lazy lol

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Jul 12, 2017 12:08 AM

Aug 2015
It was a very good special episode to me. The flashbacks bring the nostalgia, made me sad but happy at the same time. Glad to see Shanks & crew and Coby.. they are really nice characters. The main story wasn't bad, though the art & animation looked bad at times (even worse than TV version). I feel bad for Zoro though.. looks like he must live at that island for some time xD
May 14, 2018 11:33 AM

Mar 2017
so this is how Luffy got the scar under his eye hahaha.
Luffy and Shanks moments are so cute haha. Especially when Shanks is making fun of Luffy XDD

More Shanks please ♥

猫はかわいいです。 (ꈍ ‸ ꈍ)

May 4, 2021 4:29 PM

May 2017
Im used to watch bluray , this time its not the case , animation was good , but graphics are realy ugly , zorro is bettter , but all others are realy strange , i was wonderinv if it realy was Nami at first 🤔

Zorro ending was realy funny XD

Half was a flashback , so 5/10
Loli world is just a cute world full of cute meat

Mar 24, 2022 7:40 AM

Aug 2012
The fashion show might've been a fun way to recap who the Straw Hats are if any of their outfits were good. Luffy, Robin, and especially Nami's were offensively ugly. It sucks that Luffy's got immortalized in his PJs outfit. The rest were rather bland, with I guess Brook having the only good one. Zoro not being into it was the only bit I liked, otherwise the opening was a mixture of pointless and insulting, I spend more time with One Piece than my loved ones, I don't need you telling me who Chopper is.

Pointless and insulting is sort of how I'd defined this whole experience. This feels like an early One Piece filler arc, and that doesn't really work with post-time skip Straw Hats. Granted, if the comedy was funny I'd sing a different tune but A. Bilic was more annoying than amusing, B. There weren't much gags beyond that, and C. Bilic was still treated as a legitimate threat at the end, which clearly does land. I'll give them credit for having a different set-piece at least, but this final fight, outside of some solid animation like Sanji destroying that robot, was a big flop for me.

Also I know this is a small thing to bring up, but when did Diego meet Cricket? Diego's in the new world, Cricket's pirating days ended at Jaya. I can accept the premise of Zeff making it to the New World despite that never being stated, but Cricket? That doesn't make any sense.

There were good things here, namely the adaption of chapter one. I don't really remember the version featured in Episode of East Blue, but I do feel confident saying this is probably the best adaption of that material. I've seen this particularly stretch of story a lot, so it wasn't super riveting or anything, but it was the only lengthy stretch of content in I legitimately enjoyed watching. The Koby flashback was decent as well.

Which speaking of Koby, I really didn't care about his appearance here, the only interesting prospect in seeing Koby is his interactions with either the Straw Hats, primarily Luffy, or with the other established big names. Seeing Koby only interact with original characters and conveniently never cross path with Luffy the whole time is pretty worthless. I figured out early on that they were never going to meet up but it still renders his role here to effectively be a cock-tease. I understand he wraps up some plot notes at the end with Kizaru wax and arresting Bilic but with Episode of Luffy dedicating lengthy recap to Luffy's earliest moments and feature Koby prominently on the poster, with both Luffy & Koby having the same enemy, his purpose is undoubtedly to generate hype for a potential interaction they were never going to deliver on. Feels cheap and cowardly.

But was there anything good that was original, a few things. I think the little Whitebeard wax is cute, the initial closing note being them leaving Zoro behind was funny, and the moment where Robin almost stomps Chopper was really funny. Outside of that it, it was pretty banal One Piece low-grade One Piece filler. I'm little uncertain on the rating if only because I did really enjoy the Chapter 1 adaption and that did take up like twenty minutes of the run-time so it wasn't an insignificant amount of time. While with Episode of Skypiea I was debating a 3/10 and went with a 4/10, I think for this I debated a 5/10 but I'm going with a 4/10. Episode of Skypiea is definitely worse, but I think this bored me more.
May 7, 2022 5:26 PM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
This is a rather simple straight to the point fun little adventure for the strawhats, they get to briefly explore a new island while eventually saving the island against oppression as they usually always do. The animation holds up well, aside from the various albeit tiny inconsistencies which made the character model appear distorted. The laid back attitude of the entire movie special is acceptable and we got some nostalgic recaps as well revolving around Shanks and Coby.

The only real issue I'd majorly point out is the main antagonist, he's literally nothing more than a sock puppet himself (ironic), he's one dimensional, his appearance holds no meaning other than to look wacky and his final 'boss fight' against Luffy was severely blown out of proportion. I know at this point Luffy just emerged into the New World but holy hell... If he could defeat a pacifists in one quick punch, he could EASILY smack this fool off his high horse of a turret by merely farting on his ugly ass face, but ofc, for the sake of the story, Luffy is portrayed to have a slight difficulty when fighting against him despite him being fully capable of ending this fool to kingdom come.

Then again, it's a simple movie special, with plenty of charming moments, a relaxing ambience and hilarious scenes here and there. Zoro's slow reaction to being left at the Hand island is chuckle-worthy, as I mentioned before. Straight to the point fun, no fuss, no problem. Not amazing, but it's a decent 1,45 hours watch.
Jun 22, 2022 7:06 PM
Nov 2010
Plot was alright, but was kinda messy towards the end, especially that final battle. It was ridiculous how that mobile cannon gave Luffy a hard time.

It's also annoying that a huge chunk of this special was recap. I've seen those scenes so many times that I couldn't ever forget them even if I tried. lol

Coby learned some cool moves!

Jun 23, 2023 8:44 PM

Aug 2019
I love seeing so much Coby content!! Also him fighting!!

I also didn’t mind seeing those two special flashbacks with Shanks and Coby. 

I didn't like the villain since he was so ridiculous. However, I like how they're showing the impact of Whitebeard's death. 

Coby is a Marine that all of us can be proud of. 
 We must protect him at all costs.
Aug 2, 2023 3:58 AM
Oct 2019
I'm so glad i watching this before Movie Z.

First of all Damn Nami Booba.

is this the first time we saw how Luffy got that scar or it already shown in the earlier episodes of the series and i just forgot about it?
Flashback with new Animation was so fun to watch.

my god Koby, what a glow up.
every time he used Six Power, it's so cool.
But damn Koby didn't meet up with Luffy, maybe save it for the actual series episodes?

Overall this was a good.

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