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Dec 12, 2012 6:38 PM

May 2009
I don't know if I should cry or cry more... and Rikka's didn't wear her usual delicious thigh highs. T_T
Dec 12, 2012 6:39 PM

Jan 2009
damn Dekomori, its hard seeing her breaking down like that when her character is about joy, i think she just wants to say she does not want to lose Rikka as a friend (but not as a master, their delusions are just way that connects their friendship so she is kinda lost at the moment)
Dec 12, 2012 6:46 PM

Feb 2011
My worst fear for the series would be that they would Toradora it up once we realized Rikka's background, so I sort have expected an episode where she would dramatically crash back into reality and affect those around her.

Let's just hope it's just one episode and they end it on the right Chu-2 note.
Managing Editor of Population GO -- a place for geeks and otaku who have a passion for anime, comics, film, manga, video games, etc.

Dec 12, 2012 6:47 PM
Apr 2010
Did it felt rush? Hell. Yeah. It did. However, that doesn't deter how good of a transition it was from the slice-of-life comedy, that IMO was kind of mundane. The subtleties from preview episodes depicting the background of the characters blew up in my face this episode, and I FINALLY got to see it mold. I liked this episode A LOT.

Also for all the haters who wanted Rikka to be back to her formal self: REALITY BITES and we all know it. Society doesn't take kindly to her actions; end of story. They went for the all-or-nothing approach, because guess what, IT WORKS THAT WAY SOMETIMES. The biggest thing that should happen right now though is for her to retain some form of memory about her 8th-grade-syndrome so she can actually move on without relapse.
Dec 12, 2012 6:56 PM

Dec 2011
Such an episode full of drama.
I feel sorry for Dekomori.

Moving on from being a chuunibyou is a serious business.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 12, 2012 6:59 PM

Sep 2008
ok...i was just watching this series to kill time.. of course i didnt expected this..awesome plot ita a friking drama, but a really good one

i really felt sad for deko...sanae-chan (lol)

and that rikka, looked like she was dead alive, poor girl, oh well, its pretty obious how this is going to end, but still, i think this one will end with a 9/10 from me
come on Dark Flame Master! use your dark flames to extinguish that girl's pain!(going to miss that actually XD)
Being a fan is like having a penis. Its nice to be proud of it But don't pull it out in public and wave it in other's faces

Kyurem Black. Kyurem White. Together they are Pretty Kyurem.
Dec 12, 2012 6:59 PM

Jan 2010
I want to kill Yuuta.
Dec 12, 2012 7:05 PM

Apr 2011
QuiGonJon said:
Takana_no_Hana said:

Only one last ep. Hope they won't make the bad end, where Rikka won't return.

Oh God.
I can't even imagine this show ending like that.
Don't even joke about that kind of thing.
Now I'm scared ;_;

You kidding me? When rikka ran away after doing that pinky thing I really thought something was going to happen. My quick random ideas were "oh my god she's going to get hit by that car *car stopped* oh... Then she is going to be kidnapped! (and a rape idea appeared too) *kumin head pops up* oh.. Nevermind... What the f*** I was thinking? " although I did knew nothing like that could ever happen in this show xD
Dec 12, 2012 7:11 PM

Jan 2011
This show is fucking gold!
Dec 12, 2012 7:55 PM
Aug 2012
I had high hopes for this Anime. Interesting premise and great start. However the executing was weak, the character interactions felt forced, and the pacing is rushed to say the least.
Dec 12, 2012 8:08 PM
Sep 2012
this anime has totally topped my list for this seasons all anime was tooo amazing....i hope they end it beautifully next week...and it would be amazing to have another season :)KyoAni really did an amazing job ! :) Loved the animation quality too much and the fight scenes were just too intense xD
Dec 12, 2012 8:15 PM

Apr 2011
PonyMaster5000 said:
I had high hopes for this Anime. Interesting premise and great start. However the executing was weak, the character interactions felt forced, and the pacing is rushed to say the least.

Seriously? I found chuunibyou way way better at this point, it was getting better and better episode by episode. I didn't found any forced action, this was a great dramatic episode with awesome voice acting and soundtrack helping a lot, everything was quite well done. I also would like to see dark flame master in action but not on his syndrome state. The pacing was far from bad in my opinion, I dont know, I just can't find any weak point in this anime.
Dec 12, 2012 8:21 PM

Mar 2012
Though thoroughly serious in nature, this was a really good, emotionally powerful episode. It considerably diminished the lighthearted tone of the show, in favor of a focused approach on dramatic storytelling, which is a satisfyingly natural progression of the narrative. As such, there was a greatly effective contrast between this episode and the last, superbly illuminated by the divergent developments within each, as a particularly melancholic atmosphere pervaded throughout nearly every interaction between the characters, thus temporarily altering, ever so slightly, the complex dynamic of the group. Though this change could be perceived as inconsequential, it was, in fact, substantially profound, evoking a maturity that had only ever been marginally examined before.

My favorite sequence, by far, was the exceptionally well-directed and emotionally painful conclusion to the episode, in which Sanae, after violently pleading with Rikka to stay, tearfully remarked on Yuuta’s disregard for what, in her mind, is ultimately best for Rikka, as she recounts Rikka’s heartfelt confidences in her, from Yuuta's mention of the Ethereal Horizon to the moment she had cried after forming the new contract with him. Following her words, Yuuta's harsh utterances of realistic truths and Sanae’s subsequent breakdown were remarkably convincing. The impressive direction deftly captured Rikka’s subtle expressions and Sanae’s exaggerated movements extremely well, allowing for an incredibly integral moment to appear meticulously constructed, emphasizing a plethora of scattered emotions in a singularly restrained fashion. The minimalistic shot of the train's interior, in particular, was fantastic, as it complemented Rikka's disappointed isolation really well.

One of the most emotionally poignant moments was the scene in which Sanae attempts to dazzle Rikka into indulging her youthful repressions, providing Sanae with the first meaningful realization that Rikka's detached state was one of potential permanency, which causes her to cry hysterically, culminating with Shinka and Sanae’s highly satisfying hug. Another impressive sequence was Yuuta’s conversation with Rikka beneath the bridge and the starlit sky, as it possessed a peculiar, noticeably fleeting tranquility. The framing of Yuuta and Rikka’s contemplation against the train in the distance was beautifully simplistic, evoking a wistful sort of connected seclusion, while brilliantly foreshadowing the conclusion to this episode. I also enjoyed Sanae’s first confrontation with Rikka, as the effects of Rikka’s significant adjustment are momentarily glimpsed, displaying a noticeably subdued personality.

Rikka’s gradual development has been immensely compelling. The chaotic, uncertain nature of her sudden development into a somewhat falsified maturity has extensively illustrated the necessity for a more deliberate growth. The struggles in her attempts to refrain from slipping into her seemingly forgotten adolescence were really well-portrayed. As such, Rikka’s decision to disband the club, rather than seeming forced, was quite insightful, since it insinuated that Rikka, more than legitimately disdainful of her past ventures, was, in fact, fearful of their tempting presence, so, in turn, along with her array of previously felt emotions, she sought to abandon them altogether, which is understandable, but definitely naive. Of course, Rikka shouldn't fully return to her adolescence either, since, above all, such a conclusion would render the last several episodes and her considerable development partially irrelevant and ultimately meaningless.

Throughout this episode, both Yuuta and Rikka complacently maintained and consequently followed their individualized expectations of society’s ideals, as they were each conflicted with Rikka's attempts to construct a partially unsuitable identity, since, along with discarding her chuunibyou side, she’s deemed it necessary to conform to her flawed perception of a “realistic personality”, in which all individuality has been seemingly stripped from her, essentially creating this hollow shell. This episode illustrates the fragility of Rikka’s emotions whenever they are directly influenced by those that are close to her. As such, though previously touched upon momentarily, Yuuta has unintentionally assisted in fracturing her comparatively pleasant façade and, consequently, her identity, perhaps irrevocably, however unlikely that eventuality is. This is certainly for the best though, since Rikka should come to terms with the reality that she's perpetually surrounded by, without, of course, losing herself to a severed indifference.

Shinka was excellent in her intermittent appearances throughout this episode, revealed, once again to be the most perceptive of them all, especially throughout her conversation with Yuuta in the library, in which they discussed Rikka’s altered personality, since it appeared as though Shinka, unlike Yuuta, to an extent, was distinctly aware of the consequences brought about by such a drastic change. Shinka and Sanae have effectively been mutually developed as a third relationship throughout the show, particularly in this episode, and, as such, though their consistently amusing antics were relatively absent, this episode displayed the most significant development in their dynamic. The subtleties of their appreciation and denied admiration towards one another were comprehensively accentuated by the terrific scene in which Shinka comforted her.

Though Sanae’s inability to react in a receptive manner towards Rikka’s unsettling normalcy was altogether predictable, these moments of emotional turmoil were handled with a delicate touch that was quite satisfying, evoking a complex depth to Sanae’s friendship with Rikka that hadn’t been properly portrayed until this episode. I was expecting that her continued refusal to let Rikka’s chuunibyou inclinations vanish would be somewhat irritating, but, surprisingly, due to the subtle nature of her gradual deterioration emotionally, it was, instead, incredibly effective.

Musically this episode was quite good, but somewhat repetitious, particularly throughout the first half. The faded aesthetic, though not entirely appealing, was appropriately suitable to the nature of this episode, and the entirety of the latter half of the narrative, for that matter. This episode excelled visually, particularly during Yuuta’s nighttime conversation with Rikka, as this sequence was suffused with several instances of striking imagery. Despite the occasional infusion of dichotomous elements and emotions throughout the latter half of the show, they have, for the most part, worked very well, despite the potential for faltering into a slight tonal dissonance, which, so far, it has skilfully managed to avoid, which is indicative of a rather satisfying narrative balance. The dramatic elements of the story have been excellently foreshadowed, so, thankfully, the filtered emotions and heightened dramatics didn’t feel unnecessarily contrived, since they drew from a plethora of fragmentary elements within Rikka’s prior characterization.

All in all, Chuunibyou continues to easily be one of the best shows of the season, impressing considerably with it's highly satisfying romance, engaging characters, and it's narrative execution. It will be interesting to see the manner with which Yuuta will resolve to rectify his mistakes that were unfortunately derived from a ceaseless adherence towards Touka’s partially misinterpreted suggestions. I’m hoping and expecting that a balance will be realized, as Rikka could potentially be compelled to only reestablish certain aspects of her chuunibyou tendencies without fully reverting to her well-worn adolescence, while Yuuta should willingly sacrifice several obstinate nuances of his flawed perception towards his youthful condition. This would, in turn, be the most satisfying direction to take their characters, as such developments would refrain from tarnishing prior characterization or ruining the lasting effect of the momentous developments that have recently occurred.
Dec 12, 2012 8:25 PM

Oct 2008
Not. Enough. Drama.
Dec 12, 2012 8:30 PM

Jan 2011
Really loving the drama, especially the scene with Yuuta and Sanae at the train station. That was intense stuff! Rikka and Yuuta moments are very nice but you can tell Rikka isn't truly happy. D: I really liked how Touka thanked and hugged Yuuta. :D

Last episode next week. :o
Dec 12, 2012 8:38 PM

Sep 2011
such extreme thought processes. there's no middle ground between Chuunibyou and real-life?

Dec 12, 2012 8:40 PM
Nov 2012
nice going yuuta. you abandon your girlfriend, psychologically assault a little girl, and then cry like the girls whose dreams were crushed by you. lol

in all seriousness, that was a pretty good episode. made me feel for all the characters, even dekomori, who i've always hated.

now i won't be able to focus on anything until next week
Dec 12, 2012 8:42 PM

Aug 2010
I must not cry I must not cry I must not.... oh, who am I kidding *bawls his eyes out*

I really felt for dekomori. And Rikka looked so... dead most of the time. She shouldn't sacrifice her own happiness like that.

My predictions for the last ep:

She will be back. and by "she" I mean "the wicked eye". Just not full power. She has now seen reality for what it is, and accepts it. But that doesn't mean she has to discard her dreams and fantasy (if people did that, very few good books would ever be written), she just has to acknowledge they are not part of reality.

I also expect DFM and Mori Summer to make an appearance to help her with it (because we can see, both Shinka and Yuuta are not happy about her developement)

Also, I'm, still hoping for a kiss =|
I want Rambo in a mecha-suit with a laser-chainsaw gun that fires nuclear warheads, fighting the love-child of Predator, Alien, a group of Bangladeshi terrorists, and Satan. (Actually that would be a pretty sick show) - StopDropAndBowl
Dec 12, 2012 8:45 PM

Mar 2009
I liked this episode. Unfortunately reality is reality. I would like it however if the two of them could act like chuunibyou in their club and private time. I think that would be no different than LARP or DnD. There's a huge benefit to escapism like that and It's fun to escape the stress of reality sometimes. I draw the line at whether she really believes in the unseen horizon or it's just her armor to deal with her fathers death. If it's the former then it's unhealthy. If it's the latter then Yuuta needs to fix things.

This show is currently number 2 of this years favorites for me, underneath Oreimo. (just finished OVA's and PSP game)
Dec 12, 2012 9:01 PM
Dec 2012
Am I the only one that laughed hysterically as Dekomori ran away from Yuuta with her arms thrown out, screaming "I KNOW THATTTTTTT!"

I feel like such a douche, but that scene was hiliarious!
Dec 12, 2012 9:08 PM

Feb 2012
Leaulux said:
Am I the only one that laughed hysterically as Dekomori ran away from Yuuta with her arms thrown out, screaming "I KNOW THATTTTTTT!"

I feel like such a douche, but that scene was hiliarious!

Interesting sense of humor (or is it a way to cope with negative emotion?). For me, that was the really low point of the show, particularly because Dekomori's voice actress was AMAZING in conveying the heartbreaking sadness.
Dec 12, 2012 9:08 PM

Jun 2011
Damn, what an emotional roller coaster of an episode. It feels like Rikka is suffering more than anything. Not being able to do what she loves to do is hurting her more than anything. Hopefully she'll go back to her old self soon.

Moral of this one is, it sucks to grow up. Looking forward to what can only be described as an epic finale.

bippo said:
Rejoice yuri fans. Your wishes have come true.

Ok, I really have to comment on this. Seriously? Just because a girl is hugging another girl because she knows she's upset and needs a hug means they're lesbians? Get the f*ck out of here dude. The anime community is so stupid when it comes to stuff like this.
takkun_Dec 12, 2012 9:15 PM
Dec 12, 2012 9:10 PM

May 2011
Not sure if I like the patch-less Rikka. Ah well. Here dere side is too good. Also, the episode title nodding off to Final Fantasy was pretty awesome.
Dec 12, 2012 9:13 PM

Feb 2012
Vortiene said:

hopefully they realize that in the next ep and still have fun in life. I can't stand when people ditch fun hobbies just because they are eccentric or abnormal.

I think you missed the point. It wasn't just a fun hobby to them, it's a serious deflection from reality. It's a critical lifestyle even to just function adequately.
Dec 12, 2012 9:15 PM

Apr 2011
Todd_Jensen said:
Damn, what an emotional roller coaster of an episode. Moral of this one is, it sucks to grow up. Looking forward to what can only be described as an epic finale.

bippo said:
Rejoice yuri fans. Your wishes have come true.

Ok, I really have to comment on this. Seriously? Just because a girl is hugging another girl because she knows she's upset and needs a hug means they're lesbians? Get the f*ck out of here dude. The anime community is so stupid when it comes to stuff like this.

You know what? I agree with you, does it mean we're having an yaoi relationship? Be gentle please... :blush:
Dec 12, 2012 9:18 PM

Apr 2011
TehIshter said:
Vortiene said:

hopefully they realize that in the next ep and still have fun in life. I can't stand when people ditch fun hobbies just because they are eccentric or abnormal.

I think you missed the point. It wasn't just a fun hobby to them, it's a serious deflection from reality. It's a critical lifestyle even to just function adequately.

There are a lot of people who doesn't get it wich bugs me.
Dec 12, 2012 9:20 PM

May 2010
Poor Deko, force change is hard to deal with
Dec 12, 2012 9:26 PM

Jan 2012
B-B-But if she changes herself, and doesn't where her eyepatch, she'll no longer be "Rikka" :{ This ep was so sad :'(

Dec 12, 2012 9:27 PM

May 2011
I was applauding when Yuuta told Sanae off. I was worrying he would've caved in.
Dec 12, 2012 9:28 PM

Jun 2011
tormented210 said:
Todd_Jensen said:
Damn, what an emotional roller coaster of an episode. Moral of this one is, it sucks to grow up. Looking forward to what can only be described as an epic finale.

bippo said:
Rejoice yuri fans. Your wishes have come true.

Ok, I really have to comment on this. Seriously? Just because a girl is hugging another girl because she knows she's upset and needs a hug means they're lesbians? Get the f*ck out of here dude. The anime community is so stupid when it comes to stuff like this.

You know what? I agree with you, does it mean we're having an yaoi relationship? Be gentle please... :blush:

Don't worry baby, I'll be gentle. *takes into a loving embrace*

In all seriousness, I'm glad someone agrees with me on this.
Dec 12, 2012 9:28 PM

Oct 2008
They laid on it really thick this episode. A little too much at the very end with Dekko. The first part was well done though.

In a sense, it seems everything is going right for Rikka. She's made new friends, made up with her family and is leading a more normal life... Except one thing, she's suppressing it so much that we only get glimpses of her old self.

Makes you wonder about a saying that I came across the interwebs a few days ago that conserns Yuuta.
Do you want to be with someone for who they are or do you want to be with someone for who they want to be? Although Rikka is fighting it, I think she does believe that she should leave her Chuunibyou-self behind, but is that normal person really who Rikka ultimately is?

I'm pretty sure we'll see Dark Flame Master come back.
Dec 12, 2012 9:33 PM

Oct 2011
The amount of drama in this episode is strange considering how the anime is usually comedic and upbeat. Before, the drama was fine and it seemed to fit, but now I feel like the chuunibyou-ness is causing more drama than it needs to that it's getting ridiculous, particularly the final Dekomori scene. I didn't hate it, as the final scene was quite well-done (Dekomori's VA in particular helped the emotion). It's just that I think I would've enjoyed it more had this show previously established itself to be the type that would be able to fit this kind of drama in well, instead of a comedy with mainly chuunibyou shenanigans.

I feel the next episode will most likely be a happy ending with both Rikka and Dekomori accepting reality, or Rikka reverting back and Yuuta accepting both of them being chuunibyou. I don't see how this could end well if one of them is in a different condition than the other. And a sad ending would seem quite out of place for an anime like this.
KefkirothDec 12, 2012 9:40 PM
Dec 12, 2012 9:39 PM

Apr 2008
Yuuta: The Crusher of Dreams

[A Responsible Adult]
Dec 12, 2012 9:41 PM

Mar 2008
IheartAnime77 said:
B-B-But if she changes herself, and doesn't where her eyepatch, she'll no longer be "Rikka" :{ This ep was so sad :'(

Agree, I loved former Rikka. Taking aside what happened to Yuuta at the end, from the discussion in library I think Yuuta and Nibutani also loved former Rikka. No doubts about Dekomori...
I hope Kyoani will come up with something really good in next ep, because if they all will accept non-chuuni reality and stuff.... it will be fail for me. Also don't think I'll be satisfied even with something in-between...
However after previous ep I expected it'lll be like that. After that Rikka's song it was clear that something isn't right. Normally you can't change yourself that fast, unless you suffering too much.

RockerXD said:
I was applauding when Yuuta told Sanae off. I was worrying he would've caved in.

I'd have punched him in the face. Maybe there was a reason to do this with Rikka and he is the one who will take responsibility, but doing this to Sanae is a way too much.
Dec 12, 2012 9:48 PM

May 2011
Endymion said:

RockerXD said:
I was applauding when Yuuta told Sanae off. I was worrying he would've caved in.

I'd have punched him in the face. Maybe there was a reason to do this with Rikka and he is the one who will take responsibility, but doing this to Sanae is a way too much.

He might have went overboard, i do agree, but i was more worried of him caving in, and regressing Rikka's character, which i hope they don't.
Dec 12, 2012 9:52 PM

Mar 2008
RockerXD said:
He might have went overboard, i do agree, but i was more worried of him caving in, and regressing Rikka's character, which i hope they don't.

It actually may turn out that Yuuta loved former Rikka (in romantic sense, not only in general), but things are changed for him now.
Dec 12, 2012 9:54 PM

May 2011
Endymion said:
RockerXD said:
He might have went overboard, i do agree, but i was more worried of him caving in, and regressing Rikka's character, which i hope they don't.

It actually may turn out that Yuuta loved former Rikka (in romantic sense), but things are changed for him now.

As long as it ends well, i can deal with both ways, they built up quite a bit, they better not let down. Though, to be fair, ima root for the in-between.
Dec 12, 2012 10:00 PM

Mar 2009
RockerXD said:
Endymion said:
RockerXD said:
He might have went overboard, i do agree, but i was more worried of him caving in, and regressing Rikka's character, which i hope they don't.

It actually may turn out that Yuuta loved former Rikka (in romantic sense), but things are changed for him now.

As long as it ends well, i can deal with both ways, they built up quite a bit, they better not let down. Though, to be fair, ima root for the in-between.

An ending in which she is mostly normal with a hint of chuunibyou is the only ending that makes sense to me.
Dec 12, 2012 10:09 PM

Jul 2007
I saw this kind of conflict coming, but the way it was executed was more emotional and well-done than expected if you ask me. Unlike some of the people in this thread, I've never been 100% sold on this series--it's always felt a little stale and silly to me, but now that they've amped up the emotional side of it, I feel like it's a better series than I was expecting. It's been pushing us in this direction all along, it's just that the emotion burst out in a way that was, well, more genuine than I thought it would be. I felt a twinge in my heart, and, as I said before, I'm not terribly invested in this series, although it's given me some laughs and a few "Awww..." moments.

I can see where the ending is going. I'm hoping for the characters to find a a balance between "reality" and "Chuunibyou," which I think is what the series has been progressing towards all along. Reality itself can be cold, so there's nothing wrong with a little escapism, as long as you can recognize reality still and come back to face it when you need to. They don't need to wholeheartedly, truly believe these things, ignoring reality, in order to benefit from them, nor do they need to completely wash their hands of all imagination and play. They can find a healthy balance.

I'm glad Yuuta realized his mistake at the end. One can commend his "realism" about the situation if you want, but ultimately I think he went too far in tearing down everything that these characters knew and loved. Rikka seemed miserable, like a shell of herself, the whole episode, and poor Dekkomori was just trying to stay with her friends.

I'm looking forward to the last episode, and most likely seeing all the characters happy again.
Dec 12, 2012 10:19 PM
Sep 2011
Great episode! I think Rikka will be back to her old self again. I have not read the light novel but as this anime only covers the first novel and there is two it is pretty obvious she will be back to her old self or some form of it and one of the main characters is not even in it yet. I really hope for an second season and i think it will come. ^_^
Dec 12, 2012 10:25 PM

Mar 2008
YoshiPoshi said:
Great episode! I think Rikka will be back to her old self again. I have not read the light novel but as this anime only covers the first novel and there is two it is pretty obvious she will be back to her old self or some form of it and one of the main characters is not even in it yet. I really hope for an second season and i think it will come. ^_^

Wow that's very interesting info. I'll add this show to the list of sequels that I want then(^ω^)
Dec 12, 2012 10:30 PM

Nov 2011
tormented210 said:

Ok, I really have to comment on this. Seriously? Just because a girl is hugging another girl because she knows she's upset and needs a hug means they're lesbians? Get the f*ck out of here dude. The anime community is so stupid when it comes to stuff like this.

Definitely agreed with you here. There was no "yuri" in this episode at all tbh. I had to facepalm myself when I read that comment. Just fucking lol'd there and couldn't even believe what I read.
Stark700Dec 12, 2012 10:38 PM
Dec 12, 2012 10:34 PM
Jul 2012
I have known that I would cry since watching the 2nd episode.
Dec 12, 2012 10:36 PM

Mar 2008
BTW we was discussing it with a friend just now and came to conclusion that Rikka maybe doesn't plans to return to Yuuta. And Yuuta really sensed that when asked whether she'll return. However her reasons is unclear (maybe because of what Dekomori said about Rikka at the end?). She also looks like she gave up not only on chuuni stuff but on everything. Maybe some suicide attempt awaits us, but Yuuta will come for her and will be there just-in-time. She maybe decided that after Yuuta said that Rikka should visit her father's grave.
EndymionDec 12, 2012 10:43 PM
Dec 12, 2012 10:36 PM

Dec 2012
I am kinda confused, and a little bit shocked about the plot right now, because it just doesn't feel right. I mean, at eps 10 it is very romantic and so on, but in this episode it feels very sad. I kinda feel sorry for Dekomori. And why is Yuuta is such a jerk, telling bad things to her.

In the end, I hope that the last episode Rikka will be back to her old self, and everybody will happy :)
Dec 12, 2012 10:43 PM

Jul 2009
Togashi curing Chuunis since episode 10.
Dec 12, 2012 10:56 PM
Feb 2012
Really enjoying this anime. Loved the episode and I can't wait for the finale.
Dec 12, 2012 11:06 PM

Sep 2012
this show got so emotional OMG )':
Dec 12, 2012 11:08 PM

May 2012
man growin up sucks

Dec 12, 2012 11:20 PM

Jul 2010
iLostReason said:

10/5 as always, but really? i wont have my weekly Chu2 from next week on.That sucks hard.

Don't worry, we all move on to the next anime Fad which will most likely be KyoAni's Tamako Market.
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