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Oct 4, 2008 12:23 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Louise on the throne is a kind of scary thought. xD

It was a nice final episode for this season, even though this season was inferior to the 2 previous ones. I kind of want to see another season. 7/10




[H+] ³  
Oct 4, 2008 2:05 PM

Oct 2007
Anyone else feeling like theres a episode missing? Oh wait there :P

now that we have 3 seasons they should consider doing a Movie :D
Oct 4, 2008 3:15 PM

Feb 2008
Zero no Tsukaima, perfecting the art of unlimited 12-13 episode seasons.

It was a good end and a good kiss scene, the 4th season is pretty much guaranteed, along with a 5th, a 6th and so on.
Rie Kugimiya really outdid herself with the crying, awesome job.

I find it hilarious that while Lousie was falling she was more worried about pantsu than dying... I guess all girls in anime are like that :)
Oct 4, 2008 4:40 PM

Feb 2008
Errr... nice end but somehow it seems that there'll be a 4th season... X_x
De-JaYOct 4, 2008 5:18 PM
Oct 4, 2008 6:16 PM

Feb 2008
OMG, this was awful. This season was so bad I want to cry now. Why did I have to watch all 12 episodes in one go... I was just hoping maybe next one will be cool, like they were once, in first season... but noooo. Everyone went all slutty, not only guys have boobs, but they gave a pair to a dragon too, and ... THIS JUST DON'T MAKE ANY SENSE AT ALL!!!

This season gets 5 only for Colbert/Kirche, and Louise finally stepping up to whore hime that has no respect for her friends.

And seriously, what's so good about Saito anyways? I'd pick Julio over Saito any day. Hell, I'd pick Guiche over him. For all his talk, at least he's not groping every girl around. He's way more faithful than Saito.
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Oct 5, 2008 1:19 AM
Dec 2007
So Louise finally becomes an interesting character (good development, real psychology, genuine emotions etc...) for half of the episode, before turning back to a bitch in the end. Wow, I think we gained something there.

Oh and the ending was absolutely illogical and uncalled for, I mean, why and how does Louise become the seond in line for the throne, an explanation maybe? I must decrease the rating of this third season from 6 to 5 I'm afraid. One of the crappiest shows I've seen lately honestly, it isn't even worth Soul Eater (and God knows how I hate this show).

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Oct 5, 2008 2:30 AM

Jan 2008
De-JaY said:
Errr... nice end but somehow it seems that there'll be a 4th season... X_x
Great thinking by Tabitha, flying Saito away before Louise had a chance to snap again.

Overall, this season fails. 5/10.
Oct 5, 2008 2:42 AM

Feb 2008
The only good episode along with the first few. The rest were junks like ep 11.

Oct 5, 2008 3:51 AM

Jul 2008
217 god, I think I just got stupider from watching the end of that. Firstly, the whole thing with Joseph is just left inconclusive? Yeah, pretty good for storyline continuity...not to mention the ending with Louise becoming the Princess's "sister" and Saito getting returned to a Chevalier was not only cheesy and unrealistic, it was just horrible.

The 2nd season was bad enough, and because my expectations were lowered for this season, I kind of enjoyed it a little more...However, because of that ending I have to say it rages me equally as hard, if not more.


Oct 5, 2008 6:42 AM

Sep 2008
So to summarize this ep, Louise has another break down thinking shes worthless. Saito comes in and sweet talks her into doing it and they cast a powerful spell and thus its over.

The casting the spell onto the shell while it was on route was so stupid. Atleast make it believable or possible.

I have to say this series fails in making a resloving plot.
Oct 5, 2008 4:16 PM

Jun 2007
good end
i knew louise could have never lost her powers. delfinger did say that the void magic worked with emotions, so yeah.
tabitha was kinda cute this episode
"i will protect saito" "you are my ivaldy" lol
another weapon from saito's.... i wonder where they got it from
another golem....
and god's brain attacks
really, louise did a bunch of stupid things this episode....
and to get her powers, tabitha did the impossible, she kissed saito!
one more to the harem -.-
and void magic returns
louise becomes a little bit cuter after that, she is not so bitchy i guess...
and two kisses in a row xD

now... seeing louise as the next to queen is umm.... kinda disturbing....
but that means saito will not only be her familiar, but also her knight....
i hope the next season is better.

this one did not live up to it's first season, but interesting things happened, other than the "BUST REVOLUTION" as saito would put it.
Oct 5, 2008 5:05 PM

Jan 2008
no ecchiness... just romance.. and that's more I like it.. ^^
Oct 6, 2008 7:51 AM

Apr 2008
Disappointed with the ending. In my opinion, I can't call it an ending dropping my rating from 8 to 7.

Well, looking forward for season 4. The series is not done yet.

Oct 7, 2008 3:13 AM

Feb 2008
I find the lack of a proper ending in this anime annoying...And by annoying, I mean it made me give this season a 1/10. I cannot accept anything that so obviously sets itself up for another season...They should have done *something* other than what they did.

I'll admit...I haven't like this series for a while...The first season is the only good one in my opinion. The ending of the second one ruined it for me, but it was still watchable. I failed to find anything in this season likeable. It *might* just be me, but I'm failing to see why everyone likes this so much >.<
Oct 7, 2008 4:28 AM

Feb 2008
Dispozition said:
I find the lack of a proper ending in this anime annoying...And by annoying, I mean it made me give this season a 1/10. I cannot accept anything that so obviously sets itself up for another season...They should have done *something* other than what they did.

I'll admit...I haven't like this series for a while...The first season is the only good one in my opinion. The ending of the second one ruined it for me, but it was still watchable. I failed to find anything in this season likeable. It *might* just be me, but I'm failing to see why everyone likes this so much >.<

It's basically just become a fanservice loaded cash-cow.
Oct 7, 2008 10:01 AM

Nov 2007
Hope there will be another season coming and so, exepct to see a lot of Louise vs Tabitha moments xD
Oct 7, 2008 3:46 PM

Jul 2007
Disapointing ending. It means there will be a fourth season.
Oct 9, 2008 8:34 PM

Jul 2008
sanjica said:

And seriously, what's so good about Saito anyways? I'd pick Julio over Saito any day. Hell, I'd pick Guiche over him. For all his talk, at least he's not groping every girl around. He's way more faithful than Saito.

Never thought of it that way. Julio and Guiche more reliable than Saito? It's ironic, but so damn true. Fucking Saito.
Oct 11, 2008 11:40 AM

Jan 2008
This episode was alright.

It wasn't the conclusive ending you look for when completing an anime - this one just screams fourth season~ In the beginning when Louise was going to blow Tabitha and Saito up and she couldn't - I was incredibly happy :) However I was mad when there was no explanation given as to why Louise lost her magic. Sure the Void magic is controlled with emotions - but that's not a very valid excuse.

Moreover, the stone golem or whatever - they had been showing that for 2 episodes implying that it would be something tremendously great and difficult to defeat. And what happens? They conquer the thing in like less than 10 minutes with different tries of magic.

And doesn't Louise switch emotions so fast! One minute she's crying and whining that she can't do anything and then when Tabitha kisses Saito (which was awesome) she can all of a sudden conjure up magic because she was jealous and didn't want Saito to leave? Another point in which I felt there was something missing.

Nonetheless, the Louise and Saito moment at the end was somewhat cute (coming from someone who hated Louise's guts in the first two seasons and for the better half of this season until she gave up her nobility). Although it was most definitely weird how Saito was reading French and speaking Japanese. And why does every girl have to fall for Saito? I would probably go after Julio... ^_^;;;

My favorite of this season were Tiffiana and Slyphid's human form cause it was so cute :)

Well, I'm going to watch the fourth season when it comes out - only because I want some definite closure with this anime. But there better be some mention of the water spirit and her ring - including the whole thing about all the void mages getting together and opening the gate which the elves protect...

Amazing sig set thanks to -DraGonZ-
Oct 17, 2008 4:54 AM

Nov 2007
the ending saved it. if it didnt end like this i would have just given the show a 4. imagine if they tried to defeat her uncle. ridiculous. tho i do wish they said what happened to the mother, tho i know that is alot considering this season made zero sense most of the time.

also wtf, why introduce Tiffiana, an character completely different from the rest and then have her do nothing.

tabitha was so kawai in the final scene. she reminded me of mizore.
Oct 18, 2008 2:54 AM
Oct 2008
season 4 plox =]

2nd seasons ending was more epic...

but this ones good too =]
Oct 22, 2008 7:23 AM

Mar 2008
filler season is filler.

The middle is especially egregious. But, it kinda redeemed itself with HEAVY ARTILLERY
Oct 22, 2008 8:46 PM

Feb 2008
Ahaha! Filler season... XD

Hate it that Zero no Tsukaima ends again.

I'm just fond of Louise and Saito's silliness. I don't care what plots or climax, this anime is just in my routines. Ahaha!

Well, it's true that it's really a disappointment from the last 2 seasons, but oh well. It's still good.

I'm just giving this an 7, but because of the ending that gives satisfaction and overall-enjoyment. I'll still give it a 8.

I think I'm gonna see the DVDs, LOL!
Oct 23, 2008 8:41 PM

Jun 2007
Season four had better make up for this. It could have been so much better. This last episode was pretty decent though. Louise being made next in line to the throne...Well, I can honestly say I didn't see that coming.
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Oct 23, 2008 9:54 PM
May 2008
Can't wait for season 4 to air (if there will be one), I hope it wil be a better one. And for the weapons hope they keep evolving them, I can immagine Season 25 they get a nuclear bomb togather with launch codes.
Oct 24, 2008 3:46 PM

Aug 2007
Colector606 said:
Can't wait for season 4 to air (if there will be one), I hope it wil be a better one. And for the weapons hope they keep evolving them, I can immagine Season 25 they get a nuclear bomb togather with launch codes.

lmao. that might just happen
Nov 18, 2008 12:39 PM

Jan 2008
Pure awesomeness, it lacked the impact expected from a last episode, but I don't mind, since it was screaming that there will be another season.

As expected from a tsundere, they are really good at making excuses. There is no way anyone will figure out that it was just an excuse to kiss Saito without making it seem like she wants to. LOL
Nov 23, 2008 5:43 AM

Jun 2008
This season was hollow, to say the least. Filled with fanservice and barely any plot at all.
Nov 27, 2008 5:02 AM

May 2007
How big can Saito's harem be? what I'd like to ask, but I'm scared of the answer. When they talked about the Great Lance, I immediately thought of the Spear of Longinus, but a cannon from WWII can work too.

Did not feel like an ending, a fourth season can be counted as official now. It was nice to see the good ol' ZnT. I'd rate this 7.5->8/10
Dec 8, 2008 5:31 PM

Jul 2008
it was ok but they went way too fast
they took forever on that golem as well lol
but overall they started and now they've got to finish with another season.
but shakugan no shana III first pl0x
Dec 11, 2008 4:56 PM

Nov 2008
not sure if anyone remembers about saito and returning the ring to the spirt of the lake and the fact tab's uncle is still alive and no major battle spells sesason 4
Dec 13, 2008 7:42 AM
Jun 2008
This ending was so soothing, at least they didn't disapoint me =)

Some things that I didn't like in this epi. was the fact that there weren't so many action parts and Tabitha in the way of the love between Saito and Louise...

But it's okay, it means they are going to make a 4th season (Yay!).
Dec 15, 2008 4:41 PM

Apr 2008
this whole season was crap.
Dec 21, 2008 9:41 PM

May 2007
fuck yes tabitha is such a slut. my favourite <3

so moe.

louise can die.
Dec 22, 2008 5:18 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
ZoiQ said:
fuck yes tabitha is such a slut. my favourite <3
Wow you got a weird way to express your <3. Things have changed.




[H+] ³  
Dec 22, 2008 12:39 PM

May 2007
Yes, they have. :'<

I guess I can blame JC staff for this one.
Dec 24, 2008 9:23 PM

Aug 2008
well i suppose a season 4 is definate the way they ended things :D

ah, Tabitha. its always the quiet ones you know? love her!
Jan 1, 2009 8:25 PM
Oct 2007
the ending was rather disappointing..
Jan 4, 2009 3:39 PM

Apr 2007
The 3rd season is the least good one imo. The first had the best ideas, the second one had good action and seriousness, the third... well I just liked it because I like most of the characters and was glad that I could see them again, the plot was pretty useless.
The term "filler season" is so fitting! XD
Jan 14, 2009 1:59 PM

Jan 2008
my overall impression: one step forward, two steps back (or maybe three)
get lost with this ecchi stuff already!!! i really want to like this anime and the setting is/was very promising, but the producers had somehow the talent to screw almost everything up. first they put in lots of fillers and in the last episodes they don't have enough time left to tell a good story -_-
Jan 15, 2009 4:07 PM
Aug 2008
Hehe, I actualy really liked this series. It really made me simle, even if it was just filler.
Although everything seems totaly inconsistant to how it was at the end of season 2, and did those two stop being married all of a sudden or what?
Jan 30, 2009 8:35 AM

Dec 2008
cool episode.
even with some things to criticize ,I really liked S3.
The first 6 episodes were the best.
I liked the new character Tifa but unfortunately in the later episodes she became a fanservice machine.
And this time they didn't messed up the ending like in Season 2

I really liked the whole Zero no Tsukaima Project.
Season one was the best when it comes to atmosphere and tension.
The other Season had some episode that were not so good but it was ok.
FabienneJan 30, 2009 8:40 AM
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Feb 5, 2009 6:25 AM

Jul 2008
Nice ending for this season. Really nice action scenes and kisses were soo cute ! *o* And Louise is awesome character.

The ending was nice. Louise became Henrieta's "sister". Just so stupid that Louise had to get mad to Saito again ._____.

Feb 8, 2009 12:27 AM

Nov 2008
Finished when it aired. I liked the ending in regards to the kiss, but this was obviously a lead in to another season. - My AMV's. I would really appreciate any comments and ratings :]

Feb 9, 2009 1:38 AM

Jul 2008
I guess this series wouldn't have properly ended without a "baka inu" at the end of the episode. This season was definitely not as good as the other two and it really seemed out of touch with everything. I enjoyed all the awkward embraces at the end of the episode, but that's about it. I feel there is going to be another season, I mean how could it end like that with the evil dude laughing in the horizon. 7/10 for this season. I'll give it that much since there were some good moments and a few of the episodes were hilarious.
Sep 25, 2009 10:51 AM

Aug 2009
A very good episode! Hope there's gonna be another season.

Oct 1, 2009 2:42 AM

Sep 2009
Archer112 said:
Hehe, I actualy really liked this series. It really made me simle, even if it was just filler.
Although everything seems totaly inconsistant to how it was at the end of season 2, and did those two stop being married all of a sudden or what?
They never got to finish the wedding ceremony due to Saito's selfless 'save Louise, sacrifice myself' ploy. So basically, not married.

Although it did bother me how the flowers they exchanged seemed to dissapear, I thought surely they would have used them again for the series finale, however far away that may be. Example. Saito returning to Japan and each of them still have flowers to know of eachothers status. (I wouldn't actually like it if that was the ending)
Oct 1, 2009 2:42 AM

Sep 2009
Oct 3, 2009 7:36 AM

Aug 2009
this season was pure crap.... its like they forgot everything happened in the first 2 seasons almost.... i would have been happy with the ending of s2 ...this s3 was crap
Oct 14, 2009 10:42 AM
Sep 2009
Just one word. Awesome!
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