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Oct 24, 2012 8:42 PM

Jun 2011

NibutanixYuuta ALL. THE. WAY. I can only see Rikka being in a sister-like relationship with Yuuta :/ That is, unless Rikka's eighth-grade syndrome gets cured (or stops for whatever reason) before the end of the season, at which point Yuuta realizes how much he liked her weirdness. But then we find out that Rikka was never a chuunibyou, she's just naturally weird.



Gosh watching Nibutani spazz out is so cute xD I know how she feels LOL.
Oct 24, 2012 8:43 PM

Dec 2011
Needs more Kumin~. I want a magic pillow of friendship, too.
Oct 24, 2012 8:44 PM

Aug 2011
ImaVampire said:
Nibutani is a bitch -_-

Well after this episode, its safe to say that the Rikka route has no more problems. It was another great episode..., it seems to keep getting better and better with each new episode. I cant wait for next week! So much awesomesauce on a Wednesday!

Episode Naxcore: 5/5
Oct 24, 2012 8:47 PM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
All I got to say after this episode is... Fuck Nibutani!!!!

How can anyone like that bitch right now? She went from being cute and very likable, to my most hated character on the show. I'm sure she becomes more likable at some point.
Oct 24, 2012 8:48 PM

Jun 2011
KingYoshi said:
All I got to say after this episode is... Fuck Nibutani!!!!

How can anyone like that bitch right now? She went from being cute and very likable, to my most hated character on the show. I'm sure she becomes more likable at some point.


Oct 24, 2012 8:50 PM

Jun 2012
lol this anime is hilarious :D
I miss the seizure-OP though.
‎"Our everyday lives may, in fact, be a series of miracles." - Nichijou
Oct 24, 2012 8:53 PM
Oct 2010
figured she'd be that girl who reverts into a bitch like she did after burning that thing. this was a hilariously good ep
Dont bother replying to my posts in forums, dont check them afterwards.

Oct 24, 2012 8:54 PM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
onedaysnotice said:
KingYoshi said:
All I got to say after this episode is... Fuck Nibutani!!!!

How can anyone like that bitch right now? She went from being cute and very likable, to my most hated character on the show. I'm sure she becomes more likable at some point.



Rikka > All Other Characters > Black World Monster Feces > Nibutani
Oct 24, 2012 8:54 PM
Sep 2012
This anime went from pretty good to pretty amazing in an episode.

Totally found the personality swap of Nibutani hilarious and fitting.
Dreams, tears, and blood.
Oct 24, 2012 8:55 PM

Jun 2010
Well I kinda knew it. I thought she still had it, but I guess she got rid of it.

Oct 24, 2012 8:57 PM

Jun 2011
KingYoshi said:
onedaysnotice said:
KingYoshi said:
All I got to say after this episode is... Fuck Nibutani!!!!

How can anyone like that bitch right now? She went from being cute and very likable, to my most hated character on the show. I'm sure she becomes more likable at some point.



Nibutani ~ Rikka > Sanae > All other characters.


On another note, I love Sanae's voice and accent xD

Revenant_Oct 24, 2012 9:02 PM
Oct 24, 2012 9:01 PM

Nov 2009
I like Nibutani cause she's hot, I don't care what other pp think about her. I also like Rikka's sister and Kumin but I don't like Rikka cause she's so silly *sigh.
Oct 24, 2012 9:02 PM

Sep 2012
Cool to see that Shinka is a more complex character than she originally let on. She's obviously very self-conscious about her chuunibyou, it'll be interesting to see how she deals with it from here on out.
Oct 24, 2012 9:04 PM

May 2012
Haha.. so that is Nibutani's true personality!.. And that old dark flame master personality of the MC sending a love confession to a girl.. Haha..
Oct 24, 2012 9:04 PM

Aug 2011
Rikka is still the best. I never really liked Nibutani much from the beginning, is it only me that likes her a LITTLE bit better now? Why does everyone think she's a bitch anyways? Okay, maybe a little. But not everyone can be perfect right lol.

Anyways lol I loved this episode it was so funny.

Rikka ~ Yuuta > Sanae > Kumin > Nibutani > Others
Oct 24, 2012 9:05 PM

Dec 2008
Don't know why so many people are starting to hate Nibutani just because she has a more interesting personality.

Personally, I find the always nice nice kind of female characters incredibly boring and annoying, so seeing Nibutani have a complete switch of personality was a very nice surprise and should make the character dynamics all the more interesting.

However, Rikka is still number one.

Tonight... we are young... so let's set the world on fire, we can burn brighter, than the sun...
Oct 24, 2012 9:17 PM

Mar 2012
This episode was quite good and highly enjoyable, but it was also probably my least favorite, due largely to how inconsistent it was. The first half was mediocre, while the latter half was excellent, since Nibutani disposed of her "perfect" facade, which allowed for a much more interesting story to take place. Despite this, I recognize the episode as a necessary bridge between Yuuta's superficial attraction of Nibutani and the gradual establishing of his romantic interest in Rikka. Although the story didn't particularly interest me throughout the first half, I felt the episode, as a whole, was paced really well.

Though it was certainly expected, I didn't particularly like that Yuuta chose to join the club solely due to the shallow attraction he has towards Shinka, but this is a rather insignificant complaint. The largest criticism I have is that, due to Shinka being far too prevalent throughout, Rikka, as in the previous episode, seemed to be forced into the role of a secondary character, which doesn't exactly benefit the story, since her interactions with Yuuta are easily the best element of the show. Thankfully, the latter half of the episode strongly allayed my temporary fears that this would turn into the Yuuta-Shinka show, so hopefully the story returns to focusing on the far more engaging and enjoyable dynamic of the relationship between Yuuta and Rikka.

Rikka stumbling upon and consequently becoming embarrassed by Yuuta's dirty magazine was easily my favorite scene in the episode. The humor, for the most part, worked quite well, especially Sanae and Rikka's fantastic interactions. Sanae's enthusiastic admiration towards Rikka is quite amusing. Kumin's also pretty likable, but, unfortunately, she hasn't been given much to do.

Despite it's predictability, I really like that Nibutani was revealed as Mori Summer, due mostly to what that means for Yuuta, since his interactions with "normal" Shinka essentially diminished his character into a one-note repetition. Her separate personality, though intriguing in it's surprising contrast, is pretty unlikable. At least the chuunibyou aspect of Shinka's true self actually gives her dynamic characterization and an interesting personality, since she definitely didn't possess one before. Now that her true motivations have been revealed, it's great that she doesn't appear to have any sort of romantic interest in Yuuta. Hopefully, now that he's been "rejected", he can finally move past his temporary crush on worst girl, which would consequently allow Rikka and Yuuta's relationship to properly develop.

The production values remain consistently impressive, as illuminated by the entertaining end to the episode, in which Shinka and Sanae fight for the book she had written. This brief action sequence was, once again, really well-animated and excellently choreographed. The dynamic facial reactions are depicted particularly well. The altered OP is actually pretty good, since it's no longer "seizure-inducing".

All in all, Chuunibyou, despite it's occasional, but temporary narrative flaws, continues to exceed expectations with it's execution and a thoroughly likable cast of characters. It will be interesting to see which direction the story will take, since the club has been fully assembled. I love that, so far, Rikka appears to be the only one that's romantically interested in Yuuta, and I hope it remains that way. As such, I'm expecting far more focus on Rikka and her gradually developing relationship with Yuuta as the story progresses.
Oct 24, 2012 9:17 PM

Jul 2012
oh, look. a busty high school cheerleader who's actually a two-faced bitch...
...LOL yeaaaaaa that's original

"character dynamic!"

if anything, we're falling deeper into character archetypes of the harem genre
Oct 24, 2012 9:19 PM

Mar 2011
Great ep i lol a lot, also i glad that the op isn't seizure any more cause on the last op make my eyes dizzy.
Oct 24, 2012 9:22 PM

Jan 2009
lol Shinka has a bad temper never expected that since she is cheerful, Shinka is more hot now

and what a funny episode the fight scenes are awesome as usual
Oct 24, 2012 9:23 PM
Jul 2012
donotthrowsouls said:
Needs more Kumin~. I want a magic pillow of friendship, too.

I second this
Oct 24, 2012 9:27 PM
Sep 2009
Baconzombie said:
donotthrowsouls said:
Needs more Kumin~. I want a magic pillow of friendship, too.

I second this

Third. Kumin's naptime is adorable~
Oct 24, 2012 9:37 PM

Aug 2012
Awesome Episode; Loved Every Bit Of It

First of All - A Subtle Hint Of Yuuta X Rikka

Dark Flame Master's Confession - Totally Out The World!!!

Nibutani's Priceless Reaction

Nibutani's Change Of Personality - Not Sure Whether It's For The Good Or The Bad But At The Very Least It Gives Rise To An Interesting Setting
Raven-VermillionOct 24, 2012 10:40 PM
Oct 24, 2012 9:37 PM

Apr 2008
Can Sanae go jump in a fire? Seriously everything she emphasizes DESU I want to strangle her
TaihakuOct 24, 2012 9:44 PM
Oct 24, 2012 9:40 PM
Sep 2012
Nooo Nibutani turned sour. =(
Funny episode nonetheless. Turned out Nibutani did have the eighth grade syndrome, kinda seeing it coming. Overly dramatic battles as usual.
Oct 24, 2012 9:45 PM

Oct 2008
Rikka still steals the show (that flour bag!), although Nibutani's true colours was pretty funny.

Taihaku said:
Can Sanae go jump in a fire? Seriously everything she emphasizes DESU I want to punch her in the face

She does get kind of annoying, but I guess this is exactly what they are going for? I don't dig her character design either too, which kind of contributes to it.

Also, doesn't it bother Nibutani that everyone else knows that she has joined the club?
Oct 24, 2012 9:49 PM
Sep 2012
Omniknight said:
Rikka still steals the show (that flour bag!), although Nibutani's true colours was pretty funny.

Taihaku said:
Can Sanae go jump in a fire? Seriously everything she emphasizes DESU I want to punch her in the face

She does get kind of annoying, but I guess this is exactly what they are going for? I don't dig her character design either too, which kind of contributes to it.

Also, doesn't it bother Nibutani that everyone else knows that she has joined the club?
The balls at the end of Sanae's hair look stupid as well.

I don't think that everyone knows that Nibutani has joined their club yet. She doesn't spend much time there and I doubt that she's told anyone.
Oct 24, 2012 9:56 PM

Dec 2011
lol Everyone's hatin' Nibutani now. Her personality twist is actually what's making me like her. Much better than that ~perfect sweet cute love interest~ persona
Oct 24, 2012 10:13 PM

Nov 2011
C'est la vie, in regards to Shinka's personality change. I suppose I can root for Rikka without feeling conflicted now.

Sanae actually won some points with me this episode, though...
Oct 24, 2012 10:17 PM
Sep 2012
another great and cute episode :) :) :)
Oct 24, 2012 10:19 PM

Jul 2012
Lol this is hilarious

If you really want to fit in, just put Legend of the Galactic Heroes in your top 5 and have it be the only 10-rated anime in your list.
Oct 24, 2012 10:21 PM

Apr 2008

Oh Rikka, you're so silly.

Oct 24, 2012 10:25 PM

Jul 2010
Dawk Flame-u Mastah!~
ofx360Oct 24, 2012 10:29 PM
Oct 24, 2012 10:31 PM

Apr 2012
Remade OP cool.
Shinka's Chuuni past was totally unexpected ! Even her personality went 180 degrees!
That was quite a shock knowing that she went from the cute idol girl to the other self personality. Might expect some awesome episodes next time now that we have 4 chuunibyou's.
Also, I'd really love to see Dark Flame Master fight and would go all badass on them.
The Art of Shipping is no mere game. It can be small skirmishes to huge nation size wars.
Of course some will claim their ship is the BATTLESHIP but they all do. This is why battles occur because of factions fighting each other to justify their favourite ship.
And thus SHIP to SHIP combat occurs almost anytime even now.
Beware, Threading into the Shipping battlefield will be bloody.... What are you waiting for?
Oct 24, 2012 10:53 PM

Jun 2011
AiCon said:
Omniknight said:
Rikka still steals the show (that flour bag!), although Nibutani's true colours was pretty funny.

Taihaku said:
Can Sanae go jump in a fire? Seriously everything she emphasizes DESU I want to punch her in the face

She does get kind of annoying, but I guess this is exactly what they are going for? I don't dig her character design either too, which kind of contributes to it.

Also, doesn't it bother Nibutani that everyone else knows that she has joined the club?
The balls at the end of Sanae's hair look stupid as well.

I don't think that everyone knows that Nibutani has joined their club yet. She doesn't spend much time there and I doubt that she's told anyone.


I love her accent and her "-DESU" xD And how she spins her pigtails to attack is so cute as well xD

Oct 24, 2012 10:59 PM
Sep 2012
onedaysnotice said:
AiCon said:
Omniknight said:
Rikka still steals the show (that flour bag!), although Nibutani's true colours was pretty funny.

Taihaku said:
Can Sanae go jump in a fire? Seriously everything she emphasizes DESU I want to punch her in the face

She does get kind of annoying, but I guess this is exactly what they are going for? I don't dig her character design either too, which kind of contributes to it.

Also, doesn't it bother Nibutani that everyone else knows that she has joined the club?
The balls at the end of Sanae's hair look stupid as well.

I don't think that everyone knows that Nibutani has joined their club yet. She doesn't spend much time there and I doubt that she's told anyone.


I love her accent and her "-DESU" xD And how she spins her pigtails to attack is so cute as well xD

I think that Sanae is okay. It just really irritates me when ever she spins around with those balls at the end of her ponytails. It's just something about her spinning like an idiot that really irritates me. Other than that she's fine.

PS. Your new profile pic is nice but I found your last profile pic more... um

*drools* lol

Poyo Poyo!
Oct 24, 2012 11:00 PM

Sep 2011
HAHA that was too funny XD

Nibutani and Yuuta have such similar pasts. Good comedy made my laugh a lot :)
Oct 24, 2012 11:00 PM

Jul 2012
I knew Nibutani was one of those chuuni people. I honestly didn't think that she would be but her joining the circle is kind of odd... My image of Nibutani completely shattered. :(
Well, this was a pretty decent episode. It was kind of how stubborn Dekomori doesn't believe Nibutani is Mori Summer, even after the fight. It's sad that this series is ONLY 12 episodes long. I want to see the girl in this picture:
Oct 24, 2012 11:03 PM

Jun 2009

They change the OP!

Favorite episode yet! I love the real Nibutani!
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Oct 24, 2012 11:07 PM
Sep 2012
I can't wait for the 4 way battle between DarkFlameMaster, Rikka, Sanae and Mori Summer. That will be a sight to see. Mori Summer fighting with her battle pom poms. lol
Oct 24, 2012 11:11 PM

Jan 2011
Seizure OP is gone :( still a very funny episode i knew something was up with Nibutani from the start she finally showed us her true colors lol to think she had it too! just what this show needed someone with a cold bitchy attitude.

for now seems like Kumin is the only *normal* one beside the fact shes getting infected
Oct 24, 2012 11:16 PM
Aug 2009
UtsukushiiYume said:
Rikka is still the best. I never really liked Nibutani much from the beginning, is it only me that likes her a LITTLE bit better now? Why does everyone think she's a bitch anyways? Okay, maybe a little. But not everyone can be perfect right lol.

Anyways lol I loved this episode it was so funny.

Rikka ~ Yuuta > Sanae > Kumin > Nibutani > Others

When Yuuta explained how he also knows how she feels.(Tried to calm down her down)
She just called him a loser without any thinking.

Nibutani's Image in Yuuta's ahead is probably ''chopped into pieces'' already
MrNeetOct 24, 2012 11:25 PM
Oct 24, 2012 11:26 PM

Aug 2010
Don't like Mori Summer, Shinka was way better, personality wise. Now Sanae has overtaken her on my list.

Despite not having much screentime, Kumin is a little bit above rikka by now. Loved her sleeping in that scrifical circle XD and then grabbing onto shinka's leg

Also, Rikka finding Yuuta's porn stash = WIN

Also, I hope in the end, Yuuta confesses to Rikka.... Dark Flame Master style
I want Rambo in a mecha-suit with a laser-chainsaw gun that fires nuclear warheads, fighting the love-child of Predator, Alien, a group of Bangladeshi terrorists, and Satan. (Actually that would be a pretty sick show) - StopDropAndBowl
Oct 24, 2012 11:31 PM
Aug 2011
People don't care for Nibutani as much after this. Though I think those people are overdramatizing the situation. She didn't become unlikeable, maybe not as perfect but she isn't much different than Yuuta. It's just Yuuta is better at putting up with his old side and others like him.
Oct 24, 2012 11:39 PM

Jul 2012
Nibutani is a complete bitch lol this anime doesn't fail to make me laugh good episode.

However I'm going to spoil the show right now with this shocking prediction
Yuuta will some how hurt Rikka by making fun of her or insulting her hobby and to cheer her up by becoming the Dark Flame master once again and then then he confesses his love for her....classic anime story conclusion but the anime funny moments are more than enough to keep me entertained.
Oct 24, 2012 11:52 PM

Jun 2012
Rikka is the best character in this show so far.

If this show is TMOHS, then Rikka would definitely be Haruhi. When her eccentric and alluring personality is on display, the show shines brightest.

In my opinion, this episode was a little weaker than the others because it didn't have enough Rikka. The highlight of the episode was her finding those ecchi magazines under his bed!

Hopefully they amplify the romance between Rikka and Yuuta. It has been largely (but not entirely) missing for the first four episodes. After this episode, I can say I will not be rooting for NibutanixYutta or the harem ending.
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Oct 24, 2012 11:56 PM

Nov 2011
Great ep, didnt like nibutani's personality though

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Oct 24, 2012 11:59 PM

Oct 2012
Well, I definitely didn't expect Nibutani to have a different personality. I hope she gets development on it. Didn't really like the change of attitude, much to my surprise.

No more seizure OP. I liked having to keep moving my eyes left and right, but it's for the sake of people who can't handle things like that, so it's fine with me.

After seeing the battle at the end, it made me wonder how a battle with Dark Flame Master would look like.
Oct 25, 2012 12:06 AM

Aug 2012
Great 4th ep, never would have known she hathe same syndrome :3

Looks like she's staying in the club aswell ^^
Oct 25, 2012 12:21 AM

Sep 2012
About nibutani i think it's more interesting this way, i mean they can't be all full time chuunibyou like rikka and sanae, and come on guys i think calling her a bitch is a lil bit to harsh, well i don't know about you but i've seen alot more bitchier characters than that.
tuturu~!! (≧◡≦)
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