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Sep 29, 2012 1:46 PM

Sep 2011
Execution, Execution, this show really seems to be lacking in that department, yet its still so enjoyable its really odd.

TBH I felt the confrontation with heart seed and Iroi's whole 'development' felt a touch too forced, especially what she told heart seed. Yet I do likeher acknowledging she can receive help from her friends and her mom MADE MY FUCKING DAY.

I have to say this dosn't beat the first arc, but its better than the last one, I'm really starting to get why 'random' is in this guy's name everything that happens in this series is pretty random, which I have mixed feelings on as I like randomness and thats how Life is, yet in the way of story telling it can come off as aimless and messy.

As much as I say that though, I'm still enjoying the series and like the cast overall and their odd perdiciments
Sep 29, 2012 1:55 PM

Jul 2010

Damn, that was one of my favourite episodes.I love Iori and this freaking show.Heartseed is badass.Im 100% sure hes not such a bad...person, i mean heartseed..At least no.1.
Iori's mother is such an epic mother xD.I was like WHTDFQ when she started yelling :D shes not a bad mom after all.I thought she doesnt really care of Iori.
Oh, and dat ending ''Do i really love Yaegashi Taichi?'' - woah.Now we need to wait for last 4 episodes releases *sigh*

Sep 29, 2012 2:15 PM
Sep 2012
Really enjoyed this anime (I know it isn't finished) enjoyed the story and relationships, 8/10
Sep 29, 2012 2:45 PM

Sep 2011

I really do like this show a lot, but I also agree that, other than the body swapping arc, it hasn't taken advantage of all the potential it offered.

Whatever, I will try to wait calmly for the remaining episodes to be made available.

Ah, and I really did think Iori's mother had moved out, but obviously that was not the case.
Sep 29, 2012 2:47 PM

Oct 2011
Loved this episode. I didn't expect Iori's mom to neglect her daughter all this time in order to make her happy. It was nice seeing mother and daughter reunited. Now I'm a bit puzzled by Iori's comment about Taichi, thought she always loved him but only hesitated all this time due to her other personas; it seems that she doesn't truly know if she likes him yet. Perhaps this will allow Inaba to ultimately win in the end, because her feelings for Taichi is much stronger than Iori's by the looks of it.

Sep 29, 2012 2:49 PM

Sep 2011
Really getting irritated at how all the studios are airing last few episodes on BDs. 2/10 for the studio for being crud. 8/10 for series, for now, or w/e the hell they're doing.
Sep 29, 2012 3:24 PM

Jan 2011
Iori episodes are always disappointing, making such a big deal over her personality. The mother was cool though.

"Do I really love Taichi?" No, now hand him over to Inaba so best girl can win.

for now 7/10 for this series.
VioLinkSep 29, 2012 3:31 PM
Sep 29, 2012 3:28 PM

Nov 2008
another enjoyable episode - for the episode amount and the arc detail I actually thought they did a fairly decent job haha - I am noticing a lot of "Well I thought it be better 6-7 etc's" well 1-13 for me is sitting at 9/10 and tied for top anime of this season for me.
Sep 29, 2012 3:35 PM

Jan 2012
Nice episode like always. Hope to see the remaining episodes somewhere.

Sep 29, 2012 3:40 PM

Jun 2012
Was that the last ep?? no right?
I like inaba x taichi better.
why didnt iori say anything to her mom b4? it was like any other day
i like her mom :)
Sep 29, 2012 3:47 PM
Jul 2012
Thatguy31 said:
Execution, Execution, this show really seems to be lacking in that department, yet its still so enjoyable its really odd.

TBH I felt the confrontation with heart seed and Iroi's whole 'development' felt a touch too forced, especially what she told heart seed. Yet I do likeher acknowledging she can receive help from her friends and her mom MADE MY FUCKING DAY.

I have to say this dosn't beat the first arc, but its better than the last one, I'm really starting to get why 'random' is in this guy's name everything that happens in this series is pretty random, which I have mixed feelings on as I like randomness and thats how Life is, yet in the way of story telling it can come off as aimless and messy.

As much as I say that though, I'm still enjoying the series and like the cast overall and their odd perdiciments

^This. To be honest, this show is probably my favorite this season (other than jinrui), but you're definitely right in that execution has been lacking lately, especially in this arc. The idea of the age-changing was probably my favorite but the worst executed out the three. The ending episode of this arc didn't have the same feel as the previous two, and it seemed overly cliche of how they pulled off the whole "friendship will get us through everything" business in the end. Nonetheless, one could argue that this is what they were aiming for.

Overall, this episode was decent. Not as impactful as the first or second arc, but still, decent.
Sep 29, 2012 4:11 PM
Aug 2012
At least it didn't break my heart like Doctor Who's ep with the Ponds leaving......So mix feelings with all this fandom of mines -3-
Sep 29, 2012 4:16 PM

Apr 2012
It's been a while since I've come across an anime that I despise this much. From the stupid melodrama to the shitty writing to the waste of a perfectly good premise this show failed on all levels for me. Being objective it isn't the worst thing I've seen, but I hate it a good deal more than a lot of the other bad anime I've seen.

The anime starts with a fairly interesting premise that could have gone in a lot of different directions. An alien decides to mess with a group of high school students in various ways such as body switching, unleashing their desires and then causing them to regress to various parts of their childhood. From this premise there could have been some great comedy or it could have made for a great psychological character study. While Kokoro Connect does try to go for both approaches it instead falls into mind numbingly stupid, unbelievable melodrama. It's like someone took every bad cliche or trope I hate to see in an anime and then used them in the worst possible way to make an anime.

To start with there are the bland cardboard cutout characters, lead by Mr. Bland himself Taichi. I would endeavour to describe him but words fail me. He is the prototypical male lead with little personality to speak of other than being a hopeless white knight which in itself is a very generic trait. Aoki is the screw up pervert character with a crush on the tough but vulnerable female Yui, the lady that doth protest too much when it comes to his attentions. Iori is the quiet cute one with a stupid sense of humor. Inaba rounds out the cast and is the only one that can't really be summed in a few words. Frankly, Inaba deserved to be in a much better anime as she provides the only moments of humor in this disaster of an anime.

The anime does make token attempts to explore and flesh out Taichi and his miserable band of emo cohorts but it's attempts to make them three dimensional shows a lack of understanding of how people interact with each other. Sure these cardboard cutouts have been thrown into a bizarre position with the alien interference, but that doesn't mean they should act like aliens themselves. Often when watching Kokoro, I couldn't help but feel like I was watching a bunch of aliens trying to imitate human interaction and failing at it miserably. Every over the top dramatic scene was rendered almost laughable with the emo cardboard cutouts overreacting to even the smallest of situations. If these were real people I would genuinely fear for their safety as even a hang nail would probably drive them into a suicidal depression. The dialogue is often laughable with characters constantly spitting out lines that no one would ever say out loud. Even worse were their senseless actions that did little more than drive the plot into more drama and conflict.

The actual plot of the anime just used the alien interference as a framing device to bring out the "serious issues" of the emo club which just lead to a whole mess of melodrama. It's not to say that some of them didn't have serious issues it's just that the anime didn't have the intelligence to deal with these problems. Instead we get things like a girl with a severe androphobia getting over it in a single episode after a preposterous conversation and learning men don't like to be kicked in the balls. As overwrought as the drama is it never feels like it has any weight because there are never any long term consequences with even the worst problems being solved in the span of a single episode. No matter how bad things looked I always knew it would be solved in running time of a single episode or in some cases two episodes.

The animation, character designs and soundtrack were fine if not particularly memorable. Which just leaves the hammy over the top voice acting. I know this is anime so it's expected to be a bit over the top but these voice actors were taking their shitty dialogue and chewing all the scenery with it during anything even mildly dramatic.

Kokoro Conncet is a lazy anime that wastes it's premise in favor of the cheapest kind of melodrama and I fucking despise everything about it. It might not technically be the worst thing I've ever seen, watching it was a horrible chore every week that I had to drag myself through just wanting it to be over with. Stupid melodrama caused by the moronic club of emo kids making retarded decisions for no discernible reason just is not acceptable and the excuse of alien interference doesn't excuse stupidity on this level or give the sloppy, shit writing a pass.

I'll begrudgingly give this a 4 out of 10 because as much as I hated it, I've seen far worse.

Now excuse me while I go wash the bile off my keyboard.

I know there are four more episodes but they won't be coming until later. This is the last episode of the bullshit I will have to think about for a while. This is the last time I let my girlfriend pick the anime. She must pay for this one.
Sep 29, 2012 4:26 PM

Nov 2008
What happened? I was really looking forward to this episode, I thought that it was going to be full of drama, violence, etc. Besides the character development, the only good part of this was when Iori questioned her feelings.

Perhaps there is no love triangle after all?
Sep 29, 2012 4:28 PM

Jun 2012
good episode! :] cant wait for the next oneee
Sep 29, 2012 4:37 PM
Aug 2012
Marius2005 said:
It's been a while since I've come across an anime that I despise this much. From the stupid melodrama to the shitty writing to the waste of a perfectly good premise this show failed on all levels for me. Being objective it isn't the worst thing I've seen, but I hate it a good deal more than a lot of the other bad anime I've seen.

The anime starts with a fairly interesting premise that could have gone in a lot of different directions. An alien decides to mess with a group of high school students in various ways such as body switching, unleashing their desires and then causing them to regress to various parts of their childhood. From this premise there could have been some great comedy or it could have made for a great psychological character study. While Kokoro Connect does try to go for both approaches it instead falls into mind numbingly stupid, unbelievable melodrama. It's like someone took every bad cliche or trope I hate to see in an anime and then used them in the worst possible way to make an anime.

To start with there are the bland cardboard cutout characters, lead by Mr. Bland himself Taichi. I would endeavour to describe him but words fail me. He is the prototypical male lead with little personality to speak of other than being a hopeless white knight which in itself is a very generic trait. Aoki is the screw up pervert character with a crush on the tough but vulnerable female Yui, the lady that doth protest too much when it comes to his attentions. Iori is the quiet cute one with a stupid sense of humor. Inaba rounds out the cast and is the only one that can't really be summed in a few words. Frankly, Inaba deserved to be in a much better anime as she provides the only moments of humor in this disaster of an anime.

The anime does make token attempts to explore and flesh out Taichi and his miserable band of emo cohorts but it's attempts to make them three dimensional shows a lack of understanding of how people interact with each other. Sure these cardboard cutouts have been thrown into a bizarre position with the alien interference, but that doesn't mean they should act like aliens themselves. Often when watching Kokoro, I couldn't help but feel like I was watching a bunch of aliens trying to imitate human interaction and failing at it miserably. Every over the top dramatic scene was rendered almost laughable with the emo cardboard cutouts overreacting to even the smallest of situations. If these were real people I would genuinely fear for their safety as even a hang nail would probably drive them into a suicidal depression. The dialogue is often laughable with characters constantly spitting out lines that no one would ever say out loud. Even worse were their senseless actions that did little more than drive the plot into more drama and conflict.

The actual plot of the anime just used the alien interference as a framing device to bring out the "serious issues" of the emo club which just lead to a whole mess of melodrama. It's not to say that some of them didn't have serious issues it's just that the anime didn't have the intelligence to deal with these problems. Instead we get things like a girl with a severe androphobia getting over it in a single episode after a preposterous conversation and learning men don't like to be kicked in the balls. As overwrought as the drama is it never feels like it has any weight because there are never any long term consequences with even the worst problems being solved in the span of a single episode. No matter how bad things looked I always knew it would be solved in running time of a single episode or in some cases two episodes.

The animation, character designs and soundtrack were fine if not particularly memorable. Which just leaves the hammy over the top voice acting. I know this is anime so it's expected to be a bit over the top but these voice actors were taking their shitty dialogue and chewing all the scenery with it during anything even mildly dramatic.

Kokoro Conncet is a lazy anime that wastes it's premise in favor of the cheapest kind of melodrama and I fucking despise everything about it. It might not technically be the worst thing I've ever seen, watching it was a horrible chore every week that I had to drag myself through just wanting it to be over with. Stupid melodrama caused by the moronic club of emo kids making retarded decisions for no discernible reason just is not acceptable and the excuse of alien interference doesn't excuse stupidity on this level or give the sloppy, shit writing a pass.

I'll begrudgingly give this a 4 out of 10 because as much as I hated it, I've seen far worse.

Now excuse me while I go wash the bile off my keyboard.

I know there are four more episodes but they won't be coming until later. This is the last episode of the bullshit I will have to think about for a while. This is the last time I let my girlfriend pick the anime. She must pay for this one.

Here's what happend, Kokoro Connect was adapted by the wrong studio by the wrong way. Because from all the Light Novels I've read from this series, it does make the anime look..."bleh" in some moments. I believe this arc was one of them, they did skip scenes and inner dialogue of the characters. They just do resume of the story...It went to fast. And for the OST....Could of been way better. However, the endings songs are amazing so at least they put effort to that but the the true novel series of Kokoro Connect is amazing that's all I'm saying. And the voice acting is also great. I can't say the voices sucks. I don't believe the anime sucks but I understand your way of viewing it from the lack of details and art to show the characters expression of certain things that the anime didn't capture. But I do deeply encourage you go to read novels...You'll see the difference, i.e, kyoto animation should of adapted it. Also, high possibility your mind could adapted it better when you read the details.
rainbowdashmimiSep 29, 2012 4:47 PM
Sep 29, 2012 4:40 PM

Dec 2011
Finally settled with this arc.
Looks like Iori will be the key on the next arc. I wonder what will bizarre thing would happen to our gang now?
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Sep 29, 2012 4:46 PM

Nov 2008
Iori's mom was pretty cool there and they really should have talked to each other a long time ago.

What Iori said there at the end was music to my ears : )

Now to wait....
I am a sucker for romance!!!!

Sep 29, 2012 4:55 PM

Dec 2011
nice way to end the arc, but WTF?!

iori doubting her feelings for taichi??? NOOOOOO Dx

<img src="" />
Sep 29, 2012 4:57 PM

Oct 2011
So,I have to wait for some more episodes?
I wonder how that is going to work with Crunchyroll.
My Devianart

Oh & Space Brothers is still the best anime ever,in my opinion.Even when competing with Attack on Titan.
Sep 29, 2012 5:30 PM

Jan 2011
Man to think how much pain she could had avoided if she just talked it out! good ending for this arc gonna just pretend the last arc is the *true ending* and i'll just have to wait for it in the future.
Sep 29, 2012 5:37 PM

Dec 2010
Great episode; this episode really made me change my opinion about Iori's mom who i thought was a horrible mom for neglecting her daughter for multiple marriages but i was glad it turned out that wasn't the case; it was awesome to see her beat that loser out of the house. As for Iori i like the way they went with her development because the concept of wanting to take back some choice is a well known one, after all everyone has regrets, but her answer of those choices making her current self was a excellent one and it established her character all at the same time. As for the ending, i couldn't care less about Iori maybe not liking Taichi for real because Taichi gotta end up with Inaba anyhow :P; this isn't a harem series, Taichi only needs Inaba :D, I really hope the last arc focuses on Taichi and Inaba getting together, it ending with them together would be perfect XD

This may have been answered already but anyone have any idea on when the next episode will be? Also how much time is going to be between episodes?
Sep 29, 2012 5:42 PM

Feb 2012
Didn't expect to see Iori's mom at all, turns out, it was relatively easy to resolve their problems, loved how the mom chased that idiot away.

Slow down, Iori might not love Taichi, really?!
Sep 29, 2012 5:57 PM

Dec 2010
Zhou said:
Slow down, Iori might not love Taichi, really?!

Well she is barely all together as it is, so its not that surprising that she misplaced affection for something else.
Sep 29, 2012 6:01 PM

Jul 2012
I enjoyed this episode.

So it's not the last one? Four more? Okay. That's okay. 'Cuz if this was the last episode, that would be a bad ending.
Sep 29, 2012 6:16 PM

Nov 2011
huh, that's it? Gotta wait for the BDs then read the LN for the rest.
"Why do I always realize it... when I've already lost it..." -Guts, Berserk
"Some things are beautiful because they cannot be obtained." -Gilgamesh, Fate/stay night
"We are constantly living in a peaceful world that somebody else won for us. Even if it were only a day of peace, I will be grateful for its value." - Minashiro Tsubaki, FAFNER
"Screw you, future me!" -Makise Kurisu, Steins;Gate
"We used to show off by waging wars and whatnot." -Watashi, Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
"Call me Moses. I'm going to part the sea of students before your eyes." -Moses?, Valvrave
"Time is guilty." -Andō & Tomoyo, INOU-Battle
Sep 29, 2012 6:19 PM
Jul 2012
So this is the final episode. I really wish they will show more episodes next week.
The arc is fantastic. 8/10

I hope Iori will go with Tachi great couple.
Sep 29, 2012 6:23 PM
Aug 2012
GoldenBRS said:
So this is the final episode. I really wish they will show more episodes next week.
The arc is fantastic. 8/10

I hope Iori will go with Tachi great couple.

I believe Iori's epilogue answer that :3
Sep 29, 2012 6:42 PM

Jul 2012
So heartseed said its over... What will the last 4 episodes be about then? Will it turn in to a kind of slice of life about the characters, or will something happen with heartseed again? I did find that last look at heartseed rather ominous, so who knows.

Although I was originally a fan of Iori X Taichi, Nagase has grown on me and I'll be happy as long as there's some kind of romantic conclusion. I'd hate it to leave an open ending about the subject.

If you really want to fit in, just put Legend of the Galactic Heroes in your top 5 and have it be the only 10-rated anime in your list.
Sep 29, 2012 6:45 PM

Dec 2010
rainbowdashmimi said:
GoldenBRS said:
So this is the final episode. I really wish they will show more episodes next week.
The arc is fantastic. 8/10

I hope Iori will go with Tachi great couple.

I believe Iori's epilogue answer that :3

That epilogue was great, made Inaba pretty much a guarantee :D
Sep 29, 2012 6:55 PM

Sep 2012
I think I'll just stick with the Iori x Inaban ship :D
Sep 29, 2012 6:58 PM

Feb 2012
Wow, that was anticlimactic. . __. Iori and her mom should have just talked to each other from the start.

That epilogue. D: I hope she still likes him. Inaba's cool, but Taichi already likes Iori. It would be heartbreaking for her to reject him when he finally realized his feelings.

Overall 7/10. Probably 8 later on. This was a great series.
Sep 29, 2012 7:04 PM
Aug 2012
InfiniteDestiny said:
rainbowdashmimi said:
GoldenBRS said:
So this is the final episode. I really wish they will show more episodes next week.
The arc is fantastic. 8/10

I hope Iori will go with Tachi great couple.

I believe Iori's epilogue answer that :3

That epilogue was great, made Inaba pretty much a guarantee :D

It still bugs that they didn't include Inaba's epilogue into the anime too in the end of Kizu xD Argh!!! But Iori is awesome in the 4th arc...Will not -awesome- I mean when she find herself later on...I wonder how they're going to do it D:
Sep 29, 2012 7:11 PM

Jun 2012
And so ends the (airing) episodes of Kokoro Connect. To be honest, the show was only decent. Great ideas, poor execution. The drama was forced and corny, and it told us details instead of showing them (did we have any foreshadowing to Iori's and Inaba's problems?).

Kokoro Connnect would've worked better as an episodic slice of life with slow, gradual development through the gimmicks.
Sep 29, 2012 7:14 PM

Sep 2011
nretnaL said:
I think I'll just stick with the Iori x Inaban ship :D
(falls out of chair laughing)
Sep 29, 2012 7:22 PM

Aug 2012
I was so looking for the last part of the episode "Do I really love Taichi?"
Sep 29, 2012 7:47 PM
Jul 2011
Taichi > All.

Isn't he the only one who hasn't had a whole story of his past brought up?
Sep 29, 2012 7:48 PM
Jul 2011
Uberchu said:
And so ends the (airing) episodes of Kokoro Connect. To be honest, the show was only decent. Great ideas, poor execution. The drama was forced and corny, and it told us details instead of showing them (did we have any foreshadowing to Iori's and Inaba's problems?).

Kokoro Connnect would've worked better as an episodic slice of life with slow, gradual development through the gimmicks.

Have you even seen this episode? Didn't you check the MAL episodes for this show? It's not over yet.
Sep 29, 2012 7:55 PM

Sep 2012
AnimeFtw1 said:
Taichi > All.

Isn't he the only one who hasn't had a whole story of his past brought up?

That's because he doesn't have any problem from the past. His problem lies with his future, which I thought was an interesting take ;)
Sep 29, 2012 7:59 PM

Jun 2012
AnimeFtw1 said:
Have you even seen this episode? Didn't you check the MAL episodes for this show? It's not over yet.

The show isn't airing anymore. The rest will be on DVD. And besides, I doubt the next arc will make much of a difference.
Sep 29, 2012 8:01 PM

Feb 2012
Great episode as usual :D

Too bad we won't be seeing some for the coming weeks. Unless they somehow manage to get a copy or record from the live event? March-April BD release is a long wait :O

nretnaL said:
AnimeFtw1 said:
Taichi > All.

Isn't he the only one who hasn't had a whole story of his past brought up?

That's because he doesn't have any problem from the past. His problem lies with his future, which I thought was an interesting take ;)

Really? The problem lies within his future? Wow... Really an interesting take :D
I got spoiled demn >.<
Sep 29, 2012 8:02 PM

Nov 2007
I loved the show to be honest. A psychological romance school genre. While it took me a while to get going with the randomness, it definitely grew on me as romance started to take over their friendship.

It was nice to see all the characters develop from arc to arc. My personal favourite character is Inaba. But Taichi is the one who played the most important role while helping others overcome their problems. In the end, Taichi didn't have any background story of his own and it was he who was doing the right thing from the beginning to the end, well mostly. May be that is where episode 14 comes. Taichi's arc?

Cannot wait for the next episode #14 Lives in Shambles.

9/10, Rating it considering the remaining 4 episodes are likely to be BD/DVD only.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Sep 29, 2012 8:09 PM

Aug 2011
Uberchu said:
AnimeFtw1 said:
Have you even seen this episode? Didn't you check the MAL episodes for this show? It's not over yet.

The show isn't airing anymore. The rest will be on DVD. And besides, I doubt the next arc will make much of a difference.

It will. The first 3 arcs are mostly drama with some comedy.
There's barely any comedy in the next arc.
The gimmick is also much better than the other arcs.

Sep 29, 2012 8:17 PM

Jun 2012
Soshinra said:
It will. The first 3 arcs are mostly drama with some comedy.
There's barely any comedy in the next arc.
The gimmick is also much better than the other arcs.

Eh...I feel that this show gets worse the more serious it is. The first arc was fairly light-hearted and had some funny moments. Now, not so much.
Sep 29, 2012 8:29 PM

Sep 2011
SetsukoHara said:
I'm not too fond of the way this Iori stuff was resolved. They made a whole "frienship is magic" speech but in the end, her friends didn't do much to help her, she only needed to talk about it with her mother.

^ this tbh
Sep 29, 2012 8:32 PM

Jul 2011
So uh... The second comes in, does his thing, things go alright, then things go bad, then the "first" comes in and fixes it.

Deus Ex Machina at full blast right there. The arc should have been longer or at least, be explained coherently.
The chip in my mind, it summons me.
I gave my life to your machines.
Sep 29, 2012 8:40 PM

Jun 2010
Damn did Iori look cute asking for help. Another great episode and looking forward to the next arc.
Sep 29, 2012 8:41 PM

Dec 2010
Uberchu said:
Soshinra said:
It will. The first 3 arcs are mostly drama with some comedy.
There's barely any comedy in the next arc.
The gimmick is also much better than the other arcs.

Eh...I feel that this show gets worse the more serious it is. The first arc was fairly light-hearted and had some funny moments. Now, not so much.

Then don't watch shows with drama and stick to your K-ON, it should be clear that this kinda series isn't for you.
Sep 29, 2012 8:49 PM

Jun 2012
InfiniteDestiny said:
[Then don't watch shows with drama and stick to your K-ON, it should be clear that this kinda series isn't for you.

...what? Didn't you read my earlier posts? My problem wasn't with the drama itself, it was with the execution. The drama was so forced and corny, telling us details instead of showing them. Early Kokoro Connect's drama was far more subtle and less overblown, and it was coincidentally more light-hearted. And are you criticizing my tastes? I might as well criticize you for rating SAO a 10.
Sep 29, 2012 8:49 PM

Feb 2012
*Readies popcorn*
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