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Mysterious Girlfriend X
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Jul 3, 2012 7:43 AM

Aug 2010
A strong episode. I'm glad the hugging issue is resolved. 4/5.
Jul 3, 2012 7:21 PM

Mar 2010
OKAY SO WAIT. Did I get trolled by subs...? In the preview for episode 13 the subs said that she wanted to break up with Tsubaki, that they needed to "end it now"
ummmmm, did i or did i not just get trolled by either the subbers or the actual anime itself???
Jul 4, 2012 5:28 AM

Apr 2012
baracudaboy said:
OKAY SO WAIT. Did I get trolled by subs...? In the preview for episode 13 the subs said that she wanted to break up with Tsubaki, that they needed to "end it now"
ummmmm, did i or did i not just get trolled by either the subbers or the actual anime itself???

"Tsubaki-kun, let this be the last."
"If possible, I'd like this to be the last."
"What do you mean?"
"No, not just if possible, but definitely."
"I'd like to be your first and last girlfriend"

I can see why people interpreted this as a "let's end this relation". But she is obviously talking about the series. Also NEVER believe a preview from a TV series/cinema/whatever.
Jul 5, 2012 1:42 PM

Nov 2011
lol..Oka trying to imitated the panty scissors

Jul 6, 2012 6:42 AM

Jan 2012
the ending was so cute, can't believe there's only one more episode left :(

tsubaki kinda annoyed me last episode so I have mixed feelings for him, whereas the start it was Urabe that kinda annoyed me, so its flipped xD
Aug 27, 2012 9:32 PM

Nov 2011
Yay, maybe they can go all the way the next episode!

"I like to expose what people hide. I'm an intellectual rapist." - Furudo Erika
Aug 31, 2012 4:53 AM

May 2012
Haha nice episode! The ending where he was allowed to hug him was kinda nice! and Lol Urabe's dream xD

Up to the final episode and than the ova!
Sep 10, 2012 12:08 AM

Mar 2009
Finally she's being less restrictive.
Jun 30, 2013 11:24 PM

Nov 2012
damn this episode.. is best so far.. this episode..
when seeing urabe relize if her scissor skill get tsubaki.. and tsubaki is bleeding.. that reaction of her.. make me... hmm I cant explain.. seriously this scene is my favorite of all.. it show us if urabe really care about tsubaki.. :p

and in the end.. they are hugging XD yeheeee~~ XD
Mar 24, 2014 9:34 PM

Jul 2009
Enjoyed the episode :D A perfect balance of comedy, progress in relationship, and finally Urabe is feeling it on!!

Still i thought Tsubaki was gonna make the same mistake(once again) when he can't control himself. It's a good thing he also managed to get the gauze Urabe made from him from Suwano.

Seeing Urabe all shy up and ecchi is hot!! Oka is such a copy cat :P

Also no more scenes from Tsubaki's sister? Was hoping she would get at least some screen time before the series end.

And finally they hugged! I expect the kiss at the end!!

It looks like the manga is still ongoing since 2004, so i guess the story will just have to continue to the manga.

Still last episode is next and is making me cry T__T

At least there's one more OVA left!!!
Jun 18, 2014 9:22 AM

May 2014
Good episode! I hope that Urabe licks his saliva more, for the bond is 2-sided. Tsubaki, offer her your saliva!
Jul 8, 2014 12:45 PM

Oct 2013
another epic adventure between these two and there very unique relationship

I loved it when Oka pulled out that picture XD haha she is def a perv

that dream that she had wonder what that was about O///O

she cut him for trying to hugg her but she brought him home to take care of him which was very cute

haha That ideot feel and hit his head because he didn't want to upset her but landing on her XD

This other girl who tried to take the gauze off him is def going to stir up a little trouble but I feel it will bring them closer together

haha he pu tthe gauze back on only to get baited into the long awaited hug he wanted for so long

and almsot forgot one of my fav parts was when she Hugged him after he hit his head in her room ^-^ BOOBIES
May 17, 2015 6:52 PM
Jan 2015
She trained tsubaki to be a great boyfriend, tho he already has a good heart. Whenever he does lil things to show how much he considers her feelings she rewards him. LOL
Apr 22, 2017 4:38 PM

Jan 2017
And still, Bill will live on.
He will befriend the next inhabitants of the earth, beings of light who revere him as a god.
And Bill will outlive them all... for millions and millions of years...exploring, learning, living,
until the earth is swallowed beneath his feet.
Until the sun is long since gone.
Until time loses all meaning and the moment comes that he knows only the positions of the stars
and sees them whether his eyes are closed or open.
Until he forgets his name and the place where he'd once come from.
He lives and he lives until all of the lights go out.
Jan 6, 2018 12:15 PM

May 2017
How can something be so perverse and pure at the same time?

Loved how urabe developed as a character.
The only thing the series could have done better is the tsubaki character, his development is always the same in every episode and doesn't really transfer to the next ep
HagoramaJan 6, 2018 12:18 PM
Feb 19, 2018 10:00 AM

Sep 2012
about Akira putting Urabe's gauze back, Akira ur so cheesy, sweet but cheesy lol

May 7, 2018 1:18 PM

Mar 2018
This episode was so sweet and warm and happy! One of the best in the series for me. Easily 5/5. Urabe is so sweet when she realizes she cut Tsubaki! It makes me happy to see her so concerned for him. And the hugs were beautiful.

Tsubaki is as clueless as ever, but Urabe really opened up a lot in this episode. That was heartwarming to see. :)

I love that face Urabe makes at the beginning when Oka reminds her that Tsubaki has seen her naked! :D (I am a sucker for everything that shows Urabe having emotions.)

I also lolled when Oka pulled up Urabe's skirt. :D
OK, I have to admit that technically Oka is being cruel and abusive. But she also does many benevolent things. On the whole she is a force for good in the world. So I still love her. :)

The scene with Ueno at the end made me laugh. I love Ueno. He is always funny. :D

What's with those books on Urabe's shelf? One of them is entitled Cauliflower vs Broccoli...

wilcruz2 said:
tsubaki ,to me, is still just a pervert who looks like he's trying more to get into urabe's pants than into an actual love relationship

What? Are you serious? What show have you been watching? Tsubaki experiences INVOLUNTARY urges to escalate sexually, as any normal boy would. He has spent every single episode struggling AGAINST those urges with all the willpower he can muster, precisely because he loves Urabe and wants to treat her well. Have you forgotten the episode where she offered him a kiss and he declined? Have you forgotten the episode where she had to bully him into touching her?

Tsubaki has many flaws. He is weak-willed, stupid and cowardly. But he definitely cares about Urabe. I will fight anyone who claims otherwise.

(This rant is not particularly at wilcruz2, whose comment is six years old. It is directed against any and all dirty Tsubaki-haters, wherever they may skulk.)

funkotaku said:
Was anyone else clapping at the end? Haha :D

That ending really made me happy, gawd.

I was clapping inside. :D

Hagorama said:
The only thing the series could have done better is the tsubaki character, his development is always the same in every episode and doesn't really transfer to the next ep

I agree. I would like to see Tsubaki grow wiser, but most of the time he comes off as clueless as ever.

Hagorama said:
How can something be so perverse and pure at the same time?

Why do people keep using the words "perverse" and "perverted"? I don't think any of you people know what those words mean. Apparently people think it means "anything having to do with sex". That's not what it means. Wiktionary:

perverse: Turned aside; hence, specifically, turned away from the (morally) right; willfully erring; wicked; perverted.

1. Deviating from what is normally considered right, normal or correct.
2. (sometimes pejorative) Of, relating to, or practicing unusual or "kinky" sex.

Wanting to hug, kiss, touch or have sex with your partner is not perverted. Wanting to see your partner naked is not perverted. Dreaming about sex is not perverted. Ogling a woman's breasts is not perverted. Looking at pictures of hot models is not perverted.

The only things I remember from this series that could possibly count as "perverted" are the ear-licking and the public nudity - and even that is only "perverted" in the VERY broad sense of "unusual or kinky sex".

My point is that you are painting completely normal and healthy sexual practices as something bad. Please stop.
May 7, 2018 7:18 PM

May 2017
SpectrumDT said:
This episode was so sweet and warm and happy! One of the best in the series for me. Easily 5/5. Urabe is so sweet when she realizes she cut Tsubaki! It makes me happy to see her so concerned for him. And the hugs were beautiful.

Tsubaki is as clueless as ever, but Urabe really opened up a lot in this episode. That was heartwarming to see. :)

I love that face Urabe makes at the beginning when Oka reminds her that Tsubaki has seen her naked! :D (I am a sucker for everything that shows Urabe having emotions.)

I also lolled when Oka pulled up Urabe's skirt. :D
OK, I have to admit that technically Oka is being cruel and abusive. But she also does many benevolent things. On the whole she is a force for good in the world. So I still love her. :)

The scene with Ueno at the end made me laugh. I love Ueno. He is always funny. :D

What's with those books on Urabe's shelf? One of them is entitled Cauliflower vs Broccoli...

wilcruz2 said:
tsubaki ,to me, is still just a pervert who looks like he's trying more to get into urabe's pants than into an actual love relationship

What? Are you serious? What show have you been watching? Tsubaki experiences INVOLUNTARY urges to escalate sexually, as any normal boy would. He has spent every single episode struggling AGAINST those urges with all the willpower he can muster, precisely because he loves Urabe and wants to treat her well. Have you forgotten the episode where she offered him a kiss and he declined? Have you forgotten the episode where she had to bully him into touching her?

Tsubaki has many flaws. He is weak-willed, stupid and cowardly. But he definitely cares about Urabe. I will fight anyone who claims otherwise.

(This rant is not particularly at wilcruz2, whose comment is six years old. It is directed against any and all dirty Tsubaki-haters, wherever they may skulk.)

funkotaku said:
Was anyone else clapping at the end? Haha :D

That ending really made me happy, gawd.

I was clapping inside. :D

Hagorama said:
The only thing the series could have done better is the tsubaki character, his development is always the same in every episode and doesn't really transfer to the next ep

I agree. I would like to see Tsubaki grow wiser, but most of the time he comes off as clueless as ever.

Hagorama said:
How can something be so perverse and pure at the same time?

Why do people keep using the words "perverse" and "perverted"? I don't think any of you people know what those words mean. Apparently people think it means "anything having to do with sex". That's not what it means. Wiktionary:

perverse: Turned aside; hence, specifically, turned away from the (morally) right; willfully erring; wicked; perverted.

1. Deviating from what is normally considered right, normal or correct.
2. (sometimes pejorative) Of, relating to, or practicing unusual or "kinky" sex.

Wanting to hug, kiss, touch or have sex with your partner is not perverted. Wanting to see your partner naked is not perverted. Dreaming about sex is not perverted. Ogling a woman's breasts is not perverted. Looking at pictures of hot models is not perverted.

The only things I remember from this series that could possibly count as "perverted" are the ear-licking and the public nudity - and even that is only "perverted" in the VERY broad sense of "unusual or kinky sex".

My point is that you are painting completely normal and healthy sexual practices as something bad. Please stop.

Licking someone's drool is quite perverted Tbh.

Plus there were hardly any sexual innuendos in the show,
What I meant to say was that it is so perverse cause it is so pure.

See it as tasteful perversion.
May 10, 2018 2:27 AM

Mar 2018
Hagorama said:
SpectrumDT said:

Why do people keep using the words "perverse" and "perverted"? I don't think any of you people know what those words mean. Apparently people think it means "anything having to do with sex". That's not what it means. Wiktionary:

perverse: Turned aside; hence, specifically, turned away from the (morally) right; willfully erring; wicked; perverted.

1. Deviating from what is normally considered right, normal or correct.
2. (sometimes pejorative) Of, relating to, or practicing unusual or "kinky" sex.

Wanting to hug, kiss, touch or have sex with your partner is not perverted. Wanting to see your partner naked is not perverted. Dreaming about sex is not perverted. Ogling a woman's breasts is not perverted. Looking at pictures of hot models is not perverted.

The only things I remember from this series that could possibly count as "perverted" are the ear-licking and the public nudity - and even that is only "perverted" in the VERY broad sense of "unusual or kinky sex".

My point is that you are painting completely normal and healthy sexual practices as something bad. Please stop.

Licking someone's drool is quite perverted Tbh.

Plus there were hardly any sexual innuendos in the show,
What I meant to say was that it is so perverse cause it is so pure.

See it as tasteful perversion.

Hint: You don't have to quote my entire 100-lines-long post in order to comment on just the last part. :)
Aug 1, 2021 4:18 PM
Dec 2017
wish this series got rebooted.

Aug 9, 2021 2:20 AM

Mar 2018
Crow_Black said:
wish this series got rebooted.

What do you mean by "rebooted"? Do you want a new adaptation of the manga, or do you want a season 2?
Aug 9, 2021 9:53 PM
Dec 2017
SpectrumDT said:
Crow_Black said:
wish this series got rebooted.

What do you mean by "rebooted"? Do you want a new adaptation of the manga, or do you want a season 2?

Basically thats what i meant a new season.

Oct 8, 2021 3:00 PM

Mar 2010
This felt like filler... I mean idk what a cut on the forehead has to do with anything.. I guess seeing them being in heat gets old after awhile lolz, time to do the dirty dead and fuck like wild rabbits haha.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Dec 20, 2021 2:57 PM
May 2020
another evolution in their relationship i see
Jul 20, 2022 6:42 AM

Apr 2020
Well fellow mens and girls of culture, this episode definitely took away any gripe we had of the past two episodes, because my goodness they're so in love to each other!!!

This has it all, wild thoughts, wet dreams, accidental contact, and sweet progress, I'm happy that they've finally made this far. Tsubame and Urabe, they sure are a mysterious couple if anyone will know what they do, but for us and for them the way they do things is much more sweeter and better than any normal highschool couple will ever do.

On the other side, Oka really tries so hard to replicate Urabe's scissor play. Hopefully Oka has another picture of Urabe...that is a secret treasure indeed. One more episode, wow this show really went by but I can already tell you this was a nice ride.
Aug 11, 2022 9:05 PM
Apr 2021
Sad its almost over
Nov 10, 2023 8:35 AM
Aug 2023
❤️cg& for the kind words I mean I mean I don't know what I mean I don't know what is going
Dec 15, 2023 12:24 PM

Aug 2019
urabe is slowly breaking
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Feb 13, 2024 9:30 AM
Feb 2022
one more episode till the finale
Feb 23, 2024 12:43 AM

Oct 2010
You know what comes after a hug? thats right! a kiss! I am looking forward to the last episode :)
Feb 21, 6:31 PM
Jun 2020
Absolutely loving it! Wish there was a second season! I may have to read the manga and finish the story there!
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