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Feb 11, 2011 10:08 PM
Dec 2010
Dusk252 said:

I always thought Katsura was just a poor victim but now she knows what's happening, I mean, the evidence is just in front of her nose, yet she still doesn't confront Makoto about any other affairs. Damn you girl, just break up with him and move on! What do you see on such a guy?!

I think that this is her first time in a relationship, which is really hard to be the one to break. On another note, i hope that slap at the end of ep. was with a knife.
May 14, 2011 1:16 AM

Jan 2008
sugarplumfairy said:
someone please slap him. hard.


& I don't know what Otome and her friends are planning but it doesn't look good.
Oct 18, 2011 4:20 PM
Jun 2010
Kotonoha is a little messed up in the head, and is obviously obsessed with Makoto, but on the other hand, I'd probably be the same way if I was her. People have always treated her like crap, like the brunette with the ponytail who I don't care about enough to go and look up her name. Then everyone thinks she's a slut because guys are always falling for her. DON'T HATE ME BECAUSE I'M BEAUTIFUL! But seriously, it's not like she's walking around in skimpy clothing (okay, so maybe she is, but it's an anime, so who doesn't?) and flings herself at boys. She's very timid, and is always being harrased. She had no friends, and then all of a sudden this girl starts being so nice to her; she finally has a friend. On top of that, this guy that she kind of likes is into her, now she has a boyfriend! These are the only people she has besides her family. When she started suspecting Sekai, she only had Makoto left. And now he's gone, too. Maybe it's just me, but if I was her, I'd be one f'd up chika.
Makoto knew she was alone, and that's why he is still with her, because he knows she doesn't have anyone else, and that a lot of people hate her.
You gots to look at it from everyone's point of view!
BTW, I think Setsuna might have a little crush on Sekai. Maybe it's just me, but that's how it seems. More than just wanting to make a friend happy.
Oct 18, 2011 4:23 PM
Jun 2010
zz78 said:
Dusk252 said:

On another note, i hope that slap at the end of ep. was with a knife.

Hmm... I'm sensing some hatred for Sekai here?
Jan 15, 2012 11:43 PM

Dec 2010
I Don´t Know, but, I get the feeling that someone will die at the end...
Feb 20, 2012 6:11 PM

Aug 2011
at first i didnt hate him but now he needs to die dude is Messed up
Feb 24, 2012 3:42 PM

Dec 2009
Katsura is so stupid, I hate characters that let themselves be used by people like that.
Apr 6, 2012 8:25 PM
May 2009
hahaha que puedo decir? que pura mierda el makoto porque Kotonoha esta enamorada de él, que chafa eso pero por otra parte estuvo bueno que Kotonoha se diera cuenta de que lo engañaba jaja y yo no sé tambien porque tipos tan pura mierda como Makoto son los que le gustan a las chicas bonitas :( jaja :S
Jun 5, 2012 7:15 PM

Dec 2010
Fucking intense. This is the only rewarding thing about the anime. The crazy psychological drama that is.

Jul 25, 2012 12:43 AM

May 2012
I cried when Katsura slapped Sekai.
Jul 25, 2012 10:31 AM

Jun 2012
Why am i still watching this crap, i literally hate every character in it.
Aug 11, 2012 8:11 PM
Mar 2010
Shuhan said:
Why am i still watching this crap, i literally hate every character in it.

"It's just...a bad dream! Wake up, wake up...!"
Aug 29, 2012 12:43 PM

Oct 2009
sugarplumfairy said:
someone please slap him. hard.

El Psy Congroo

Sep 3, 2012 6:05 AM
Mar 2012
Again..mixed feelings. voted on the poll 4/5.

I really liked again how Katsura stood up for her self once again in the realization that Sekai tricked her, and thus slapped her. Even though it wasn't really Sekai "tricking" her Katsura was really deceived by Ito.

Something that does confuse me was with the squad of girls that kept on bullying Katsura to get more materials, why did they set up all that camera equipment in the gym storage room?
Sep 3, 2012 2:29 PM

Jul 2012
sugarplumfairy said:
someone please slap him. hard.

And i can relate to Katsura (somewhat relate). She is getting bullied by her classmates, I can say I was bullied almost the exact same way...
Sep 9, 2012 6:31 PM

May 2012
I can not speak how much i hate itou. I felt allitltle sorry for sekai in the beginning of the thing but now i could care less for that bitch. I want Katsura to say to itou face its over. I mean serously why the hell would you put a girl through that shit. The redeeming factor of this shit was the end. I was praying please slap that bitch.
Oct 24, 2012 3:09 PM

Dec 2010
Ok, great episode in my opinion. I can see now why people think of this anime as a depressing one. It'd be easy if Kotonoha was just like "im gunna kil dem", but that's not the case. I like her better than Sekai now. There's not an actual reason I'd like Sekai as for now. And just like DeathFireD I liked Makoto for this episode.

There are many comments that say how this anime is nearly unwatchable now, but I disagree - for me this episode gave the anime some quality, and for me it's really better now.
Oct 27, 2012 12:40 AM

May 2012
I liked and hated this episodes for various reasons.

I obviously hated the way Makoto treats Kotonoha like s**t. I've come to hate Makoto already in the 5th episode. I can't stand the kind of people that are up to do horrible things to others, but when it comes to time-to-confess they simply run away.

I liked it, because Kotonoha has finally stopped being the cute dummy, that everyone has a good time picking at, and fooling.
I was feeling horrible seeing Kotonoha being so shamelessly fooled, and did nothing even though she saw the truth.

Nov 3, 2012 3:37 PM

May 2012
That fool is getting in to a big problem... but damn that ending!
Jan 4, 2013 10:38 AM
Jul 2012
It was Sekai's fault for starting the drama.
Thank god katsura slapped her. Don't know why eariler in this episode, she don't be mad or upset in school.
Why does the girls starting to hate Katsura?
Makoto is still a dumbass.
Jan 4, 2013 10:40 AM
Jul 2012
Tensai-Sama said:
sugarplumfairy said:
someone please slap him. hard.


Feb 9, 2013 4:47 AM

Apr 2012
Makoto can't even keep his own lies straight :| At first he almost seemed like a decent, albeit misguided guy, but he's gotten way too deep into this and is only thinking of himself, even though he supposedly "loves" Sekai. It'll suck if the girls are going to blame each other instead of blaming Makoto (of course, Sekai is at fault too, but Makoto is playing them both!). Also sad to see how Kotonoha is being bullied by pretty much all her classmates :(
Feb 12, 2013 1:14 AM

Apr 2011
sugarplumfairy said:
someone please slap him. hard.

he needs ALL KINDSSSSS of slaps
Apr 3, 2013 9:57 AM
Nov 2012
I just feel so freaking bad for both the girls, Sekai & Kotonoha. Why did they have to choose Makato? That other guy who asked kotonoha is way better. It would be better if Makoto is really murdered.

I might actually enjoy it.
May 11, 2013 3:48 PM

Apr 2013
Slapping Makoto is too soft. You need to give him a beating of his whole life.
May 19, 2013 10:47 PM

Apr 2013
Coloneltreavy said:
I just feel so freaking bad for both the girls, Sekai & Kotonoha. Why did they have to choose Makato? That other guy who asked kotonoha is way better. It would be better if Makoto is really murdered.

I might actually enjoy it.

I see what you did there. =D
May 28, 2013 6:28 PM

May 2013
Yo... fuck this anime.
You're all idiots, but I'm no different.
Jun 25, 2013 11:49 AM
Apr 2013
Man I need to vent. Watching this anime is like torture. There's not even 1 pure-hearted person in the entire series. Well, maybe Setsuna, although it makes me really mad she doesn't realize what's going on yet. Kotonoha is ridiculously stupid for not breaking up with Makoto already and allowing herself to take hate from everyone, Sekai is annoying because she loves Makoto even though he's cheating on someone with her, and then she thinks she has the right to be depressed.
I swear, in the end of the episode when Kotonoha was waiting outside and she was walking towards Sekai, I was chanting "Kill her, kill her, kill her!!!!!". Too bad it ended only in a lame slap. I won't be surprised if Kotonoha suicides, but if she does it's gonna be really lame because it will make this series nothing but a bunch of depressing crap.

I knew this anime was psychological, but is this situation anywhere near realistic?!? I'll finish the anime since I'm already this far into it, but man, this is just annoying.
Jun 25, 2013 12:17 PM

Nov 2009
guyuz said:
Man I need to vent. Watching this anime is like torture. There's not even 1 pure-hearted person in the entire series. Well, maybe Setsuna, although it makes me really mad she doesn't realize what's going on yet. Kotonoha is ridiculously stupid for not breaking up with Makoto already and allowing herself to take hate from everyone, Sekai is annoying because she loves Makoto even though he's cheating on someone with her, and then she thinks she has the right to be depressed.
I swear, in the end of the episode when Kotonoha was waiting outside and she was walking towards Sekai, I was chanting "Kill her, kill her, kill her!!!!!". Too bad it ended only in a lame slap. I won't be surprised if Kotonoha suicides, but if she does it's gonna be really lame because it will make this series nothing but a bunch of depressing crap.

I knew this anime was psychological, but is this situation anywhere near realistic?!? I'll finish the anime since I'm already this far into it, but man, this is just annoying.

Should be interesting when you come back in 5 episodes time lol =P
Jun 25, 2013 1:56 PM

Jun 2012
guyuz said:
Man I need to vent. Watching this anime is like torture. There's not even 1 pure-hearted person in the entire series. Well, maybe Setsuna, although it makes me really mad she doesn't realize what's going on yet. Kotonoha is ridiculously stupid for not breaking up with Makoto already and allowing herself to take hate from everyone, Sekai is annoying because she loves Makoto even though he's cheating on someone with her, and then she thinks she has the right to be depressed.

Wait, so you think Setsuna is pure and not Kotonoha? You messed up, try again.
Jun 25, 2013 2:15 PM
Apr 2013
lazyboy0337 said:

Wait, so you think Setsuna is pure and not Kotonoha? You messed up, try again.

Well, yeah... I didn't think of her when thinking about the pure-hearted people, mostly because she is just messed up.

@Riptos, I'm gonna watch the final episode now. I think "interesting" is a spot on word.
Jun 25, 2013 2:24 PM

Jun 2012
guyuz said:
@Riptos, I'm gonna watch the final episode now.

Jul 4, 2013 8:34 PM

Dec 2012
Even knowing everything that's going to happen, it's still painful to watch Kotonoha hopelessly in love and denial. Were I in Makoto's situation - which is impossible because I wouldn't have even let it escalate to special training because I'm not an indecisive fuck face - I probably would have broken down from guilt and shame right then and there when Kotonoha came to visit.
Jul 17, 2013 1:17 PM

Jul 2013
Shuhan said:
Why am i still watching this crap, i literally hate every character in it.

+1 for that.
Aug 18, 2013 7:27 AM

Aug 2012
Setsuna is my idol.

And Kotonoha is just pathetic.
Aug 19, 2013 10:43 PM
Apr 2012
vishal8492 said:
Shuhan said:
Why am i still watching this crap, i literally hate every character in it.

+1 for that.

Aug 21, 2013 7:40 PM
Jul 2018
Kitsunahren said:
vishal8492 said:
Shuhan said:
Why am i still watching this crap, i literally hate every character in it.

+1 for that.


This SO much. This anime is so damn frustrating!
I really hope Makoto gets what he deserves *wink wink*
Aug 29, 2013 11:08 PM

Jan 2008
nevermind i take back what i said about setsuna being my favorite character after episode 5. damnit! of all the people why did she have to join the harem too! ughhhh

why am i still watching
Sep 30, 2013 11:51 AM
May 2012
Forgetfulness said:
So many misunderstandings, it's getting kinda ridiculous. And Katsura is stupid for still thinking there's still something going on.

Eh, this episode was a little harder to watch than normal cause Makoto was still trying to comfort Katsura. Even though that's the "right" thing for him to do, it's just hurting Sekai
(I don't really care about Katsura that much so yeah...Setsuna is awesome though)

Again, I'll have to disagree with a lot comments in this thread. It's like you guys are trying to make up anything to hate Makoto
Cero said:
Despicable. He sees Katsura with a wet t-shirt and 'falls in love' with her again. Matoko is definitely the type of person that just uses them for sex and to grope. Also at the end I was hoping Katsura was gonna stab her, but then it was just a slap...It made me a saaaaaaaaaaaaaad panda. :<

^ Like this comment. Makoto had already decided to stop and talk before he saw her shirt. Also, Sekai was going on and on about not ignoring Katsura for a while

She's stupid because she still thinks something is going on ? I thought they were still a couple besides that dickhead wanted a girlfriend badly and so he got one. If you're gonna break up atleast get a proper closure, he has been avoiding her numerous of times.

And even if Sekai told that dickhead to NOT "avoid" Katsura her loli friend is still gonna cockblock him from Katsura hence why he didn't/couldn't say anything when he saw her.
Sep 30, 2013 12:04 PM
May 2012
Forgetfulness said:
Jinada said:
Forgetfulness said:
So many misunderstandings, it's getting kinda ridiculous. And Katsura is stupid for still thinking there's still something going on.

Eh, this episode was a little harder to watch than normal cause Makoto was still trying to comfort Katsura. Even though that's the "right" thing for him to do, it's just hurting Sekai
(I don't really care about Katsura that much so yeah...Setsuna is awesome though)

Again, I'll have to disagree with a lot comments in this thread. It's like you guys are trying to make up anything to hate Makoto
Cero said:
Despicable. He sees Katsura with a wet t-shirt and 'falls in love' with her again. Matoko is definitely the type of person that just uses them for sex and to grope. Also at the end I was hoping Katsura was gonna stab her, but then it was just a slap...It made me a saaaaaaaaaaaaaad panda. :<

^ Like this comment. Makoto had already decided to stop and talk before he saw her shirt. Also, Sekai was going on and on about not ignoring Katsura for a while

She's stupid because she still thinks something is going on ? I thought they were still a couple besides that dickhead wanted a girlfriend badly and so he got one. If you're gonna break up atleast get a proper closure, he has been avoiding her numerous of times.

And even if Sekai told that dickhead to NOT "avoid" Katsura her loli friend is still gonna cockblock him from Katsura hence why he didn't/couldn't say anything when he saw her.

Yeah, they were a couple except that they couldn't even talk to each other and Katsura could clearly see that he was cheating on her.

If that's the case then I don't get why Katsura's at fault and you don't go around and play with peoples' feelings especially if you have an interested in someone and then decides to just ditch him/her later on.
Sep 30, 2013 12:11 PM
May 2012
Forgetfulness said:
Jinada said:
Forgetfulness said:
Jinada said:
Forgetfulness said:
So many misunderstandings, it's getting kinda ridiculous. And Katsura is stupid for still thinking there's still something going on.

Eh, this episode was a little harder to watch than normal cause Makoto was still trying to comfort Katsura. Even though that's the "right" thing for him to do, it's just hurting Sekai
(I don't really care about Katsura that much so yeah...Setsuna is awesome though)

Again, I'll have to disagree with a lot comments in this thread. It's like you guys are trying to make up anything to hate Makoto
Cero said:
Despicable. He sees Katsura with a wet t-shirt and 'falls in love' with her again. Matoko is definitely the type of person that just uses them for sex and to grope. Also at the end I was hoping Katsura was gonna stab her, but then it was just a slap...It made me a saaaaaaaaaaaaaad panda. :<

^ Like this comment. Makoto had already decided to stop and talk before he saw her shirt. Also, Sekai was going on and on about not ignoring Katsura for a while

She's stupid because she still thinks something is going on ? I thought they were still a couple besides that dickhead wanted a girlfriend badly and so he got one. If you're gonna break up atleast get a proper closure, he has been avoiding her numerous of times.

And even if Sekai told that dickhead to NOT "avoid" Katsura her loli friend is still gonna cockblock him from Katsura hence why he didn't/couldn't say anything when he saw her.

Yeah, they were a couple except that they couldn't even talk to each other and Katsura could clearly see that he was cheating on her.

If that's the case then I don't get why Katsura's at fault and you don't go around and play with peoples' feelings especially if you have an interested in someone and then decides to just ditch him/her later on.

It's not her fault for being in that situation, but she is still stupid for thinking that everything is going fine.


Lol you don't really make any senses but okay.

Sep 30, 2013 12:31 PM
May 2012
Forgetfulness said:
Jinada said:
Forgetfulness said:
Jinada said:
Forgetfulness said:
Jinada said:
Forgetfulness said:
So many misunderstandings, it's getting kinda ridiculous. And Katsura is stupid for still thinking there's still something going on.

Eh, this episode was a little harder to watch than normal cause Makoto was still trying to comfort Katsura. Even though that's the "right" thing for him to do, it's just hurting Sekai
(I don't really care about Katsura that much so yeah...Setsuna is awesome though)

Again, I'll have to disagree with a lot comments in this thread. It's like you guys are trying to make up anything to hate Makoto
Cero said:
Despicable. He sees Katsura with a wet t-shirt and 'falls in love' with her again. Matoko is definitely the type of person that just uses them for sex and to grope. Also at the end I was hoping Katsura was gonna stab her, but then it was just a slap...It made me a saaaaaaaaaaaaaad panda. :<

^ Like this comment. Makoto had already decided to stop and talk before he saw her shirt. Also, Sekai was going on and on about not ignoring Katsura for a while

She's stupid because she still thinks something is going on ? I thought they were still a couple besides that dickhead wanted a girlfriend badly and so he got one. If you're gonna break up atleast get a proper closure, he has been avoiding her numerous of times.

And even if Sekai told that dickhead to NOT "avoid" Katsura her loli friend is still gonna cockblock him from Katsura hence why he didn't/couldn't say anything when he saw her.

Yeah, they were a couple except that they couldn't even talk to each other and Katsura could clearly see that he was cheating on her.

If that's the case then I don't get why Katsura's at fault and you don't go around and play with peoples' feelings especially if you have an interested in someone and then decides to just ditch him/her later on.

It's not her fault for being in that situation, but she is still stupid for thinking that everything is going fine.


Lol you don't really make any senses but okay.

Okay, here's an analogy.

You're walking home one day with your friend. Your friend pulls out a gun and shoots you in the leg on purpose.
-it is not your fault that you got shot because you couldn't have expected it
-you are probably an idiot if you still think that he's your friend and the next day, everything is going to be fine

Your comparison was just stupid since in this case it was a comparison of two person while in School days it was 3 , assuming that your comparison was right(?) none of this shit happened since Sekai was the one who got Makoto to even become such a horny kid and had casual sex with him everyday. So once again if that was the case then I don't get why you're hating(?) on Katsura (judging by your posts on some other threads) since Sekai was clearly the one who started it all.

JinadaSep 30, 2013 12:39 PM
Sep 30, 2013 12:43 PM
May 2012
Forgetfulness said:
Jinada said:
Forgetfulness said:
Jinada said:
Forgetfulness said:
Jinada said:
Forgetfulness said:
Jinada said:
Forgetfulness said:
So many misunderstandings, it's getting kinda ridiculous. And Katsura is stupid for still thinking there's still something going on.

Eh, this episode was a little harder to watch than normal cause Makoto was still trying to comfort Katsura. Even though that's the "right" thing for him to do, it's just hurting Sekai
(I don't really care about Katsura that much so yeah...Setsuna is awesome though)

Again, I'll have to disagree with a lot comments in this thread. It's like you guys are trying to make up anything to hate Makoto
Cero said:
Despicable. He sees Katsura with a wet t-shirt and 'falls in love' with her again. Matoko is definitely the type of person that just uses them for sex and to grope. Also at the end I was hoping Katsura was gonna stab her, but then it was just a slap...It made me a saaaaaaaaaaaaaad panda. :<

^ Like this comment. Makoto had already decided to stop and talk before he saw her shirt. Also, Sekai was going on and on about not ignoring Katsura for a while

She's stupid because she still thinks something is going on ? I thought they were still a couple besides that dickhead wanted a girlfriend badly and so he got one. If you're gonna break up atleast get a proper closure, he has been avoiding her numerous of times.

And even if Sekai told that dickhead to NOT "avoid" Katsura her loli friend is still gonna cockblock him from Katsura hence why he didn't/couldn't say anything when he saw her.

Yeah, they were a couple except that they couldn't even talk to each other and Katsura could clearly see that he was cheating on her.

If that's the case then I don't get why Katsura's at fault and you don't go around and play with peoples' feelings especially if you have an interested in someone and then decides to just ditch him/her later on.

It's not her fault for being in that situation, but she is still stupid for thinking that everything is going fine.


Lol you don't really make any senses but okay.

Okay, here's an analogy.

You're walking home one day with your friend. Your friend pulls out a gun and shoots you in the leg on purpose.
-it is not your fault that you got shot because you couldn't have expected it
-you are probably an idiot if you still think that he's your friend and the next day, everything is going to be fine

Your comparison was just stupid since in this case it was a comparison of two person while in School days it was 3 , assuming that your comparison was right(?) none of this shit happened since Sekai was the one who got Makoto to even become such a horny kid and had casual sex with him everyday. So once again if that was the case then I don't get why you're hating(?) on Sekai judging by your posts on some other threads since Sekai clearly started it all.


I'm getting really confused with your posts now. Also, the analogy doesn't have to match exactly, I'm just saying that still trusting someone that hurt you that much is stupid (well, for most normal people, that is)

I'm just going to say it simple, if you don't agree, that's fine too:
It's Sekai's fault that Katsura got into that situation, but that does not mean that Katsura MUST go and pretend that he's still her boyfriend. She could have stopped, used her fucking brain for a second and realized that it's over

(well, that's with the info I had at that time. Later we see that Katsura is not exactly I guess it might not be possible)

It was far fetched that's why so your comparison made no sense to me.
She DIDN'T pretend, not until he finally told her, but it was already TOO late.
JinadaSep 30, 2013 1:15 PM
Sep 30, 2013 1:24 PM
May 2012
Forgetfulness said:
The only thing that mattered in the comparison is that
---you would be stupid to think that he's still your friend when he's clearly not acting like it. Not just some minor stuff like "oh i'm ignoring you", but actually going and hurting you on purpose---

I guess in her crazy little world, she wasn't pretending but I'm fairly certain most normal people would have dropped Makoto right then and there.

She didn't pretend , she just didn't know. Everyone was just spitting shit on her and since her classmates didn't even like her from the beginning she could easily assume that they were bullshiting/jealous.

Also she's kinda naive but that doesn't make her at fault/a dumb idiot after all she has been trying to talk to him but only to get interrupted by that annoying loli and Makoto can't stand up for himself, what a wuss.
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