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One Punch Man
One Punch Man
Jan 15, 2019 12:49 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 8
High Score Girl
High Score Girl
Jan 15, 2019 12:43 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 6
Hataraku Maou-sama!
Hataraku Maou-sama!
Nov 8, 2018 9:27 AM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 7
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Arlette-Nee-Sama Jun 5, 2013 11:24 AM
Heeeeeeeeeey!!!!!! Thank ya Tensai!
greenmarty Mar 16, 2013 1:39 AM
Now when you mention that, i don't know rly, mal had to malfunction and delete all my favs. Even my fav characters are gone. Guess i'll rather backup my list just to be sure.
greenmarty Mar 15, 2013 9:41 AM
Yo dude, fine on my side. How are you?
Yeah i tried to add all R# tags at once but that proved to be harder then expected because i haven't seen some series for years and there's quite a lot of them in my list haha. So i started to add R# tag every time i re-watch something. Well at least when i don't forget *shhh*.

I haven't set exact rules but I go with same scale as general score on this side does, 6-10 positive. Also i try to add tags as inconclusive, open ending, etc. Sadly not all lines in my list have been fully (re)tagged so far.
greenmarty Oct 31, 2012 9:00 AM
Glad you liked it this much, it's my favorite gore romance. I like how it combines all individual aspects that are usually divided into different anime of different genres and this combo really works, it does.
Yeah that ending was somewhat unclear. I think they wanted to make something between conclusion and "to be continue". Unfortunately series didn't follow it's manga and as such as usually it never got sequel. I believe manga goes much farther with story.It would be very nice to get remake according to manga with full story.
greenmarty Oct 14, 2012 3:36 AM
Yeah she is , true and She's also Yamato Nadeshiko type as well = perfect from any angle you look at her, dream girl.

Of course it'd be worthy , she could shock me as much as she wanted by her unusual entrance i'd be luckiest guy under sun XD

Yep in TV story line, there are:
tv season 24 ep > specials 2 (+1 recap ep) > 2nd tv season 22 > specials 2 > OVA 2 > OVA 2 = 54 episodes

In old OVA story line :
OVA5 > movie 1
(that movie can be probably watched with tv season story line as well )
greenmarty Oct 14, 2012 1:58 AM
Indeed he's damn lucky from the point Belldandy flew out of his mirror haha.
Me too , instead this usual pizza delivery guy to get connected to heaven and then suddenly have top class goddess at my place , who would not be happy for that XD

greenmarty Oct 13, 2012 8:40 AM
Glad to hear that. Yeah that mirror entrance, poor(lucky) Keiichi couldn't believe his eyes "how can she come from mirror :O" XD

Planetes feels very believable indeed and i 'd say there's more then hint of romance, however it takes some time to get there :)

Anyway Both are very good anime , i'm sure you will enjoy both :)
greenmarty Aug 30, 2012 3:56 AM
oh np man. Yeah, not your typical anime haha, it's always hard to hint that without spoiling all the fun at such a show when i recommend it to someone.
Anyway I'm glad you are in the 1st half of the people who liked it -X- other half usually can't get over such a harsh ending.
greenmarty Aug 21, 2012 3:35 PM
Yeah it's definitely worth your time man. Second season is important part of the overall story.
(It's more or less 24 eps anime halved in two series. )

Well if you need me and "my personal anime database" (in my head), let me know ;)
In mean time, enjoy School Days and let me know your feelings about that series when you are done with watching it.
greenmarty Aug 21, 2012 1:40 AM
Im glad you like it. Btw try ef tale of melodies too. its sequel which explains a lot and gives things meaning, Like who is the ghostly girl etc and her story is probably strongest one in series .
As for School days yeah it isnt typical mainstream anime thats true hehe. It goes much further.

note*(written on-go on smart phone)
greenmarty Jul 24, 2012 3:27 AM
Np mate, I'd say watching anime is my passive hobby so i like to talk about it anyway haha.

As for tagging ones own list, I can say it's better start sooner then later. Once you need to tag few hundreds pieces it seems like too much of hard time. I luckily gor used to tag anime right after adding to list, else because i use Mal Updater I would forget most ofthe time
Little tip here > I use a MAL Updater to re-tag series faster then i could do it on website, maybe you should try that application too if you already haven't . (If you don't know it , next to tags editing, this Application auto-updates your list anytime you watch new episode of anime and much more, click on the link for more info.)

* Mal Updater
greenmarty Jul 22, 2012 2:11 AM
Glad to hear that, Shows are worthy no doubt there.
In that case i recalled few more psychological, drama, romance, even tragedy i'd say

H2O: Footprints in the Sand - Blind dude move to the country side , starts to attend a school and there he meets girl who's heavily bullied by whole village/small town's inhabitants just to uncover background behind all of that. Very nice anime. Even though it's totally different anime, it reminded me of Clannad:AS little bit at one point.

School Days - It pretends to be average school triangel but things get kinda different in the end.. This is the type of anime that you are gonna love or hate.

Mirai Nikki (i've noticed you have it on your watch list already)
im sure you heard of it already so only shortly , madness check, mindfuck check, romantic feelings complicated by psychological aspects check, supernatural check, mystery check.

As for additional tags
Yeah i gt admit i had similar thoughts on Adding wider scoring options to the MAL and not only because its easier to search for what you are looking for but also because some people dislike specific genres in general and they tend to underrate good shows when they are mixed genres or the other way around.All that because they watched something that they picked up based on incomplete genre tags and score system.

And yeah i don't think i can handle to re-tag my list but i think i could add something for shows that are true and strong as romances and thus my favorites. Though i don't think it will be complete anytime soon, its kinda big list and as you said score does not every time reflect strength of it romance genre.

BTW that reminds of ? its similar site to MAL but it has more details like strength of each genre (it shows genres in more sizes of letters small if weak etc).
Also it has cast (characters) sheet for each show and after clicking on main male lead then on Related Entities.
You can see relationships between clicked on character and rest of the cast.
I usually go there to confirm and figure out what kind of romance it is (love triangle, unrequited love, married, harem) simply by looking at relations (e.g. "is the love interest of " "has love interest in" "are lovers" "are family" are friends" "enemies" "is rival of" etc)

* note Last part was just addition. More to show you what i kind of features I miss here on MAL and help you in search for romance, because it did help me a lot too ;)
greenmarty Jul 20, 2012 4:30 PM
PS> i suppose i could add something like "favorite"tag or something . Thou it would be for "9-10/10" anime anyway so i dunno. but i though of something to show level of romance, but haven't figured out how exactly to do it to keep things simple and clear. So i haven't added anything of that sort yet.
greenmarty Jul 20, 2012 4:15 PM
You know there's the "score" next to each title just sort it out from best to worst and you get my favorites on top .
Also i watch only romance if i can. I prefer romance over anything else > of course my list will be full of those haha.

But ok i can rec you some of those from "Unique to greenmarty" (those you don't have in list)
Only thing i need to know is what kind of romance you are looking for.
For now I can tell you anime that came on my mind and that i liked atm.

Let's start with
Ah! My Goddess + all sequels
It heartwarming and calming romance full of positive feelings. It starts of as sudden girlfriend appearance type and then it has goddess learning to live in human world with main male protagonist (no more spoilers). I really like this for it always makes feel calm and happy after watching it.
8/10 - 9/10

Now something more serious
ef - a tale of memories, ef - a tale of melodies.
romance, psychological, Mystery, Drama, Seinen
this show is one of the thousands, you will hardly find similar. It's story follow few pairs who are overcoming obstacles between them and some of those obstacles are very serious ones. Those ppl are connected with each other one way or other.
i scored it 9/10 ,10/10 ,also this goes as my personal second best anime romance out there. Just don't watch it with kids as some psychological elements might be too soon for them to learn about.

Elfen Lied
Action, Drama, Horror, Romance, Psychological
this is another anime that has hardly anything alike. it's hard to describe it without spoilers but this one is also must watch. Expect a lot of blood and violence but it's all part of the psychological element. Also main character gt deal with his past to move on. Great . 9/10

Now something bit brighter again
Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi, Space
This is the story of space debris collecting coworkers and newcomer in group taking place in near future. It might seems boring from description, also i try not to spoil anything but believe me, it's very worth your time, great anime. 9/10

i tried to pick different types so you can start with the ones of you preferences and mood for something specific. But I'd say watch them all sooner or later anyway ;)

*note,if you wanted something specific, let me know what you are looking for in anime romance and i can try to browse my memories. e.g. harem or comedy or sudden girlfriend appearance or you want tsundere or "mindfuck"= crazy characters+psychological/horror or gore
greenmarty Jul 20, 2012 1:21 AM
Hello there,
thank you, i'll check them out.
yeah my list has grown bit over the years that's one of the reason i have such signature, it has become bit hard to find my favorite genre hehe.
Btw: if you need, feel free to use my list whenever you are looking for anime, i have everything tagged. *note "(romance)" in braces means romance is weak or wasnt confirmed yet. .Use [ctrl+f] to search for romance etc.
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