Forum Settings
Aug 19, 2012 2:34 AM

Dec 2011
Name: The name of your Character.

Alias: If he/she has an Alias.

Affiliation: The organization your Character is affiliated with. Not needed at the creation.

Messier Code:


Gender: Male/Female/Alien.


Contractor Power: The ability that you get from your contract.

Obeisance: What you must do in order to fullfill your contract. If this is not done, your character will vanish.

Attribute: 9 Pts max. Weakest is at 0 pts and Strongest is at 3 pts for each attribute. As in: 0/Average - 1/Above Average - 2/High - 3/Very High

Weapon/Equipment: List of equipment and weapons your character has. Limits up to 4. Explain and name the items.

Bio: An explaination about your character, preferably long. But can be short.


Appearance: If you have a picture, please put it into a spoiler. If, for any reason you don't want to, give a short description on how your character looks.

Theme: The Background music that starts when your character arrives on stage.

If wanted, you can add your character's quote under personality.
Discount66Sep 6, 2012 12:52 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Aug 19, 2012 3:46 PM

Dec 2011
Name: Ken Hoshikawa

Alias: Phantom

Affiliation: None yet.

Messier Code: PT-423

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Occupation: Mercenary, Student

Contractor Power: Shadow Manipulation
This ability allows the user to have complete control over his/her own shadows and those his shadows merged with. Being able to make the shadows that are under his/her control solid, making them able to pierce through a target makes it a fearsome ability to others. When used by a high-skilled person, it is able to let the user vanish in his/her own shadows and appear at another place, where there are shadows. Of course, if there are no shadows around, this ability is useless, such as in the night. Where there is no light.

Obeisance: Eating Chips

Strength: 2
Speed: 3
Defense: 2
Agility: 2

-Dual Blades. The close combat weapon as it is a good combination with Ken's powers and experience in Close-Combat.
-A Mask. It is concealing half of Ken's face. Which gives Ken a Ninja-like look.
-A Coat. Nothing special, just to go with the mask.
-Bag of Chips. For his Obeisance he always carry one.

Bio: Ken has a mysterious past. He grew up as an orphan in an orphanage he has long forgotten the name of. Not knowing his parents, he had to live his life there. Ken hasn't communicated much since he doesn't care a lot about friends and such. That was until he had been in contact with a girl at the orphanage. His memories hasn't been lost. They've been buried. He can't recall what happened unless he dreams about it.

Personality: Shy, quiet, calm, helpful. Rather ruthless if provoked. Though he is like that, he's cheerful with his friends.

In Battle: Only when caught up in battle.
Don't turn your back or expose your neck.


Discount66Sep 6, 2012 12:51 PM
Aug 20, 2012 2:10 PM

Dec 2011
-Character Accepted-

An contractor with Messier Code PT-423 has been spotted in Japan. Indentity Unknown.
Discount66Aug 23, 2012 11:46 PM
Aug 23, 2012 3:42 PM

Nov 2011
Name: Saif Hoshima

Alias: Lynx

Affiliation: None at the moment.

Messier Code: VC-667

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Occupation: Student, Vagabond.

Contractor Power: Manipulation of Water/Ice and Air.

- This power allows Saif to manipulate the obvious: Water/Ice and Air. He carries a katana handle with no blade, usually having it in his pocket, or school bag. He can summon water, thanks to water vapor floating mostly in the atmosphere, unless it's very humid outside. Wind is everywhere, so the location of that is obvious. He usually has a large ice-sickle take place of a blade on said Katana-handle, and acts just as deadly as a normal Katana. For air, he usually uses it to stalk his victims. Probably walking over them in a high distance, looking down as if he was a higher entity, and for quick escapes, usually.

- Former Kenjutsu Participatory.

Obeisance: Withdraw blood, usually a cut on his thumb.


Strength: 2

Speed: 4

Defense: 2

Agility: 1


- Katana Handle.
- A hidden blade that is attached to his wrist, and usually is covered well, since he enjoys long sleeve clothing, even during the warm summer. Passed down through his family.
- An erotica of some sort.
- A Guy Fawkes Mask.

Bio: Saif Hoshima was born to a single mother, as his father was unknown. It was just known his father was a member of a dead grouping of people: Hashashin, or Arabic for Assassins. He doesn't know much about the group, since he never had interest in it. He just received a hidden blade out of it, and that's all that matters to him. A cool hidden blade. He is very intelligent for his own good, monotone, and usually sarcastic. He doesn't enjoy socializing with people that he views lowly, since he can sometimes be a bit of an aristocrat. He also has a sweet tooth.


Personality: Can be condescending, serious at some times, nervous when in contact of females he view as 'worthy', and a closet pervert.

Tsukune-DonoAug 26, 2012 7:00 AM
Aug 23, 2012 11:48 PM

Dec 2011
-Character Accepted-

An contractor with Messier Code VC-667 has been spotted in Japan. Indentity Unknown.
Aug 24, 2012 6:22 AM

Jul 2012
Name: Zarkly

Alias: The Pyromancer

Affiliation: None for now.

Messier Code: OC-630

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Occupation: Student, cashier at a store.

Contractor Power: Manipulation of Fire
The ability allows the person to manipulate fire at will. The person could use any fire related and control it. From having this ability, any heat or flame wouldn't affect the user at all. The user could also shoot out flames and make, which also can be extinguish by the user.

Obeisance: Eating Tic-Tac



Weapon/Equipment: Bare Hands and a small sharp knife hidden in his lower apparel.

Bio: Zarkly had a nice life during his childhood. One of those kids who had a happy life with their parents, nothing was in the way, happiness was always there. Although, terrible events always happen and it happened to him, his parents died from a car crash during a trip. Of course he was traumatized mentally by this event, but he soon over-came it and continued on.

Personality: Cheerful, out-going, cautious


ZarklyAug 26, 2012 10:41 AM
Aug 24, 2012 8:34 AM

Dec 2011
-Character Accepted-

An contractor with Messier Code OC-630 has been spotted in Japan. Indentity Unknown.

Gender = Male right? Not All of them D:
Aug 25, 2012 8:11 PM

Mar 2012
Name: Bear Kuma

Alias: Cold Heat

Affiliation: Classified (It has been found that he is a "Keeper")

Messier Code: XD-567


Gender: Male

Occupation: Maliciousness Jobs ( random jobs for the community, such as searching for a lost cat, going to the store)

Contractor Power: The ability to control temperature.
Allows him to change the temperature of an object or simply the air around him. By making everything a certain point into heat it can create burns or simply make something immensely hot. Of course after using it for so long his body grew accustomed to high and low temperatures making him somewhat resistant but incredibly weak in the process.

Obeisance: Eating ice or peppers. The spicier the pepper the less needed to eat


Weapon/Equipment: A pouch of peppers,
A shield,
Snow boots,
and some nifty goggles

Bio: Kuma had his contract by the time he was 5, and once his parents discovered this they had him doing malicious jobs such getting rid of snow, or cooking. They kept his ability a secret and as soon as they realized the danger of this (he set the house of fire). They left him there and ran away to god knows where.

Personality: Fun - Loving, Selfless Freak, Very Very Weak
"I wonder what's more fun.... a "brain freeze" or "pants on fire"



-Error in there..... Obeisance
-Snowman-Sep 6, 2012 1:31 PM
I am Invisible
Aug 26, 2012 3:19 AM

Dec 2011
-Character Accepted-

An contractor with Messier Code XD-567 has been spotted in Japan. Indentity Unknown.

Gender = Male right? Not All of them D:
Aug 26, 2012 11:55 AM

Nov 2011
Name: Noh Farawashi

Alias: Skeleton

Affiliation: None.

Messier Code: XX-225

Age: 20

Gender: Alien/Male

Occupation: Pizza Delivery Boy

Contractor Power: Bone and Blood manipulation:

Noh has the power to manipulate his blood and bones. He has a strange DNA coordination which allows his bones to grow rapidly if broken, and his heart pumps blood faster than normal, thus results in him able to use his blood to create a blade, or to shoot it out, or even create a wall. His bones can be used from knives - to defensive shells. If he was to loose a bone, it would regenerate in a minute or so, due to his mutant genes.

Obeisance: He must lose a bone once a day.

Attribute: 9 Pts max. Weakest is at 0 pts and Strongest is at 3 pts for each attribute. As in: 0/Average - 1/Above Average - 2/High - 3/Very High
Strength: 3
Speed: 3
Defense: 2
Agility: 1


- Boxes of pocky.
- Notepad and pen.
- A bottle filled with a bottle of a 'red substance'.
- A dagger.

Bio: It is rumored that Noh was a mix of a Alien race that resulted in his bone and blood manipulation, to a father alien, and a mother human. He was usually always picked on while growing up because he always did something odd, and used his powers on accident which caused plenty of bullying while in secondary school. His mother was still around until she passed a few years earlier, which left him on his own and a job in a pizza place. He was also interested in certain forms of martial arts, and gymnastics.

Personality: Easily flustered, considered a mute by a few on how rare he communicates with people. Carries a notepad, since he chooses to write than talk.


Tsukune-DonoAug 26, 2012 1:50 PM
Aug 26, 2012 2:56 PM

Dec 2011
-Character Accepted-

An contractor with Messier Code XX-225 has been spotted in Japan. Indentity Unknown.
Aug 26, 2012 3:04 PM

Jan 2012
Name: Kairi

Alias: She call's herself Gluttony

Affiliation: Not in one yet~

Messier Code: BY-956

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Occupation: Student/ Musician

Contractor Power: Weight Manipulation:

She is able to change her weight, from light to heavy at her command. She uses her light weight form to run and jump and high speeds and uses her heavy form to crush her foes. Changing her weight doesn't affect her appearance.

Obeisance: She must eat tons of food at every meal, to fill her payment. Though doesn't affect her much since she has a huge appetite and has high metabolism, which helps her keep her figure~

Strength: 3
Speed: 3
Defense: 1
Agility: 2

Steel heel boots - Helps her crush things beneath her
Open finger steel knuckle Gloves - Strengths her punches
Guitar - Usually play's on the streets for money
Backpack - Has her school supplies~

Bio: Born with contractors ability's, Kairi lived in an ordinary family. She didn't understand her powers untill around the age of 10. She thought of herself as a burden toward her parents and decided to run away. She stole money from them, and took off in the night and now she lives in a apartment. She is a boxing fan, she loves how fast they move and how they fight and try's to put those moves in her own attacks.

Personality: Becoming a contractor hasn't affected her personality towards anything. She is as normal as any human, in emotions. She is kind and honest towards everyone. She try's to live her life normally, even though shes different.


DeuxNyxAug 27, 2012 7:54 AM
If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don't fight, you can't win! — Eren Yaeger
Aug 27, 2012 8:00 AM

Dec 2011
-Character Accepted-

An contractor with Messier Code BY-956 has been spotted in Japan. Indentity Unknown.
Aug 27, 2012 12:29 PM

Dec 2010
Name: Ray Walker

Alias: The Dark

Affiliation: None

Messier Code: BT-001

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Occupation: Takes on any job, whether it’s about assassination, bank robbery or saving cats from the trees. His motto is to never hit or hurt women or children.

Contractor Power: Energy Storage.
Absorbs any power that touches his blood making them his for an extended amount of time. The absorption works on anything that can be considered as power, or rather something in energy form. Therefore letting himself be hit by flames and other pure energy types is the optimal thing for him to do. Another way of absorbing power is via liquid type of powers, or even through another persons blood.
Although he absorbs power he doesn’t really get more than 50% of the power he absorbs. His body works as storage for the power and is divided into two sides that does two different things with the power.

Left side: Using the power as pure energy and pump himself up. This will give him a boost in stamina, and defence. This boost will only affect the left side of the body.

Right side: Storing the power here means he can later use it as pure energy and emit power blasts. Or if he wants he can use it to power himself up and give his right side more power, meaning his hits from that part of the body will be far more brutal than the hits from his left side.

Although he can split up the power and store it in two different places he has to be careful and to not store too much power at one place. Doing that will make his body very unstable.

Obeisance: Cuts himself in the wrist until he starts bleeding.

Strength: 2
Speed: 2
Defense: 3
Agility: 2

Whip: Ray uses it to drag and pull enemies in, as well as pulling and dragging himself toward things.
Knives: Ray carries many, at least a dozen of them each time he goes out, though he’s concealing them from other people. Ray uses this to cut himself as well attacking enemies with.
Sharp Vampire Fangs: If there’s no way of draining power he must get ahold of blood somehow. Ray doesn’t like to do this, and only does it if he has to.

Ray is something of a mystery to many. No one really knows much about him but no one really questions who he his either. He can appear at random places at random times and it will still feel like he’s been there the whole time.
Ray is much of a night person and rarely goes out at day, he goes out at night and enjoys his leisure time at somer random café or bar and is often seen hitting on women.

Outgoing, talkative, likes to play dumb but is extremely smart and very cautious of his surroundings.


DarkAug 28, 2012 2:24 AM
Aug 27, 2012 12:34 PM

Dec 2011
-Character Accepted-

An contractor with Messier Code BT-001 has been spotted in Japan. Indentity Unknown.
Aug 27, 2012 9:33 PM
Jun 2010
Name: Misami Rodriguez

Alias: Purgatory Priest

Messier Code:PP-001


Gender: Male

Occupation: Professional Wrestler

Contractor Power: Steel Wall
Misami's body becomes hard as steel. Invincible to bear-armed attacks and most blunt melee weapons. Damage from sharp weapons (Swords) is reduced. Vulnerable to bullets. When he is in a (Recorded) wrestling match his power is deactivated. In most any other situation the power is passive.

Obeisance: Sweat

Attribute: 9 Pts max. Weakest is at 0 pts and Strongest is at 3 pts for each attribute. As in: 0/Average - 1/Above Average - 2/High - 3/Very High
Defense:2 (Plus 1 bonus point from ability for three)

Weapon/Equipment: None

Bio: Misami is a Half Japanese half Latino wrestler. His father was a luchador (Mexican wrestler). His mother was a regular waitress in tokyo. Today his parents are dead from natural causes and Misami picked up where his father left off. Misami has wrestled for all major wrestling promotion starting with the CMLL in Mexico City to NJPW in tokyo where he currently wrestles. He holds over 100 titles in various promotions.

Personality: Strong, Fearless, Planner

Appearance: Wears a white tank-top. Blue jean shorts. Has Black and brown eyes. Wears a mask that has the yin-yang symbol stretching through the entire front of the mask. While the back says Purgatory Priest.


Aug 27, 2012 11:24 PM

Dec 2011
-Character Accepted-

An contractor with Messier Code PP-001 has been spotted in Japan. Indentity Unknown.
Aug 28, 2012 2:43 PM

Jan 2008
Name: Asher Vale

Alias: Hummingbird

Affiliation: The organization your Character is affiliated with. Not needed at the creation.

Messier Code: XT-818

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Occupation: Singer/Musician with a few side jobs here and there

Contractor Power: Sound/ Air Conductor.
The ability to control the air around her and amplify/nullify sounds. Abilities include creating barriers by changing air density, condensing sound waves, etc.

Obeisance: Eat or drink something bitter

Attribute: 9 Pts max. Weakest is at 0 pts and Strongest is at 3 pts for each attribute. As in: 0/Average - 1/Above Average - 2/High - 3/Very High

-Collapsible Fan
-Small flask usually filled with a mixture of bitter ingredients and liquor
-Piano Wire

Bio: Asher was born into a family of wealth and many secrets. Since childhood her parents reared her to be a proper lady, a proper wife to whomever her parents choose for her, and eventually inherit the families many “businesses”. Though, she sees this future having nothing more in store for her than being someone’s doll, being told to smile and curtsey when told, and she wishes to have no part of thus she ran away and has been surviving off her wits, contract, and a few less than legal talents she's acquired.

Personality: Quick witted and a flirt. She’s easy going and generally outright with her thoughts which sometimes gets her in trouble.


Aug 28, 2012 8:13 PM

Nov 2011
-Character Accepted-

An contractor with Messier Code XT-818 has been spotted in Japan. Indentity Unknown.
Aug 29, 2012 7:30 PM

Jul 2008
Name: Cecilia D. Darya

Alias: Cotton Tail (They can't all be serious...)

Affiliation: Independent

Messier Code: BN-312

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Occupation: Student

Contractor Power: Swirling Leaf Cloak
The power to change her body into a mass of swarming, razor-sharp leaves. These leafs are all independent but are a part of her collective consciousness and one would need to destroy every single one of them to kill her in this form. The leaves can mold together into new shapes and by changing colors take on the visage of someone else.
As an added note, they are independent of the wind and can fly around even on a windless day, and also assimilate new leaves, or abandon them, into the hive mind and can control leaves even without turning into them.

Obeisance: Cosplay. Enough said

Attribute: 9 Pts max. Weakest is at 0 pts and Strongest is at 3 pts for each attribute. As in: 0/Average - 1/Above Average - 2/High - 3/Very High
Strength: 1
Speed: 2
Defense: 3
Agility: 3

Weapon/Equipment: Various guns and knives, including, but not limited to: butterfly knife, pocket knife, .42 magnum, and a Steyr Aug A1 at home. Usually carries the following: butterfly knife and two pistols with 1 bullet in each barrel and a magazine with 8 more shots each. Finally, a headband with fake bunny ears and a sash with a cottonball tail.

Bio: Her mother, Mai, was a rape victim who could have easily aborted her but chose to raise her anyway. For that, Cecilia is eternally grateful to her mother and her step father who accepted them both even after Ceci became a contractor. She showed signs at a very young age and being as intelligent as she was, Cecilia trained herself with it as much as possible. However, she had to dress up nicely, and sometimes absurdly, each time. This drove her step dad bonkers when she got into high school.

Unlike other contractors, she can still show a little bit of emotion, and easily fake the rest. Thus she lived a relatively normal life. Her stepfather taught her how to use guns...and regretted that soon after when she'd spend all of her allowance on guns. She was grounded for three months after that...she still doesn't understand why.

Her relationship with her parents was always a little rocky but they were always on good terms. To Cecilia, her stepfather is her actual father regardless of blood. Also, his own grandfather got Cecilia into cosplay in the first place.

Personal Quote:
C: "Yes... The ears are real."
C: "No."

Personality: Very creative when she wants to be, compassionate, tactful, intuitive, selfless. An intellectual. Has a fondness for sarcastic humor.


Aug 29, 2012 8:32 PM

Nov 2011
-Character Accepted-

An contractor with Messier Code BN-312 has been spotted in Japan. Indentity Unknown.
Aug 31, 2012 7:11 AM

Dec 2011
Name: Arie Shugofune

Alias: The Darkness' Embrace.

Affiliation: Silver Moon of the Night

Messier Code: TE-436

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Occupation: Student

Contractor Power: Children of the Grave.
Arie is able to create a clone of her opponent, which possess only 50% strength of the real one, unless the one she cloned isn't conscious, when she/he isn't, the clone possesses 100% of the strength. The powers and abilities of the opponent are the same, but she is only able to clone one person at a time.

Obeisance: Picking flowers and crushing them.

Strength: 0 pts
Speed: 3 pts
Defense: 3 pts
Agility: 3 pts

Weapon/Equipment: Nothing.

Bio: Arie lived in the same orphanage as Ken once did. But she arrived there much later than he did and left later than he did. She didn't have any reasons to leave except for that the orphanage caught fire and burned down. Arie stayed there at the orphanage till she was going to high school.

Personality: Cheerful, airheaded, likes teasing.

In Battle:
Embrace the darkness.


Discount66Nov 24, 2012 9:03 AM
Aug 31, 2012 8:37 AM

Dec 2011
-Character Accepted-

An contractor with Messier Code TE-436 has been spotted in Japan. Indentity Unknown.
Sep 1, 2012 2:28 PM

Jul 2008
Name: Minoriko (Minna) Yukihara

Alias: Witch Hazel

Affiliation: Unaffiliated

Messier Code: MN - 591

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Occupation: Student

Contractor Power: Fantastical magic (like throwing fireballs)

Obeisance: Cannot make use of ones vocabulary (makes her mute)

Attribute: 9 Pts max. Weakest is at 0 pts and Strongest is at 3 pts for each attribute. As in: 0/Average - 1/Above Average - 2/High - 3/Very High
Strength: 1
Speed: 2
Defense: 3
Agility: 2

Butterfly knife x1
Backpack x1
School Supplies (inside backpack)
Wizard hat x1

Bio: Minna is half japanese and half english and growing up she had some issues with her hair color. She inherited her fathers hair color and in her teens some people thought she dyed her hair. Tragic in that high schools don't allow that in japan and her attitude didn't help. Still, she kept smiling until her powers manifested. After that she quickly realized that she lost her ability to speak, but not to make sound, when she used it and so decided it would be better if she just stops talking.

This persisted for a while, with the cover story being an accident damaged her vocal cords. Eventually, however, she was fed up with it and said something. Covering that up with her vocal cords recovering. How does she explain away the periods of time where she can't talk? A relapse. You'd be surprised what people are willing to believe.

Her power requires her to speak keywords out loud and can be very very subtle. She can mix in the keywords with common speech.

Known keywords:
Break - Causes an object to shatter, can be used on a living being
Bend - Bends objects and can cause bodies to contort in unnatural ways.
Cut - Cuts objects and people
Fireball - Creates a large ball of searing fire
Plague - Summons vermin
Burn - Lights things on fire
Curse - Causes bad luck
Push - A blast of force propels things away

Personality: Cocky and sassy yet somehow humble. Very smart and learns exceptionally well. Prefers not to talk due to her contract and is a very good listener. All are equal in her eyes until they give her reason to like them or dislike them more.


TamoballSep 1, 2012 3:13 PM
Nov 21, 2012 12:47 PM

Dec 2011
-Character Accepted-

An contractor with Messier Code MN - 591 has been spotted in Japan. Indentity Unknown.
Nov 21, 2012 2:02 PM

Aug 2012
Name: Blair Mochizuki

Alias: Dracula

Messier Code: AB-666

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Occupation: Assassin

Contractor Power: Blair possesses the ability to re-arrange the configuration of carbon atoms in her body, allowing her to convert her skin into graphene. She prefers to use this to form claws that spread up to her shoulders, leaving much of her body vulnerable to attack. This also makes healing a fast process.

Obeisance: For each time she uses her abilities, Blair must carve a tally mark onto her body.

Strength: 1
Speed: 3
Defense: 3
Agility: 2

1. See power
2 & 3. Twin Guns- A pair of over-sized and overpowered handguns. The ammunition is hollow point rounds, giving them even more stopping power.

Bio: Blair was the only child of an actress that was never there for her; instead she had nannies and maids that wanted money. She was a very vulnerable, weak and lonely child. Her father died two months prior to her birth due to a drug overdose. All she knew in life was that humans lie, only animals can be trusted and no one is reliable but herself.
Now she often relies on animals to track or sense things. She has a deep hatred and distrust for humans. Her mother has disowned her, and Blair has vowed to kill her. She has no friends and has practically vanished off of the face of Earth.

Personality: Equipped with a dry, acerbic almost cruel sense of humor, Blair is enigmatic and conceals many facets of her personality with sarcasm. She's narcissistic and appears to disdain most people. She has contempt for most institutions, but despite her cynicism, she seems to care about colleagues to a certain extent.


Hey you! Yes you! Do you like:
Dragon Ball?
Nov 22, 2012 9:37 AM

Dec 2011
-Character Accepted-

An contractor with Messier Code AB-666 has been spotted in Japan. Indentity Unknown.
Nov 23, 2012 3:37 PM

Dec 2011
Name: Masaru Takeshi

Alias: Shinigami

Affiliation: None at the moment.

Messier Code: ZZ-000

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Occupation: High School Student

Contractor Power:
Mind Manipulation: Masaru can manipulate the minds of his enemies. For the weaker willed ones he can make them his puppets for a time. He can also extract memories from them (He has to touch their forehead.), or make them see illusions. He can make them believe they are fighting him while really he does what needs to be done and leaves, or he can bring their fear to life (must know the fear) and has been known to even drive some insane with this technique. However, he can't overuse this ability, as it might backfire and attack his mind. He often has headaches because of the mental strain it puts on him.

Obeisance: Every once and a while his ability will backfire on him, even if he hasn't overused it. This mental attack usually lasts for a couple of hours, making him extremly vulnerable, which is why he usually disappears somewhere during this time.

Attribute: 9 Pts max. Weakest is at 0 pts and Strongest is at 3 pts for each attribute. As in: 0/Average - 1/Above Average - 2/High - 3/Very High
Strength: 2
Speed: 3
Defense: 1
Agility: 3

Rin Chi: A long Ebony Katana that he carries with him. Though he only draws it when he's backed into a corner.

Bio: Masaru's family was murdered when he was young. His older brother, who was also a contractor, killed them. As a result, Masaru locked his emotions. The fact he was picked on (and is still picked on) in school doesn't help so much either. Delinquents always fought him and spoiled brats/regular students treat him like a delinquent. Despite that, he gets the top grades in his school. He now has one major focus, to track down his brother and kill him. He won't allow what happened to him in the past to happen ever again.

Personality: Cold and Emotionless to most. He tries to stay distanced from everyone, not wanting to form an attachment and believing he can't afford to. He seemingly has somewhat of a softspot for kids, and will actually show some emotion once and a while to those who actually manage to get close to him.


Nov 24, 2012 3:55 AM

Dec 2011
-Character Accepted-

An contractor with Messier Code ZZ-000 has been spotted in Japan. Indentity Unknown.
Nov 24, 2012 10:57 AM

Mar 2012
Name: Max Sooner

Alias: SoundMAX (Get the connection?)

Affiliation: The organization your Character is affiliated with. Not needed at the creation.

Messier Code: YD-068

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Occupation: Student / Radio Host and a Musician

Contractor Power: The manipulation of sound/soundwaves. (He has superhuman hearing due to it)

Obeisance: He loses a bit of his eyesight each day.

Strength: 1
Speed: 3
Defense: 2
Agility: 3

Weapon/Equipment: Headphones (They disable sounds that aren't necessary)
A flute
An empty book used to write music
Sound Gloves ( Gloves capable of creating pitches of sound )
Eye guard

Bio: Max always loved music from birth. His parents were traveling musicians.
He gained his power one night in a horrible storm. His parents died in it! NUFF SAID!

Personality: Cold, rash, but at times sincere.

Quote: "Stay awhile and Listen"


-Snowman-Nov 25, 2012 6:57 AM
I am Invisible
Nov 24, 2012 11:33 AM

Dec 2011
-Character Accepted-

An contractor with Messier Code YD-068 has been spotted in Japan. Indentity Unknown.
Dec 1, 2012 5:48 PM

Jan 2012
Name: Yuki Kazanagi

Alias: Snow

Affiliation: N/A

Messier Code: SN-120

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Occupation: N/A

Contractor Power: Cold and Ice manipulation - Ability to lower the temperature of the area around him, and also to control Ice, through the water in the air. Manipulating it to his will he could make anything that comes to mind.

Obeisance: Sweets - any kind



- Nothing but the clothes on his back.

Bio: Being born with contract powers made his life a living hell. Not being able to control them when he was young, he would kill countless people without noticing, until they fell to the ground. The death of his parents, was to great for him to bear, so he decided to run away and live on his own. Being alone had effects on his mind and has made him delusional and a bit crazy, seeing visions of his parents to talking to himself. Though being this way he had thought that god has given him this powers to fix the wrongs that this world has brought to himself and others around him. He understood that others have the same "Gift" as him and now is seeking revenge.

Personality: Yuki is corrupt and unforgiving, he'll take anyone's life without second thoughts. He fight's for the the people of contractors and will hunt down those who have sided with the humans.

Though he is corrupt, he is still a little kid and will be seduceded by toy's and trinkets of any kind. Showing his kid side that still dwells within him.


DeuxNyxDec 1, 2012 5:54 PM
If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don't fight, you can't win! — Eren Yaeger
Dec 2, 2012 5:05 AM

Dec 2011
-Character Accepted-

An contractor with Messier Code SN-120 has been spotted in Japan. Indentity Unknown.
Dec 16, 2012 1:29 AM

Sep 2011
Is it too late to do this?


Kioko Hoshigaki/Zuri Chizoba


French Kiss

Messier Code:







College student/Waitress/Cashier

Contractor Power:

Mind Control; she can control a person's actions and body by manipulating their brain to function how she tells it to. Not only that, she can also read their mind and predict their every movement.


Mouth to mouth; she has to kiss anyone of both genders in order to not die from using her powers often. It can be anyone, even a random stranger on the street as long as it is one male and one female.


Strength: 1
Speed: 2
Defense: 3
Agility: 3


She carries hidden knives inside her clothing and shoes for extra protection, but she has one gun strapped to her thigh and a katana sword strapped to her back.


Kioko was born into a family of scientists. Both of her parents were scientists, who worked for Pandora syndicate. Their research mainly focused on Hell’s Gate and contractors, but they did others too. The both of her parents were more into their research and discoveries that they neglected Kioko. Kioko often had to take care of herself because her parents would not come home.

During high school, Kioko would always feel lonely and abandoned and because of that she would do dangerous and impulsive things like drugs and underage drinking to help heal that empty void she felt in her heart. She would often get in trouble at school for cussing out teachers and beating up students. She and her small group of friends were arrested, once for robbing a small liquor store and she was charged with theft and assault on the cashier. Her parents scolded her, but after that, they would continue focusing on their research.

For that reason, Kioko would never be at home at night, instead stay with a friend or her boyfriend.

One day, Kioko’s parents went and researched Hell’s Gate, along some other researchers, but to be the only ones to come back alive. They ended up bringing back a sample; a plant that bloomed when Hell’s Gate emerged. They created a serum out of the plant’s seed and natural juices and wanted to experiment on it. Unfortunately, Kioko ended up at home at that time. Her parent’s injected the serum they made into her; observing and jotting down her body’s reactions to it.

Over a few months, Kioko changed drastically. Her emotions and attitudes became more apathetic and deadly. Kioko would end up self-harming herself by cutting. She even slit both of her wrists in the bath tub one time. Luckily, her parents saved her and she was sent to the hospital in time. After many CAT scans, MRI’s and psychological therapy, no one could diagnosis her illness. It was like she wasn’t sick. Her parents just wanted to make sure she wasn’t sick because they knew what was happening to her. They knew she was becoming a contractor. They were excited and celebrated on their success, but to their dismay, once Kioko fully blossomed into becoming a contractor, she instantly killed them without any hesitation or mercy. She never showed any remorse afterwards.

She took on a whole different identity of Zuri (Beautiful) Chizoba (May God Save); an immigrant from Africa, who recently became a citizen of Japan. She wanted to erase her past from her memories and start a new life as a different person.


Before the appearance of Hell’s Gate, Kioku had the happy go lucky appearance. She was cheerful and exuberant. She was sweet, friendly extroverted and very outgoing, though that was a facade. She didn’t have a lot of friends, but she had the small group of some that she could trust and hang out with it. She used to be cocky and competitive and often very sarcastic. She was the intelligent and hard-working student in school. Though she had that cheerful demeanor, she also had a darker side to her. No one wanted to piss her off because she had an ill-temper and the roughness to back it up. She didn’t back down from any challenge and she didn’t take any mess from other people. She was very protective of those she believed she was really close to and would fight for them. Some people thought that she had multiple personalities because she ended up like a different person. Her home life was a sad one. Her parents were never at home and neglected her, so Kioko became rebellious.

After the appearance of the Hell’s Gate, losing her family and never seeing her friends again and gaining her contractor abilities, she became cold hearted, apathetic towards life and merciless. She was left to feel emotionless, even to someone begging for their lives. She became more cautious, since she knew people would be after her and silent. She refused to associate with anyone and became introverted and stoic. She now keeps to herself and does what she needs to do and tried to avoid trouble and drama as much as possible.


Kioku is a medium height woman with a curvy build to her body. She used to have long, back length, raven colored hair that stopped at her hips, but now her hair stops at her neck with long bangs in the front. She has light brown eyes that used to have passion in them, but now is dull and lifeless. She has oval shaped face with high set cheekbones. Kioku has milk chocolate colored skin. She is about high C-cup, making her breasts perky. Her height is that of five feet five inches and she weighs about one-hundred and fifteen pounds, due to her breasts and her round, plumped behind. She has long, glossy legs. Her preferred style of clothing is that of comfortable with a blend of sporty look. She likes to wear pants or shorts that allow her to stretch out her legs and move around a lot. She likes to show her skin, but not a lot of her skin. The colors she enjoy wearing are any shade of blue, dark red, black, pretty much dark shade of any color. She likes to wear ripped jeans, jean shorts, hoodies, graphic -tees, boots, tennis shoes, heels, fishnet stocking, long, knee high socks, halter tops, tank tops, etc. Her accessories include that of black rectangular glasses, scarfs, necklaces, bracelets, rings, chokers, etc. When she goes on missions, she wears clothes like in the picture, so that it won’t hinder her while she is battling.

Dec 18, 2012 7:42 AM

Dec 2011
Mind Control; she can control a person's actions and body by manipulating their brain to function how she tells it to. Not only that, she can also read their mind and predict their every movement.

Yeah. Its just godmodding. O_o
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