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Pages (5) « 1 2 [3] 4 5 »
Jul 20, 2012 1:17 PM

Jun 2012
But I'm still wondering... does New Order (Eureka 7 Episode 51) going to come into effect anytime soon?
Jul 20, 2012 1:20 PM
Jul 2012
the_trainman said:
AGuyNamedJason said:
Totally calling it, Truth is Ao's sister.

And Naru is Eureka's mother.

And Ao is Renton's great-grandfather.

Hahaaha! I mean it could make sense. Maybe that's why Renton can pilot the nirvash. Ahahahaha XDDD watch actually be true o.O
Jul 20, 2012 1:34 PM
Nov 2007
SilentTruth said:
Naru is on Truth side!?

Should be pretty obvious by now that Naru is on her own side, shouldn't it? She is not following anyone, and if anything, Truth is now following her.

She seems to disapprove of whatever it is Eureka (and by extension, probably Renton) are trying to do, but if it is her goals or just her methods isn't clear. They both seem to have similar sympathies, so perhaps the latter?
Jul 20, 2012 1:50 PM

Jul 2012
haha i drew a quick and messy fan art of renton's face, but i totally forgot the grey streaks in his hair. I know it looks lame compared to the clothes and hair of renton that is presented in the intro, but I hope you like it :P Tell me what u think
purringcamelJul 20, 2012 2:00 PM
When life gives you lemons get Jesus
Jul 20, 2012 2:04 PM

Jul 2012
Thank you :) I agree with what you said about his face, he looks too serious. Im hoping that Renton would look better than this though
When life gives you lemons get Jesus
Jul 20, 2012 2:24 PM

Oct 2008
Momoko11 said:
Dangerr said:

Just because he said he'd give up being human, doesn't mean he has; he was just describing the lengths he'd go to being with Eureka. Again, it's likely that it's just a gray-streak from stress - I highly doubt he's become part-Coralian.

It's just too early to say what Elena is - everything seems to fit, except for her skin-tone, and unless it's some weird genetic heritage from Coralian DNA, it shouldn't be possible.

I agree with Nirvash_Spec_V. I said the same thing about Renton in an earlier post. I don't know how he would become a coralian exactly. But how would he get that red gem in the middle of his forehead at the end of E7? :/
Maybe whatever is happening to Renton, A.K.A turning into a coralian, is also happening to Naru? Idk just a theory. At this point anything is possible.

It's just visual symbolism; I doubt he was literally and physically emitting a red glow.
Jul 20, 2012 3:14 PM

Jul 2008
I soooo want Ao's sister to be Elena cuz she's one of my favorites characters but I think it's gonna be Naru cause she's the only one who displayed any kind of extra-terrestrial power. Also maybe the doctors were mistaken and Eureka's unborn child was actually Ao (meaning he has no sister.)
Jul 20, 2012 3:21 PM

Jul 2012
The new opening is lame, too static. I still love the first opening for original Eureka Seven the most. Ending is fun tho.

For the story, i don't know why but its almost half of the show and I still don't understend what's exactly is going on. I still get chills tho in some scenes wich is great.
Jul 20, 2012 4:17 PM

Oct 2008
Misiakk said:
The new opening is lame, too static. I still love the first opening for original Eureka Seven the most. Ending is fun tho.

For the story, i don't know why but its almost half of the show and I still don't understend what's exactly is going on. I still get chills tho in some scenes wich is great.

Because no one know's -exactly- what's going on, nor are meant to; it's one of those shows meant to make the viewer think, and constantly poses new questions while answering old ones.

I don't think this is a bad thing, as long as most of it is answered in an effective, believable manner.
Jul 20, 2012 5:30 PM
May 2012
So I don't have a lot of time to be spending on the forums, but before its to late I want to lay claim to the theory that the Oratorio system will be coming into play soon.
Jul 20, 2012 6:08 PM
May 2012
I got something that no one has thrown in yet. What is that thing that the Nirvash Mark I is caring in the new opening before they show the Nirvash Spec-V lookalike? It slightly looks like some board or somthing. Could someone help give me some insight?
Jul 20, 2012 6:15 PM

May 2010
this getting good, another MK1? i get this now, i was kinda lost in the story but everything snap into place for me now since this episode, fup man they sunk the Geko, i wanted it to be repair and be apart of the story, cuz that bucket they call a ship is not rocking it, Naru is starting to be a little to bitchy for me taking what rightfully belong Ao and flying off with it
Jul 20, 2012 6:29 PM

Dec 2009
Hydnlife said:
this getting good, another MK1? i get this now, i was kinda lost in the story but everything snap into place for me now since this episode, fup man they sunk the Geko, i wanted it to be repair and be apart of the story, cuz that bucket they call a ship is not rocking it, Naru is starting to be a little to bitchy for me taking what rightfully belong Ao and flying off with it

If we follow the opening there is a ship that looks like the Gekko but instead of green it is red. Perhaps they rebuild it on Ao's age or in Renton and the Gekkostate crew go to Ao's age with the new Gekko.

Would love to see Holland, Talho and the rest of the Gekkostate crew again.
Jul 20, 2012 7:29 PM

Aug 2010
I wonder if Naru is going to get more screen time since she is pinned as a main character even though she is never around.
Jul 20, 2012 7:40 PM

Jan 2011
Silentraider52 said:
I got something that no one has thrown in yet. What is that thing that the Nirvash Mark I is caring in the new opening before they show the Nirvash Spec-V lookalike? It slightly looks like some board or somthing. Could someone help give me some insight?

Here's the screenshot, but yeah... I can't help you but it looks interesting enough.
Jul 20, 2012 7:42 PM
Jul 2012
When Eureka was giving birth... Renton must have sent her back.. I have a feeling that Ao will end up back in Renton's time and Truth will follow. Which Truth might try to kill Eureka and for that, Renton will send her away with possibly Elena. We can say that Ao's older sister was born, which i want to confirm as Elena.
Jul 20, 2012 7:45 PM

Jan 2011
It also looks Like they are going to remodel the Gekko.
Jul 20, 2012 7:51 PM

Jan 2011
Man so many questions have been raised! and 3 Nirvashs?! one thing i know for sure is the new op &ed are awesome and Naru is still a bitch!
Jul 20, 2012 8:01 PM

Jan 2008
No Nirigilis... oh wells. Also... was that bad ass looking fellow in the OP Renton...? o3o
Ohohohoho. Can't wait to see how this turns out.

Though I can say the time jumping theme is starting to get kinda annoying with all these anime now, it'll probably become a generic trope soon.

Also forgot to mention, if not already since I didn't read any pages/posts, the art quality has plummeted.
PaulJul 20, 2012 8:07 PM
Jul 20, 2012 8:11 PM

Jan 2011
Next episode's title is "humanoid secret"
I "wonder" who that could be?
Jul 20, 2012 8:35 PM
Jul 2012
E7: Antagonist
Anemone + (TheEnd---> Spec V)

E7 AO: Antagonist
Truth + Secret (Truth ----> Spec V)

Quartz..... --> Compact Drives

Secrets --->> First Archetypes??
Jul 20, 2012 10:18 PM

Jul 2012
the_trainman said:
AGuyNamedJason said:
Totally calling it, Truth is Ao's sister.

And Naru is Eureka's mother.

And Ao is Renton's great-grandfather.

Like fry, He sure did the nasty in the pasty, and that nastpastification messed alot of things up :)
Jul 20, 2012 10:38 PM

Nov 2008
I used to feel indifferent about Naru, despite knowing that she was obviously important to this whole thing, but now I can safely say that I dislike her : )

Also, I really want to know if Ao really has a sister and who she is. Someone speculated it could be Naru, which I can somehow see, but who knows?
I am a sucker for romance!!!!

Jul 21, 2012 3:10 AM

Sep 2009
SephiriAzure said:
I used to feel indifferent about Naru, despite knowing that she was obviously important to this whole thing, but now I can safely say that I dislike her : )
Yeah, same for me. I wish this show would make me care about Naru (and Truth). Something about this show just feels off...but it's still entertaining enough for me to watch.
Jul 21, 2012 7:09 AM

Mar 2012
wow confusing
So the new Nirvash must be the one that Mirror found hidden... or whats inside that warehouse is the other missing Eureka.
Jul 21, 2012 7:45 AM
Aug 2010
when will they release theEND that's under gen blue..

inb4 we are just watching Ao Season 1.
Jul 21, 2012 10:24 AM

Sep 2011
triforcebih said:
when will they release theEND that's under gen blue..

inb4 we are just watching Ao Season 1.

..Thanks for the "Spoiler" signs. Unless I somehow missed some important details here.
Jul 21, 2012 10:54 AM
Aug 2010
Tyrel said:
triforcebih said:
when will they release theEND that's under gen blue..

inb4 we are just watching Ao Season 1.

..Thanks for the "Spoiler" signs. Unless I somehow missed some important details here.

spoiler tag for something from ep 4-5 in the topic for EP14...

ok bro.
Jul 21, 2012 11:14 AM

Sep 2011
triforcebih said:
Tyrel said:
triforcebih said:
when will they release theEND that's under gen blue..

inb4 we are just watching Ao Season 1.

..Thanks for the "Spoiler" signs. Unless I somehow missed some important details here.

spoiler tag for something from ep 4-5 in the topic for EP14...

ok bro.

Like I said "Unless I somehow missed some important details here."

Don't get so butt hurt.
Jul 21, 2012 11:17 AM
Aug 2010
Tyrel said:

Don't get so butt hurt.

ok. i stopped crying.
Jul 21, 2012 11:18 AM

Sep 2011
triforcebih said:
Tyrel said:

Don't get so butt hurt.

ok. i stopped crying.

Lmao, oh boy pointless talking to you.
Jul 21, 2012 12:15 PM

Apr 2011
Renton looks awesome looks like he will kickass instead of being whiny. I think there could be a possibility that Naru is Ao's brother since Eureka mention a girl. This was a great episode 5/5
Jul 21, 2012 12:26 PM
Jan 2011
Is just me or does this anime getting complicated to follow through?
Jul 21, 2012 12:46 PM

Oct 2008
Nasty001 said:
Is just me or does this anime getting complicated to follow through?

That's half the fun.

Admittedly though, I could understand it being a headache for those with only a passing interest in the show; for those people, I'd just recommend marathoning it when it's complete.
Jul 21, 2012 1:00 PM

Sep 2009
Riftguardian said:
Next episode's title is "humanoid secret"
I "wonder" who that could be?

I'm borrowing your picture.
I know I'm not the only one who saw it, but the secret that appears out of the pillar of light looks just like this one that continually seems to have a connection to Truth. I think Johansson's "prophecy" is something that's going to play a huge role in EP15. I don't think it's conicidence that it is mentioned that Johansson's theory is correct right after this secret appears. Something is telling me that this Johansson guy also time travelled at some point or another, and that Truth isn't originally from the AO setting, but more likely the E7 setting (this has probably been said before, but I'm just voicing my thoughts as someone who hasn't been reading these forum posts until the last two episodes).

As far as the Elena/Naru issue of trying to figure out who Ao's sister is, I don't believe that either are his sister. I have reason to believe that Elena came from the E7 setting originally and was in contact with Eureka - but I do not believe that she is Eureka's daughter. Naru has a family on Okinawa, and they all look quite similar to me... I'm thinking that the reason why Naru attained all that stuff inside her isn't resulted solely from the Scub Burst 10 years ago (keep in mind that other children her age probably experienced it as well - why aren't they showing similar symtoms?) and that that is something that will be futher explained... Maybe in Johansson's theory? Considering that Truth is so interested in Naru. But back on the topic of the "sister," the theory that seems the most plausible to me is that the doctors just made a mistake when determining the sex of the baby (half coralian/half human baby... not exactly what doctors see every day) and that Ao is the only child of Eureka. But then again, I can always be proven incorrect and they'll somehow make it possible for Elena or Naru to be the sister.

Elena... she's becoming quite the interesting character. I'm having a hard time understanding her. I liked how someone mentioned her "bipolar" tendencies being similar to Anemone's because of her being a failed experiment and whatnot. Maybe Elena was just another failed experiment under similar circumstances? We know that Elena isn't originally from the AO setting (because of her taking on another girl's name and no record has be found of her beforehand). But just looking at Elena's physical features, I can't find myself to believe that she's the child of Eureka&Renton or Anemone&Dominic.

As for Naru? She can just go crawl in a hole and never show up again. I'm really disliking her. And swatting Eureka/hologram/thing away while taking the Nirvash for herself? Just no.

A+ for the people who stopped Nakamura from shooting Ao. I dig that.
A+ for Renton in the new OP. I'm one of those people who actually liked Renton a lot in the original series, so I wait for his arrival in AO with bated breath.
A++ on the scene with Eureka falling and Ao catching her. It was just so nostalgic - Ao even has Renton's clothes on! Perfect. But I couldn't help thinking that "geez, Eureka free falling while pregnant? That poor baby." (And suddenly! New theory appears! What if the "sister/girl" baby just doesn't make it, just never gets born properly? That would be an easy explanation - but then again, no one likes an easy explanation).

I think it would be nice for the Gekko State members to reappear but that continually seems to be unlikely. Who I would extremely like to see? Maeter, Linck, & Maurice.

Sorry if it seems that all my thoughts are unorganzied, I'm just trying my best to attempt to put the pieces together.

Jul 21, 2012 1:10 PM

Nov 2007
Hikarusuke said:
I think there could be a possibility that Naru is Ao's brother since Eureka mention a girl.

For the record, Naru is a girl, so she cannot be Ao's brother. :D
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
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Jul 21, 2012 1:32 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
I'm confused but excited at the same time. Interesting stuff again in this episode.

I tried really hard to like Naru, but this episode settles it for me. I can't. She's just too annoying and unappreciative of Ao.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jul 21, 2012 2:29 PM

Jun 2012
Was it just me or did Renton look like Dominic?
Jul 21, 2012 2:33 PM

Jul 2012
Some interesting developments. Better stay tuned
Jul 21, 2012 3:25 PM

May 2012
I'm hoping for more Supercar

Jul 21, 2012 3:42 PM

Oct 2008
Vuyo said:
I'm hoping for more Supercar


Pretty sure the music composition for this series is done by the lead singer / songwriter of Supercar. Not sure, however, that the band is still together.
Jul 21, 2012 5:07 PM

Aug 2010
Heh, Ao got trolled by his Eureka thinking that was him in the womb. XD
Jul 21, 2012 5:45 PM

Oct 2011
Maybe Eureka had a miscarriage.. so there's no "current" daughter?
I dunno. I like the idea of Naru being his sister because I didn't like them as love interests.

Epic Truth faces are epic... He almost looks like a blue haired Haruko from FLCL the way it's all twisted with the gold eyes.

Jul 21, 2012 5:57 PM
Jun 2012
Naru is a BITCH!

I really have the question of why Nirvash typeZero threw Eureka away and now is being controled by Naru, typeZero is a bitch too :T

What is Eureka trying to do?
What are Naru and Truth trying to do?

Who is in the Scub Coral's side?

Wtf? with Elena

Rentons looks awesome, I hope he kicks some asses in future episodes, with the Gekkostate of course.
Jul 21, 2012 6:38 PM

Sep 2011
Why Naru why!?

now im curious on how Ao is gonna get the Spec V look alike

with the power of love like with the Spec 3? love from family?

Otikat said:
Naru is a BITCH!

I really have the question of why Nirvash typeZero threw Eureka away and now is being controled by Naru, typeZero is a bitch too :T

Nirvash stays behind to confront Truth but ends up being contained
Jul 21, 2012 7:32 PM

Oct 2008
Brigandi said:
Why Naru why!?

now im curious on how Ao is gonna get the Spec V look alike

with the power of love like with the Spec 3? love from family?

Otikat said:
Naru is a BITCH!

I really have the question of why Nirvash typeZero threw Eureka away and now is being controled by Naru, typeZero is a bitch too :T

Nirvash stays behind to confront Truth but ends up being contained

It seems to be a fusion between theEND and typeZERO; I'm guessing Truth somehow gets his hands on theEND, while Naru pilots the typeZERO, respectively. At some point, the archetypes merge to make what was seen in the new OP (It also seems to possess features of both, visually, among some similarities with Truth).
Jul 21, 2012 10:15 PM

Apr 2011
It's impressive how much this show has improved!! The only thing that sucked was the new ending theme...
Jul 21, 2012 10:25 PM

Aug 2010
I think the ending theme is just fine. The simplicity of it was more satisfying than seeing Ao spreading wings and just flying all over the place like nothing.

I know MAL Scores fluctuate from time to time, but why does it drop at this point of the series now? The story is catching on with more twists and excitement, we know Renton is coming back, and the new opening theme is so awesome for its homage towards Days.
Jul 22, 2012 12:57 AM

Jan 2010
Naru is really bitch! Wtf is she doing? Is she mind controlled? Why she choosed Truth that killed over9000+ ppl and calling him "kind"?! And she dont care about her family, etc. This is bullshit.

After 10+ shit series anime become interesting
Jul 22, 2012 3:17 AM

Jul 2012
Awesome new OP is awesome. Renton looks badass.

I Lol-ed @ the look on Ao's face when Eureka told him that the baby was actually a girl =D.

And Naru just pisses me off this episode. Though i've always been a fan of Ao X Fleur instead.
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