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Oct 30, 2010 11:54 AM

Sep 2009
Anime was getting better and better.And it has finished.The end was amazing,happy end which has satisfied me.I'm glad that after all troubles characters have been through,they finally found their happiness.Amazing anie wortch watching.I wasn't expecting that not popular anime could be so good.I recomed for all who like dramas to watch this anime because it is full of it!
Oct 30, 2010 4:53 PM

Sep 2008
Sarhmi said:
Anime was getting better and better.And it has finished.The end was amazing,happy end which has satisfied me.I'm glad that after all troubles characters have been through,they finally found their happiness.Amazing anie wortch watching.I wasn't expecting that not popular anime could be so good.I recomed for all who like dramas to watch this anime because it is full of it!
This is technically in the top 200 by popularity which is pretty damn popular. lol
Dec 16, 2010 5:28 PM

Apr 2010
So whats the deal with the twins?
Together-together or no?

Anyways It was great. One of my faves now.
I would like to see what happened to the twins when the left and up tot the point of us seeing them again.
[Catchy, cool, insightful quote]
Jan 27, 2011 7:01 AM
Oct 2010
_k1_ said:
Yeah, Sana spends all his time with the girl who turns out to like girls, the twins get more screen time as a couple than the 'main' couple, and Hinaka gets more screen time than Nanaka. In the end, Nanaka and Sana are getting married, even though they have no real chemistry in the show (far less than the incest kids anyway).

Also, it seemed like Asami was waiting for someone. I was hoping to see who she'd end up with.

This show would've been better with 24 episodes.

LOL so true..., There's no problem with the twins staying together as siblings... but romantically involved? I certainly wish they wouln't havelef that option open for interpretation =/
Jan 31, 2011 3:04 PM

Dec 2010
I didn't think the ending was extremely rushed, but it felt weak. For an ending like that though, I'd say they did a good job at it.

Story could have been a lot more than just Sana getting bullied and Nanaka escaping a house fire. It felt more like an arc in a bigger story if you asked me.

The story jumped to 10 years after the did not feel like a sudden jump but the way they left the story hanging before was a let down. They could've at least been more romantic!

I wonder what became of the Wakatsuki twins..they were holding hands..not that it really proves anything since they held hands before, but who knows.

Don't think this series is gonna continue on but if it does, I'd like to see a better story with the same characters, maybe putting the twins this time as the main character (or Hinako + Asami's cousin)

speaking of Hinako..when i first saw her i thought she was cute, but then the voice came and it didn't feel like it matched..but as I continued watching it grew on me and now I feel like it has to be that voice to be her.

overall this anime will get a 7.5/10 in my list..but since MAL doesn't have .5 in their debating whther this would be a 7 or an 8.

Feb 9, 2011 10:31 PM

Aug 2008
WOW That was an AWFUL ending. Lol. How is it that the Japanese are sooooo bad at ending things? I literally laughed at that horrific jump TEN YEARS LATER..

LOLOL And the watch was just to cover up a scar? I thought it would be like his dad's or something who was murdered. And how do you introduce a music teacher with cancer and end any role of his 3 minutes later? And Sana's teacher said congrats on becoming a man.... he's gotta be like freakin 26!!! Man what a stupid ending.

So dumb. Good grief. haha
Romance comedy anime - Japan's gift to America
Feb 15, 2011 4:39 PM

Jul 2010
Well I liked how things ended like with Sana and Nanaka and the good part is that there were no deaths. And seeing the twins like that after 10 years looks just soo wrong. The romance was pretty poor in this anime though it is more likely just drama to be honest , Sana needed some more romance with Nanaka to , but in the end she was happier than ever. Sana's hair = :(
Feb 23, 2011 6:50 PM

Mar 2010
I was pretty angry with how they ended it! I love the slice-of-life episodes where it is just them living everyday life and relationships growing out of it.

I really wish they would have made this 26 episodes long and slowly worked their way up to 10 years later. When it first said "10 years later" I thought it was a joke.

I actually like how the twins turned out. There is no real answer if they are "together" or just really close. It makes sense to be that close to someone when you have both suffered the same pain.

All in all i would say a very good anime...but falls just short of that 9-10 range. If it was 26 episodes long and covered all of the characters in would most likely have been a 9 maybe even a 10!

Would recommend it to anyone!
Feb 24, 2011 12:09 PM

Jan 2011
wow 10 year time skip! I would have given it it a 8 or 9, but they rushed it so much. 7 for me. I really like the ending song... Twincest! How did I know.... =(
Be humble or be humbled.
Mar 7, 2011 2:34 PM

Sep 2010
This series is greatttt. Loved how everything was foreshadowed and was wrapped up in the last 3 episodes.
Mar 28, 2011 2:10 PM

Jan 2011
Below average show tbh. wasn't greatfrom beginning to the end - and I amusually easy to please :/. Felt weak, not much emotion to it, especially felt insulting when certain aspects (i.e. making it obvious like 200x that main chracters hiding a slit wrist), really killed this show. I guess you could say nothing was tooo surprising, or even then, it wasn't done to the fullest of effects. Always huge anti-climax when even an inkling of some kind of development was coming about.
Apr 10, 2011 7:40 AM

Aug 2008
Only 2 episode aren't boring: 11 y this ending.

6 or 7? that's the point...
Apr 29, 2011 9:57 PM
Jul 2010
This was a good ending. He promised her that they will remain together forever. Nanaka's mom was wrong for deceiving her husband like that.
Aug 7, 2011 7:33 PM

Jan 2010
Okay, I was seriously pissed off by the number of scenes with black blood. Aside from that this was a great drama/romance.

Oct 29, 2011 11:02 PM

May 2008
finished this series after ages well i'll give it a 7/10 it was an alright ending might of been better if it was longer like a 24 or 26 episode series but oh well.
Dec 13, 2011 4:46 PM

Dec 2009
Very good series, though I`ve expected another ending... This show is joining my favourites drama list among School Days, Clannad and Kimi ga Nozomu Eien...
Dec 28, 2011 8:45 PM

Dec 2009
I enjoyed the series very was darker than I expected, but that doesn't equate to "unwelcome." In fact, I most likely enjoyed it all the more because of it. My only beef with this series is that it really could have continued for another six to twelve episodes.
Jan 4, 2012 10:07 PM

Jul 2011
liked it, i disliked a few things, i didnt like the 10 time jump, 3-4 years would have been aceptable, i would have prefered if sana had been playing the piano at the end and or nonokas reaction to his proposal, and another ep showing sana and nonoka together after her atepted suicide would have been nice.
the black blood didnt bother me it looked good mixed with water imo.
all in all 8/10
Jan 8, 2012 5:25 AM

Jan 2011
Late to the party lol

I liked this show a lot. I will say the first half of it is really not what the show is all about. I mean there are bits and pieces of drama that happen that are significant when it is all said and done. But really, the latter half is where it is at.

The black blood didn't bother me. I haven't seen School Days yet but I'm thinking that show left a sour taste in everyone's mouth and are feeling that again this time around?

Regarding the twins. I'm one to take the position that they are not in a romantic relationship. I think the hand holding was to show that they never left each others side from the day they left everything behind. Grant it, the two scenes they are shown in are them holding hands so I guess there is argument to support a romance. However, I just think they are really close and the moment they are in right now, surrounded by their friends again, called for a hand holding moment? Idk. Maybe I'm just trying to make excuses to wave off incestuous love, even if they are good people.

Wish they show itself was a bit longer because the real meat of the show did get rushed into the last 3 or so episodes. Still 8/10 for drama and a lesser score for romance as I was disappointed on that front. Although the 10 year future (I'll be it a little too far for this situation) showing of him proposing was nice. He kept his promise, to never leave her side.
Feb 6, 2012 11:16 AM

May 2011
I enjoyed the series overall. No regrets here.

Feb 8, 2012 2:31 AM
Dec 2010
I dunno, I liked in during the slice of life episodes but from what I read about it before viewing I had some sort of idea that it would get a lot different as it went on. They threw in a lot of more controversial topics but I don't really think they were necessary.
I mean they had:
-Domestic Abuse

I feel like so much was thrown in just for the sake of putting it in. I know it's based off a game, so I guess all that stuff was probably in it? The only seemingly "normal" character was Aoi, and she was just so annoying (omg that voice...).

I didn't hate the show, I'd say it's maybe a 7/10. I was hoping for more in the romance department really. That psychotic old woman...why did she need to exist in the plot at all...
Feb 8, 2012 9:27 AM

Mar 2011
This anime was pretty sad .. liked it stillz 9/10
Feb 16, 2012 3:28 AM

Oct 2010
The plethora of "hard" of topics presented in this show is rather impresive. Sadly besides Aoi and Hina, all the characters where pretty useless. They belittle themselves to a corner and make such a big deal out of the smallest problems.
While this sort of anime have never been of my taste, I do agree this was rather well executed. The story has its charm, but sadly the main protagonist (Sana and Kana) are greatly outshine by the rest of the cast. Even Hina and the teacher (considered supporting char) where more appealing than the main couple.
The lack of foreshadow for every single event (but the wrist watch) really make the plot twist look like something the writer came up last minute than have them build up properly through out the story. Maybe the format was the correct one, and a 24ep season could have done this more justice.

Overall it did a good/decent job and is worth watching until ep 11 imo
choyosFeb 16, 2012 11:50 AM
Mar 4, 2012 8:52 PM
Nov 2011
I thought it was a good story. I think it needed about 4 more episodes, 2 of which would have been after it but eh. I can't rate this more than a 7, and I was tempted to rate it lower because of how the drama was all rushed at the end.
Be thankful for those you have near who are dear
For time is not always kind to those who would be on your mind
Seize the day, some exclaim, but that which is past, no more shall have its day.
Mar 6, 2012 10:59 PM

Oct 2010
I didn't get this show at all. I didn't see what was supposed to be the focus. I didn't know what I was supposed to be anticipating. It was perhaps more like a mystery than a romance. Except it didn't make me curious. It was all over the place.

The little girl Hinako thing was fun. Then it was over, and it never played any role in the rest.

The false letter about the twins came out of nowhere, and then they were gone. That's it? Huh? Oh, and also Hoshino confesses to writing that letter out of nowhere as well, revealing herself as an entirely different character than she seemed. No hints I recall of her acting strangely to make you curious. Nope, we're just suddenly told all this stuff, and then Sana says something nice and it's all over as fast as it started. Their stories are over, The End.

It's almost the same with Sana and Nanaka. Though she does show some strange insecurities and jealousy at the beginning, there's no hint of explanation until it's quite suddenly revealed (the stuff about the mailbox, etc.). And then that seemed sort of over, until we get her breakdown after remembering her past.

The whole thing where she won't see anyone and then eventually tries to commit suicide felt undramatic. And then all that was needed to make everything better is Sana coming in uninvited and saying "oh, btw, I DO know what you're going through, since I was bullied and tried to commit suicide too". Another story out of nowhere. Pretty pathetic.

I didn't even like Sana and Nanaka. Sana's a plain old boring, timid, fairly clueless (except when he's a sudden genius saying all the right things at some climatic moment), "nice guy". Nanaka was just a difficult person who would keep wavering between happy and sad as she would always just happen to be in the right place to misunderstand everything.

I did like the twins, Hinako, and Aoi. Aoi's voice may have been... interesting... But it sure was a funny voice when she excited or surprised.

Anyway, I can only give this a 6, mainly for the earlier lighthearted comedy portions of it, and the characters I liked. But overall, this seems like it'd be pretty lackluster even as a visual novel.
Mar 23, 2012 2:56 PM

Jan 2012
This was more of a character's development anime rather than a typical romance/love triangle.

Way too much foreshadowing makes it too predictable, which kills a lot of enjoyment.

Some plot holes here and there. Some of the voice doesn't match the character either.

I thought I was gonna go crazy hearing Aoi's voice, but it became the reason I kept watching this so-so anime instead.

A lot of potential for intense romance for sure. I'd cheer for Hinako if that was the case.

Average anime is average. 7/10
Apr 1, 2012 6:32 PM

Feb 2012
I honestly loved this anime but that ending killed it. 10 year skip is such a joke. To me this anime focused more on the development of character and not just romance wise. That's what i loved the most. The dark sides each character has....except Aoi.....made this entire series amazing. But the main point is to show us how these characters overcome the challenges and they did show us alot of great ways but it was half assed. What happened to the twins? Well we know they get together and what not and I don't mind it one bit. Love is love. What happened to Hoshino? She saves the park as a way to redeem herself in a way whether it's one sided or not. What happened to the father of twins after? The stepmother slut? What happened to the little girl? She's dating a 16 year old? What happened between Sana and Nanae? They get together but we need to see how. They need to show us what happened b/w them specially the violin. That's what makes things interesting. I expected more with the flashback regarding Sana's suicide attempt but it wasn't as powerful as I thought. I'll admit, I also wanted to see more romance b/w those two and the twins but cmon. Skipping 10 years within a 4min time slot is ridiculous. During the violin scene, they should've shown a flashback when the memories of their time together as friends.

This anime would've been great at both mystery and romance. But sadly it fails at its expansion as it's too damn rushed. Literally. What's done is done. All I can conclude is that everyone is happy and Nane's mother is a slut...oh and Shuu's stepmother aswell.

Originally a 8-9/10 but I give it 7/10.
Cian13thApr 2, 2012 8:18 PM
<img src="" />
Apr 1, 2012 6:34 PM

Feb 2012
Timofmars said:
I didn't get this show at all. I didn't see what was supposed to be the focus. I didn't know what I was supposed to be anticipating. It was perhaps more like a mystery than a romance. Except it didn't make me curious. It was all over the place.

The little girl Hinako thing was fun. Then it was over, and it never played any role in the rest.

The false letter about the twins came out of nowhere, and then they were gone. That's it? Huh? Oh, and also Hoshino confesses to writing that letter out of nowhere as well, revealing herself as an entirely different character than she seemed. No hints I recall of her acting strangely to make you curious. Nope, we're just suddenly told all this stuff, and then Sana says something nice and it's all over as fast as it started. Their stories are over, The End.

It's almost the same with Sana and Nanaka. Though she does show some strange insecurities and jealousy at the beginning, there's no hint of explanation until it's quite suddenly revealed (the stuff about the mailbox, etc.). And then that seemed sort of over, until we get her breakdown after remembering her past.

The whole thing where she won't see anyone and then eventually tries to commit suicide felt undramatic. And then all that was needed to make everything better is Sana coming in uninvited and saying "oh, btw, I DO know what you're going through, since I was bullied and tried to commit suicide too". Another story out of nowhere. Pretty pathetic.

I didn't even like Sana and Nanaka. Sana's a plain old boring, timid, fairly clueless (except when he's a sudden genius saying all the right things at some climatic moment), "nice guy". Nanaka was just a difficult person who would keep wavering between happy and sad as she would always just happen to be in the right place to misunderstand everything.

I did like the twins, Hinako, and Aoi. Aoi's voice may have been... interesting... But it sure was a funny voice when she excited or surprised.

Anyway, I can only give this a 6, mainly for the earlier lighthearted comedy portions of it, and the characters I liked. But overall, this seems like it'd be pretty lackluster even as a visual novel.

Couldn't agree more. This series needed more time/episodes to fill in plot holes and show development. It skips way to many things....and specifically the end.
<img src="" />
Apr 1, 2012 6:51 PM

Nov 2011
One of the best anime I've seen, considering re-watching

Apr 3, 2012 8:25 PM

Jun 2011
This was one of the first anime I ever watched, and it's what really drew me into romantic anime. Of course, that also means that I never really compared this series with anything else, but I can see why people are giving it a 7/8.

Personally, however, it holds a very special spot in my heart, especially since the romance is very innocent and there aren't really any romantic plot twists (after years of watching romance anime, you get tired of harems and love triangles). So myself, I give it a 10. Watched it over and over again countless times.

Oh, and regarding the twins...I never saw them as being romantically involved with each other. I personally feel like people are kinda overreacting...

So yeah. If you're reading this, hoping to gauge how good the series is, all I can say is: it's refreshing in its simplicity. If you're tired of watching girls getting heartbroken, and just want some plain development between two lovers, watch this.
'I met many people. We were separated. And then reunited. This tune contains all those feelings.'
- Nanaka Yatsushiro, Myself;Yourself, Episode 13
Apr 4, 2012 3:35 PM

Nov 2011
I don't really understand why people are saying that its bad because you couldn't figure out Hoshino was a lesbian or something.

If this was a fair mystery which uses Knox's 10 rules for a fair mystery, I would understand why you were mad, but it ISN'T!!! This is a romance drama and you should not say its bad because you couldn't figure out what was happening before it happened!

I had already figured out that it wasn't the uncle, but rather the father before hand, so if you say that wasn't fair, I will argue that you can have your suspicions beforehand. But don't treat this like it is a mystery when it isn't! Maybe they don't expect you to figure out what was actually happening until they told you!

As for this anime, I loved it! It is true that they could have made it longer and it seemed a bit "rushed" at times, but it was still great. It was very suspenseful and had quite a few epic scenes. Though it won't beat something on my list like stiens gate or zero no tsukaima, it will definitely be one of my favorites!! =D

"I like to expose what people hide. I'm an intellectual rapist." - Furudo Erika
Apr 12, 2012 12:00 AM

Oct 2011
I didn't particularly enjoy this over the top drama scattered everywhere. Wish it could have remained the good old comedy it was at the start. All this shit thrown at my face didn't feel good at all. Going to be generous and give it a 6/10 even if my mind is begging me to lower it to 5.
Jun 16, 2012 1:02 PM

Oct 2011
The ending was too abrupt for my liking, and there are still too many questions not being answered (the main one being: what happened to the twins??). The drama in the series was sudden and came without explanation, though it still left an impact on me.
I did love the twist with teen suicide though. 7/10.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 18, 2012 4:24 PM

Jan 2012
a 6 for me, I found it hard to keep interested until like 3eps from the end which brought it back up, was going to give it a 5!
Jun 27, 2012 8:41 AM
Sep 2011
This episode was great however i think there could have been a better ending, possibly having all of them talking after Nanaka's performance however this is just my opinion.
Jun 28, 2012 11:16 PM

May 2012
a little bit rushed but all you need is to use ur imagination to make it more dramatic and romantic :) but i want to see the reaction that sana propose to nanaka.. unpredictable anyways that makes it interesting...

Jul 4, 2012 11:18 PM

Mar 2012
I really enjoyed this show however the ending seemed rushed thus making it a little bad. I'm Very Happy that the gang got reunited with the twins :)
Jul 7, 2012 1:23 AM

May 2012
Awesome episode to an awesome show, I'm giving Myself ; Yourself a 9/10. It had me happy at times and then there were times in which I had tears running down my face, I'm just glad that at least we got a happy ending for all of the characters. I was worried that this was gonna turn out like School Days lol Anyway from I'm also happy for the twins, even though allot of people don't agree with what they are doing as long as they are happy that's all that counts :) Also Sana and Nanaka getting married = the best ending possible!!!
Jul 20, 2012 5:03 PM

Jun 2012
Sweet ending, couldnt help but smile when i saw the engagement ring. Like everyone above has said it felt very rushed especially the ending, this anime could have really benefited by having a few more episodes and for that reason i cant give it a 10 but still, this was a beautiful well done anime.

9/10 would watch again.
Jul 23, 2012 1:01 AM

Mar 2012
Well, a good ED to a good anime. But, iam a little dissapointed. It seems the twins get more lover (right?) scenes than a main character's. The anime shows a lot of sweet moment between the twins. But for the main char? They have skipped sana's propose scene to nanaka.

But all of it just disappeared because the music that nanaka's played with her violin. That was beautiful ! I almost cried back then, the music is indeed a perfect summary for myself; yourself story. Awesome. Hope that the anime has 24 or 26 episodes instead of just 13.
Sep 11, 2012 4:14 AM

Jul 2012
Well, they managed to link Sana's story to Nanaka, which was very well done i felt. Ending off which Nanaka's tune was a really nice touch, finally we know the significance behind the title of the anime xD

While the plot wasn't too impressive, it did have its touching moments, and i really liked the characters. Deciding between giving it 7 or 8 but will most probably end up as 7.
Sep 12, 2012 4:12 AM

Jun 2012
didn't like how sana's past was so weak sauce....they kept it a mystery and in less than 2 minutes we found out the reason behind wasn't powerful enough...that being said it was a nice the twincest lolol...but i'm disappointed it didn't end like school days....also some things were unanswered but whatever

P.S: people bitching about the black blood get the BD version for it hahah same thing with School Days....the blood is nice and red
Uiriamu_BusujimaSep 12, 2012 4:17 AM
Sep 24, 2012 8:37 AM
Jul 2012
yeah, good show, ill be giving it a 7 or 8, ive been wondering about his backstory ever since he freaked out a second time when he saw the droplets of blood on the knife by the apple

now that that one is done, i guess its a toss up between air and zero no tsukaima next, probably ZnT lol
Oct 8, 2012 9:48 AM
Oct 2011
I really enjoyed the series, and agree about the rushing of the final episode but still thought it ended well. The twins still being together was really cute, although expected as you could tell how close they really well. Back when Shuu admitted that he was in love with someone, but they weren't in a real relationship, I knew exactly where he was going with so I am happy that they ended up together(don't care if twincest, still very good couple). The Sana suicide thing was weak in the reason he did it, but still common enough because of bullying so they didn't need to go further into it. I had a friend in high school that killed himself because of bullying, so it does happen. It was pretty ironic that Hinako ended up with the boy, since it was obvious that he took a protective liking to her back at the amusement park. I liked how they were the same difference in age as she was with Shuu, so she knew what it was like to be in love with that kind of age gap. Aoi still has her annoying little girl voice that does not fit her character...
Oct 15, 2012 8:52 PM

Feb 2012
This series was amazing. Adding it to my favorite O_O
Oct 20, 2012 10:30 AM
Sep 2012
I did a 10/10 intially but might drop it down to a 9 but it's still very good.

This is more of a drama rather than romance as it deals with some very dark themes as each character (except Aoi) have something deeply troubling. Bullying, Suicidal thoughts, family tragedy, broken homes/families and departure. The series is intensified as each one of the characters had one of these horrible things to happen to them. There is nice foreshadowing though it should of been used more as already said some plot twists appear jarringly in a bad rushed way. I would of liked more closure with episodes but I think the implied works out well.

Sana helps Nanaka and stay together forever.

Asami confessed to the rumor letter - it implied everything works out & she it at peace with herself.

Aoi is cheerful as ever.

The twins escape their ungrateful and demanding father and fake step-mother and they stick together.

(They are not incest people, for god's sake they are just holding hands and sticking together to escape their asshole father and dreadful future that lies ahead if they let him win and get separated as they only have each other left. People are quick to assume perverted thoughts when it's clearly not there.)
Oct 31, 2012 2:16 AM

Sep 2012
Could have been better if last ep was not rushed.
Nov 3, 2012 4:15 AM

Jun 2012
This anime surprised me, infact, it's very good!
The only thing that I disliked was the ending: 10 years later epilogue? WTF?
And what happened with the twins? Who knows?
Oh, and let's not forget aoi's voice...awful.
This said, I liked the story, the characters' backgrounds and the OST.
8/10 for me.
Feb 24, 2013 7:06 PM

Jan 2013
Good, but in the end I was debating on whether or not it would be a 7 or 8 out of 10.

I settled on 7/10
Feb 25, 2013 2:43 PM

Feb 2013
This Anime makes me feel all the pain i have been true.. ;(

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