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Days: 118.1
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- Watching73
- Completed274
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- Plan to Watch128
- Total Entries507
- Rewatched20
- Episodes7,115
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Days: 11.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries29
- Reread0
- Chapters1,933
- Volumes98
All Comments (21) Comments
I should really check out Mushishi. I've been wanting to watch that for a while now.
Our affinity is pretty high! That makes me really happy. <3
Actually, lately I've been hooked on Xbox at my friends place. xD So I've been playing LEGO Star Wars ( it's incerdibly fun, lol! ), Portal 2 and Red Dead Redemption. When it comes to games, I love them all. xD
Oh, I only played the first one all the way to the end. It was a fun ride I must say. Now I'm getting nostalgic. xD I agree, the rest of generations are nothing like the first one. Second one was good too actually, but anything past that was just plain ridiculous. :|
I'm slowly starting to watch them more actively, haha - lately I've been so pressed with time I have to choose between gaming and anime. I guess gaming got the better of me. xD
As for the movies, I haven't seen much, apart from Pirated of the Caribbean 4 - rewatching last 3 movies before it made me a Davy Jones fangirl. xD
True~ I need to do so too. And oh, congrats on having the new season of your favorite out! I REALLY should watch it already. Or start reading the manga. :|
The movies were all a big miss, really, at leats in my opinion. Well, I really did like 1st and 2nd one, MAYBE 3rd wasn't that bad, but from there on it's downhill. :(
Heard of those. Diablo, you say? I just might give it a shot. If it's a favorite of yours, it must mean it is good. :D I'm currently stuck to Oblivion, it's an addicting game. xD
Yeah, the odd thing is, I only saw Alien last winter - all 4 movies I mean (TV marathon, lol). They were so surprisingly good and well made for a bit old movies, haha. xD
Well I like Aliens because they're practically soulless, killing machines. Then again I like Predator just because of opposite, because underneath that monstrous look, there seems to be a bit of humanity. :D
Oh my, I downloaded that movie just a while ago! Totally forgot about it! Thanks for a reminder, I will definitely check it out as soon as I catch some time. All this college stuff, gaming and procrastinating is taking away my time. xD
I first saw the trailer when I heard about the pale man, and Googled that term - a most interesting find, really. Not to mention terrifying. :D
So my question is, can you suggest a lovely mellow anime to watch on a cozy sunday afternoon?
I love 2nd the most for some reason. Maybe because I kind of got in randomly for birthday, and it was the first time I heard of it. I couldn't get into it, but then I saw a video game, and I realized it is probably an awesome book. So yeah... :D
LOTR can't be not liked, haha, I haven't read either of those, but the movies were awesome! ^^ And go Celts! XD
Other fantasy movies? Huh, I can't really think of much now... other than complete Disney animated movie production, haha xD
From what I saw, both movies are considered bad, but I can't really tell, I haven't actually watched any of the two. :D As for the game, I always wanted to try it, but that game just isn't as popular here as in the rest of the world.
I guess so. After all, I am younger too :D actually the first movie I saw was the fourth one, so that must be why I wasn't so into the old movies, haha :D
Oooh, I've seen Cube 2 recently, it was so horrifying! The most soul-crushing movie ever, if I may say it like that haha. It really gave me a lot to think about. x3
I haven't seen many, really, because I can't find good ones. :D Though it would probably be alien series - it might not be the classic horror to be mention, but it was awesome. :)
Haha, if only. I haven't seen that many anime, so I'm not really top, but well... some of them are really good, apparently. xD Oh me to! I constantly have stores popping in my head. Too bad I forget some of them if I at least don't write a couple of notes down. :|
I've been doing pretty fine, thank you. :) Interesting, you say. Not really. xD Apart from the personal life, nothing unusually interesting happened.
Except, now that you asked me about horrors... I've seen this Spanish movie REC. It is pretty good. It is one of the better, at least IMO. You should totally check it out, haha ;D
Oh good, because sometimes I can hardly find any time or nerves to answer. Especially since when I reply, I reply long. :D
I guess I'll keep watching it when I get some time, and tell you my opinion. :)
Harry Potter is probably the first nd only thing I was (still am a bit) obsessed with. The books though. The movies were OK, but awful comparing to books, hehe. :D As for LOTR I loves it! ^^ I did see first two Narnia movies and they were pretty good. Especially the Villain. :3
I wish I actually played D&D it looks so awesome. :D There a movie of it? LOL
Hehe, Bean is a classic. As for Burton, that man is my God. I love the dark, Gothic theme of his movies. :3 Oooh, you like Him Carrey too! And what an epic movie as well! ^^
Never saw that one I think. Would love seeing Carrey being seriously dramatic once in a while though.
Hopefully they will. I vaguely remember the oldies, and would love to see it shine once again. ^^
The sequels I dislike are mostly those of Disney. Such as Lion King II. T_T As for the Star Wars, am I the only one who absolutely loved the newest movies?? Everybody seems to hate those! D:
Anna and the King~ my that was an awesome movie. Saw it pretty long time ago, but it was lovely! ^^
I don't think I saw that one. :| Sorreh. ^^; :P
As for horrors, truth to be told, I love to get a good scare (in fact, I can even say that fear is my favorite emotion, haha), but I have a hard time finding something genuinely scary. :\ Any recommends?
Anytime :P That doesn't have to do with being "famous" on site, haha. Not that I'm bragging, but I have a few top reviews out there that got surprisingly good ratings. ^^ I was so proud of those as I love writing and especially reviewing, haha.
I never forget to do that. :| Like, I think it is the most important thing to do when reading one, lol :D
Thanks~~ I love it sooo much as well. x3
Take your time, I definitely have to take some of my precious time to answer to you and other people who happen to post. And I'm not always in the mood, hehe ^^; And of course, I wish you a quick recovery! ^^
Oh you're so dear! :D I can say that I am always in expecting of a nice reply from you as well. :)
Oh glad you liked it! I became slightly addicted to it, hehe.
I only saw the reviews by Nostalgia Critis (if you ever heard of him), this comical Internet movie reviewer. :D Still, the movie looked like an interesting watch. Especially because I have a thing for robots with emotions. Like Wall-E, now that you mentioned that cute little robot. :3 And now that you mentioned it, it is probably true. Wall-E does look awfully similar. :D
Hmm, just looked up for Short Circuit in Wiki, it appears they're making a remake that is scheduled for this year. Funny. :)
Ah, true, I'm more into modern age. :D When it comes to old movies, I prefer classics and musicals, not fantasy stuff. I like seeing awesome special effects. I'm like a kid, if you will. :D
Yeah, read it before, pretty nice review you got there. Though I'm still wondering why your review aren't rated so good, they're very nice. :\ Oh well, to each his own I guess... So now I know what is the next thing I'm gonna watch. ;)
God, I love you so much right now. :D Our meeting here must be destiny, hehe ;)
Indeed it is. I did find myself though, enjoying some of Croatian dubs more than original, such as Finding Nemo for example - though, when it comes to anime, which we rarely dub (only those such as Pokemon, Digimon and Yugioh) we still do a much better job, honestly! I kind of feel proud, hehe. :D
That is exactly what I loved about him. He sometimes seems a bit rude, but in fact he's a only a person like everyone else, despite his way of life, and pretty much of a decent man.
I actually did watch first episode of first season after I befriended you (found some time) and while I found it very... well, pretty in a way, of quite nice surroundings, and GORGEOUS music, it somehow managed not to captivate me.. though I expected it. I guess my expectations were too big. Of course, I will continue to watch it, because it is definitely good enough to watch. :)
You're welcome. :)
Wow, by every sentence, I can see more of myself in you! Music is indeed very important to me, although it may not be seen but it is. Not to mention how many times it affected my feelings, be it in a good or bad--- actually, sad way.
Sure I did, in fact, I studied to that music, and found myself somewhat unable to concentrate, as the music was so--- attention stealing? Hehe :D I love any music that sound mystical truth to be told, be it in a magical, frightening, natural or any other way. True, it is one of the OPs that fits the best to the actual story - the video as well.
Yeah, her English was one of things that took me by surprise. It sounds so legit. She is one of the rare that actually pronounces it right. You do that! ;)
Surprisingly, I didn't hear for many of those. Though, be the ones I do know, I think you would like the movie called August Rush. It is kind of a fairy tale for adults, but with wonderful story, and guess what - wonderful music! It is not a musical or anything, but it does deal with it, so great pieces are guaranteed to be heard. ;)
Our tastes in movies do differ a little, hehe. If I should choose, I would say my three favorite genres are fantasy, Sci-Fi, and comedies - for example, I adored Stardust, which is a cute fairy tale, I was very touched by District 9, which is about aliens, for cryin' out loud, but so realistic (as realistic as a movie about aliens can be, hehe), but I'm also a huge Jim Carrey fan. There is rarely any drama movie I like, and those rares are mostly the well known or awarded movies.
Though, in general, I'm prepared to watch absolutely anything. I dislike seeing people making decisions such as:
"I dislike drama because it's boring."
How constructive of an argument is "boring"?? :\
Still haven't seen that one. Apparently I have a long way to go with anime watching. Even One Piece, which I adore.
But back to dubbing, I couldn't help but notice another examples of that. Pokemon for example - well I did see a movie in Japanese, and it was good of course, yet, I can't help but absolutely love our dub over English or Jap. Then again, I did hear we supposedly won some award for best-dubbed animated movies, but I'm not sure how correct that is - still, we do have awesome dubs! ^^
The eyes are pretty much one of the most important thing, after all. :) Including the background and surrounding art.
Hmm, the opening really does sound pretty awesome! I love the guitar in opening, and I'm pretty much tired of happy-go-lucky stuff. Japanese are just too obsessed with those, hehe. Though, seeing as one of your favorites, too, is Mushishi, I bet you loved the opening? Because I did. One of my all-time favorites. :)
Well get to writing then, because I want to read this stuff, and know why I should watch them! ;D
God, we really do have much in common, I think I'm falling in love. :D
I'm youtubing it all right now. So far, I'm very pleased. :D Thanks a lot! Wow Darby girl has a beautiful voice... almost like a fairy. Then again, who has ever heard fairies talk. ^^;
Wow, you sure know a lot! I think I'll have to update the music on my iPhone thanks to you. I wouldn't mind if it was even longer haha, but you sure gave me a lot of info and artists to look up! Strange is that I never heard of any of those. I still wonder why it isn't as popular as other modern stuff, considering it is WONDERFUL.
I shall listen to them as well then. My, no I have mission to listen to. :D
Right? Isn't it just awesome! I loved that thing from the moment I heard it. Her other stuff aren't bad, still I didn't find anything of hers as GOOD as the opening :D
Oh wow, that opening rocked! It would always send chills down my back. I still sometimes at night look if there is Oyashiro-sama standing over my bed. D:
Thank you for MORE recommendations! Wow, you're a real find, hehe ;)
Oh, do I ever! She's done pretty much A LOT for anime industry. I don't know if you watched Bleach, but the song "life is like a boat" from her is just wonderful. But truthfully all her songs are beautiful.
Aww, I feel flattered! *blushes* hehe. Indeed we do, I wonder what else we have in common... Speaking of that, tell me some of your favorite movies. Live-action that is. ;D