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Art Author of Muv Luv Alternative: TE Gets Fired

Jun 11, 2012 8:43 PM

Feb 2008
Anime production studio Ixtl has announced on their official website that they fired illustrator Miyata So, the art author of Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse novel. Miyata is one of the key illustrators of adult game developer age and the original character designer of Total Eclipse series. There has been a suspicion of plagiarism in Miyaha's official illustration published on Animage magazine July issue.

Comparison between Miyata's illustration in question and the plagiarized ones
Comparison between Total Eclipse official hug pillow with Miyata's illustration and another hug pillow of Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica

The contours of the characters in Miyata's illustration seem to be copied from other works of Ikkitousen, IS: Infinite Stratos and To LOVE-Ru.

Source: Announcement by Ixtl (PDF file)
dtshykJun 11, 2012 8:53 PM
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Jun 11, 2012 8:50 PM

Nov 2011
Not too surprising, well hope they learned their lesson this time.
Stark700Jun 11, 2012 9:12 PM
Jun 11, 2012 8:53 PM

May 2012
i believe chihayafuru mangaka was also accused with that supposedly plagiarism

she later succeeded with chihayafuru manga though.
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Thank you very much!
Jun 11, 2012 8:57 PM

Jan 2009
wow plagiarism is that bad? i mean they got the same poses but the character designs are so different anyway, i do not see the problem and worse he is fired and not just given a warning first
Jun 11, 2012 9:09 PM

Nov 2008
FYI anime/manga/VN companies: Stop putting so much pressure on your illustrators it leads to plagiarism.

Jun 11, 2012 9:21 PM
Apr 2010
Hoppy said:
FYI anime/manga/VN companies: Stop putting so much pressure on your illustrators it leads to plagiarism.

He was warned twice. He had TWO chances,but he still continued to trace.
The legal age of consent in Japan is 13, so shota is totally legal in Japan. In some western countries shota might be considered child porn.
Jun 11, 2012 9:28 PM

Apr 2010
fujifruit said:
Hoppy said:
FYI anime/manga/VN companies: Stop putting so much pressure on your illustrators it leads to plagiarism.

He was warned twice. He had TWO chances,but he still continued to trace.

Thats because its a common practice there. Theres only so many poses + little time given for these posters to be drawn. Theres a lot of pressure so people take shortcuts all the time.

Jun 11, 2012 9:39 PM

Jul 2010
j0x said:
wow plagiarism is that bad? i mean they got the same poses but the character designs are so different anyway, i do not see the problem and worse he is fired and not just given a warning first

1. Copy
2. Paste
3. Change details
4. ?????
6. Get caught. :(
Jun 11, 2012 10:00 PM

Jun 2010
Oh I saw this on Sankaku. I had no idea what it was about then, but now I understand. Damn. Serious charges and I can't believe people on 2ch found out about it first.

Jun 11, 2012 10:25 PM

Dec 2011
Crazy bastards.

Jun 11, 2012 10:37 PM

May 2010
all the shit released these days look the same
Jun 11, 2012 10:38 PM

Nov 2008
That's a noob move.
Jun 11, 2012 11:04 PM

Jul 2011
redd530 said:
j0x said:
wow plagiarism is that bad? i mean they got the same poses but the character designs are so different anyway, i do not see the problem and worse he is fired and not just given a warning first

1. Copy
2. Paste
3. Change details
4. ?????
6. Get caught. :(

It's not that easy, but still easier than doing it from scratch.
Jun 11, 2012 11:07 PM

Nov 2007
This is sad. He has a ton of great art so it's not like he doesn't have any skill.

RIP MIyata. I'll fap to Yui and Inia in your memory.
Jun 12, 2012 12:23 AM

Jul 2008
things just got serious.
Jun 12, 2012 12:50 AM

Sep 2010
He only plagiarized poses (character designs are not plagiarized), and only for a poster. Why fire him?
Jun 12, 2012 12:59 AM

Sep 2010
Prism recently went on hiatus due to the same reason too, only based on RL images (partly NSFW). It's so sad to read these things even though both authors have the ability to draw fantastically.
ObinderuJun 12, 2012 1:05 AM
Jun 12, 2012 1:06 AM

Sep 2011
Xjellocross said:
This is sad. He has a ton of great art so it's not like he doesn't have any skill.

This guy wasn't talentless, Seems a bit too harsh to fire him.
Jun 12, 2012 1:53 AM

May 2009
lol who even cares, plagiarism isn't illegal anyways. If he gets the job done, what's the problem? The entire world is just a big bowl of copy pasta anyways.

Look at all these generic anime character designs, how come nobody gets fired for that? Or the generic stories and plot elements we've seen over and over again.

I'll be more surprised when you tell me that an element of anime is original.

Latest Review
Kino's Journey
Jun 12, 2012 1:57 AM

Sep 2008
Pff. It's not that I'm a fan of the guy's artwork, but these poses look like some standard ones you can find in some drawing manual. Pretty sure there are thousands of pictures with the exact same poses out there.
Jun 12, 2012 2:18 AM

Jan 2011
Hahaahahaha oh wow.
Jun 12, 2012 3:27 AM
Aug 2011
I don't see the problem. Those illustrations that were "plagiarized" were probably also plagiarized from other sources.
Jun 12, 2012 4:43 AM

Apr 2010
seishi-sama said:
Pff. It's not that I'm a fan of the guy's artwork, but these poses look like some standard ones you can find in some drawing manual. Pretty sure there are thousands of pictures with the exact same poses out there.

This is what I'm thinking too.
Jun 12, 2012 5:06 AM

May 2008
2310 many other poses from other authors look almost identical to one another?

No no. Better yet. How many characters in the ANIME world have 50 other clones of themselves? There are know..look alike websites that say such and such a character really resembles another character.

So firing someone just cause the poses were similar when there are characters from different animes that look like blatant rip offs of others is just way too ridiculous.

Jun 12, 2012 6:55 AM

Aug 2008
Gash_V-D_Hetchum said:
I don't see the problem. Those illustrations that were "plagiarized" were probably also plagiarized from other sources.

so true, I mean, there are a million of those ecchi picture in the industry... >>
Jun 12, 2012 8:20 AM

Oct 2007
Now that they fired him, all did and done. Ok I am fine with that. So what are they going to do now? Finding a new author who could plagiarize his artwork?

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Jun 12, 2012 8:47 AM

Jul 2010
well that sucks, but plagiarism is bad.

Jun 12, 2012 8:51 AM

Nov 2008
are they taking it too far or what
Jun 12, 2012 9:01 AM
Jan 2011
Plagiarism my ass, nearly every anime does have some form of that thing one way or another, I guess the dude was just being singled out co'z his works are too damned obvious.
Jun 12, 2012 9:06 AM

Jul 2010
Even though these were pretty obvious, I don't think he shoud've been fire because of it. As many said, it's pretty common in the industry.
OnyxthegreatJun 12, 2012 9:10 AM

Jun 12, 2012 11:38 AM

Jul 2010
Here goes one more. I wonder if he will be able to get new job after this much advertisement.. and what? only three standard poses, you can find anywhere.

But again. he traced work from anime. That other guy got harsh treatment for using photos. Guys on 2ch have no life.
Jun 12, 2012 12:18 PM

Jul 2010
Well with the millions of pictures out there, there's bound to be duplicates of the same pose, but it was pretty obvious this time. I wonder how they're gonna replace him though, it's not like he was a bad artist or anything
Jun 12, 2012 12:23 PM

Aug 2011
One less person out there to draw girls with stupidly huge boobs; a favor to the anime industry.
Jun 12, 2012 12:40 PM

Jun 2012
Ive seen those poses from hundreds of different sources.

They are easily some of the most common poses for art that ive seen, especially the pillow ones. Not that i actively look on the internet for such women in such poses *cough*
Jun 12, 2012 1:24 PM
Aug 2011
DraconisMarch said:
One less person out there to draw girls with stupidly huge boobs; a favor to the anime industry.

So you want more DFCs or what? I think everything is overly abundant, since there's barely any choices to begin with. (None-Small-Average-Big-Huge)
Jun 12, 2012 2:49 PM

Jun 2010
Hahaha, I wonder if he's friends with Nick Simmons...

Jun 12, 2012 3:05 PM

Jul 2010
icantfeelmyarms said:
Hahaha, I wonder if he's friends with Nick Simmons...

Nick Simmons doesn't stand a chance compare to him. He probably did it to take shortcut.

jmal said:
DraconisMarch said:
One less person out there to draw girls with stupidly huge boobs; a favor to the anime industry.

This will have precisely zero impact on the size of boobs in anime and you know it.

Yeah and obviously, it's job requirement. next time you might see him making flat chested lolis if he get job in JC.Staff.
Jun 12, 2012 4:40 PM
Aug 2009
it really seemed harmless at first, but the more I saw the images, the more it seemed pretty obvious that it was a blatant tracing: (even the background too)

Jun 12, 2012 5:48 PM

Dec 2007
In an industry were 95% of the female characters look like each other, a plagiarize accusation sounds incredibly stupid.
Jun 12, 2012 9:07 PM
Mar 2011
undead_blopa said:
In an industry were 95% of the female characters look like each other, a plagiarize accusation sounds incredibly stupid.

i wonder what anime look like to the colorblind
"....i am the villain in this story"
Jun 12, 2012 9:51 PM

Jan 2012
TRACED BOOBIES = Future Endeavored.
My Guitar Covers:

Jun 12, 2012 9:57 PM

Jun 2010
Well there goes his career.
Jun 12, 2012 10:55 PM
Apr 2010
Pender-gast said:
Ive seen those poses from hundreds of different sources.

They are easily some of the most common poses for art that ive seen, especially the pillow ones. Not that i actively look on the internet for such women in such poses *cough*
ruggia said:
it really seemed harmless at first, but the more I saw the images, the more it seemed pretty obvious that it was a blatant tracing: (even the background too)

People should really look at this before spouting nonsense. This is also his 2nd or 3rd warning. It's completely his fault for being a hack.
The legal age of consent in Japan is 13, so shota is totally legal in Japan. In some western countries shota might be considered child porn.
Jun 12, 2012 11:12 PM

Oct 2008
Thats stupid. The outlines might match the body figure but characters and clothes are completely different. Everyone who draws copies from somewhere be it real or not. As long as there is good amount of personal contribution I don't see the problem.
Jun 13, 2012 12:42 AM

Jan 2009
fujifruit said:
Pender-gast said:

People should really look at this before spouting nonsense. This is also his 2nd or 3rd warning. It's completely his fault for being a hack.

even if he really trace that he just copied the body poses
but the character designs and clothing and coloring are all different

its like on shounen series that an author copied the basic idea to have a stupid hero as the main character
but that stupid main character just have different designs and clothing and coloring are all different
Jun 13, 2012 1:15 AM
Apr 2010
j0x said:
fujifruit said:
Pender-gast said:

People should really look at this before spouting nonsense. This is also his 2nd or 3rd warning. It's completely his fault for being a hack.

even if he really trace that he just copied the body poses
but the character designs and clothing and coloring are all different

its like on shounen series that an author copied the basic idea to have a stupid hero as the main character
but that stupid main character just have different designs and clothing and coloring are all different

Think about what you just said. You pretty much said "it's fine to trace as long as he changes the hair and outfits"

There's a fine line between being inspired and stealing.
The legal age of consent in Japan is 13, so shota is totally legal in Japan. In some western countries shota might be considered child porn.
Jun 13, 2012 3:44 AM

Feb 2008
j0x said:
wow plagiarism is that bad? i mean they got the same poses but the character designs are so different anyway, i do not see the problem and worse he is fired and not just given a warning first

Plagiarism is one of the worst things you can do since it essentially amounts to stealing another's creative work and gaining credit for something you didn't make.

Not a huge loss, I say.
Jun 13, 2012 4:09 AM

Jan 2009
nah body poses are not infinite unlike character designs that can have different clothing and colors along with different body proportions

im just saying its fine to copy body poses and should not be considered plagiarism
Jun 13, 2012 4:34 AM

Jul 2010
How abut new anime that really look like Seitokai no Ichizon this summer?
Is it not plagiarism?
Jun 13, 2012 4:48 AM

Oct 2007
fujifruit said:
People should really look at this before spouting nonsense. This is also his 2nd or 3rd warning. It's completely his fault for being a hack.

Looks at what? So people can patent body poses now?

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
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