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Apr 30, 2012 1:52 AM

Dec 2011
Ok, so this topics name tells us pretty much what is this about...

Which one do you find better, regarding VN's and do you think LB anime will be better than Clannad? (when you put production studio aside, do you think LB has potential to be better than Clannad?)

Many of you will probably hate me for this, but I still like Clannad more...


Well, while I played Little Busters I got a feeling like I already saw everything (still it didn't make it worse, LB was fun all the way)

What did I find similar...

Well first basic idea, time reset to make everything good. I loved it in both After Story and Refrain, I just love those deus ex machina endings :P

Then some routes reminded me of those in Clannad...

Mio's reminded me of Fuko's, it's not the same, but it has similar basic idea, girl disappearing form other people memories, again not in the same way, but similar...

Then Komari's route. To me very similar to Yukine's, dead brother, both very connected to him, we don't know if he is dead or alive until the very end...

There were few more things, but I forgot them, as I thought about this when I finished Little Busters two weeks ago (or something like that)...

Then emotional impact...

Well only sad part for me was end of Komari's route and Refrain goodbies, maybe I was a little sad when I thought they were all dead, but knowing how people from Key write I knew everything is going to be ok... Probably the saddest part for me was when I saw the back of the van and when I knew that there was no more.

That itself tells enough about how good LB was and how good I think Clannad is, as I find it just a little better than LB, mostly because of the shocks Clannad gave me. Also I must addmit I liked LB routes more, except for Kotomi's and main story of Clannad, I kind of love the way romance is presented in Clannad, in it's purest form :D

That's all...

Your thoughts?
akutasame94Apr 30, 2012 1:55 AM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Apr 30, 2012 3:58 AM

Aug 2009
I've never played the CLANNAD VN, so I can't really be sure which one would be better.
Technically, I find that the plot of both games have their good and bad points, though I prefer LB! somehow.

The bad part of both would probably be the use of DEMs in the happy ends. As a game it would seem okay, but when it gets translated into an anime, it becomes rather cheesy. That was what happened at the end of CLANNAD After Story, and I know that many of those who never played the game either couldn't understand it, or found that it was a rather strange conclusion (because the 'collection of light orbs to cause a miracle' thing was never represented in the anime ^^;).

But that seems to be Maeda Jun's style, so.........

And of course, both games presented their themes really well. CLANNAD is obviously about family, and every route had relation to that, showing different sides of the relationships and bonds shared in a family (between siblings / between parent and child). Of course, there were also some routes (like Kyou and Tomoyo) that seemed rather brief or limited.
The theme for LB! isn't as obvious, but I believe that it's about maturity, and the pain of losing loved ones (and the ability to accept and move on after their death), though I know that many people believe the main theme to be friendship (seriously?). Though some routes in CLANNAD and LB! may be similar, but you have to remember that they both focus on different things. Komari and Yukine's routes may be similar, but Yukine was already moving on after her brother's death, while Komari was running away / haunted by it.

Character development in both games were awesome as well. We were introduced to the main flaw of the protagonist at the beginning of the story, and as we grew closer to them and the other major characters, we feel as if we were changing as well.

I actually think that the shock value in LB! is a lot more than CLANNAD, as many of the characters in LB! (especially Haruka) are rather crazy, and finding out that their past is that sad/complicated is truly heart-wrenching. (Of course, my impression of CLANNAD characters are only from the anime, so I might be wrong about this) Also, I found LB!'s end a lot more tragic than CLANNAD, mostly because CLANNAD only had 2 main characters dying, while LB! had the entire main cast dying, save for 2.
If it was me, I wouldn't be able to live on if all my best friends died in one go. TT__TT

And then, there was also the setting. Both games were aimed mainly at teenagers, and I think LB! related more to that age group compared to CLANNAD. Looking at the theme of family from an adult's perspective may be interesting, but it's not easy to relate to.

Then there were the characters. None of the characters in CLANNAD made me go "OMG" (at least, not in the anime). But in LB!, Kyousuke's plot made me really teary and sad, and I began to admire him from the bottom of my heart. Masato was another one, because, though he seemed so much like an idiot, he was actually rather wise and thoughtful (he's like the LB! Sunohara imo ^^;).
Konohana Niji
Translator, Writer, Illustrator
Critic, Reader, Viewer, Gamer

Translator of Akagami no Shirayuki-hime and Deemo -Last Dream-

Tumblr / Twitter
Apr 30, 2012 7:46 AM

Dec 2011
earthfairys said:
I've never played the CLANNAD VN, so I can't really be sure which one would be better.
Technically, I find that the plot of both games have their good and bad points, though I prefer LB! somehow.

The bad part of both would probably be the use of DEMs in the happy ends. As a game it would seem okay, but when it gets translated into an anime, it becomes rather cheesy. That was what happened at the end of CLANNAD After Story, and I know that many of those who never played the game either couldn't understand it, or found that it was a rather strange conclusion (because the 'collection of light orbs to cause a miracle' thing was never represented in the anime ^^;).

But that seems to be Maeda Jun's style, so.........

And of course, both games presented their themes really well. CLANNAD is obviously about family, and every route had relation to that, showing different sides of the relationships and bonds shared in a family (between siblings / between parent and child). Of course, there were also some routes (like Kyou and Tomoyo) that seemed rather brief or limited.
The theme for LB! isn't as obvious, but I believe that it's about maturity, and the pain of losing loved ones (and the ability to accept and move on after their death), though I know that many people believe the main theme to be friendship (seriously?). Though some routes in CLANNAD and LB! may be similar, but you have to remember that they both focus on different things. Komari and Yukine's routes may be similar, but Yukine was already moving on after her brother's death, while Komari was running away / haunted by it.

Character development in both games were awesome as well. We were introduced to the main flaw of the protagonist at the beginning of the story, and as we grew closer to them and the other major characters, we feel as if we were changing as well.

I actually think that the shock value in LB! is a lot more than CLANNAD, as many of the characters in LB! (especially Haruka) are rather crazy, and finding out that their past is that sad/complicated is truly heart-wrenching. (Of course, my impression of CLANNAD characters are only from the anime, so I might be wrong about this) Also, I found LB!'s end a lot more tragic than CLANNAD, mostly because CLANNAD only had 2 main characters dying, while LB! had the entire main cast dying, save for 2.
If it was me, I wouldn't be able to live on if all my best friends died in one go. TT__TT

And then, there was also the setting. Both games were aimed mainly at teenagers, and I think LB! related more to that age group compared to CLANNAD. Looking at the theme of family from an adult's perspective may be interesting, but it's not easy to relate to.

Then there were the characters. None of the characters in CLANNAD made me go "OMG" (at least, not in the anime). But in LB!, Kyousuke's plot made me really teary and sad, and I began to admire him from the bottom of my heart. Masato was another one, because, though he seemed so much like an idiot, he was actually rather wise and thoughtful (he's like the LB! Sunohara imo ^^;).

I said routes were similar, but I also said idea was different, I didn't go into character development as that would take a longer text... :P

As for the shock, well, I don't really know how to answer that... Yes they all die, but exactly at that point I knew everything was going to be ok. It is pretty much the same, beacuse of DEM the point of everything in the game so far is lost, still I loved both endings, as I don't mind DEM... :D
May 3, 2012 11:34 PM

Aug 2008
I prefer Clannad, but that doesn't mean that LB is bad; in fact, it is still one of the best vn I've played. I tend to find stories that involve family to be much more touching than stories that involve friendship. Also, Refrain didn't really make me cry, unlike Afterstory.

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
May 4, 2012 8:08 AM
Apr 2011
Personally i thought that little busters was totally increadible. I know that it is cheesy but i thought that clannad was way more surreal in the sense that we have all had dreams like that. but the premise and end of little busters was just a total left turn on a strait harem highway.
May 4, 2012 10:18 AM

Dec 2011
monkeyminish said:
Personally i thought that little busters was totally increadible. I know that it is cheesy but i thought that clannad was way more surreal in the sense that we have all had dreams like that. but the premise and end of little busters was just a total left turn on a strait harem highway.

Not everyone has the same dream :D

And yes, refrain was unexpected, I really didn't see it coming (I knew about it, but didn't really know what it was about)


Yes, I also found motive of family touching...

Also, first you are nothing, then finally you do something with your life, you have everything and then again you have nothing. Worse thing that can happen to someone...
May 6, 2012 11:20 AM

Aug 2011
If I was judging purely on the story I would say Clannad is better, however I enjoyed Little Busters more purely because I freakin' loved everyone of the characters, where as in Clannad I liked the characters, but I didn't love them the way I love the characters in Little Busters! And characters are what makes me like certain anime/manga/light novel/visual novel better than others, I don't care if it has some deep complex plot, as long as I like the characters (which is probably why I enjoy slice of life so much). So yeah, Little Busters! Is better in my opinion thanks entirely to the characters.
May 7, 2012 2:21 PM
Mar 2012
Both good stories by key. All of key's stories have similarities like, fuko and ayu or nagisa and shiori. That is just key's way of doing things.
May 7, 2012 9:33 PM

Apr 2010
I think Little Busters characters are much more likeable than CLANNAD's.

Story-wise, I think LB! is also much more interesting and refreshing, but I didn't like the happy ending. I prefer the hospital ending, much more bittersweet and down to earth.
May 8, 2012 5:53 AM

Dec 2011
Solkiskey said:
I think Little Busters characters are much more likeable than CLANNAD's.

Story-wise, I think LB! is also much more interesting and refreshing, but I didn't like the happy ending. I prefer the hospital ending, much more bittersweet and down to earth.

Like Tomoya and Ushio should have been together without Nagisa?

Hehe, realistic, but sad damn it...

I prefer DEM ending, really don't know why....


Well overall I liked LB characters more, because I really loved every character in the game, but still Tomoya, Nagisa, Kotomi and later Ushio were for me better than characters in LB.... Differences in taste :D
May 8, 2012 8:12 AM

Apr 2010
If the real Little Busters! ending was the hospital one, it would be the best fucking thing ever.
May 8, 2012 9:13 AM

Nov 2007
Solkiskey said:
If the real Little Busters! ending was the hospital one, it would be the best fucking thing ever.

This, its a shame KEY always needs to have their fairy tale magical happy endings in their VNs. Specially since they are never always very good to begin with. Though LB's happy ending was prob their less crappy one. This is why Saya's ending is imo the best one in LB, its a "happy end" that really isnt very happy at all.
Oh KEY, amazing story/characters for 97% of the game, and always unable to finish it properly.
May 8, 2012 10:04 AM

Aug 2011
game8910 said:
Solkiskey said:
If the real Little Busters! ending was the hospital one, it would be the best fucking thing ever.

This, its a shame KEY always needs to have their fairy tale magical happy endings in their VNs. Specially since they are never always very good to begin with. Though LB's happy ending was prob their less crappy one. This is why Saya's ending is imo the best one in LB, its a "happy end" that really isnt very happy at all.
Oh KEY, amazing story/characters for 97% of the game, and always unable to finish it properly.

Key always has fairy tale endings, really? What about Air? Tomoyo After? No fairy tale endings there.
May 8, 2012 4:44 PM

Dec 2009
mitch3315 said:
Key always has fairy tale endings, really? What about Air? Tomoyo After? No fairy tale endings there.
Add Planetarian to that list. So yeah, "always" is a bit of an exaggeration.
May 9, 2012 3:32 AM

Dec 2011
game8910 said:
Solkiskey said:
If the real Little Busters! ending was the hospital one, it would be the best fucking thing ever.

This, its a shame KEY always needs to have their fairy tale magical happy endings in their VNs. Specially since they are never always very good to begin with. Though LB's happy ending was prob their less crappy one. This is why Saya's ending is imo the best one in LB, its a "happy end" that really isnt very happy at all.
Oh KEY, amazing story/characters for 97% of the game, and always unable to finish it properly.

Firs I have to agree with Mitch, not every VN has fairy tale ending, Especially Planetarian, as for Tomoyo After it is a little different, as it by itself is different and has no particular meaning except to satisfy fans who wanted to see someone else instead of Nagisa and to explore what might have been.

But nobody can deny that Jun Maeda likes fairy tale endings, but I think he chooses that so everyone can notice the message he is sending through his stories, even those who hate those endings. Also no matter how many people say that they hate DEM endings there are more people who like it or is it just me noticing that?
May 9, 2012 5:41 AM

Jun 2009
You can't beat masato and his muscle ending :D.
Seriously speaking, i can't really compare those two... Both were great, but in a different way ^^.

Clannad... Ahah, i'm reading visual novel because of this anime (watch the anime, and couldn't wait for a 2nd season, so i read after story in the novel ^^).
May 10, 2012 3:25 PM

Dec 2007
I'm a sucker for fairy-tale happy endings. I have enough of the "realistic" endings in real life. I watch anime and play games to escape all of that. Though I will admit... there are some happy endings that are just over the top ridiculous.

So being a person who still hasn't played the Clannad VN, I really can't say. My opinion still stands though when I say that I LOVE Little Busters a whole lot more.

When it comes to romance, yes, Clannad is definitely way better. I'm glad that it actually went above and beyond and went further than just high school love. I was astonished and thoroughly pleased with that. Though after watching so many romance type shows, it's kind of the same thing. Don't get me wrong though, I still cried like a baby seal that got whacked with a baseball bat.

The close friendship that Riki has with all of his friends is what captured me the most. As a child who moved a lot in his younger days, I never really had a chance to have those "childhood" friends. The way they've represented the close ties they all had together in refrain was probably what got me the most. Masato's arc is what got me bawling. I love Masato for the loveable, caring idiot that he is. Similar to Sunohara but different at the same time. Refrain as a whole just got me to feel the despair more than anything else ever has. Everything else regarding refrain is something I can relate to as well.

All of the characters (much like Mitch) were just so much more enjoyable. I have never loved all of the characters equally in any series. It was quite an amazing VN and I am glad to have bumped into it. Friendship is something beautiful that we seem to forget to truly admire. We've been taught more than enough that family is very important. If you ask me though, friends and family go in one bundle. Most people just focus on blood families rather than friendships. That's probably another reason why I loved Little Busters that much more.

If you want to ask me which story is better... I honestly can't say. All of Key's story is god-tier. Anyway, those were my two cents.
May 10, 2012 10:06 PM

Apr 2010
Balance said:
I'm a sucker for fairy-tale happy endings. I have enough of the "realistic" endings in real life. I watch anime and play games to escape all of that. Though I will admit... there are some happy endings that are just over the top ridiculous.

So being a person who still hasn't played the Clannad VN, I really can't say. My opinion still stands though when I say that I LOVE Little Busters a whole lot more.

When it comes to romance, yes, Clannad is definitely way better. I'm glad that it actually went above and beyond and went further than just high school love. I was astonished and thoroughly pleased with that. Though after watching so many romance type shows, it's kind of the same thing. Don't get me wrong though, I still cried like a baby seal that got whacked with a baseball bat.

The close friendship that Riki has with all of his friends is what captured me the most. As a child who moved a lot in his younger days, I never really had a chance to have those "childhood" friends. The way they've represented the close ties they all had together in refrain was probably what got me the most. Masato's arc is what got me bawling. I love Masato for the loveable, caring idiot that he is. Similar to Sunohara but different at the same time. Refrain as a whole just got me to feel the despair more than anything else ever has. Everything else regarding refrain is something I can relate to as well.

All of the characters (much like Mitch) were just so much more enjoyable. I have never loved all of the characters equally in any series. It was quite an amazing VN and I am glad to have bumped into it. Friendship is something beautiful that we seem to forget to truly admire. We've been taught more than enough that family is very important. If you ask me though, friends and family go in one bundle. Most people just focus on blood families rather than friendships. That's probably another reason why I loved Little Busters that much more.

If you want to ask me which story is better... I honestly can't say. All of Key's story is god-tier. Anyway, those were my two cents.

I think all of Key's works are great except Kanon. Kanon is just... meh.
May 10, 2012 11:58 PM

Dec 2007
Solkiskey said:

I think all of Key's works are great except Kanon. Kanon is just... meh.

Hm, I can see where you're going from there. I can kind of agree. I still hold it dear to me though. It was the first anime that really got me to start looking for subbed anime (aka, anime that wasn't showing on American television).
May 12, 2012 3:12 PM

Jun 2009
Solkiskey said:
If the real Little Busters! ending was the hospital one, it would be the best fucking thing ever.

Clannads Deus ex Machina ending was annoying but that just negated the final parts. Little busters one was much worse. It made the entire story utterly pointless. We have a whole story telling us to let go of the past, accept bad things and grow stronger but then this ending comes along and says" You know what? Screw that shit."

"I always take life with a grain of salt, a slice of lemon, ...and a shot of tequila."

May 13, 2012 9:15 PM

Jul 2011
AidanAK47 said:
Solkiskey said:
If the real Little Busters! ending was the hospital one, it would be the best fucking thing ever.

Clannads Deus ex Machina ending was annoying but that just negated the final parts. Little busters one was much worse. It made the entire story utterly pointless. We have a whole story telling us to let go of the past, accept bad things and grow stronger but then this ending comes along and says" You know what? Screw that shit."

Except that's what I loved about the LB's ending. Riki basically said fuck you, I'm saving my friends. And it wasn't lolreset like in Clannad. It's because he got strong that he WAS able to save his friends. He was able to stay calm and make proper decisions during the rescue scene to be able to save everyone, and that wouldn't have been possible if he was like he was before. So, no, it was not pointless.
May 14, 2012 2:55 AM

Dec 2011
MuscleRevolution said:
AidanAK47 said:
Solkiskey said:
If the real Little Busters! ending was the hospital one, it would be the best fucking thing ever.

Clannads Deus ex Machina ending was annoying but that just negated the final parts. Little busters one was much worse. It made the entire story utterly pointless. We have a whole story telling us to let go of the past, accept bad things and grow stronger but then this ending comes along and says" You know what? Screw that shit."

Except that's what I loved about the LB's ending. Riki basically said fuck you, I'm saving my friends. And it wasn't lolreset like in Clannad. It's because he got strong that he WAS able to save his friends. He was able to stay calm and make proper decisions during the rescue scene to be able to save everyone, and that wouldn't have been possible if he was like he was before. So, no, it was not pointless.

Following that logic we can say the same for Clannad...

Riki said fuck you to destiny or life or whatever you wanna call it, but the whole point of the game was lost (what I said in my first post)... The story tells us we should move on and keep living, and the point was so obvious that miracle end was not needed to point it out. Yes Riki got stronger, but he wasn't meant to get stronger so he can save them.

Don't get me wrong I liked the ending, It was good for me, but even in the best things there are faults :D
May 14, 2012 4:45 AM

Aug 2009
akutasame94 said:
Firs I have to agree with Mitch, not every VN has fairy tale ending, Especially Planetarian, as for Tomoyo After it is a little different, as it by itself is different and has no particular meaning except to satisfy fans who wanted to see someone else instead of Nagisa and to explore what might have been.

I disagree with that about Tomoyo After being meaningless. I felt that it was bringing across the importance of cherishing the things important to you before you lose them.

Also, for the above discussion regarding the ending, aren't you guys kinda overlooking the fact that Rin grew stronger as well? Anyway, wasn't she the one that made the wish for them to go back into the past? I thought that the ending represented Rin's determination and courage (things which she obviously lacked at the beginning of the game), more so than Riki's change, since there was nothing during the game to cover Rin's growth as well. In fact, the miracle ending had us to make the choices for Riki, so we can't really say that it represented Riki being stronger.

I agree that the ending may be redundant in Riki's case. However, I'm sure that majority of the players were glad that it was a happy end.

If you're that unhappy with the ending, just choose that "This is enough" choice then. As simple as that.

P.S. Has anyone considered the possibility that the miracle ending is actually fake? Like, Riki and Rin's 'venture into the past' was actually just a recreation of the accident in the world they created, and that this happy ending is actually just an illusion? It's a rather disturbing thought, because I don't think they mentioned "Let's go back to the past" when they did their time travel.
I think I've seen this theory somewhere before too...
Konohana Niji
Translator, Writer, Illustrator
Critic, Reader, Viewer, Gamer

Translator of Akagami no Shirayuki-hime and Deemo -Last Dream-

Tumblr / Twitter
May 14, 2012 9:52 AM

Dec 2011
Yeah I forgot about "This is enough" choice...

I wanted to click it, but I just had to see how Key will "ruin" the story :P

Also when I said meaningless I meant it doesn't have connection to main story and has nothing to do with this discussion and the DEM endings :D

Anyway for me the whole anime/VN was about cherishing things you have before you lose them, of course if you lose them....
May 19, 2012 10:20 PM
Dec 2010
To be honest, Little Busters! was a much better VN than CLANNAD in my opinion. The character development and storyline were marvelous (until Key pulled the usual DEM). CLANNAD was a great one as well, but felt more surreal than LB. In regards to the hospital ending for LB, I felt it could have been better since I didn't really get a good sense of closure, but it would still be a great true ending (although i liked the DEM to an extent).
Refrain really got me stirred up, and if it doesn't get the After Story treatment at the least, I might just throw my chair at my monitor in a rage (bare minimum). This kinda makes me wonder how good Rewrite is, although I have to wait for the translation since I know 0 Japanese. :(
Solkiskey said:

I think all of Key's works are great except Kanon. Kanon is just... meh.

I thought Kanon was one of the better works, and Air was more mediocre, though this is just my opinion.
May 20, 2012 2:13 AM

Dec 2011
Refrain might not get the AS treatment because LB anime may not be good. And I am not talking about studio, I am just saying you never know. Since I liked Clannad more I don't really care if it doesn't get the same treatment.

As for the Rewrite, I am waiting for translation too, but I am also learning Japanese (really gotten far), but I don't know enough.

Although name Rewrite is telling me that it is another DEM ending.
May 20, 2012 12:22 PM
Dec 2010
Yeah, true point. We can't say the anime will be good for sure.
As for Rewrite I wouldn't be surprised if it were another DEM ending, but we'll have to wait and see for ourselves.
Jun 21, 2012 6:06 PM

Dec 2009
Yeah, I believe Rewrite also has a kind of ending like Clannad or Little Busters.

As for which is better, I believe it is Little Busters. Both were great but what I like of Little Busters is that Refrain has more emotions than Nagisa or Ushio death, Fuuko disappearance or Kotomi's parents death.

I admit I bawled like a baby through almost all Refrain.
Jun 22, 2012 7:59 AM

Dec 2011
Linkark07 said:
Yeah, I believe Rewrite also has a kind of ending like Clannad or Little Busters.

As for which is better, I believe it is Little Busters. Both were great but what I like of Little Busters is that Refrain has more emotions than Nagisa or Ushio death, Fuuko disappearance or Kotomi's parents death.

I admit I bawled like a baby through almost all Refrain.

For me it has the same amount of emotion, or at least it is supposed to be like that, but the emotion is of a different kind :D

Again I liked Clannad more, but tastes differ :D
Jul 4, 2012 8:59 PM
Dec 2007
akutasame94 said:
Linkark07 said:
Yeah, I believe Rewrite also has a kind of ending like Clannad or Little Busters.

As for which is better, I believe it is Little Busters. Both were great but what I like of Little Busters is that Refrain has more emotions than Nagisa or Ushio death, Fuuko disappearance or Kotomi's parents death.

I admit I bawled like a baby through almost all Refrain.

For me it has the same amount of emotion, or at least it is supposed to be like that, but the emotion is of a different kind :D

Again I liked Clannad more, but tastes differ :D
The stories are different however. You really can't compare a tale of adolescence to the tale of a family. Honestly, I liked the childhood friends thing more, mostly because it actually allowed for a lot of different stories and gave the Visual Novel reader plenty times of levity to offset the drama. Clannad took itself almost to seriously at times, to the point the main character was literally chock full of personal issues.

Jul 5, 2012 5:18 AM

Dec 2011
Leon-Gun said:
akutasame94 said:
Linkark07 said:
Yeah, I believe Rewrite also has a kind of ending like Clannad or Little Busters.

As for which is better, I believe it is Little Busters. Both were great but what I like of Little Busters is that Refrain has more emotions than Nagisa or Ushio death, Fuuko disappearance or Kotomi's parents death.

I admit I bawled like a baby through almost all Refrain.

For me it has the same amount of emotion, or at least it is supposed to be like that, but the emotion is of a different kind :D

Again I liked Clannad more, but tastes differ :D
The stories are different however. You really can't compare a tale of adolescence to the tale of a family. Honestly, I liked the childhood friends thing more, mostly because it actually allowed for a lot of different stories and gave the Visual Novel reader plenty times of levity to offset the drama. Clannad took itself almost to seriously at times, to the point the main character was literally chock full of personal issues.

And that's why I liked it... Well I am like that :D

I said it'd different kind of emotion, and what I meant with that is what you said. Different stories, themes...
Jul 5, 2012 6:11 AM
Dec 2007
Indeed, it's still at heart a Key story as the Refrain arc can attest but there's just a different feeling to it. Also, Riki and Kyusuke had to be a literal breath of fresh air from the usual snarky protagonist Key comes up with. The kinship between Riki and Kyousuke was actually pretty nice, and I loved it since ussually the "best friend" is merely just a sad existence only there for the protagonist to make fun of. Kyousuke is so interesting you almost feel he's the protagonist sometimes.

Jul 5, 2012 8:19 AM

Aug 2011
Leon-Gun said:
Indeed, it's still at heart a Key story as the Refrain arc can attest but there's just a different feeling to it. Also, Riki and Kyusuke had to be a literal breath of fresh air from the usual snarky protagonist Key comes up with. The kinship between Riki and Kyousuke was actually pretty nice, and I loved it since ussually the "best friend" is merely just a sad existence only there for the protagonist to make fun of. Kyousuke is so interesting you almost feel he's the protagonist sometimes.

Speaking of the relationship between Riki and Kyousuke they totally need to animate the scene were you chose Kyousuke over the girls, that would be awesome.
Jul 5, 2012 8:22 AM

Dec 2011
Leon-Gun said:
Indeed, it's still at heart a Key story as the Refrain arc can attest but there's just a different feeling to it. Also, Riki and Kyusuke had to be a literal breath of fresh air from the usual snarky protagonist Key comes up with. The kinship between Riki and Kyousuke was actually pretty nice, and I loved it since ussually the "best friend" is merely just a sad existence only there for the protagonist to make fun of. Kyousuke is so interesting you almost feel he's the protagonist sometimes.

Yeah, that friendship bond is rarely explored by any kind of art, so I can understand why you say that :D It really was refreshing to see it, unlike in Clannad where Sunohara was there just to be funny, there was no real connection between him and Tomoya.

Like I said, different themes and motives, so one who prefer serious tone and motive of love will watch this. Also it's about connecting with characters...

And just to mention, Little Busters is not just about stronger, it's about people getting stronger and moving on, motive we see in every VN developed by Key :D


Yeah, I laughed so hard then...

But honestly I liked scenes when you choose girls, mostly because similar thing happened to me...
Jul 12, 2012 6:18 AM
Jan 2012
Refrain brings us a totally different kind of emotion compared to Clannad... It's the bromance between Riki, Masato, Kengo and Kyousuke that made it so great...
Jul 12, 2012 3:50 PM
Dec 2007
nvh119 said:
Refrain brings us a totally different kind of emotion compared to Clannad... It's the bromance between Riki, Masato, Kengo and Kyousuke that made it so great...
Don't forget Rin, all 5 of them had that strong attachment, it's the whole point the whole thing began.

Jul 13, 2012 6:37 AM

Apr 2012
So I finished LB few minutes about and to be honest, I liked the DEM ending....for me, I like, that it hadn't ended in the hospital.
As for comparison between LB and Clannad...I haven't played Clannad VN, only watched anime. And to be honest, I watched Clannad like a half a year ago (which may still be a lot later after most of here watched it), but that half a year gap makes it hard for me to compare it. I guess, that what I missed in LB was the pure romance, like it was in Clannad. That was, what made After storry so emitional for me. The character developement between Tomoya and Nagisa was just incredible, and when Nagisa dies, it was just mindfuck for me. While in LB, there is no seriour love....there is just highschool romance and bromance. Don't get me wrong, to be honest-character wisqe I thing, that i liked LB more, but I believe, that After Storry just left a bigger emotional impact on me than Refrain.

Can anyone, who could play yet untranslated Rewrite share theirs thoughts on that (without spoiling)? Thanks
jonnyrobbieJul 13, 2012 6:48 AM
Jul 24, 2012 11:03 PM

Dec 2011
jonnyrobbie said:

Can anyone, who could play yet untranslated Rewrite share theirs thoughts on that (without spoiling)? Thanks

2 main heroines instead of 1, Rewrite was more fantasy based then Little busters!, Much more fighting then Little busters( main character has superpowers which he uses to fight monsters), Vn felt more like F/S Night then typical Key stuff..
Jul 28, 2012 2:32 AM

Jul 2011
jonnyrobbie said:
So I finished LB few minutes about and to be honest, I liked the DEM ending....for me, I like, that it hadn't ended in the hospital.
As for comparison between LB and Clannad...I haven't played Clannad VN, only watched anime. And to be honest, I watched Clannad like a half a year ago (which may still be a lot later after most of here watched it), but that half a year gap makes it hard for me to compare it. I guess, that what I missed in LB was the pure romance, like it was in Clannad. That was, what made After storry so emitional for me. The character developement between Tomoya and Nagisa was just incredible, and when Nagisa dies, it was just mindfuck for me. While in LB, there is no seriour love....there is just highschool romance and bromance. Don't get me wrong, to be honest-character wisqe I thing, that i liked LB more, but I believe, that After Storry just left a bigger emotional impact on me than Refrain.

I actually really liked how Little Busters didn't end with any romantic resolution (for me anyway, I've read that it does end Rin/Riki, but I apparently didn't get that scene, cause my last Rin picture is 3/4 instead of 4/4), it made it so it was up to you which girl he'd go with, instead of the game pre-determining it for you.

For me Refrain was much more sad than After Story, Refrain actually managed to make me cry, whereas even Nagisa dying didn't really get to me too much. The bit where Riki is saying good bye to all his friends was one of the most heart-breaking moments in any game, hell, even thinking about it gets me a little misty eyed. It doesn't even end there, Rin says good bye to all her friends too, and it's just... DAMN that is sad.

People were saying early on how the DEM ruined the ending, and... Ok, I see your point, but man it made me so freaking happy when everyone came back that I honestly didn't even care.
Jul 28, 2012 5:45 AM
Dec 2007
Random45 said:
jonnyrobbie said:
So I finished LB few minutes about and to be honest, I liked the DEM ending....for me, I like, that it hadn't ended in the hospital.
As for comparison between LB and Clannad...I haven't played Clannad VN, only watched anime. And to be honest, I watched Clannad like a half a year ago (which may still be a lot later after most of here watched it), but that half a year gap makes it hard for me to compare it. I guess, that what I missed in LB was the pure romance, like it was in Clannad. That was, what made After storry so emitional for me. The character developement between Tomoya and Nagisa was just incredible, and when Nagisa dies, it was just mindfuck for me. While in LB, there is no seriour love....there is just highschool romance and bromance. Don't get me wrong, to be honest-character wisqe I thing, that i liked LB more, but I believe, that After Storry just left a bigger emotional impact on me than Refrain.

I actually really liked how Little Busters didn't end with any romantic resolution (for me anyway, I've read that it does end Rin/Riki, but I apparently didn't get that scene, cause my last Rin picture is 3/4 instead of 4/4), it made it so it was up to you which girl he'd go with, instead of the game pre-determining it for you.

For me Refrain was much more sad than After Story, Refrain actually managed to make me cry, whereas even Nagisa dying didn't really get to me too much. The bit where Riki is saying good bye to all his friends was one of the most heart-breaking moments in any game, hell, even thinking about it gets me a little misty eyed. It doesn't even end there, Rin says good bye to all her friends too, and it's just... DAMN that is sad.

People were saying early on how the DEM ruined the ending, and... Ok, I see your point, but man it made me so freaking happy when everyone came back that I honestly didn't even care.
It does end with Rin/Riki, in fact, it was actually pretty implied considering the whole affair was to make them stronger so they'd be able to be there for each other. But yeah, one ending leaves it open in a sense, the other one cements it very strongly. I kinda like the Rin/Riki ending more, it was well written without destroying the friendship story they had going (plus it doesn't just throws down the river all Riki did to help Rin).

Jul 28, 2012 1:08 PM

Jul 2011
Leon-Gun said:
Random45 said:
jonnyrobbie said:
So I finished LB few minutes about and to be honest, I liked the DEM ending....for me, I like, that it hadn't ended in the hospital.
As for comparison between LB and Clannad...I haven't played Clannad VN, only watched anime. And to be honest, I watched Clannad like a half a year ago (which may still be a lot later after most of here watched it), but that half a year gap makes it hard for me to compare it. I guess, that what I missed in LB was the pure romance, like it was in Clannad. That was, what made After storry so emitional for me. The character developement between Tomoya and Nagisa was just incredible, and when Nagisa dies, it was just mindfuck for me. While in LB, there is no seriour love....there is just highschool romance and bromance. Don't get me wrong, to be honest-character wisqe I thing, that i liked LB more, but I believe, that After Storry just left a bigger emotional impact on me than Refrain.

I actually really liked how Little Busters didn't end with any romantic resolution (for me anyway, I've read that it does end Rin/Riki, but I apparently didn't get that scene, cause my last Rin picture is 3/4 instead of 4/4), it made it so it was up to you which girl he'd go with, instead of the game pre-determining it for you.

For me Refrain was much more sad than After Story, Refrain actually managed to make me cry, whereas even Nagisa dying didn't really get to me too much. The bit where Riki is saying good bye to all his friends was one of the most heart-breaking moments in any game, hell, even thinking about it gets me a little misty eyed. It doesn't even end there, Rin says good bye to all her friends too, and it's just... DAMN that is sad.

People were saying early on how the DEM ruined the ending, and... Ok, I see your point, but man it made me so freaking happy when everyone came back that I honestly didn't even care.
It does end with Rin/Riki, in fact, it was actually pretty implied considering the whole affair was to make them stronger so they'd be able to be there for each other. But yeah, one ending leaves it open in a sense, the other one cements it very strongly. I kinda like the Rin/Riki ending more, it was well written without destroying the friendship story they had going (plus it doesn't just throws down the river all Riki did to help Rin).

Yeah, I did get the vibe that Rin/Riki was going to happen regardless, since it was implied (if not outright stated) that the reason that Rin doesn't mind you being around her over everyone else is because she loves you. Not to mention it seems like everyone in the game is pushing for it, which would make sense since they are the only two who are going to survive. That is why I was surprised that when I went with the DEM ending, there wasn't a final scene with them getting together. It's still most likely that they will get together, but still, it at least allows the player to come up with their own way on how it ends.
Random45Jul 28, 2012 1:11 PM
Jul 29, 2012 4:24 PM

Jan 2011
Random45 said:
Leon-Gun said:
Random45 said:
jonnyrobbie said:
So I finished LB few minutes about and to be honest, I liked the DEM ending....for me, I like, that it hadn't ended in the hospital.
As for comparison between LB and Clannad...I haven't played Clannad VN, only watched anime. And to be honest, I watched Clannad like a half a year ago (which may still be a lot later after most of here watched it), but that half a year gap makes it hard for me to compare it. I guess, that what I missed in LB was the pure romance, like it was in Clannad. That was, what made After storry so emitional for me. The character developement between Tomoya and Nagisa was just incredible, and when Nagisa dies, it was just mindfuck for me. While in LB, there is no seriour love....there is just highschool romance and bromance. Don't get me wrong, to be honest-character wisqe I thing, that i liked LB more, but I believe, that After Storry just left a bigger emotional impact on me than Refrain.

I actually really liked how Little Busters didn't end with any romantic resolution (for me anyway, I've read that it does end Rin/Riki, but I apparently didn't get that scene, cause my last Rin picture is 3/4 instead of 4/4), it made it so it was up to you which girl he'd go with, instead of the game pre-determining it for you.

For me Refrain was much more sad than After Story, Refrain actually managed to make me cry, whereas even Nagisa dying didn't really get to me too much. The bit where Riki is saying good bye to all his friends was one of the most heart-breaking moments in any game, hell, even thinking about it gets me a little misty eyed. It doesn't even end there, Rin says good bye to all her friends too, and it's just... DAMN that is sad.

People were saying early on how the DEM ruined the ending, and... Ok, I see your point, but man it made me so freaking happy when everyone came back that I honestly didn't even care.
It does end with Rin/Riki, in fact, it was actually pretty implied considering the whole affair was to make them stronger so they'd be able to be there for each other. But yeah, one ending leaves it open in a sense, the other one cements it very strongly. I kinda like the Rin/Riki ending more, it was well written without destroying the friendship story they had going (plus it doesn't just throws down the river all Riki did to help Rin).

Yeah, I did get the vibe that Rin/Riki was going to happen regardless, since it was implied (if not outright stated) that the reason that Rin doesn't mind you being around her over everyone else is because she loves you. Not to mention it seems like everyone in the game is pushing for it, which would make sense since they are the only two who are going to survive. That is why I was surprised that when I went with the DEM ending, there wasn't a final scene with them getting together. It's still most likely that they will get together, but still, it at least allows the player to come up with their own way on how it ends.

If you replay Refrain,
Jul 29, 2012 4:47 PM

Jul 2011
dizzyworld2 said:

If you replay Refrain,

Aww that's cute, almost makes me want to go back and play it so I can see the scene.
Jul 29, 2012 5:21 PM
Apr 2011
Before reading this thread, it didn't even occur to me that little busters ending could even be considered a DEM or a reset at all. That said I loved the ending and can't see it being any other way. As to which it better? I'm not gonna try to compare them, I appreciate both.
Jul 30, 2012 12:00 AM
Jan 2012
I played both and I liked Clannad better.The concepts are the same. But while I thought Clannad was balanced all around, the way LB was written made everything turn into a big mess.

LB's common route was so funny. I actually loved ALL the characters because they all contributed to that awesome, crazy humor. While in Clannad, I only like some characters and was indifferent to others. LB had a lot of potential with its set up, but the routes was just so terribly confusing. You would just read through a route for six hours and end up not understanding what just happened (Kud, Kurugaya, Mio). I also can't really forgive Rin at the end of Rin2.. So, by the end of reading through several of those frustrating, disappointing routes, my enjoyment and expectation for the game dropped drastically. Although, Refrain was pretty great, I don't think it was so good as Clannad Afterstory. LB was still a decent VN overall, but I love it more for the comedy and characters than its story. I don't think LB convey the friendship theme as strongly as Clannad did with its family theme. Clannad also had stronger routes and develops every character, even side characters during side stories.

I think LB's anime, depending on how well they make it, can be on par with Angel Beats!. I don't think it can surpass Clannad though.
Jul 30, 2012 3:26 AM

Oct 2010
my opinion is Clannad got stronger story cause it involves family,
but my choice is Little Busters, i had more fun spending time reading it than watching Clannad (i didnt read the vn) and also LB characters are more likeable.

indeed both have these "fairy tale" endings.
even Kanon, the first KEY anime/game i really liked.

also this alternative/other world, its just circling around in almost all KEY stories he made. bear with it, this is Jun Maeda's way. lol

just 2 things im worrying about..
i want Saya route in anime!! and i hope they will animate Little Busters nicely.
lucy_kawaiiJul 30, 2012 4:05 AM
Jul 30, 2012 6:13 AM

Dec 2011
So we all agree both are great, some prefer emotional family stories, other equally emotional friendship stories....

I knew we wouldn't have a winner....

Still, this is when we compare the VN's...

I can't wait to compare anime....
Jul 30, 2012 1:11 PM
Dec 2007
akutasame94 said:
So we all agree both are great, some prefer emotional family stories, other equally emotional friendship stories....

I knew we wouldn't have a winner....

Still, this is when we compare the VN's...

I can't wait to compare anime....
The hype around them already suggest a Clannad > Little Busters in the anime department. That said, as much as many people defend the Clannad anime it had it's share of defects, especially executing the ending (no explanation at all about the Orbs of Happiness, the VN slowly makes you realize they're there for something, especially when one of them saves Fuuko, the anime just drops one in your face all of a sudden near the end and hopes you caught on).

Heck, even Clannad After Story may have been better as a 13 episode season and not even bothering with Sunohara's, Misae's (talk about pointless to the story) or Yukine's arcs. Only good arc was Misae's regardless of the fact it has no bearing to the story, Yukine's was altered until it was about a stupid gang war (seriously it wasn't, it was supposed to be just a sweet story between Yukine and Tomoya) and Sunohara siblings is just cringe worthy both in VN and anime. Skipping ahead to the After Story would have been preferrable.
Leon-GunJul 30, 2012 1:16 PM

Jul 31, 2012 12:00 PM

Dec 2011
Leon-Gun said:
akutasame94 said:
So we all agree both are great, some prefer emotional family stories, other equally emotional friendship stories....

I knew we wouldn't have a winner....

Still, this is when we compare the VN's...

I can't wait to compare anime....
The hype around them already suggest a Clannad > Little Busters in the anime department. That said, as much as many people defend the Clannad anime it had it's share of defects, especially executing the ending (no explanation at all about the Orbs of Happiness, the VN slowly makes you realize they're there for something, especially when one of them saves Fuuko, the anime just drops one in your face all of a sudden near the end and hopes you caught on).

Heck, even Clannad After Story may have been better as a 13 episode season and not even bothering with Sunohara's, Misae's (talk about pointless to the story) or Yukine's arcs. Only good arc was Misae's regardless of the fact it has no bearing to the story, Yukine's was altered until it was about a stupid gang war (seriously it wasn't, it was supposed to be just a sweet story between Yukine and Tomoya) and Sunohara siblings is just cringe worthy both in VN and anime. Skipping ahead to the After Story would have been preferrable.

I agree, there were some pointless moments, but I liked them.

As for the orbs, in anime there were some hints, but it wasn't enough. I was blown away by those orbs, but I welcomed them, as I would hate the ending if it wasn't for them....
Aug 5, 2012 3:19 AM
May 2012
Little Busters was good but I found it pretty boring. The characters weren't all that interesting to me so I couldn't connect to them. Clannad on the other hand, I really loved. Even though it had some inconsistencies here and there and the side routes were long, it still fit in detail with what alternate route you were taking and somehow you could end up with what you wanted, which you couldn't do in the anime. Clannad's VN had so many options to choose from and it was then you could discover the mystery behind the Illusionary World without even having to take Nagisa's path.

Once Little Busters does become an anime I wonder if they'll actually take the hospital routine?
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