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Mar 19, 2012 8:02 AM
Jun 2008
oh my look like mirai nikki armageddon has either make everyone going crazy, shock, looney, shion's laughing crazy, etc yep or even yet cabin fever from Muppet Treasure Island?!

after getting answer answer from deus akise try to escape but grab by deus.
to reveal akise is observer created by deus & now be sliced to pieces.
but manage pull last second save with help to get himself apprentice diary to save yuki.
yuki & yuno running so get big 8th yet here akise telling yuki something.
but yuno the blocker pull knife yet akise ok then tazer then safe again.
cause now read all moves yet to change future then yuno tell yuki get big 8th.
yuki see hinata telling yuki the truth from akise that you can't bring back the dead people.
hearing that yuki has got BSOD while akise got yuno yea yuno stab self for WHAT?!
yuki wondering what hinata said while aru trying call yuki then out of no where.
yuno just pulled the biggest Wounded Gazelle Gambit ever on yuki.
so yea yuki now shot hinata, then mao, & kousada.
yuno still hurt seeing to do next got another hidden ace.
akise arrive trying reason with yuki here yuno then akise pull "all or nothing" on yuki.
akise vs yuno with akise smash phone but nothing happen then got neck yuno cut.
akise wondering how can this be from two yuno, two phone, etc going must be hmm...
yuki ask yuno give she said it's a fake?
then yuki still wondering after last saying of big 8th yuno finish it.
akise seeing two of everything that "it's must be?".
deus all in pieces with murmur all "happy" ha ha.
akise in pain going to tell yuki still neck cut then yuno stab show yuki the "message".

ok now yea the end is near now wonder what next?
you either with ANIME or against the anime
Mar 19, 2012 8:04 AM

Feb 2012
Logically, if you think about the future diary , there are two means true yuno was already dead. And Mur Mur created a fake Yuno to win this game....
Mar 19, 2012 8:05 AM
Jul 2018
I knew from the beggining Yuno was a mad hoe. Those puppy eyes never fooled me :<
AND WOOHOO for Yuki x Akise xD
Mar 19, 2012 8:06 AM

Jun 2011
yukii is a dumb
didnt like the gay sceneb but overall this was great
4 episodes left!?!?! i didnt read the manga but it cant see this anime passing 24 episodes
Mar 19, 2012 8:09 AM

Feb 2012
Here you go my yuno painting !!!!

Mar 19, 2012 8:26 AM

Feb 2012
that was really, really good episode. well worth the wait. having not read the manga, i'm very excited to see what happens next and i hope some sex ensues before Yuno or Yukiteru or both die. * 0*

i really liked Akise in this episode and i'm very sorry that he died. :c i was a little shocked by all this love for Yukiteru he had, i thought it just like came out of nowhere. or maybe i just missed it because i'm oblivious. ^ .^ although, am i the only one who thinks Yuno and Akise should just have a total hate sex rage relationship? i am? oh... :3

ah well, despite Akise having feelings for Yukiteru i suppose i'll take all this to fanfiction. oh well.

i really cannot wait for the next episode. one week is far too long! D:

R.I.P. Akise Aru <3
Mar 19, 2012 8:29 AM
Jul 2010
A big spoiler for all the Akise lving fans. Don't read this spoiler unless you want to spoil the ending: -->

^warning the above is such a huge major spoiler that it will probably ruin the anime/manga for people who don't know the ending. So only read this if you do know the ending.

Yumekichi11 said:
I have to say I fully support Yuki x Akise cause Yuno was a total BITCH in this episode that needs to be put down like a wild animal that eat everyone up.
More like, Akise is the same as Yuno. Only the anime changed things around a bit that made Akise seem even more sympathetic. In the manga he reveals his future diary BEFORE she attacks him. Total BS that they changed this VERY important part in the anime. I hope they fix it for the Blue Ray Edition.

It' odd though, they made Yukki less sympathetic. he shot Hinata even though she wasn't in front of 8th. In the manga she was blocking 8ths body with her own.

Yumekichi11 said:
I RAGED so bad! I think it over 1 billion if it had to be said. I needed to take a break with a cigarette and relax. I drenched myself in tears and I screamed out WHY DID YOU DO THIS YUKI! THEY ARE YOUR FRIENDS! THEY WERE ALWAYS GOOD TO YOU! WHY!
Isn't that obvious? because Akise HAD tricked Yukki's friends into betraying Yukki... that and they DID betray Yukki even if their intentions might have been good. Yukki really do needs to kill 8th no matter what. Even if he can't bring anyone back if he doesn't kill 8th then the WHOLE world will be destroyed and EVERYONE will die. So that is why Yukki had to kill them.

Funy though. While him killing Hinata was less excusable, him killing Mao was actually given more of a reason. In the manga she just stands there and says things he doesn't want to hear so he kills her. In the Anime at least she pick up a rock. I mean she wasn't much of a threat but at least more so than she was in the manga.

Anyway --

Akise really was a bad person making wild guesses. He had absolutely NOTHING to support his premise that Yuno wanted to kill Yukki, hell not even when he realized the thing about the diaries does he have a reason to think this.

If Yuno says Yukki should kill everyone so he could bring his parents back, and Akise says she was deceiving Yukki... how the hell was Yuno really supposed to have known that it wouldn't work? major spoiler don't read before the anime is over--->

No matter which way you look at it, Akise is acting out of spite and jealousy.

Yumekichi11 said:
The pinning down of Yuno was perfect and it sure gave Akise a superiority sense.
Really? It just made him look like a bit of a rapist in my opinion. I don't see how a scene like is supposed to make him look cool. He is a boy pinning down a 14 year old girl, nevermind that he probably has inhuman strength given to him by Desu because of him being an observer.

Yumekichi11 said:
FUCK YOU YUNO! GO DIE! Furthermore despite the Diary destroyed here, she fucking smiled cause she knows better having all these extra diaries and concealing them.
I don't know where the hate is coming from. She pwned Akise even though he was using the most HAXX cheating diary ever+his superior strength. She was smarter and better than him. He was being a jealous yandere himself having NO proof at all that what he thought was real. He just believed she was going to kill Yukki because he was jealous. So he was going to kill her out of jealousy... had even tricked Yukki's friends into helping him keep 8th safe. So when Yuno comes (even though his own diary says nothing about her coming after Yukki) he says he will kill Yuno. What a nice guy. No, that guy deserved to die because he was putting Yukki in danger because of his own twisted love. At least Yuno's love was putting Yukki in safety.

As for the smile... wouldn't you smile if a guy like that tried to kill you and you outsmarted him and his HAXX cheatcode diary?

Yumekichi11 said:

Yumekichi11 said:
Fucking kid punk kills Hinata
True, she had become a good person... but this is still the same Hinata that had planned to let her fathers dogs rip apart Akise, Yukki, Yuno and Kousaka. Don't forget that Yuno could have killed Hinata back then and really should if it hadn't been for Yukki.

Yumekichi11 said:
Kousaka was a man
Yeah, Kousaka grew from a boy into man and finally had a real shinning moment. After all Kousaka is th same guy that grabbed Yukki and was about to sacrifice him in episode too in order to not get killed by 9th and her bombs. So I guess this is a case of a character finally redeeming themselves?

Yumekichi11 said:
stabbing yourself with a smile and the blood splatter? Oh WTF mindfuck of Yuno alright.
This part was really poorly done in the anime. In the manga they showed Yuno calling Yukki and she was lying in a pool of her own blood. We only got to know what had happened after we saw Akise have a flashback. This allowed readers to think for at least a little while that it really had happened the way she said it had.

Another bad part is that she said that Akise was killing her -- which was also bad. In the manga she said Akise was coming to kill him. What she said in the manga actually served a purpose while what she said in the manga might have actually made Yukki leave his pursuit of 8th to come and try save her.

hmm... why had Akise undone the belt of Yuno's pants as well as the button? she was stabbed in the side of her stomach after all... Ah Akise you perverted hentai! (joke)

Yumekichi11 said:
They removed the picnic part
Sad... It was such a cute scene that helped establish the mentality both Yuno and Yukki had at the time. When Akise betrayed them it had more of an impact since Yukki and Yuno not much earlier had been sitting on a hill finally having a calm loving moment.

Yumekichi11 said:
In conclusion, I am pretty much happy with Akise in general as is.
Of course... but that is because this episode lessened the scenes where he looked more of a villain. (which he somewhat did in the manga) In the manga it wasn't THAT obvious that he was right. (even though he was just lucky in his yandere guess)

Yumekichi11 said:
It was a most RAGING episode to me. That being said in general Mirai Nikki continues to impress with its setups and animations of many scenes previously not having impacts such as now when things are animated.
I don't agree with you. This episode WAS better than say ep 21, and certainly ep 20... But to me the manga version was MUCH better. Only Kousaka's scene was better done in the anime.

To Akise fans however I think the anime version would have more of an impact because like mentioned -- the anime changes things around to make Akise seem more sympathetic than he really is.

To me however I dislike the anime version because of precisely this. It is to angled/geared towards making Akise look like something he never was. It sacrifices the feel of the whole series in order to let one character shine more.

Yumekichi11 said:
I envy all who don't give a fuck of those 4 people cause it could have been the easiest episode for you to go through.
Nah, I liked Akise in a way... but he was never that good of a character. In the first place he always seemed out of place because he just showed up randomly and interfered. He was kind of like a yaoi fanservice? boy love hooyay!

Maybe if he had actually interacted more with everyone else he would have been better? Maybe if they had made him interact more with Yuno?

Hinata? Well she had big breasts... that was her only redeeming feature I think... Naturally since she had a crush on Yukki she practically would JUMP on the idea that Yuno was bad. So I don't have any sympathy for her. Her "sacrifice" in this episode was actually selfish. She just wanted Yukki for herself and as usual she used Mao's love for her to have he come along.

Mao? She was a crazy lesbian yandere but I feel sorry for her more-so than the other four "friends". IN a way she was just a more stable Yuno.

Kousaka? umm... well he was a joke character. Kind of felt he was put in there as canon fodder and because he had accidentally been given to much screen time for him to die offscreen.

Anyway you really shouldn't rage in your op posts. I think you can rage in your following posts but to rage in the op post kind of is like forcing your will on other readers.

Realaz said:
I've absolutely no idea what they're going to do the next 4 episodes. At this rate the remaining material should take only 2 episodes to animate.
4 episodes would make the anime 26 episodes long. Most anime nowadays are 25 episodes/season. So 3 more episode would be more likely. That said I read somewhere that Mirai Nikki was only going to be 24 episodes?

Well... the is ONE way they could make it 25 episodes I guess. How? well, since there is only ONE arch left maybe episode 23 will be a filler/flashback episode that will show a wrapped up summary of ALL the previous episodes? They do stuff like that in anime after all.

Jaymie said:
I was hoping they'd rush the final arc a bit so we didn't get the God-awful epilogue.
Why? You one of those people that can only enjoy an anime if there's a downer ending? The epilogue was VERY illogical. IN fact that it wouldn't happen (considering certain key aspect about the hammer wielder) ... THAT would have been illogical.

tysonultima said:
What she did to everyone else was acceptable infact its what made you love her Yan side, but when Akise gets involved now thats going too far.
I bolded the most important part here. He got involved and was basically attacking her and Yukki. The anime just tried to "hide this" but look at the manga and remember that he had the same intentions in the anime. Killing Akise and the other three was NO different than the other episodes. Really, Akise was the one here tricking the other three into protecting 8th.
greedSC said:
finally that fucking akise died i was so sick of him. Yuno <3 i hope that stab didnt hurt too much, now you can be happy with yuki <3
Although I think you are just trolling... yeah, you are right.
Mr_DaftPunk said:
On a personal level, I think he should have just given them wound shots to the leg to scare them off, than fatal.
lol yeah. It's better in the manga though since his actions are shown to be caused more out of trauma and him going crazy. In the anime he seems more aware of his actions.

Alena said:
I want to give that anime the worst note for , even for such abstract series, the big lack of common sense in things that happening and the way it's characters thinks and behave.
Well there are at least three reasons for this:

1. Most of the lack of common sense can actually be explained and aren't all that illogical to begin with.

2. Many of the major characters are only 14 years old!!

3. The anime changes things around in a way that RUINS several key moments. Ep 22 is a VERY good example of how the manga made a whole lot more sense.
Kami565 said:
Akise....T______T Yuno must die!
Raging boylove fans are kind of scary...

McCly said:
I'm seriously enjoy Akise brutal death, to me it's best scene in Mirai Nikki
An yet, it was waaaay more graphic and better done in the manga. This is another scene that I hope they update on the BlueRay release and give the same angles they did in the manga. In the manga Akise didn't just have his throat sliced but he got stabbed in his heart as well and he STILL staggered towards where Yukki was.
SergioSource said:
I knew from the beggining Yuno was a mad hoe. Those puppy eyes never fooled me :<

She's a yandere, her being crazy is one of he main premises of her whole character so I don't see how she should have been able to fool anyone? As for the puppy eyes, those are also part of her character.. its' her dere part. They aren't a trick, they are as much her as her craziness is.

kokorochan- said:
Am i the only one who thinks Yuno and Akise should just have a total hate sex rage relationship?
Not the only one... I've actually seen one or two YunoxAkise fanart out there... oh and there IS a doujin where Akise a Yukki has a threesome with Yuno. *cough*

I can't help but wonder how the manga would have played out if Akise had been the one that Yuno fell in love with. Imagine her being yandere for a capable character like him.
YavieMar 19, 2012 9:33 AM
Mar 19, 2012 9:11 AM
Mar 2012

Post like the above is why manga readers have bad reps. You nitpick about the most trivial things. The purpose of an adaptation is not to recreate the source word for word nor scene for scene. The purpose of an adaptation is to capture to same story and emotion of the source.

One noticeable thing the anime does is add more suspense by switching up the occurrence of scenes and dialogue.

There episode was recreated perfectly. There doesn't need to be any "fixes" as it manages to convey the same affect that the manga does.

Great episode.
ViciousOneMar 19, 2012 9:14 AM
Mar 19, 2012 9:15 AM

Sep 2008

Epic ep *_*"

This anime has gone all crazy and almost killed all of its characters in less than 22 mins ...

Definitely, 5/5!

Can't wait to see what's gonna happen next!
Just what were Akise's last words to Yukiteru about the two Yunos *.*"

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
Mar 19, 2012 9:18 AM

Sep 2011
What I Got Is A Yaoi? Akise And Yukki Kissed? Akise Has A Total Obsession For Yukki So He LOVES HIM??? WHAT THE FUCK? That Scene Ruined The Episode So Much For Me. The Rest Are Totally Good. 2/5

Good Thing I've Never Read The Manga So I'm Very Excited For The Next Episode.

What Chapter Is The H-Scene In The Manga Between Yukki And Yuno? I'm Interested. ;D
TennoujiMar 19, 2012 9:25 AM

Mar 19, 2012 9:24 AM

May 2011
I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one who hates Akise here. :D I'm not big fan of Yuno either, but in this episode I was really cheering for her.

Overall I think this was one of the greatest episodes in whole series.
<img src="" />
Mar 19, 2012 9:25 AM

Nov 2009
That kiss! xD
Yuno's face! Haha.

Good episode.
Mar 19, 2012 9:26 AM

Jul 2007
OMG I can not wait to see how it will end : DDDD!!
Mar 19, 2012 9:27 AM

Jan 2012
Did not see that kiss coming.
It's been a while since I've been mind fucked like that recently, and that I've been this excited for next episode.
Mar 19, 2012 9:32 AM

May 2010
Everyone dies. LOL
And Akise, did you just kissed Yukiteru? MIND = BLOWN!
Why can't the first 21 eps be as good as this episode?

Mar 19, 2012 9:42 AM

Oct 2011
Akise :(

Great episode, cant wait for the next one!

Mar 19, 2012 9:46 AM
Jul 2010
ViciousOne said:
Post like the above is why manga readers have bad reps. You nitpick about the most trivial things. The purpose of an adaptation is not to recreate the source word for word nor scene for scene. The purpose of an adaptation is to capture to same story and emotion of the source.
And your post just shows that you either didn't fully read what I had written, or you didn't understand. I wasn't nitpicking. The change they did in this anime episode actually CHANGED the emotions that were conveyed and the story almost suffered the same. If this had been done because they couldn't cram the scenes into one episode it would have been one thing, but this wasn't the case either. It would NOT have have the episode longer if they had kept closer to the manga...

ViciousOne said:
One noticeable thing the anime does is add more suspense by switching up the occurrence of scenes and dialogue.
No the anime does NOT. I'm not the only one that have complained about bad directing or bad pacing. While I don't agree with everything those other people say, I can at least agree with them that there is far more suspense in the manga.

ViciousOne said:
There episode was recreated perfectly.
Only if you are a huge Akise fanboy. The feel of this episode was sacrificed on the altar of Akise fanboysim.

ViciousOne said:
There doesn't need to be any "fixes" as it manages to convey the same affect that the manga does.
But in this case it does since the anime conveyed something the manga did not.

Miasmalice said:
I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one who hates Akise here. :D I'm not big fan of Yuno either, but in this episode I was really cheering for her.
Naturally. Despite Yuno and Yukki being something close to villain protagonists here, Akise really IS playing the role of the villain even though the anime is trying to obscure this. Akise was putting all of Yukki's friends in danger out of selfishness. Akise attempted to murder Yukki's girlfriend (whom Yukki really do love) in front of his eyes. Akise is lying to Yukki's friends. Akise was lying to Yukki in order to trick him... and finally Akise's actions was putting the whole world and EVERYONE in it in danger. His ONLY reason to keep 8th safe was so because he wanted to use her both as a sort of trump/blackmail card but also because it gave him the ability to use a cheat-diary and murder Yuno. He wanted to murder Yuno because he was jealous of her and wanted to be with Yukki himself.

Akise -- mastermind villain. :D
YavieMar 19, 2012 10:00 AM
Mar 19, 2012 10:01 AM

Mar 2011
I am so upset, I cried. Akise is my favourite male character, he is the only guy I really really really think they didn't deserve to die. He only wanted Yukkii to become God (and to make him his lol) I knew they would censor the action grrr, I really wanted to see his head and neck. I think the manga was better, I felt it was rushed, especially Deus and Akise's part. I do like Yuno but less for doing that to Akise. The kiss was kinda cute, I'm just glad it wasn't a full-on Tsubaki snog.

Everyone's dead now and 4 episodes left. I'm guessing they'll stretch the last arc out, I can plan and see what would happen each episode. Oh god next week, its gonna get rather steamy!
As it turns out, living was a punishment...
Mar 19, 2012 10:10 AM

Jun 2010
OH damn. I would have enjoyed this episode so much more if I didn't already know what Akise knew. (damn youtube spoilers!)
Mar 19, 2012 10:11 AM

Oct 2010
Yavie said:
Yumekichi11 said:
I have to say I fully support Yuki x Akise cause Yuno was a total BITCH in this episode that needs to be put down like a wild animal that eat everyone up.
More like, Akise is the same as Yuno. Only the anime changed things around a bit that made Akise seem even more sympathetic. In the manga he reveals his future diary BEFORE she attacks him. Total BS that they changed this VERY important part in the anime. I hope they fix it for the Blue Ray Edition.

It' odd though, they made Yukki less sympathetic. he shot Hinata even though she wasn't in front of 8th. In the manga she was blocking 8ths body with her own.
Exactly hence why I mention it was not good they changed that part totally not just a little.
Yavie said:
Yumekichi11 said:
I RAGED so bad! I think it over 1 billion if it had to be said. I needed to take a break with a cigarette and relax. I drenched myself in tears and I screamed out WHY DID YOU DO THIS YUKI! THEY ARE YOUR FRIENDS! THEY WERE ALWAYS GOOD TO YOU! WHY!
Isn't that obvious? because Akise HAD tricked Yukki's friends into betraying Yukki... that and they DID betray Yukki even if their intentions might have been good. Yukki really do needs to kill 8th no matter what. Even if he can't bring anyone back if he doesn't kill 8th then the WHOLE world will be destroyed and EVERYONE will die. So that is why Yukki had to kill them.

Funny though. While him killing Hinata was less excusable, him killing Mao was actually given more of a reason. In the manga she just stands there and says things he doesn't want to hear so he kills her. In the Anime at least she pick up a rock. I mean she wasn't much of a threat but at least more so than she was in the manga.
I agree with this however I think he should have though things better and explain things more. He got himself influenced like he was totally not himself and under paranoia effects of mass panic or as Mao said fear itself of the truth. My point is that they did not betray Yuki ever and that his reasoning totally betrayed his friends hence killing them in the end.
Yavie said:
Anyway --

Akise really was a bad person making wild guesses. He had absolutely NOTHING to support his premise that Yuno wanted to kill Yukki, hell not even when he realized the thing about the diaries does he have a reason to think this.
He had every premise to support his claims that Yuno has killed him eventually in the past to achieve what she did in this world since she is not of it as Akise figures out. So he had every cause to suspect at least what Yuno had to do to become what she is. He was about to tell to Yuki but alas that looks like it won't happen since he dies.
Yavie said:
If Yuno says Yukki should kill everyone so he could bring his parents back, and Akise says she was deceiving Yukki... how the hell was Yuno really supposed to have known that it wouldn't work? major spoiler don't read before the anime is over--->

No matter which way you look at it, Akise is acting out of spite and jealousy.
He would but I think it would be differently formulated as in being used most likely or at the very least it would come into mind to him that it was that kind of form. There is love and there is obsession.
Yavie said:
Yumekichi11 said:
The pinning down of Yuno was perfect and it sure gave Akise a superiority sense.
Really? It just made him look like a bit of a rapist in my opinion. I don't see how a scene like is supposed to make him look cool. He is a boy pinning down a 14 year old girl, never mind that he probably has inhuman strength given to him by Deus because of him being an observer.
Perhaps but to me it gave him a sense of being better that Yuno who was giving out the clear superiority. He was certainly not giving way as being a rapist in this case nor Akise even gave out any signs of being so nor impression of it at all.
Yavie said:
Yumekichi11 said:
FUCK YOU YUNO! GO DIE! Furthermore despite the Diary destroyed here, she fucking smiled cause she knows better having all these extra diaries and concealing them.
I don't know where the hate is coming from. she pawned Akise even though he was using the most HAXX cheating diary ever+his superior strength. She was smarter and better than him. He was being a jealous yandere himself having NOT proof at all that what he thought was real. He just believed she was going to kill Yukki because he was jealous. So he was going to kill her out of jealousy... had even tricked Yukki's friends into helping him keep 8th safe. So when Yuno comes (even though his own diary says nothing about her coming after Yukki) he says he will kill Yuno. What a nice guy. No, that guy deserved to die because he was putting Yukki in danger because of his own twisted love. At least Yuno's love was putting Yukki in safety.

As for the smile... wouldn't you smile if a guy like that tried to kill you and you outsmarted him and his HAXX cheat code diary?
Perhaps but Yuno at that moment was just being a plain BITCH cause she knew of her superiority and that smile proved like a big snort towards all this. The hatred is for having just tricked Yuki into killing his friends. It comes also as what they coin being a SMART-ASS and Yuno was exactly that. Akise wanted to kill Yuno because he knows 8th does not deserve to die nor Yuki being tricked by her, who most likely already is just using Yuki as a shell. From how Hinata explains things, that is what Yuki is. A shell. No soul.
Yavie said:
Yumekichi11 said:
Because she knows and no she would be the new from the old Universe and this one she should be nothing but as a side. Sadly that is the Bitch part of it, clearly being superior to others while snorting them with that superiority as they are blind to the true force of that superiority.
Yavie said:
Yumekichi11 said:
Fucking kid punk kills Hinata
True, she had become a good person... but this is still the same Hinata that had planned to let her fathers dogs rip apart Akise, Yukki, Yuno and Kousaka. Don't forget that Yuno could have killed Hinata back then and really should if it hadn't been for Yukki.
I agree but no Hinata did change after the dog incident and was being truthful till the end. Hence why I value her a lot.
Yavie said:
Yumekichi11 said:
Kousaka was a man
Yeah, Kousaka grew from a boy into man and finally had a real shinning moment. After all Kousaka is the same guy that grabbed Yukki and was about to sacrifice him in episode too in order to not get killed by 9th and her bombs. So I guess this is a case of a character finally redeeming themselves?
Indeed he did redeem himself but ever since he saved Yuki, in fact he redeemed himself when he took leadership in saving them from the dogs.
Yavie said:
Yumekichi11 said:
stabbing yourself with a smile and the blood splatter? Oh WTF mindfuck of Yuno alright.
This part was really poorly done in the anime. In the manga they showed Yuno calling Yukki and she was lying in a pool of her own blood. We only got to know what had happened after we saw Akise have a flashback. This allowed readers to think for at least a little while that it really had happened the way she said it had.

Another bad part is that she said that Akise was killing her -- which was also bad. In the manga she said Akise was coming to kill him. What she said in the manga actually served a purpose while what she said in the manga might have actually made Yukki leave his pursuit of 8th to come and try save her.
It could have been but I think the way they made was to show how much of a BITCH she really is. It totally showed her bitchy attitude in terms of deceiving Yuki and faking everything. As much as the manga. In the manga it gave out a different feeling but that is because of the setup. Had they not changed anything, it might have been kept as it was in the manga.
Yavie said:
hmm... why had Akise undone the belt of Yuno's pants as well as the button? she was stabbed in the side of her stomach after all... Ah Akise you perverted hentai! (joke)
I don't think he would do it, maybe he though there was some weapon around? I doubt he would do it though. ROFL.
Yavie said:
Yumekichi11 said:
They removed the picnic part
Sad... It was such a cute scene that helped establish the mentality both Yuno and Yukki had at the time. When Akise betrayed them it had more of an impact since Yukki and Yuno not much earlier had been sitting on a hill finally having a calm loving moment.
Yes, it did help in character forging so to speak.
Yavie said:
Yumekichi11 said:
In conclusion, I am pretty much happy with Akise in general as is.
Of course... but that is because this episode lessened the scenes where he looked more of a villain. (which he somewhat did in the manga) In the manga it wasn't THAT obvious that he was right. (even though he was just lucky in his yandere guess)
I got the feeling in the manga Akise was more mysterious yes but not threatening. Not at all in fact. I always had a feeling he was trying to help Yuki in a mysterious way.
Yavie said:
Yumekichi11 said:
It was a most RAGING episode to me. That being said in general Mirai Nikki continues to impress with its setups and animations of many scenes previously not having impacts such as now when things are animated.
I don't agree with you. This episode WAS better than say ep 21, and certainly ep 20... But to me the manga version was MUCH better. Only Kousaka's scene was better done in the anime.
OK, I agree some setups turned out better with more details such as in this episode but you do know certain manga parts were totally advanced by the anime mainly due to the animation of certain of its parts that made those parts look better than the manga itself could pull out. Some decors are far better too with the colors in the anime. So I can't exactly argue as each has its own strong points but this episode in terms of SFX and impact WAS BETTER THAN THE MANGA TBH.
Yavie said:
To Akise fans however I think the anime version would have more of an impact because like mentioned -- the anime changes things around to make Akise seem more sympathetic than he really is.
Indeed and in that you are right.
Yavie said:
To me however I dislike the anime version because of precisely this. It is to angled/geared towards making Akise look like something he never was. It sacrifices the feel of the whole series in order to let one character shine more.
However I don't see as bad because of the different feel it gave out, Akise was much better and likable. In the manga he was a little stoic so to speak. In the anime he looked more lively TBH.
Yavie said:
Yumekichi11 said:
I envy all who don't give a fuck of those 4 people cause it could have been the easiest episode for you to go through.
Nah, I liked Akise in a way... but he was never that good of a character. In the first place he always seemed out of place because he just showed up randomly and interfered. He was kind of like a yaoi fan service? boy love hooyay!

Maybe if he had actually interacted more with everyone else he would have been better? Maybe if they had made him interact more with Yuno?
Nah, I think it would have been better if they did make more interactions of him with other characters but most of all with Yuki. BL? Sure why not, at least some gays are far far better in relations than some couples TBH.
Yavie said:
Hinata? Well she had big breasts... that was her only redeeming feature I think... Naturally since she had a crush on Yukki she practically would JUMP on the idea that Yuno was bad. So I don't have any sympathy for her. Her "sacrifice" in this episode was actually selfish. She just wanted Yukki for herself and as usual she used Mao's love for her to have he come along.
Her character was funny too you know. Not just the body. She also had some form of courage. Hinata at first was like that with the crush but she changed later on. Of course she always though she was better than Yuno. I for one agree cause she had a better personality and on top of that treated Yuki in a less stressful way for him. Thus he felt more comfortable around her. I don't agree she wanted Yuki for herself. She wanted to make him realize that it's not him but Yuno using him and that the truth is layed out.
Yavie said:
Mao? She was a crazy lesbian yandere but I feel sorry for her more-so than the other four "friends". IN a way she was just a more stable Yuno.
IN regards towards Hinata, yes. Mao in general had a funny personality.
Yavie said:
Kousaka? umm... well he was a joke character. Kind of felt he was put in there as canon fodder and because he had accidentally been given to much screen time for him to die off screen.
ROFL! NO! I think he really was the kick in the ass for Yuki. He bullied him before, he changed and in thee end he was more on Yuki's side and wanted to help him. He was going to not get in his way but that punch was really a wake up call!
Yavie said:
Anyway you really shouldn't rage in your op posts. I think you can rage in your following posts but to rage in the op post kind of is like forcing your will on other readers.
NO! Because being honest never forces anything on anyone. I was just being true to how I felt in this episode and discussions having a honest feelings are sometimes so much better IMO.

Well glad to have replies to you, not often there is fun like with you. Do know they are just IMOs.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Mar 19, 2012 10:12 AM

Aug 2010
Wow, this episode surprised me a lot. I wasn't expecting him to go through his friends like that.
Mar 19, 2012 10:34 AM

Jun 2011
I loved how this episode turned out the producers did a great job with this one
Mar 19, 2012 11:01 AM

Sep 2010
Wow Didnt think I could hate Yuno more than I do now. I hate her character! And im starting to hate Yukkii too.. He is the weakest, most easy manipulated brat ever!!

I have liked this show from episode one, but with the last few episodes and episode 22. I must say Im starting to dislike it.
Yuno is too psycho only going: Yukkii Yukkii! *kill kill kill die die die*
All Yukkii does is cry and feel sorry for himself. Then when when it seems that he can actually think for himself, he goes: Yuno Yuno! *cry cry cry*

Im so frustrated with this series right now....

If anyone is offended by my opinion, dont be!
This is a discussion forum and this is my opinion.

But hell yeah for Akise x Yukkii!
Mar 19, 2012 11:07 AM

Jul 2011
Lot's of deaths.. Akise kissed Yuki.. Yuno insane as ever..
Damn.. Yuki why you become like Yuno.. insane killer.. you make good couple now <3


"A half moon, it has a dark half and a bright half, just like me…", Yuno Gasai
Mar 19, 2012 11:17 AM

Jun 2009
It's pretty obvious that Yuno...

I wonder how much of her story about mistreatment at the hands of her parents is true now...

So mad that yukii killed his friends..why is he so convinced that psycho yuno is telling the truth anyway?

Akise was definitely my fave character, oh well.

What's up w/Murmur? Alot of evil smirking on her part in the last few eps.
kelkenMar 19, 2012 11:21 AM
Mar 19, 2012 11:22 AM

Feb 2009
Yavie said:

Akise really was a bad person making wild guesses. He had absolutely NOTHING to support his premise that Yuno wanted to kill Yukki, hell not even when he realized the thing about the diaries does he have a reason to think this.

Maybe the fact that she tried to kidnap him, kill all his friends etc before may be part of his reasons to assume it.

Yavie said:

At least Yuno's love was putting Yukki in safety.

Yavie said:

Naturally. Despite Yuno and Yukki being something close to villain protagonists here, Akise really IS playing the role of the villain even though the anime is trying to obscure this. Akise was putting all of Yukki's friends in danger out of selfishness. Akise attempted to murder Yukki's girlfriend (whom Yukki really do love) in front of his eyes. Akise is lying to Yukki's friends. Akise was lying to Yukki in order to trick him... and finally Akise's actions was putting the whole world and EVERYONE in it in danger. His ONLY reason to keep 8th safe was so because he wanted to use her both as a sort of trump/blackmail card but also because it gave him the ability to use a cheat-diary and murder Yuno. He wanted to murder Yuno because he was jealous of her and wanted to be with Yukki himself.

Akise -- mastermind villain. :D

Assuming you're not trying to annoy people (I'm saying this because your other posts seemed more balanced), Yuno did all of these and more. You shouldn't make distinctions.
Urufuzu_reinMar 19, 2012 12:51 PM
"This Forest isn't going to reveal all its secrets for the likes of you."
Mar 19, 2012 12:04 PM

Sep 2011
Insane Yuno, oh god. <3
Mar 19, 2012 12:09 PM

Feb 2009
Yarodomo said:

Dude, it looks like you've got some kind of Akise complex, why are you trying so hard though? what's your story?

I'm just trying to bring another view to the table, since I feel that his wasn't that balanced. I'm not sure I'm getting what you're trying to say here. Other posters had the same amount of text in their posts.
You also seem to be a fan of the 'Not contributing in any way whatsoever' stance.
Urufuzu_reinMar 19, 2012 12:12 PM
"This Forest isn't going to reveal all its secrets for the likes of you."
Mar 19, 2012 12:10 PM

Dec 2011
Yuno would never hurt Yukki, right?!?!? O____o
Mar 19, 2012 12:35 PM

Feb 2009
Yarodomo said:

Well it looks to me that you're trying to shove your view down everyone's throat, take it easy bro.

How so? I'm only presenting my view to the person I've quoted. It's painfully obvious since we're both talking about some events not yet found in the adaption.
I'm not the one making unrelated, offhand comments here.
"This Forest isn't going to reveal all its secrets for the likes of you."
Mar 19, 2012 12:38 PM
Mar 2010
I had a feeling something like this would happen (Yuno fucking with Yuki's head and making him off his friends) Ohhhh man, I can't wait til next eppy.


Mar 19, 2012 12:53 PM

Nov 2011
This episode was AMAZING! I did not expect that kiss but wow, was it nice :) Akise was so effed for when he did that though.... Yukiteru was such a b@stard to kill all his friends without thinking...I can't wait until the next episode!
Mar 19, 2012 1:14 PM

Dec 2011
Dang! This is an Akise Aru episode!
We all love Akise in this intense episode!
I can't believe Deus made his will!
But being an apprentice Diary User, he made a nice comeback!

I know that everyone else hate Yuno for killing Akise, but I love her even more!
She is a FUCKIN' GENIUS! She quickly knew the Detective Diary's weakness by manipulating Yuki.
This is why I love Yuno. She knows how to turn things around!

Yuki completely snapped in this episode. We can't blame him though.

And that kiss. I have never been disturbed in my life since I have seen the anime No.6.
But no worries, my score of 10 to Mirai Nikki won't be wavered by this

Now, it is just Yuki and Yuno. I have no idea how this will end!
There are still 4 episodes. I wonder how will they manage to use it?
I have a feeling we will see more of the past of the dead future diary users, which is fine by me.
And I am expecting a grand ending to this intense anime that I love.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 19, 2012 1:21 PM
Oct 2010
holy shit yuuki turning yandere tooo :D holy ufck this was awesome. wtf did his DIARY SAY AT THE ENDDDDD
Dont bother replying to my posts in forums, dont check them afterwards.

Mar 19, 2012 1:36 PM

Jul 2007
Fuck this episode, it was good, but i seriously hated it, All that rage. Fuck Yuno, that bitch should die.
Mar 19, 2012 1:38 PM

Aug 2011
Yarodomo said:

Well it looks to me that you're trying to shove your view down everyone's throat, take it easy bro.

K, wtf. I need to intervene here because this comment has simply left me confounded. Urufuzu_rein is definitely not the one trying to "shove his view down everyone's throat." It's that Yavie guy who started it in the first place. And you say that Urufuzu-rein has an Akise complex? Well look at Yavie's wall of text trying to dissuade Akise fans while putting Yuno on a pedestal. In fact, Urufuzu_rein's comment was extremely rational, and he made an approximation of like, 4 lines. Stop trolling, please.
Mar 19, 2012 1:42 PM

May 2008
Kyo_Kagami said:
Fuck this episode, it was good, but i seriously hated it, All that rage. Fuck Yuno, that bitch should die.


I hate Yuno. I mean I read the chapter where this happens but it doesn't make me cry any less. Akise's my baby and Yuno just..why do so many people even LIKE her? Yes she's badass, but she's bossy, psycho, clingy, controlling, a stalker, and just..everything BAD about a fucking boy obsessed woman. She has no morals except OH I LOVE YUKI. YUKI THIS YUKI THAT.

That's honestly all she has ever had anything based off for her actions.
Unfortunately a friend told me some spoilers so now I have a insight about who she is but it doesn't make me hate her any less.

Mar 19, 2012 1:45 PM

Jan 2011
Kyo_Kagami said:
Fuck this episode, it was good, but i seriously hated it, All that rage. Fuck Yuno, that bitch should die.

I agree, fuck Yuno I hated her since the crazy bitch kinapped Yukiteru.

It was awesome how he pretended to walk away then punched him. Kousaka = boss.

VioLinkMar 19, 2012 1:54 PM
Mar 19, 2012 2:03 PM

Feb 2009
itsvero said:

K, wtf. I need to intervene here because this comment has simply left me confounded. Urufuzu_rein is definitely not the one trying to "shove his view down everyone's throat." It's that Yavie guy who started it in the first place. And you say that Urufuzu-rein has an Akise complex? Well look at Yavie's wall of text trying to dissuade Akise fans while putting Yuno on a pedestal. In fact, Urufuzu_rein's comment was extremely rational, and he made an approximation of like, 4 lines. Stop trolling, please.

I don't think he's purposely trying to dissuade Akise fans (not in his first post, anyway). He's trying to indentify the manga-anime differences. I agree that he's overplaying Yuno's affection and qualities though. It seemed a bit ''unfair'' because of that. That's why I replied to his post.

Also, to make it clear, I don't favor Akise over Yuno (or Yuno over Akise), when it comes to the characters themselves. I used to like Yuno when I was a fan of the Yandere trope. I'm indifferent to her now, since the end of the manga wasn't necessarily satisfying in regards to her character, to me. (And I'm not talking about the turn of events).
I pretty much prefer Minene over the two of them.
"This Forest isn't going to reveal all its secrets for the likes of you."
Mar 19, 2012 2:18 PM

Dec 2010
lol i’m glad i didn’t read the manga,
badly drawn.
Mar 19, 2012 2:34 PM

Jul 2010
Finally Akise is dead i enjoyed it more in the manga without the censor , flying head :D
Mar 19, 2012 2:51 PM
Mar 2011
everyone is dead!


there is still 4 more episodes!!?

i wonder what they will be. cant wait!
"....i am the villain in this story"
Mar 19, 2012 3:09 PM

Feb 2012
Yavie said:

I can't help but wonder how the manga would have played out if Akise had been the one that Yuno fell in love with. Imagine her being yandere for a capable character like him.

There's a manga by the same author called Big Order that has something similar to this principle, only the female is in love with killing him. And before you ask, yes, it's as crazy and insane as this series.

I also love that people who are mad that Yuki shouldn't have listened to Yuno, when they were complaining that he should have listened to her a few episodes ago. Ah, the power of multiple personality disorder. ^_^

Further: Okay, it's probably not the same people, but whatever.
I Write About Anime (and other stuff) At Standing On My Neck
Mar 19, 2012 3:11 PM
Aug 2008
I think I'm the only one cheering for Gasai Yuno :D But she's just an awesome character. She makes the show totally worth watching. And Yukiteru is a real pussy. I don't think he deserves to win. He's so annoying..

But wow, 4 episodes to go. What the hell is going to happen? It already looks like the big finale.
Mar 19, 2012 3:12 PM

Feb 2010
WOW. SO awesome. That episode fucking rocked!

Yuuki killing his friends was mindfuck.

4 more eps!??! How???


ps. Akise is my fave character in the show. RIP stunna!
Mar 19, 2012 3:15 PM

Feb 2009
great epd, I feel sorry for his friends. Yuno is a bitch lol!
Mar 19, 2012 3:16 PM
Aug 2008
Btw I'm wondering why she's got 2 Phones. Maybe because she's got 2 personalities?? oO
Mar 19, 2012 3:26 PM
Nov 2010
i know im wondering that as well but that ep was fucking epic O_O i think deus created two gasai yunos but thats a right off the bat assumption lol. i really wanna see the next ep! x( I WANNA KNOW WHAT HE SAID!!!
Mar 19, 2012 3:30 PM

Dec 2007
itsvero said:
Yarodomo said:

Well it looks to me that you're trying to shove your view down everyone's throat, take it easy bro.

K, wtf. I need to intervene here because this comment has simply left me confounded. Urufuzu_rein is definitely not the one trying to "shove his view down everyone's throat." It's that Yavie guy who started it in the first place. And you say that Urufuzu-rein has an Akise complex? Well look at Yavie's wall of text trying to dissuade Akise fans while putting Yuno on a pedestal. In fact, Urufuzu_rein's comment was extremely rational, and he made an approximation of like, 4 lines. Stop trolling, please.

I think he got confused with quote in quote in quote thing and is talking to the wrong person. xP
Mar 19, 2012 3:35 PM

Oct 2011
I think all this mindfukcs are caused by bitch Mur-Mur. She's rly annoying.
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