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Jul 7, 2008 9:57 AM

Jun 2008
...ok, with CG, anything could happen but that's what we all love about the series right?

honestly i was surprised that shirley died at the end. orange and viletta!! does that mean viletta really genuinely betrays britainnia?

as for rolo killing shirley, well i'm inclined to believe that because rolo is kinda trigger happy unstable person to begin with and i don't really see suzaku being so callous to kill her off like that. well, like i said in the first paragraph, anything could happen. makes it all the more exciting!!
Jul 7, 2008 10:24 AM

Nov 2007
no way would suzaku off her, doesn't fit his character at all. if anything suzaku will have a huge guilt trip that he didn't protect her. I actually do see him and lelouch reconciling in the end, a lot could be solved if they seriously just TALKED.

how can they deal with v.v and their killing gods though? since V.V can't really die, what do you do there?
Jul 7, 2008 10:34 AM

Jun 2007
happy now, shirley haters? now you can go and fuck yourselves because you now know that a character that you think its annoying its death.
She was a fucking main plot in the anime.

new OP ----> i love FLOW
also, it seems like that tower is also a main place for the order(the one that toudou's KMF seems to be attacking in the OP)
anya seems like she will soften to lulu some time soon
no shirley in OP, seems like she really is dead (remembers comment on HnG about OPs)
this OP is on par with the first season's OP IMO
new ED -----> ali project sounds pretty much the same, but it still wins
why do they draw lulu in a shoujo style?, i am starting to hate that... too yaoi oriented (yuck)
shirley has wings, she's lulu's angel?
anyways, the episode was pretty good
kunoichi vs cyborg.... that was a pretty good fight considering it wasnt a mecha fight.
cornellia perfored the kid's head, awesome. also, V.V is lulu's uncle as well? meaning, that lulu MIGHT have a closer relationship with C.C than he thinks?
sayoko got slashed... :(
shirley goes stupid, and jumps... then finds out that lulu has nothing, then she sides with him...
suzaku DOES seem to enjoy being with lulu... after all, he was smiling...
shirley, the wise, has given zaku the last lecture about friendship.... ENJOY IT BASTARD
jeremi..... oranji seems to have finally revealed who he really was, and he seems to have sided with lulu for now, but i still have some suspicion on him..
shirley triggered LOLO's crazymeter, and made him shoot her... whoever could have killed her, i dont know, but rolo does seem to be the one who did it, because he still is gay for lulu, and he doesnt want anybody else to be with him, apparently.
besides that, i am kinda sad shirley died... she was pretty much on lulu's side always... she believed in him.... meh... there goes that love...
now, only possible endings for lulu are
lulu x C.C
lulu x Kallen
lulu x kaguya
lulu x Anya
lulu x LOLO
and for all of you who despise 'zaku
lulu x Zaku
yes, his harem seems to be disappearing.

next epi, oranji seems to be back in a KMF again.'
geass ninjas
cornellia in jail?
V.V goes mad.

also, LOL at lulu keeping stats of his black knight members... intelligence for kallen is below average xD

Jul 7, 2008 10:35 AM

Apr 2008
You know, I really hated Shirley, but I didn't expect them to kill her! Oh well... now I must wait impatiently for the next episode..

Jul 7, 2008 10:48 AM

Jul 2007
Richard_Omega said:

why do they draw lulu in a shoujo style?, i am starting to hate that... too yaoi oriented (yuck)
shirley has wings, she's lulu's angel?

that lulu MIGHT have a closer relationship with C.C than he thinks?

jeremi..... oranji seems to have finally revealed who he really was, and he seems to have sided with lulu for now, but i still have some suspicion on, only possible

lulu x Kallen

Its not "shoujo style" its how most of CLAMP artwork is, its their style, as well as all character designs in show. They spend a lot of time on developing a certain symbolism or expressions too.

yep, shirley has wings BECAUSE she is died, mr obvious ^^"

It was quite clear ever since V.V called Charles as "niisan", about 4 or 5 episodes before :)

Episode 4.33(Picture Drama 5) pretty much sets in stone that he would never betray Marianne's lineage. And that picture drama came out during the first season.

yes. :)
Jul 7, 2008 10:51 AM
Sep 2007
Nooooooooooooo Shirley :(
Jul 7, 2008 10:59 AM

Dec 2007
That was such an emotional episode. I really liked the new opening and ending though. :]
I was NOT expecting Shirley to die and Orange to be on Lulu's side.

I seriously can't stop crying my eyes out. ;O;
Simply an AMAZING episode. <3
Jul 7, 2008 11:10 AM

Dec 2007
well lulu x shirley is out now isn't it?


I love the zoom out for the scream. Always epic.
Jul 7, 2008 11:11 AM
Jul 2018




cyruzJul 7, 2008 12:48 PM
Jul 7, 2008 11:15 AM

Oct 2007
great episode. lots of unexpected things happened. didn't expect them to kill shirley halfway through the season though. sad.

Jul 7, 2008 11:15 AM

Apr 2008
All I have to say is...

Rolo is the man.

Sorry Shirley fans. You'd think with her knowing that Rolo is not Lelouch's real brother, she wouldn't confide in him. Her mistake.

Great episode.

Can't wait for the next one.
Jul 7, 2008 11:15 AM

Jan 2008
i hate you more and more!
Why Shirley? .... I had a good feeling with her regaining memories!

Jul 7, 2008 11:17 AM
Oct 2007
Now I really hate Rolo >.<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jul 7, 2008 12:42 PM

Mar 2007
Lulu's next step: take control of the Cult, and make Shirley a cyborg XP, nice to see the script has changed more dramatic for the better tho, so if VV is an uncle, that makes her Lulu's father-in-law >.<, hopefully we'll see more of this other world before this season is out, I've been wanting to see more of it since R1

Dibs on Ishida!
Jul 7, 2008 12:51 PM

Apr 2008
Shirley ... noooo :( WAs it really Rolo that killed her :S ?? If so, why the hell did he do that :O And what's gonna happen between Rolo and Lulu now !? and between Lulu and Suzaku !? aaaaaahh.... good shit though...
Jul 7, 2008 1:15 PM

Jun 2008
i was completely shocked when shirley died, when the new ending was playing i couldn't even pay attention to it. It was nice but i was just thinking "why did they have to kill her" ?. that bastard rolo needs to be thrown away already like Lulu said he would. he needs to find out it was rolo who killed shirley.
Jul 7, 2008 1:48 PM
Mar 2008
Definately not a fan of Shirley, especially when she was like "I have to tell Suzaku!" *dies* but when she wanted to go to Lulu's side I actually started to like her. . . . . .then she died. . . . . .

it was a cute moment though, when she was dying. . . .sad too D=
Jul 7, 2008 1:51 PM

Oct 2007
not a great episode...the build up from the somewhat pointless episode 12 gets completely ruined by the murder of Shirley. It just seems weird that the last real moments Shirley has is a date with Suzaku.

Hopefully they'll let this create more hatred between Suzaku and Lelouch as he was supposed to protect her.

Also never liked Orange...and now that he's a robot he looks weird and is annoying.
Jul 7, 2008 1:55 PM

Mar 2008
manasteel88 said:
not a great episode...the build up from the somewhat pointless episode 12 gets completely ruined by the murder of Shirley. It just seems weird that the last real moments Shirley has is a date with Suzaku.

i think it's better than if they did the stereotypical full episode drama bullshit that they tend to do when major characters die. i would have liked it better if she was already dead when Lulu found her instead of still alive and able to talk.
Jul 7, 2008 1:56 PM
Jan 2008
I really don't think that it was Rolo who killed Shirley. Think about it for a second, Rolo is a professional assassin that has been killing people since he was a small child. If he wanted Shirley dead, she would be dead. She would be dead by the time Rolo's Geass wore off (see episode three when Rolo kills the man who walks in on him and Viletta). She wouldn't have had the chance to say those last few words to Lelouch (unless she was kept alive as a plot device). Lelouch would have instead walked in on Shirley's dead body. Also, Rolo kills people using the knife that he keeps in his jacket, but Shirley died from a circular puncture wound of some sort, not a slash(reference episode 13 again). I doubt that Rolo would have gone through all of the trouble of shooting her with her own gun and then putting it back in her hand. There is also the fact that Rolo isn't shown killing Shirley (that is always significant when they go for the "he didn't really do it, and it was all a trick" scenario).

All that aside, I thought that it was hilarious when the screen that showed all of the key figures in the Black Knights along with their stats came up. Tamaki in the bottom right hand corner has a total combined score of 40 points (that's 10 points in each category: combat ability, charisma, loyalty, and intelligence). The next worst was 150 points, and that person didn't even have any combat ability.

All in all, I though that this was a pretty good episode (I didn't like Shirley much. I hope she stays dead.)
Jul 7, 2008 2:23 PM

Jul 2008
I think that Suzaku may killed Shirley. Why? He didn't have antigeass therapy by Orange-kun.
1. Rollo stop's Shirley
2. Suzaku see this, and try protect her, Rollo go away.
3. Suzaku and Shirley talk about it and she recognize that she know about Lulu is Zero and still love him and want to protect
4. And now, Suzaku tell that he never forgive Lulu, Shirley aim to him and... Order "Don't die", gived by Lulu geass still work...
=> Suzaku killing Shirley...

PS: i'm really can't believe in this version, but Sunrise&K already have killed Yuphi, now Shirley... They can do anything =(
PS2: sorry for my english =(
E1darJul 7, 2008 2:27 PM
Jul 7, 2008 2:48 PM

Jan 2008
:( I was very sad after watching this episode. I disliked it. :((((((
Jul 7, 2008 3:16 PM

Nov 2007
hopefully that mask metaphor was a single-episode type thing.
Jul 7, 2008 3:23 PM

Apr 2007
Jul 7, 2008 3:35 PM

Apr 2008
GREAT episode.
Shirley's death is heartbreaking.
Especially Lelouch crying. :(

But I never thought I'd see Sayoko and Jeremiah fighting. EVER, lmao.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 7, 2008 3:49 PM

May 2008
Aaa, Shirley was the only girl I liked paired with Lelouch. It's been shown time and again that those two have nice chemistry together, and they clearly care quite deeply about each other.

I want to say that Rollo killed her, because the creaters made it look like that, but I really do have to wonder about Suzaku being AWOL. Shirley shouldn't have mentioned Nunnally in front of Rollo, though xD;

I was also really surprised that Orange-kun wanted to be on Lelouch's side. Good thing he didn't accidently kill him xDD And the maid's sudden ninja skillz was epic.

I really wish Suzaku would let himself forgive Lelouch. Euphie would tell him it was all a mistake. I'd hate for him to do something he'll regret when he finds out it Lelouch never meant to kill her.
Jul 7, 2008 3:56 PM

Dec 2007
Owww :[
They didn't have to kill her :(
I'm not sure Rollo did it ..

And I absolutely didn't see the Orange thing coming o__o
Jul 7, 2008 5:06 PM

Apr 2008
I'm just going to say I hope she isn't dead.
wtfyourface said:
MistaCloudStrife said:
From 100-1000, how much do you love LWL?
OVER 9000!!!
Jul 7, 2008 5:12 PM

Oct 2007
why do I think that Rolo 'might' have not killed Shirley? ^^;
Jul 7, 2008 5:57 PM

Apr 2008
God dang guys....Suzaku in no way in heck killed Shirley...If Suzaku wanted to kill Shirley he would have just let Lelouch go when Shirley was about to fall to his death. Why would he save Shirley at one point and then kill her in the next. The theory that Suzaku killed Shirley makes no sense! Granted I do think its possible that Shirley was killed by someone else...
Jul 7, 2008 5:57 PM

Nov 2007
Well, this was maybe the best episode yet. I hope they can keep this up. The masks were hilarious.
Jul 7, 2008 6:06 PM

Apr 2008
Oh and one more thing....just a small theory of my own...

in the ED the people who have wings behind you think those people are the ones who will die eventually in the series? I mean it would make sense with C.C. since shes "died" so many times in her lifetime. Shirley of course has the wings behind her...what bothers me is if im right then Nunnally might die....oh god if that happened Lelouch would go insane. Also the last picture theres wings behind lelouch and Suzaku but which one of the two will die :)
Jul 7, 2008 6:30 PM

Aug 2007
All I can say is that for some reason i knew that Shirley was going to die in this episode. It seemed obvious. But overall go Orange-Kun go join the Black Knights.
Jul 7, 2008 6:35 PM

Jun 2008
That sucks that she died! She was a main character and was really getting to like her and she was my 2nd favorite character .-cry-. ...Take that back 3rd fave. Although with the technology of the Black Nights they might be able to bring her back to life. Its just depressing that they killed a hot character. Now i wonder who really killed her?

The fact that Orange-kun joined with Lulu is a little conspicuous. He may end up betraying him. But none the less the creators love to pull out great episodes which leave you wanting more.

Hurry up next week I want the next episode!
Signature Here.
Jul 7, 2008 6:39 PM

Nov 2007
mulderman said:
Uhm I think there is a reason we didn't see Rolo kill Shirley people...
They are probably going for the "lol it was someone else scenario" here.
Everything from the expressions Rolo made to the sorta foreshadowing in the previous episodes. It would be too cheap to have Rolo as the killer. For now they just want you to think he did it.

i think it was mr. shorty who killed her and rolo was trying to save her from seeing wuts behind her
Jul 7, 2008 6:44 PM

Jan 2008
Ugh -________- God DAMN IT. Shirley did NOT have to die. What the HELL. After 38 glorious episodes u_u My poor Shirley. I loved her character so much. Seriously, through all the shit that she put up with and every bad thing that happened to her, she glowed. And now she's dead. I was really starting to like Rolo, so I pray it wasn't him. Because I will rage. I'll rage HARD.
Jul 7, 2008 6:48 PM
Jul 2018
Decent episode. They did some things right and other things I thought were poorly executed. It might be for a reason so I'll reserve my judgment on those things.

First, it looks like the writing crew still remembers the promise Lelouch made to CC... doesn't help the inconsistency they've had with that issue, though. This episode also doesn't change the stance I've held this season on how Lelouch has changed into a soft, indecisive hypocrite for no good reason and fully supports my point that Lelouch is really split between accepting his solitude and wanting someone that will heal his loneliness.

And for the entire thing with Orange... well, I'll reserve my judgment on this. At first glance, it's becoming increasingly odd how so many people have such out-of-the-blue roles in Marianne's death. First, Cornelia was the guard attending to Marianne at the time and now Orange is also a guard attending to Marianne? Whether or not it's intentional and whether or not it's the product of a large plot element (like the Emperor manipulating memories to fabricate the details of Marianne's death to set up the current state of things), it's still rather forced and involves too much coincidence for my tastes.

What I will say is if it was indeed the result of a larger scheme involving the Emperor's Geass, then the memories would've had to be returned to normal when Orange used his Geass-canceler so really, the situation is either a bit deus ex machina and forced or just lacking consistency.

I was hoping that it was just a story Orange made up on the spot to get Lelouch to fold and that he would kick Lelouch's ass when he turned off the Sakuradite inhibitor but that didn't happen.

As for Shirley, well, I fully expected it but wasn't incredibly satisfied with it. I was thinking that after the last episode, Shirley was literally flagged for death. Tons of signs pointed to the truth that Shirley was being set up for her death. I was about to post there that despite how angry the Shirley haters were after episode 12, I fully expected them to be happy very soon because I thought she would be the first to die... I just didn't expect her to die the next episode. I figured they'd do more with her after she got her memories back.

I like how they're not hesitant to do something a bit more bold with the story (finally returning more to season 1) but the entire process was very conventional. Shirley was really a second-string support character that never had a huge influence on the main plot until now. The way they treated and exaggerated her death, it would seem she's much more important than the entirety of CG set her up to be.

The last thing that concerns me a bit is the pairing of Orange's geass-canceler and Lelouch's geass. So now, Lelouch basically has infinite use geass...
removed-userJul 7, 2008 7:05 PM
Jul 7, 2008 6:50 PM

Nov 2007
either way ROLO IS A MOTHER F@#$ING B@#$%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i NEVER liked him. where the hell was kallen, getting assraped in her cell? cuz they make her tied up in a very sexual way haha freakin panning on her opened legs n shit. oh and WTF shirley was annoying as hell but she didnt need to get pwnt like that. poor lulu... but thats wut she gets for not staying behind. orenji is gg.... lol if he gets in a mech and a massive canceller on mech's arms hits his mech hes f!@#ed too. oh man that scene was so freakin sad tho when he kept geassing "dont die" i swear to god when her blood spilled out i thought it was her wound closing from geass LOL was like WTF?!??! oh and with my previous comment i think it was v.v. cuz they dont get affected by geasses cuz they granted them -_-;
Jul 7, 2008 7:33 PM

Jun 2007
poor shirley ;.;
Rolo, congratulations, you are the first and only character I hate from CG D:
I didnt like the begining with shirley being scared, but definetly liked when she changed her attitude and decided to help lulu -loved that<3- I was hoping of seeing more of shirley helping lulu but why ;.;
if.. ughhh rolo >.< I hope he gets what he deserves really soon...

anyway, orange-kun :D I didnt expect him to be part of the mariane-conspiracy and join lulu, specially afterall he did to kill him... I was waiting for him to attack lulu when he had the chance and someone (suzaku, rolo, shirley<=) stopping him, but since he didnt I dont think he wil betray lulu...

again... rolo hate. shirley ;.;
Jul 7, 2008 7:35 PM

May 2007

I'm sorry, but I disliked Shirley's character from the very first or second episode. I tend to hate all those character that are blindly in love with the main male character without no freaking reason. Her "last speech" reminded me so much of Orihime's "five lifetimes, one love" speech, I was just so happy when she finally shut up and died. I'm sorry but I'm serious - her character was really annoying me.

Anyway, now that the annoyance is gone, they can focus on more kickass girls like Kallen and C.C. hoepfully.

ALSO, yay for Orenji-kun. Although I would prefer he would stay evil... I'm glad he's in for the story and the plot. ^^

Jul 7, 2008 8:04 PM

Jan 2008
OMG SHIRLEY NOOO oh well i didn't like her that much anyway... yeaaa lelou use jeremiah like u use rolo !!! and omg how could rolo!!! ><
Jul 7, 2008 8:37 PM
Sep 2007
T_T nooo..shirley dying!!!! it's sad for Lelouch, but it makes the series more likable or should I say "realistic?"

I didn't expect Jeremiah would be on Lelouch's side after all. Then why did he have to attack who he think is in Lelouch's side?

Oh, well...I'm loving this series more and more...

Jul 7, 2008 9:14 PM

Jan 2008
OMFG! I can't believe they killed off Shirley! Ya, she may be annoying for the most part, but not enough to kill her! If it really was Rolo, then I hope Lulu gets his revenge! This may be my favourite episode yet, it had the same vibe as the first season did. I don't really like the new opening, but I love the new ending theme! The next episode looks like it's going to be depressing, but I still can't wait!
Jul 7, 2008 9:15 PM

Jul 2007
Score: 9->1

This ep. kills the show for me.
Rolo deserves a horrible death, and the story writer a new job.
KotoriJul 7, 2008 9:18 PM
Jul 7, 2008 9:43 PM

Nov 2007
the orange being mariannes bodyguard actually isn't new

as it goes back to here, interesting as I didn't see the extras. seems orange is legit. I'm kinda getting a vibe from him as I did from Diethard in early season 1 when he joined the black knights. an outside brittanian that isn't very trustworthy but looks up to zero and wants to help.
Jul 7, 2008 10:13 PM

Jul 2007
From the time we saw Shirley's blood soaked body on the ground to about 5 mins after the EP ended, i sat and stared at my computer with my hands over my mouth and a shocked look on my face. I can not believe that they killed off Shirley. It doesn't make any sense.....yet it does make sense. Every female that Lelouch gets emotionally attached to has had bad luck...

His mother - killed
Nunnally - kidnapped, then let go?? i don't think we're done with her...
CC - killed several times, good thing she is immortal, or something close to it...
Euphie - killed (yea, Zero pulled the trigger, but still)
Shirley - killed
Kallen - ????? - who knows...

what will be interesting to see is how this'll affect Lelouch. He did, after all, put her in Suzuka's care, and we see how that worked out. I doubt he will think Rollo did it. But then, one of the best things about Code Geass is that they keep you guessing, just when u are sure that you have it figured out, they throw another curveball at Orange-kun goin from a major problem into an awesome ally, no one saw that coming....

I can't wait for the next one!!!
Jul 7, 2008 10:16 PM

Jan 2008
Can you say tears in my eyes when Shirley was lying there

Jul 7, 2008 10:18 PM

Jul 2007
Kookie said:
Can you say tears in my eyes when Shirley was lying there

I came close.
Jul 7, 2008 11:27 PM
Jun 2008
looks like britainia is going to use the guren against the black nights
Jul 8, 2008 12:27 AM

Aug 2007
Resistance said:
Kookie said:
Can you say tears in my eyes when Shirley was lying there

I came close.

I was more pissed off myself, god damn it.
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