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Jul 6, 2008 11:28 PM
Jul 2007
elc1247 said:
Wow... I cant believe they killed off a main character in such a fashion... so sad, and shocking as well... I wonder what Lelouch is going to do when he finds out that Rolo is a freak... but that was some epic episode, cant wait till the next...

They didn't kill of any main characters. Shirley is far from a main character, she was important for 1 or 2 episodes in season one then she vanished and now she gets to be important for 1 episode in R2 then dies.

Jul 6, 2008 11:38 PM

Apr 2008
She was one of the only characters in the beginning....heck the first(?) character to find out that Lelouch is Zero of course she was one of the main characters.
This episode made me very so many things I did not expect....I can't believe she DIED! Oh and OP and ED are both great! Definently my favorite episode of R2 so far.
Jul 6, 2008 11:50 PM

Feb 2008
Alpha_522 said:
well said fai :D

anyway, shirley is x_x before nina? thats messed up -______________-

agreed, Nina needs to die..she pisses me off.
Jul 6, 2008 11:52 PM
Jan 2008
man i liked this ep
it wasn't as dramatic as i thought it would be liked when epuhie went nuts and killed the japanese but it was a death that was right for her can't wait until nexts weeks ep
Jul 7, 2008 12:08 AM
May 2008
Well great episode. Liked the new OP and loved the new ED, at least the artwork. (great pictures especially the last two)
So now Orange is on Lelouch's side. I'm kinda half expecting him to be a traitor though it would completely fit with his character to have switched sides truly.
But he opens countless possibilities. Canceling Suzaku's Geass for one (if he didn't already, remember end ep12) and then Lelouch could geass him again. Now that's a thought that needs further consideration. And all the other characters who were geassed once (Kallen, Viletta etc.).

And then Shirley died. Saw this coming cause she wasn't in the opening but still. I didn't really like her but she got better in this episode, opening Suzaku's eyes and all to forgiving Lelou. How will Lelouch react to Suzaku who was supposed to protect her and how will Suzaku act towards Lelouch.

And then there is Ougi/Viletta. Don't know what's happening there.

And no Kallen this episode. I hope she doesn't switch sides with Nunally talking to her and the whole background in S1 where Suzaku tried to get her to join them.

lolkhai said:
I don't know why, but watching the new OP gives me the feeling that Lelouch and Schneizel are gonna end up fighting together against the cult and Charles.

I hope! I actually like Schneizel though he apparently can be a manipulative bastard. Now if we could get Schneizel without more Nina that would be even better. Still I think it's far more likely that Cornelia will join up with Lelou even though he killed Euphemia. I kinda have this suspicion that V.V. had something to do this with this "convenient" strengthening of Lelou's Geass. Best would be if they all got together. Ah, children against father and the other stupid cruel children.

Well I can't wait for the next episode
Jul 7, 2008 12:08 AM

Apr 2008
Naison said:
Alpha_522 said:
well said fai :D

anyway, shirley is x_x before nina? thats messed up -______________-

agreed, Nina needs to die..she pisses me off.

Yeah, she needs to die.
Jul 7, 2008 12:14 AM
Jun 2008
all i can say is wow...diddnt see that coming...
Jul 7, 2008 12:30 AM

Nov 2007
i don't why people hate school days episodes there the best~

NOOOO SHIRLEY ;_____________;

but i can see Rolo did it :/ get over yourself Rolo

i love the new opening <3 i want it noooow
Jul 7, 2008 1:03 AM

Dec 2007
Great episode. Didn't expect Orange to join forces with Lelouch, and Shirly dies ? :O
Okay Rollo really needs to get rid of his current attitude. He's just being pathetic.
Jul 7, 2008 1:12 AM

Dec 2007
evangelion2727 said:

Lelouch quick bang her dead body while it is warm........

That was exactly what I was thinking.
Jul 7, 2008 1:14 AM

Sep 2007
AWESOME EPISODE!!!!! *___* Shirley.. .__. I want to believe the Orange-kun confession >_< MISSING C.C. -_- and HATING ROLO & V.V. ¬¬

NEEDS MORE KALLEN!!! and her comeback with Lulu not staying with Nunally <_<

Jul 7, 2008 1:39 AM

Jan 2008
Amazing episode. Things seem like they will definitely start getting interesting. I'm glad though that if someone died off, it was her. If CC or Kallen died...i dont even know what i would do. Cant wait for next week.

Jul 7, 2008 1:46 AM
Dec 2007
Best episode in both seasons imo. Great plot twists and the new OP is really great too. Hope the series continues like that till the end now !

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Jul 7, 2008 1:50 AM

Jun 2008
Aaah, finally, great episode indeed...Shirley is finally gone, I couldn't stand her. Nice Orenji, finally he has something to say to us. I love Sayoko, she's awesome xD but my love for C.C. still live.

It seems that the first 13 episodes was a strange joke, now I hope it will continue in this way, can't wait for next one.
Jul 7, 2008 1:59 AM

Dec 2007
why did they kill her, whyyy

Sumeragi Kururu - Pledge Queen of Tool Toul To

Jul 7, 2008 2:04 AM
Jul 2007
wow v.v is cornilias uncle ahaha thought she was a girl
Jul 7, 2008 2:45 AM

Feb 2008
M_A said:
i guess im one of the few who didnt care about Shirley at all. im happy the creators finally took a risk and killed a character.

Pretty much my thoughts.

I like new ED (since I love Ali Project), but there's something about OP that makes me sleepy. O2 was better, IMO.

Nice to see Orange joining Lulu's side, and Villetta and Oghi conversing. (((:
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Jul 7, 2008 2:53 AM

Apr 2008
I cried.
That was probably one of the saddest death speeches I've ever heard.
And Rolo is still awesome in my eyes.
I wonder if Suzuaku will forgive Lulu.
And Orenji, I love you!
I'm glad he's on the good side. :]]
Jul 7, 2008 3:38 AM

Sep 2007
DayToDie said:
They didn't kill of any main characters. Shirley is far from a main character, she was important for 1 or 2 episodes in season one then she vanished and now she gets to be important for 1 episode in R2 then dies.

Shirley was a main character in season one, but she is secondary for now.

Hell, quite a bit of important plot devices are in regards to her, so, killing her off does hold important impact to the plot.

I also agree with what was previously stated. I think the important note to make here is that we never saw WHO killed her. She didn't say anything, which is stupid I think. You know damn well if I was dying and someone was talking to me, I'd yell out the name of the killer.

Shirley's killer will probably be a major plot point in the final six or so episodes.

Its obvious they want us to believe it was Rolo. I really don't like the character, but I don't see him was the killer, either.

My scenario is that someone over heard her speech and killed her, during which Rolo tried to escape and was pursued.

This series never ceases to throw out those amazing moments, though.

I honestly didn't see the thing with Jeremiah coming. Although I was aware of how he felt about the past situation, I didn't think that would be of great as importance as it was. It'll be interesting to see how this works out now that Lelouch can use Geass on people more than once if Jeremiah cancels the first one out.
Jul 7, 2008 3:49 AM

Jul 2007
gdavge2003 said:
Fai said:
mxchael said:
mulderman said:
Uhm I think there is a reason we didn't see Rolo kill Shirley people...
They are probably going for the "lol it was someone else scenario" here.
Everything from the expressions Rolo made to the sorta foreshadowing in the previous episodes. It would be too cheap to have Rolo as the killer. For now they just want you to think he did it.

Still, the murder fits perfect in his character. I do believe it was him, but not for the reason most people would think.
And for Orange-kun, it's a little naief for Lelouch to believe he switches sides so easly, the smile he made when Lelouch deactivated the Gefjun disturber and what happens with his eye really give me the chills.

Go watch Episode perfectly explains on why Jeremiah did what he did this episode. What happens with his eye is that it powers up - IMHO Jeremiah was bleeding because all the cyborg parts turned ooff, including his eye - thus taht "spark" was his eye and cyborg parts coming back to life again.

And yes, It was Rollo who did that to Shirley >_>

Totally agree. Rolo would be the kinda guy who takes all sorts of precautions and kills people. His facial expression right after Shirley says those last words shows just what he's thinking: Shirley might be a potential leak and must be killed to maintain Zero's secrecy and blah blah blah. Other then that... NOOOO I HATE YOU ROLO WHY!?? Shirely was AWESOME!! And she totally forgave Lelouch too! She would have been a great sidekick. I hope Lelouch's geass really worked, and that when she closed her eyes, she was just unconscious. But judging by Lelouch's "AAAAH!!!!" that's probably not the case. Who knows though, we all thought Orange-kun died at least 3 times during 1st season and look, he's back.

Speaking of Orange-kun, when Lelouch turned off the machines and rushed to him, I really thought he was gonna just go "Psych!" and stab Lelouch or something, lol. I don't trust him... seems like he's going to be an infiltrator who will still be working for the Order.

All in all, a great episode. But Shirley dies =[

Exactly what I was thinking! And not only Orange-kun faked death, but also Suzaku and C.C had similar scene's like this one in the first season, the next episode they appear to be still alive. But honestly I also don't think that's the case this time.
Jul 7, 2008 4:07 AM
Review Moderator

Jun 2007
Rolo is such a an idiot ><
And I don't think it was made like that to think he's the murderer ~ He just got pissed with Nunally and decided to kill her so he could stay with Lelouch more ~
But again he does know how much Lelouch treasures her so there is the possibility he didn't do it but if he saw someone else coming at her why didn't he use his Geass ?
I don't really like him but I don't want him to be her killer . It's just that he's impulsive kinda T_T

Shirley had a strange personality with everything happening to her but she didn't deserve to die like that ~ Now that finally she got her memories back and dealt with her feelings ;_; Though I don't think she would have any other perfect moment like that to die .

Poor Lelouch , he just can't solve any problem and in every epi more are coming *sighs*
I admire his mental strength ~
Jul 7, 2008 4:10 AM

Sep 2007
Woah, so Shirley really died eh? She got on my nerves a few times, but she was the last one I wanted to die :/

As I read the spoilers, I thought Jeremiah's loyality to Lelouch must be fake... but now I'm not that sure yet...

Can't wait for more!

Edit: Hooray for Ali Project ED <3

Jul 7, 2008 4:21 AM

Nov 2007
Yay finally! An episode that r0x , She died She died!... but uhm ,wtf @ orange kun?
Jul 7, 2008 5:13 AM

Feb 2008
what an eventful great episode! even though i don't like the lelouchxshirley pairing but i am sad that she the killer really rollo? it is not shown that it is rollo that did it though. orange turning into lelouch's ally, it is such an awesome twist! wow!!

Jul 7, 2008 5:16 AM
Nov 2007
Some people really don't like that they killed off Shirley! One guy has been posting threats of going on a killing rampage in Akiba because of it:
Jul 7, 2008 5:36 AM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
rarri said:
evangelion2727 said:
Lelouch quick bang her dead body while it is warm........
That was exactly what I was thinking.

Definitely shows your maturity level. Thanks for putting it on display here.
Jul 7, 2008 5:45 AM

Oct 2007
OMFG this episode rocked ....
first of all ... orange-kun ... cant wait to see him in action on Zero's side :D
second ... rolo is going to die in FLAMES ... hate that MAL does not have a worst characters top 5 ... he would definetly hit #1 ... i just hate that shirley died :((( ... but this way she kinda got in like top 15 of my favorite female chars ... its true that u apreciate them more after they die ... but she didnt had to die :(((
Now i just cant wait for the next episodes ...
Jul 7, 2008 5:59 AM

Mar 2008
D: Poor Orange! Although I'm not ready to trust him yet.

Devoed about Shirley, for a moment there I thought it was gonna turn into some zombie shit.
Jul 7, 2008 6:02 AM

Jun 2008
I dont like the new OP the older was much better. This one doesnt have enough power!!! But the animations pretty good.
Ahhhhhhhhh! I was developing such a love for Shirley!! why o why!!!
Yeah Rolo sucks ass...
I like the clamp pictures
And Suzaku shouldnt wear those glasses, they dont fit him..
Kirameite, yurameite, aoki yumi, maihanatsu, hana mo-e yu-kuuu!!!
Jul 7, 2008 6:10 AM

Oct 2007
This turned out to be a very eventful episode and the highlight of it was the fight between Jeremiah & Sayoko. However there were so many sudden things that occurred that just didn’t make sense: Shirley & Jeremiah’s sudden change of heart, Viletta betraying Jeremiah and so on. But at least one thing that made sense was Rollo killing Shirley. ^_^
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Jul 7, 2008 6:31 AM
May 2008
New-OP~Nice! I re-watched it lol. Err space battles? Hope this doesn't become Gundam
New ED~Same Old, Same Old
Poor Shirley
Poor Orange
Damn Rolo
Jul 7, 2008 6:43 AM
May 2008
evangelion2727 said:
Lelouch quick bang her dead body while it is warm........

disgusting? yes, i think it is...

an episode with no c.c, no kallen. WTF!? NO C.C.? wow, it's hard to understand what writers are thinking :P and cornelia rocks with her new hairstyle, would like to see her more. and sayoko rocks, totally. to be able to jump around and throw kicks around with a dress like that, that's impressive.

also it's very interesting why viletta still hasn't betrayed lelouch. doubting her loyalty to the freedom of japan, i guess it's just for õgi, and her unconfessed feelings towards him (eventhough everyone but those two are aware of it :D )

and about two major events of the week (maybe even of the R2), yes, shirley was sure looking for trouble when she got into the building. i heard spoilers of her death, but i refused to believe it. so yes, it was a total shock to me, and a completely unnecessary turn of events. come on, she didn't need to die. oh, and why lelouch did not ask who shot/stabbed/whatever her? stupid... (well, i'm pretty sure it's rolo. that little crazed gunman. i just have doubts about his motivations. did he got berserk after shirley mentioning nunnaly, or was he just trying to shirley who learned about lelouch and zero. either way, i'll hate him till it's proven that it was not him who killed shirley. not likely, though...) and what makes people think that suzaku may be the killer? he, who is a paladin with wrong motivations, would never do such a thing.

orange-kun on zero's side? THAT was unexpected, well mainly because i have not watched specials yet. however, once i read comments of those who watched them, i got pretty convinced that his loyalty is true. just how will v.v. and cult will act? i think he needs to be killed (again XD) because right now he's quite powerful and teaming with lelouch, they can singlehandedly defeat charles XD and now with entrance of orange-kun (does anybody call that man jeremiah?) series taken it's route from politics and global affairs of superpowers to the more mystical path of geass granters, and those bird-like shapes, crowds with that shapes on their forehead etc etc. great! just like the end of s1. (btw, v.v. once called charles brother right? guess that was not just an act of sincerity >.> )

as progress till now shows, i guess we can expect a r3. there's still too much to be answered.
Jul 7, 2008 6:48 AM
May 2008
Its probably Rolo because Shirley reminded Rolo that Nunally was Lelouch's true sibling and he became godamn crazy like we saw earlier at the start of R2
Jul 7, 2008 6:55 AM

Nov 2007
OMFG SHIRLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LELOUCH ;__; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ROLO!? UI$QIEwuxdajckhrviqfcn*$oavufcrfna$uaciqmntyuvaqi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jul 7, 2008 7:08 AM

Jul 2007
it was so sad when Shirley died T_____T
what she said, and Lelouch's tears made me cry super hard
Jul 7, 2008 7:12 AM

Jun 2007
My friend told that Suzaku's next "fight" with lulu can be interesting..

"You killed Euphemia!"
"And you let Shirley die!"

Think about it, lulu gave Shirley in Suzaku's hands and he left her.

Rolo you ***** :X

And I think next episode we will bring us Geass information :3

Jul 7, 2008 7:20 AM

Apr 2007
Bye Shirley! I won't miss you at all!

Powerful episode. Can't wait 'till the next one. And finally Orange is relevant!

evangelion2727 said:
Lelouch quick bang her dead body while it is warm........

Wow I did not need to read that.
Jul 7, 2008 7:20 AM

Oct 2007
New OP was ok... just the fact that I have to see Nina now in it everytime I watch a new ep is a mood killer =/

Either way a great, sooo many plot twists, but Shirley's death was soo random to me... didn't expect that lol... T.T

*Wants to see more ninja action* =)
Sink... into Darkness!
Jul 7, 2008 7:33 AM

Nov 2007
damn... I hate Rollo >< Both him and Nina should die! they have scary faces o.O

All hail orenji-kun!

Jul 7, 2008 7:50 AM

Oct 2007
well, Lelouch was planning on throwing Rolo away in the first place, he will probably be surprised at first that rolo killed shirley, but he won't hesitate to kill him.
Jul 7, 2008 7:50 AM

Nov 2007
the OP was awesome!, and man i'm tired of ALI PROJECT now >.< their style is redundant.

And WTF my love for sayoko has increased on this episode.
Jul 7, 2008 8:40 AM

Apr 2008
kawaiimisato said:
Amazing episode. Things seem like they will definitely start getting interesting. I'm glad though that if someone died off, it was her. If CC or Kallen died...i dont even know what i would do. Cant wait for next week.

Well i think they just calculated who they could kill of lelouch's girls to get more drama without making to much of an change, and well C.C has her mystery and immortality etc. (about that wonder if lelouch loses his geass if she dies) and kallen her giant fanbase and shes an mech pilot and pretty central in the series meanwhile shirley was just an (atleast now) minor character in love with lelouch she had not much of an fanbase and well her story was covered already (even though it was pretty much covered fully this episode with her choice to support and such) and that made her expendable and she probably whouldnt have had much more use in the show and with her death at least they get some more pain for lelouch, and that there is one less to compete for lelouch now^^;,+ now they have an reason for lelouch to kill rolo except for the "you stole nunnaly's identity" making him more without them getting flamed with "poor rolo, betrayed by his beloved nii-san". Now everyone wants him dead it seems;)
Jul 7, 2008 8:52 AM

May 2007
I didn't like this new OP. Orange Range was much better.

Anyway, great episode. Very emotional at the end with Shirley's death - didn't see that coming, to be honest, but it does make sense. Lelouch needed another kick in the ass to become ruthless and this is definitely going to be it.

Now its going to be interesting to see what happens. Orange (I forget his name) swore his allegiance to Lelouch, but with his Geass Cancellor, will be backstab Lelocuh? Rolo is fucking bastard too. I can't believe he reacted as so just by hearing Nunnally's name.
Jul 7, 2008 8:53 AM
Jul 2008
Has anyone noticed something in the OP?
Jul 7, 2008 9:03 AM

Oct 2007
Oh no, Shirley died! The tragedy! :-(
Jul 7, 2008 9:06 AM
Jul 2008
Sutiivu said:
I really hope Orange uses that Geass canceler to end Suzaku's "live" command.

Jul 7, 2008 9:13 AM

Aug 2007
Thank God. No more Shirley. The most annoying character in the series.
Jul 7, 2008 9:16 AM

Feb 2008
lol i dunno i liked shirley....

btw there is a possibility that suzaku killed her, as retribution for him killing his woman hahahah

hmm that conversation they had together after they save her, wouldn't it reveal to suzaku that lulu had regained his memories? the stuff they talked about were not the things he was suppose to remember in relation to shirley.
Jul 7, 2008 9:37 AM

Jun 2008
i have a feeling that shirley isn't dead
Jul 7, 2008 9:37 AM
Apr 2008
mulderman said:
Uhm I think there is a reason we didn't see Rolo kill Shirley people...
They are probably going for the "lol it was someone else scenario" here.
Everything from the expressions Rolo made to the sorta foreshadowing in the previous episodes. It would be too cheap to have Rolo as the killer. For now they just want you to think he did it.
mulderman said:
Uhm I think there is a reason we didn't see Rolo kill Shirley people...
They are probably going for the "lol it was someone else scenario" here.
Everything from the expressions Rolo made to the sorta foreshadowing in the previous episodes. It would be too cheap to have Rolo as the killer. For now they just want you to think he did it.
I agree they probably are gonna have Suzaku come out as the killer. WTF why doesn't annoying characters like NINA die instead of shirley.
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