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Feb 27, 2012 9:02 PM

Dec 2010
Ahri said:
InfiniteDestiny said:
Awesome episode is awesome, so the truth is finally revealed; Kaito is a boss and Ichika crying :(. I really hope she doesn't have a guilt trip over this because it wasn't even her fault just bad luck; and Kaito even said before that he wouldn't mind befriending a alien,this show just keeps getting better; hopefully when all is said and done we have a good ending with Kaito x Ichika; at least Kanna realized this episode that unless Ichika leaves her chances are practically zero, don't dislike Kanna but still want her to lose.

Kanna should go visit another planet to find her boyfriend and gtfo earth :D

Maybe she could use Ichika's ship so Ichika can stay on earth with Kaito :P; since i'm fairly sure that ship we saw at the end of the last episode was the robot coming to earth not Ichika's ship leaving.
Feb 27, 2012 9:03 PM

Jan 2012
exs120 said:
Sieye said:
Team Kanna suffering another loss. :( One would hope for a different ending but a IchikaxKaito is a pretty much sure thing.

But I agree, also like Kanna's character. For some reason Ichika kind of annoys me.

I'd say 3 GOOD things happened for Team Kanna (which is 3 more than the previous 3-4 episodes):
1. Kaito questioned Testurou's words, but now he seems to have at least noticed that Kanna MIGHT like him. He's just too dense to notice without her spelling it out for him.
Exhibit A: filming during the matsuri scenes, he points the camera at Kanna at least once. All the Kanna haters are just gonna say that Remon told him to do it though.
Exhibit B: test of courage scene, he assumes that Kanna is going to confess, which leads to...
2. She has yet to be rejected! Kanna is as dense as Kaito when it comes to cues, and won't give up until he flat out says NO, which may never happen.
3. I would assume the cast now knows Ichika is an alien. This opens up possible doors in future episodes if Alien Girl has to leave.

The ship has many holes in it's sails, but it still floats. Keep on fighting. MARU!

He assumes she's going to confess so he was preparing himself to reject her. I saw the strain.
Feb 27, 2012 9:21 PM
Jan 2012
Ahri said:
exs120 said:
Sieye said:
Team Kanna suffering another loss. :( One would hope for a different ending but a IchikaxKaito is a pretty much sure thing.

But I agree, also like Kanna's character. For some reason Ichika kind of annoys me.

I'd say 3 GOOD things happened for Team Kanna (which is 3 more than the previous 3-4 episodes):
1. Kaito questioned Testurou's words, but now he seems to have at least noticed that Kanna MIGHT like him. He's just too dense to notice without her spelling it out for him.
Exhibit A: filming during the matsuri scenes, he points the camera at Kanna at least once. All the Kanna haters are just gonna say that Remon told him to do it though.
Exhibit B: test of courage scene, he assumes that Kanna is going to confess, which leads to...
2. She has yet to be rejected! Kanna is as dense as Kaito when it comes to cues, and won't give up until he flat out says NO, which may never happen.
3. I would assume the cast now knows Ichika is an alien. This opens up possible doors in future episodes if Alien Girl has to leave.

The ship has many holes in it's sails, but it still floats. Keep on fighting. MARU!

He assumes she's going to confess so he was preparing himself to reject her. I saw the strain.

And he probably will. The fact that he hasn't is what leaves the remote possibility. Like I said, Kanna is as dense as Kaito, and won't give up until he says to. The revelation of Ichika as an alien could possibly make Kanna fight even harder.

Although she is fighting what appears to be a losing battle now, we might be in for a surprise. But probably not...
Feb 27, 2012 9:24 PM

Jan 2011
Damn another Vonderful episode just who are you REMON?! first time i've seen her phazed and she was the first to leave when the crash happened really can't wait till i find out ,and i guess Ichika can't hide it anymore...and Kaito you lost some and gain some points with me with trying to stand and fight even though you ended up dying again lol.
Feb 27, 2012 9:28 PM
Jun 2009
She's Manami, not Nanami. But who cares? :)

Ahri said:

Also, i don't see why people are praising the Mio x Tetsuro scene as if it's the end all to Tetsuro x Kanna. Just because you accidentally kiss someone doesn't mean a thing. Before the trip to the beach, he didn't think of Mio like that.....No doubt he'd still have mixed feelings if any at all about the whole thing. Mio even acknowledged that she knows he'd rather have done the test with Kanna. He's just too nice of a person to let her dwell on that and he let her enjoy herself for the time being. He didn't expect that to happen.

If anything it'll just make Testuro more awkward around Mio, because he knows he doesn't exactly feel that way towards her, and she's expecting something to happen. What i think is going to happen is, Kanna will be upset in the coming episodes because she knows she has no chance with Kaito, and Tetsuro comes to console her, there he tells her how he feels....What happens beyond that is hard to say. Mio will probably end up feeling depressed over this, however she'll be happy too that things are finally starting to come out. I have a feeling that Tetsuro was about to tell Kanna his feelings, but the blabber mouth wouldn't shut the....well you get the picture.

I have to agree. Unfortunately, it seems he loves Kanna as much as Mio loves him. Maybe in the end we will have only one couple and a bunch of broken hearts. I still have some hope on Tetsuro/Mio though. They are perfect together…
Feb 27, 2012 9:30 PM

Sep 2011
I didn't think the fact she was an alien would be revealed until the end-ish.
Feb 27, 2012 10:07 PM

Oct 2011
wow this episode was unbelivably EPIC awsome and drama filled ,u cant even sumerize it ,it raised my ranking ove the overallll show to an 8/10!~
Feb 27, 2012 10:19 PM

Feb 2012
I'm beginning to think that Ichika will eventually have to go home :/
I don't know if Kaito will go with her, but I think the show would be way more beautifully sad if Kaito and Ichika said their farewells imo

And like the ending of Ano hana, I feel like the pairings will be very vague. I feel like the writers know better than to do something ridiculous as ending the show on a "let's get married" sort of note. The show, although it has it's sci-fi aspects, has believable characters. I don't think everyone will start dating at the end lol
Feb 27, 2012 10:37 PM

Dec 2011
EAT IT KANNA!!! she tried to be all beast, but im pretty sure kaito made it obvious who he wanted to be with

and mio and tetsurou kiss = WIN

so now it all comes out that ichika is an ALIEN. i cant wait to see how things end up, and the way she kept telling kaito "im sorry" after reviving him seemed kind of ominous :S

<img src="" />
Feb 27, 2012 10:39 PM

Feb 2012
wilcruz2 said:
EAT IT KANNA!!! she tried to be all beast, but im pretty sure kaito made it obvious who he wanted to be with

and mio and tetsurou kiss = WIN

so now it all comes out that ichika is an ALIEN. i cant wait to see how things end up, and the way she kept telling kaito "im sorry" after reviving him seemed kind of ominous :S

she kinda already killed him once, so it's like...damn, sorry for killing you twice!
Feb 27, 2012 10:46 PM

Jan 2010
That was fantastic! Great music for the fight scene. I feel bad for Kanna, but it was bound to happen eventually. Waiting for next week is gonna be even more difficult. -_-;
Feb 27, 2012 11:03 PM

Nov 2008
jimjameswhatever said:
[she kinda already killed him once, so it's like...damn, sorry for killing you twice!

Well Im not sure id say killed... more like severally injured.. And the second time was entirely Kaito's choice to intervene in said manner she simply feels guilty as hell over not explaining things after she knew that he would react positively or at least not negatively towards her being a 'half alien' (forgive me for saying half but im working off the Onegai series as there are to many similarities not too)

So its more or less leaning heavily for TetsurouxMio and KaitoxIchika is obvious so will she still like the onegai route or other routes or will she go either way I don't really foresee Kanna obtaining Kaito.. so *shrug* one of those all or nothings for him and her depending on Ichikas (or others as we know from this series and onegai's ) choices.

Personally im hoping for a more She stays and finds her Lake and is happy with Kaito and her friends and can do as she pleases.

But either way the Route Endu~ is coming up quick we should start getting glimpses of which way it will go by the end of 10 I assume. And I assume it will have to be bitter sweet of some sort because .. as noted in the secret diary
You can't have all 5 happy - depending on what happens you could have 3 miserable people or 1
Side note: Kaito gets 'boss' points for his actions this episode - and it seems even Morino..I mean Remon was in a serious mood - though also of note she was the only one of the group to not be phased by "its" arrival. And by the end looked even slightly 'sad but serious'

It was a very enjoyable episode~ looking forward to see how they decide to end this.

sirwenceFeb 27, 2012 11:56 PM
Feb 27, 2012 11:26 PM

Jan 2011
My guess is that when a rescue drone is destroyed, somewhere in the Federation alarm bells begin to ring and Ichika knows that bigger more powerful reinforcements are coming.

As for Remon, I think the "eternal 17 year old" line pretty much confirms that she is Morino from the two Onegai series. Maybe the "freezing" she went through had a side effect and she isn't aging at all, just enjoying herself manipulating adolescents at a series of high schools and waiting for an alien to appear to make things really interesting.
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Feb 27, 2012 11:28 PM
Jun 2009
sirwence, I'm sorry but why Tetserou? :)
Feb 27, 2012 11:45 PM

Aug 2008
I guess the word is now out that Ichika is an alien.

Remon-senpai is awesome, as always :)

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Feb 27, 2012 11:52 PM

Oct 2011
This one was good.
I'm starting to feel really bad for Kanna. I mean, it's not her fault she has feelings for him. She liked him prior to Ichika arriving, so yeah. I do ship KannaxKaito, but I cannot deny IchikoxKaito's connection.

I stand by my idea that Ichika will have to return to her planet eventually or something to that effect. I keep thinking of Ano Hana's ending that fate cannot be changed and it's impossible to co-exist across worlds. *Shrugs*

I just can't stomach Kanna's heartbreak though. Very realistic.. unrequited love and all (not the crush falling for a cute alien girl part lol).

exs120 said:
This show has the best/worst cliffhangers ever!

Mio looks great with short hair, but I have a feeling her reasons for it are beyond it being hot outside and signifying a change in character. There's the slim chance (VERY slim) that she was trying to emulate Kanna's shorter hair to get Tetsurou's attention. But I may be reading too deep into things, as I often do. Great progress with Tetsurou too doesn't hurt either.

I thought that as well. There's a frame of the two side by side while he's looking. I think it could be a comparison. However, the change in character does symbolizing leaving something behind. Even so, I don't think you're reading too deep into it.

I just noticed that in the picture diagram of unrequited love, Kana's face is the only one that's sad. Foreshadowing? I dunno. Her drawing also looks totally different artistically than the others (though they all vary). Her's has smooth lines, not sketched.
MaiTaiFeb 27, 2012 11:55 PM

Feb 28, 2012 12:07 AM

Feb 2012
MielxFoxie said:

I just noticed that in the picture diagram of unrequited love, Kana's face is the only one that's sad. Foreshadowing? I dunno. Her drawing also looks totally different artistically than the others (though they all vary). Her's has smooth lines, not sketched.

Well she is always sorta pouty lol
Feb 28, 2012 12:12 AM

Sep 2009
It's always hard to wait a week after this kind of cliffhanger. These developments are what I've been watching the show for.
Feb 28, 2012 12:14 AM

Aug 2010
This episode was nothing short of epic. First the movie (lol) together with some nice, if vague, ichika X kaito moments.
Later the matsuri with all the girls in their yukata <3

And trollemon banding with manami to get the romance going :D and ofc, the drawing of partners for the courage test was totally not rigged at all ^^

And then the shit hit's the fan. That emergency drone coming to rescue (more like abduct) Ichika, and Kaito saving her like a boss while confessing. Okay, he got himself killed again (that puddle of blood didn't look too healthy), but that's a good way to go.

Only he isn't gone since ichika can patch him up again. And she looked totally adorablehuggable in the end scene, with her apologizing, roughed up hair, no glasses and crying

Btw, that scene where kaito left kanna standing there... so sad, I expected tears to be rolling down her cheek actually.

And I dunno what scare caused mio and tetsuro to end up like this, but it was very effective. Shipping them now more then ever. Also, WHile I usually love longer hair, short-hair-Mio looks stunning. Go for it, girl!
I want Rambo in a mecha-suit with a laser-chainsaw gun that fires nuclear warheads, fighting the love-child of Predator, Alien, a group of Bangladeshi terrorists, and Satan. (Actually that would be a pretty sick show) - StopDropAndBowl
Feb 28, 2012 12:20 AM
Apr 2011
Wow. Just wow.
Feb 28, 2012 12:28 AM

Jun 2009
It was a nice festival episode and all then suddenly...

Feb 28, 2012 12:42 AM

Jan 2012
I never thought I would hear these words come out of my mouth but... this coming Monday looks promising. 5/5
Feb 28, 2012 1:49 AM
Sep 2011
I might be in the minority, but I thought this episode was pretty cringeworthy. I'm really getting tired of male protagonists trying to be heroes. Or maybe I just don't like Kaito.

I'm still watching this for the brilliant OP and decent ED though.
Feb 28, 2012 2:21 AM

Dec 2011
Remon's plans for Kanna failed pretty bad. Although the plan for Mio was succesful. :)

I still wonder if Remon is actually an alien? She said she's forever 17, which made me wonder. I think she knows about Ichika too.

I still feel sorry for Kanna, her heart is going to be broken into a million pieces.. :(

Can't wait to see the next ep, this must be my favourite series for 2012.
Feb 28, 2012 2:22 AM
Dec 2007
Goosta said:
I might be in the minority, but I thought this episode was pretty cringeworthy. I'm really getting tired of male protagonists trying to be heroes. Or maybe I just don't like Kaito.

I'm still watching this for the brilliant OP and decent ED though.
Am I the only one wishing Tetsurou was the male lead and not Kaito? Kaito is just plain and dense, not exactly things you want from the lead of such a story. I'm already plain tired of such harem leads, at least Tetsurou has the looks on his side.

Sebulon said:
Remon's plans for Kanna failed pretty bad. Although the plan for Mio was succesful. :)

I still wonder if Remon is actually an alien? She said she's forever 17, which made me wonder. I think she knows about Ichika too.

I still feel sorry for Kanna, her heart is going to be broken into a million pieces.. :(

Can't wait to see the next ep, this must be my favourite series for 2012.
I think Manami's words and her response are a subtle or not so subtle hint of a connection between Lemon and Ichigo (Onegai Teacher). Of course, it's well hidden and it really just depends on "how" old Tetsurou's sis is.
Leon-GunFeb 28, 2012 2:29 AM

Feb 28, 2012 3:11 AM

Jan 2008
Great work there destroying something that came to save your life.

I wonder what would've happened if Ichika was brought back, leaving only Kaito and the rest..
Feb 28, 2012 3:52 AM

May 2010
Seems like Kanna is going to be alone...or as a cougar with Remon would be the 2nd option.
Feb 28, 2012 4:13 AM

Apr 2011
Honestly my favourite episode yet. That was just abso-fucking-lutely awesome. DAMN AWESOME. Like seriously. I felt so bad for Kanna when Kaito just ran off...

Feb 28, 2012 5:28 AM

Oct 2011
z4yd said:
Honestly my favourite episode yet. That was just abso-fucking-lutely awesome. DAMN AWESOME. Like seriously. I felt so bad for Kanna when Kaito just ran off...


All is fair in love and war (>^_^)>
I dislike liars
<img src="" />
Feb 28, 2012 5:34 AM

May 2011
Anyone has a picture of Ichika without her glasses? She is SOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!
Feb 28, 2012 5:41 AM

May 2011
is it only me or tomatsu haruka crying scene has improved a lot..i can feel how guilty ichika is when she recovered kaito back from the brink of dead. really love how jcstaff playing with emotion...hope the next episode will be full of drama

btw tetsuro saikyo. ROFL when seeing the godzilla vs ultraman. his acting was very good but then the way he read the script was really funny :D
Feb 28, 2012 5:55 AM
Jun 2009
Leon-Gun said:

Am I the only one

Nope, I'm with you :)
Feb 28, 2012 6:02 AM
Feb 28, 2012 6:02 AM

May 2011
Annoyance said:
Wow. Just wow.

Completely agree!
Feb 28, 2012 6:55 AM

May 2011
I think Kanna takes the hint now, or she is going to hopelessly keep trying to get his attention which will drag things out even more.
Feb 28, 2012 8:25 AM

Dec 2011
Again Kanna gets the short end of the stick. :/
Feb 28, 2012 8:27 AM

Jul 2009
choyos said:
Ahri said:
For me, the creators didn't exactly make Kanna into a likable character from the start.

If you want to give it a lot of thought.... both are exactly the same (personality) but Ichika is hotter (imo... people might like the Haruna-type more than the Lala-type).

MEEEEEEE! Haruna is god-tier.

Even after last week, I'm still a Kanna fan.
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Feb 28, 2012 8:52 AM

Feb 2012
Explicitz said:
I think Kanna takes the hint now, or she is going to hopelessly keep trying to get his attention which will drag things out even more.

taking a hint can't just change your emotions...I'm sure the ending will be conclusive in a way that she won't get everything that she wants but she won't be unhappy.
Feb 28, 2012 8:58 AM

Feb 2012
As much as I feel sorry Kanna, I can't help but cheer for Kaito/Ichika. He really stepped up.
In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Feb 28, 2012 9:08 AM
Jan 2012
It just worked out really convieniently that the alien bot showed up. If it wasn't for that, Kaito would have left Kanna for no reason other than hearing Ichika's scream. Which is what he actually did. A highly inconsiderate move, but oh alien bot shows up so it's ok.
Feb 28, 2012 9:15 AM

Feb 2010
It should be obvious by now that lemon is not a human by now...

It "should"... but maybe it's just what they want us to think.
Feb 28, 2012 9:16 AM

Feb 2012
exs120 said:
It just worked out really convieniently that the alien bot showed up. If it wasn't for that, Kaito would have left Kanna for no reason other than hearing Ichika's scream. Which is what he actually did. A highly inconsiderate move, but oh alien bot shows up so it's ok.

it's his premotion...because of love <3 <3 <3 lol
Feb 28, 2012 9:18 AM

Nov 2011
nice episode i enjoyed it.
next episode looks like everything will be revealed

also about lemon
meeting up with the guy's sister and she said your still in high school and lemon replied i am an eternal 17 year old. I just can't stop thinking about the character from onegai teacher/twin. i keep thinking that they are the same character. both of those characters also have the same voice actor as well.
Feb 28, 2012 9:43 AM

Oct 2010
The part when Kaito runs to Ichika and leaves Kanna alone just when shes about to confess is my favorite from the whole anime so far. I really hope she gets with Tetsurou. His and Mios relationship seems so forced -> they keep having these unlikely accidents...
Feb 28, 2012 10:55 AM

Apr 2009
Wow, definitely an awesome episode! The last half was just way too interesting! I felt like I was about to cry along with Ichika when she was apologizing at the end. Oh man, is it next Monday yet?

Feb 28, 2012 11:24 AM

Jun 2011
great episode
Feb 28, 2012 12:25 PM

Aug 2008
Remon didn't seem entirely surprised by the turn of events. And lol she may be older than she looks.
Feb 28, 2012 1:03 PM

Oct 2011
swordaxe said:

also about lemon
meeting up with the guy's sister and she said your still in high school and lemon replied i am an eternal 17 year old. I just can't stop thinking about the character from onegai teacher/twin. i keep thinking that they are the same character. both of those characters also have the same voice actor as well.

I really hope this is just reference to Kikuko Inoue
if not it would be weird as hell - but she seems to know something (or is super-troll)

but if it's the same character than it would be some kind of prequel of Onegai - or, if it's sequel, it doesn't take place on Earth (this is never told ;) and Ichika is just returning to place where Mizuho was born ;)
Feb 28, 2012 1:10 PM

Dec 2009
Commenting as I watch:

-LOL Kaito's and Tetsuro's high budget movie xD Funniest shit ever.
- Mio's short hair is CUTE. Tetsuro seems to think that too :3
- How old is Lemon-senpai? Like really? O_o
- Lemon-senpai is stirring the pot again. I LOVE IT xD
- Rinon's freaking noice and the ~nananaa~ is starting to annoy me.
- The girls in their Yukata. Kawaii :3
- Oh Lemon, You troll xD The hair is soo cute <3
- LOL test of courage, and Mio's scared to death. C'MON TETSURO, PROTECT THAT CUTIE!
- Scary shit!

But it's pretty obvious who it is xD

- Did they just kiss? That looked like shit -_-'
- Lemon of course with the camera. ~Fufufu~
- Poor Kanna ; _ ;
- Okay, not liking this part. Stupid SOS evacuation shit. And Kaito going all macho -_-

Okay good episode as usual. disliked the end though.
So Ichika will tell everything next week. The preview gave the impression that they'll abandon her. :S


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Sir_LexaMar 2, 2012 11:49 AM
Feb 28, 2012 1:16 PM

Dec 2009
Dalek-baka said:
I really hope this is just reference to Kikuko Inoue

Why to Kikuko Inoue? I thought Yukari Tamura was also part of the 17-forever club thingie.
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