What is your Opinion on Ouma Shu
Feb 21, 2012 5:39 PM
Articman said: GodlyKyon said: Articman said: GodlyKyon said: Articman said: KingOfNoodles said: I didn't find his character appealing at all until I think the second episode. At the end of the episode, he chose to go home to his normal ordinary life. This decision really surprised me at the moment because I thought the anime was over for a second, of course that surprise was short lived when Inori came in as the transfer student. But to add to the points of those who were supporting Shu, he didn't ask for this, when he had to make a decision about whether to fight as a terrorist or to go back to his normal life. He chose to stay normal. Only after his mind was "poisoned" by the moe swooning of Inori (as ordered by Gai), did he then choose to join the Undertakers and then the shit really hit the fan. IMO he did the best he could for his situation - being as brave as an antisocial highschooler can be anyway. Although not always emotionally stable and making the most insightful decisions, his moral dilemmas and choices seemed very real to me. Hoping he turns total badass soon with his new arm I agree about Shu refusing to join Funeral Parlour at the end of Episode 2, being one of the things that is likeable about him. TV tropes put it something like this: While Funeral Parlour members are Cool, Shu isn't and he's Okay with that. When Shu initially joined Funeral Parlour, it was because Gai had left him with no choice but to join. It wasn't just Inori, but his arrest, the escape and Segai pressuring him to be a double agent, a spy with in Funeral Parlour. Shu had no where else to go, but with Gai and join Funeral Parlour. I found it Ironic when Inori talked about all the things that Gai gave her, when she and Gai had taken all of those things away from Shu. Despite all that has happened to Shu, all the crap that has been heaped upon him. Shu remains a nice guy. A likable guy. Although, I am looking forward to Shu going Bad-ass against Gai and Keido. I hated the fact that he was so infatuated with Inori that even after her admitting she had played with his heart, he still liked her, WTF! I would've shifted the focus to Ayase at that moment. I think that this would have happened if Shu had been given the chance. That he and Ayase would have become closer and then eventually a couple. But things rushed into the events of episode 6 and Inori's betrayal was glossed over and forgotten. Still, we get to see hints of a Shu Ayase pairing in episode 13 thru now. This kind of relationship is like... As much as I hate to compare to Code Geass, Kallen and Lelouch, except I like this one better I thought that the Kallen/Lelouch pairing was more forced then anything else. They are still trying to pair Shu with Inori, even after the reveal, that Inori is a clone of his sister Mana. Which is still more then a little EWWWWWWWW. Unless it is revealed that Shu and Mana are not biological siblings. I'll never suppport this pairing. I don't incest couples if it's good. But InorixShu was forced as hell(though they are not really siblings). Kallen and Lelouch may be forced, but Ayase and Shu is just a good shipping |
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys |
Feb 21, 2012 5:41 PM
I actually really like Shu. He's not the stereotypical hero character that's great at everything and he's not the overly shitty character that's so wimpy you want to punch a hole in the wall. He's in the middle, and he's pretty realistic because of it. |
ErrolFeb 21, 2012 6:29 PM
Feb 21, 2012 5:56 PM
Actually, Errol, Shu is as inconsistent as most of the characters are. I don´t think he can be deemed as a realistic character when he changes his attitude at such a ilogical pace from time to place. (once again, the writers are the ones to blame) At much, he is the easier to relate with... |
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Feb 22, 2012 10:22 PM
The TV Tropes Guilty Crown Page has listed Shu as: "The Chew Toy." Not really a good thing, since 'The Chew Toy' is the character that is Hurt, Humilated, Embarassed or the like in EVERY SINGLE EPISODE of the series. Unfortunately, this describes Shu to the T. The TV Tropes Guilty Crown Main page entry: "The Chew Toy: Shu the world hates you and it has made you it's bitch." |
Summoning Dark: "What kind of human creates his own policeman?" Watcman: "One who fears the dark." "And so he should," said the enity, with satisfaction. "Indeed. But I think you misunderstand. I am not here to keep the darkness out. I'm here to keep it in." There was a clink of metal as the shadowy watchman lifted a dark lantern and opened it's little door. Orange light cut through the blackness. "Call me . . . the Guarding Dark. Imagine how strong I must be." |
Feb 23, 2012 1:31 PM
Articman said: The TV Tropes Guilty Crown Page has listed Shu as: "The Chew Toy." Not really a good thing, since 'The Chew Toy' is the character that is Hurt, Humilated, Embarassed or the like in EVERY SINGLE EPISODE of the series. Unfortunately, this describes Shu to the T. The TV Tropes Guilty Crown Main page entry: "The Chew Toy: Shu the world hates you and it has made you it's bitch." Yea but you know the saying "Pain builds Character" Also remember that he also Took Levels In Jerkass as well so you have to balance one with the other. I wouldn't be so quick to saying Shu my favorite character or anything of the sort. However he does make me, and hopefully, most of the watchers, ask themselves the hard questions like "If i had a power like his what would i do with it?" I mean we have clearly seen how twisted and f'd up the power of the King might do, now we need to know what good it might do. But i digress, Shu does act as effective audience character for us to sympathize with so at the very least he was just trying to do what he felt was best. Clearly he was hating himself for starting the Void Class system, due to his conversations with Inori, so it he does have some layers to him as a character. I wish we had more characterization for others, mainly Inori and GAI. |
Is it wrong for a growning boy to be a sucker for a good romance? |
Feb 23, 2012 5:47 PM
Shu's an ok character, but I really can't stand his mood swings. One moment he's sad, then unsure, then depressed, then determined, then strict/serious, then sad again, then determined. I find that his emotions are all over the place. But at least one thing is clear about him, he wants to protect everyone. |
Feb 23, 2012 6:04 PM
Correction, topic creator; It's Ouma Shoe. But I can see kids who have Cardfight Vanguard or Bakugan characters as their favorites totally loving him. Totally, as in obsession. |
MillaMaxwellFeb 23, 2012 6:08 PM
Feb 23, 2012 6:35 PM
Shu isn't a favorite of mines but depending on what he decides to do the next 4 episodes may just put him on my list. At the very least he has growth and goes through multiple bad experiences. |
Feb 23, 2012 8:46 PM
One of the things I have noticed about Shu, is that when things are forced upon him, He's forced into a Role. He doesn't do that well in that role. The times that he truly shines, is when he's following his heart. In episode 1, he was trying to protect Inori from the Endlaves and awoke the Void Genome. When it's power activated and he drew Inori's Void, we got that Pillar of Light. In episode 6, following his desire to save Gai, to save everyone, Inori/Mana gave him the Wave Motion Sword, allowing him to destroy not only the Falling Luecocyte and but the one in Orbit as well. In episode 7, Shu's desire to protect the people on the Ship, allowed him to defeat all of the missiles, turning all of the fragments into pretty firework like streamers. In episode 11, Shu's crowning moment was using the various voids of his classmates to come to the rescue. In episode 15, Shu's desire for Revenge, his Rage at Hare's death, gave us a second Pillar of Light and Shu not even needing to close with his enemies to destroy them. Now, Shu is back to himself, pretty much. He is now able to follow his heart, stop wearing a mask, like he did in episodes 16 & 17. We should get to see him really shine once more. |
Summoning Dark: "What kind of human creates his own policeman?" Watcman: "One who fears the dark." "And so he should," said the enity, with satisfaction. "Indeed. But I think you misunderstand. I am not here to keep the darkness out. I'm here to keep it in." There was a clink of metal as the shadowy watchman lifted a dark lantern and opened it's little door. Orange light cut through the blackness. "Call me . . . the Guarding Dark. Imagine how strong I must be." |
Feb 23, 2012 8:48 PM
I absolutely hate him. He's supposed to be a wimpy character who grows into a hero/anti-hero/villain or whatever, but his character growth is handled so horribly and his wimpiness comes off as so forced, that I don't get why the creators made him a wimp in the first place. His wimpiness slows down the plot alot and it's not very consistent on top of that. Every time he uses a void, he suddenly becomes athletic and brave. It's like Shu is a coward because it's a fad. If you're going to be a loser, STAY A FUCKING LOSER! I've seen cowards fight back whilst keeping their wimpy personalities. Why can't he? No consistency, no real personality, no real reason to be a wimp...just plain boring, annoying, and nonsensical. I hate him more than how the majority of people feel about Yuki Amano from Future Diary (a wimpy character I actually like), and considering the hate that goes towards that kid, that just shows how much I hate Shu. Edit: Yeah, I did kind of like when he refused the offer in Episode 2. But then the show ruined it by forcing Inori on him, and then in Episode 3, he uttered the worst internal monologue I have ever seen from a wimpy character. The one where he wonders why people don't care about his feelings. I really hated that monologue. Incredibly awful. And he didn't get better from there. |
FlawfinderFeb 23, 2012 9:00 PM
I Write About Anime (and other stuff) At Standing On My Neck |
Feb 23, 2012 11:21 PM
I like him, he's a reasonable kid who was put in a bad situation. What I don't like is the writing of the story. |
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Feb 24, 2012 12:13 AM
He's pathetic, superficial...yeah you can guess what I think about him (and this show.) |
Feb 24, 2012 12:24 AM
one of the few things that creates a difference between this show and CG. shoe is totally indecisive at several points in time. |
If your going to complain that Yu-Gi-Oh! Mangas are on the top NY times manga best sellers, you must not realize how popular Card games are(as well as the fact that you get a free card). |
Feb 24, 2012 4:14 AM
Feb 24, 2012 4:54 AM
Feb 24, 2012 1:13 PM
Feb 24, 2012 6:45 PM
I like how he's a nice guy and all but lets face it... he's dumb. Not a big fan of dumb characters unless it's the happy go lucky kind. Also INB4 Shu's void is replicating previously used voids. |
Feb 24, 2012 8:18 PM
Day2Dream said: I like how he's a nice guy and all but lets face it... he's dumb. Not a big fan of dumb characters unless it's the happy go lucky kind. Also INB4 Shu's void is replicating previously used voids. Not Dumb, but rather uninformed. There have been too many times in which Shu just did not have the info he needed to make the right decisions. Gai has always been overly knowledgable about everything. But when presented with a problem, Shu is able to come up with a solution. Shu caught on pretty quickly that Gai could see voids and that was how he was able to come up with that plan in episode 2. |
Summoning Dark: "What kind of human creates his own policeman?" Watcman: "One who fears the dark." "And so he should," said the enity, with satisfaction. "Indeed. But I think you misunderstand. I am not here to keep the darkness out. I'm here to keep it in." There was a clink of metal as the shadowy watchman lifted a dark lantern and opened it's little door. Orange light cut through the blackness. "Call me . . . the Guarding Dark. Imagine how strong I must be." |
Feb 24, 2012 8:44 PM
I like Shu. I like how hard he tries. It's just that, I think that he is very indecisive, so he has trouble making decisions. It's kind of a breath of fresh air, seeing such a pathetic protagonist try so hard AND succeeding at first. I enjoy how normal he is. "I'm dense? Maybe it's true that my mind works out of step with everyone else's. It's just that I don't know what to say to other people. So I hide my nervousness and try to go along with what they say. That's how I've made the quasi-friendships in my life." He describes himself pretty damn well. |
Feb 24, 2012 8:52 PM
sandyjaynee said: im only up to episode 16 but i hate this shu. he's taking it to far. he's just acting like a little bitch right now. it's not like hare would want him to be like that. But what he RIGHT about what he did would save the most people?? He's not acting like that because he want to |
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys |
Feb 24, 2012 9:17 PM
KyashiDesu said: I like Shu. I like how hard he tries. It's just that, I think that he is very indecisive, so he has trouble making decisions. It's kind of a breath of fresh air, seeing such a pathetic protagonist try so hard AND succeeding at first. I enjoy how normal he is. "I'm dense? Maybe it's true that my mind works out of step with everyone else's. It's just that I don't know what to say to other people. So I hide my nervousness and try to go along with what they say. That's how I've made the quasi-friendships in my life." He describes himself pretty damn well. Yes, he does. But then he grows out of it and continues to do so, despite all of the Crap that is heaped upon him. I liked it in episode 18, while he's laying there, he's apologising for not saving everyone, for failing them. Then there is how he left the food there for the kid, pretending not to notice him, getting up and walking away. And, how he cleaned up Inori while she slept and left food for her. All in keeping with his character. He's stayed a nice guy through out the series, despite everything that has happened. |
Summoning Dark: "What kind of human creates his own policeman?" Watcman: "One who fears the dark." "And so he should," said the enity, with satisfaction. "Indeed. But I think you misunderstand. I am not here to keep the darkness out. I'm here to keep it in." There was a clink of metal as the shadowy watchman lifted a dark lantern and opened it's little door. Orange light cut through the blackness. "Call me . . . the Guarding Dark. Imagine how strong I must be." |
Feb 24, 2012 9:22 PM
Articman said: KyashiDesu said: I like Shu. I like how hard he tries. It's just that, I think that he is very indecisive, so he has trouble making decisions. It's kind of a breath of fresh air, seeing such a pathetic protagonist try so hard AND succeeding at first. I enjoy how normal he is. "I'm dense? Maybe it's true that my mind works out of step with everyone else's. It's just that I don't know what to say to other people. So I hide my nervousness and try to go along with what they say. That's how I've made the quasi-friendships in my life." He describes himself pretty damn well. Yes, he does. But then he grows out of it and continues to do so, despite all of the Crap that is heaped upon him. I liked it in episode 18, while he's laying there, he's apologising for not saving everyone, for failing them. Then there is how he left the food there for the kid, pretending not to notice him, getting up and walking away. And, how he cleaned up Inori while she slept and left food for her. All in keeping with his character. He's stayed a nice guy through out the series, despite everything that has happened. I think that's why I can't bring myself to hate Shu. I understand peoples' frustrations with him and why they hate him, but I think that he's a good person at heart. Despite him being a tyrant, he had good intentions. He knew that people would hate him. He knew it. He still continued doing things that way for the sake of saving as many people as possible. I really don't understand why people hate him so much. He's really not THAT bad. |
Feb 25, 2012 2:57 PM
I think the biggest change in Shu is that he believes that he can make a difference. Remember in Episode 1, how he was bemoaning the his powerlessness, saying shouldn't he be better then this. Now, he sees that he can be this, that he can make a difference, even without the Void Genome. The second biggest change is that he can now see beyond himself. That he can connect with other people. At the begining of GC, Shu talked about how he couldn't connect with others, that he had Quasi-Friendships, not real ones. Now, he has friends, comrades, he can even love. |
Summoning Dark: "What kind of human creates his own policeman?" Watcman: "One who fears the dark." "And so he should," said the enity, with satisfaction. "Indeed. But I think you misunderstand. I am not here to keep the darkness out. I'm here to keep it in." There was a clink of metal as the shadowy watchman lifted a dark lantern and opened it's little door. Orange light cut through the blackness. "Call me . . . the Guarding Dark. Imagine how strong I must be." |
Feb 25, 2012 3:06 PM
Articman said: I think the biggest change in Shu is that he believes that he can make a difference. Remember in Episode 1, how he was bemoaning the his powerlessness, saying shouldn't he be better then this. Now, he sees that he can be this, that he can make a difference, even without the Void Genome. The second biggest change is that he can now see beyond himself. That he can connect with other people. At the begining of GC, Shu talked about how he couldn't connect with others, that he had Quasi-Friendships, not real ones. Now, he has friends, comrades, he can even love. Wait what? Who are they? From what I saw nearly all of his friends betrayed him |
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys |
Feb 25, 2012 6:01 PM
GodlyKyon said: Articman said: I think the biggest change in Shu is that he believes that he can make a difference. Remember in Episode 1, how he was bemoaning the his powerlessness, saying shouldn't he be better then this. Now, he sees that he can be this, that he can make a difference, even without the Void Genome. The second biggest change is that he can now see beyond himself. That he can connect with other people. At the begining of GC, Shu talked about how he couldn't connect with others, that he had Quasi-Friendships, not real ones. Now, he has friends, comrades, he can even love. Wait what? Who are they? From what I saw nearly all of his friends betrayed him You said nearly all. I would count Ayase as one of his friends. She thinks enough of Shu to slap him, to talk to him, to try to convince him that what he's doing is wrong. To try to help him. I noticed that Tsugumi prevented Ayase from going to Shu's aid during the Coup D'etat. Also, Ayase opened up to Shu, a little, during episode 13. Shu opened up enough emotionally, that Hare was able to confess her feelings to him. It's not that she knew that he returned her feelings, But that he was receptive to hearing her feelings. Something that he wasn't able to do at the begining of GC. |
Summoning Dark: "What kind of human creates his own policeman?" Watcman: "One who fears the dark." "And so he should," said the enity, with satisfaction. "Indeed. But I think you misunderstand. I am not here to keep the darkness out. I'm here to keep it in." There was a clink of metal as the shadowy watchman lifted a dark lantern and opened it's little door. Orange light cut through the blackness. "Call me . . . the Guarding Dark. Imagine how strong I must be." |
Feb 25, 2012 6:45 PM
Articman said: GodlyKyon said: Articman said: I think the biggest change in Shu is that he believes that he can make a difference. Remember in Episode 1, how he was bemoaning the his powerlessness, saying shouldn't he be better then this. Now, he sees that he can be this, that he can make a difference, even without the Void Genome. The second biggest change is that he can now see beyond himself. That he can connect with other people. At the begining of GC, Shu talked about how he couldn't connect with others, that he had Quasi-Friendships, not real ones. Now, he has friends, comrades, he can even love. Wait what? Who are they? From what I saw nearly all of his friends betrayed him You said nearly all. I would count Ayase as one of his friends. She thinks enough of Shu to slap him, to talk to him, to try to convince him that what he's doing is wrong. To try to help him. I noticed that Tsugumi prevented Ayase from going to Shu's aid during the Coup D'etat. Also, Ayase opened up to Shu, a little, during episode 13. Shu opened up enough emotionally, that Hare was able to confess her feelings to him. It's not that she knew that he returned her feelings, But that he was receptive to hearing her feelings. Something that he wasn't able to do at the begining of GC. Well, I was couinting Ayase, she did try to help him after all. Arugo didn't count, and the rest of the Funeral Parlor barely knows him. Hare and Gai are both dead and Gai's revived form doesn't care about Shu. Mana just wants to bang him? Haruka IDK why she's making her son go through with all this shit. Tsugumi tried to prevent Ayase so not sure about her. Arisa is beyond help as we all know and that guy(can't remember his name) who was Shu's former friend pushed him down a crater. So the list of Shu's close ones are: Ayase Inori yeah... I would count that as "almost all' |
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys |
Feb 25, 2012 6:45 PM
Feb 25, 2012 6:50 PM
Ardamaeus said: Don't hate the guy, but Guilty Crown should have just pulled TTGL Simon. It would have redeemed the show 10^100x. Then what? For the fans to complain even MORE about how this show copies? Besides, Gai was an asshole and Kamina was a "bro". |
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys |
Feb 25, 2012 7:00 PM
GodlyKyon said: Then what? For the fans to complain even MORE about how this show copies? Besides, Gai was an asshole and Kamina was a "bro". Pfftt, haters are gonna hate either way, dude. I only care about my sheer enjoyment, honestly don't give a f*ck what the l33t have to say ;D. Gai demonstrates as much interest to me as a cinderblock, dun give a sh*t. But if Shu-Shu had taken that path, sh*t would have gotten real, and that's all dat matters XP. |
Feb 25, 2012 7:22 PM
Ardamaeus said: GodlyKyon said: Then what? For the fans to complain even MORE about how this show copies? Besides, Gai was an asshole and Kamina was a "bro". Pfftt, haters are gonna hate either way, dude. I only care about my sheer enjoyment, honestly don't give a f*ck what the l33t have to say ;D. Gai demonstrates as much interest to me as a cinderblock, dun give a sh*t. But if Shu-Shu had taken that path, sh*t would have gotten real, and that's all dat matters XP. IDK, I honestly think Season one gone entirely wrong |
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys |
Feb 26, 2012 12:00 AM
uzee said: I just had to share :D <img src="" /> Just you wait Gai. He'll wipe that smile off your face with his glowy powered arm. |
Feb 26, 2012 12:04 AM
uzee said: I just had to share :D ![]() ^LOL thier faces xD |
[center] |
Feb 26, 2012 12:07 AM
Shu has changed so much since the series begun... |
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys |
Feb 26, 2012 10:31 PM
GodlyKyon said: Shu has changed so much since the series begun... True. The writers did a good job of keeping the changes as subtle as possible. Happening over the course of the series and not just over 1-2 episodes. Too bad they couldn't do this with Inori. I'm looking forward to seeing what Shu is going to do in the coming episodes. Now, that he is powerless and alone. |
Summoning Dark: "What kind of human creates his own policeman?" Watcman: "One who fears the dark." "And so he should," said the enity, with satisfaction. "Indeed. But I think you misunderstand. I am not here to keep the darkness out. I'm here to keep it in." There was a clink of metal as the shadowy watchman lifted a dark lantern and opened it's little door. Orange light cut through the blackness. "Call me . . . the Guarding Dark. Imagine how strong I must be." |
Feb 26, 2012 10:38 PM
Articman said: I'm looking forward to seeing what Shu is going to do in the coming episodes. Now, that he is powerless and alone. Powerless, alone but determined. I'm strapping in for his counterattack. MAKE IT EPIC! |
Feb 26, 2012 10:59 PM
Ardamaeus said: Don't hate the guy, but Guilty Crown should have just pulled TTGL Simon. It would have redeemed the show 10^100x. Yeah, I don't think so. No matter what character Shu is supposed to be: popular, wimpy, smug, Simon-type, and the like, I don't think that would have changed anything because the writers don't seem to get how to make these archetypes likable. Your anime has problems when the only character that gets some dignity is fucking Scarface, the guy who killed the only character I kind of liked. I don't see how that's possible. |
FlawfinderFeb 26, 2012 11:25 PM
I Write About Anime (and other stuff) At Standing On My Neck |
Feb 28, 2012 10:37 PM
@ Flawfinder nice user name m8, found any flaws in this show? Articman said: GodlyKyon said: Shu has changed so much since the series begun... True. The writers did a good job of keeping the changes as subtle as possible. Happening over the course of the series and not just over 1-2 episodes. what do u mean, he changed within the course of 1 episode, between ep 15 and 16 in any case he is a bad character, in fact all the characters are bad, they no emotions and no motives, with the exception of Hare which they killed of |
wakka9ca said:"The endless debate between fans and haters... is totaly pointless" |
Feb 29, 2012 3:46 PM
tonyymmao said: @ Flawfinder nice user name m8, found any flaws in this show? Articman said: GodlyKyon said: Shu has changed so much since the series begun... True. The writers did a good job of keeping the changes as subtle as possible. Happening over the course of the series and not just over 1-2 episodes. what do u mean, he changed within the course of 1 episode, between ep 15 and 16 in any case he is a bad character, in fact all the characters are bad, they no emotions and no motives, with the exception of Hare which they killed of I was talking about Shu as a person, not a temporary change in personality brought on by the loss of a close friend, Hare. The Shu of the first episode could not do what Shu did in episode 14. Defuse a student rebellion/near riot. In episode 7, Hare commented that Shu had changed, was different from he was before. She repeated this to Shu and to Ayase in later episodes. She even encouraged Shu, in 14, to run for President, believing that he would be a good leader. Something she would not have done with the Shu of the first episode. |
Summoning Dark: "What kind of human creates his own policeman?" Watcman: "One who fears the dark." "And so he should," said the enity, with satisfaction. "Indeed. But I think you misunderstand. I am not here to keep the darkness out. I'm here to keep it in." There was a clink of metal as the shadowy watchman lifted a dark lantern and opened it's little door. Orange light cut through the blackness. "Call me . . . the Guarding Dark. Imagine how strong I must be." |
Feb 29, 2012 8:32 PM
tonyymmao said: @ Flawfinder nice user name m8, found any flaws in this show? You mean besides the terrible story, characters, writing, and directing (okay, the directing actually isn't bad)? No, nothing of the sort. By the way, for the people who brought up that they were sold on Shu when he rejected the offer in Episode 2, all I have to say is "why wasn't that the anime?" I would have liked Shu better if he was just a kid running from the war (and given how much Funeral Parlor sucks, he would have had every right to), using his powers to protect himself. At the halfway point, it could be him and Inori on the run from the world (I actually thought that was going to be the plot after Episode 17). At least that way, there would be a reason for him to be a wimp on this show (and I mean a reason besides the fact that it paves the way for underdog and character development). But no, Episode 3 decided to force him into FP and give him multiple personality disorder. |
I Write About Anime (and other stuff) At Standing On My Neck |
Mar 1, 2012 4:30 PM
Articman said: Not Dumb, but rather uninformed. There have been too many times in which Shu just did not have the info he needed to make the right decisions. Gai has always been overly knowledgable about everything. But when presented with a problem, Shu is able to come up with a solution. Shu caught on pretty quickly that Gai could see voids and that was how he was able to come up with that plan in episode 2. No, he is dumb. In the first half he was a tool being used by Gai. Second half, Inori's void is OP. That's all he really needed to pawn everything in sight. But instead he tried to play king and lead an army using worthless voids. >_> uzee said: I just had to share :D ![]() Lol. Thanks for the laughs. Also seems I was right about Shu's void somewhat. :3 |
Mar 1, 2012 4:40 PM
My opinion of Shu is getting better by the episode; his monologue about his sin, his "guilty" crown was really good and made the title sound a lot better; since it suits his character. However in all honestly while he wasn't a good MC, he was never really a bad character; you can't realistically say that people would adapt to that scenario flawlessly so the comparisons to Shinji weren't warranted; but all the same its amazing how far he has come since the start of the series; i wish they developed other key characters like his. |
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Mar 1, 2012 4:58 PM
I'm pretty ambivalent toward his character. It's been done to death already but that doesn't necessarily mean it's bad. He's pretty much identical with many of the angst teens who's extremely gullible and has his wimpy-turn-badassery moments often too late in the series. Honorable mentions goes to Yukiteru from Mirai Nikki, Renton from Eureka 7, Shinji from EVA, Simon from TTGL, etc. The problem lies with the crap writing/poor editing GC is criticized for just about everyone who've prematurely dropped this or continue with it (like me) just because random turn of events had become a norm in GC and it's quite hilarious when it happens. |
Mar 1, 2012 5:35 PM
Shu certainly has begun to man up in episode 19. Much of his indecisiveness is gone. Liked his little speech to Segai, just before he killed him. |
Summoning Dark: "What kind of human creates his own policeman?" Watcman: "One who fears the dark." "And so he should," said the enity, with satisfaction. "Indeed. But I think you misunderstand. I am not here to keep the darkness out. I'm here to keep it in." There was a clink of metal as the shadowy watchman lifted a dark lantern and opened it's little door. Orange light cut through the blackness. "Call me . . . the Guarding Dark. Imagine how strong I must be." |
Mar 1, 2012 6:17 PM
He started out as a bit of a wuss, but it's been fun watching his character develop. He's a pretty cool guy. I would like to play vidya with him. |
This love for Hirasawa Yui consumes me, washing over my dirty weeaboo body with a cleansing warmth that allows me to reach greater heights. It inspires me to be a better man; not the man they deserve, but the man she deserves. Yui, I love you. With everything I have. You are my one, my only. Mai waifu. |
Mar 1, 2012 6:32 PM
Man... I am liking him more and more, Shu FTW |
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys |
Mar 1, 2012 6:36 PM
I finally voted, people who doesn't like him only makes up for 28% |
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys |
Mar 1, 2012 7:50 PM
I'm digging this character more and more. He has the most broad and dynamic character development I've seen. Certainly there are other very memorable characters, Lelouch, Light Yagami, etc. But think about. Lelouch and Light never really changed that much. Lelouch especially, and Light just falls deeper and deeper. But Shu, compared to who he was in episode 1, and now... Seriously, he was basically some kid who liked to listen to OSTs on youtube (the in universe equivalent) and now he's the man. They did his character development perfectly. If they'd had him at this stage after episode 5 it wouldn't be believable. They took the audience through his ups and downs, what made the character what he is now. |
Mar 1, 2012 8:17 PM
Well Lelouch didn't change that much, but we've seen his emotional flaws several times and how he reacts to different situations. Light on the other hand was a ruthless arrogant smartass since the beginning and was like it until the end. He didn't display really any wide range of emotions other than being a cold and calculating jerk. For me Death Note essentially was less about the characters but the ingenious plans involved in the brilliant mind of the mangaka. These characters just seemed like an entire plot device (who rarely deviated from their expected archetype) to get the battle to the next stage. |
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