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Jul 17, 2007 12:06 PM

May 2007
Every new episode of Lucky Star just seems top the previous one. How could they do that all the time?!?

chibukiJul 17, 2007 12:10 PM
Jul 17, 2007 2:01 PM

Jun 2007
Good episode. You gotta love Konota's dad and his anti-pollen outfit! Funny as hell
Jul 20, 2007 11:15 PM

May 2007
T0sh1k1 said:
Good episode. You gotta love Konota's dad and his anti-pollen outfit! Funny as hell
I think I remember that reference - the shinka scene. There was this live action series called "Guyver" if I remember correctly. ;p

Episode 15 was really enjoyable. (of course now watching it again with subs)

Konata watching Hirano Aya, and then the expression as they go home. ;3

Hilarious April Fool's jokes too here, even at the Lucky Channel, lol.

So they're starting their third and year of high school finally. \(^ ^)/ I remember about the education level in Japan... Poor Kagami never stayed at the same class. (' -w-) But it's a mirakuru that Yutaka & Iwasaki are in teh same class. Also, I don't get the refence when Konata have the hair ribbon thing but it's so cute!

Nice to see a few more new characters in this episode. I guess we're expecting more in the next! Also, I hope there'd be a real Akira concert next time and not a let down like last time, lol.
Jul 21, 2007 12:06 AM

Jan 2007
Another awesome episodes. I loved the references used this episode. April's fools was great but my favorite part had to be the "opening sequence" to Konata's school life. The ED was great too. Looking forward to the next episode.
Jul 21, 2007 10:41 AM

Apr 2007
beautiful ep. minami as a nurse? <3

i hope they'll show more of kagamin classmates, what they're like in class, and all.

minoru ftw~
Jul 21, 2007 11:20 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Faust721 said:
Another awesome episodes. I loved the references used this episode. April's fools was great but my favorite part had to be the "opening sequence" to Konata's school life. The ED was great too. Looking forward to the next episode.

Exactly my thoughts. :D




[H+] ³  
Jul 22, 2007 4:07 AM

Feb 2007
cyruz said:
Faust721 said:
Another awesome episodes. I loved the references used this episode. April's fools was great but my favorite part had to be the "opening sequence" to Konata's school life. The ED was great too. Looking forward to the next episode.

Exactly my thoughts. :D

It would be cliche to say "exactly my thoughts." as well. Wait...crap. Oh well, Yu-Chan is so cute.^_^
Jul 22, 2007 4:11 AM

Mar 2007
My two favorite sequences of the whole show.

I also agree w/ you buki... each ep tops the last every time, i think thats coz of all the crazy spoofs they keep doing. Waiting for more kannon spoofs ^_^

"What happens when we die?" I know that the ones who love us will miss us.
Jul 22, 2007 1:36 PM

May 2007
For me, it was the best episode I've seen so far.

The concert was awesome and Kagami switching seats with Konata was very cute. Konata had that bewildered look in her eyes.

The April Fool's jokes throughout the episodes were good too. I love Konata face when Kuroi-sensei told her that she overwrote on of her save games. Kagami's face was priceless too.

It was a bit of a bummer that Kagami didn't get into the same class. Although, she's going to visit the other class anyway, the idea of actually being in the same class sort of matters. Good to see Ayano and Misao get a little screen time also.

I loved the increase role of Kuroi-sensei too. Butt of some jokes and looking out for Konata best interest... although she seems to love tormenting her at the same time.

One thing I look forward to is Yu and Minami in future episodes. And speaking of future episodes, is it going to feature the Hiiragis? Inori, Matsuri, Miki, and Tadao did the preview, so I'm wondering if they'll get more screen time... they've seen an increase in the last two episodes already. I haven't heard Matsuri say much.

Also, did anyone see where Minoru was MC-ing. I couldn't find it. He was funny as hell at the end. How does he not fall off the rocks though?
Jul 22, 2007 2:40 PM

Jun 2007
Aw, I really liked this episode.

The concert part was so kawaii, kagami switching seats was so nice of her to do!

The april fools thing was funny all the way through, kagami's sister is so cute, she lied about lying.. her april fools prank!

It sucked that kagami wasn't in the same class, why couldn't they have put her in there?? She looked so bummed, and tried to hide it. Aww.

You gotta love konata's dad, he is so HILARIOUS! and lol at kuroi sensei checking up on konata online! lol!

Can't wait for the next one. I'm looking forward to Yu-chan, she'll definitely be having some good times with konata.

Jul 22, 2007 3:22 PM

Feb 2005
Jolly good show indeed.
Jul 22, 2007 4:49 PM

May 2007
Seeing we're at episode 15 already, I do hope they will do much for the other characters with enough screen time and strong roles for everyone.

Aishiteruze said:
You gotta love konata's dad, he is so HILARIOUS! and lol at kuroi sensei checking up on konata online! lol!
Did you see Konata's monitor screen? She's using MSN! I want her buddy add address, lol.

Yappari, Lucky Star is a whole new perspective of portraying real life situation. More recent series does this too, but they got the otaku, Haruhi merchandise, Pocky, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” TV game show, Timotei, MSN, Comiket and Chihara Minori in it, and more.
Jul 23, 2007 2:39 PM
Jun 2007
i really enjoyed this episode. after seeing the prank that konata played on kuroi, i was somewhat intrigued by the idea of the "evil side" of miyuki. XD.
Jul 24, 2007 9:21 PM

Apr 2007
This episode was great! Best part for me was when Konata's dad went outside with the allergy mask on and Yui told him to freeze, that was hilarious.
Jul 25, 2007 12:33 AM

Jun 2007
ChiBuki said:
Aishiteruze said:
You gotta love konata's dad, he is so HILARIOUS! and lol at kuroi sensei checking up on konata online! lol!
Did you see Konata's monitor screen? She's using MSN! I want her buddy add address, lol.

Yeah I did notice that you know! I want her addy too... hehe.

Jul 25, 2007 4:13 PM

Apr 2007
FeckOff said:
My two favorite sequences of the whole show.

i 2nd that.
Aug 20, 2007 10:51 AM

May 2007
ChiBuki said:
T0sh1k1 said:
Good episode. You gotta love Konota's dad and his anti-pollen outfit! Funny as hell
I think I remember that reference - the shinka scene. There was this live action series called "Guyver" if I remember correctly. ;p

Episode 15 was really enjoyable. (of course now watching it again with subs)

Konata watching Hirano Aya, and then the expression as they go home. ;3

Hilarious April Fool's jokes too here, even at the Lucky Channel, lol.

So they're starting their third and year of high school finally. (^ ^)/ I remember about the education level in Japan... Poor Kagami never stayed at the same class. (' -w-) But it's a mirakuru that Yutaka & Iwasaki are in teh same class. Also, I don't get the refence when Konata have the hair ribbon thing but it's so cute!

Nice to see a few more new characters in this episode. I guess we're expecting more in the next! Also, I hope there'd be a real Akira concert next time and not a let down like last time, lol.
I know this topic is a little old but the reference is from the anime Da Capo.

Aug 25, 2007 1:33 PM
Aug 2007
Yeah I knew that..I recognized the song..aren't they violating something^^
Oct 1, 2007 12:38 AM

Sep 2007
Thanks for clearing that up. I knew I'd seen it before, but didn't know which anime.

Oct 1, 2007 1:22 AM

Jul 2007
Love the ep! The part where Kona-chan can't see the view during the Suzumiya Haruhi no Gekisou concert and then Kagami switched places with her so that she could see was too cute!! KonaxKaga ftw!

And Aya-sensei played double roles. x3

Dec 18, 2007 7:11 AM

Oct 2007
Konota's dad is remarry. I hope it's with teacher.
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Dec 27, 2007 10:57 PM

Jun 2007
the haruhi suzumiya no gekisou concert was awesome, konata's expression afterwards was even better

april fool's jokes ruled, specially konata's xD
konata saying "unique" cracked me up
konata's dad mistaken as a bad guy who robs stores was also hilarious
konata's face after playing for 3 days really almost made me fall off my chair
the part where the other two new girls said they were part of the background made me crack up xD
LOL at the supposedly OP for konata izumi xD

lucky channel's april fool's joke was... hilarious xD
magare xD

mi-mi-miracle, minorun-run xD
Feb 17, 2008 12:35 AM

May 2007
Ahahaahhhhh now I get it!

Damn you Konata XD
Feb 17, 2008 12:37 AM

Nov 2007
I was gonna say "wow, you just got it NOW?"

but then I see you just watched da capo XD
Feb 17, 2008 12:46 AM

May 2007
Yeah, I suck lol. XD

Looking back, this episode is really a Da Capo episode. Heh.
Mar 28, 2008 10:29 PM

Feb 2008
Arghh! I still haven't watched DC yet! But it is on my Plan to Watch! Hahaha! I just got a spoof of what I'm gonna watch.. LOL!

This episode is really hilarious!
Apr 16, 2008 12:54 PM

Dec 2007
another ED full of wins, btw why is there so much references to haruhi

Sumeragi Kururu - Pledge Queen of Tool Toul To

Apr 16, 2008 12:54 PM

Dec 2007
another ED full of wins, btw why is there so much references to haruhi, is it the same producer or what?

Sumeragi Kururu - Pledge Queen of Tool Toul To

Apr 19, 2008 7:14 PM

Jan 2008
lolz "unique"

it's funny how both miyuki's and konata's cousins are in teh same class. The concert was pretty awesome too :3
Likes: Anime/Manga obviously, elevator music, my Wii, Japan, my computer, Jpop/rock/core, Electronica/Techno/Dance

Hates: Doing homework, chores, people that annoy me in a bad way.

-Supposed to be one grade lower
-Can speak 2.01 languages: English, Filipino, and barely Japanese
-Choked on air once, spit a couple times

Rants and Raves
Apr 26, 2008 8:53 AM

Feb 2008
Loved the Da Capo references x'D

May 10, 2008 3:30 AM

Mar 2008
you know after I finish an episode I forget what happened immediately lol xD
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Oct 2, 2008 7:34 PM
Aug 2008
The ending theme was AWESOME
Oct 15, 2008 9:26 PM

Sep 2008
I'm surprised how no one has commented on how Miyuki is very similar to Yuki from Haruhi. They're played by the same actress and the names are very similar. Similar hair-cuts too.

Higurashi: Retroactively asserting why scary and cute sound so similar in Japanese.
Oct 29, 2008 3:18 AM

May 2008
B25Mitch said:
I'm surprised how no one has commented on how Miyuki is very similar to Yuki from Haruhi. They're played by the same actress and the names are very similar. Similar hair-cuts too.
i think they have >.>
Dec 1, 2008 12:31 PM

May 2007
mi mi mirakuru miki run run

Dec 5, 2008 7:45 PM

Aug 2008
100% epic Da Capo spoof! Loved it!!
Dec 9, 2008 5:49 AM

Jul 2008
love the scene when Konata doesn't know where the nurse office is XD

Mar 9, 2009 11:35 AM

Jul 2008
Oh. My. God. They parodied Da Capo! Theme song and everything! Konatori~! So cute.

chibuki said:
Ahahaahhhhh now I get it!

Damn you Konata XD

Holy crap! How did I miss that! What a reference! Da Capo was the first proper anime I ever watched and after watching this episode of Lucky Star all the memories are flooding back in to me! :P
ToukaMar 19, 2009 1:02 PM
I write about manga →
and movies →
Mar 19, 2009 6:50 AM

Feb 2009
Kagami was so sweet in this episode, and the teacher is really funny!
I like anime and stuff
Jun 15, 2009 7:24 PM

Jun 2009
Kagami switching seat with Konata so she could watch ^_^

Why do Kagami have to be so cute... Omochi Kaeri.
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Aug 15, 2009 4:15 AM

Nov 2007
lol nice episode, so many haruhi suzumiya figures everywhere @_@ plus Haruhi concert xD, ED was weird this time too =O
Aug 16, 2009 9:06 PM

Jun 2009
April fools day...

oh yeah..Kuroi sensei said "giri giri sefu ya (barely safe)",,and kona-chan said "autto desu (it's out/no good)"

and another fav quote from kona-chan -yahari kussai ka-
Sep 17, 2009 12:18 AM

Mar 2009
Funny episode.
by the episode and from what everyone's talking about i gotta see the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya. :D

But the april fool's thing was hilarious.
and for some reason everytime the teacher kept hitting Izumi, i cried laughing. xD
i love this show.

Nov 17, 2009 10:22 AM
Oct 2009
good episode lots of funny the family watching the game show and Konata's spring love
Dec 29, 2009 3:00 PM

Oct 2009
I really loved this episode. The April Fool's jokes were funny, and Konata's dad is hilarious. I felt bad for Kagami when she found out she wasn't in the same class as everyone.
Jan 2, 2010 8:01 PM
Dec 2009
This episode was really good. There were at least two Da Capo references:
They were the coughing up of sakura petals (the *illness*) and the theme song from the anime.
Apr 4, 2010 7:04 AM

Dec 2009
Really nice episode, Konata's thinking about love was funny XD.
Apr 5, 2010 3:39 PM
Aug 2008
Quiet Konata is... quiet. There's something appealing about that, as a change. (It'd be boring if she were that way all the time.)

I think Kagami is just less susceptible to cold. (I'm sure Misao would say it's her element, so of course...)

Kagami's not taking Konata's reference to Tenshi no Shippo seriously, is she? ;)

Hmm. Konata a troublemaker? Sure she's late, sleeps in class, and copies homework rather than figuring it out herself, but that's pretty tame... maybe the original word is broader...?

De Capo (I guess, that's what people are saying) Konata is so adorable! :D

It's right there, Konata... but then, the sign is so high up...

I knew that was going to be an April Fool's lie.

I hope Izumi-san isn't thinking of making one of Konata's classmates her new mom...
"Say, Tsukasa, how do you eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup?"
Apr 20, 2010 2:13 PM

Feb 2010
IzzyReigns said:
Funny episode.
by the episode and from what everyone's talking about i gotta see the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya. :D

ditto. I havent seen "haruhi.." so many jokes are over my head... i NEED 2 see it!
May 5, 2010 1:56 AM

Apr 2009
Fuuuu!! I wanted to see the rest of the ending T^T
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