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Jan 23, 2012 11:50 PM

Aug 2011
not worth turning into a gif unless they hadn't cut the scene where the umbrella's tip was about to pierce her.

I wonder what the teacher said to Yukari before that. Maybe someone, probably from her family, died right before she did. If that is the case then it's not only the people in their class are going to die but also those who are related to them.
Jan 23, 2012 11:50 PM

May 2011
Moral of this episode... NO RUNNING DOWN THE STAIRS!!!

Btw at the end, why was Sakuragi in a hurry anyway?

Jan 23, 2012 11:54 PM

Feb 2010
My thoughts is still the same I guess, she's so cute :D. And about the other girl's death-o well.
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Jan 23, 2012 11:55 PM

Sep 2008
Holy Raptor Jesus O_O

Jan 24, 2012 12:00 AM

Nov 2010
Mr_DaftPunk said:
Moral of this episode... NO RUNNING DOWN THE STAIRS!!!

Btw at the end, why was Sakuragi in a hurry anyway?

Getting away from Misaki.

Damn, Yukari doing a Mami Tomoe on everyone.
I play, the haters lose.
Jan 24, 2012 12:01 AM

Nov 2010
Loved this ep!
Jan 24, 2012 12:05 AM

Oct 2010
Dat ending. Now scared for life about using an umbrella. :(

I'm gonna bet on Kouichi getting blamed by his classmates for getting involved with the supernatural leading to Yukari's death.
Jan 24, 2012 12:10 AM

Aug 2011
firebound12 said:
Don't know how to rate the pacing of this anime..... very slow build up, quick death.


For a Mystery/Horror anime, slowly building up the tension is an ideal way to create a greater suspense in the story. We still don't know if there is anyone going to die in ep 4 so i really can't tell if this anime is going too fast. This is a 12 ep series so i kinda understand why there's already someone died in ep 3 unless im fully mistaken and actually plan to make this a 2-part series (12 eps each)
Jan 24, 2012 12:29 AM

Oct 2010
Start time 3:30am January 24th 2012. The best time. It's going to be wild. So the eye is indeed the a fake eye from a doll in the following,

Looks well adapted except the colour should have been blue.

The dolls have 2 purposes IMO:
A) To draw vitality in order to become alive thus think of it as “Alive Magic” from Fairy Tails with the condition of enough vitality.

B) A means to trap a soul into it forever.

OK Now I suspect the spirit took loads of energy from the beliefs the class to manifest itself and upgrade its powers of influence.

BTW GIFs of Mei in the club:
I might put more of them.
Yumekichi11Jan 24, 2012 4:02 AM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jan 24, 2012 12:41 AM

Sep 2011
1. i really like the portrayal of Misaki's lips throughout this anime. it's pretty sexy.
2. holy Jesus, poor Yukari. she seemed like such a kind character too. v_v

Jan 24, 2012 12:42 AM

Jan 2011
Umbrellas are dangerous, umbrellas are dangerous, umbrellas are dangerous, umbrellas are dangerous.

Jan 24, 2012 12:46 AM

Aug 2011
Hi, im selling raincoats for cheap... anybody?

^ agreed those lips are hot
Jan 24, 2012 1:01 AM

Feb 2010
so four eyes is the first victim^^
Jan 24, 2012 1:15 AM

Nov 2011
Dem umbrellas man, no one expects dem umbrellas. The umbrella is the culprit.
The Art of Eight
Jan 24, 2012 1:15 AM
Jan 2012
piperz said:
I wonder what the teacher said to Yukari before that. Maybe someone, probably from her family, died right before she did. If that is the case then it's not only the people in their class are going to die but also those who are related to them.

The preview shows tiretracks taking off from the road, heading towards a building which is covered in blue plastic. Could be anyone really, but I take it's what made Yukari rush out of class.
Jan 24, 2012 1:27 AM

Apr 2010
Awesome!! I can't wait for next week!
Jan 24, 2012 1:29 AM

Nov 2011
Digglett said:
>People complaining about realism in an anime.
>realism in an anime.
>in an anime.

SERIOUSLY GUYS, you're killing me here, I'm laughing at you trying to put together realism for anime. Stop trying, it's a futile act.

>People using greentext out of 4chan.
>greentext out of 4chan.
>out of 4chan.
The Art of Eight
Jan 24, 2012 1:58 AM

Aug 2008
That was... an awesome development.
I thought this anime was gonna be rather mild to say the least, and that it wasn't going to be quite as graphic... glad I was wrong :D

Obviously, it seems that the closer a person in that class can feel the "presence" of Misaki, the more likely they're to encounter... death. That's pretty awesome for a horror plot line.
And our protagonist seems to be the closest in terms of interactions with Misaki. Maybe just being close to him will cause you to die even? Who knows. Oh the possibilities!
Jan 24, 2012 2:19 AM

Apr 2009
Aww I liked her.
This curse has a terrible taste, killing her with an umbrella like that.
Jan 24, 2012 2:20 AM

Nov 2007
piperz said:
Oh i have another theory to add...
Before Yukari died, she must have seen the ghost of the Misaki who died in Mei' place that’s why she began to tremble and death came after. So basically, they were actually ignoring the current Misaki to break this so-called curse by trying to undo the events that happened 26 yrs ago. Remember, Mai mentioned to Kouichi about 26 yrs ago on how their class acted as if Misaki was still with them but, in reality, she was already dead. And after the graduation, Misaki seems to have appeared on the photo looking pale and was probably saddened about pretending as if she is still alive. That probably triggered this curse, or i should say Misaki haunting down the students in class 3. Reiko said that Kouichi's mom was indeed in class 3 at 9th grade. So if her mom is dead (not sure if she's dead in the anime) then there has to connection between that and the curse in class 3. So to say, this event has been going on for 26 years. And now in the present time, Kouichi's class is trying to mimic the class 26 yrs ago but instead of pretending that Misaki is alive(i think this is the mistake class 3 did 26 yrs ago).... they are ignoring Mei to make it look like she never existed or put Mei in Misaki's place who had died to end the cycle and to finally let Misaki rest in peace.

I like your theory, though I'm not that sure Yukari saw Misaki's ghost.
I'm pretty sure everyone can see Mei, but they're deliberately ignoring her up to the date of Misaki's death 26 years earlier. Hence the 'I'll tell you in a month' and those countermeasures. So she's a scapegoat, and probably there have been others in the years before as well.
Now if there really is a curse, and Misaki's ghost is involved, than she might have died during that schooltrip. Cause I think the change in dates for the schooltrip must have it's reason, and the circumstances about her death are very unclear.
piperz said:
I wonder what the teacher said to Yukari before that. Maybe someone, probably from her family, died right before she did. If that is the case then it's not only the people in their class are going to die but also those who are related to them.

Or people who were in class 3 in previous years. One of her parents may have been in the same class as Misaki, together with Kouichi's mum.
Jan 24, 2012 2:31 AM

Aug 2009
Don't run with pointy objects people! :O

Finally something happened. I usually love slow paced type anime, but this has been really slow so far (with lots of random doll shots...). I do look forward to the next one now though, it's going to be interesting to see where it's going.

Jan 24, 2012 2:33 AM
Dec 2007
Best episode for now, it was both very atmospheric and gory. We now have some elements of script thrown here and there like part of the story from 26 years ago plus the confirmation that Misaki indeed exists but people don't want to see her. Oh, and the Sakakibara's mother was of course in the original Misaki's class when stuff happened. Hmmm, interesting.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Jan 24, 2012 3:13 AM
May 2010
I'm really enjoying it. I wonder if people who are complaining about the pace watch many horror works? That was barely a wait compared to many great thought-provoking horror films. I'm happy they answered some questions early on but still leaving many open-ended and more questions arising.

I also am continually interested by how the character almost reacts to each situation how I would of reacted. I don't think I've ever felt closer to a main character before than I feel to Sakakibara.
Jan 24, 2012 3:15 AM

Sep 2011
5 stars for another gore!
Jan 24, 2012 3:28 AM

Oct 2011
best anime of the season - gets better with every episode - i just want to get lost in the atmosphere of this show - why can't it last much longer - just leaves one feeling on edge in the way a great horror story can - my favorite part, hands down, (other than the doll studio) was the shot of him reading h.p. lovecraft - my favorite author (scary as hell - just like this show) - excellent..........
Jan 24, 2012 3:34 AM

Feb 2008
Let the freak accidents begin. That was quite disturbing.
Jan 24, 2012 3:36 AM

Jul 2009
Ooooh what a lovely and unexpected death (^.^)

The whole "realisation" right before was every anticlimax, like you only figure that one out now -.-'
But then we where granted a beautiful crimson death, which definitely outweigh that little scene =}
Jan 24, 2012 3:37 AM
Jul 2008
You idiots, a lot of people use folded small umbrellas these days that don't have sharp pointy ends.

It took til episode 3 for the first death eh? I would've liked it if they started at episode two since we were all expecting some sort of people dying thing :\

And it's confirmed she 'doesn't exist'!

Now where's my happy ending? Hahahaha
Jan 24, 2012 3:43 AM
Dec 2007
shadowtsunami said:
justinas said:
This episode somehow reminded me of the book/movie "Omen"

By the way, where does the censored release come from? I'm watching the HorribleSubs release and it seems less censored than the OP's screencap.

I watched streaming and they showed the actually needle of the umbrella going through the next. It is probably CR's video, because that could be the TV verison
HorribleSUbs rips it straight from the stream release so yeah, CR version. TV version is censored to high hell as usual.

Jan 24, 2012 3:47 AM

May 2008
Btw, where did Yukari headed in such a hurry. I mean before she saw Mei, she was already in a hurry, the teacher must have called her out because something happened.
Anyway, watching this on the afternoon was a good decision~
Jan 24, 2012 3:53 AM

May 2010
I am starting too love the creepiness of this series & that of misaki & kouchi too..
Jan 24, 2012 3:53 AM

Oct 2010
The end of the episode was so gore and gruesome I had some problems adapting.

About Yukari’s death, Yukari had someone who loved her in the spoiler
it clearly showed that Kazami has a crush on her with that blush. However IMO Yukari did some things that out thing hated. For one foreshadow of the point was something that caught right away having read the manga. The point looks sharper. It looks that Yukari exhibited blushing feelings of happiness towards liking Tokyo. Not a good thing IMO. The thing felt that. The 2nd thing is in the spoiler
she mentions not to say that name. Fear start and thing knows easily. Good thing that Teshigawara and Mikami interrupted but too late IMO due to the incident that happens of what the teacher runs to tell Yukari.

That leads to another foreshadow in the scene those stairs again. The part was flawless. Mei mentioning that Kouichi can only see her here and his expression that is shocking with the scenes in the spoiler
that specifically pointing out a vision that only a ghost can have visually as I have from other animes seen of them. BGM there was amazing. It’s obvious that it showed rather well how the scene flows of seeing Mei as a ghost but at the same time something else watching. Suffice to say the following,

Oh dear God Yukari. With scenes like in the spoiler
it made things very gory and more so than the manga. For one doing some GIFs of it in the club:
Prove nothing less than gore and blood splatter. Amazingly well done. The details are on par or better than Blood-C.
Believe me I saw my share of gore on Blood-C Bds and this comes really close to them. Furthermore the broken glasses and body twitching in the spoiler
added to scenes fear and disgust. Amazingly well done. I am shocked and shat in my pant metamorphically speaking.

What came up exactly at that time? Simple 3 points of why I think the thing did all of this and Mei is just part of its family in the list.
  • Yukari’s expression in the spoiler
    while it was not Mei but she did act like a switch for the thing. Most people might fail to notice with no expertise but I can tell you that her fear was more than enough for it.

  • Yukari’s slipping in the spoiler
    was not natural since her shoes were dry and there was nothing there. Therefore the thing did something around her.

  • To back up the above the umbrella opening in the spoiler
    proves further more than anything that it was the thing that opened it and aimed the point at Yukari directly. To kill her.
BINGO! Oh dear Yukari angered and pissed off with her attitude and all the thing.

As a result if punctured her throat and upper spinal cord. No chance to live. Only to gasp and twitch before dying.

About the preview, can’t to see her,

She is well done and you will find out who she is. Looks like a car here is going to happen and a student are going into a panic here. People mourn Yukari poor her she will never know that Kazami had a crush on her. Guess the nurse fill in more Kouichi and him her on stuff happening. The class is going frantic a little and I can’t wait to see in the spoiler
WTF is that going to be about.

WOW Yukari, I did not cry for you because the thing knew you were pathetic and fearful. That is why it feasted on something then ultimately you failed to pass its test so it killed you after. IMO that is what I think of what the ghost might thinking. Speculations at best but I do know of what its rules are. One of them looks to be emotional trigger. Yukari proved that with her fear but even by babbling too much shit around of Mei and the legend. Not a lot but the thing can detect her inner thoughts and read minds. This is an entity that got major major power by killing despite being a normal human being soul. It evolved to being a over 9000 power ghost capable of controlling a town. In simple terms.

Might edit my original post:
came so late because I never watch this unless it's past midnight. Always!

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jan 24, 2012 3:56 AM
May 2010
EternalDreamer said:
Ooooh what a lovely and unexpected death (^.^)

The whole "realisation" right before was every anticlimax, like you only figure that one out now -.-'
But then we where granted a beautiful crimson death, which definitely outweigh that little scene =}

He clearly figured it out before, but it's a whole other ball game between thinking it and hearing it from the horses mouth.

KJacket said:
You idiots, a lot of people use folded small umbrellas these days that don't have sharp pointy ends.

It took til episode 3 for the first death eh? I would've liked it if they started at episode two since we were all expecting some sort of people dying thing :

And it's confirmed she 'doesn't exist'!

Now where's my happy ending? Hahahaha

People need to realize there's more to horror than killing. If it was all just mindless killing, then there would be no substance to the story or the characters. Or the deaths, for that matter.
DuskGolemJan 24, 2012 4:01 AM
Jan 24, 2012 4:06 AM

Oct 2010
piperz said:
justinas said:
onzeedge said:
B) she actually sees Mei and freaks out.

That could be the case. Maybe people see Mei right before they die?

You're probably right. It could also be possible that all the students in class 3 will all die at the end, and maybe the same thing had happened in the past years that's why the students were so anxious on telling Koiuchi about the story. We just saw the first death and now who will be the next one? damn this is so thrilling. I like where this anime is heading. Im hoping for more disturbing scenes next week /droool
Kazami might be next since he appears right after Yukari at the end. Yukari being dead already appears first and she is so far the first death.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jan 24, 2012 4:10 AM

Oct 2010
awesome episode

<3 mei's eyes

the end made me kinda like "woah, holy shit!" , cant wait for the next episode!
Jan 24, 2012 4:29 AM
Sep 2011
I really like the direction of this show, not only visually with its interesting angles it uses but also storywise. The slow pace really fits this show but I can see how people might get annoyed with it being desensitized by the excessive violence they get to witness in many shows of this genre.
Personally, I like it since it also allows the characters to get fleshed out quite nicely and it also helps that they aren't depicted merely as stereotypes but like real people you can relate to.
If certain viewers expect fast plot progession with lots of casualties and over the top violence they should consider to pick another show.

On another note, I don't see why people think glasses girl's death was unrealistic while there were similar cases or even much more crazier things occuring in reality.
EudaimoniaJan 24, 2012 4:50 AM
Jan 24, 2012 4:30 AM

Oct 2010
WOW read the whole thing. I am just smiling at what I know and people's speculations. Some are close to the truth some are far and some are plain wrong. Even I cannot confirm somethings but 101 paranormal stuff helps. What people should take into consideration is what if it's another ghost that is with Mei that may be doing all this. You really think Mei herself can kill? I am not so sure of that one. I think it's something else. Another family member of Misaki. Could be pissed too at the cousin dying.
Gogetters said:
Or maybe she was freaked out about seeing Mei and her dying was just an accident from running down the stairs because she got scared.
Impossible due to supernatural occurrences. Umbrellas do not fall down like that nor point at the exact spot.
MrSteeel said:
Gogetters said:
justinas said:
onzeedge said:
B) she actually sees Mei and freaks out.

That could be the case. Maybe people see Mei right before they die?
Then that boy would have been dead already.

It's getting good!

Maybe he's special? (or freakin lucky?XD)
Wrong, it's the thing. If it likes him then it won't do anything.

BTW "The Thing' is to be referred to as the evil ghost doing all this shit. I don't think it's Mei.
communiist said:
See the thing i dont understand is why didnt the class just tell him from the beginning not to talk to her or they will die. I dont get it
Put it this way if the thing sees you and it does not like you babbling too much and decided to kill you due to it, knowing that would you do something? No of course well that is the problem. I think they figured out something like that but IMO it's assumed so far. There are many triggers that make the thing pissed off. So far we know talking too much and being with Mei incites and the emotions too.
Mastermind995 said:
Final destination:Anime edition!
No way does not compare. In Final Destination the evil shit is a Grim Reaper. In this one it's a normal spirit that grew to God like powers since it can have all the town under his powers. May it can't kill all but it can kill slowly all.
4kicks said:
The overall feel between the anime and manga is completely different despite the story remaining more or less the same. Since the death scene was animated and was super more grotesque and disturbing than when it happened in the manga. In the manga, it felt like an instant-kill, but the anime made it so she lived a few more seconds wriggling in pain while bleeding to death. This is a pretty creepy and gross horror story alright.
Same though train too.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jan 24, 2012 4:39 AM

Oct 2011
Was thinking it was too slow then suddenly some action at then end of the episode, disgusting though :< but looks like it will get interesting
Glad it's censored; can't handle too much blood.
Jan 24, 2012 4:50 AM

Jan 2010
that Umbrella is kinda dangerous , who buys something pointy
And poor girl , i didnt wanted her to die but what an unexpected turn of event

next week looking forward
Jan 24, 2012 4:54 AM

Oct 2010
OhanaNiArashi said:
Glad it's censored; can't handle too much blood.
Wait a second, I don't get the censored part, are there 2 versions?

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jan 24, 2012 5:03 AM

Jun 2011
Well it looks to me that people are able to see Misaki when they are about to die
Jan 24, 2012 5:05 AM

Apr 2011
Jan 24, 2012 5:27 AM

Jun 2011
Never going to look at umbrellas the same way again.
Jan 24, 2012 5:42 AM

Jan 2010
can someone explain why:

-yukari left class in hurry
-teacher from other class coming
-yukari change her direction when see kouchi
Jan 24, 2012 5:46 AM
Dec 2009
Never trust them umbrellas.
Jan 24, 2012 5:46 AM

Jan 2010
EdenBaggins said:

use raincoat!
Jan 24, 2012 5:50 AM

Jun 2009
Jan 24, 2012 5:50 AM

Nov 2011
Fuck that looked painful...
Jan 24, 2012 5:52 AM

Sep 2010
This show is getting better!

tembikai said:
EdenBaggins said:

use raincoat!

I guess you are right guys :P
Jan 24, 2012 5:52 AM
Aug 2010
Goosebumps all around this episode.
When you're miserable, you need to make someone even more miserable than yourself. - Lucy
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