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Dec 14, 2011 6:19 PM
Oct 2011
The topic is self explanatory; but then again, seeing as how we are all military types here sometimes self explanatory needs to be explained in detail. Basically just a way for all of us members of the club to introduce ourselves and get to know a little bit about each other. I'm not going to suggest any form or guidelines for one's intro, just whatever you want to share.

I served in the Marines for 5 years as a Navigational Aids Technician. Now I'm struggling my way through college again. I think I'll stick with it this time though.

Hmm, I became an anime addict only after joining the military, once a friend of mine introduced me to it (the original FMA). I really don't think I would have stuck with anime were it not for the fact that there is a whole bunch of it, and deployments to the desert tend to create a lot of down time that needs filling. Now I'm completely hooked.

Anyway, that's just a little bit about me. Looking forward to reading other interesting responses.
Active Military, Prior Service, and Veteran's Anime Club
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Dec 14, 2011 11:02 PM

Feb 2009
HI! im corsair or kyle your choice dun care. I served in the marine corps for 5 years as well i was a POG and built helicopter engines while i was in. and now am unemployed going to skool.
I got into anime in about 2005 with naruto and then bleach as im sure most did as well.
i enjoy chilling watching youtube poops and various videos while under the influence and the occasional bar excursion.
Dec 15, 2011 4:19 PM

Aug 2011
I, am Antalk. Started my life in the military in the Coast Guard as a snipe doing SAR. 4 and out the door. Needed extra cash and a bud of mine told me about the National Guard. Liked what the recruiter had to say, so I joined. 17 years, several floods, 2 nor'easters, 9/11, 13 months in Iraq and one Hurricane Katrina later I retired a SSG. I was in a position for a Platoon and E7, but my lower back just said no. Soldiering is a young mans job, and it has been many years since I was a young man. Plus, I had the op to retire on the same day as my wife, so we did in 2010 ( she was in the USCG as well ). Held the MOS's of 88M and 77F. Do I miss it? Hell yeah.
I, too have gone back to school and hopefully will be joining the employed ranks this January.
Started watching anime back in the early '70's with Speed Racer and Star Blazers. Watched various anime with my younger brothers in the '80's then got a car, women, etc, etc....then came Netflix. I have been making up for lost time since we got it.

Active Military, Prior Service and Veteran's Anime Club
do not forget the sound of my voice until the day we reunite
Dec 18, 2011 10:40 AM
Oct 2011
Corsair857 - When were you at school in pensacola? We might have been there at about the same time, since I spent a long time there learning stuff for my MOS.
Active Military, Prior Service, and Veteran's Anime Club
Dec 19, 2011 12:31 PM

Mar 2009
Thanks to all for helping revive this club. I was about to delete it!

Here's my info:

-US Army 1974 - 1976 ( 93K, En Route Air Traffic Control, AIT - Ft. Rucker, AL and Bayreuth, Germany, Sp4
-US Army Reserve 1976 - 1980ish Supply Sgt, 104th Tng Div, SSG, Yakima, WA

(Yes, I'm that old.)

My Dad, who was trained for service in North Africa, ended up at Normandy on D Day. After that, he was in every major battle in the European Theater. Woke up in a field hospital at the "Battle of The Bulge with frostbite. His feet and fingers bothered him the rest of his life. He was with the "Big Red 1" the transportation unit that followed along behind Gen. Patton. Ironically, I ended up being stationed almost straight across the German/Czec border where Dad was when the shooting stopped. (Note: Mom was 42 when she had me.)

My 1/2 brother was a Marine on a aircraft carrier during the Korean "Conflict."

I wasn't in Vietnam but am a veteran of that era. Knew a bunch of guys, mostly helicopter pilots, who had been there. Almost married one or two of them. ;-) A lot of them are now dead thanks to "agent orange" and other stuff.
-animeS - The plural of anime is anime. More than one deer is still deer. There is no damn "s".
-epic |ˈepik| noun•a work portraying heroic deeds/adventures covering an long period of time - adjective • heroic/grand in scale or character
Active Military, Prior Service, and Veteran's Anime Club
Dec 26, 2011 9:01 PM
Oct 2008
Introduce myself huh well I am former SO3 Davis US Navy. Served in Operation Desert Storm. After I got out I kind of went back home for awhile.Then I went to Andrews University were I graduated with a degree in Graphic Arts Tech. I am married and have been for five years now my 5th anniversary was Dec 3rd. I now work as a volunteer for the Red Cross and help out with law enforcement. I have a working knowledge of Japanese and love watching anime whether subbed, dubbed (has to be a correct translation) or raw. Got into anime by watching the Harmony Gold version of Robotech not bad but the Macross series vastly out does Robotech in every way.
Dec 27, 2011 2:58 PM

Dec 2008
Well, lisnoire, you've got me beat, but only by about 3 years. Went into the Nav in Nov of '77 (right after T-day), Spent a year and change in Millington, TN going to school and then in typical military logic wound up in P3 outfit out of Barber's Point, HI after asking for one in Brunswick, ME. Four of us had asked for P3's, two of us to Barber's and two to Brunswick, and you can probably guess who wound up in Brunswick. After Barber's, I wound up in NAF El Centro, CA (nice people, crappy command), followed by ≈4 years on the Constellation before she went around Cape Horn and ended up in Philly for rehab while I went to North Island and finished off my time.

Now back in South Dakota working for the VA Black Hills Health Care System at Ft. Meade, outside of Sturgis. If you have a VA Center Long-term Care unit near you, go visit the vets there. The ones I work around frequently don't have any visitors other than veterans groups and their health care providers. Fair warning though, those folks are pretty set in their ways and can get a touch argumentative. Most of the ones I work around are Korean War and Vietnam vets, but we've lost a few WWII vets this last year that will be missed sorely.
Dec 28, 2011 7:15 AM

Mar 2009
@OrlahEhontas Yeah!!!! another cold war "Old Fart"!
-animeS - The plural of anime is anime. More than one deer is still deer. There is no damn "s".
-epic |ˈepik| noun•a work portraying heroic deeds/adventures covering an long period of time - adjective • heroic/grand in scale or character
Active Military, Prior Service, and Veteran's Anime Club
Dec 28, 2011 4:00 PM

Dec 2008
lisnoire said:
@OrlahEhontas Yeah!!!! another cold war "Old Fart"!
I'm even technically a "Gulf War" vet. The first gulf war that everyone tends to forget about. 'Course I was at North Island in SanDog at the time, but ask a puzzle palace vet of the Vietnam era if he/she is a Vietnam Vet or not, or some of the WWII vets that never left the states. Betcha they say they are...
Dec 29, 2011 9:35 AM

Mar 2009
OrlahEhontas said:
lisnoire said:
@OrlahEhontas Yeah!!!! another cold war "Old Fart"!
I'm even technically a "Gulf War" vet. The first gulf war that everyone tends to forget about. 'Course I was at North Island in SanDog at the time, but ask a puzzle palace vet of the Vietnam era if he/she is a Vietnam Vet or not, or some of the WWII vets that never left the states. Betcha they say they are...
--I completely understand. I am a Vietnam era vet 'tho never in country. Shit was flying when I signed on. I remember listening to the fall of Saigon on a small radio in the barracks. Had lots of friends who were there. Lots of first hand stories, just no personal ones.

Oh, I certainly remember the Gulf War. I have two friends who were there, one a female nurse stationed in Riyadh and the other a tanker in the thick of it. I was sitting in a hospital with my Dad (a WWII vet) at the time glued to CNN.
lisnoireDec 29, 2011 9:41 AM
-animeS - The plural of anime is anime. More than one deer is still deer. There is no damn "s".
-epic |ˈepik| noun•a work portraying heroic deeds/adventures covering an long period of time - adjective • heroic/grand in scale or character
Active Military, Prior Service, and Veteran's Anime Club
Dec 29, 2011 3:57 PM

Dec 2008
lisnoire said:
OrlahEhontas said:
lisnoire said:
@OrlahEhontas Yeah!!!! another cold war "Old Fart"!
I'm even technically a "Gulf War" vet. The first gulf war that everyone tends to forget about. 'Course I was at North Island in SanDog at the time, but ask a puzzle palace vet of the Vietnam era if he/she is a Vietnam Vet or not, or some of the WWII vets that never left the states. Betcha they say they are...
--I completely understand. I am a Vietnam era vet 'tho never in country. Shit was flying when I signed on. I remember listening to the fall of Saigon on a small radio in the barracks. Had lots of friends who were there. Lots of first hand stories, just no personal ones.

Oh, I certainly remember the Gulf War. I have two friends who were there, one a female nurse stationed in Riyadh and the other a tanker in the thick of it. I was sitting in a hospital with my Dad (a WWII vet) at the time glued to CNN.
The one thing I always thank dog for was that Bush's SecState managed to keep a firm grip on Israel's leash. If they had gone off the reservation and joined in on the hammering of Iraq when the dummy dropped Scud's on Tel Aviv, the whole alliance thing would have come apart like the tissue paper that it was made of had gotten wet, and it would have probably expanded well beyond the regional conflict that it was at the time. Dropping things on the Israelis is never a really good idea. They tend to over-react in a really bad way.
Dec 29, 2011 10:44 PM

Mar 2009
OrlahEhontas said:
The one thing I always thank dog for was that Bush's SecState managed to keep a firm grip on Israel's leash. If they had gone off the reservation and joined in on the hammering of Iraq when the dummy dropped Scud's on Tel Aviv, the whole alliance thing would have come apart like the tissue paper that it was made of had gotten wet, and it would have probably expanded well beyond the regional conflict that it was at the time. Dropping things on the Israelis is never a really good idea. They tend to over-react in a really bad way.
--"Thank dog for" = coffee snort on the keyboard. As does wet tissue paper and dropping things on the Israelis not being a good idea.
-animeS - The plural of anime is anime. More than one deer is still deer. There is no damn "s".
-epic |ˈepik| noun•a work portraying heroic deeds/adventures covering an long period of time - adjective • heroic/grand in scale or character
Active Military, Prior Service, and Veteran's Anime Club
Dec 30, 2011 2:30 AM
Oct 2008
OrlahEhontas said:
lisnoire said:
@OrlahEhontas Yeah!!!! another cold war "Old Fart"!
I'm even technically a "Gulf War" vet. The first gulf war that everyone tends to forget about. 'Course I was at North Island in SanDog at the time, but ask a puzzle palace vet of the Vietnam era if he/she is a Vietnam Vet or not, or some of the WWII vets that never left the states. Betcha they say they are...

I know how you feel. I to am a Gulf War I Vet (Operation Desert Storm) and most people remember the second one (Iraqi Freedom) because the govt. let them finish that one
Dec 30, 2011 3:46 AM

Aug 2011
We remember though. In the military we remember wars like birthdays and anniversaries. They are ingrained into our culture, they are part of us, even if we weren't there. The sheeple only remember what the media tells them to.

Active Military, Prior Service and Veteran's Anime Club
do not forget the sound of my voice until the day we reunite
Dec 30, 2011 7:42 AM
Sep 2011
Hello all. Im badseeker. I am currently serving in the U.S. Army reserve as an E-3. My MOS is 91B aka Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic. I hope to make SGT in the next few years. I have no deployments under my belt so compared to all of y'all im a green horn. I got into anime when I was about 14 when my friend introduced me to Inuyasha and ive been hooked ever since. Well thats all. Thank you for allowing me into this club and I hope to get to know some of y'all better.
Dec 30, 2011 9:30 AM

Mar 2009
Hey, Badseeker! Glad to have you here! As my Dad always said, "We'll treat you so many ways, you're bound to like some of 'em." We also have lots of advice (free advice is often worth exactly what you paid for it ;-) and lots of opinions (opinions are like assholes, everyone has one ;-)

Again, happy to have you here. Now you need to go recruit someone so you are no longer the FNG!
-animeS - The plural of anime is anime. More than one deer is still deer. There is no damn "s".
-epic |ˈepik| noun•a work portraying heroic deeds/adventures covering an long period of time - adjective • heroic/grand in scale or character
Active Military, Prior Service, and Veteran's Anime Club
Dec 31, 2011 8:25 AM
Oct 2008
badseeker said:
Hello all. Im badseeker. I am currently serving in the U.S. Army reserve as an E-3. My MOS is 91B aka Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic. I hope to make SGT in the next few years. I have no deployments under my belt so compared to all of y'all im a green horn. I got into anime when I was about 14 when my friend introduced me to Inuyasha and ive been hooked ever since. Well thats all. Thank you for allowing me into this club and I hope to get to know some of y'all better.

What matters is that you have decided to serve your country in my book that spells excellent choice. Besides with your MOS you will get deployed trust me.
Dec 31, 2011 9:30 AM

Mar 2009
Oh, badseeker, congrats on the pending promo. Nicely done.
-animeS - The plural of anime is anime. More than one deer is still deer. There is no damn "s".
-epic |ˈepik| noun•a work portraying heroic deeds/adventures covering an long period of time - adjective • heroic/grand in scale or character
Active Military, Prior Service, and Veteran's Anime Club
Jan 18, 2012 5:01 PM
Nov 2010
I was in the Marine Reserve from 2001 to 2009. Went to OIF from April 2003 to Augest 2003.

@OrlahEhontas I never forgot Desert Storm and Desert Shield, though I was still in elementary school at the time. Many of the higher rankers, I met were also in the Gulf War and I believe that was to our advantage in OIF and Afghanistan. I heard some funny stories from one of my gunny's about a Saudi Arabian mishap. But AMEN to what you said about letting us finish. I still remember watching the Iraqi's dip their fingers in ink after voting despite the threats on their life. Kinda makes you get a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

Anyways, I got out in 2009 though I regret that decision. Call me what you like but for some reason I like deployments.... my unit all went to Afghanistan shortly after I left.

Anyways, I been watching anime on and off for about 15 years. And play PC games like crazy. o_o Mainly shooters. xD Rainbow Six 2 is still my favorite.
Jan 18, 2012 5:07 PM
Oct 2008
yngtadpole said:
I was in the Marine Reserve from 2001 to 2009. Went to OIF from April 2003 to Augest 2003.

@OrlahEhontas I never forgot Desert Storm and Desert Shield, though I was still in elementary school at the time. Many of the higher rankers, I met were also in the Gulf War and I believe that was to our advantage in OIF and Afghanistan. I heard some funny stories from one of my gunny's about a Saudi Arabian mishap. But AMEN to what you said about letting us finish. I still remember watching the Iraqi's dip their fingers in ink after voting despite the threats on their life. Kinda makes you get a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

Anyways, I got out in 2009 though I regret that decision. Call me what you like but for some reason I like deployments.... my unit all went to Afghanistan shortly after I left.

Anyways, I been watching anime on and off for about 15 years. And play PC games like crazy. o_o Mainly shooters. xD Rainbow Six 2 is still my favorite.

Welcome aboard Shipmate good to have you. In High School during the first so while I was getting my ass shot at you where learning english grammar how do you like that. Well I am happy to have protected your right to a peaceful and fun high school life.
Jan 18, 2012 5:16 PM
Nov 2010
Lol thanks. Actually I was in middle school. xD
Jan 19, 2012 2:10 AM
Oct 2008
AHHHH Middle School oh just rub it in why don't you. Well I guess it can't be helped it was going to happen sooner or later now I am old. It's not so bad that just proves I have earned my silver hair. It's good to know that me and my crew helped defend your right to a safe education.
Jan 19, 2012 2:35 AM

Dec 2008
Greetings, one and all! I'm PhillyFlash, born on January 12, 1959 (yeah, I'm THAT old) in Philadelphia, PA where I'm still living, only because I've yet to win the Powerball Lottery so I can move to some ritzy suburb.

Graduated from John Bartram High School in 1976, then left for Great Lakes and Boot Camp in July to start what would become a long and mostly boring Navy career, but I did a whole lot of traveling in my first four years in the service on two ships (USS Knox FF-1052 out of Pearl, then Yokosuka; USS Detroit AOE-4 out of Norfolk) as I got to visit Japan, Taiwan, (South) Korea, Phillippines, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Spain, France, Italy and Greece. Ahh! What an experience that was! Never saw any action in any conflicts though. Oh, yeah, I was a Storekeeper (I think it's called something different these days), hardly a glamorous position which you'd never see in those fancy Navy commercials, but without us, ships don't have parts to keep sailing and their crews don't have toilet paper to wipe their bottoms with, so we're important!

After leaving the service in 1996, I worked briefly in retail (Neiman-Marcus), didn't like it, so I left after a couple of years and got a position in the Federal Service where I've been ever since. Been watching anime seriously since 1996 when I discovered Sailor Moon (Coincidence? I don't think so!) and I've been a huge fan ever since!

May the DESU be with you! Always!
Jan 19, 2012 4:51 AM

Mar 2009
@davismw2000 -- Welcome to my world. I knew something had changed in the world, not me, when cops and doctors started looking young. And military officers. I swear Majors were never that young!
-animeS - The plural of anime is anime. More than one deer is still deer. There is no damn "s".
-epic |ˈepik| noun•a work portraying heroic deeds/adventures covering an long period of time - adjective • heroic/grand in scale or character
Active Military, Prior Service, and Veteran's Anime Club
Jan 19, 2012 6:24 AM
Oct 2008
lisnoire said:
@davismw2000 -- Welcome to my world. I knew something had changed in the world, not me, when cops and doctors started looking young. And military officers. I swear Majors were never that young!

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Why ,Why I promise to be good from now on Damn !#%& Fine well I guess I just have to except it Oh look its the stages of Denial.

I can remember some of the officers being young mostly snot noise Ensigns fresh out of Annapolis thought they knew everything ARRRRRRRRRRRgggh #$&^, bleep bleep
You do not know the number of times I wanted to take my sniper rifle and ...............

yngtadpole in case you don't know I was a SEAL
Jan 19, 2012 6:33 AM
Oct 2008
To answer your question PhillyFlash your rating has been changed to...

The Logistics Specialist (LS) is a US Navy rating that was created on October 1, 2009 by the merger of the Storekeeper (SK) and Postal Clerk (PC) ratings.

Job Description

Logistics Specialists manage inventories of repair parts/general supplies and distribute mail for ships, squadrons, and shore-based activities. They procure, receive, store and issue material and repair components. They utilize financial accounting and database systems to perform inventory and financial management functions. Additionally, they sort and distribute all official and personal mail, manage money order and stamp inventories, and maintain financial and inventory reports.(wikipedia)

Here's mine Special Warfare Operator (yes call us up and we blow you up HEHE)

Special Warfare Operators are Navy SEALs. They are trained to jump from airplanes at high altitudes and open their parachutes at low proximity to the earth into frigid waters. They jump from helicopters travelling 30 knots at 30 feet over the water with no parachute. In addition Special Warfare Operators oversee ocean-borne mine disposal, carry out direct action raids against military targets, conduct reconnaissance, and secure beachheads for invading amphibious forces.(wikipedia)

In other words
We are just plan INSANE, MANIACS,CRAZY! mawhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
davismw2000Jan 19, 2012 6:47 AM
Jan 19, 2012 11:24 AM

Dec 2008
davismw2000 said:
To answer your question PhillyFlash your rating has been changed to...

The Logistics Specialist (LS) is a US Navy rating that was created on October 1, 2009 by the merger of the Storekeeper (SK) and Postal Clerk (PC) ratings.

Job Description

Logistics Specialists manage inventories of repair parts/general supplies and distribute mail for ships, squadrons, and shore-based activities. They procure, receive, store and issue material and repair components. They utilize financial accounting and database systems to perform inventory and financial management functions. Additionally, they sort and distribute all official and personal mail, manage money order and stamp inventories, and maintain financial and inventory reports.(wikipedia)

Really? Well, it's a darn good thing I got out when I did as I don't think people would want me handling real live money or real live mail! I was much better with nuts, bolts, pencils, tp and repair parts! HA!

davismw2000 said:
Here's mine Special Warfare Operator (yes call us up and we blow you up HEHE)

Special Warfare Operators are Navy SEALs. They are trained to jump from airplanes at high altitudes and open their parachutes at low proximity to the earth into frigid waters. They jump from helicopters travelling 30 knots at 30 feet over the water with no parachute. In addition Special Warfare Operators oversee ocean-borne mine disposal, carry out direct action raids against military targets, conduct reconnaissance, and secure beachheads for invading amphibious forces.(wikipedia)

In other words
We are just plan INSANE, MANIACS,CRAZY! mawhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

So, you're a SEAL, eh? Have you ever meet Dick Marcinko? I've read a few of his Rogue Warrior books and the guy's a riot!

May the DESU be with you! Always!
Jan 19, 2012 6:34 PM
Oct 2008
Yeah I have read his books he was actually out when I joined but I have chatted online with him and he is cool. I learned much of how to survive from his advice when I was in Iraq. Unfortunely I have not heard form him since 91-92 so no clue what he is doing now
Jan 19, 2012 6:44 PM
Nov 2010
@PhillyFlash Ohh I really enjoyed Marcinko's books as well. I discovered him one day randomly at the airport when picking up a book to read for the flight.Task Force Blue was my first and favorite. I don't think all SEALs would look up to him though since he wasn't the most PC even for the military. xD I actually found his stuff pretty helpful though for my own use. Leading from the front, Mr. Murphy's law, keeping a paper trail to protect yourself, preventing tunnel vision....all pretty useful. :3

@davismw2000 I always held SEALs in high regard so nice to meet you. I remember thinking in Iraq, that if a Marine likened himself to a Samurai, a SEAL was like a Ninja specifically trained to kill Samurai. LOL. So whenever I was on guard duty, I'd always be asking myself, if I was special forces, how would I attack? What would I target to cripple us? Fortunately or unfortunately, we haven't had to fight any small highly-trained troops like that. I think unfortunately, since it makes u lax in certain practices we should be doing.

When I was in Iraq, I didn't meet any SEALs but in training we did get to work with one platoon. Lemme tell you my experience with the SEALs. One day the SEALs were doing a live-fire exercise to an area next to ours and we were doing our war-gaming and had blanks. So some Marines thought they were part of the game and was shooting blanks at them until they were told to cease fire. Good thing the SEALs didn't shoot back LOL. Of course we weren't told they were training there until after that incident. xD
Jan 20, 2012 1:34 PM
Oct 2008
Well we are kind of like the ninja of ancient Japan in that we are trained to hit and run. Now unlike ninja we are not assassins for hire. Plus we can't do all those jutsus to bad to could you imagine the look on some terrorist face when he thinks he has you then you put your hand together and shoot SHADOW CLONE JUTSU holy hell he would piss his pants and run.

As to Marcinko yeah he got kind of strange there
Jan 20, 2012 1:59 PM

Dec 2008
A pity I was a lowly boxkicker during my time in the Navy, but then, considering the training guys go through to become a SEAL, perhaps that's a good thing. HA! I remember watching a documentary show on Discovery Channel about SEAL training, and that left me shaking my head, age and secure in the knowledge I wouldn't have made it through the first day! Double HA! My hat's off to you guys!

May the DESU be with you! Always!
Jan 20, 2012 4:56 PM

Dec 2008
I remember a period when they were short of UDT/EOD personnel and posted a recruiting notice in the POD for the various outfits in HI at the time. It looked like a really good way to get out of the squadron at the the time (as usual, you always HATE the command you are at until you transfer out), and I knew a guy who actually took them up on the offer and joined. Me, I was put off by the notice immediately following the recruiting notice. They were also advertising the Annual EOD Half-Marathon being run later that month, which, in and of itself, was not a bad thing, but the killer was that all proceeds from the race, aside from prizes, would be donated to the EOD/UDT Memorial Scholarship Fund. There's something about that word Memorial that just sort of leaped off the page at me....
Jan 20, 2012 7:23 PM
Nov 2011
Hey all, Im Robbie, or Gerentex, whichever you prefer or for whatever reason remember at the time you talk to me, I was in the Army for 6 years as a 45/63D (Artillery Mechanic) did go to Iraq twice, now I'm out and like a few others I saw on here, going to school for a living, planning to get into Mechanical Engineering to work for a company like Virgin Galactic. The first anime I saw was Nausicaa and the Valley of the wind, when I was a kid, but stopped for a long time, then started watching again a short while ago, started back with 11 Eyes (good series if anyone hasn't seen it, btw), well, talk to you guys (and maybe gals) in a while

Jan 20, 2012 10:40 PM
Nov 2010
Jan 20, 2012 11:16 PM

Mar 2009
Gerentex said:
Hey all, Im Robbie, or Gerentex, whichever you prefer or for whatever reason remember at the time you talk to me, I was in the Army for 6 years as a 45/63D (Artillery Mechanic) did go to Iraq twice, now I'm out and like a few others I saw on here, going to school for a living, planning to get into Mechanical Engineering to work for a company like Virgin Galactic. The first anime I saw was Nausicaa and the Valley of the wind, when I was a kid, but stopped for a long time, then started watching again a short while ago, started back with 11 Eyes (good series if anyone hasn't seen it, btw), well, talk to you guys (and maybe gals) in a while
--Yeah! Another one for the Army. I was feeling out numbered! Just for fun, pop over to the head count thread and check in. Glad to have you here.
-animeS - The plural of anime is anime. More than one deer is still deer. There is no damn "s".
-epic |ˈepik| noun•a work portraying heroic deeds/adventures covering an long period of time - adjective • heroic/grand in scale or character
Active Military, Prior Service, and Veteran's Anime Club
Jan 21, 2012 11:45 AM

Aug 2011
Hey otter, did you know there are (I think) 4 Coasties that are now SEALS?

Active Military, Prior Service and Veteran's Anime Club
do not forget the sound of my voice until the day we reunite
Jan 22, 2012 2:55 AM

Dec 2008
I had never been around any Marines until I was stationed onboard an amphib (USS El Paso LKA-117) from January 1988 to June 1991, and did two Med cruises in '88 and '90. I'd have to say they were pretty cool dudes, yeah, we did rag each other constantly about what service was best, but it was all good-natured and everyone got along. I even got to ride ashore in a landing craft once, man, what an experience that was!

May the DESU be with you! Always!
Jan 22, 2012 5:44 PM

Dec 2008
davismw2000 said:
Here's mine Special Warfare Operator (yes call us up and we blow you up HEHE)

Special Warfare Operators are Navy SEALs. They are trained to jump from airplanes at high altitudes and open their parachutes at low proximity to the earth into frigid waters. They jump from helicopters travelling 30 knots at 30 feet over the water with no parachute. In addition Special Warfare Operators oversee ocean-borne mine disposal, carry out direct action raids against military targets, conduct reconnaissance, and secure beachheads for invading amphibious forces.(wikipedia)

In other words
We are just plan INSANE, MANIACS,CRAZY! mawhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
So davismw2K, did they still send you nutcases through SERE School, when you were active or had they closed that school by then?
Jan 22, 2012 10:08 PM
Nov 2010
Hehe. Hope you don't mind me giving such a long quote:
Marcinko said:

"I have often maintained that Getting There Is Half the Fun. But today, following the presidential example, I can finally admit the truth: I have misled you. It was all mendacity. Lies. Duplicity. Prevarication. After almost a decade of these books, here is the unvarnished, frank, candid, pellucid, and wholly unadulterated acronymic truth: GTINFFAA. Getting There Is NO Fucking Fun At All. None. Nada. Bupkis. Zilch.

There is precious little merriment involved in jumping out of a perfectly stable fucking aircraft into minus-sixty-degree-Fahrenheit air, seven miles above the ground, so you can surprise some hostage-holding malefactors unaware. It is not blissful to leave a perfectly fucking sound rigid inflatable boat and insert by wallowing snout-first through several hundred yards of oozy, chest-deep mud, all the while fending off nasty, often lethal creepie-crawlies, so you can reconnoiter a village of no-goodniks and then withdraw without being seen. There is no ecstasy in humping several score miles across hundred-plus-degree desert carrying everything but the fucking kitchen sink on your back to blow up a motley crew of transnational tangos.

Indeed, the sorts of experiences I'm describing here can be summarized in a single, evocative, one-syllable word. I am talking, friends, about PAIN.

Not the cartoon pain of television dramas and Hollywood shoot-'em-ups, either. I mean the real thing. The kind of pain that hurts; hurts for days. The lingering agony of a badly hyperextended joint when you smack the water the wrong way at thirty miles an hour. The month of searing suffering when your chute malfunctions during free fall, a nylon line slaps you across the eyes, ripping your goggles off and tearing your cornea loose. The involuntary tightening of sphincter muscles as a ricochet from your own weapon caroms off a metal wall, bounces off the floor, comes hurtling back at you, and slices through your side, just below the brisket half an inch below where you bulletproof vest stops."
yngtadpoleJan 22, 2012 10:16 PM
Jan 23, 2012 5:45 AM
Oct 2008
OrlahEhontas said:
davismw2000 said:
Here's mine Special Warfare Operator (yes call us up and we blow you up HEHE)

Special Warfare Operators are Navy SEALs. They are trained to jump from airplanes at high altitudes and open their parachutes at low proximity to the earth into frigid waters. They jump from helicopters travelling 30 knots at 30 feet over the water with no parachute. In addition Special Warfare Operators oversee ocean-borne mine disposal, carry out direct action raids against military targets, conduct reconnaissance, and secure beachheads for invading amphibious forces.(wikipedia)

In other words
We are just plan INSANE, MANIACS,CRAZY! mawhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
So davismw2K, did they still send you nutcases through SERE School, when you were active or had they closed that school by then?

Yeah a version of it and no they have not done away with it at least when I was in. Talk about Insane
Jan 23, 2012 6:37 AM

Dec 2008
davismw2000 said:
OrlahEhontas said:
davismw2000 said:
Here's mine Special Warfare Operator (yes call us up and we blow you up HEHE)

Special Warfare Operators are Navy SEALs. They are trained to jump from airplanes at high altitudes and open their parachutes at low proximity to the earth into frigid waters. They jump from helicopters travelling 30 knots at 30 feet over the water with no parachute. In addition Special Warfare Operators oversee ocean-borne mine disposal, carry out direct action raids against military targets, conduct reconnaissance, and secure beachheads for invading amphibious forces.(wikipedia)

In other words
We are just plan INSANE, MANIACS,CRAZY! mawhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
So davismw2K, did they still send you nutcases through SERE School, when you were active or had they closed that school by then?

Yeah a version of it and no they have not done away with it at least when I was in. Talk about Insane
Only school I'm aware of that required the instructors to attend MANDATORY psych evals every 6 months. And if you failed, you were gone! But it was a damn good school. I still remember about 60-70% of what they taught us in that week.
We had 2 SEALS, AND a new instructor go through the class with us. Seemed like every time we turned around during the camp phase, 1 of those 3 or one other guy, an Academy Grade LT, was going on the board. Don't know what he did to piss them off, but I found out later they always gave SEALS and new instructors the hardest times. The new instructors so that they wouldn't go overboard when they started teaching and the SEALS because when they first started sending them through, they goofed and sent a whole bunch through at one time (the class was nothing but), and they took over the camp. The SEALS passed, but wound up having to do it over again in singles and pairs. After all, the name of the course was SERE, not SERT.
OrlahEhontasJan 23, 2012 6:51 AM
Jan 25, 2012 2:30 AM
Oct 2008
Yeah to many SEALs and we take over it's what we do mawhahahahahahahahaha

I distinctly remember the whole you are a POW so what now training. The point of the test was how to survive being a POW. They pissed me off at one point I think they said something like it took seven men and one corpman to stop me. The corpman had to tranq me. When I came to the instructor said I passed the test go fig
Jan 25, 2012 6:35 PM

Dec 2008
davismw2000 said:
Yeah to many SEALs and we take over it's what we do mawhahahahahahahahaha

I distinctly remember the whole you are a POW so what now training. The point of the test was how to survive being a POW. They pissed me off at one point I think they said something like it took seven men and one corpman to stop me. The corpman had to tranq me. When I came to the instructor said I passed the test go fig
I heard later that a corpsman is always one of the individuals doing the board to ensure that it doesn't go too far. Nice safety feature.
Jan 28, 2012 10:09 PM
Oct 2008
Yeah supposed to being the optional word. There is always things that get out of hand that are "part" of the drill.
Jan 30, 2012 9:08 AM

Dec 2008
davismw2000 said:
Yeah supposed to being the optional word. There is always things that get out of hand that are "part" of the drill.
You're still on this side of the dirt, right?
May 9, 2012 11:53 PM

Jul 2009
Hi, I'm GSMFN Junipermouse (SW). I am Active Duty and in the United States Navy.
I've been in the navy for two years now. And went on my first deployment for six months last year.
May 10, 2012 3:39 PM

Mar 2009
Junipermouse said:
Hi, I'm GSMFN Junipermouse (SW). I am Active Duty and in the United States Navy.
I've been in the navy for two years now. And went on my first deployment for six months last year.
--Hey, sailor. Welcome aboard.
-animeS - The plural of anime is anime. More than one deer is still deer. There is no damn "s".
-epic |ˈepik| noun•a work portraying heroic deeds/adventures covering an long period of time - adjective • heroic/grand in scale or character
Active Military, Prior Service, and Veteran's Anime Club
May 11, 2012 2:07 PM

Apr 2012
Well, I am a Vietnam Vet...Marine Helo pilot. Was in country latter half of 1969 & spent last half on Okinawa (1970). I flew the CH-53, an effing big bird. Statewide I did a lot of demo flying for General staff (I guess they liked my flying) for war game ops and troop insertions. Since the end of service in 1972, I did sporadic flying of many different types of aircraft ranging from little helos to C-117's. While I was in flight school in Pensacola, I applied for Astronaut training but was eliminated for a minor physical problem (a heart arrhythmia) which did not affect my flying. They wanted "perfect" specimens for the job. I would have been one of only 2 astronauts without a college degree.
Of course I am retired now (I'm 65) but still like to get outdoors for hikes, fishing and beach-combing. Of course, I love Anime!!!! That's why I am here in MAL.
May 11, 2012 3:35 PM

Mar 2009
Furykury1 said:
Well, I am a Vietnam Vet...Marine Helo pilot. Was in country latter half of 1969 & spent last half on Okinawa (1970). I flew the CH-53, an effing big bird. Statewide I did a lot of demo flying for General staff (I guess they liked my flying) for war game ops and troop insertions. Since the end of service in 1972, I did sporadic flying of many different types of aircraft ranging from little helos to C-117's. While I was in flight school in Pensacola, I applied for Astronaut training but was eliminated for a minor physical problem (a heart arrhythmia) which did not affect my flying. They wanted "perfect" specimens for the job. I would have been one of only 2 astronauts without a college degree.
Of course I am retired now (I'm 65) but still like to get outdoors for hikes, fishing and beach-combing. Of course, I love Anime!!!! That's why I am here in MAL.
--Roll the years back just a bit and both of us would be in trouble!
-animeS - The plural of anime is anime. More than one deer is still deer. There is no damn "s".
-epic |ˈepik| noun•a work portraying heroic deeds/adventures covering an long period of time - adjective • heroic/grand in scale or character
Active Military, Prior Service, and Veteran's Anime Club
May 11, 2012 5:08 PM

Apr 2012
lisnoire said:
Furykury1 said:
Well, I am a Vietnam Vet...Marine Helo pilot. Was in country latter half of 1969 & spent last half on Okinawa (1970). I flew the CH-53, an effing big bird. Statewide I did a lot of demo flying for General staff (I guess they liked my flying) for war game ops and troop insertions. Since the end of service in 1972, I did sporadic flying of many different types of aircraft ranging from little helos to C-117's. While I was in flight school in Pensacola, I applied for Astronaut training but was eliminated for a minor physical problem (a heart arrhythmia) which did not affect my flying. They wanted "perfect" specimens for the job. I would have been one of only 2 astronauts without a college degree.
Of course I am retired now (I'm 65) but still like to get outdoors for hikes, fishing and beach-combing. Of course, I love Anime!!!! That's why I am here in MAL.
--Roll the years back just a bit and both of us would be in trouble!

Heck, I can get into trouble now....I keep thinking like a 20 year old, but the ole bod just won't cooperate. Damn!!!! As I said to you once, I am too damn young to be this old. Muscle cars? The kids today don't know what those are!!!! Your '69 Firebird and my '71 Hemi-Cuda.....Those were muscle cars!!!!
--Got to drive a Hemi-Cuda once. Nice! Double trouble here, no doubt.
lisnoireMay 11, 2012 5:51 PM
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