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what_sthat Mar 2, 2012 8:58 PM
Himitsu. Bacon wenches are for me and me alone.
chibi-kirin Feb 13, 2012 5:28 PM
well it's good that you have a job. Especially when they are so hard to come by now a days. xP well least where I'm at lolz.

lolz and I'm sorry that men get categorized(though women do as well) that they don't think about things but that is how the MAJORITY are so the good ones are not trusted and are treated as the others who are to plainly put it, dirt bags...and most women don't even think or believe that the're are good men out there. xP

I want to do a lot of traveling and I have a friend that lives in Aussie and they want me to come out there and stay with them when I can but I'm not gonna be able to travel for a while because I can't afford it xP lolz But I really do want to..

I think everyone would like to win the lottery but I don't even try to play because if it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all! lmao! xD but that sounds like really fun degree to have? I know my Opa enjoyed it and he got to travel a lot.

And I may be a hippie but I',m more of a modern day hippie and I've never heard of a commune but then a gain I don't research a lot of anything, and I hate watching the news or even want to learn what's going on in the world because everything is just so depressing and it all doesn't concern me in my opinion. I mean I'm a hippie in the sense that I care about the earth and I hate the cutting down of trees, destroying of animals and endangered species, pollution, global warming things like that...
chibi-kirin Jan 26, 2012 4:53 PM
well I wish you the best of luck with your job and or finding one. I know finding one is hard these days.

And I know I'm female but I really have no mind reading powers at all. And As Jeff Foxworthy says "you wanna know what all men are thinkin? I'll tell you what we're thinkin'. Well I'd like a beer and I'd like to see somethin naked!" lolz so I don't need or wonder much else lolz. And alcohol can do that to a person lolz make them forget. lolz

Well I used to take my Opa's advice to heart be he isn't hear anymore so I have to take my own advice because I don't trust anyone elses...and my advice isnt always the best. xP lolz and I definitely do not let anyone influence my train of thought or pressure me into anything! lolz you aint gotta worry about that because I am waay too suborn lolz

Wll after all that you have done, and with the money you have for school , do you know what you want to do?

Ya it was pretty cool that he did do that. I always had an interest in collecting rocks even before he was a Geologist so I would take him these rocks I'd find and he'd tell me what they were and where they had come from. lolz And my mom never went to a commune whatever that is but she wore sundresses, never wore a bra, and was all about peace and love and no war! lolz she still kind of is. and she has always loved to be outside with nature and such lolz.
chibi-kirin Jan 24, 2012 4:43 PM
That's cool you and your brother go and hang out with your dad and such. I think family is pretty important. And it's cool if you can't go to Fanime I'm just saying it" a must see is all! lolz It's just really big and there's so much to do and see.

lolz you act like I can read your mind on where you were in Florida and what you were doing?! lolz but that's a bummer it wasn't anything fun. >_< Didn't sound like fun at all really.

And okie I'll check out Mass Effect2 and see how it is. I'm sure I could probably get it used especially with the new one coming out soonish anyhow. That's pretty cool that your character carries onto the next game too.

Well hopefully the field will open back up again eventually. I'm really hoping so. I really hope that I can make some sort of impact and help someone eventually. I was just hoping to do it sooner while I was still young so that maybe they'd listen to me...but eh oh well. I gotta hope for the best I suppose. And I want to help juveniles yes which can go as young as 10. I am not confused at all. At the end of the day I wont have any kids to take care of at home or take to school/games/dances whatever. I wont have to provide for one take care of one nor pay for one. I'm pretty sure I'm not confused on the fact that I do not want to have my own children.

Lol you should have known it wasn't going to be like a cartoon! lolz that's why it's a cartoon? But can't you use the money the military gave you(if you were actually able to get them to cough it up) to go to school? So you can eventually get there..?

That's cool though. A job is a job now a days and we don't get much choice to be very picky. Geology is cool. My Opa(grandpa) was a Geologist. He got to travel a lot and he really loved his work. And don't worry. I'm a little bit of a hippie myself. My mom is one so I kinda grew up that way. lolz
chibi-kirin Jan 23, 2012 6:16 PM
lolz ya well i do have weekends to myself mostly but it really depends on what my family wants and what is going on. And you can pay for Fanime at the door but I pay for the whole weekend so ya I don't know how much it'd cost just for tyhe day but here's the link so you can check it all out:

How'd you sneak into Florida? And why would you even have to sneak in? lolz And I don't think I have eaten snake before? Least I don't remember if I have or haven't?

That doesn't sound cold at all. I understand lolz

And do you think I should play Mass Effect 1 or 2 before I play 3? Or do you think it'll matter?

It really is a bummer...I feel like I paid all this money, and am still paying, and I don't really have anything to show for it except a piece of paper which at this point doesn't mean anything at all... xP And I'd like to be a Juvenile Probation Officer. My whole family is on the wrong side of the law and I always strive to be different from them so i decided that I'd best be on the good side of the law trying to get kids to have a different life. Just because their family members are fuck ups, don't mean they have to be...I've been through almost all of it and I would like to try and help others choose their own path and know that there are that probably sounds all gun ho and lame but it's the truth..

So you said you were getting a job? What will you be doing? What will you be going to school for?
chibi-kirin Jan 19, 2012 5:02 PM
ya well I always make time for Fanime xD It's just too epic! And I don't go out for margarita Mondays let alone for anything because I work Monday-Thursday so I don't go out. Lolz plus I have responsibilities and such that I can't really get out of too often.

And there isn't anything like that where I am living but when I was in Louisiana I ate alligator which tasted like chicken, frog legs, which tasted like chicken...lolz it was more of a joke than anything lolz

And holy fuck! 0.0 I hope everything was okie? 0.0 I hope he didn't do anything stupid?

And I have an HDTV does that count? lol But I probably wont get the game for a while honestly because of Skyrim..

And I have my AA in Criminal Justice. Lot of good that did me with the way the economy is.. xP

chibi-kirin Jan 17, 2012 9:32 PM
aww okie. I actually never went to traffic school for mine xP And you should definitely check out Fanime. Like I said it's one of the biggest cons in Cali. I actually think it's first and then Anime Expo? And I like to go clubbing but the club that I like to go to is open on Mondays mostly and I work on Mondays so I rarely get to go. Bummer...

Aww ya learning how to drive manual on that could present a problem. lolz but I really enjoy driving them.

That's cool. I never really heard of anyone eating boar before but I mean I guess it might just taste like pork? 0.0 Or does it taste like chicken like everything else? xD And hopefully while out camping you're not going to get attacked again! But have fun lolz

LOLZ and I think it's fine for people to like whomever the hell they want. Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw(I know I'm so lame) that said "I support gay marrige, they have just as much right to be as miserable as the rest of us." I don't know I just thought that was pretty funny!! Aww ya well i don't play computer games at all. Computers hate me xP lolz. And ya I know it's coming out my friend is just so ecstatic about it! xD Well I'll look into getting the first one and seeing how well I like it.

Ya it really sucks how much things cost. I have no insurance at all or dental because I can't afford it. Especially paying off my school loans. And what kind of job did you get?
chibi-kirin Jan 16, 2012 4:29 PM
lol wow well ya least all you got was the traffic school? Though it's still a bummer! >_< But San Jose is pretty awesome and there's lots of things to do there. Like Fanime! xD lolz

I spoil my nieces and that's all I really want. I've never wanted my own kids. I just don't think I'm the motherly type. My Toyota is an auto though my mother MADE ME learn how to drive a standard. lolz I actually prefer the standard but meh auto is cool too.

Going hunting for wild boar huh? Were you going to eat it? I'm just asking because I've never really heard about eating any? lol But least neither of you got chased by it or was hurt? That's the good thing right?

Lolz and we can both have our preferences to games. Not like everyone has to like the same exact thing? Then the world would be pretty boring..I've never heard of Baldurs Gate? And I didn't play the Mass Effect series but I heard they were really good and one of my friends said it was really amazing. That's like her favorite game. lolz you should just go get you some glasses? and that is so true! and maybe they do lubricate their glasses because mine don't fall off at all lol
ChineseTea Jan 15, 2012 1:21 AM
It's from Ikaruga.
chibi-kirin Jan 12, 2012 10:55 PM
lolz well he would have let me go? I've gotten pulled over before for having my tail light out(it has a short somewhere) and have never gotten a ticket but first time I get pulled over by a female...BOOM! $220 ticket! xP and $500!! damn! >_< that is so not cool. was there just not a sign posted or something? if it were a female cop she would have let you go! xD lolz you never know?

well ya if I wanted kids and didn't have to take care of my Oma I'd do it that way too lol that sounds good enough to me. and I love my Toyota lol I am a bit worried though because it does have 210,000 miles on it. I do keep up maintenance and such but I'm always panicky anyway lol

0.0 a mountain lion huh?! that must have been quite an experience! xP I'd probably freak out and run which I'm sure is not the best'd you get away? or did it just leave?

and I have amazing taste in video games! lolz just because you disagree with my taste doesn't mean they're not good! it just means you dunno what you're talking about xD but I really like fantasy games, RPGs. I'm not very good, in fact I suck, at FPS... I have no coordination for FPS but I did play both Bioshocks and loved them =3 sadly I hate wearing glasses but if I try reading without's a disaster! xP the words start to go all over the page or get blurry >_< but I was the same. I used to want to wear them and now that I kind of have to I hate them. and I do have to push them up occasionally but not as often as they do in anime lolz xD and they look way cuter when they do it too lolz
chibi-kirin Jan 12, 2012 9:26 PM
lol aww well I don't typically get pulled over. I would like to think that I am an okie driver. I've only ever had one ticket in my whole life and ya it was my fault but I unknowingly drove without my headlights on >_< I was in my Oma's car and it wasn't that darl out yet and I could see perfectly fine and I really thought I had them on..Stupid lady cop...! If it were a guy he woulda let me go!

Thank you for thinking it's commendable of me. I'd like to think I'm doing something good. It really sucks that a lot of people now a days just stick their elders in a home. They can still take care of them, they just have to make sacrifices like they did when you were a child. We sould always give back what we take in my opinion. And thats' cool. I have a 96' Toyota Corolla. He aint pretty on the outside but he's a good car, gets me to where I need to go and back, four doors, I can't speed neither, and GREAT gas mileage as well! xD And tires aint cheap >_< I just put 2new tires on the front of my car $130. And now I need to get the front end aligned because I never did that and it needs it.

I may live in Cali but I have never really seen a snake? lol I also don't think I go anywhere where we'd have a rattler honestly. But I really hope you don't get bitten because that is really painful I've heard >_< least that's what animal planet says xD

And I doubt I'd ever play an MMO because like I said, my computer can't handle it lol not to mention I'm more of a console gamer. And I mean Super Smash Bros Melee! I hate the N64 version >_< But I main Princess Peach in that game lol. and I do wear glasses to read...*cough cough* and they have black square frames o.o
chibi-kirin Jan 12, 2012 8:34 PM
aww nah it's already been 2yrs since he left me so I'll be okie. It's just for some reason, he had one paper to sign and I have a huge packet?! T_T And ya...that's really lame...>_< it's really hard being in the military..That's why I really commend people for doing it and making it work...

And I really think that is a guy thing? My "husband" didn't like it when anyone else drove but him and so did my ex bf? I really think it's a guy thing? lolz And ya 75% is a lot but it actually has gone down quite a bit sadly? lolz But I live with and take care of my 87 year old Oma(grandma) so i do a lot of errand running, dr. appointments, shopping, etc. Plus if and when I want to go out I have to drive then to. So I really don't get out much because of that reason. lol well there's more reason than that really but that's one of them lolz. What kind of car do you have?

Well I don't know where any national parks are here in Cali but then again I haven't really looked neither? lolz and we don't have rattle snakes in the area I live in. Garden snakes is about it I think? i have never seen one but my 5yr old niece caught one with my dad so I assume we do have some? But I also don't go to the park at night by myself being as small as I am and not knowing much self defense...? But I hope that rattler didn't get you? That could be severe?!

Lolz and I'm glad you understand my wanting to be alone with nature! xD I really am a depressing person but I do try to hide it and try my best to be happy xP lolz

hhmmm well I'm not really into Sci-Fi but the other one sounds pretty cool? And I have never played an MMO? I've never had a computer that could handle it or was fast enough to run one xP lolz And sorry to say but I L.O.V.E. LOVE Oblivion!! lolz And I L.O.V.E. love Skyrim!! They are probably my favorite games aside from Super Smash Bros! lol and I am a nerd as well if you haven't noticed. xD
chibi-kirin Jan 12, 2012 7:29 PM
ya well that's pretty much what happened to my husband(we have been separated for 2yrs but haven't gone through the divorce). He changed so much and just took off and I said I had enough pretty much lolz.

And the park I go to is a private park so not a whole lot of people have walked through it and have had a chance to ruin it. And I can't really get to the national parks because I'm pretty sure i live far enough away I can't get to them. Plus I really REALLY hate driving...another reason why I love to walk! I spend at least 75% of my life in my car and I hate it...lolz but I know it's kind of "typical" for a girl to want to "go for long walks on the beach in the sunset" lolz But I tend to do these things alone otherwise I don't have time to think and I do my best thinking in nature by myself. Man I sound depressing?! xD

Lol well i kind of agree with that. and I also like to know what others are reading because I am always looking for something new to read. So is John Steakley Fantasy or is he Sci Fi? And I have totally become a zombie for Skyrim so it's too late for me! just go on without me! xD lolz
chibi-kirin Jan 11, 2012 4:49 PM
Ya well like I said, I really appreciate what ya'll do over there I really do, I just wish I would have known what was going to happen him joining the military is all. I don't hate what ya'll do and what ya'll have to go through by all means because I do know it's tough and mind altering. I just wish I would have never gotten married is all? lol

And I know it's cliche liking to go on walks and stuff but I really genuinely like it. It helps me clear my mind and think about things. It helps me to realize that there is beauty and peace in the world that humans, including myself, have not touched or damaged. It helps me get my mind of things..

And my favorite author is Anne Bishop. I absolutely L.O.V.E. all her novels practically! They're so beautifully written that I have literally read one trilogy of her SO MUCH that the books I have are falling apart! I really love to read. I'd rather do that than play video games which is hard for me because I love both..
chibi-kirin Jan 10, 2012 4:26 PM
Well the only reason I bag on it is because I was a military wife and the military sucks and it changes the men they send in. I know this from friends going in, my ex husband, my brother, etc etc...I appriciate what they do for our country, it is not an easy thing to do. And ya'll are not respected enough for what you do and are forgotten when you come home. My heart goes out to everyone in the service it really does.

And the bootlegs I saw were pretty much all terrible really but meh what ya gonna do? I buy all mine now or just watch it online lolz.

And hey how about that? I do about the same? I go to cons though, watch anime, read fantasy, play consoles(mostly my 360), and go for long walks in a REALLY lovely park. lolz
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