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Dec 15, 2011 8:39 AM

Nov 2007
Shu hard to concentrate on fighting. Also dreaming about not able to protect someone important and pink hair girl (Inori?) When waking up, the classmate is there. So she accompanied him after escaping from the mission. Inori calling and him not answering.

Gai meeting that woman at party and her father. Gai's goal was to hold the girl (Inori?)

He's afraid of his power now. Gai "killed" him and Shu's away from the group. He wanted to be strong like Gai but couldn't. Inori made a new song before leaving, and he broke the chip.

Inori not sure of her feeling to Shu and Gai saying she is choosing Shu. So the woman who takes care of Shu is working for the government and knows about the void?

Shu wants to use the girl as replacement? She does a good job at waking him up by slapping him.

Attack? and the song? And the resistant is having hard time with people and Gai becoming crystal.

And the group wanting that blind guy? He's the real enemy?? Inori knowing the song happening bad things.

That little guy (sounds so like Kakki?) is...

Next ep. airing 10 mins. late.

Special ep. (is that summary ep.?) on January 3, 2012??
tsubasaloverDec 15, 2011 10:19 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Dec 15, 2011 9:40 AM

Oct 2010
tsubasalover said:
Inori's choosing Shu?
Sounds to me like Inori is getting her feelings together however I am not sure of Gai's position towards it as of this episode particularly. It's obvious from last episode there was mention of a song to be used for something.

If Inori has some a la Macross disturbing music or that cheers up as from the song of the first along with what was talked of a song from last episode then I am in for it to be seen.

There is just something of music and Inori put together in this show. And right now it's a pain in the ass to figure out if it's just cheering/moral songs or there is some offensive value in them.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Dec 15, 2011 10:04 AM
Sep 2009
wow.. My hatred for shu just went up to another level.
Dec 15, 2011 10:08 AM

Jun 2009
chinolal said:
wow.. My hatred for shu just went up to another level.

some here shu is the worst character in the show just running away all the time
Dec 15, 2011 10:15 AM

Oct 2009
Wow.... The hate for Shu is impressive!

I just can't hate a character [fully]. Shu may run away, but I would have probably done the same thing when I was his age and put in that situation.

You just can't tell what you would do when in that situation...
Dec 15, 2011 10:16 AM
Nov 2010
Shu seemed to have a pretty Saya no Uta - esque mental problem there.

I didn't quite get the ending. Why do only certain people develop the desease upon hearing the song while others seem to be fine (I'm talking about the civilians here, not the soldiers with the vaccine)?
Dec 15, 2011 10:16 AM
Apr 2011
I sure hope Shu will grow some balls soon, seriously. His lack of nuts is almost ruining the show...

Looks like his lack of nuts was necessary to create this tragedy for the sake of the plot... Maybe it'll get better now that it's lost christmas all over again. I'm guessing he'll get better in ep 12-14.
Dec 15, 2011 10:23 AM

Oct 2010
meatz said:
I didn't quite get the ending. Why do only certain people develop the disease upon hearing the song while others seem to be fine (I'm talking about the civilians here, not the soldiers with the vaccine)?
DNA variations tend to accept the song as good or bad. Because the anti-bodies do have a certain mutated level so with the song the individual's DNA variation react differently to the song and depending of the song. Same shit for Macross except they made it easier with a single race here the variations are wild due to the DNA being the main factor in being affected.
Firestalker5 said:
Shu may run away, but I would have probably done the same thing when I was his age and put in that situation.
Running away= being a chicken shit IMO. Staying there and fighting = to being a man. Dying there = to being a man while running away = to suffering along with all dead or may = to suffering knowing fully what you did ended in killing many. Guess it's that one considering how much that affected Shu last episode.

Do know it's a IMO only.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Dec 15, 2011 10:27 AM

Jan 2010
Am I the only one who thought the moment Hare slapped Shu after he tried kissing her


The moment Kallen slapped Lelouch when he tried to kiss her


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Dec 15, 2011 10:34 AM

Jan 2010
Yumekichi11 said:
meatz said:
I didn't quite get the ending. Why do only certain people develop the disease upon hearing the song while others seem to be fine (I'm talking about the civilians here, not the soldiers with the vaccine)?
DNA variations tend to accept the song as good or bad. Because the anti-bodies do have a certain mutated level so with the song the individual's DNA variation react differently to the song and depending of the song. Same shit for Macross except they made it easier with a single race here the variations are wild due to the DNA being the main factor in being affected.
Firestalker5 said:
Shu may run away, but I would have probably done the same thing when I was his age and put in that situation.
Running away= being a chicken shit IMO. Staying there and fighting = to being a man. Dying there = to being a man while running away = to suffering along with all dead or may = to suffering knowing fully what you did ended in killing many. Guess it's that one considering how much that affected Shu last episode.

Do know it's a IMO only.

Well, I kind of agree with FireStalker5 there a bit. I mean, let me say, I agree with the fact that Shu running away is understandable since, you know, it IS kind of freaky and all and anyone in his situation would be deeply frustrated, but still it's kind of really annoying to an unbelievable extent.

Now, am I the only one who finds, at times, Inori can be quite THEE annoying character? I don't know, I just find her a bit.... like... I have no idea how to say this, but it's as if she's there to be dressed provocatively for a certain group of fans, if you know what I mean ^^;
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Dec 15, 2011 10:37 AM
Sep 2009
Firestalker5 said:
Wow.... The hate for Shu is impressive!

I just can't hate a character [fully]. Shu may run away, but I would have probably done the same thing when I was his age and put in that situation.

You just can't tell what you would do when in that situation...

So you are saying that you would run away, act like a dick to a girl that wants you to hear her song, and then try to rape another girl that is trying to help you? How can a person not be hated for what shu did this episode.

By the way, is this series really 22 episodes because it looks to me like things are about to wrap up.
Dec 15, 2011 11:00 AM

Oct 2011
Well, Shu certainly took a major step backwards. What an asshole to take advantage of a girl who has feelings for him.
This love for Hirasawa Yui consumes me, washing over my dirty weeaboo body with a cleansing warmth that allows me to reach greater heights. It inspires me to be a better man; not the man they deserve, but the man she deserves. Yui, I love you. With everything I have. You are my one, my only. Mai waifu.
Dec 15, 2011 11:05 AM

Mar 2009
Shu needs to step up in the next episode but I hear its recap? I'm ready for him to stop being a wuss and start being a man. As for the episode, I've been waiting Keido to raise some hell and he really has. This was a wild episode with all kinds of emotions.
Dec 15, 2011 11:07 AM

Apr 2009
lmao coward with powers at it again. Can't say im surprised.
Dec 15, 2011 11:09 AM

Oct 2009
chinolal said:
Firestalker5 said:
Wow.... The hate for Shu is impressive!

I just can't hate a character [fully]. Shu may run away, but I would have probably done the same thing when I was his age and put in that situation.

You just can't tell what you would do when in that situation...

So you are saying that you would run away, act like a dick to a girl that wants you to hear her song, and then try to rape another girl that is trying to help you? How can a person not be hated for what shu did this episode.

By the way, is this series really 22 episodes because it looks to me like things are about to wrap up.

Let me start by saying... no none of those. I didn't watch the episode, I haven't watched since the 5th episode. I was commenting on the fact that everyone was complaining about him having no balls and running away. The situation I was mentioning is the one he's been in since the beginning. It's pretty crazy the way his life has changed, not sure I could handle it any better.

I personally think that running away from something is not a weakness... When you're running away because it's an impossible situation it's called retreating. Retreating is a valid strategy in any battle, staying to die and getting nothing to show for it is just stupidity personified.

Retreat from a situation and thinking about options is a great way to deal with things. If you're overwhelmed and frustrated, or just completely stressed out by everything around you, sometimes a change is the perfect medication. Retreating [running away] to a place that makes you feel calmer or more relaxed, or just getting away from the frustrations and stress, is the best way to think calmly about things.

Shu will think about everything regardless whether he wants to or not. Humans are like that, put into crazy and strange situations they will think about it and dwell on them even after they leave them. Staying in a situation that is stressful is only going to make it harder and harder to focus on things that need to be focused on. You start thinking and thinking and eventually you won't be able to function like you should. It's hard to think about a situation when you're smack-dab in the middle of it. Getting away and viewing the situation from the outside is the best way to see the situation from all angles and making a better decision about where it is you need to be.

Suffering because you killed someone is not a valid reason to stay in the situation. He will always be suffering for that, but being surriounded by it will only make him suffer more and eventually [if he's like me and many other people] he's collapse under is own guilty and become completely useless. At least with a change of pace and retreating, Shu can eventually figure out how to deal with the guilt and be able to come back a changed person, a better person in the long run. He might even be able to decide to stay and fight.

Retreating is actually a cliche of story-telling... the Main Character runs into a rut and "runs away" only to figure out what he really needs and wants. He comes back stronger, more resolute, and a different person all together. I can name quite a few series that use this technique to make the character grow.
Dec 15, 2011 11:10 AM
Apr 2011

Shoe ran too early, now his sole is torn.
a6342164Dec 15, 2011 11:30 AM
Dec 15, 2011 11:12 AM

Oct 2009
Onii said:

Very possible could be...
Dec 15, 2011 11:13 AM

Jan 2010
BTW, I really feel that one of his friends will soon die... let's say Hare?
But then again that boy who died last episode already caused him trauma. Maybe the creators are troll enough to make him suffer even more by killing Hare off :)
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Dec 15, 2011 11:18 AM
May 2009
Man, this really gives me Eureka 7 vibe... Well, it gave it from the start. That's why I still believe it'll get awesome, even though it's pretty mediocre so far. I hope Shu gets some cool character development...
Dec 15, 2011 11:22 AM
Jun 2009
Kurimu-chan said:
Am I the only one who thought the moment Hare slapped Shu after he tried kissing her


The moment Kallen slapped Lelouch when he tried to kiss her



I feel the same :d

Kriemhild Gretchen?? make me remember Madoka ep 10

Dec 15, 2011 11:25 AM

Feb 2010
Segai FTW! He rocked the episode by only himself.


The inner sea of the planet. The platform of the watchtower. From the edge of paradise you shall hear my words.
Your story shall be full of blessings. ━Let only those without sin pass. "Garden of Avalon"!
Dec 15, 2011 11:45 AM

Oct 2011
As expected, Shu wents backwards a bit but I kinda don't blame him since he really wanted to save Jun and ended up killing him instead. He better get his act together soon through. The ending got pretty intense, through I feel like it a event that could have been near the end of the series, so I wonder what the second part of the series is going to be like?
And I was going WTF at the part where the scene with Makoto was spinning.XD
Dec 15, 2011 11:56 AM
Jul 2018
Dec 15, 2011 12:18 PM
Dec 2010
Wow, this Anime keeps getting better.
I lost all hope after Episode 5 but damn was i wrong.
Dec 15, 2011 12:25 PM
Mar 2011
So this was the first episode, where I'm not sure, if I should like it oÖ
So many parts, I disliked, but they're all great made and yeah >.<

Don't like her, really.

And very nice new Inori outfit *w*

So yeah OwO
4,9999999/5 this time XD!

Dec 15, 2011 12:41 PM

Jul 2009
Woah, shit just got real!

I still hate Inori. Hare is adorable and reasonable. That still doesn't mean I like her.
And Shu makes all the girls cry after all in the end...although I could understand his feelings in the beginning. THAT has never happened before xD

More Segai, yes!!! ♥ However evil he gets, I still love him :P
And only little Daryl- I want more of this guy.

That melody started to sound really creepy after a while... o_o

And once more thing i realized: Kido looks so awesome! i want to know more about this guy! *___*
Well, there are still quite few episodes up ahead. Maybe we'll get some bg information on characters besides Gai, Shu and Inori *hopes*
KamitsukaseroDec 15, 2011 12:44 PM
[.center] [./center]
Dec 15, 2011 12:45 PM

Jul 2011
this year, year of the lame protagonists T.T Here we have Shu, and in Mirai Nikki, Yuki....Wtf happened
Dec 15, 2011 12:47 PM

May 2011
Yep, so we got the emotional wreck Shu that i thought would happen. I get the defenders of Shu pointing out the fact that he's a kid way over his head. But, i can't reconcile the fact that he's being a completely emo crying bitch about it. It is getting quite tiring and awkward to see.

His character is completely contrived. His reactions to certain situations are contradictory in others. It's to the point now where i would argue that the pussy shu we seen in this episode would have never have had the balls to even take the void and robot to Gai in the first place, let alone risk his own pathetic ass to jump in front of two 30m tall mechas to save Inori.

Yeah, you could try and argue the whole Jun Yakiro situation caused him great distress. But, he's been having visions since he first met Inori and he's certainly been in enough situations with fighting and death to become somewhat desensitized to it. he had a bit of a setback would be an understatement at this point.

The other annoying aspect to this episode is the whole "Dumping on Shu" thing. As annoying as Shu has been, the reactions to his situation is even more annoying. Gai, mister super genius, should have known something was up with Shu even before the mission, or at least have a heart to heart with him after. Instead he and his crew turn into brow beating assholes who threaten him and berate him. Yeah, that's gonna work on a guy who just ran off from a mission screaming his head off. The Hare situation, while understandable in itself, was just more piling on to make Shu feel like a piece of shit.

It seems like the old cliche "i have no one" episode. The plot and dialogue really feels like one of those crappy B rated movies you see on SCIFI.


Thankfully, that episode was saved by the fact that Segai and Chief Keido initiated their master plan in the middle of a Funeral Parlor offensive. Again, Segai knew exactly what Gai was doing. I don't like it; I'm still feeling there's a mole in the group.

I think Guilty Crown would be just do better if it stuck to action and shy away from this emo Shu BS. Because I feel they are completely failing in the character development department. The show is quite pretty to watch with the Animation and BGM. At this point, an action oriented plot would be the best approach to amplify their strengths and make the series salvageable and at least somewhat enjoyable to watch.
Dec 15, 2011 12:52 PM

Jul 2009
jonathanexp said:
this year, year of the lame protagonists T.T Here we have Shu, and in Mirai Nikki, Yuki....Wtf happened
Cirris said:
Yep, so we got the emotional wreck Shu that i thought would happen. I get the defenders of Shu pointing out the fact that he's a kid way over his head. But, i can't reconcile the fact that he's being a completely emo crying bitch about it. It is getting quite tiring and awkward to see.

His character is completely contrived. His reactions to certain situations are contradictory in others. It's to the point now where i would argue that the pussy shu we seen in this episode would have never have had the balls to even take the void and robot to Gai in the first place, let alone risk his own pathetic ass to jump in front of two 30m tall mechas to save Inori.

Yeah, you could try and argue the whole Jun Yakiro situation caused him great distress. But, he's been having visions since he first met Inori and he's certainly been in enough situations with fighting and death to become somewhat desensitized to it. he had a bit of a setback would be an understatement at this point.

The other annoying aspect to this episode is the whole "Dumping on Shu" thing. As annoying as Shu has been, the reactions to his situation is even more annoying. Gai, mister super genius, should have known something was up with Shu even before the mission, or at least have a heart to heart with him after. Instead he and his crew turn into brow beating assholes who threaten him and berate him. Yeah, that's gonna work on a guy who just ran off from a mission screaming his head off. The Hare situation, while understandable in itself, was just more piling on to make Shu feel like a piece of shit.

It seems like the old cliche "i have no one" episode. The plot and dialogue really feels like one of those crappy B rated movies you see on SCIFI.


Thankfully, that episode was saved by the fact that Segai and Chief Keido initiated their master plan in the middle of a Funeral Parlor offensive. Again, Segai knew exactly what Gai was doing. I don't like it; I'm still feeling there's a mole in the group.

I think Guilty Crown would be just do better if it stuck to action and shy away from this emo Shu BS. Because I feel they are completely failing in the character development department. The show is quite pretty to watch with the Animation and BGM. At this point, an action oriented plot would be the best approach to amplify their strengths and make the series salvageable and at least somewhat enjoyable to watch.

You, sir, have just brilliantly summed up the show's principles. :D
[.center] [./center]
Dec 15, 2011 1:01 PM

Nov 2009
I'm fine with Shu probably because i like to watch characters suffer (yes, i'm a little bit of sadist), so... Hahahahaaaaa, Shu! Scream! Scream! *evil laugh*

That weird weirdo xD.

But that scene with the message was totally awesome. And i fell in love with the little melody at the end. It's so good, but creepy, i want it to last forever.
Dec 15, 2011 1:03 PM
Lewd Depresso

Jul 2008
lol i wanna now Hidden powers of Shu to awekan xD Im really generic xD in such a situations i always want main char to get some epic power xD
Dec 15, 2011 1:07 PM

Jan 2008
This episode is full of Shu fail moments.
Dec 15, 2011 1:12 PM

Aug 2010
I don't blame Shu, too many heroes it's good to see one that runs away from it and is afraid (and immature).

On another note, Segai has to be one of the best villains of at least this season.
Dec 15, 2011 1:16 PM

Oct 2010
InoriYuzuriha said:
Don't like her, really.
But she is so MOE. I bet Shu can have her and Inori together. I have a feeling we may know the final answer in thee end. Well I hope we know. Who Shu chooses.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Dec 15, 2011 1:27 PM

Jul 2009
LOLLL. I just started the episode and got to the OP and already would like to contribute to the rage.
Ok, honestly, without that ending, I would've dropped this anime today. Hopefully Inori's altered personality awakens cause like someone said before, she really is just nothing but a walking fan service.
KurogashiDec 15, 2011 1:51 PM
Dec 15, 2011 1:30 PM

Dec 2010
Onii said:
Shoe ran too early, now his sole is torn.

Yes XD but we can still glue them together as long it's not so badly damaged.

Kurimu-chan said:
Maybe the creators are troll enough to make him suffer even more by killing Hare off :)

Indeed most Japanese animators are trolls.
“My antics are works of art.” ~ Hermann Fegelein
Dec 15, 2011 1:35 PM

Dec 2011
I think Shu still doesnt know who is his sister? Even tho there are lots of flash backs. I still dont know who is Inori, is she the pink hair girl's clone or same person~.~ I think the romance in this anime is kinda weird. Remember on episode 4? When Inori rejects Shu? But somehow on episode 5 they are fine again. Anyway, I think once shu's memory recovered, he will be cooler. Episode 1? When he draws out the void, his eyes. It's almost like he knows how to use void even is his first time. We can tell Gai is jealous, cause inori chooses Shu AGAIN! Gai only get infected abit, and slowly spread around his body, but WHY not an instant death?
Why Inori knows about the queen is gonna wake up? Does she have the same memory as the queen? If yes, which means she should have known Shu from episode 1. But for her, Shu seems like a complete stanger (EP1).
Lot of questions !!!!! I need to watch more !! HELP
Dec 15, 2011 1:43 PM
Oct 2011
It's really getting better.
Dec 15, 2011 1:44 PM

Jun 2011
Qashqai said:
Man, this really gives me Eureka 7 vibe... Well, it gave it from the start. That's why I still believe it'll get awesome, even though it's pretty mediocre so far. I hope Shu gets some cool character development...
yeh i hope so too hhah, he's really scaredy right now.

and is inori going to get like an alternate personality?
Dec 15, 2011 1:46 PM

Jul 2011
dam very confusing episode, all i know is that shu has really fallen low, it sorta reminded me of lelouch when he started taking drugs and tried to take advantage of kallen who was in love with him and got slapped, i just hope that the slap hare gave shu brought him to his senses and he makes up for running away this episode

also gai is reaching his limit? i think he was already dying from that cancer and the song just sped up the process, i think he might die soon.
Dec 15, 2011 1:46 PM

Oct 2008
Wow, shit got extremely real at episode 10, imagine when we get in episode 20...
Man, I wanted(also) to slap Shu so hard, crying and emoing, being a ENORMOUS jerk to Inori and Hare etc.
>User since 2008
Please god help me quit this website.

Such great community that doesn't even know how demographics work, AND gives """detailed"""" reviews after first episodes.

Dec 15, 2011 1:57 PM
Nov 2011
I swear they're pulling these plot twists out of their ass.

Wow! Everyone is starting to hate Shu! Good job director! (Claps) Shu is the scapegoat now!
KigenDec 15, 2011 2:05 PM
Dec 15, 2011 2:00 PM
Aug 2010
Stop being so arrogant people, almost everyone of you would of done the exact same thing as Shu in this situation, this is serious shit.
Dec 15, 2011 2:01 PM

Oct 2011
In short - Best epsode yet!

Dec 15, 2011 2:08 PM
Apr 2011
chinolal said:
Firestalker5 said:
Wow.... The hate for Shu is impressive!

I just can't hate a character [fully]. Shu may run away, but I would have probably done the same thing when I was his age and put in that situation.

You just can't tell what you would do when in that situation...

So you are saying that you would run away, act like a dick to a girl that wants you to hear her song, and then try to rape another girl that is trying to help you? How can a person not be hated for what shu did this episode.

By the way, is this series really 22 episodes because it looks to me like things are about to wrap up.

by the way i agree with wat the other guy said and i just dont know how you would react to killing someone especially at that young of an age. also THAT girl who was giving him her song was the same bitch that led him on to get him to join funeral parlor and also he didnt try and rape hare lol.

the shu hate is a little ridiculous considering that he is like 16 years old and killed someone. you cant expect him to just brush it off as nothing and there is no way anyone here would be able to do it either. i feel like he is progressing alot better now than he was at the beginning when he was acting like a little kid.
Dec 15, 2011 2:09 PM

Jun 2008
Seriously? Shu was already a bad protagonist and they were able to make him worse.

But the end of the episode was interesting, things are moving and Gai just lost his position of "most handsome guy" in this serie.
Dec 15, 2011 2:17 PM

Aug 2009
Dec 15, 2011 2:18 PM
Nov 2011
This is anime, not real life. We know we'll act like him or turn toward something such as drugs or suicide. But he's a PROTAGONIST, shit. No one likes protagonists like him. The ending was pretty sick though.
Dec 15, 2011 2:30 PM
May 2011
I would've frikin' smacked Shu for calling Inori a Monster and making her cry.

But now..Shit just got real.
Dec 15, 2011 2:40 PM

Jul 2011
Finally we're getting some plot development (and it is just me or was there even a little character development there as well). Just a few things that I'm assuming after from this episode.

Inori is a clone of Shu's sister, whom Gai loved (maybe even dating).

That rock essentially kills everyone with the disease (from some sort of means (sound wave?)), thus wiping out everyone who has the disease (which has been an objective of GHQ for a while now). Gai has said disease.

Just some guess I have made (maybe post more if I come up with any), we'll see what happens
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