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Jul 2, 2007 7:16 PM
Sep 2006
Not a very impressive episode. I adored the last because I'm a sucker for fluff; however, as much as I understand the choices made, I don't understand what happened to the kickass-ness of the Red Whirlwind. I mean, Juliet seemed like a faulty fighter in this episode in comparison to the earlier ones. Kinda glad Romeo tried to jump in for her to run, but I think he needs a crash course in a female's rashness. xD Anyway, iffy episode, seems this series goes up and down.
Jul 2, 2007 8:56 PM

Apr 2007
way to go in getting yourself captured Juliet ~
Jul 2, 2007 9:42 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Yep, I also thought she got caught a bit too easily.




[H+] ³  
Jul 3, 2007 3:13 AM

Nov 2004
I was expecting Tybalt to swoop down and grab Juliet at the last moment to be honest. He seemed like he had that sort of role. Oh well, the fact that the evil Duke realised Romeo might have run off with Capulet's daughter at the last moment means shes safe for the time being even if she is captured. Least she didn't get lynched. (Since everyone is brainwashed to think Capulet was incredibly evil or whatever)

Francisco lives~~

Didn't really like the episode too much. In the end, Juliet put Romeo above everyone she has been raised with and died for her. I don't really think she deserves to be rescued and returned back to them (even if she is their hope). I mean I wonder if she will feel guilty. T.T Obviously I feel bad for Juliet since she is just a teenage girl who can't live a normal life. But c'mon. None of em' have normal lives. Even Antonio seems to understands his duty/position better then she does.
Jul 4, 2007 1:00 AM

May 2007
Crystal said:
I was expecting Tybalt to swoop down and grab Juliet at the last moment to be honest.

Funny you say that. I was thinking the exact same thing.

I was rather disappointed that they both got captured. =/ And at how easily. Oh well.
Jul 4, 2007 12:08 PM

Jan 2007
OMG Juliet. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Jul 5, 2007 10:28 AM

May 2007
Terrible decisions throughout the episode. Romeo trying to save the village and Juliet refusing to break her vows. It's sweet in a way, but she could easily wind up dead. Why they even want Juliet alive confuses me, unless they plan on luring out the rest of the Capulet vassals and followers. I think the worst decision in this episode are the guards sent to find Romeo. One of them opposed burning the village while the others wussed out. I'm pretty sure that most of them didn't want to destroy a village whose inhabitants really didn't do anything wrong. Ok getting ahead of myself and the Grand Duke has thousands of people at his disposal. What's so bad about losing 20 or so. Just makes me mad that these folks don't have brains, heart, or guts.
Jul 6, 2007 2:08 AM

Apr 2007
Juliet all caught up in love...

Yes, it was rather jibby that both of them could get caught so easily, and Juliet made the decision she did, a very stupid decision -.-' ...
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Jul 6, 2007 11:32 AM

Jun 2007
Man Romeo is Prince, why didn't he just say something like, "I hope you guys aren't alive to see my reign as Grand Duke!"

Jul 7, 2007 3:44 AM

Jul 2007
i'm giving in to the mushies Q.Q taskete!!!
Jul 7, 2007 8:39 AM

Jan 2007
Ok...something about Daddy Montague has been bugging me for a while and I think I've finally figured it out.


hounddogJul 7, 2007 8:42 AM
Jul 7, 2007 8:45 AM

May 2007
hounddog said:
Ok...something about Daddy Montague has been bugging me for a while and I think I've finally figured it out.



So that's what happened to Jafar!
Jul 8, 2007 3:31 AM

Apr 2007
^^^^ LMAO! XD

Nice hounddog ;D
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Jul 7, 2009 1:11 PM

Feb 2008
Ahh Juliet you're killing me, man! What good did she think would come out of revealing herself? That at the mention of her name all of her enemies would just fall to their knees and die then she could run off hand-in-hand with romeo?

Jul 15, 2009 11:31 PM

Sep 2008
How epic a name pronouncing could be :D
Aug 17, 2009 5:18 AM

Aug 2008
why Juliet let to recognize herself?! she thought that it'll help Romeo?
Carabinieri couldn't kill him, so what's the problem ?

Oct 16, 2009 6:38 PM
Mar 2009
Juliet saying her name and just getting caught like that might just be the dumbest move I've ever seen a main character make in an anime.
Oct 20, 2009 11:32 AM

Sep 2008
As everyone else has said... Juliet's decision was the worst possible one she could come up with. You can keep your wedding vows LATER. But for some reason she seemed set on being together 24/7. Ugh. Just ugh. What happened to her awesome sword skills t hat she seemed to have when she was the Red Whirlwind? Anyway yeah this episode was a bit of a let-down.
Jan 15, 2010 8:09 AM

Dec 2009
Oh man! I really thought that Tybalt would swoop down and save the day! And yes, I must agree with you all that say that Juliet got caught a bit too fast. She seemed to be so good.
<i>Even if I carry these countless scars with me
Quickly or softly, either way you aren't getting my soul</i>
Aug 10, 2010 9:35 PM

Apr 2010
merle_noir said:
As everyone else has said... Juliet's decision was the worst possible one she could come up with. You can keep your wedding vows LATER. But for some reason she seemed set on being together 24/7. Ugh. Just ugh. What happened to her awesome sword skills t hat she seemed to have when she was the Red Whirlwind? Anyway yeah this episode was a bit of a let-down.

I guess they were out-numbered, she was outnumbered, plus Romeo is already in custody. Unless you think a lady can break through like how much guards armed, and on their 'Pegasus' with an order to bring back Romeo to his 'father'.

Basically, she doesn't want him to go alone and leave her behind. Who knows what kind of punishment he'd receive?

But honestly I was all like "It's not time to remember wedding vows now! You're breaking his heart more than making him happy; Juliet!"
At that moment my own heart was broken. I wished Tybalt would come and save both of them....but that's nearly impossible...

Damn that Montague!
Sep 11, 2010 1:20 PM
Jul 2010
I also thought Juliet didn't put up much of a fight... Really, I mean, of course they were outnumbered and all but she has (or should I say had) really nice swordsmanship skills.
Besides, it was completely stupid to reveal herself instead of escaping. Come on Juliet just think a little bit like an utilitarian next time: either Romeo gets caught and nothing really bad happens or you both get caught and you are in severe danger. Which option brings better consequences?
Really, did she think they would all come to get her like crazy and leave room for Romeo to escape or something? Romeo is the Grand Duke's son, it's not like they're gonna kill him... Now about Juliet...

But besides that I think it was a really enjoyable episode. I thought about dropping this series a couple of episodes back but I'm finally getting into it now.
Jan 23, 2011 7:21 PM

Dec 2010
Wow, epic name reveals... that just screwed everything up, like I predicted ^_^

Goodness I wanted to tear my hair out when Juliet revealed herself right after Romeo revealed himself just to save her life... stupid, stupid, stupid. I don't get her at all now. That was just so infuriating... I understand the soldiers had shields making an epic sword fight more difficult but still, they both fell down easily... maybe Juliet is still haunted by the man she killed? I have no idea but I hope her vigilante cunning and skills come back because lovestruck Juliet who only focuses on her vows isn't going to be able to do anything in terms of bringing back the house of Capulet, and life can never go back to the way it was now...

When it was revealed that the characters in the raid were okay I felt a little (only very slightly) guilty for actually thinking "Yay, all the characters that mattered survived!" Ah well, as long as the crew lives, there is hope for Neo Verona, even if Juliet is being an imbecile xD
Apr 15, 2012 12:13 AM

Jul 2011
May 1, 2012 9:48 AM

Feb 2012
The guards are hilariously evil.

“Sir, we found an item of Lord Romeo traded for food and it looks like he left a few days ago. Should we track him?”

“No, burn the village down.”

Those guards do some of the most pointlessly evil acts I’ve seen in an anime and IT WORKS. It always turns out alright for the guards when they commit evil acts.

I personally don’t think Juliet’s actions were that stupid. I see it as an impressive gambit. By tying herself to Romeo she gains a degree of safety. Romeo is the sole heir to Neo Verona so Prince Montague must be careful in how to deal with the issue or risks his legacy. It’s like a chess game, sometimes the safest move is to charge right into the enemy’s defenses and put him in a situation where hurting you brings ruin to himself.
May 27, 2012 2:46 AM

Aug 2007
Throughout episode 11 and 12 I keep thinking that maybe Romeo and Juliet get really stupid when they're near each other. Just thinking about all this makes me wanna laugh again. Cracks me up!

Is this really Romeo, son of the Prince who probably has to deal with assassins? Is this really Juliet who has been hiding all her life in fear of getting found? Well, I suppose they're only a couple of star-crossed teenagers, hahahaha.
ItenaMay 27, 2012 2:49 AM
Jul 11, 2012 10:05 PM

Sep 2011
Man, I love romance and all, but this episode was so damn cheesy. LOL (not too surprised though, since its Romeo and Juliet after all) xD

As for the ending, that was some epic shiet right there.
Feb 7, 2014 1:18 PM

May 2012
Dat ending <3 Damn that sure is some great development! I sure hope Juliet will be alright now that she's captured!
Apr 30, 2014 9:24 PM

Mar 2012
Is Juliet mentally ill? I mean I've questioned her previous actions before but dam, that was just stupid.
Jun 23, 2014 6:54 AM

Dec 2013
just wow
May 2, 2017 2:02 PM

Jul 2013
I don't get why they went to the village when they were the ones being looked for, considering they were like "yo, lets run away together and hide out where no one can find us" and then like two episodes later "oh they found us, and it's our own damn fault" - I know it was terrible what they were doing to find them but they were clearly outnumbered since there were only two of them.

I like the show but it is a tad ridiculous to say the least at times.

Then Romeo gives himself up and tells Juliet to run ... I don't know how the guards didn't figure out who she was when he said tbh. They dumb obviously. But then Juliet is like "I give myself up tooooooooooooo" and then it's like Romeo is like "damn fucking chick, I told her to run, omfg wtf" and he probably would've facepalmed lol. Had that been invented then and him not being restrained lol.

They love each other and that's why Romeo was trying to protect her but she's like "but I wanna protect you too" and so she gets caught too which I don't really think helps either of them tbh.
Oct 22, 2017 6:13 PM

Nov 2016
Romeo and Juliet living together was kinda cute.

Episode got quite dramatic towards the end.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 19, 2018 2:13 PM

Feb 2017
Jurietto is so smart
Oct 26, 2018 2:53 PM

Jan 2010
I haven't been too sure about Romeo so far, as he had seemed a bit too passive and ignorant to the ongoings of the city. He certainly had his circumstances, but he just hasn't done much or had any real presence in the story. Starting about here though, I'm beginning to have hopes.
Dec 14, 2018 8:48 PM

May 2013
Deng it. I was hoping that old man could've done something hahaha. Oh wells :P

True love is so loyal -^.^-
Mar 31, 2022 6:50 PM
Mar 2019
More flicking through to get action elsewhere, none happened.
Juliet is cornered.

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