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Nov 4, 2011 5:21 PM

Jan 2011
AGH-RMS said:
... That stage of the Apocalypse Virus... With the crystals emerging from the victims body? Doesn't it sort of remind you of.. The void's, in they're raw form, before Shu refines them after they're extracted? Perhaps my theory of GHQ being responsible for it wasn't off...

Now that i think about it doesn't also remind you a bit of the whole crystallization in Xam´d? if you ever seen it.
Nov 4, 2011 6:35 PM

Apr 2009
so Inori is not a normal human? what the heck is she? what's with the high jump? and if you think about it, why make a 17-yr old girl sneak in a facility at the beginning to get a vial and be expected to return? why she has the most hax weapon that is shaped as a sword? why does she treat herself as a belonging of a person, just like a tool? why is she beautifully drawn and her character design is so charming? oh.. wait..

lots of cliche stuff but that doesn't matter as it's still entertaining for me.. it still needs to feature something that would make it recognized as a great show..
Nov 4, 2011 6:46 PM
Aug 2010
Hmmm....the only thing I think that's good about this show so far is the art and animation and this episode sure showed it off well so...I like this episode. Yey~

Oh yeah I like the music too.
ThisisnobodyNov 4, 2011 7:23 PM
Nov 4, 2011 6:58 PM

Jul 2009
Not entirely sure what to think of the plot and execution yet... but let me agree that the art, animation, and music are AWESOME.
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Nov 4, 2011 7:07 PM
Jul 2010
hmm, u guys think shu will betray gai? i think maybe not cause, in the mid the mad scientist tell him to beware of ppl that say "Believe in yourself" , but in the end gai tell shu "believe in me" . But it will be suck if the story goes like this, Shu betray gai and got him executed or something, then shu realize what he did wrg and grown up then end up becoming the undertaker head The End rofl...
Nov 4, 2011 7:09 PM
Oct 2010
I just need to say that...these OSTs are amazing. I love them so much I want to hug them *-*

As for it as a's entertaining; kick ass action scenes...but that's it. I still hope something that'll surprise me...and knowing myself, it's not that difficult. I'll have faith on that, ok? (uh, who am I talking to o_o...?)

I've read part of the thread, and I agree that the virus is somehow related to the "void"...Maybe someone felt like testing and experimenting and had run out of mice, so it used packs of children, the ones who are now 17...e_e
This void thing is making it interesting for now...I'd like that they explained Gai's ability to see the voids too...
RianriNov 4, 2011 7:13 PM

Nov 4, 2011 8:21 PM

Jul 2011
The animation is beautiful.

helgan said:
Shu betray gai and got him executed or something, then shu realize what he did wrg and grown up then end up becoming the undertaker head The End rofl...

I think this may actually happen. I just have this feeling that Gai will die.
Nov 4, 2011 8:40 PM

Feb 2010
Droplet said:

Er, we're only 4 episodes in, they're not gonna have tons of development...

I think Inori is latching onto Shu because he shows her warmth.

That's why I said they need to develop their relationship...I don't care when, they just need to in the future.

Most romances with a normal guy and a super hot girl never justify why the girl falls for the guy, so I'm hoping Guilty Crown does. That's all.

Nov 4, 2011 8:46 PM

Jun 2011
Well, Shu was actually half decent this episode, then again, I guess wishy washy protagonists like him always have a time where they shine. Although I will admit that gravity gun was pretty damn cool.
Shu finally went with Gai, but he still has that pen thing, I just know he's going to do something stupid.
Nov 4, 2011 9:09 PM
Jul 2018
katsu044 said:
AGH-RMS said:
... That stage of the Apocalypse Virus... With the crystals emerging from the victims body? Doesn't it sort of remind you of.. The void's, in they're raw form, before Shu refines them after they're extracted? Perhaps my theory of GHQ being responsible for it wasn't off...

Now that i think about it doesn't also remind you a bit of the whole crystallization in Xam´d? if you ever seen it.

And the disclosure virus from Eden: It's an Endless World. I just hope this show doesn't do something silly with it like with the colloids from that series. :/
(And yeah, it does seem to have something to do with the voids.)

And it was an pretty decent episode. I didn't really like how they gave the drug dealer kid a sad backstory, though; it felt kind of forced. Sometimes jerks should just be jerks.

Inori could stand some more personality too, and her relationship with Shu definitely needs development. Right now they kind of remind me of Eureka and Renton from Eureka 7, from the whole wimpy lead/semi-emotionless girl dynamic right down to the ridiculous flight sequence in this episode, and could stand the same level of development those two got (I still didn't like them much even after that, but eh, at least their relationship was better explained). It's still pretty early in the show, though, so they have time.

Gai as a lawyer made me laugh. That's almost as bad as a certain impersonator from case 3 of the third Phoenix Wright game. Wonder if he had a cardboard badge too. xD

Anyway, the action's still pretty decent, and it's still pumping out the eye and ear candy, so it's alright by me.
Nov 4, 2011 9:17 PM

Nov 2007
Now this is something MUCH better since we got to see more of the plot and nice scenes.

Again, the virus reminds me of Eden and King of Thorn though.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Nov 4, 2011 9:34 PM

May 2011
This ep was sooo good. I didn't think I'd like this show, but after the 1st 3-4 minutes of the first episode, I knew I would. But I didn't think it'd be anywhere close to This good. Hope it stays that way. ^_^
Nov 4, 2011 9:43 PM

May 2010
WILL SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON??? I like the music and animation and cute/emotionless girl and all, but I don't understand a thing in this show
Nov 4, 2011 10:07 PM

Jun 2011
Yes yes the action was all very nice when Shu was fighting back and all but when he was running about it was fucking retarded, those are some of the gimpiest mecha i have ever seen they make like 1 move every min.
I mean did you see the way Shu dodged one of their feet or how the other went to grab and missed then just stood there, then there was when they surrounded him and did nothing at all even when they knew had that gravity gun. Or how about when Inori was running to the building the mecha missed trying to shoot her then she jumped damn high to the top of the building? What is she meant to be lol? Or when she jumped down was she thinking "hm i hope shu has a gravity gun with him"
Anyway the action is nice when Shu is fighting it makes sense but when hes running about there are so many ass pulls, its probably on a higher level than ass pull tbh they need to do that better if they are going to do it.

Now Segai is a good character he looks to be an intresting he looks to be a nice to watch antagonist. He is alot better than Yan Daryl who is just a douche that hides behind daddy. Segai seems to be a man with a plan.

Gai is starting to piss me off though he is pretty much an arrogant dumb ass, i mean why the fuck did he announce his attack? That served no purpose at all, it is about as bad as showing his face on T.V. all the time there is no point except to stroke his ego. He also keeps talking down to Shu like he is a piece of shit i mean Gai is asking for his help how about being nice to him and not trying to dominate him just to get yourself hard. Oh and taking off his lawyer disguse Shu already knew it was him its not like he had to pop out and go "SUPRISE ITS ME EGO JERK OFF TO MY OWN REFLECTION OH GOD PLEASE I WANT A HAREM GUY"

Oh that Ayase Shinomiya was just being a desprate little Gai fan girl saying Shu did something to Inori because she acted without Gai's orders, no just because not everyone is gagging for Gai's dick like Ayase is does not mean Shu is tricking Inori. Then she blames Shu for everything. Gai did not guard Shu properly after he starts stalking him for Undertakers and talked to him out in the open like the dumb ass he is and then sends Inori to him right in the open.

I also thought Shu would say he would trust in Inori rather than trust in that dumb ass Gai. Well lets hope he uses that transmitter to fuck Gai over later.

I have been ranting but still liked the episode just some parts made me facepalm.
DragoonDeusNov 5, 2011 7:09 AM
Nov 4, 2011 10:26 PM

Nov 2009
Paul said:
Shu just got a promotion to bad ass.

He was rather impressive this episode indeed. I was happy with this episode including the fact that besides the other side definitely being the 'bad' side they do have good points too.
Nov 4, 2011 11:48 PM

Oct 2010
Confucius said:
WILL SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON??? I like the music and animation and cute/emotionless girl and all, but I don't understand a thing in this show
One faction is killing in the name of preventing virus contamination while the other group is against it and thinks that it's unfair of such power exertion.

In other words it's a war between a big bad army and a small group. That is just in general how I see it but it could be more.

BTW I don't know who the heck made the GIF but here is my version in the spoiler
and no there is no Nico Nico crap and it's 720p. God I wish I had more time.

2 more thing:
  • For one the pen situation in the spoiler
    look at how Shu is seeing the pen and how he looks at Gai. He does not trust him yet despite clearly stating otherwise. I smell a future betrayal if innocent lives are involved and Shu deems it too risky to follow through with Gai. Already you all should have noticed he did not like the way Gai was with not going in before those innocents were shot some few episode ago with that kid.

  • Point 2 is at how the commander actually does shoot the sniper and is fascinated by the whole void forming in the spoiler
    notice his face in astonishment? I smell him being there to observe in order for the science guy to reproduce the same Void Genome. In other words another person having the powers of Shu. Like I mentioned earlier on in this thread.
I just did not supply my proofs. Well Now I am.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Nov 5, 2011 12:39 AM

Jan 2010
Nov 5, 2011 2:20 AM

May 2010
Was expecting more from this ep :/

The art, animation, and soundtracks are all in great quality. But the characters and the storyline needs to be improved.

Well, it's still the 4th episode so I think there's enough room for that.
Nov 5, 2011 2:47 AM

Jul 2010
Gai is clearly lelouch and Shu the Suzaku. Gai clearly has some sort of ulterior objective apart from deposing GHQ. Shu the Suzaku is probably going to be the fickle man who samples both sides--finally starting his own force. And I think it was mentioned somewhere before that there's three void genomes.

Also, I can't believe that the people who wrote the script for Code Geass actually wrote the script of this. Gai's plan was BS. It is a crime that a genius such as Lelouch would never commit. Besides, how the heck did GHQ let the FP get into a proximity close enough to it's key facilities? Generally, in warzones, such as in Iraq, there are Greenzones where the the authorities had full control and heavy military presence in the area. It puzzles me how the guys can move heavy military equipment anywhere near General Headquarters. And yes, Gai is a poor clone of Lelouch. Lulu would have worn a mask. Interesting thing was that in the videos, Gai was the only one who did not wear a mask. There was this scene where Shu asked Gai what he's fighting for, and his answer was "why are you asking me this?" Simple. Why should I fight for you?

One thing I wanted to know is what exactly is GHQ(General Headquarters presumably?)? Is it supposed to be a privately owned mega corporation similar to the British East India Company or is it supposed to be an International mandated task-force? In addition, why do some people remain unregistered? If you can be executed randomly for not registered, then why do they remain so?

Also, what exactly is an Inori Yuzuriha? She can dodge bullets and missles and jump mighty high. Is she some sort of enhanced superhuman?

Anyway, Segai clearly reminds me of Diehard from Code Geass--except perhaps, a psychopathic version who enjoys being at the scene of great events.

In conclusion, great fights, animation and music--but character development, in general, seemed rushed and filled with the superficial use of deux ex machina. I found it impossible how Inori and Shu could have fallen for one another , trust each other so much--even though they barely even know one another. Did Shu meet Inori in the past or something?
darthfantaNov 5, 2011 3:09 AM

Nov 5, 2011 5:14 AM

Dec 2009
This episode was awesome.

IMO the action in ep 2 was better than in this one, But the story in this was far better.

And Gai as a lawyer was awesome xD

This show is awesome.
Nov 5, 2011 6:10 AM

Oct 2011
this anime has me confused - i loved the first episode, but two and three were fairly average - then this episode comes along, and i loved it - anyways, i'll keep watching to see what will happen...
Nov 5, 2011 7:18 AM

Dec 2009
SHU; was courageous c:
I'm happy he actually made a decision, and I hope he sticks with it.
Gai as a lawyer was funny, I thought it was a good way to sneak in, but it seemed silly how no one noticed. & the fight scene was neat, at first I though they were underwater with the bubble :] .

good episode, curious about the next one~
Nov 5, 2011 7:26 AM

Jan 2008
I was thinking that Segai is a cruel man just like Daryl but I like how he talks his way smoothly in this episode. Wish to know more about Gai's motives.
Nov 5, 2011 7:56 AM

Jul 2008
Haven't watched it yet, but I'm getting the feeling that halfway through the series things would get rushed in the second half and we'll have a half-hearted ending reminiscent of Ao no Exorcist. As a friend noted, "it's like they had a great plot for around 30+ episodes in length, but had to condense it to around 20 or so."

And considering that the male protagonist's "expertise" is "handing the Idiot Ball"...ugh.
Nov 5, 2011 8:00 AM

Jan 2011
Slicer22 said:
Yes yes the action was all very nice when Shu was fighting back and all but when he was running about it was fucking retarded, those are some of the gimpiest mecha i have ever seen they make like 1 move every min.
I mean did you see the way Shu dodged one of their feet or how the other went to grab and missed then just stood there, then there was when they surrounded him and did nothing at all even when they knew had that gravity gun. Or how about when Inori was running to the building the mecha missed trying to shoot her then she jumped damn high to the top of the building? What is she meant to be lol? Or when she jumped down was she thinking "hm i hope shu has a gravity gun with him"
Anyway the action is nice when Shu is fighting it makes sense but when hes running about there are so many ass pulls, its probably on a higher level than ass pull tbh they need to do that better if they are going to do it.

Now Segai is a good character he looks to be an intresting he looks to be a nice to watch antagonist. He is alot better than Yan Daryl who is just a douche that hides behind daddy. Segai seems to be a man with a plan.

Gai is starting to piss me off though he is pretty much an arrogant dumb ass, i mean why the fuck did he announce his attack? That served no purpose at all, it is about as bad as showing his face on T.V. all the time there is no point except to stroke his ego. He also keeps talking down to Shu like he is a piece of shit i mean Gai is asking for his help how about being nice to him and not trying to dominate him just to get yourself hard. Oh and taking off his lawyer disguse Shu already knew it was him its not like he had to pop out and go "SUPRISE ITS ME EGO JERK OFF TO MY OWN REFLECTION OH GOD PLEASE I WANT A HAREM GUY"

Oh that Ayase Shinomiya was just being a desprate little Gai fan girl saying Shu did something to Inori because she acted without Gai's orders, no just because not everyone is gagging for Gai's dick like Ayase is does not mean Shu is tricking Inori. Then she blames Shu for everything. Gai did not guard Shu properly after he starts stalking him for Undertakers and talked to him out in the open like the dumb ass he is and then sends Inori to him right in the open.

I also thought Shu would say he would trust in Inori rather than trust in that dumb ass Gai. Well lets hope he uses that transmitter to fuck Gai over later.

I have been ranting but still liked the episode just some parts made me facepalm.

Oh my god.
Nov 5, 2011 8:46 AM

Apr 2011
entropy13 said:

And considering that the male protagonist's "expertise" is "handing the Idiot Ball"...ugh.

I lost the punchline
Nov 5, 2011 12:30 PM

Oct 2011
I'm hoping Shu will use the transmitter later to do something to the Undertakers. Also, the scene with Shu and Inori was badass.

When Shu first got out the prisoner's Void, I immediately thought it was a portal gun.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Nov 5, 2011 12:37 PM

Jul 2011
wow, the animation in this series is incredible damn, here's to hoping the story can hold up to the quality of the animation.
Nov 5, 2011 12:37 PM
Jun 2011
Hmm, this episode has brought me more hopes for this might turn out to be a good watch after all ^^
Nov 5, 2011 12:43 PM

Mar 2009
Pretty cool. I really want to see how Shu reacts to all that's happening.

Nov 5, 2011 12:50 PM

Oct 2011
Gigamecha12 said:
Hmm, this episode has brought me more hopes for this might turn out to be a good watch after all ^^

Off topic, but your avatar is amazing xD
"Evidently... There's no such thing as 'meaning' in this world. But that in itself is wonderful... isn't it? Since if there isn't a set meaning, then you can just find one on your own."
- Filicia Heideman, So Ra No Wo To
Nov 5, 2011 1:32 PM

Aug 2010
I bet Shu's going to press that transmitter and ruin it all.
Nov 5, 2011 1:35 PM

Jun 2011
Nice animations, great fight scene and I hope that he will not use that transmitter. Would want to see more backstories of the characters, and what his father is related in this, cause they said they brought in his son. Only time will tell :p
Nov 5, 2011 4:08 PM

Oct 2011
spinner159 said:
Nice animations, great fight scene and I hope that he will not use that transmitter. Would want to see more backstories of the characters, and what his father is related in this, cause they said they brought in his son. Only time will tell :p

They said Dr.Ouma's son, which is his mother, Ms.Ouma. (I think her full name is Ouma Haruka. She's been shown a few times.
"Evidently... There's no such thing as 'meaning' in this world. But that in itself is wonderful... isn't it? Since if there isn't a set meaning, then you can just find one on your own."
- Filicia Heideman, So Ra No Wo To
Nov 5, 2011 10:24 PM

Feb 2010
Great action, and Shu finally joins. About time XD
Nov 6, 2011 3:27 AM

May 2008
Shu finally joins and probably will go against Gai in the future since he took that device thingy lol
Nov 6, 2011 4:27 AM

Apr 2011
Nov 6, 2011 5:58 AM

Aug 2011
BRSxIgnition said:
spinner159 said:
Nice animations, great fight scene and I hope that he will not use that transmitter. Would want to see more backstories of the characters, and what his father is related in this, cause they said they brought in his son. Only time will tell :p

They said Dr.Ouma's son, which is his mother, Ms.Ouma. (I think her full name is Ouma Haruka. She's been shown a few times.

Yes his mother is a very high up researcher for the group funeral parlor is fighting against. This is why Shu is so hesitant about everything.
Nov 6, 2011 6:40 AM

May 2010
Great Shu finally joins the Funeral Parlor !!

Nov 6, 2011 9:05 AM

Aug 2011
I like how people died.
Nov 6, 2011 9:12 AM

Apr 2011
I just love this show it just keeps getting better.
I wonder what Shu will do now since he is officially with the Undertakers.
Nov 6, 2011 9:23 AM

Oct 2011
Has anyone else noticed that as of 06/11/2011, after 211 votes, not one of them was a 1/5?

Not a single"Hated it" vote. I'd take that as a good sign.
"Evidently... There's no such thing as 'meaning' in this world. But that in itself is wonderful... isn't it? Since if there isn't a set meaning, then you can just find one on your own."
- Filicia Heideman, So Ra No Wo To
Nov 6, 2011 9:52 AM

Aug 2011
BRSxIgnition said:
Has anyone else noticed that as of 06/11/2011, after 211 votes, not one of them was a 1/5?

Not a single"Hated it" vote. I'd take that as a good sign.

Well thats because the show has everything. Amazing art, beautiful music, likeable characters, and an interesting and engaging story. Imo this could contend with anime of the year.
Nov 6, 2011 10:51 AM

Jul 2010
Matron_Laylie said:
BRSxIgnition said:
Has anyone else noticed that as of 06/11/2011, after 211 votes, not one of them was a 1/5?

Not a single"Hated it" vote. I'd take that as a good sign.

Well thats because the show has everything. Amazing art, beautiful music, likeable characters, and an interesting and engaging story. Imo this could contend with anime of the year.

amazing art and beautiful music. agree. that's all.
and anime of the year? the world will end if that's the case

and the fight scenes had become utterly worse and unrealistic for anime standard especially w/ mechs. that's a fact.
and what the hell is Inori thinking jumping off at that high? if there's no one to catch her she's dead, the soldiers are like even afraid to shoot her? the mechs are using guns and missiles against Steiner yet why not against Shu? there is even a mech there that waited for Shu to shoot, so basically everything that have transpired falls into "convenience" to make the scenario look cool and fabulous, masking its flaws.

its not that i hate this show, but i'm clearly facing "the facts" about this show not letting a temporary glimpse of fabulousness incite in an instant that its great, but it still has 18 more episodes, definitely that's a lot, to show its potential

and anime of the year is just too big for this show to reach out
in fact, even if i'm not a fan of Mawaru Penguindrum, that's the kind of show amazing enough to be an anime of the year as well as mature shows like Usagi Drop.
AmberFebruaryNov 6, 2011 11:13 AM
Simplistic beauty can't be appreciated by someone who looks for something grand in everything he watch.
Nov 6, 2011 11:11 AM

Oct 2011
AmberFebruary said:
Matron_Laylie said:
BRSxIgnition said:
Has anyone else noticed that as of 06/11/2011, after 211 votes, not one of them was a 1/5?

Not a single"Hated it" vote. I'd take that as a good sign.

Well thats because the show has everything. Amazing art, beautiful music, likeable characters, and an interesting and engaging story. Imo this could contend with anime of the year.

amazing art and beautiful music. agree. that's all.
and anime of the year? the world will end if that's the case

and the fight scenes had become utterly worse and unrealistic for anime standard especially w/ mechs. that's a fact.
and what the hell is Inori thinking jumping off at that high? if there's no one to catch her she's dead, the soldiers are like even afraid to shoot her? the mechs are using guns and missiles against Steiner yet why not against Shu? there is even a mech there that waited for Shu to shoot, so basically everything that have transpired falls into "convenience" to make the scenario look cool and fabulous, masking its flaws.

its not that i hate this show, but i'm clearly facing "the facts" about this show not letting a temporary glimpse of fabulousness incite that its great and "contend with anime of year?" cause so far imho its not, but it still has 18 more episodes, definitely that's a lot, to show its potential

in fact, even if i'm not a fan of Mawaru Penguindrum, that's the kind of show amazing enough to be an anime of the year.

They didn't shoot shu because they were trying to re-capture him. Hence why one of the other mechs scanned his eye when it grabbed him. Also, I'm pretty sure Inori had a plan, she doesn't seem like a regular person, so once again, things will be described later - I'm sure.

About Mawaru Penguindrum, It's good, but it's harder to follow than other anime. It switches protagonists too frequently and divulges plot details too randomly. It's well done though, just hard to follow.
"Evidently... There's no such thing as 'meaning' in this world. But that in itself is wonderful... isn't it? Since if there isn't a set meaning, then you can just find one on your own."
- Filicia Heideman, So Ra No Wo To
Nov 6, 2011 12:32 PM

Nov 2010
Wow the Assault and Gravity Gun was awesome.

The Warden letting him go away is quite tricky as well.

This show exceeds expectations.
Nov 6, 2011 12:52 PM

Jul 2009
wow not bad at all... i guess this will be really good. its lmao though how Funimation started sending DMCA letters xD one of the reason's why they wanna licence anime series. Even though their Dubs are down to earth horrible xP imo .

Nov 6, 2011 1:11 PM

Oct 2011
I think I spurred someone to give it a 1/5 because of my statement above, lmao.
"Evidently... There's no such thing as 'meaning' in this world. But that in itself is wonderful... isn't it? Since if there isn't a set meaning, then you can just find one on your own."
- Filicia Heideman, So Ra No Wo To
Nov 6, 2011 2:04 PM

Jul 2011
im happy that i didn't drop this series after 2 episodes of boredom and shounen cliche everywhere...
the 3rd episode is quite intriguing and then, the 4th episode is just pure epic!! i love everything about it except the scene where Yahiro sitting beside his brother's bed... who cares about that traitor, they could've made a better background story for him..

omg dont make me start on the artwork!! ITSSSS JUSSTTT BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! looked so expensive!!! i wonder how much money the production spends to make this episode...

looking forward to watch the next episode.. i hope it gets better and better.. <3
Nov 6, 2011 2:52 PM

Sep 2011
Prison outbreaks will never get old, really liked this episode 5/5
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