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Oct 17, 2011 11:48 PM

Sep 2011
I, for one, adore this anime. I honestly don't get why people are hating on this show. The plot was nice - although it moved a little fast, there was good character development, the characters were likeable, there were some fanservice/ecchi scenes, and Aria is just adorable! I also found the Opening Song to be kind of catchy, and suitable for HnA. Personal preference, but Guns are +1, and a Redhead+Redeyed protagonist (It's a fetish of mine). Rie Kugimiya is also one of my favourite voice-actors; she plays her Tsundere roles magnificently! Furthermore, the 'Hysteria Savant Mode' was a nice little twist - having an alter-ego that gives your fighting abilities a nice boost.

So why is everyone hating on this show, may I ask? List reasons as to why, if you are a hater. Or leave a little "I liked it!" if you actually enjoyed it.
astro-kunOct 17, 2011 11:55 PM
Oct 18, 2011 12:05 AM

Jan 2011
I watched it as it aired, but I prefer to watch anime in smaller condensed chunks, especially if it's a pretty straightforward series. I'll also say that throughout the series I really wanted to like it, and there were indeed parts that I enjoyed such as some characters and the OP, but overall its issued overruled the good things.

First of all, it could've been longer. I didn't read the manga, but I thought that They could have added in more detail or plot development to parts which would make it better.

Second of all from a technical standpoint it was pretty mediocre. The sound could've been better and the art and animation were bland for this day and age.

Third of all, there were things about the plot that could've been done better. (Minor Spoiler: In reference to their heritage and such. When they first revealed that aspect of the show I was thinking of how awesome it'd be, but instead they sort of skimmed over it and ended up being...weird.) Also the ending was pretty WTF.

So yeah. I really wanted to enjoy it and I'd definitely watch a second season, but the season we have had several shortcomings, to say the least.
Fingerfood.png Fingerfood.png
Oct 18, 2011 12:27 AM

Nov 2010

Judging by your anime list you've only watched shows that are pretty recent, and by a standard of one decade, or even 5 years this show falls into the mediocre-bad category. Thats why the whole MAL has rankings, to save people from watching anything not worthwhile. Maybe take a look around and you will notice there are many widely known better anime out there.
Oct 18, 2011 12:27 AM

Sep 2011
I liked it, but I assume people rag on it because it follows a lot of recent popular trends. It just doesn't feel very original at all, so people might be kinda bored with it in general.

It's Shana with guns at plus your usual special academy with a class ranking system where the hero is the lowest level and the female lead is the highest level. The Hysteria Mode thing is very similar to DNAngel, and Riko is an XCOPY of Mafuyu from Seitokai no Ichizon.

There's just no real original hook to the series. I like girls with guns, Kugimiya Rie, and Shana clones, though ... so I liked it.
Oct 18, 2011 5:01 PM

Sep 2011

That's just the problem. I wish it was longer too, but because of people hating on it they probably won't be elaborating on the story and it'd be a dead project - what a waste!

I did not mind the classic artstyle + modern storyline. I found it to be a good mix!

I noticed that a lot of animes containing 'ecchi-scenes' tend to be rated lower. Maybe people are thinking "Wow, what a pathetic anime - they need ecchi to hook their viewers to make up for their crappy plot." I really thought the story could have used a little more originality, but material-wise, it's all there.

I have read a review on the series saying "It was so obvious that person was the villain; this took serious points off" For starters, it's not a mystery series.. but, I digress; sure, this series isn't COMPLETELY original. Some scenes may be cliche, and the animations may not be state-of-the-art. But why do people seem to HATE to the point where mentioning the name 'Hidan no Aria' becomes a peeve? That is what I do not understand.

*PS - About the story: People seem to LOVE Pandora Hearts, but the ending was really depressing - as in really bad. REALLY bad.
Oct 18, 2011 5:05 PM

Mar 2011
It's decent but most of the haters/ragers are the ones that read the novel and whatnot
Courtesy of Paul
Oct 18, 2011 5:36 PM

May 2011
Am not a hater, it just happens to be totally mediocre series.

You should really start to watch some actually good series. I've given rating between 3/10 to 5/10 to every series we share and you gave a 10 to those all.

edmond321 said:
*PS - About the story: People seem to LOVE Pandora Hearts, but the ending was really depressing - as in really bad. REALLY bad.

Ending was really bad an yet you gave it a 10 to. What's wrong with you?
I definitely have superpowers. I can feel it in my balls.
Oct 18, 2011 5:46 PM

Sep 2011
the anime was flat out terrible to me but i dont go bitching about it, so does that make me a hater caus ei gave the show a fair chance and it was awful? then so be it im a hater/

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Oct 18, 2011 6:29 PM
Aug 2009
HnA is so anime its anime. If you want to be cool and hip you have to hate anime and rather act like you are tolerating its nuts and bolts because it makes you more flamboyant. So HnA will be hated because its an anime for anime fans. You best of ignore anyone saying there is something wrong with you liking it because you haven't seen anything else. They are full of shit.
Oct 18, 2011 8:37 PM

Sep 2011
I rate all animes '10' before I even WATCH them; as I am too lazy to go back and rate them afterwards. I'd assume that an anime would be half-decent if I even considered watching it (judging it from the reviews/synopsis/cover). Don't get me wrong - Pandora Hearts was fine until the ending.

We have different tastes - sue me. I am merely asking reasons as to WHY you think HnA was a horrible anime and frankly, not only was I left with a single flimsy opinion ('it was just a mediocre series'); I found your remark on 'actually watch some good animes' to be rather insulting. Take no offense to this: Please do not blatantly critisize on my taste, and if I may - please give reasons as to why you thought HnA was 'mediocre'.
astro-kunOct 18, 2011 8:46 PM
Oct 19, 2011 12:48 AM
Jan 2010
It's decent but most of the haters/ragers are the ones that read the novel and whatnot

Well, I consider myself a hater of this series, but only because it was a big disappointment in the part of the author.

The idea of crime-fighting students who wield guns is interesting — in fact, that was what pulled me into Hidan no Aria.

However, things go downhill when Riko decides to replicate the Quadra status of Aria... and used magic for the first time. It robbed Aria of the special ability that she is only useful for. Also, I don't know why the author has to shove in magic if he could just focus on only guns.

Another gripe I had with the series is how Sherlock Holmes, who has hax powers including time travel, ends up as a big bad that was defeated in a few volumes. He should have easily become the final boss. After that, Aria would have gotten her partner and her mother would have been cleared of all her crimes. Kinji would decide to return to studying in Tokyo Butei High School. Conflicts exhausted, happy ending.

However, the second season suggests that there are MORE enemies incoming. I suspect that the author would create a new, more powerful enemy ahead. I do not know how will the plot go, but they say that it gets worse later on, seemingly borrowing the concept of the Seven Level 5s of Academy City. (Welp, Academy City... and Academy Island?)

TL;DR: Hidan no Aria has a problematic premise at the start, and J.C.Staff did a good job at adapting the series. That doesn't mean the source is good per se.

PS: One of the translators for the light novels for Hidan no Aria has decided to quit because of the current turn of events in the story.
OrixOct 19, 2011 12:52 AM
Oct 19, 2011 3:04 PM

Sep 2011

Hm, makes sense. I also found the sudden quadra Riko with the hair-action to be a little absurd. JCStaff has a bunch of cliche works and characters, I must admit, but they are one of my favourite anime producers! I don't really think of them as cliches though; more trademarks than anything, which I don't find to be all that bad.

Great points made, though. Thanks for the reply!
Oct 25, 2011 11:05 PM

Dec 2010
I honestly thought this was going to be a good anime to watch when I first heard about it. When I watched it, it was good. Then it started turning boring..but the last few episodes brought it back up...

...only to have the last episode fuck it up. I mean, WTF? That was probably one of the worst ways to end a season I have ever seen. I just don't know what to say lol.

Nov 30, 2011 7:21 PM
May 2011
I'm new, so I haven't watched nearly as much anime as the veterans. But I have a problem with people using the "watch a good anime" argument. If an anime's bad then it will be a bad anime, whether or not a better one appears. This wasn't the golden anime to wrap the world in happiness and a fever of fanboy/girl-ism, but it doesn't deserve as much bashing as it does.

I liked it, though. It only took 3-4 days to watch the season and it led me into tangential learning about the historical figures mentioned. Something I noticed is everyone talks about how Rie Kugimiya was the queen of actresses (which she IS good) and the other characters were pretty bland, but I oppose. Fun fact is Rie Kugimiya and Junji Majima were paired like they were in this anime in Toradora. The chemistry was carried between the two and it worked well in this anime. I'm glad the two were playing the same elements. It'd be weird for them not to be.
Jan 7, 2012 12:02 AM

Apr 2010
ShortTermCrook said:
Judging by your anime list you've only watched shows that are pretty recent, and by a standard of one decade, or even 5 years this show falls into the mediocre-bad category. Thats why the whole MAL has rankings, to save people from watching anything not worthwhile. Maybe take a look around and you will notice there are many widely known better anime out there.

nicely said crook. i for one did not rank this anime very high, it's lame and stupid how the main character kissed all the girls just to satisfy every watcher and most of the main characters aren't even worth a while, i was looking forward for some scence with aria and ryou but he mostly got forgotten for many episodes. :(

Also the setup is messed up, how the f did aria's mom get blamed for all the crimes??!! what happened to ryou?!!! and whoz kana?!!!
lolLIPopszJan 7, 2012 12:22 AM
"Do not consider yourself deprived because your dreams were not fulfilled; the truly deprived have never dreams."
-Marie von Ebner
Jan 14, 2012 11:52 AM

Jan 2012
I loved the OP/ED and enjoyed HnA in general very much. I really dont see whats wrong with it, yeah some things are kinda cliche and not that original, but its done very well and after some time the characters and plot really get to you on an emotional level.
Mar 31, 2012 12:39 AM

Dec 2011
All these haters saying this anime is cliche, how annoying. Want to count how many form of literature are there in this world? Hell, give me some time and I can even compare some anime to the Epic of Gilgamesh.

There was one review saying that you will definitely regret it if you watch it, well,
Veni, Vidi, Mansi
Vita-Mar 31, 2012 12:46 AM
Apr 23, 2012 6:30 PM

Apr 2012
Frankly I don't give a crap about the f'in story.. it was pure crap, I must agree. I kinda liked the characters development and that "Hysteria mode" was pretty hilarious.. All in all the ending was... no words to explain it, pretty bad overall, but I think it was pretty entertaining. Also, the ED was pretty catchy..

plot 1/5
characters 4/5
sound 4/5
art 4/5

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