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Apr 21, 2011 3:48 AM

Jan 2010
Knil said:
[x] Short
[x] Tsundere
[x] Flat chest
[x] Making the male protagonist their dog/slave
[x] Kugimiya Rie

Wait.. I've seen this before...
And more than once or twice at that.
Apr 21, 2011 4:37 AM

Sep 2008
werr-y said:
Knil said:
[x] Short
[x] Tsundere
[x] Flat chest
[x] Making the male protagonist their dog/slave
[x] Kugimiya Rie

Wait.. I've seen this before...
And more than once or twice at that.

Yeah. I'm getting some deja vu too, but where would I have ever seen this before? Curiouser and curiouser.
Apr 21, 2011 8:54 AM

May 2010
Uninteresting characters, and plot seems pretty basic. There were some stupid scenes and especially the action scenes are crappy with their 3d guns and bullets everywhere and no one getting hit. Oh well guess I'll watch this for the gun porn

Apr 21, 2011 9:21 AM

Jan 2009
Yumekichi11 said:
anteUp said:
Yumekichi11 said:
anteUp said:
Monad said:
Mediocre episode. It seems like that's how the whole show will be. Nothing horrible but nothing really great ether. It's one of those that can have some enjoyable moments and not be a bad time watching but will still never give anything original or great.
Character style is definitely not my style. I don't like very much that moe style that we see so much in erotic VNs and in shows like Clannad etc and this characters definitely look like that. Let's hope it can surprise even a little, but i doubt it.

NailOnTheHead! Hopefully at least more serious fight scenes.
ROFL! As a manga reader let me tell you that this is just the beginning. It will get so great that people will be O_O. I guarantee it 100%.
I'll take your word for it because of your enthusiasm :D
Why thanks but if you ever want to take my word, read the manga. Your enthusiasm will be much more as mine is now. Check my manga list for that one.

Yeah, but thats why i generally don't trust adaptions: there is a fairly large chance your hopes will be shattered when they decide to go original or just plain suck at it. I don't know how good the manga is but you really shouldn't hope for anything regarding adaptions, life learned me that fact all too well.

But on the subject, as far as i can tell it would be a normal harem with a gun theme mixed in. I can only hope there will be some interesting developments in the near future.

EDIT: Sorry I was a bit too negative. I don't mean there aren't good ones, the bad ones just outweigh the good ones.
legolas66106Apr 21, 2011 10:03 AM
Apr 22, 2011 1:58 AM

Sep 2008
legolas66106 said:

Yeah, but thats why i generally don't trust adaptions: there is a fairly large chance your hopes will be shattered when they decide to go original or just plain suck at it. I don't know how good the manga is but you really shouldn't hope for anything regarding adaptions, life learned me that fact all too well.

But on the subject, as far as i can tell it would be a normal harem with a gun theme mixed in. I can only hope there will be some interesting developments in the near future.

EDIT: Sorry I was a bit too negative. I don't mean there aren't good ones, the bad ones just outweigh the good ones.

That's true of anything, not just adaptations. There's more crap than gems whatever your hobby is. If you were an avid manga reader you'd pretty quickly see how much shit's sifted through just to even find something worth an adaption attempt. Literature, videogames, american television, movies, all have this same need for the fans to pull out a shovel and start digging up a mountain of shit in order to find something noteworthy or worth your time.

Outside of media. Communities. For every decent forum there's ten intolerable forums. For every person you meet irl who's company you enjoy there's likely a solid hundred or so people who will just never be worth your time depending on your personality type. For every dish you love there's probably at least a solid handful that'll never be anything more than sustenance to you.

It's a universal constant. You can either work on learning to love the mediocre, or start trying to get better at spotting the gems in order to waste less of your time. That's why people always want to know all the staff involved and the production company before the show even airs.

Um... so yeah. There's a long off topic rant for you. Enjoy! Just seems silly to complain about there being so much more bad than good of this one thing when that's so far from unique to the thing you're talking about, to the point that it would actually be unique and noteworthy if that wasn't the case.

Anyway, if I could share a couple on topic thoughts before I wrap this up, I get the impression Harem is not the dominant genre, but rather the gunwork and all the actual premise. Basically the difference between Infinite Stratos and Ichiban Ushiro Daimou. Both action harems, one focused on the harem with interspersed action elements, the other focused on the action with interspersed harem elements.

It's up to you whether that makes a difference to you or not. Personally I don't mind a little harem flavoring in an already enjoyable production, I just can't generally handle harem as the main course. Hayate no Gotoku, hilarious manga filled with entertaining hijinks, some mild action elements, and just plain capable of delivering a laugh in every chapter (except for that one arc. You know the one if you read it), and they threw in a harem as well. That's fine and dandy, and actually enhances the overall flavor. Negima, shonen action comedy. Lots of action, an everbuilding plot, an exceptional protagonist, and they surrounded that protagonist with about thirty women, more than half of which are infatuated with him. Awesome. There's not a piece of that I don't like. Ladies vs Butlers.... not for me. We'll leave it at that.

So yeah, I figure I should be good here. Looking forward to seeing exactly how this unfolds, but I think this episode did just fine as a first episode. Established the premise, showed a sample of what it had to offer women-wise, reminded me that there would be action, called it a day.
Apr 22, 2011 7:24 AM

Oct 2009
Awesome, I love it =D

Knil said:
[x] Short
[x] Tsundere
[x] Flat chest
[x] Making the male protagonist their dog/slave
[x] Kugimiya Rie

Wait.. I've seen this before...

Yeay xD
Apr 22, 2011 6:33 PM

Jan 2009
Gangler said:

That's true of anything, not just adaptations. There's more crap than gems whatever your hobby is. If you were an avid manga reader you'd pretty quickly see how much shit's sifted through just to even find something worth an adaption attempt. Literature, videogames, american television, movies, all have this same need for the fans to pull out a shovel and start digging up a mountain of shit in order to find something noteworthy or worth your time.

Yeah but the difference with originals vs adaptions is that the expectations for adaptions (of good works of course) are generally higher than those for originals. The fact that they use a good manga/LN/VN/etc already get your hopes up, while with a original works you don't have any reason to get you're hopes up. So it is easier to get disappointed from adaptions (of good works) than of originals you know nothing about.

Gangler said:

It's a universal constant. You can either work on learning to love the mediocre, or start trying to get better at spotting the gems in order to waste less of your time. That's why people always want to know all the staff involved and the production company before the show even airs.

Yeah I kinda agree on that point.

Gangler said:

Um... so yeah. There's a long off topic rant for you. Enjoy! Just seems silly to complain about there being so much more bad than good of this one thing when that's so far from unique to the thing you're talking about, to the point that it would actually be unique and noteworthy if that wasn't the case.

I agree, but i never said this would be bad. I said you shouldn't get your hopes up yet, especially after just one ep. So yeah there's about a 50-50 percent chance (yeah, a bit simple) that it will be good.

gangler said:

Anyway, if I could share a couple on topic thoughts before I wrap this up, I get the impression Harem is not the dominant genre, but rather the gunwork and all the actual premise. Basically the difference between Infinite Stratos and Ichiban Ushiro Daimou. Both action harems, one focused on the harem with interspersed action elements, the other focused on the action with interspersed harem elements.

It's up to you whether that makes a difference to you or not. Personally I don't mind a little harem flavoring in an already enjoyable production, I just can't generally handle harem as the main course.

Well I agree that it got more action than your average harem anime. But the fact the fact that from the very start there are already two females drooling over the guy gives a very big harem impression (well the second one isn't exactly from start). The last scene where Aria boldly proclaims he is her bitch didn't help either.

But then again it is just the first ep and I also don't find a harem anime that annoying if there s a decent story mixed in.

gangler said:

Hayate no Gotoku, hilarious manga filled with entertaining hijinks, some mild action elements, and just plain capable of delivering a laugh in every chapter (except for that one arc. You know the one if you read it), and they threw in a harem as well. That's fine and dandy, and actually enhances the overall flavor. Negima, shonen action comedy. Lots of action, an everbuilding plot, an exceptional protagonist, and they surrounded that protagonist with about thirty women, more than half of which are infatuated with him. Awesome. There's not a piece of that I don't like. Ladies vs Butlers.... not for me. We'll leave it at that.

I agree again that i don't mind a harem as long it isn't dominating the series. I liked Hayate, both the anime and the bit of manga I read.
But on the other hand i didn't like the adaption of Negima I found it just boring, well the first arc (the one with the vampire wizard?) was interesting but the rest was just boring. I didn't read Nagima's manga so cant comment on that.
I did for example enjoyed sora no otoshimono though it had the word harem practically all over the place, I found the comedy in it so amusing I didn't care about it. So yeah it also differs from show to show for me.

Oh and yeah I agree, ladies vs butlers was boring/annoying.

gangler said:

So yeah, I figure I should be good here. Looking forward to seeing exactly how this unfolds, but I think this episode did just fine as a first episode. Established the premise, showed a sample of what it had to offer women-wise, reminded me that there would be action, called it a day.

I'm also interested in what it will become, it does have a interesting premise and it could be a fun anime. But the first ep didn't raise my expectations to much so I don't know what to expect yet. But of course it would be nice if it turned out to be a interesting series.

But as I'm going the next ep tomorrow it wont take long to see how it will continue eh.
legolas66106Apr 22, 2011 7:00 PM
Apr 22, 2011 8:26 PM

Sep 2008
@legolas66106: True, it's hardly productive to let the hopes get sky high everytime something shows promise. At least not if you're gonna be devastated when it doesn't meet them. Nothing wrong with being hopeful if you can handle these hopes not always being met though. I suppose at that point we start getting into a "Hope for the best, expect the worst" type mentality though and that's another topic entirely.

It's a first episode. They were establishing the premise, so they couldn't rely as much on what will hopefully be the selling points later. Using the Ichiban example, the first episode is primarily the main character getting caught in wacky ecchi action with three females (well, two females, but the third appeared by the end of the episode). Lots of harem vibes, uses a large number of harem cliches, jumps off from that to his progression to demon lord, the eruption of a war, and subsequently his attempt to overthrow God himself. Lots of high octane action with a couple panty shots and ecchi moments scattered throughout.

Of course, it could go either way right now, but I get the impression it's planning on going in a favorable direction. Wouldn't be the first time I was wrong about that, lol. Certainly I'm gonna stick around and see where it goes.

Negima has barely been scratched in its' adaptations. Hardly anyone's fault. It starts out pretty deep into the harem side and works its' way over to this (kind of spoilery). I'm hoping when it finishes it can finally get some proper treatment in the anime department, like what they did with fullmetal alchemist: Brotherhood, but of course, as established, the odds of that happening are minimal at best. How often does anything get a brotherhood? Haven't actually watched the OVA's though. They cover some of the later arcs, so maybe it's already getting some love there. Truth be told, I'm about a year and a half behind on both those mangas. Think I'll make that my first act of the summer holidays. Catch up.

Sounds like we're both interested in where this is going. Certainly I think this could be great or incredibly mediocre depending on what direction it takes, or possibly even just plain painful to watch, so seeing which we get is half the fun. Like opening up a kinder egg :D
Apr 23, 2011 8:10 AM

Jun 2010
Is it me or Aria is like Mikoto and Index combined in terms of character?
Apr 23, 2011 9:03 AM

Jun 2009
I love Kinji's Hysteria mode. It was so funny when he just left Aria to sit there and went to fight alone. Aria's reaction was priceless and when she tried to fight with him and lost. xD
Apr 24, 2011 2:03 AM

Aug 2008
This is very likely not for me, but I'm gonna keep going anyway simply because I'm a slave to Rie Kugimiya's voice. Ugh.

Apr 24, 2011 6:45 AM

Apr 2010
Yumekichi11 said:
Casteil said:
However - Beretta 50 caliber? For starters, I'm fairly sure beretta doesn't make any type of 50 caliber gun, especially in the form of a pistol (.50 pistols being mostly limited to the desert eagle (.50ae) and a few revolvers (.500 S&W)). The gun Kinji uses appears to be a Beretta 92 or some offshoot, in 9mm. I don't recall seeing any form of 50 caliber gun in this episode (namely the Barrett .50 BMG rifle action shows tend to love so much).

You have much more episodes to see in order to see all the guns. Beretta do not make 50 caliber except custom or military use. The Desert Eagle considering the time frame of this series is not anymore the only 50 caliber gun. This series being set in the future at the very least it's plausible to think that gun companies have evolved into making much more variations. My mistake it is a 9mm but the before can apply to the series setting. I still think with the following,

that hollow point is better because of it's shard spread hence the following: with that it would kill much more
Casteil said:
Side note: I really would've appreciated the main character using some interesting caliber like 10mm auto or .357 sig.. rather than just plain-jane FMJ 9mm/45acp.

Yeah I agree with that. In fact I wished that Aria would have used the sub compact GLOCK chambered in 10mm rounds but my personal taste says that one of those GLOCKS should be .357 and the other should be 45ACP. Reason? Let's say one has the highest speed of close to 1800FPS and the other has big holes. hence the bullet comparing for fun in the spoiler
you want to talk about guns? Well let's do it! Bullet comparing first!
I don't know much about guns but i do think Aria would look better with a smaller gun personally i am thinking of something like a Walther PP since .50 seems way to big for her.
A smaller gun should also be easier to hide which would make there occupation allot easier and they would have less trouble to carry them around.
I also think a smaller gun should be easier to fire since there is less back force from the bullets which makes for more accuracy.
And that makes it easier to hit your target.
Tho there is less change that the shot will be lethal, tho as a detective this should be a plus side since your trying to capture your target and not killing them.
Also there guns are for self-defense not to kill.
Apr 24, 2011 8:23 AM

Sep 2008
Downgrading her guns to match her size, sensible though it may be, wouldn't help her image at all. It already seems flat out implausible for her to be the age she claims to be. We don't need to see her swinging around some tiny peeshooter while everyone else carries Dessert Eagles.

From a practical standpoint, her using those guns is ridiculous. Then again, it's not exactly common for someone to be a master marksman, elite swordsmaster, and champion martial artist at that age, fully ambidextrous in all these pursuits I might add. Heck, one of these would be uncommon, all three is within the top percentage of human being. So, within the context I suppose it makes sense that she doesn't use a more wieldy gun. She probably hasn't had to since she was fourteen or something, and doesn't even have to think about the recoil most days anymore. Likely it all comes as naturally to her as walking does to us at this point.

Though, I think someone mentioned the impracticality of her carrying those katana, and that was a good point. They seem to be treated as a concealable weapon, and they're really not. Not unless they're collapsible of something, but then we'd see her assemble them. They just flatout don't make sense.

If you're gonna have a concealed blade, it's gotta be a knife, maybe a shortsword at best. The full blown Katana is beyond overdoing it, it pretty much means that no actual thought was given to the possibility of any of this. Those katanas are coming out of hammerspace.
GanglerApr 24, 2011 9:31 AM
Apr 24, 2011 1:27 PM

Apr 2010
Gangler said:
Downgrading her guns to match her size, sensible though it may be, wouldn't help her image at all. It already seems flat out implausible for her to be the age she claims to be. We don't need to see her swinging around some tiny peeshooter while everyone else carries Dessert Eagles.

From a practical standpoint, her using those guns is ridiculous. Then again, it's not exactly common for someone to be a master marksman, elite swordsmaster, and champion martial artist at that age, fully ambidextrous in all these pursuits I might add. Heck, one of these would be uncommon, all three is within the top percentage of human being. So, within the context I suppose it makes sense that she doesn't use a more wieldy gun. She probably hasn't had to since she was fourteen or something, and doesn't even have to think about the recoil most days anymore. Likely it all comes as naturally to her as walking does to us at this point.

Though, I think someone mentioned the impracticality of her carrying those katana, and that was a good point. They seem to be treated as a concealable weapon, and they're really not. Not unless they're collapsible of something, but then we'd see her assemble them. They just flatout don't make sense.

If you're gonna have a concealed blade, it's gotta be a knife, maybe a shortsword at best. The full blown Katana is beyond overdoing it, it pretty much means that no actual thought was given to the possibility of any of this. Those katanas are coming out of hammerspace.
I think a small gun would ruin her image.
A girl with that carries around big guns is hot but a girl that carries around small guns also has a certain charm.
It gives her a more subtle image.

I agree on the knives and swords, not only are short swords, daggers or knives easier to hide there also easier to fight with considering Aria's body size.
The difference between bigger and smaller is even more noticeable with blades then with guns and it takes a strong person to be able to fight well with a long sword.
While you don't need much strength to be able to fight well with a dagger or short sword.
Small blades also allow more speed and agility which is a nice advantage for a small person.

I also agree with you on the weapon master part just look at top sport it not unusual to find 16 or 17 year olds who practice it.
During last European championship swimming there where also some contestants of that age.
Apr 24, 2011 6:14 PM

Sep 2008
Hm... Now that you're describing it, I can actually see what the charm of it would be. If we coupled the smaller guns with a shorter blade that would actually work quite well. Bigger isn't always better, and quite frankly I'm a bit of a sucker for a good concealable blade. That just seems more the behavior of someone willing to draw blood and less the "Noble Warrior" archetype, and it would fit quite well with the Butei image, which are basically mercenaries only vaguely aligned with the law from what I can gather. I'm sure it's a heavy handed profession to say the least. Police Brutality isn't an issue for them, what with the whole not being police thing.

Indeed, it's not unusual to find 16 or 17 year olds who practice this. It's not unusual to find some who are very good. They're a minority, but they're certainly around. It's more her level of accomplishment. I got the impression she was top tier in each of these pursuits. Becoming skilled a martial art is one thing, mastering said art is another, and mastering multiple martial arts is a third beast entirely. A black belt in karate iirc is said to generally take around four to obtain, and at this point you're really just starting the journey. Assuming this is true of every martial art (it's not), then at sixteen she could be proficient in a maximum of four martial arts working at a normal pace and somehow beginning practice the moment she escapes the womb. This is of course mere proficiency, which isn't what she is heralded as having. This is just covering what they say she can do in hand to hand, without even touching each of her weapons.

So, while I suppose a person like her could exist, I also wouldn't feel incorrect in labeling her a genius, and I wouldn't be surprised to see her pull off things that most people would assume impractical or needlessly difficult.

Still, downgrading her weapons would be nice. Between the guns she can barely grip and the swords that she seems to keep in some dimensional pocket, it is a little ridiculous. If I had to hazard a guess I'd say it might be a conscious decision to compensate for her small stature. She doesn't want to look small so she doesn't carry small weapons. Of course, now it's just speculation. I'd like to at the very least see what she'd look like with a smaller set of guns and a nice set of short swords. Daggers would be nice too, but they're really an entirely different school of fighting. Not really much good for slashing. If we're assuming she's using the same fighting style and/or plans on using a larger blade when it becomes more feasible then we'd need to go with the short sword.
Apr 25, 2011 1:11 AM
Feb 2009
gretat start :D
Apr 27, 2011 2:53 PM

Oct 2007
+1 to the rie hater group.

Apr 27, 2011 10:32 PM

Nov 2008
Shiken said:
+1 to the rie hater group.



Don't encourage hate. It's a negative emotion...

Apr 27, 2011 11:12 PM

May 2010
I actually like the first episode. Very funny, full of action, and This is a great start for this anime series and I hope this series continues to entertain like this episode has done. I will be continuing to watch this anime series this season :)

May 2, 2011 3:04 AM
Jun 2010
this first episode captured me completely!
May 3, 2011 9:13 AM
Apr 2011


Gotta love this series, Yeah, you may have seen this scenario before, but it all comes down if its entertaining or not. If your annoyed by it because you already seen similar scenarios, does that make it bad?
ChavezMay 15, 2011 1:52 AM
Feel free to drop a comment on my profile and have a chat! I am always looking to socialize with other users!
May 5, 2011 1:51 PM
Dec 2010
Toradora with guns LOL..
Great EP..
also love the hysteria mode.. :)
May 8, 2011 8:55 PM

May 2010
Just what the hell am I watching? Infinite Stratos again?
May 14, 2011 8:35 PM

Jun 2008
It wouldn't be a JC Staff anime without Rie!!!!
May 15, 2011 8:49 AM

Oct 2009
Miora-san said:
Darkmaste155 said:
It started out well and I hope it will continue to entertain me.

^^ Agreed
Subs finally came out... and haters will hate.

May 15, 2011 8:51 AM

Oct 2009
The first episode name was "La Bambina" - and that's on Italian(google translate, duh), what i really respect :3
May 16, 2011 11:30 PM

Nov 2009
forzsaken said:
Toradora with guns LOL..
Great EP..
also love the hysteria mode.. :)

Wow, the same exact thought came to my mind at the end of the first episode, lmaaao.
May 17, 2011 6:40 PM

Aug 2010

Sorry I'm sooo tired of Kugimiya Rie tsunderes.... dropped.
May 26, 2011 12:25 AM

Nov 2010
ok, ive heard that this show was kinda shitty. but from what i just watched it looks extremely awesome. and this is not biased just because Rie Kugimiya is one of my fav voice actresses(that is just the icing on the cake), i truly believe this is going to be an enjoyable series(tho i wouldnt mind if it raised the fanservice a bit). I will comment again after ive caught up with the series, i hope this isnt another over-hated show like IS or Freezing. but i really think im going to like it.
Hokuto_no_FuzzMay 26, 2011 12:30 AM
May 26, 2011 9:18 PM

Dec 2010
After the first episode it doesn't seem much of an original start for anime, but still it wasn't bad. I have the feeling, that this anime will get better as the episodes go.
Jul 6, 2011 3:37 AM
Nov 2009
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, YES YES YES. I love it so far :D I usually don't like tsundere girls, because the only personality trait they have besides being serious is being embarrassed, but she is also hopeless and impressive :D It's funny! And hysteria mode is funny too! ^_^ Plus there's plenty of action! EVERYTHING IS BEAUTIFUL :D
Jul 14, 2011 12:37 AM

Aug 2010
No, just no.
Jul 18, 2011 3:57 PM

Jul 2010
Nice opening, lol so cliché but I liked the voice over :)

I like the story, it seems interesting. But omg it is só like ToraDora o.o" I
Aug 14, 2011 4:30 AM

Mar 2011

Awesome first ep, and the segways were too cool!

Promising start so far!
Oct 14, 2011 8:54 PM

Jul 2010
Wasabi said:
Oh look, Shana with guns. Wtf at at this annoying-tsundere-voiced-by-KugiRie busting out a parachute and dual katanas from her uniform? What the fuck? At least Kinji doesn't seem like a totaly idiot unlike all the other male leads. Hell, he even put Aria in her place so he gets +5 for that. Just hope he can keep this attitude up to counter this oh-so-generic-tsundere-archetype-we've-seen-over-9000-times-already-voiced-by-the-same-damn-woman-all-the-time. Oh look, she even pulls out the "become my slave" line at the end of the episode.

this...This....THIS...THIS, THIS THIS MOTHER F---ING THIS!!!!!!!
Hoppy said:
Extremely good episode especially the fight between Kinji and Aria, Kinji you sly sly fox and what an accurate shot he is, I'm glad Aria was defeated, she's a brat who needed a spanking not a likable Rie loli at all compared to Rose and Astarotte, she may get better but I only give it a 20% chance at best. OP and ED are really good. Hotogi and Riko are very likable though.

so far she acts better than louise who's probebly the worst of all. i have to check all the Rie/Tsun combo sheet 1st though, lol

Jan 20, 2012 2:20 PM
Jan 2012
Looks quite good, I just wish that it was available dubbed as opposed to subbed!
Sep 27, 2012 5:40 PM

Sep 2012
This Japanese opening is awesome!
Hysteria Mode... hahahahaha!
SerendibSep 28, 2012 10:20 AM
Dec 6, 2012 5:08 PM

Mar 2012
Almost nothing better than a tsundere loli!

Rest of the show was better than expected as well...hope it stays that way so I don't have to watch this just for Aria.
Jan 3, 2013 6:06 PM

Sep 2012
I must say. I wasn't sure if I would like this but wow. I have watched 2 episodes already and liked both. Probably end up watching even more.
Feb 22, 2013 8:16 AM

Nov 2011
That was pretty random. =O

"I like to expose what people hide. I'm an intellectual rapist." - Furudo Erika
Jun 3, 2013 4:56 PM

Mar 2012
School with guns - yes
Jul 2, 2013 5:17 AM
Apr 2013
i like this but why is it censored >
Jul 10, 2013 6:56 PM
May 2013
The F*** did i just watch?. Was recommended this anime from some one since they thought it was kinda like shakugan no shana but... i don't know really. BUT DAMN IF I LAUGHED HARD!!
Jul 13, 2013 11:53 PM

Jun 2012
A harem with a badass male lead?
~Here's a waffle, please calm down...

"See that? She's cute and popular. You could say that her milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard. But YOU club President... your milkshakes are wasted on you. In other words, you're wasteful." ~D-Frag (Best.Reference.Ever.)
Jan 11, 2014 6:05 PM

Jun 2013
Darkmaste155 said:
It started out well and I hope it will continue to entertain me.

This. I like the MC and the story so far. I also like the OP and ED.
Feb 26, 2014 8:57 AM

Jan 2009
1. watching the english dubbed version. leah clark is awesome as aria

2. being chased on a bike by a segway w/ uzi attached is a great way to start things.

3. dropped this series 2 years ago cuz kinji came across as way too cocky. todd haberkorn fixes everything.

Mar 1, 2014 7:47 PM

Jan 2008
This was a decent start for an anime not a 100% great anime yet but will have to wait to see if it gets better though which I hope it does but will have to wait though
May 9, 2014 6:54 AM

Dec 2012
Pretty interesting first episode, it had a nice mix of action and laughs. Kinji should stay in that mode forever, that was hilarious. I probably laughed harder than I should have throughout this episode, since the moment I saw Aria I thought "baka inu!" and sure enough, it was Rie Kugimiya. I lost it when she was like "Be my slave!" at the end, totally expected that from a Kugimiya voiced, J.C. Staff produced loli tsundere. The blonde has already proven to be amusing as well, I thought she was the most eye catching character before I started.

Looking good and full of promise.
Jun 27, 2014 10:18 PM
Mar 2013
What was up with the last line there? Be my slave. That was so random xD This anime is really testing my suspension of disbelief. Nevertheless I really enjoyed it, especially when Kinji transformed. I'd love to see that side of him more often.

This anime is like a mix of Shakugan no Shana and Zero no Tsukaima which is pretty awesome. And who doesn't love guns in anime?
Jul 13, 2014 6:32 PM

Aug 2013
First episode was alright, not sure how i feel about them using the first 15 mins for the 2 min bike scene but w.e.
My Candies:
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233 by x_scolopendra_x »»
Nov 29, 2024 12:52 AM

Poll: » Hidan no Aria Episode 3 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 )

Kittyman - Apr 28, 2011

175 by x_scolopendra_x »»
Nov 28, 2024 6:07 AM

Poll: » Hidan no Aria Episode 2 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 )

Hoppy - Apr 21, 2011

197 by x_scolopendra_x »»
Nov 27, 2024 10:42 PM

» I wish there was more

LostInLove - Oct 26, 2023

8 by Kiikani »»
Apr 20, 2024 10:07 AM

Poll: » Hidan no Aria Episode 5 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 )

Yumekichi11 - May 12, 2011

225 by Lost_Hearts »»
Dec 12, 2023 9:57 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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