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Apr 14, 2011 10:21 AM

Nov 2007

So far so good, it followed the source material pretty well so any "LOL JC STAFF TSUNDERE SHIT" comments can be credited to the LNs and not JC Staff itself.

Kinji in hysteria mode was brilliant, JC Staff did well here.

If they keep this up this might end up being a pretty enjoyable series.
game8910Apr 14, 2011 10:25 AM
Apr 14, 2011 11:14 AM

Nov 2008
Extremely good episode especially the fight between Kinji and Aria, Kinji you sly sly fox and what an accurate shot he is, I'm glad Aria was defeated, she's a brat who needed a spanking not a likable Rie loli at all compared to Rose and Astarotte, she may get better but I only give it a 20% chance at best. OP and ED are really good. Hotogi and Riko are very likable though.


Apr 14, 2011 11:40 AM

Sep 2010
Soon as I watch a subbed version, I am giving this a 5/5. Loved the manga, know I am going to love this : )

Can never have too many lolis ; )
Apr 14, 2011 1:01 PM

Jan 2009
Must feel bad, putting his head between a pair of flat breasts.
And I'm getting kinda tired of the JC Staff+KugiRie combo already. Especially the KugiRie part of the combo.
But I guess I'll watch this for the sake of another great OP by May'n. <3

And lolairhead.
Not going to comment on KugiRie's character being tsundere, because if she wasn't, it would be surprising.
Also, that silver-haired teacher-guy with the glasses, he seems so suspicious for some reason. But he's probably like, the least suspicious, because he's so overly suspicious. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

Tl;dr I am not impressed. By the episode, that is. A trigger-happy Shana.
And what's with the segways? >_> Completely acceptable male protagonist though. It's like, the first male prot. in a JC Staff+KugiRie show who isn't a complete wimp.
The OP is <3 though. ED is pretty good too.
OosranApr 14, 2011 1:04 PM
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Apr 14, 2011 2:32 PM

Oct 2007
This series is getting a 10 from me, freakin awesome.
Apr 14, 2011 4:04 PM

Apr 2011
Great episode. First episode follows the manga faithfully. Waking up early to watch the raw was worth it.

And yeah, hysteria mode is awesome.

I don't get why people compare Aria to Shana. They don't look physically identical except both characters are voiced by the same seiyuu.

I'm surprised to see hear Ayumu's(Kore Wa Zombie ka)voice paired with Rie Kugimiya. OP which is sang by May'n is a plus in my book.
Apr 14, 2011 7:47 PM

Dec 2010
LOL what the hell? A machine gun mounted on a segway look-a-like?

I guess things like these are really the norm considering they wave those guns around so calmly lol (not to mention other weapons like the butterfly knife lol)

Um did he just do some unseen matrix and shot a bullet into each of those machine gun's barrels? What is he? Neo? Holy shit.

Lol at the misunderstanding in the classroom.

Well I see Kugimiya Rie is here to play a Tsundere. Typical choice, but doesn't look like its going to be another Toradora. At least the male lead seems pretty "cool" lol. Ill overlook the fact that Aria is staying with Kinji.

Seems to be a decent show but the fan service was a bit more than I'd like it to be.

Apr 14, 2011 7:47 PM

Feb 2008
Aside from the BAKA INU ear rape, this wasn't so bad. I'll follow it as long as they keep the tsundere shit to a minimum.
Apr 14, 2011 8:02 PM

May 2010
fucking awesome so far.. great animated..Aria is soooooooooo Cute xD

instant 10/10 for ep 1!
Apr 14, 2011 8:13 PM

Dec 2008
it was okay, kinda relieved to see a male lead that isnt helpless and annoying for once, although he is an asshole.

if they take the obvious route, they will reveal that Shirayuki girl to be the one that set that trap on his bike.

an action show by the people who made shana about a red-haired tsundere loli voiced by rie kugimiya, let the shana comparisons begin...actually why didnt they just call this shakugan no shana 3?
Apr 14, 2011 8:14 PM
Nov 2009
Rie haters gtfo.

It was awesome.
Apr 14, 2011 8:27 PM

Feb 2008
Naelok said:
Rie haters gtfo.

Rie is a slut.
Apr 14, 2011 8:35 PM

Sep 2007
Oh look, Shana with guns. Wtf at at this annoying-tsundere-voiced-by-KugiRie busting out a parachute and dual katanas from her uniform? What the fuck? At least Kinji doesn't seem like a totaly idiot unlike all the other male leads. Hell, he even put Aria in her place so he gets +5 for that. Just hope he can keep this attitude up to counter this oh-so-generic-tsundere-archetype-we've-seen-over-9000-times-already-voiced-by-the-same-damn-woman-all-the-time. Oh look, she even pulls out the "become my slave" line at the end of the episode.
WasabiApr 14, 2011 8:38 PM
Apr 14, 2011 8:35 PM

Feb 2011
It started out well and I hope it will continue to entertain me.
Apr 14, 2011 8:39 PM

Mar 2011
Darkmaste155 said:
It started out well and I hope it will continue to entertain me.

^^ Agreed
Subs finally came out... and haters will hate.
Courtesy of Paul
Apr 14, 2011 8:51 PM

Sep 2010
tsundere queen - called it instantly
going to draw parallels, but that's just too easy
Anyways, liked the action and the slight ecchi.
And indeed, I'm glad that that the male protagonist isn't so spineless.
I now have high expectations for next week.

Apr 14, 2011 9:04 PM
Jul 2018
This was simply okay, nothing really special.

Sadly, it's going to overshadow some better anime this season.


It might get better as it goes along

I wish it were less hurr durr moe tsundere anime and more girls with guns blazing.
Apr 14, 2011 9:09 PM
Jul 2018
So... what's exactly "awesome" or wasoever from this show?
Really normal Anime, really behind from others from this season, seems ok just to pass the time, nothing more, nothing less.

well it have Rie.. that's always fine.

Apr 14, 2011 9:10 PM

Nov 2010
Just like the manga, can't really judge this off the first ep, can't wait till next ep, seems very promising =3
Apr 14, 2011 9:13 PM

Sep 2008
[x] Short
[x] Tsundere
[x] Flat chest
[x] Making the male protagonist their dog/slave
[x] Kugimiya Rie

Wait.. I've seen this before...
Apr 14, 2011 9:13 PM

Jul 2010
Guy putting his hands in the fire, yet don't want them to burn. i need a peaceful life. :)

Its like toradora with action. Kugimiya Rei want the guy to become her slave. i hope male lead won't be so dumb to not realize that other girl actually had a crush on him. seriously strong lead don't need to be dumb. i wonder why we always have short loli, tsundere characters for Kugimiya. she's a great seiyuu, she really deserve some other roles. most of her roles are very similar.

I hope it will get better.
Han-yuuApr 14, 2011 9:16 PM
Apr 14, 2011 9:14 PM
Mar 2010
As much as I like Kugi from her previous works, this is really typical J.C. Staff adaption hm?
Kugimiya Rie(Toradora duo) - Check
Tsundere twintail loli with a flat chest - Check
normal high school protagonist - a half plus for me, would've been better if he had the "Hysteria" mode on all the time.
Protagonist becomes the loli's servant/slave/familiar/dog - Check
Fangirl - Check
Overreactive and misunderstanding classmates - Check
Subtle ecchiness - Check
Me, still unable to resist despite the flaws - Check
Apr 14, 2011 9:18 PM
Jul 2018
herox3 said:
As much as I like Kugi from her previous works, this is really typical J.C. Staff adaption hm?
Kugimiya Rie(Toradora duo) - Check
Tsundere twintail loli with a flat chest - Check
normal high school protagonist - a half plus for me, would've been better if he had the "Hysteria" mode on all the time.
Protagonist becomes the loli's servant/slave/familiar/dog - Check
Fangirl - Check
Overreactive and misunderstanding classmates - Check
Subtle ecchiness - Check
Me, still unable to resist despite the flaws - Check

you forgot the: prepare for the ORIGINAL ENDING or "DERAIL FROM MANGA ADAPTATION"
that's like JC Staff main ability you know, Ruin adaptations
Apr 14, 2011 9:38 PM

Sep 2008
I'll be watching this for Shirayuki because she is obviously the best female character.
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Apr 14, 2011 9:39 PM

Jan 2011
man when i first saw the kinji i was thinking he seems just like Ayumu (funny enough it's the same VA) which is also plus because if your a big toradora fan like me Taiga + Ryuuji is back! :3
Apr 14, 2011 9:45 PM

Aug 2009
This is like Infinite Stratos season 2. Every development, characters and setting is by the textbook cliche. There is nothing that is special about this series.

The difference with IS is, there is no Madoka Magica to help this series getting more boost - thus failure.
Apr 14, 2011 9:45 PM

May 2010
This is awesome, but then I heard "slave" and I was FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
Then again, nothing beats J.C. loli shit.
Apr 14, 2011 9:57 PM

Dec 2010
Ohohohoh! And the train of posts regarding Aria the tsundere being voiced by Rie starts!

Apr 14, 2011 9:59 PM

Sep 2008
ringoo4 said:
This is like Infinite Stratos season 2. Every development, characters and setting is by the textbook cliche. There is nothing that is special about this series.

The difference with IS is, there is no Madoka Magica to help this series getting more boost - thus failure.
Fans of this anime don't need anything special.
They just need to lap up RieKugi being typecasted.
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Apr 14, 2011 10:03 PM

Jun 2010
Personally, I've never been annoyed by any of Rie's loli tsundere roles so this episode was enjoyable for me. The best part was obviously Kinji going Hysteria Mode. Purely badass. And i find it funny Ryuuji is voicing Kinji, brings back memories of Toradora.

Good episode, looking forward to the next.
Apr 14, 2011 10:05 PM

Jun 2008
Veronin said:
Aside from the BAKA INU ear rape, this wasn't so bad. I'll follow it as long as they keep the tsundere shit to a minimum.

My thoughts exactly. More action, less tsundere will make this show much more enjoyable for me.
Apr 14, 2011 10:07 PM

Feb 2008
I was actually enjoying it until the "Kinji be my slave" moment at the end.....lame
Apr 14, 2011 10:09 PM

Nov 2010
rreggiebryant1 said:
I was actually enjoying it until the "Kinji be my slave" moment at the end.....lame

same here, it's amazing how one line can take my score based on 1 ep from 10 to 7.5 :P
Apr 14, 2011 10:11 PM

Apr 2008
I'm leaning toward the more negative comments here. I mean, it's not like I dislike Rie tsunderes inherently. I loved Toradora, and Shana was quite decent. There's just so many typical elements to this episode, though. The particulars on the academy are sufficiently unique, but the characters, the relations, the motivations, the quirky traits, they're all annoyingly familiar. The main guy is maybe a little heavier on the reluctant hero angle than usual, but I honestly found him sort of annoying for it.

Well, it's not the obvious garbage Dragon Crisis was, at least. The fanservice is already pretty heavy and the main character's "terrible" affliction will probably never be that funny, but I'll give it a bit of a chance. It maybe might possibly not go the terrible harem route Infinite Stratos did. I'll probably give it one, maybe even two more episodes.

But yes, I agree, the ending line was awful.
Apr 14, 2011 10:12 PM

Jun 2009
It was fine actually. I like the Seiyuu even though I'm starting to get tired of Rie voiced tsundere's, I think Aria is perfect for her ever since I read the manga.

-QuasarApr 14, 2011 10:17 PM
Apr 14, 2011 10:16 PM

Jan 2011
It's Shana with guns. You just have to enjoy things for what they are not overly critique every single freaking thing about every show. Anyway it's fun. I'm excited for it!

Plus there is a slew of groups doing it. UTW and gg obviously but Doki will release it and Chihiro said they would. gg is obviously the bottom of that list imo.
Apr 14, 2011 10:22 PM
Jul 2018
nice animations for now
loved how Kinji wishes he had a normal life *Holsters pistol
Apr 14, 2011 10:26 PM

Jul 2009

protip: every JC STAFF TSUNDERE SHIT anime was adapted from a LN

also this anime is shit and I cannot believe how shitty it is.

I laughed so many negative times I'm going to have to be laughing for the next three hours straight to make up for it.

I want to seriously challenge anyone who think this anymay is more than just every single cliche ever. The loli isn't even cute, she's just a mess of bad turn-ons thrown awkwardly into a SERIOUS plot.

The fuck JC. I really hate you and your bullshit but this is even worse than Shana and Ookami-San combined.

Also the protagonists face looked stupid the entire episode, and the amount of QUALITY was insane. JC Staff please stop making anime. Thanks.


ps you can start adapting anime again when you stop doing this poorly written light novel bullshit

ps ps if you're going to make more fanservice shit please just put out more ZnT. At least Louise is hot.

ps ps ps I mad
Apr 14, 2011 10:27 PM

Jan 2010
It really takes skill to put out consistently generic shows season after season. Especially ones that have short, tsundere, flat chested girls voiced by Kugimiya Rie.

I have to give it to JC Staff..they can sure milk the same tired formula and probably get decent sales.
Apr 14, 2011 10:28 PM

Dec 2009
Oh look, another one of those.

Jesus fucking christ.
Apr 14, 2011 10:30 PM

Jul 2010
This was a hilarious show for all the wrong reasons.

If I didn't watch it with Detective and MST3K it Iunno what I woulda done.
Apr 14, 2011 10:35 PM

Feb 2008
3/5 for now
3 of able to represent the novel's story thoroughly.
Marks deducted for 2 reasons
1. OP doesn't have a strong feel that relates to Aria (opinion)
2. Overall content did not surprise me too much (opinion. It stuck to the original story but I wasn't able to get a lot of action from it. It could be because of the fact that many April animes are dominating)

Nevertheless, Aria(RIE) IS CUTE

Apr 14, 2011 10:37 PM

Jun 2010
katsu044 said:
man when i first saw the kinji i was thinking he seems just like Ayumu (funny enough it's the same VA) which is also plus because if your a big toradora fan like me Taiga + Ryuuji is back! :3
same guy acters???? no wonder i liked the male leads from this show and ariwa zombie bla bla.
Apr 14, 2011 10:48 PM

Jun 2008
Honestly, this is the first anime that I have ever raged on for being generic. It is overwhelmingly average. It is so average that the only thing I felt throughout the entire episode was an incredible feeling of "Meh." I guess in that, it has succeeded at something no other anime has ever done.

The only thing not average is the art direction, which wildly fluctuates between above average, below average, and lolCG.

Dropped after one episode. Fighting Foodons is better than this. Shoot, I might watch an episode right now...
Apr 14, 2011 11:05 PM

Nov 2007
Oh, look. A flood of people complaining that it's just Toradora with guns.

Apr 14, 2011 11:07 PM

Jan 2011
I sense good things from this series.
So far, the main two characters are grabbing my attention.
If Aria can continue her tsundere ways, and if the male MC can continue being Alpha as fuck, then this series will be way more glorious than I thought.
"You watch too much."
"I don't watch enough."

Apr 14, 2011 11:15 PM

Jan 2010
Everything is good, except I dislike hearing the Tsudere Queen voice again and again.
Oh well...
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Apr 14, 2011 11:25 PM

Jun 2008
Zarggg said:
Oh, look. A flood of people complaining that it's just Toradora with guns.


Well, that was kind of the plan, but thanks for approving it! :D
Apr 14, 2011 11:43 PM

Jul 2010
Bio said:
Well, it's not the obvious garbage Dragon Crisis was, at least. The fanservice is already pretty heavy and the main character's "terrible" affliction will probably never be that funny, but I'll give it a bit of a chance. It maybe might possibly not go the terrible harem route Infinite Stratos did. I'll probably give it one, maybe even two more episodes.
Damn, you just nailed two of the worst anime last season thus diminishing any good thoughts I may have had of this show. XD

What I found surprising is that they excluded fanservice where they could've added it. Aria was flying through the air with a parachute and eventually went upside down while still holding on to this same parachute, yet her skirt never went up once. Wow. Then they somehow throw her in a box with our protagonist and have her shirt raised. Again, wow.

On to the episode itself, I thought it was all right. Hysteria Mode gave me a lot better of an opinion of this show than it should have. The way his voice and actions changed was awesome; I love that kind of thing.
Apr 14, 2011 11:45 PM

Nov 2007
following for MC and his badass hysteria mode.

Shirayuki is nice, I don't remember her doing much though. the ending is cool.

it's like Ryuuji and Taiga, actually makes me think of Aikawa Ayumu.

I so hate Rie Kugi -lolis. so annoying. I remember while reading the manga that I dreaded hearing her voice the loli here. oh well.

besides being the typical bitchy, flat, rie-loli, if you keep going the story isn't bad and the MC can be cool. there's not much of a harem ... well kind of and if they stick to the source material it will be better than Dragon Crisis. not like that is very hard.
mystikApr 14, 2011 11:51 PM
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