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Feb 1, 2011 8:26 AM

Nov 2007
Miura acts on the triggering of misunderstanding and two friends are trying to block the misunderstanding... GO YANO!!
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Feb 1, 2011 7:30 PM

Jan 2011
Dear clueless Chizu was by far the funniest thing in this episode. She made me laugh so much that tears came to my eyes. lol
Feb 1, 2011 8:13 PM

Dec 2008
I really enjoyed this episode, we're finally getting somewhere. And I'm interested in finding out how Kurumi knows Kent...
Feb 1, 2011 8:14 PM

Aug 2009
Oh my goodness, all of the facial expressions in this episode had me cracking up. xD

Cute episode, but I wish someone would just happen already. It's all misunderstanding, confusion, and hesitation.
Feb 1, 2011 8:36 PM

Aug 2010
Oh man, gotta love Ryu! He is the bro of all bro's. Hes so chill xD
Feb 1, 2011 8:42 PM

Aug 2009
Sawako's voice actor did GREAT in this episode! ^___^

I read the manga so IM SO EAGERRR for some of the REAL ACTION to start!! XP
Feb 1, 2011 9:25 PM

Jan 2010
Finally, some things began to happen.

Yano's kicking of Kazehaya was long overdue. I like her Kurumi-style hair.

And Kurumi has made an appearance again. Long overdue.
Feb 1, 2011 9:39 PM

Jul 2010
Taylor_elle said:
Dear clueless Chizu was by far the funniest thing in this episode. She made me laugh so much that tears came to my eyes. lol
Chizu and Yano's moments together were probably the highlight of this episode for me. Chizu was hilarious and I love how Yano is putting things back together again. Poor girl must get so frustrated with all the people around her!

Well, with a little help from Yano (and Chizu) on Sawako's end, and a little provoking/pushing from Kent on Kazehaya's end, that just might make something happen after all!

If I don't get a confession, a kiss, or even a freaking hug by the end of this season I will NOT be happy.
Feb 1, 2011 10:03 PM

Nov 2008
LOL at the art this episode, especially the facial expressions xDD Sawako has such awesome friends xDD

Ryu's -_- face never gets old for me xDD

PS: I don't understand what Kent was talking about during their talk with Kazehaya... Is he trying to make Kazehaya stay away from Sawako? o_O Heck, he already know that Kazehaya likes Sawako so I don't get the point of asking who he likes and pretending to be clueless... Does that mean Kent is interested to Sawako now? xDD

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Feb 1, 2011 10:08 PM

Oct 2008
Poor Kazehaya. Chizu really can be pretty clueless. XD

I'm so tempted to just go finish catching up with the manga right now.
Feb 1, 2011 10:09 PM
Jan 2009
So funny! Great expressions!

Sometimes I just feel like banging Kazehaya & Sawako's heads together.
Feb 1, 2011 10:24 PM

Dec 2010
Ayane deserves a medal. Or two. OR A TROPHY. Thank GOD she finally started knocking some sense (with Kazehaya quite literally xD) into those two! I loved her insights about waiting for Sawako to gain equal footing with Shouta before they become a couple too... And I also loved clueless adorable Chizu ("Wait, Kazehaya likes someone?!" xD)

As I suspected, Kent is a suspicious character... I don't think he's necessarily telling Kazehaya to stay away for Sawako's sake, I think that she interests him and he'd rather not have Kazehaya interfere. I must admit he's really perceptive like Yano-chin though... and knew just how to push Kazehaya's buttons...

impulsive said:
And I'm interested in finding out how Kurumi knows Kent...

I'm also interested in that too...

Oh, for anyone who's been pulling out their hair because of KnT drama (okay, Sawako and Shouta drama) you should def watch this amv (made me feel so much better, reminded me of the good ol' days where they said more than five words to each other...)

Lulexiaa said:
I read the manga so IM SO EAGERRR for some of the REAL ACTION to start!! XP

Bring on the action! :D
Feb 1, 2011 10:39 PM

Sep 2008
Takuto really won the episode for me; he knows what is best for her and can understand her way better than the lusts of Kazehaya. It's great how he throws her into those situations where she can clearly talk. <3

The episode really reminded me of the awesomeness of Honey and Clover, you know THAT scene.
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Feb 1, 2011 10:43 PM

Mar 2010
MVP goes to Ayane in this episode. Finally it seems like this series is getting exciting, I felt like falling asleep in the first couple of episodes.

Weird thing for me about this episode is that I wondered why yano or chizu never told sawako that Kazehaya liked her , or the other way around but they actually mentioned it in the episode.
Feb 1, 2011 11:00 PM

Sep 2009
tis episode was GREAT!!!!
for some reason I still REALLY love kent...
and I'm not sure he is the bad guy here ><...

I worship ayane *^*!!!! finelly someone (litterally xD) knocked some sense in those two bakas!!! ><
Sorry I'm late. I got lost on the road of life. -Hatake Kakashi (Naruto)
A dropout will beat a genius through hard work. -Rock Lee (Naruto)

Feb 1, 2011 11:22 PM

Sep 2009
Lulexiaa said:
I read the manga so IM SO EAGERRR for some of the REAL ACTION to start!! XP
This makes me excited. Seems like I have been waiting a long time for something truly big to happen.

Great episode. Things are starting to accelerate.
Feb 2, 2011 12:22 AM
Jun 2010
So Kazehaya's miserable days....
Feb 2, 2011 2:49 AM

Jan 2011
SpiritedSarah said:
Ayane deserves a medal. Or two. OR A TROPHY. Thank GOD she finally started knocking some sense (with Kazehaya quite literally xD) into those two! I loved her insights about waiting for Sawako to gain equal footing with Shouta before they become a couple too... And I also loved clueless adorable Chizu ("Wait, Kazehaya likes someone?!" xD)

ITA. Ayane is awesome and I agree with everything she said and did. However, what she doesn't know is that someone else has been medaling so the situation could have easily gone awry if she hadn't stepped in to correct the situation.

DenjaX said:
LOL at the art this episode, especially the facial expressions xDD Sawako has such awesome friends xDD

She really does. Even Pin will show his worth soon enough albeit in his weird way.

DenjaX said:
PS: I don't understand what Kent was talking about during their talk with Kazehaya... Is he trying to make Kazehaya stay away from Sawako? o_O Heck, he already know that Kazehaya likes Sawako so I don't get the point of asking who he likes and pretending to be clueless... Does that mean Kent is interested to Sawako now? xDD

You mean he already knows that Sawako likes Kazehaya. He doesn't know that Kazehaya likes Sawako. Anyway, he was in fact trying to get Kazehaya to be less involved in Sawako's life. I suppose he's acting on the rumors that Kazehaya cannot leave outcasts alone. And because he knows that Sawako is in love with Kazehaya, he feels that Kazehaya is aggravating the situation because he's giving Sawako false hopes. He tells Kazehaya if he doesn't "pity" Sawako. Kazehaya, of course responds by saying that he doesn't find Sawako pitiable because she's always trying her best. He also goes on to say that Kazehaya doesn't understand Sawako.

I have always liked Kazehaya's view of Sawako because at no time does he see her in the negative light that everyone else does. He's always had a positive view of her.

Anyway, so Kento knows Sawako all of a couple weeks and feels that he's the authority on what's best for Sawako and even despite Ayane's warning that he shouldn't stick his nose where it doesn't belong. I find this step of his to be conceited. His intentions might be good since he is a self-proclaimed philanthropist but he's stepping into the situation blindly and creating a mess. Thankfully Sawako has friends like Yano, Chizu and Ryu because situation was going to deteriorate especially since Kazehaya really looked like he was going to back off from interactions with Sawako.

I think it's awfully symbolic the way the episode ended with Ryu, Chizu and Ayane standing in the background view behind Kazehaya. It's almost like saying, they've got his back...

impulsive said:
I really enjoyed this episode, we're finally getting somewhere. And I'm interested in finding out how Kurumi knows Kent...

She knows Kento because they were in class together. Don't you remember in episode 2 when he asked her where is his chocolates because they're classmates?
Taylor_elleFeb 2, 2011 3:04 AM
Feb 2, 2011 3:36 AM

Sep 2010
I consider Yano to be one of the best female characters in a anime show, but she alone still can't make this show good. If they just drop these forced drama and unnecessary misunderstandings and focus on developing the characters in a natural way, this show would be so much more than just a generic shoujo with a fantastic supporting cast.
I still very much like all the interactions not involving Kazehaya and Sawako together. They are hilarious at times, insightful at others, but generally they are very well written.
Feb 2, 2011 3:40 AM

Dec 2010
Iilia said:
Chizu and Yano's moments together were probably the highlight of this episode for me. Chizu was hilarious and I love how Yano is putting things back together again. Poor girl must get so frustrated with all the people around her!
If I don't get a confession, a kiss, or even a freaking hug by the end of this season I will NOT be happy.

Agreed. I thought this was going to be your typical misunderstanding plot, but seeing Yano slapping some sense into these snails was so satisfying. She's becoming my favourite character.
Feb 2, 2011 3:41 AM
Dec 2010
I dont know why i watch this series...
What i hate most in real life and in anything are manipulators... and this show has 2 :|
Feb 2, 2011 4:52 AM

Aug 2010
Kent brings some excitement to this season and I always think of Takuto when he talks.

Anyway, good to see Yano taking some initiative and being about the only person who understands what is going on.
Feb 2, 2011 4:59 AM

Dec 2010
What the! Finally where back on track... by far this the best episode for me in this season...
the plot is a lot faster compared to the prev eps...

Kento's starting to bug me... and Kazehaya... decide already...
woah... this anime is making me lose patience! ^^ cant wait for next episode though...
"Either Die as a Hero... or live long enough to see yourself becoming the villain..."

Feb 2, 2011 5:39 AM

Jan 2011
mljato said:
I consider Yano to be one of the best female characters in a anime show, but she alone still can't make this show good. If they just drop these forced drama and unnecessary misunderstandings and focus on developing the characters in a natural way, this show would be so much more than just a generic shoujo with a fantastic supporting cast.

When I read this in the manga I also thought that it was overly dramatic and I still don't like this arc even to this day but since I like the characters and I'm invested in what happens to them, including Ryu, Chizu and Ayane, so I continued with the story. Generally the story is a good one and somewhat unique. I try to overlook the over-dramatic parts and find value in what the mangaka is actually trying to convey in terms of the emotional growth of the characters...more particularly so in Sawako's case.
Feb 2, 2011 5:42 AM

Aug 2010
Meh, pase is slow for sure.. :|

Feb 2, 2011 5:47 AM

Jan 2009
Iilia said:
Chizu and Yano's moments together were probably the highlight of this episode for me.

I'll go one better and say that these two make the whole series for me. I understand why the Sawako/Kazehaya union is moving the way it is but if they moved any faster they'd stop!

I like this show but I have to say thank god for Chizu and Yano!
Feb 2, 2011 6:00 AM

Oct 2010
This episode was the best yet with a new resolution put forward by Miura towards Kazehaya and Ayane's resolution to both give in her own kick to spark things up it looked to me like Sawako and Kazehaya have things to think about and most importantly fix up. I really liked to Kazehaya's dilemma was nicely shown artistically with the following,

and now some elaboration. About Kazehaya, I think they did a good job to flesh him out. Little details like his untied shoe lace shows he was so absorbed by what Miura said to him and thinking it over. The artistically depictions like here gave another fleshing of his confusion and haziness. His facial expression at this point showed his serious look. His frustration were also well done and expressive during this episode. I liked also how they showed a flashback of his serious younger self. That was a nice touch.

About Sawako, Sawako unfortunately was not shown in the first half but in a way it had to be done to flesh out properly Kazehaya. However upon her more active appearance in the second half, it was rejoicing. First of all her art depiction in the following spoiler
is just more artistic depiction enjoyable for the eyes. Sawako's expression of being nervous at Kazehaya's greeting was particularly a good start already. However I did not like that her thinking may be going back to how it was about Kazeyhaya by assuming too much.

What really impressed me about Sawako is her admitting her feelings such as being nervous around him enough not being able to greed him, being scared, being embarrassed and most of all selfish. That really put tears with a great misery within her. Regardless Ayane really helped her but afterwards of all people guess Miura did it again by pushing her into the classroom, which at that point her expression of being surprised was good. I think Miura may be the spark that gives her enough courage. Another nice depiction to flesh out artistically Sawako.
Rest in spoiler
About the preview, can't wait to see Chizuru in that new dress she got. She looks so nice and mature. Kind of reminds me of Nana although I did not see but saw glimpse of it.
Yumekichi11Feb 2, 2011 7:31 AM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 2, 2011 6:02 AM

Sep 2009
That does it. Ayane is my favorite character in this series.
Feb 2, 2011 7:12 AM

Dec 2010
Taylor_elle said:

You mean he already knows that Sawako likes Kazehaya. He doesn't know that Kazehaya likes Sawako. Anyway, he was in fact trying to get Kazehaya to be less involved in Sawako's life. I suppose he's acting on the rumors that Kazehaya cannot leave outcasts alone. And because he knows that Sawako is in love with Kazehaya, he feels that Kazehaya is aggravating the situation because he's giving Sawako false hopes. He tells Kazehaya if he doesn't "pity" Sawako. Kazehaya, of course responds by saying that he doesn't find Sawako pitiable because she's always trying her best. He also goes on to say that Kazehaya doesn't understand Sawako.

I have always liked Kazehaya's view of Sawako because at no time does he see her in the negative light that everyone else does. He's always had a positive view of her.

Anyway, so Kento knows Sawako all of a couple weeks and feels that he's the authority on what's best for Sawako and even despite Ayane's warning that he shouldn't stick his nose where it doesn't belong. I find this step of his to be conceited. His intentions might be good since he is a self-proclaimed philanthropist but he's stepping into the situation blindly and creating a mess. Thankfully Sawako has friends like Yano, Chizu and Ryu because situation was going to deteriorate especially since Kazehaya really looked like he was going to back off from interactions with Sawako.

I think it's awfully symbolic the way the episode ended with Ryu, Chizu and Ayane standing in the background view behind Kazehaya. It's almost like saying, they've got his back...

Hmmm... maybe I saw this too late at night out of my excitement to already find it subbed (I was soooo excited to see hat Kent had to say to Kazehaya :) ) and that made Kent just come off as some villain chuckling as he twists his black mustache (yes, I don't care what color hair he has, it's black) around his finger while meddling with Sawako and Kazehaya, but I'll rewatch and see if I have the same feeling a second time.

I like your interpretation better though, I'd rather see him as almost a more agressive Kazehaya (both trying to help the outcast) but I do agree he's being a bit arrogant with saying he knows about Sawako, and making it seem that she'd rather confide in him than Kazehaya just to throw him off... does he really not know that Kazehaya likes Sawako? I just assumed his pyschic-ness had picked up on it but if I'm wrong then again I like how he's trying to protect (in his own, meddlesome, plot interfereing way) Sawako from being hurt. But still, I think there are some other motives at work. I like Kent's push in the plot that kept it from sinking, but something is still off to me...Idk... I think my opinions on all this will be confirmed by next episode with Kazehaya's chosen path and Kent's reaction to it.

I loved how the episode ended too, considering it seems that Sawako and Kazehaya need a little more help (okay, a lot, before this episode it was a run away train) this season to jump start the relationship and get back on track, and they will need all the help they can get :)
Feb 2, 2011 7:31 AM

Apr 2010
That are no misunderstandings, it isn't shyness, they're just inhibited and need to communicate. God damn it, what's the point?
Feb 2, 2011 7:39 AM

Jan 2011
SpiritedSarah, I also watched it late last night. lol I think I watched it like three times. But yes, Miura does not know that Kazehaya likes Sawako. You will see as the story progresses.

Yumekichi11 said:

Sorry, but I had to point this out. Miura does indeed offer to help Kazehaya get together with the person he likes but what he does not know is that Sawako is in fact the person that Kazehaya likes. Again, Miura is operating under the assumption that Sawako has no hope with Kazehaya because they are too different. His view of them is much like Kurumi's where they both feel that Kazehaya and Sawako are too different for each other. This is also confirmed by his comment at the end of episode 2 where he says "what an odd couple" or "what an unexpected pair" according to which fansub you watched. Still, he doesn't realize that Kazehaya likes Sawako especially since his friend told him that Kazehaya cannot stand to leave outcasts alone. Remember Miura comment, "So that's why" after his friend told him that about Kazehaya. Obviously he concludes that Kazehaya pays attention to Sawako only because he tries to help others who don't fit in.

I felt that the manga did a much better job of handling the Miura/Kazehaya conversation because it showed more clearly why the misunderstanding arose and why Kazehaya began to pull away from Sawako. Despite what Miura said, Kazehaya being who he is was probably not going to simply act on Miura’s advice. In fact, at one point during the conversation in the manga Kazehaya told Miura that it’s not Miura’s place to tell him to stay away from Sawako. Chizu’s agreement that Kazehaya didn’t understand Sawako is what probably pushed Kazehaya into the doubting territory. Of course Chizu thinks this way because she feels that Kazehaya should have already realized that Sawako is in love with him. But what Chizu doesn’t know is that Kazehaya initially thought that Sawako liked him in that way only to have Sawako tell him that she’s full of respect and admiration for him. Lol And then to make matters worse, when he probably began to think that Sawako might actually like him, Sawako goes and gives chocolate to everyone but him.

Now Kazehaya is confused and probably doesn’t know what he should do. He has Miura telling him to back off and leave Sawako alone and Ayane telling him not to ignore Sawako.

This is a manga full of assumptions and misunderstandings. Everybody but Ayane only seems to know half the story.
Feb 2, 2011 8:51 AM
Nov 2008
Now THIS is what I've been waiting for! Ayane has set things in motion in their proper directions. Even if there are still hurdles to get past, at least they'll be trying to get past them instead of standing around doing nothing and being awkward. Spent much less time yelling at the screen this week and much more time loving every second of what I was seeing. That's the way KnT should be!
Feb 2, 2011 9:01 AM

Jul 2008
Kento is the not idiot "good" guy

Shouta is the idiot good guy

Is that right?
Feb 2, 2011 9:09 AM

Aug 2010
Kazandravk said:
Oh my goodness, all of the facial expressions in this episode had me cracking up. xD.

Lol same here, i think its the main reason why i love this anime, the face expressions makes everything so funny.

But this kent guys is still cool in my book. Im really tired of Kazehaya and his ways. They are really pissing me off. However, this anime is mostly about those two i believe, so i guess things will change up big time later on in the anime.
Currently Watching: Durarara!!
Feb 2, 2011 10:06 AM

Jun 2008
Well, I have mixed feelings. I read manga, and I love it, it keeps me warm every time I watch/read it, but...

It pains me that main characters are trapped in misunderstandings now. I really can't figure it out, because it's completely... Unrealistic to me. I know that it's an anime, pure fiction, and so on... But it's supossed to be a slice of life, and I don't see it in their relationship. I think they create their problems on their own. Because, well, they have so many supportive friends, and theoretically nothing stands in their way... Beside of their overthinking and shyness of course :P I don't mean that they should throw themselves in each other arms and shout "I love you!!!", but just having some very sincere conversation wouldn't hurt (but maybe it's only my european way of thinking and I just don't understand japanese people xD)

About friends... I second Yumekichi11 statment, especially about Ayane. She is really understanding, and she thinks very logically. And she's really great friend ;) (I'm still hoping that something happen between her and Pin :D) I also love Ryu, for his stoical calmness. He would let things flow their way without butting in, and that is something ;) And I can't forget about Chizu, she's so sweet and loving <3 I think they are the best characters in this show.

And Kent... Well, he somewhat irritates me, but he's not a bad guy ;) He just likes to get into others business :D And he's a little bit to pushy for me, but hey, guys like that exist, I have friend who's like that :P

Oh, and I can't wait to see Chizu in the next episode, she's gonna look stunning.

Forgive me if there is any bad english in my comment :P

~♥It’s the heart that really matters in the end♥~

Feb 2, 2011 10:12 AM

Sep 2010
I've always this feeling that those episode are too short *_* Probably because these are very good :3

Another cute one, i'm curious about Kent (I don't want to read the manga for now)
Feb 2, 2011 10:51 AM
Nov 2010
Taylor_elle said:
I felt that the manga did a much better job of handling the Miura/Kazehaya conversation because it showed more clearly why the misunderstanding arose and why Kazehaya began to pull away from Sawako.

Apparently I'm not the only one that felt that way. The issue is that the nuance is so small between showing Kent helping Sawako and showing Kent being interested in Sawako. The clear difference between those two (and the lack of clarity) will be a factor in the future. Right now Kent is coming across as someone who has ulterior motives, especially during a scene in ep. 3 of the anime that was minor but important.

Anyway, it's all good - there are always differences between manga and anime.
Feb 2, 2011 12:59 PM

Jun 2010
the end of this episode broke my heart. both of their situation depresses me for real. :((
Feb 2, 2011 2:15 PM

Aug 2009
This is the only show that hasn't got a character with bad\selfish intentions.

In the first glance, for example in the first season, Kurumi seemed like one, but at the end she helped the progress of Sawako's relationship. I think Kent also will be in this category.

And I should give credit to the author, for creating such effective and interesting side characters. I'm actually more curious of Chizu and Ryu's relationship :D:D
Anime List:
Night is the darkest just before the dawn.

Feb 2, 2011 2:26 PM

Feb 2009
Yano, you're too adorable. Seriously <3

I really feel bad for Kazehaya, when the poor guy starts getting even the smallest bit of confidence, something sends him back to square one and he is left feeling confused and unsure about what to do. I really pity his character because he seems like he's just a genuinely good guy.

This needs to catch up with the manga, seriously. I would love to see some of the stuff that is happening now animated~
Feb 2, 2011 3:06 PM

Jul 2010
Is it just me or is the second season kinda annoying? I don't like it that much and the new flashy guy is really irritating. He should just shut up about stuff he doesn't know about and don't act he knows her that good, he only knows her for like a few months? -_-"

I feel really sorry for Kazehaya, everybody is just pushing him and saying what he has to do but if he would go out with her Sadako would prob get some trouble with other girls... And I wouldn't have the courage to confess if the one I liked would act like Sadako. I mean she doesn't even looks him in the eyes and she hardly talks to him ánd she didn't gave him chocolates while even the homeroom teacher got some... I couldn't do it if I were him...

Well I just hope there'll be some progress sóón cauz no matter how slow paced fits this anime this isn't slow, this is just standing still or even going back (it's def not moving forward with those 2)... -_-"
Feb 2, 2011 3:14 PM
May 2009
Every time an episode of Kimi Ni Todoke comes out it makes my day a little better. Lol.
Aw, Kazehaya. I feel like in this season we see more from his point of view than the first season.

Chizuru had me laughing in this episode xD
Just when you think no one can be slower than Sawako about Kazehaya.
I can't wait for the next episode!
Feb 2, 2011 3:39 PM

Oct 2009
Kipcha said:
This needs to catch up with the manga, seriously. I would love to see some of the stuff that is happening now animated~

I second that ^^

Ayane was great in this episode. what she said about Sawako's self-confidence was amazing.
on the other hand, oblivious Chizu was simply hilarious ^^
I love the fact that they showed Chizu wearing dress for Toru's wedding and it seems that it's going to be more of this in the next episode (I don't remember this happening in the manga, but I'm a sucker for everything connected with Chizu and Ryu, so yay! ;D)
Feb 2, 2011 4:26 PM

Nov 2010
Dam this. Really getting annoying how everything just seems to be going backwards, but still it looks like kazehaya and sawako could do something to change whats going on right now. Hopefully thing will get better and Chizura is truly is the one that doesn't notice things that can hardly be missed by regular people.
Feb 2, 2011 4:33 PM

Apr 2009
Loved Chizu's fuse thingy. So hilariousl :D
Feb 2, 2011 6:32 PM

Nov 2007
ahh, thus the misunderstandings begin. this has gotta be the most annoying part of the series so far LMFAO but i'm slightly worried over the fact that kento's most likely giving off the bad impression atm even though he means no harm. :[ someone's already mentioned that he's the male counterpart of kurumi, yikes...

also, why i love kazehaya so much:
"even if that happened, i'd take care of it! there's a reason why i do the things i do!"

he's amazing for handling the situation so well. even though kento pretty much brainwashed him by the end of their little argument fffff.
Feb 2, 2011 6:43 PM

Oct 2008
Yano. <3
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Feb 2, 2011 7:05 PM

May 2010
I wish I had friends like Yano and Chizu.
Real Hell is inside a person-Ai Enma (Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae)
Do you know where hell is? Inside your head-Chrona (Soul Eater)

Feb 2, 2011 8:25 PM
Jan 2011
♥ this episode!!!lookin for the next!can't wait too seee kazehaya confession!:D
Feb 2, 2011 9:10 PM

Oct 2010
Taylor_elle said:
Yumekichi11 said:
Sorry, but I had to point this out. Miura does indeed offer to help Kazehaya get together with the person he likes but what he does not know is that Sawako is in fact the person that Kazehaya likes. Again, Miura is operating under the assumption that Sawako has no hope with Kazehaya because they are too different. His view of them is much like Kurumi's where they both feel that Kazehaya and Sawako are too different for each other. This is also confirmed by his comment at the end of episode 2 where he says "what an odd couple" or "what an unexpected pair" according to which fansub you watched. Still, he doesn't realize that Kazehaya likes Sawako especially since his friend told him that Kazehaya cannot stand to leave outcasts alone. Remember Miura comment, "So that's why" after his friend told him that about Kazehaya. Obviously he concludes that Kazehaya pays attention to Sawako only because he tries to help others who don't fit in.
That is a rather nice view of how you perceived all this. I wonder though if he ever will find out about Kazehaya liking Sawako. IMO I think the way it was shown is that he knows or at the very least thinks of Kazehaya as having a love interest in Sawako. His facial expressions that I pointed out last episode and a little here, definitely show some doubt about him being smart enough to figure things out kind of like Ayane did except Ayane noticed it right away.
Taylor_elle said:
I felt that the manga did a much better job of handling the Miura/Kazehaya conversation because it showed more clearly why the misunderstanding arose and why Kazehaya began to pull away from Sawako. Despite what Miura said, Kazehaya being who he is was probably not going to simply act on Miura’s advice. In fact, at one point during the conversation in the manga Kazehaya told Miura that it’s not Miura’s place to tell him to stay away from Sawako. Chizu’s agreement that Kazehaya didn’t understand Sawako is what probably pushed Kazehaya into the doubting territory. Of course Chizu thinks this way because she feels that Kazehaya should have already realized that Sawako is in love with him. But what Chizu doesn’t know is that Kazehaya initially thought that Sawako liked him in that way only to have Sawako tell him that she’s full of respect and admiration for him.
^This is very interesting of how you formulated and I would like to have a direct reference as to where in the manga is that part. I would not mind to read and compare with this episode. That being said, I hope Chizuru fixes all this somehow and should Ayane know, I hope she will team up with Chizuru to fix it somehow. I think another setup for Kazehaya and Sawako to be alone is needed. Having Chizuru being responsible it would further up things if Ryuu joins in on that. It would be very much in this series EPIC is all I would say.
Taylor_elle said:
Lol And then to make matters worse, when he probably began to think that Sawako might actually like him, Sawako goes and gives chocolate to everyone but him. Now Kazehaya is confused and probably doesn’t know what he should do. He has Miura telling him to back off and leave Sawako alone and Ayane telling him not to ignore Sawako.
Yeah that was the inital problem that started it and I am happy to say it was a good choice to start the season like that. It starts a new challenge for both Sawako and Kazehaya to deal with and that's what I like among the other elements of this show.

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