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Days: 187.4
Mean Score:
- Watching6
- Completed593
- On-Hold19
- Dropped140
- Plan to Watch35
- Total Entries793
- Rewatched87
- Episodes11,798
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 13.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries22
- Reread2
- Chapters2,163
- Volumes244
All Comments (100) Comments
referreave to you comment about about psoins on peoples wall and not in thread
I haven't visited other Asian countries yet... but planning to go to Japan in the summer :D
I see you also rated Mawaru Penguindrum a 7. Personally, I only really enjoyed the series up to a point. Towards the end, I really started to lose interest.
Probably. Yeah, eventually they'll probably drop. Which kind of sucks because that means anime will be less interesting.
I guess so, for some people it was really melodramatic. I was ensnared however, so I was swept away by the current so to speak haha.
That is correct. I actually haven't experienced too many tsunderes so I'm fine with *some*. I don't like Shana from Shakugan no Shana(I'm forced to watch it though so I have no choice :/) I like Taiga, Louise, and I'm blanking on the rest. I love Zero no Tsukaima for it's cheesiness because it's the type of cheesiness I *want*. I enjoy it's ridiculousness haha. (Watched Zero no Tsukaima F episode one yesterday. While the plot is ridiculously cliche I love it because it is so cliche. The whole point of ZnT is cliches!)
Oh you dropped Railgun...oh well. I kind of liked Kuroko. She was pretty annoying but sometimes she was really funny. Mikoto is bomb. Oh and technically she is a tsundere but it barely pops up because there's more action than romance. Actually the romance is practically nonexistant. Which proceeded to disappoint me further -.-
I guess it just wasn't for you then haha. It's a really fast paced anime so I would understand how the jokes could wear off.
XD You're welcome I guess.
So at the end, to each his own. We have pretty different opinions but I respect your taste in anime ;)
As much as I loved Penguindrum, it is simply not on the same level as Utena.
One thing though, Utena is a deconstruction of the episodic magical girl anime of the 90's; and consequently the show itself is episodic, though that really shouldn't be too much of a bother in comparison to all it does right.
I am horrible at keeping in contact sometimes... sigh. Yeah, still living and working in South Korea. Since my sister is planning on making the move soon as well, I will probably end up staying for at least a third (and possibly fourth) year. Been pretty relaxed at the moment, since it's winter vacation and I finished all my extra winter classes before New Years. Now I'm passing the time at work watching anime, and heading off to Seoul every weekend for clubbing.
I'm looking forward to next week, I have my vacation time, and I'm heading off to Thailand with a friend :D
Lol, I'm not surprised we still have high compatibility... our tastes wouldn't have changed that much in the time we haven't spoken ^_-
Aber umso besser, wenn du zu den andersdenken gehörst und noch andere kennst ;D
Wie gesagt, ich denke, es war ein sehr persönlicher Eindruck. Irgendwas hat sich einfach seltsam angefühlt, ich kann es schlecht ausdrücken. So, als wenn du ein Shirt trägst und du weißt, irgendwas zwickt aber du kannst es nicht ganz festlegen.
Naja, wie auch immer =D
Honey und Clover war auch einfach richtig gut. Ich bin sonst kein besonderer Slice of Life Fan, weil mir viele Sachen einfach zu öde sind. Aber Honey und Clover war einfach irgendwie so realitätsnah und gut erzählt, mir super liebenswerten Charakteren, die facettenreich waren...Da fiel mir der Wertung nicht schwer. =)
Bei der 2. Season hat mir irgendwie etwas gefehlt, ich konnte aber selbst auch nicht richtig sagen was...Aber das war höchstwahrscheinlich einfach eine sehr persönliche Sache meinerseits. =)
Ist aber auch ungewöhnlich, männliche Wesen mit Honey & Clover in der Favoritenliste zu sehen, glaub ich. =)
Der englische dub ist nicht schlecht und mir gefällt Ginkos Stimme da sogar besser.