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Dec 31, 2010 4:37 AM
I began to watch the Anime before three days, and yesterday I watched the final episode! I don't really know, at the begin of course I was at the humans side, didn't know something more about the Shiki, but as I got more Information about them, I changed the side! At the end, I was fully at the Shikis Side! What the doctor did with his wife, was totally...not okay! And as they killed chizuru, I was totally disappointed about the humans! I know what terrible things the Kirishiki and then the Shiki did, but they were only searching for a home, a place where they can live, without hiding... Hard to explain! At the first episode, I totally liked Megumi, I could understand her! As she was killed, I was really sad! She only wanted to get out there, because she didn't fit, because she was different... And then they killed her in this totally brutal way! Most of you don't like this mercy thing with the Shiki, and especially with Sunako! But it worked on me, I was totally sorry for Sunako at the end! But as I saw the car, Muori and the boy, I was really happy! Muori, besides Sunako and Megumi, was my favorite character in this show! I love his way to think... That he killed the men, who should kill Sunako, didn't fit totally with my opinion about him...But altough I like him really much :) |
Dec 31, 2010 4:38 AM
I dont know what to think of it. All the good characters are dead which makes me unhappy about it. |
Dec 31, 2010 4:47 AM
Orulyon said: Nice speech, I completely agree with you, and I love your av+sig-set. <3 So that's it. It's over. My friday mornings will never be the same again. TTwTT And although I knew Natsuno would die, I couldn't help wishing that he wouldn't. I had such a hard time not crying this episode, I even felt sorry for Megumi. I take back every word I said about her having to die slowly and painfully, what they did to her was horrible. In the end, the humans were far worse than the Shikis imo, so the only side I'm gonna be on now, is Natsuno's. |
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Dec 31, 2010 4:54 AM
Quite a spectacle, could have used more time on this one. Ah well, hope the specials will solve that problem. In many ways it's a shame that Muroi and Sunako escaped. Unless Sunako learned from her mistake (trying to make a community of shikis) these events could repeat leading to even more suffering. In that case all the bloodshed and the destruction of the village were for nothing, since the shikis weren't eradicated. As for Megumi, I'm truly interested. Could some Megumi fan tell me what you see in her? Only thing she has is her looks. Of all the shikis "born" in the village she was the one who enjoyed killing the most. Even when she was a human she wasn't such a good person. After turning into a shiki her dislike for the village turned her into a sadistic murderer. Most shikis killed because they had to eat, Megumi enjoyed it. She deserved her fate more than nearly any other. Is she liked purely because of her looks and choice of clothes? Same thing applies to the fat nurse. She seems to get a lot of hate despite being a really nice person. Do you actually judge people based on their looks, and not on who they actually are? |
Dec 31, 2010 5:07 AM
People actually wanted that little bitch to survive? I mean being responsible for mass genocide isn't a problem anymore? I was hoping she got choked right there in the temple, bitching to God. You don't have to murder people, I'm sure some understanding people would be willing to make a deal, did she even try that? I mean its shown pretty well that they still possess their normal character. Making you feel mercy for her was totally forced. I know she looks like a little kid and all, but she's shown to be very mature. Muori was also a big idiot, at the very least he could have taken her under his wing in another way, maybe he still plans on doing that, but we'll never know. What I DID like to see was that annoying freak Megumi getting a truck to the face! Fuck yes, someone finally managed to shut that annoying freak up Not that I hated this series though, it was incredibly entertaining, I just didn't like the choices some people made in it. |
Dec 31, 2010 5:36 AM
I began to watch the Anime before three days, and yesterday I watched the final episode! I don't really know, at the begin of course I was at the humans side, didn't know something more about the Shiki, but as I got more Information about them, I changed the side! At the end, I was fully at the Shikis Side! What the doctor did with his wife, was totally...not okay! And as they killed chizuru, I was totally disappointed about the humans! I know what terrible things the Kirishiki and then the Shiki did, but they were only searching for a home, a place where they can live, without hiding... Hard to explain! At the first episode, I totally liked Megumi, I could understand her! As she was killed, I was really sad! She only wanted to get out there, because she didn't fit, because she was different... And then they killed her in this totally brutal way! Most of you don't like this mercy thing with the Shiki, and especially with Sunako! But it worked on me, I was totally sorry for Sunako at the end! But as I saw the car, Muori and the boy, I was really happy! Muori, besides Sunako and Megumi, was my favorite character in this show! I love his way to think... That he killed the men, who should kill Sunako, didn't fit totally with my opinion about him...But altough I like him really much :) The music was really wonderful! It made me cry. |
Dec 31, 2010 5:37 AM
whoisfriend said: I was really hoping Ozaki would get trapped by the fire trying to hide the bodies. Would've been a very "poetic justice" way to die. Oh, i was so hoping Ozaki to die, he was getting on my nerves in the last 3-4 episodes. I said to myself and my parents that if Ozaki survives i'm gonna drink like hell on New Year's night xD. I wished for a good present - Toshio's death! |
Dec 31, 2010 5:37 AM
good ending. The plot is flawless, but I the way everything was directed is kind of dissapointing... it was like "showing" everything, not putting any emphasis on it. Beacuse of that I haven't taken Natsuno's death emotionally (although I liked the character very much) it feels so.. shallow. |
Dec 31, 2010 6:16 AM
Hmm, satisfied that the villagers lost their village, kinda like karma.. murder be murder… but annoyed Muroi yoinked Sunako. She suffered so much hell on earth, it would have been nice if she could finally rest. Having Sunako and Muroi die together would have made their relationship stronger. Megumi's death was depressing to me. She never got out of the city, only to be killed by bumpkins and tractors. The worst death possible for her! She also never realized Natsuno was alive. Oh woe. And Natsuno.. I'm going to miss his crazy hair and clothing. Overall, I liked that ending. The only thing that bothers me is, what's going to happen to Ozaki? I mean Natsuno bit him, right? Does that mean he's going to turn to a shiki, or will he eventually die? It can't be that jinrou can't transform humans. IIRC, Seishirou was a shiki by the end of the episode. <_<; Eh?? *shrugs* Byeebye Shiki, it was a fun time. |
(◕ᴥ◕し)むにゅ〜 |
Dec 31, 2010 6:33 AM
and the most annoying son of a bitch of the year award goes to: that motherfucking priest, burn in hell |
Dec 31, 2010 6:53 AM
Firetruck yeah!!! Only one bad thing though is that Sunako and Muroi MIGHT have survived??? WHISKEY-TANGO-FOXTROT????? ARE THEY F**KING KARMA HOUDINI'S??? At least this worked on the others. |
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Dec 31, 2010 6:54 AM
whoisfriend said: I was really hoping Ozaki would get trapped by the fire trying to hide the bodies. Would've been a very "poetic justice" way to die. man, now THAT would have been a good ending to Shiki! He's been getting on my nerves ever since he did all those experiments ON HIS OWN WIFE. (I mean, seriously... he didn't need to do all of that to her) and I've just plainly hated the character the past few episodes. |
GreenTea13Dec 31, 2010 7:14 AM
Dec 31, 2010 7:17 AM
Razziell said: and i also wonder who started the fire? Natsuno? Since he was already there looking at Tohru's and Ritsu corpses:( and yeah, he did say he cared for neither side. (besides akira, kaori and Tohru obviously) Definitely favourite anime of the year. hmm now that i think abou it.... he did carry a lighter in his pocket, Plus, Natsu not only hated the Shiki for what they did and started everything, but also that village for keeping him stuck there and basically letting him die (and the rest of the people) without anyone caring..... (and he was lookig at Tohru and Ritsu Corpses....:( ) oh yeah also in the manga in few chapters there was a warning to be careful about wildfires towards the beginning of each chapter. so i don’t know..... oh and i wasn’t on neither side as well, but i do think the shiki deserved to die as they started everything in the first place, and killed many people (as Lelouch said: who shoot they should be prepared to be shot). And humans had the right to counterattack, defend and avenge the deaths. ( i just didn’t like how they went about it... and they killed some innocent people as well) and i felt sorry for Akira and Kaoru (am glad Natsu rescued them) i mean Megumi destroyed their whole family everything...and Tohru...she deserved to die(but her death was still brutal I did sympathize with her....and I was expecting Natsu or Kaori to kill her....) so to say, there were some good and bad humans/Shiki on both sides.... Orulyon said: Why would you want to become more powerful if you hate what you´ve become? Natsuno´s death makes sense. first of all he "died" for Tohru, he felt betrayed for his best friend. When Tohru was bitting Natsuno we all remember Natsuno said "i have a feeling i cannot leave this village anymore". Now Natsuno says to Tatsumi that was dead for a long time. And he was. His heart felt like dead to be betrayed. So many people complaining about his wonderful quote that he was not on the humans side. Now what? Natsuno knew that both humans and shiki can be monsters. Didnt the shiki killed almost an entire population with a smile on their faces? Didnt the humans killed other humans without even caring they´re were killing members of their own? In the end Natsuno was the most intelligent person. Did Natsuno haters realized the pain on his eyes when he watched Tohru dead? or when he left Kaoru on the hospital? He got his revenge on shiki, and since he hated Shiki and became one, he killed himself too. Just like Richan, he didnt wanted to end up having to live hating himself. And well sorry to disappoint you Natsuno haters, but if it wasnt for him, Ozaki would have been killed too and the story would end right there. At least the humans fought. Natsuno did a lot more than the useless monk. And although Natsuno wasn't on the humans side, he proved to care about his friends. and I couldn’t agree more! |
RazziellDec 31, 2010 3:37 PM
Dec 31, 2010 7:41 AM
Dec 31, 2010 7:42 AM
Muroi and Sunako managed to escape..damn, whats worse I thought werewolves were extremely rare, so how did Muroi actually turn into one? I doubt a day passed by since Muroi left Sunako under the bushes so how did he even change that fast? Natsuno was awesome, seriously. At first I thought they would be stuck in the hole for eternity or something but he just HAD to take out a dynamite~ -1000HP there goes my hope for both Tatsumi and Natsuno to survive. But they didn't show definite evidence that they died either. Toshio..i wonder why some people would want him to die. Sure he took things way too far but still..i wouldn't want to see him dying as well. The villages would lose a 'leader' and become more disorganised..maybe Okay I think i really ranted too much, but I just can't get enough of this! Hope there are specials or epilogues.. |
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Dec 31, 2010 8:18 AM
Megumi TwT ... ok , i get it that she killed a lot of people , did bad things blah blah blah , but that was way to CRUEL ! I'm glad that Sunako survived and that the monk made himself useful at least once .. Can't wait for the specials OwO !!! |
Dec 31, 2010 8:19 AM
Iilia said: Wow, it took a shitload of ammo to take down Tatsumi compared to that other Jinrou girl. And he didn't even die from it all! I suppose that other female Jinrou probably got staked after being shot in the head, though. Ookawa's speech was right on. It's just too bad that it cost him his chance to kill Sunako. I almost felt sorry for Sunako this episode. Almost, but not quite. I did feel sorry Shimizu at her end, but I know she was cold and deserved to die, so it doesn't upset me that much. Definitely pissed me off that both Muroi and Sunako lived, though. I hated them both the most in this show. "I just don't like you guys." What a reason! I loved Natsuno's conversation with Tatsumi, too. Akira and Kaori lived! Yes! At least some of the main characters lived and didn't turn into Shiki. It was nice to see Natsuno there with them for a reunion. Natsuno and Tatsumo blown away to bits in the "hell hole." Hm, I wonder if they'll survive that? Haha, I can't help but think of Hidan's end in Naruto... they seem sort of similar. So I guess Muroi is a Jinrou now. Great... a replacement for Tatsumi. A bad replacement. We're out of source material now, aren't we? I wonder if we'll get a second season. I'd love it, but if we're out of source material and they try to do something original it could fail epicly. It would be worth it to see Muroi and Sunako die, though. 9/10 - might have been a 10 if Sunako and Muroi died. YES YES I AGREE WITH EVERYTHING YOU SAID! I don't care about that idiot Sunako, but the asshole Muroi should have died!! UGGHH.. I'M SOO MAD! .. 9/10 for the same reason =o= .. |
Dec 31, 2010 8:43 AM
i like how they kept running over megumi for ten minutes and then they were like, lets kill her now to save her from suffering -___- pricks. To be honest I was hoping for the shiki to die out but i couldnt help but want megumi and natsu to live on. Im not sure if i like toshio anymore. |
Don't look to others for knowledge, this is your story. |
Dec 31, 2010 8:52 AM
Come ON. Like wtf? Why is Sunako still alive? I mean geez yes she had a hard sad life, yes her reasons for wanting to survive are legit but she went to far, she didnt have to push her misfortunes on an entire village and kill so many ppl in the process. In case she didnt realize not everyone becomes a Shiki. If anyone deserves to die, its her. She's not a lil girl she just looks like one, shes a grown ass woman who needs to be stepped on. I don't approve of any forms of torture, but i still believe Sunako and Megumi deserved to die. Megumi was just being a bitch. NOW she goes on about how she wants to leave, AFTER she screws up her supposed best friend's life. Bitch she is. Yuuki deserves better than her. :( TOHRU!!!!!!!!!! And wtf did Mr Kirishiki kill himself? Goddamnit! (maybe it was on Natsuno's orders?) NATSUOOOOOOOO WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I still like Toshio but im still waiting for him to not be so cruel like damn tell everyone to chill. All in all I want a damn sequel. |
Dec 31, 2010 9:14 AM
Damn :< Why did Sunako survive srsly? She caused this BS, and now she survives along with the monk (I liked him at the beggining of the story, but now I hate him) NOOO THE VIKING EPIC BEARD GUY DIED T_T Also what happenned with Akira? I thought he was bitten when he went into that "abandonded" house. (Guess it'll be explained in the specials) My favourite was Kaori. Overall it was a really good anime, (I quit watching it around the 4th episode, and picked the series up 2 days ago), the atmosphere was really good, can't want for the 2 specials. I'm going to read the manga now, i want to know it's ending. top 3 anime of 2010 9.5/10 (giving it 10) |
Dec 31, 2010 10:35 AM
great finale, just as it was supposed to end. perfect |
Dec 31, 2010 11:09 AM
the ending was epic! I loved it....And two special episodes, each 22 minutes long? body is ready :3 Too bad Yuuki didn't kill Megumi himself T_T And lmao...Muroy turned into a ww and fled with that little bitch. *ragetrain* |
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Dec 31, 2010 11:20 AM
Gonna echo what everyone else said. a) the priest is lame, he started lame, got lamer and then ends the show as the years most unwanted deus ex machina. b) beardguys death is the tragedy of the year, as is Sunako's survival, sure watching a big beardy guy murder a loli is probably a bit hardcore, but the bitch frankly deserved what should have come to her. c) LOL @ megumis death, they park a TRACTOR on her head and then say 'lets do this quickly to end her suffering' - hilarious. High 3 stars from me (equates to a 7 here) - good show with excellent potential, bad pacing, pointless plot deviations and an ending that tries to please fans on both sides rather then being bold and doing something definite robs this one of 3 points. |
Dec 31, 2010 11:52 AM
Well, that was quite...disappointing. I don't understand the point of this story. Is it wrong for the Shiki suck blood, kill the humans and turn the into more Shiki? Is it wrong for the village people to go rampage and kill every Shiki? Or neither? Even liking both Sunako and Muroi, it was very wrong to let them live. For god's sake, Sunako was the LEADER of the Shiki. She was the one who should've died. Now she and Muroi escape, go to another village/city and restart the cycle by killing more people and turning them into Shiki. =/ And the rest was way too rushed. Almost all major characters were killed without a proper ending, and we don't know what happened with the ones left alive. I wanted Megumi to talk with Natsuno, she saying she loves him and him apologizing for being mean with her, Tohru and Natsuno should've met while both were still alive, a scene where all the "really dead" characters were remembered, etc... I was supposed to give this anime a 10, but I drop to a 9. The first 15-18 episode were pretty epic, just the last arc that was kinda bad. I hope in the specials they give more screentime to the characters that died fast, otherwise, everything just seemed pointless... |
Friend Code 3DS: 4914-3165-5517 |
Dec 31, 2010 12:07 PM
I knew this anime would be great. i have a gift :D since ep 1 :D ended awesome but it cant be finished the box in the end was you know who and the priest is a jinrou and i am pretty sure the doctor is and im positive natsuno is not dead. |
- Behold a work of art made in Paint on Windows XP in 2007 too lazy to update these |
Dec 31, 2010 12:20 PM
Natsuno Yuuki - you will always be remembered for your Heroic Sacrifice. Considering you did so with a Self-Sacrifice Scheme made it more meaningful; you know what would be happening once you tell him: "I'm Taking You With Me." |
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Dec 31, 2010 12:33 PM
Just so much of a great ending to a great series. Just like the rest of said, yea there were some let downs like the junior monk, it still really was a good and amazing series nonetheless. Still, kinda horrible ending for Megumi, they couldn't have done anything more simple? But she was funny til the end. Overall, just to good, and now to wait on the specials. |
Dec 31, 2010 12:45 PM
Dec 31, 2010 12:47 PM
Love Natsuno. Best Shiki ever, and his death was great. I just wish Sunako, and especially Muroi had died. Otherwise, great end. Leaves you with a conclusion, but still wondering. It lets the imagination go wild. |
Dec 31, 2010 12:52 PM
What? Only that? Yeah it was good and all stuff but still, I feel like there are missing parts. I'm glad that Sunako didn't get kill and also Akira too. And the village is really dead. Wow, what a waste of time. Overall, great anime. 9/10. |
Dec 31, 2010 1:57 PM
LiamLiam said: Meddigo said: I'd imagine if you took the climax out of any suspense/thriller, then it would be a waste of time. Anyway, I loved how brutal and carnal this episode felt. It was literally two species fighting for survival, and that's what played out. Was it Natsuno who started the Yamairi fire after seeing Tohru and Ritsuko's staked corpses though? I don't recall it ever explaining that detail. Also, who was the person driving the car, and what was in the box? I must know >.< I was wondering who started the fire too, but props to Natsuno for taking Tatsumi down with him, really BA scene when he just took out the dynamite and lit it up in the hole. As for the car at the end? I thought it was a girl's face at first, but then i thought it would probably be Muroi and Sunako. Muroi pissed me off to the end, didn't really care about the girl, though i'd rather have all the Shiki die if they're gonna be wiped out.. it;s definitely muroi, i saw the glasses and the gray hair... and i think he became a jinrou |
Dec 31, 2010 1:59 PM
bakuramariks said: whoisfriend said: I was really hoping Ozaki would get trapped by the fire trying to hide the bodies. Would've been a very "poetic justice" way to die. Oh, i was so hoping Ozaki to die, he was getting on my nerves in the last 3-4 episodes. I said to myself and my parents that if Ozaki survives i'm gonna drink like hell on New Year's night xD. I wished for a good present - Toshio's death! Well I'm really happy he lived (he's my favorite character in the story) Then again the anime diminshed his role near the end |
Dec 31, 2010 2:50 PM
Can't wait for more. Considering Muroi and Sunako made their escape in the car, assuming it was Sunako in the suitcase. |
Dec 31, 2010 3:17 PM
Decent ending but my least favorite character Sunako lived. Fuck man, c'mon now. |
Dec 31, 2010 3:27 PM
I dont care what anyone says, I am absolutely happy that Sunako and Muroi survived. But god damn, even though I was wanting Megumi to die.....I really felt sorry for her death. And I find it funny how Tatsumi takes all the damage in the world....but the female Jinrou goes down in 1 shot When Mr. Muroi killed Epic Beard Man. I CHEERED SO FUCKING LOUDLY!!!!!!!!!! And I really hate Natsuno now. But Tatsumi could have easily got away. Im sad that most of the cool characters died though. Heres hoping for a 2nd season xD |
Dec 31, 2010 4:28 PM
Awesome fight between Natsuno and Tatsumi. Really sad to see Megumi go and extra sad that Muroi is around. I just thought he just became a bland character and clogged the show. |
Dec 31, 2010 4:32 PM
prismheart said: Awesome fight between Natsuno and Tatsumi. Really sad to see Megumi go and extra sad that Muroi is around. I just thought he just became a bland character and clogged the show. I agree, that fight was amazing. Also, I grew to like yeah I was upset with what happened to her. :[ However, I am glad to see Sunako and Muroi still alive; it leaves a lot of things open too. |
Dec 31, 2010 4:40 PM
I loved it. This was neither a happy or sad ending but let's you wonder and wanting for more. That was definitely Muroi and Sunako at the end. And Natsuno managed improve his image for me. I'm also glad Akira and Kaori lived after going through so much...i was giving up on Kaori after almost going insane. This episode just gives an unsettling feeling...and i share my thoughts with the doctor at the end. The village they worked so hard to protect burned to ashes. |
Dec 31, 2010 5:36 PM
Toshio, Muroi and Sunako survive. I smell a second series. Anyway, if there is a second season, the end was satisfactory. If there ends up being no second series, then I didn't enjoy this ending much. Sunako has no reason to keep on living, she regrets her own life and she pretty much admitted that. Muroi is a fool to save her. People need to stop comparing the Shiki with the humans in terms of brutality and bloodthirst. The Shiki put the town through months of hardship and fright, destroyed families and friendships and ultimately destroyed the small peaceful town. The humans getting some bloody violence going in the vampire hunts were nothing compared. Anybody remember the scene where Megumi bit Tohru? That shit was scary. I don't think you would want that sort of thing living in your neighbourhood. Best scene this episode had to be Ookawa headbutting Sunako when she tried to bite him. I lol'd. Also, Megumi's death was quite tragic when you recall the first episode. She was a bitch but she was completely blind to the consequence of being a killer. |
Dec 31, 2010 5:44 PM
Superluccix said: I dont care what anyone says, I am absolutely happy that Sunako and Muroi survived. But god damn, even though I was wanting Megumi to die.....I really felt sorry for her death. And I find it funny how Tatsumi takes all the damage in the world....but the female Jinrou goes down in 1 shot When Mr. Muroi killed Epic Beard Man. I CHEERED SO FUCKING LOUDLY!!!!!!!!!! And I really hate Natsuno now. But Tatsumi could have easily got away. Im sad that most of the cool characters died though. Heres hoping for a 2nd season xD The female jinrou was shot in the head and that's why she died whereas Tatsumi was only shot thousand times in the body. I guess werewolves are finally dead when you put a bullet in their heads. I doubt Tatsumi survived that blast. There wasn't enough time to escape and it was pretty high. I agree with you about Sunako and Muroi, glad they are alive and Megumi... I was always neutral towards her, never hated her or loved her, but that death was brutal, fantastic and awesome at the same time. I didn't want to look what her body would look like when the tractor crashed her. Even the gruesome scenes in SAW never scared me like that o.O |
Dec 31, 2010 6:02 PM
I still sad that tohru and the green hair girl was dead....and even natsuno was dead..[there s a rumor he survive and they got the pic as well] for now , the only main character that survived is ozaki sensei :] still epic ,though i have something in my eyes.... |
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Dec 31, 2010 6:11 PM
From what I am reading the ending is how the book goes. When the show first started, people thought it wouldnt last because the ratings werent good and the dvd sales were very poor also. But as the show got along I think word of mouth carried the show on, and funimation said they were hopeful about it because it picked up. What am I getting at? There might be a second season and that's why junior monk and that bitch sunako survived. I think they didnt kill them so if the sales of the dvd do well and they decide to continue with a second season then well they have a story to go on. Head Bitch Loli Sunako, will just continue the same shit again and I am really betting my money that if they get greenlighted for a second season both Tatsumi and Natsuno will come back. I find it strange that Tatsumi's last words were, "but you this isnt enough to kill a shiki." or something like that. Although in the book, the loli bitch and sexually repressed pedophile escaped, I think they made that ending here so if there is a second season, they already have their story to go on. SHIKI YOU WERE AWESOME, HERE IS CHEERS TO A SECOND SEASON HOPEFULLY! |
Dec 31, 2010 7:50 PM
Just finished watching episode 22 of Shiki today. I'm not really a fan of slaughter whether its humans or vampires doing it, but the Shiki, after watching this ending...I pity them. I guess their is no place for them in this world. I'm not saying I'm pro-shiki and anti-human, I didn't like the deaths of humans in the early part of this series either. When I was watching this episode, I was thinking of a Vampire Bund like end, an acceptance of some sort. Nope it didn't happen here. If someone is going to ask me if this series is good or bad, I will say: Watched this! Its a very good show. |
Dec 31, 2010 7:58 PM
Psychodrake said: Toshio, Muroi and Sunako survive. I smell a second series. Based on a novel. All adapted. No sequel novel. Survey says.....NO. Danniel said: I was supposed to give this anime a 10, but I drop to a 9. The first 15-18 episode were pretty epic, just the last arc that was kinda bad. I hope in the specials they give more screentime to the characters that died fast, otherwise, everything just seemed pointless... You are kidding right? The last arc was the best damn part of the series. the first half of shiki was terribly boring. I only truly got interested in the second half. And it was all pointless? Hem! That's the point. It could be referred to as poetic justice or Irony. Anyway it's spend far too long on buildup but the last few episodes were excellent. A few things seemed rushed but honestly could be figured out with a little imagination. However one thing I must say about Shiki is that it was one of the best representations of vampires that I have ever seen. I mean hell look everywhere. Vampires are always shown as a major god modded monster. If you encounter one, you are fucked. Over time there weaknesses were whittled out to the point that they become nearly unstoppable creatures. And along comes this. Vampires here are not frigging Neo or superman and have realistic personalities to boot. I like it. I like it a lot. Most of the series the vampire had the upper hand. Then the humans find out. BAM! A few days and they are wiped out. Hence solved the age old question of why the hell vampires don't rule over humanity. This is pegged as the best ending I have seen in a long time. I am so damn sick of life goes on endings or filler endings that seeing an ending that actually finishes a story is a rare satisfaction. I was bodering on giving this a 7 or an 8/10. I think I will go for the 8. |
Dec 31, 2010 8:05 PM
I didn't like the ending. :/ I wanted Yuuki-kun to live. T.T and lots of other things... So now, what are the monk and little girl vamp gonna do? ..I think i might read the manga.. |
💕 |
Dec 31, 2010 9:18 PM
I've pretty much enjoyed Shiki all the way through, so I don't really have any complaints. My very first reaction to the last scene was actually: "Oooh the priest became a werewolf and kept Sunako's ashes from the fire, so he's gonna go on to be the next "leader" in her place." Then I realized that Sunako was also a werewolf so it wouldn't make sense why she wouldn't also survive. Oh well =| Megumi's death wasn't the way I thought it would be - I assumed it would be like, the very moment she realizes that Natsuno wasn't really gone she would be killed somehow. Preferably from Natsuno shooting a bullet into her head. However, the rough tractor-to-the-face justice death was okay too. The point of the last arc which made me most sad was when the villagers just randomly slaughtered all the temple folk. ;_; I was also glad to finally confirm that my prediction from back around ep5 was correct, which was that everyone was going to "die" (or become vampires/Shiki) except the doctor, star-ponytail girl and her brother, based solely on the first OP movie. You'll notice that every character that "died" is shown in the first OP to become a skull/skeleton, even Natsuno. (This is probably old news? I never read the manga though so it was new to me at the time.) EDIT: Whoops removed |
EllixJan 1, 2011 10:39 PM
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