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Dec 20, 2010 8:00 AM
Oct 2010
Quite the strong episode. Noticed some changes here and there from the visual novel's storyline, but it was so beautifully executed I wasn't bothered by it in the slightest. Definitely the best arc and ending. 5/5
LeknaatFeb 13, 2024 1:54 AM
Dec 20, 2010 8:19 AM

Aug 2009
A much better ending than I had expected. Virtually no sex or anything either (well, except for the maid omake part maybe, but that doesn't count).

The only complaint I have is that the pacing is still somewhat messed up, which makes the plot developments feel a little awkward. besides that though, a solid conclusion to a very controversial arc.

Poor Class rep though, I didn't think it would hit her as hard as it actually did.

Edit: A few large screenshots in the spoiler:
Kuro4735Dec 20, 2010 9:10 AM

Dec 20, 2010 8:50 AM

Jan 2009
Strong finale; I like good endings, and Sora and Haruka being so happy definitely qualifies. All in all, this series score would be 10/10 for the final arc only, but it had it's ups and downs in between.
Haruka's dilemma was handled well, and for all the drama the situation could (and did) cause, I feel it was examined without getting too preachy or TOO smutty.

Kuro4735 said:
Poor Class rep though, I didn't think it would hit her as hard as it actually did.

I think it would be hard on anyone to find the person you like (however unrequited and small that "like", it was still a teenage crush) having sex with someone and actually watch the climax. But then to find the person with their brother/sister... Therapist needed indeed. Specially since she is basically a vocal piece for all the people that condemn this series for the incest.

Hopefully she will get over it, it's pretty sad that the only path dealing with Kozue ends with a BAD END for her lol.
Dec 20, 2010 9:43 AM

Jan 2010
Thank God this is over.
Dec 20, 2010 12:28 PM

Nov 2008
Very decent episode and I loved the ending, I almost thought Haru and Sora would have sex on the train oh well. Not the best experience with this genre (I prefer Aki-Sora over this), but not the worst, this arc gets a 10/10 (It was well worth the pain I had to endure through the series), but the anime itself only gets a 6/10 for those other unnecessary arcs.

Dec 20, 2010 12:57 PM

Oct 2010
one of the best eroges adaption, even if i am repeating myself.
the end was just awesome, but i also have to say that i woulod prefer a 12 ep pure sora arc.
Dec 20, 2010 1:06 PM
Jan 2010
McRib said:
Thank God this is over.

Have you been watching this series? Cause it seems like you've been posting on every, if not most of the episode discussions. If it really violates your moral/ethic principles, then you don't have to bother watching it, let alone express your hatred for this show.

Anyways, I thought the last episode was wonderfully executed as others say. The dramatic tension build-up between characters was a plus for this show.
MonotonyDec 20, 2010 1:28 PM
Dec 20, 2010 2:15 PM

Jul 2009
How dare Haruka to slap Sora >:(
Unforgivable!! xO

I'm so touched that the Usagi and the lettuce came together at the end T_T

Dec 20, 2010 2:35 PM

Apr 2009
Quoting pretty much everyone else here, it was wonderfully executed. Pace was perfect, as was the tension and drama buildup. I also loved how it ended, with Haru and Sora eloping <3
9/10 overall, 10/10 Sora, it was a great watch ToT

Lelouch_X said:
I'm so touched that the Usagi and the lettuce came together at the end T_T

Oh yeah, I lol'd when I noticed them in the corner xD
Dec 20, 2010 2:53 PM

Oct 2010
Great ending. I've enjoyed Sora's arc up until now and I can say that I'm satisfied. Finally the twins can become happy together. I wished they could've put the sex scene at the lake though, but I don't mind as The drama makes up for it.

But what pisses me off so much about this ep is that stupid class rep KOZUE. Unlike Nao, who has quite an amount of redeemable qualities, Class rep was a pure bitch for getting in the way of the twins relationship. The being shocked and tr from seeing such a taboo being commit is one thing, but confessing to him+ telling him not to see her anymore, not accepting her defeat like his other TRUE FRIENDS, and above all, manipulating Haru causing...

......My poor little Sora got slapped in the face, hard :(

YURUSENAI, ZETTAI YURUSENAI!!! I'm even more mad at her than I was in the VN. I hope they don't make extras for her arc, and skipping her route in the fandisk is too good for the likes of her

Lastly, INB4 NICEBOAT There's another type of vehicle appropriate to the series. Use that instead if you're gonna say it.
LeRealDec 20, 2010 3:03 PM
Dec 20, 2010 3:09 PM

Oct 2010
I saw it a little bit and ahve to do something but if anything has to be said is damn you Haruka for hitting Sora:

and he cried during sex? How weak! If anything GTFO of town although the problem I see is that they are not adults yet although they act like it. More to add later.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Dec 20, 2010 3:26 PM

Oct 2009
And in the end, twincest triumphs over all.
This episode played out pretty much as I expected/hoped it would. I am EXTREMELY happy that this arc had a good ending, with Sora and Haru riding on a Nice Train together.
10/10 from me for this series. Some people might call it smut, but I call it Art. Definitely one of the best anime that I had the pleasure of viewing.
Dec 20, 2010 3:33 PM

Feb 2009
Dec 20, 2010 3:45 PM

Sep 2009
this episode was brilliant *inserts the word 'bueno'*....and the sora sex scenes were delicious.

I was also expecting them to bang on the train, but that didn't happen. Oh well, moving on.

I wonder what they'll include in the blu'ray's that's not already shown in the anime....i'd rofl if they make the blu ray's hentai

Dec 20, 2010 4:18 PM

Nov 2007
^^ Don't argue with Trolls, it means they win^^

Nice Train?

It was a good ending I guess, but I didn't really like it. I was kinda expecting the lake to have some sort of a magical thing where Haru could go back in time and change the way everything to the way people call "normal". But I guess he likes fucking his sister more >_>

Sora's arc: 8/10 Overall: 7/10
Dec 20, 2010 4:57 PM

Aug 2009

-While I don't really agree with Kozue's actions, I still feel that there is at least some level of justification to it. It takes a lot of strength to just smile and say "as long as they're happy" when you find out the person you like doesn't feel for you the same way, so for that reason I have trouble saying she's entirely in the wrong. If nothing else, it's not really her fault for falling for Haruka, or maybe the absurdity (for lack of a better word) of the whole situation traumatized her beyond rational thought.

-I found this arc/ending to be pretty good, but I'm still not a big fan of Sora mainly because I felt there wasn't much to her character besides her love for Haruka and her extremely possessive way of showing said love. Maybe it'd be different if I was all "lololol wincest" like some people, but... yeah. If I'm missing something here, do tell. If nothing else I think I would have wanted to see more hesitation on her part regarding her feelings as opposed to just throwing herself at Haru all the time. I guess I just expected more given the buildup.

-My favorite arc is easily Akira's. It was the first "returning love" story I'd seen, and I felt it was the most balanced between romance, drama, and character development. Not to mention "mugyuu." Honestly, that had to be the most obnoxiously "cute" thing I've ever seen in anime, and yet it still came off as endearing and sweet to me.
--As for the other three arcs, I'm just at this feeling of ambivalent apathy. I never really got into in Kazuha's arc too much (though the first kiss in that one is my favorite of the series). Sora's was kind of a foregone conclusion, and the incest factor made me keep it at arm's distance (sue me). With regards to Nao, I felt her arc had a lot of potential but suffered from the clumsiest execution/pacing.

-Overall, Yosuga no Sora's been an interesting ride, to put it mildly. It's definitely been the most interesting community I've had the (dis)pleasure of participating in.
LightningRamielDec 20, 2010 6:23 PM
Dec 20, 2010 7:01 PM

Jul 2010
Nice Train ending in a good way.
Dec 20, 2010 7:56 PM

Jul 2010
This was a much better ending than I expected, though I really did feel bad for Kozue.
Dec 20, 2010 9:18 PM

Oct 2010
OK I just seen it completely and have to say it was a massive failure except in the ecchi department of whom the following site (NSFW) made wonderful GIFs and pictures: among them my favorite one (NSFW) also I liked Sora being naked around the housealthough in general the emotions were played out fine, it lacked the OP elements of when they were drowning.

Who saved them anyways when they were drowning? Akira most likely since she was close by. The interesting things were the scenery parts,
gloriously well done far better than I though. Kozue on the other hand looked like she smoked pot with her red eyes but I am pretty sure she cried herself to death at night kind of thing. Another strange thing if the bunny is shredded then why does she have in the train less Akira or Nao fixed for her. I was kind of shocked a little at how Sora mustered up the energy to thrash her room that badly. I think the flashbacks in general were good especially Sora's past. Guess in the end they escape town like I suggested in my earlier as the first thing they should have done. Whole series gets 7/10 Sorry the ecchi really screwed Akira's arc, Kazuha's was just no and Nao forget it. Sora's really shined.
Hellmonkey said:
It was a good ending I guess, but I didn't really like it. I was kinda expecting the lake to have some sort of a magical thing where Haru could go back in time and change the way everything to the way people call "normal". But I guess he likes fucking his sister more >_>
I agree with that and that is what I said as my problem being and Haru always liked sex no matter what girl it was, especially as soon he starts humping ever since Nao's arc showed that.
Inarius said:
I was also expecting them to bang on the train, but that didn't happen. Oh well, moving on.
Yeah but they did hump and who knows if the blurays won't change that part.
Inarius said:
I wonder what they'll include in the blu'ray's that's not already shown in the anime....i'd rofl if they make the blu ray's hentai
Oh yeah! Bring in the mosaics. It would be better if they made OVAs like Princess Lover ones.
Lelouch_X said:
I'm so touched that the Usagi and the lettuce came together at the end T_T
Same here! That was nice! Same for Motoka's ending when she cosplayed Akira and Kozue as well as punching that old bf of hers.
Yumekichi11Dec 20, 2010 9:27 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Dec 20, 2010 10:09 PM

Aug 2010
Haru you are a dumbhead, to be honest. Your indecisiveness pisses every1 off. I laughed so hard, when he started apologizing to Nao although she was the first one at fault. Same applies to Kozue. Still a good end of the series (i would love to see Kozue and Nao dead though).
Dec 20, 2010 10:32 PM

Oct 2010
Lefake said:
But what pisses me off so much about this ep is that stupid class rep KOZUE. Unlike Nao, who has quite an amount of redeemable qualities, Class rep was a pure bitch for getting in the way of the twins relationship. The being shocked and tr from seeing such a taboo being commit is one thing, but confessing to him+ telling him not to see her anymore, not accepting her defeat like his other TRUE FRIENDS, and above all, manipulating Haru causing...
As much as I agree with you, I have to say that Kozue had every right to show her hate towards Haru's relation and proclaim hers to see who would win. Fortunately Haru x Sora wins because the bond obviously conquers all barriers, especially the ones of others such as Kozue. What Kozue failed to notice are the key pieces of why their relation is like that, that's where Nao understood better.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Dec 20, 2010 10:37 PM
Jul 2008
Maybe it's not weird in japan, BUt i would've been totally angry when both girls open someone elses front door like it was their own home. Meh.

Anyway, It didn't feel as AWESOME as I wanted it to be, but I don't really know how could they make it more awesome so nevermind.

I liked this arc a lot (and it wasn't really because if the wincest (!)) but since some other arcs were kinda crappy, I'll say.. 8/10
Dec 20, 2010 11:06 PM

Jun 2009
....this episode was odd

also it is minor but the animation is sort of really bad... proportions....etc

i could raise the point if it was better(
Dec 20, 2010 11:18 PM

Nov 2010
Dec 20, 2010 11:35 PM

Aug 2010

You've got a nice point, sir! This needs deeper investigation obviously. But how did their classmates receive a text message from Haru and Sora?
Dec 20, 2010 11:35 PM

Jun 2008
Very well-done ending. Not bad but not unrealistically good or over-the-top, either. The controversy was handled pretty well while still giving the idea Nao mentioned at the end: "You can't stop yourself from falling in love with someone." No matter who it is.

Even though I'm on Sora and Haru's side, I didn't find Kozue annoying at all. Her reaction made sense given her position and perspective and I think it was important to have someone like her in there.

9/10 for this arc, 7/10 overall.
Dec 21, 2010 12:03 AM

Oct 2010
LightningRamiel said:

-While I don't really agree with Kozue's actions, I still feel that there is at least some level of justification to it. It takes a lot of strength to just smile and say "as long as they're happy" when you find out the person you like doesn't feel for you the same way, so for that reason I have trouble saying she's entirely in the wrong.If nothing else, it's not really her fault for falling for Haruka, or maybe the absurdity (for lack of a better word) of the whole situation traumatized her beyond rational thought.

If Kozue's this upset about Haru hooking up with Sora, then the same could've been so had it he hooked up with the other girls,(excluding the running away screaming part and being unable to use incest as an excuse to break them up.) Yet her character is almost completely non-existent in the other arcs. What, she thinks she has a better chance of winning now since sibling romance is forbidden?

Kozue can't help falling for Haru, Yes. But since they have never spent any time together like Kazuha, (Her, for example, because she was also a complete stranger to Haru), how could she expect him to even look at her? With her love being one sided and has always stayed that way, trying to break up the guy she likes from his girl is pure selfishness.

To me, Kozue is nothing but a mere plot device made especially to get in the way of the twin's relationship.

LightningRamiel said:

-I found this arc/ending to be pretty good, but I'm still not a big fan of Sora mainly because I felt there wasn't much to her character besides her love for Haruka and her extremely possessive way of showing said love. Maybe it'd be different if I was all "lololol wincest" like some people, but... yeah. If I'm missing something here, do tell. If nothing else I think I would have wanted to see more hesitation on her part regarding her feelings as opposed to just throwing herself at Haru all the time. I guess I just expected more given the buildup

I don't blame you for demonizing Sora. I agree that the anime cut the already little character development she has from the VN, and to please someone who isn't into incest, never played (read) the VN, and watches for the plot over fetish fuel, unlike the mindless wincest-lovers out there such as myself, her character has got to be much better than this. Nor do I mind you justifying Nao as she's actually a likable girl with a past which can be overlooked.

BUT Kozue?

....I'm glad you don't play the VN cause if you did, you'll have even more reasons to make that stupid class rep look better.
LeRealDec 21, 2010 12:38 AM
Dec 21, 2010 12:19 AM

Apr 2010
Joyce_Steele said:

I was actually thinking the same thing. And they made no mention of how Sora saved Haru in the water since they were like at least 30 feet under water sinking. It would be improbable to survive that.

Dec 21, 2010 12:51 AM
Jan 2008
Joyce_Steele said:

Thats a good observation, I didn't notice it. But that doesn't explain the mail they sent after their "supposed" death. How would you explain that? From what the mail said, it was definitely sent after Haru had found Sora.
Dec 21, 2010 12:53 AM

Aug 2009
Lefake said:
BUT why Kozue? Why go that far defending someone like her?

I suppose I should make myself a bit clearer; I don't mean to defend her, but I can sympathize with her, to a degree.

To be fair, I have yet to see the subbed version of this episode and I do not know the exact wording she used, but the way I saw it, it was not so much using incest as an excuse to break Haru and Sora up as much as it was a misguided attempt at "saving" Haruka. While it is not her place to do so in any sense, few things are more powerful and scary than one who believes they are doing the right thing. Of course, if she was just trying to get a slice of the Haru pie, than I can't empathize as much.

Regardless of what was really said and her true motivations though, I think you're being too hard on the girl. She's a teenager who walked in on her crush at the worst possible time, which had the unfortunate side effect of bringing out the worst in her. The mind's kind of like a game of Jenga: you never know what's going to bring the whole thing crashing down. I agree that she's little more than a hurdle in this arc, but I think for that reason you should give her a chance in the fandisk to show that she's more than that.
LightningRamielDec 21, 2010 1:31 AM
Dec 21, 2010 1:00 AM

Aug 2010
Freaking unbelievable. I cried. This episode was absolutely amazing. I bumped up the score just based on this episode. The OST made the episode such an emotional rollercoaster, had my heart racing the whole time. What an incredible ending. Thats how you end a freaking anime! Good thing they saved the best arc for last. This and Akira's arc's were definitely my favorites. The first 3 arcs just felt very one-dimensional lust oriented. This arc definitely pleased the romanticist side of me and Haruka felt way more real in this arc. I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did. Big thanks to feel studios for making a great adaptation.
billngDec 21, 2010 1:29 AM
Dec 21, 2010 1:01 AM

Jun 2009
LOL Kozue didn't have some piece of Haruka that's why she's so butthurt in the twincest relationship. Gah, you disappoint me Haruka. Why didn't you do her so it's done and over with?

Funny also that Sora never cared for most of the part flashing her loli delicious body the whole episode.

Omake was extremely hilarious, I laughed so hard when Motoka tripped and those play when she imitated Kozue and the others. Well, for the anime, I gladly enjoyed this and I got my twincest happy fucking ending so 9/10.

As for every arc.
Twincest > Kazuha > Akira > Nao.
Dec 21, 2010 1:14 AM

Nov 2010
I liked the ending, I watched too many sad ending anime recently and its nice to watch something where things turn out good.

Overall it was a good episode, at one point I thought they were going to die in the lake and live forever together in peace. And then I thought maybe one of them would die. But it was nice for a happy ending.....a bit sad they left their friends though.

Overall I liked the ecchi although I feel a complete perv because of this, and have to watch out when I am watching it lol just incase someone is around haha

Inarius said:

I wonder what they'll include in the blu'ray's that's not already shown in the anime....i'd rofl if they make the blu ray's hentai

There are 4 bluray releases with 3 episodes in each. With each bluray there is one bonus full length episode, except in the last one where the special edition is released one week early and contains two full length bonus episodes. That means 5 bonus episodes total.

The first bluray is released tommorrow so we should have them available for download within a week or so I am guessing for BR first 3 ep

8-9/10 for this anime from me.
Dec 21, 2010 1:30 AM

Feb 2010
where is my harem route D:
Dec 21, 2010 1:46 AM

Nov 2010
2weeke said:
Joyce_Steele said:

Thats a good observation, I didn't notice it. But that doesn't explain the mail they sent after their "supposed" death. How would you explain that? From what the mail said, it was definitely sent after Haru had found Sora.

Wished we would've seen how they got out of that situation... maybe Sora was actually a good swimmer and changed her mind about dying with Haru.
Dec 21, 2010 1:48 AM

Aug 2010
Joyce_Steele said:

Additional things I noticed:

Dec 21, 2010 1:58 AM

Jul 2010
And another one bites the dust, meaning this is the second anime i've been watching this season to end D: (First was the Oremo thing with Kirino)
I thought the episode was pretty good. I won't lie that I'm against the incest stuff, just cuz I have a sis and it'd make me puke if i had that kinda relationship with her -.-. But seeing Sora in her "form" makes it acceptable. I thought the class rep kinda came out of nowhere in this episode, but her being there just made me think wow Haru what are you gonna do. Also yay for maid and haru hooking up in the end!!!
+ for being Sora arc in general and i'm hoping there is bonus episodes or something coming soon
- for sora getting falcon slapped by Haru, I was like OH NO YOU DIDNT HARU, DO THAT AGAIN AND I"MA KILLZ YOU O_O
Dec 21, 2010 2:02 AM

Jul 2010
EMChamp said:
Joyce_Steele said:

Additional things I noticed:

well heres my theroy.

Sora and Haruka are indeed dead. I completely agree on you on all those facts as for the test message plot hole i think i have an explanation.

Sora and haruka would have drowned in the lake behind akira's shrine and Akira would have found the bodies. The person she would tell would of course be her half sister Kazuha and she would have made up that text which explains why she was the only 1 who received a message. Also u can kinda tell by the expressiosn on Akira and Kazuha's face near the end.

On a side note. did any1 figure out what that flashback with Akira have to do with the story near the end when Haruka was looking for sora
Dec 21, 2010 2:19 AM

Oct 2010
Lefake said:
BUT why Kozue? Why go that far defending someone like her?

Wait I thought I already edited that line...Gaah never mind.

LightningRamiel said:
I suppose I should make myself a bit clearer; I don't mean to defend her, but I can sympathize with her, to a degree.

To be fair, I have yet to see the subbed version of this episode and I do not know the exact wording she used, but the way I saw it, it was not so much using incest as an excuse to break Haru and Sora up as much as it was a misguided attempt at "saving" Haruka. While it is not her place to do so in any sense, few things are more powerful and scary than one who believes they are doing the right thing. Of course, if she was just trying to get a slice of the Haru pie, than I can't empathize as much.

Actually she didn't really say anything along the lines of "incest is wrong, that's why break up" or anything. Truth is I was just implying that she was using it as an excuse from how she doesn't interfere with Haru until he started seeing his sister, and how she was okay with Nao but not Sora.

Still, I can see your point up there. Maybe she really was trying to save him from being a societal outcast, but that doesn't mean she can't profit from the side benefit as well. I believe her intentions were mixed.

Regardless of what was really said and her true motivations though, I think you're being too hard on the girl. She's a teenager who walked in on her crush at the worst possible time, which had the unfortunate side effect of bringing out the worst in her. I agree that she's little more than a hurdle in this arc, but I think for that reason you should give her a chance in the fandisk to show that she's more than that.

Sigh... I may be the one unfair for letting my VN experience influence my judgment while arguing about the Anime. I'd just like to say that Kozue in the VN left me a better image of her, at least better than this.(She had some good parts from the VN I don't wanna to spoil) But hated her back then too, so you were right about my unreasonably excessive grudge for her.
Dec 21, 2010 2:31 AM
Dec 2010
I created this account to put in my 2 cents about this ending.

First, I thought that this ending would turn out the way it did. Twins commiting incest, yet not agreeing that this is what they both want until it's too late usually never ends up good. Going into a lake when it was known that both twins either could not swim and only started to learn (Haruka), or never had the chance to learn at all (Sora.)

Second, let's face the reality of the ending, they both died and NO ONE would ever know how it happened. The rabbit being torned which was a gift from their mother, was miraculously in her possesion and intact. This was evident when Akira saw the broken window and the thrashed room as it was when Haruka left to search for Sora. Here is another nugget, Kazuha lied and forged the phone email. The mail that she read had no "To:" section or time stamp. She also said that they had taken a plane and 3 trains to get to their destination, where the Haruka said himself they have no money. Also, the device they used for showing someone lying was for the character to turn their head away from the person posing the question. After all, it was too convenient that Kazuha was the only one to receive phone email.

Third, the train they are on is not like the one they were on when they traveled on in the begining. It was nearly all wooden with curtains on all of the windows instead with incandescent lighting instead of flouresant lighting, and the scenery changed from tunnel to mid-day sun with some white clouds where the clouds were kind of dark around the town the allegedly left to find a new life.

Lastly, the whole thing about finding new life at that shrine's private lake or whatever it is only lends to conclusion of them dying in the end. Sora had thoughts of ending her life when she wrote the email apologizing to Haruka. After taking that lover's plunge in the lake, he realizes that they will both die thinking of his apology back to Sora--who probably went into shock when he was thinking of his and going deeper into the water. When he came to the first person that greeted him was Sora. At first, you think that Sora pulled them both out, but when Haruka asked Sora if they were both alive she did not answer. The time of day that they both were half naked and still soaking wet would have been the time that Akira would set out to perform Misogi Shūhō (or is it Misogi Harai) before heading to school.

I can still go on about all of the foreshadowing that was made in the entire opening suggesting the finale would be something of a lover's suicide, but I think I stated plenty here. Feel free to add to this.

To bloodstainx: I only read your post after the fact, but I didn't think that both were co-conspiritors covering up their death. Though what you have said, fills in some blanks I had missing.

Good stuff.

Edit: Merged posts. You can edit or delete a post by clicking 'edit' at the bottom right.
desolatoDec 21, 2010 6:20 AM
Dec 21, 2010 2:45 AM

Aug 2010
So, it's over. This was my personal disappointment this season, got the least entertainment from the shows I watched. The only thing I enjoyed was the last two episodes. I give the episode a 4/5 because while it was a nice ending, the pacing felt off. The series gets a 6/10. It didn't really offer too much, although I really liked the music.

Edit: Assuming they died is an interesting theory and would explain the thing with Sora's bunny. Funny, I started watching this for the incest, then after the third episode hoping for a nice boat. I kinda got both in a way.
Mogami-kunDec 21, 2010 2:53 AM
Dec 21, 2010 2:51 AM
Oct 2010
Sora knows how to swim, though it was never shown in the anime. She dragged Haru away from the lake. They are alive.
Dec 21, 2010 2:56 AM

Feb 2010
no boot but a train ending :P well it was better then expected.
Dec 21, 2010 3:03 AM

Sep 2010
A happy ending (or so we can assume).
I lol'd when Haruka and Sora were at the table and the next second it was trashed.
And how did Sora get her rabbit back? Didn't she tear it up?
Dec 21, 2010 3:05 AM
May 2010
Joyce_Steele said:

That's what I think as well. This whole "They try to live overseas together" thing sounds too made up. Harus "don't do it!" reaction when he finds sora sitting in the lake and how they behave as soon as they lose ground clearly indicates that they can't swim.
Dec 21, 2010 3:11 AM

Jun 2008
TechnicalMonkey said:
I can still go on about all of the foreshadowing that was made in the entire opening suggesting the finale would be something of a lover's suicide, but I think I stated plenty here. Feel free to add to this.

I'd actually like to hear that just out of curiosity if you'd be willing. I enjoyed reading your analysis and, after re-watching the episode, think the theory of their death may actually have a lot of credibility.
Dec 21, 2010 3:11 AM
Dec 2010
Maugomale said:
Sora knows how to swim, though it was never shown in the anime. She dragged Haru away from the lake. They are alive.

Well that would certainly be a huge plot hole... If Sora knew how to swim then why during the ending credits do they suggest that the twins do not know how to swim by being saved by Nao. The ending credits suggest that the only one that was capable of saving the twins was Nao, who was not seen in that area.

The other imagery that was used was the rising backwards from the forest resembling the exact scene but backwards. Both twins are seen lying on the ground, the area is aqua with with water reflections. The aqua hues with the water reflections are seen throughout the entire begining.

I even looked at the entire CG set for the eroge, and there was nothing to suggest that Sora knew how to swim. If there was some text in the game that shows this please feel free to share with us.

Dec 21, 2010 3:14 AM

Feb 2010
And we have our incest ending! Good stuff (for those that are into it).

It was a nice ending though. Still a 7/10 overall for me, due to various reasons. This last arc actually tackled a lot of real problems when it comes to forbidden love... In a very ecchi way, but still...

Ah, all's well that ends well.
Dec 21, 2010 3:23 AM

Apr 2010
This was really a crap ending and also by far the worst arc.
Just at the part where it almost looked like a bad ending they had to make a good ending out of it.
How the hell did they get out of that water if neither of them can't swim?
What would there uncle and aunt way about there relationship, i doubt they would approve of it.
This arc would have been better with a bad ending incest relationships don't work out and will always fail in the end.
And my opinion of Sora went down again and i already thought it hit rock bottom.

About the Anime itself.
It started of pretty good.
I enjoyed both Kuseha and Akira arc and Noa arc was pretty decent.
Sora arc however was bad they purely used the incest to draw in they audience for that arc and didn't really bother with making a good story out of it.
Then again i didn't expect much from Sora arc to start with.
A other thing i am disappointed about is that there wasn't a Kozue arc, as i was really looking forward to that one.
The Motoka story's at the ending of each episode where pretty fun to watch i really likes those.
Dec 21, 2010 3:24 AM

Jul 2010
Why would Kazuha lie about the text? She really didn't even know Haru/Sora that well in the Nao/Sora arc so there's not much reason for her to lie.
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