The Rules as re-written by GrinfilledCelt:
The Short Version:
1. Be nice to each other.
For those of you craving more direction:
1. There is a line. You know where it is. Cross it and your post will be deleted. Keep it up and you will be kicked out. Actually I'm fairly tolerant of swearing but if you drop F-bombs every third word you aren't going to endear yourself to me. Get yourself a dictionary and learn some actual words if you want to impress people.
2. Respect others and their opinions. Remember it's just your opinion too.
2a. Respect the ladies. Anyone talking smack to the women will NOT be tolerated. No warning, you're gone, deleted and permanently on my hated list. Being an anime/manga fan, this is something you should have learned already.
2b. Also remember there are many children here too. Many of you know this because you are one of them. Just because you know bad words doesn't mean you have to use them. Grown ups all know these words and choose not to use them - at least not in public. Its your choice really, but if you go around acting like an ass it does no good to complain when people think you are one.
3. No trolling. You might even get kicked out if you troll too much.
4. Try to be positive. If you have nothing good to say about an anime or manga, saying nothing is best. Say everything you can about the anime or manga you love but little about those you don't.
A lot of the people at MAL are new to this stuff. They like anime, manga and the fresh perspectives they offer and just don't know yet how good it can be. They are probably getting pressure from friends and family for "wasting time" with those "stupid Japanese comics" so their love for it is fragile. Don't shatter it by making them feel bad for liking which ever show it was that you don't like. Instead, point them to something better. Help them to become a real fan.
If you must say something negative about an anime or manga, say specifically what it was you didn't like and why. You get some leeway on this. I still struggle with it myself, but just saying, "That sucks" doesn't help anyone and calling anyone names because of what they like is just trolling and won't be tolerated.
5. Give your life energy to unappreciated anime and manga. |
GrinfilledCeltSep 14, 2013 2:14 PM