Welcome to my profile. I'm Molly. I love Indian food because it's spicy and yummy. I started anime's when I was 9. For some reason I started liking anime's after watching a eechi one. Probably because it was funny. I love drama's (because it makes me laugh sometimes with the stupidity in it and it makes me wanna watch more), comedies, action, romances (cause they're just so cute ^^), sport (I love them... I like sports and I admire how talented the main character usually is) and, fantasies (just cause they have interesting characters BTW I love Harry Potter).
This is me at home.... Home alone or with guests. Doesn't really matter I just stay on the computer.
I'm quite lazy. I'm active when I feel like it. This is me when I asked to do anything really at home. I start to complain while I'm in bed. Then my Dad get pissed then does what he asked me to do and says "all the time you wasted yelling you could have done it. You make a 2 minute task seem like it's 5 hours."
I have watched all the Harry Potter movies but never read the books. I just didn't have time for it but I love Harry Potter a lot. I just remembered I read the first book a long time ago but not the second. I'm just gonna put some Harry Potter shit here.
I love literature a lot. I like writing cute little stories but I love poetry and awesome quotes. These are just a couple quotes that I thought were quite good.
Few anime characters I really like.
Okay so just recently I've been listening to a lot of K-pop. I don't know why but I have and I like this one group and only this one group. IFINITE!!!! 7 sexy Korean guys that can sing, dance and rap is just beautiful~
My favorites are L/Myunsoo, Dongwoo and Hoya.
Infinite stuff
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That did cross my mind quite a few times. I really hope that's not the case.
Maybe next time.
Wishing you in advance because I might not be online next week.