Once upon a time there was a little boy named GrinfilledCelt but everyone called him Grin. He lived with his Mom and Dad and five brothers in a far off land called Michigan.
Grin was a happy little boy who loved to go exploring on his bicycle. One day his Mom found him exploring the eastern land on the other side of Woodward Avenue.
"You must not go there, Grin." said Mom, "It is very dangerous for little boys to cross Woodward."
"I did not know that." said Grin, "I will not go East to the land on the other side of Woodward."
This made his mother very happy and Grin never did go to the land on the other side of Woodward Avenue. From that day on, Grin would go South and explore the lands on the other side of Fourteen Mile Road, Thirteen Mile Road and Twelve Mile Road where there were no more sidewalks.
Sometimes he would go north to explore the lands beyond Fifteen Mile Road and Sixteen Mile Road to the edge of the great wilderness where there were no paths for Grin to follow.
Other times he would go West to the lands beyond Southfield and Telegraph where the people talked funny.
He saw many strange and wonderful things. He played in many parks and even found a golf course that was perfect for little boys to play in. Once he found a golfball there but then some mean men wearing clown pants waved sticks at him and chased him away.
One day, when he was in the land beyond Southfield and on the other side of Fifteen Mile, the chain fell off of his bicycle. This did not worry Grin because his Dad had taught him how to fix it. So he stopped in front of a nice house with a big front yard and started to put the chain back on his bicycle.
Then he heard a noise and looked up to see five great big bulldogs running at him. Now, Grin had seen enough Bugs Bunny cartoons to know that bulldogs will eat anyone who comes into their yard so he was very afraid.
"Oh no! They're going to eat me!" cried Grin and he was crying too. When the bulldogs reached him, they did not eat him. They did not even bite him. They just snuffled at him and wagged their stubby little tails. "I must smell like spinach to them so they do not want to eat me." thought Grin so he hopped on his bicycle and pedaled away as fast as he could.
I have been watching lots of anime for quite a while. As much as I watch, I have still managed to miss a lot of popular anime. No time to go watch old stuff. Too much new stuff to see. The trouble is an awful lot of the new stuff isn't that good so I have been going back lately to pick up some of the old good ones. I am always open to suggestions.
I am always up for talking about anime. No one in my real life is into it. =0( I sometimes hang out at the anime section of the video store just to chat with other people there. So sad! =,0(
I don't read much manga. $10 for the equivalent of one episode of anime is way too steep for me.
I am not into games at all. They are a complete waste of life. Keep it up and you will end up old without having done anything.
Also, I am a silly person. I make a lot of dumb jokes based on cultural references no one remembers. So if I say something weird just laugh weakly and let it go.
Made you look!
[Why is "Quick Reply" the only option? What if it has been a long, long time since the last post? It would be much too late for a quick reply.]
I do love it in the summer. Many years ago, I spent a couple of weeks in Gaylord during the winter. Tons of snow and my Jeep handled it just fine. But I am older now and snow is a four letter word, just not as fun as it used to be.
March 1st is the first day of spring meteorologically...and we are supposed to get snow and colder temps this weekend. Bring back January when it was warm! lol
I know you once told me of your locale, is it in the UP?
No I never lived in Grayling. Every year I went there when I was in the National Guard and fell in love with the place. I wish I did live there. I apologize if I misled you. I am in the Cle
You as well. The summer and fall have been a tough one; haven't been able to watch much anime. We moved my father-in-law a little over a year ago from Okla to Oh due to health reasons and no family to help him properly. He bought a house and was doing well. We knew he had cancer and other issues stemming from Agent Orange. He's now in hospice and it has been rough on my wife. The bright spot was our daughters wedding earlier this month. She even made sure to get Grandpa in the wedding. Her wedding party went to hospice and had pictures taken w/ him. Brought tears to the staff. We had such a fun night. Our daughter and her maids of honor did such an outstanding job on her wedding and reception, I was stunned.
All Comments (130) Comments
March 1st is the first day of spring meteorologically...and we are supposed to get snow and colder temps this weekend. Bring back January when it was warm! lol
I know you once told me of your locale, is it in the UP?
Was glad to see you were still on MAL when I came back. Hope we can talk like the old days :)
it was the latest snowfall in my lifetime
snow over the weekend and wednesday i will be planting my garden
yes, 216 is the great CLE
and I do live within her boundaries
We got a dusting.
I believe this is the latest we have ever had snow.
My hope is that the two of us keep doing this for many more years
Happy Birthday
and I am truly sorry for being late