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Dec 5, 2013 8:34 AM

Nov 2009
So in the end they let the main dude live? Weird. Also, that part where Toujo kills a former ally, when they are firing at eachother it looks corny as heck . . . I mean how bad must your aim be to only hit the upper shoulder twice after unloading an entire clip of that gun on someone five feet away . . . Or when he missed Jonah for that matter.
Jan 17, 2014 10:32 PM

Jul 2013
holy cow! that car chase scene was epic as hell.... James Bond movies pale in comparison

that guy was amazing.. he lied about his marriage being a lie.. damn I wanted him dead but I didn't know he has a family.
May 25, 2014 3:27 PM

Dec 2008
People keep saying the old guy should die but you guys don't understand no ones the "bad" guys its just straight business. The old guy's team wanted to go out fighting so the old man made the plan. koko didn't kill the old guy because she knew he wasn't gonna get in the way anymore. So that's it.
Jul 3, 2014 4:31 PM

Mar 2012
what's the name of the hindi background music ??
Jan 14, 2015 2:11 AM
Jun 2013
two smoking hot ladies....hes got a point. how the hell he missed a death shot with that gun lol. Still kinda sad cat lady wasint used more. Wait so he basically sent his men to get killed uhhhh huray? This arcs end was ehhh head scratching. Ha the im your bitch scene.
Mar 16, 2015 6:55 AM

Feb 2015
Man, every time someone gets shot in public, people automatically think "Huh? Is this a movie?" "Where's the camera?" "Is that blood?" For some reason that makes me mad. The only time they realise it's 'real' is when a member of the public gets shot. sigh

Good arc, I liked the old guy from the start of the arc to finish, he wasnt that bad at all.
Sep 4, 2015 11:10 AM

May 2012
Interesting episode, let's see what happens next!
Mar 21, 2016 8:51 AM

Feb 2015
toneytigre said:
Am I the only one who doesn't understand the logic behind this arc?

Col. Hino sends his SR squad to wipe out Kasper and Koko who is muscling in on his trade. (okay. I get it that part.)
Hino looses his entire squad...
and that was his plan all along...
because he wanted to disband the SR squad and retire with his family?!

That's a pretty fucked up way to disband his own squad: send them to their deaths. It seems to me Hino's the biggest TRAITOR. Are we expected to forgive him because he has a cute daughter and wife?

Hino: "Hey, no hard feelings right? I just sent a bunch of professionals to kill you guys, put two bullets in your arm, and caused total mayhem in Japan. It was all part of my plan. I knew you guys would kill off my entire squad."

Tojo: " Oh yeah, don't sweat it."

Real smooth Hino. Real smooth.

yeah true i was thinking that as well.

Monad said:

I don't think people get it. He didn't leave his people to die. His people were essentially dead from the moment HCLI decided to go after them.
His men wanted to fight, if he didn't let them then he would basically play the game Toko expecting him to play and HCLI would have knew what they would do and win. If he let them go on a rampage then it would have been something HCLI wouldn't expect but they weren't strong enough to make that work ether. So no matter what happened they where dead.
Because of that he decided to grand them their last wish and let them fight it out and also get some retirement time for himself.
As why they didn't kill him in the end? Well there was no reason to. He obviously retired to live with his family. He looked like a man with no intention on getting in their way anymore so there was no reason to kill him.

yeah. legally. the crew isn't that stupid to look at hino and then look around their dead crew and then say "Oh, well he had nothing to do with that."

yeah right.

KaitoDash said:

On a side note:
This episode just underlined Japanese's impression about Thai people all having cocoa-colored skin.
My skin is pretty fair though, as fair as majority of Japanese at least.

you really can't blame them since barely anyone travels and it's not exactly a very diverse country. it's more unintentional and ignorant than racist (if you think that's what it is, that is).
i am really liking this season more than S1. but the MC shield was kinda big in the jonah and guy fight. i thought this time tojo was gonna bite it, so i was holding my breath about that. the tunnel scene was intense, and koko was insisting upon everyone that everything would be save out the tunnel. i had to do nothing but trust and her and i'm glad i'm did, when they rest of the crew utterly NOSCOPED the hitmen.

i didn't expect that girl to be his daughter, though. and the VC for her is SO CUTE.

so casper/kasper kept his word, because he wants jonah to like him. interesting.
Mar 22, 2016 5:31 AM

Aug 2008
TomDay said:
KaitoDash said:

On a side note:
This episode just underlined Japanese's impression about Thai people all having cocoa-colored skin.
My skin is pretty fair though, as fair as majority of Japanese at least.

you really can't blame them since barely anyone travels and it's not exactly a very diverse country. it's more unintentional and ignorant than racist (if you think that's what it is, that is).

Nah, I didn't think anything about racism. Just their misconception.
I would say we have very wide range of skin tone, almost equally from dark brown to white.
Mar 22, 2016 9:58 AM

Feb 2015
KaitoDash said:

Nah, I didn't think anything about racism. Just their misconception.
I would say we have very wide range of skin tone, almost equally from dark brown to white.

ah i see then. but if that's so that's probably due to lots of bed hopping in the olden days :P
Nov 20, 2016 3:48 AM

Nov 2013
Nice action this episode.

How the little girl hugged Jonah, his reaction and Koko telling him to go play was hilarious.

I'm glad, that they didn't kill the old dude.
You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Mar 29, 2017 11:50 PM

Aug 2014
Toujo vs Random guy who couldn't hit for shit was too dumb.
Jul 17, 2017 4:28 PM

Jul 2009
Awesome action this episode! Only silly part was that SR Unit guy on the staircase lol, he couldn't hit anyone despite being so close. The car chase scene was pretty good, and that ending ... didn't expect Hino to want to end everything because he just wanted to settle down with his family! Not to mention that everyone in the SR wanted to fight with weapons and that it was changing, and I guess that Hino didn't want that anymore. That was certainly a surprise :O Koko needs reassurance that Tojo will stay with her too, not surprising after what happened with R I guess. Good arc :D
Mar 30, 2018 11:30 PM
Dec 2017
WTF, ok this is the silliest arc in the whole series. Ok, so Col. Hino basically sends all of the SR group on a suicide mission because "that's the way they would want to go out". Meanwhile, Hino himself retires to a tropical paradise with his wife and kid. That's total BS

It would've been better if col. hino went down with the rest of the team. I guess col. hino was totally cool with sacrificing his team as long as he gets to live in the end. And why did they let Hino live, HCLI been on a total kill steak this entire arc, even killing innocent people this arc, but decides to let Hino live? Doesn't make sense at all. WTF.

I'm worried for Koko, They been dropping hints all season long about Koko's future. It's not looking good for her.
TheKoopaKingMar 31, 2018 9:55 AM
Dec 3, 2020 4:35 AM

Jul 2017
Really fun episode overall, with good action on the road and a nice convo with Tojou and Hinoki at the end. Koko being drunk off her ass, and being jealous of Tojou's relationship with his mentor Hinoki was funny, she already lost R so she is just that more attached to everyone else in her crew and wants no one to ever leave, including Tojou himself.

Also, that Indian track that was used in the middle of the episode in that little flashback with Tojou was so weird but I absolutely love it. I've always loved the hell out of the Jormungand soundtracks for its variety, flavor and fun but this was on another level. As an Indian myself, never expected to ever hear a song like this be here. This episode somehow had Hollywood level action with the road battle scene, with Bollywood music featured as well in a Japanese anime. I've seen it all.
Jun 28, 2021 3:12 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
The colonel is a total POS. He sent his entire unit to the killing field so that he could pull out of the lifestyle and retire. What a disloyal bastard.

Koko was really sweet there drunk at the end, but I fear that she's becoming a bit unhinged. Something bad might happen to her soon.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

May 8, 2022 2:09 PM

May 2016
@Fmmatron my least fav episode so far.
Feb 1, 2023 11:10 AM
( °◡°)/
Oct 2021
I think I might have to remove S1 and replace it with S2 on my favourites list TBH.

I will excuse the wild tunnel shootout with a lot of missed shots (how that many rounds can be exchanged without anybody at least getting tagged is beyond me) for the rest of the episode (apart from the 1v1; that was kinda wacked as well TBH).

As much as I love the combat scenes and the variety of weapons and combat techniques, it's great that there are those sentimental moment as well.

When the dust settled and the motivations of the former SR were revealed, it was pretty cool to find out that he wasn't the enemy, despite appearing so. Of course, the revelation of his family was pretty touching as well.

Koko's intoxicated declaration at the end was hilarious as well xD
JB-94Feb 1, 2023 11:13 AM
Aug 28, 2023 5:37 PM
Nov 2010
Kurosaka is sexy! I still find it a waste that she died.
I hoped SR would be a challenge for once, but they just got massacred like nothing.

I wonder if the rest of the SR unit knew this was a suicide mission. Hinoki thinks this is what the unit wanted, but I wonder how many would've agreed to disband peacefully if Hinoki had given them that option.

The car chase scene was cool.
Nov 14, 2023 2:43 PM

Jun 2020
S2 is better for now.The stories are just more interesting but I really have a problem with shooting scenes in this Anime like Im glad that Tojo is alive but how tf is he didint die from all of the bullets.
Jan 26, 12:53 AM

Aug 2023
"Likes tunnels but doesn't care about hot babes" I see what she did there (: I loved the action and conclusion to the arc in this episode. And music was great as always. The beach scene felt nostalgic for some reason even thogh i wasn't there obviously. I think it's called anemoia. Hinoki living a nice retired life though with his young wife and daughter. Lucky Bastard! > 3:53 AM, 26/01/25
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