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Jul 22, 2012 12:12 AM

Mar 2009
Shanablaze said:
TheArchangel said:
Worst main character I've seen in a long time.

Still going to finish this series tho.
Jul 28, 2012 2:57 PM

May 2012
Funny episode especially when mahiro says he didn't like her though the ending was quite lovely!
Aug 19, 2012 11:13 AM

Apr 2012
I'm not sure if I should be annoyed at Nyaruko for being so clingy and crazy or to feel sorry for her because Mahiro is being a bitch to her.
Nov 16, 2012 1:37 AM

Jan 2012
lmoo @ half way black and white sketch intermission
Jan 1, 2013 4:24 PM

Dec 2010
People can be so sexist in their gender stereotypes. They would call a tsun-tsun guy an ass while loving the tsun-tsun girl all the way. They would hate the guy for just hurting a girl's feelings but they're fine with girls beating the shit out of guys in anime.

I have no respect for those kind of people (and anime and anime producers).
Jan 21, 2013 10:46 PM
Aug 2012
mahiro is such a jerk. like i get it, hes tsundere and he has to behave that way for the sake of the anime, but on paper he has no right to behave the way he does to Nyaruko. hes literally the worst character
Apr 14, 2013 10:43 AM

May 2012
poor nyaruko... and was that minesweeper that randomly poped up in mahiros thought box thing?...
May 18, 2013 9:17 AM

Oct 2011
PrinceJ said:
mahiro is such a jerk. like i get it, hes tsundere and he has to behave that way for the sake of the anime, but on paper he has no right to behave the way he does to Nyaruko. hes literally the worst character

I agree.
Dec 30, 2013 5:36 PM

Apr 2011
Void_Seeker said:
People can be so sexist in their gender stereotypes. They would call a tsun-tsun guy an ass while loving the tsun-tsun girl all the way. They would hate the guy for just hurting a girl's feelings but they're fine with girls beating the shit out of guys in anime.

I have no respect for those kind of people (and anime and anime producers).

Here here! These people calling Mahiro an asshole would give a female MC doing the same things a total pass, especially if it was a guy she didn't like constantly trying to hang around her and even ATTEMPTING TO RAPE HER. I personally don't like the main pairing at all and would be much happier if they would abandon it in favor of the gay pairings (Nyaruko/Cthuga and Mahiro/Hasta), but the anime doesn't seem to be at all interested in doing so.

I abandoned this series for quite a few months and recently came back to it, now I remember why I dropped it to begin with (frustration with the main pairing and lack of support for the ones I prefer). I do enjoy the jokes and references but damn, after Outbreak Company already did it ten times better I'm really wondering if I should just drop the show. Will give it another ep or two before I decide.
Feb 12, 2014 2:55 AM
Mar 2013
negativedemyx said:
Nachtwandler_21 said:
Mahiro is just a real tsundere. If he would be a girl, people won't react so negatively.

So friggin' true.
Quite true. And similarly, if we switched their personalities (Mahiro is the now the crazy perverted alien and Nyaruko is the tsundere) Mahiro would probably still be the one getting the most hate.

But enough about that, more on the episode itself. This was one of the better episodes by far. I liked how Kuuko told Mahiro that getting her flag route was impossible xD And Nyaruko's evil rape face was something to behold. My sanity points are dropping lol
Apr 5, 2014 6:56 PM

Feb 2013
Geez, that evil face Nyaruko made was very scary. I love how nobody was believing Mahiro when nothing happened between him and Nyaruko. Did anyone else get that Super Mario reference? This was a fine episode.
Nano1124Apr 5, 2014 7:58 PM
Apr 13, 2014 9:51 AM

Oct 2012
Geez he nailed her to the bed with forks lawl. Nyaruko got the approbation and hip bumb. Poor Nyaruko ( but that face ) when she was rejected holy shit ! She's traumatized. It ended up too quickly but nicely meanwhile Cthuko touches herself ^^
May 22, 2014 7:19 AM

Jun 2011
It's sad that people are hating on Mahiro, he is one of the better male lead for these kind of series imo. Anyway this episode was great, I think it's my favorite episode from the series so far.

Damn, dat Kuuko was hot.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Jul 2, 2014 2:16 PM

Oct 2013
dat super mario reference
Mahiro is getting on my nerves >.>
Nyarko is the best!!!! love her personality
Feb 1, 2015 5:52 PM

May 2014
I actually like the guy resisting for once. It's an interesting change-up.

And I want Kuuko to be successful one of these times xD
Feb 2, 2015 2:01 AM

Nov 2014
LordAkbar said:
BUT no matter how hot someone is, if they're crazy you do not involve with that person. Nyarko is fucking nuts, clingy and obsessive and any normal sane person would not involve themselves with a girl like that.

She's not really fucking insane/ crazy as you put it. There are plenty if guys that would actually love a loyal faithful fruit loop like nya-nya-chan. she's a little clingy a little obsessive. But have you ever thought of why she s like that? or a certain way? I sincerely doubt it. Don't judge a person or character just based off of their actions. It's like judging someone for being not your ideal of perfection. and to me SHE'S FUCKIN PERFECT. She absolutely adores and loves Mahiro. try being a little nicer about what you say about others, in both reality and in anime. characters have feelings too, and it hurts just as bad to get those feelings tossed aside or stepped on.
LadyDisraeliFeb 2, 2015 2:40 AM
Feb 2, 2015 2:14 AM

Aug 2014
Welil said:

Mahiro, why you such a pussy.
AO968 said:
[internal quote spoilertagged because long]

I've been saying this to people since the first episode.

"OMG , he should so totally have sex with Nyaruko! She's cute, how can you resist a nice girl like that?"

My answer: "Even when said girl is actually a Eldritch Abomination in disguise, and said MC happens to know the full details of what she truly is? Just looking at her true form is enough to drive him crazy, just imagine what him having sex with her would accomplish."

We know Mahiro actually likes Nyaruko, but he's apprehensive, and for a good reason.
kanon-chan said:
But there's at least one thing obvious to me here, Nyaruko is a sweet girl, monster and all. She chooses to live as a human for the person she loves, so...I don't know. I just can't deny a cute girl her right to love someone, even if I am a complete fool for doing so.
Glad to find a like mind around here. The other side of it for me is this: I don't care how insane someone is; if they keep saying something that important and their actions keep backing up their words, for my money you're just being a paranoid asshole if you keep disbelieving them. Granted the possibility exists that they could be an epic-level schemer (cf. Aizen Sōsuke), but she'd have to be truly epic-level to pull it off alongside a personality like that.

Given the nature of the people we're dealing with, tho, I'll still say he's being more "paranoid" than "asshole".

Also, an interesting notion occurred to me at the end of the ep: Yoriko = older Nyarko. Anyone-else see it?
Void_Seeker said:
People can be so sexist in their gender stereotypes. They would call a tsun-tsun guy an ass while loving the tsun-tsun girl all the way. They would hate the guy for just hurting a girl's feelings but they're fine with girls beating the shit out of guys in anime.

I have no respect for those kind of people (and anime and anime producers).
I hadn't really thought about how thoroughly the old double-standard has been reversed nowadays...
794 said:
I actually like the guy resisting for once. It's an interesting change-up.

And I want Kuuko to be successful one of these times xD
Ditto. Unfortunately, the latter part is about as likely to happen as Urashima Keitaro getting into an actual fistfight with Naru. I gotta wonder, tho, why Mahiro didn't suggest something to Nyarko like "Why don't you pay more attention to the one who actually wants you?"

Nyarko x Mahiro x Kūko OT3. Just sayin'.

LadyDisraeli said:
LordAkbar said:
BUT no matter how hot someone is, if they're crazy you do not involve with that person. Nyarko is fucking nuts, clingy and obsessive and any normal sane person would not involve themselves with a girl like that.

She's not really fucking insane/ crazy as you put it. There are plenty if guys that would actually love a loyal faithful fruit loop like nya-nya-chan. she's a little clingy a little obsessive.
Actually, she is completely batshit insane, by definition. XD But leaving aside that part, her levels of clinginess and obsession are hardly impossible to deal with and would probably mellow a lot with actual acceptance (in fact, I might argue that the date scene proved that), so there's nothing apart from the insanity really separating her from plenty of relatively-normal Humans.

Not that the category "any normal sane person" even comes close to including me... *innocent whistle*
DuneflowerFeb 2, 2015 2:32 AM
"Ō-sama...kindly shut up. I wouldn't normally do this, but we are working with them whether you like it or not, because otherwise our chances of success approach zero." - Stern the Destructor (maybe not a direct translation, but it gets the point across)
Related: I'm writing a Lyrical alternate timeline!
Feb 2, 2015 3:07 AM

Nov 2014
I think this episode was adorable. though Nya-nya-chan's feelings got hurt. Mahiro proved himself to be a mature adult even for his age. There are lessons anime teaches us.if you hurt feelings, apologise, even though you feel you may be in the right on certain things,be the bigger person. apologise. when Mahiro did that. nya-nya immediately changed. felt better. her mood became so much more bright. her normal self should be.

Duneflower said:
Actually, she is completely batshit insane, by definition. XD But leaving aside that part, her levels of clinginess and obsession are hardly impossible to deal with and would probably mellow a lot with actual acceptance (in fact, I might argue that the date scene proved that), so there's nothing apart from the insanity really separating her from plenty of relatively-normal Humans.

Not that the category "any normal sane person" even comes close to including me... *innocent whistle*

Being normal, is overrated, darling. we've discussed this on many occasions.
The date scene proved that she can be a mellow down-to-earth
(pun intended) mature female. Especially when it's one on one with Mahiro. they do make for an adorable couple. and i support the OT3.

Oh my god. Yuriko. lookin so damn pretty in that one piece. And I liked when she told Hastur and kuuko to leave Mahiro and Nya-nya alone.. That's a mom for you. if she's not taking care of her sweet Mahoro, she's taking care of the other two"children" in her care.

Nya-nya-chan Way to go in telling Mahiro you love him. you did this in the most adorable way. *gives her sushi and sweets*
Apr 28, 2015 6:07 AM

May 2013
Mahiro was such a dick to Nyaruko, yet he gives Kuuko the cheer-up treatment.
Glad he took Nyaruko on a date. She was extra cute during the end. (^_^)
I’m always searching for something, for someone. This feeling has possessed me I think, from that day… That day when the stars came falling.
May 3, 2015 6:41 AM

Jul 2014
Jun 6, 2015 8:40 AM

Sep 2013
Nyaruko <3 love u!
I hate that bastard with the fork tho, Shitty faggot...Nyaruko is too good for him.
Jun 13, 2015 6:36 PM

Jan 2010
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san is trying really hard to be funny and eccentric. Really, really hard. It's quite something to behold. On top of that, now it's trying to be heartfelt and romantic on top of it all. This show worries me. It's self-aware enough to know it's being silly, but because of this, it's hard to tell how seriously I'm supposed to take it.
ShockedJun 13, 2015 6:51 PM
May 27, 2016 8:59 AM

Apr 2009
YES! great work preventing her plans 8D!
seriously, poor guy, gotta defend himself against this beast -w-'

nooo- don't let him think that ;_;***?!!!

woah- that sinister face made her look so handsome o_o'

noooo- you bitch, don't blow my Hasuta away ;_;'!!!!

-opportunist Kuuko,
tch. i wish Hasuta would have been there instead ;_;'
I like to comment Episodes as i Watch them.
Jul 23, 2017 6:32 AM

Aug 2013
Oh, nice to see that I'm not the only one. Małe tsunderes are way more annoying. But Nyaruko is making up for him. I love her.
Sep 5, 2018 2:52 AM

Apr 2013
Mahiro was being a real asshole this episode, Nyaruko's way too good for him.
Apr 2, 2019 1:53 AM

Mar 2019
i would have the same reaction to Nyaruko as Mahiro does, if she was a real human person

but then again she's Nyarlathotep, so instead i would jump in of course
my dark magical girl webseries
Aug 12, 2019 4:24 PM
Aug 2017
As usual the males in japanese manga/anime/novels are too childish and immature to accept a woman's advances. If this happened in a chinese novel she probably wouldn't be able to walk the next day, don't pretend you don't know why.

It's not as if some sex for fun is such a big deal. It's not really as if you're making some big commitment or anything, especially since she's the one who approached him, not the other way around.

I bet that if he was even slightly realistic or an actual real person, he would've done her long ago, unless he had some huge specific reason as to why he can't(like if he loves someone else for real), but he clearly doesn't have any reason not to. Well, this is what we get from an anime aimed at teenagers, not really a surprise, haha.
Apr 30, 2020 5:50 AM

Jul 2014
I'm honestly pissed off that this show just forcibly guilt-tripped Mahiro out of his own feelings and onto a pity date with the person/alien he has no romantic interest in at all. Nyaruko's pursued him relentlessly from episode 1 and he's made clear time and time again that he is not interested in her advances, yet he's been told by his own mother that his dislike of her is wrong.

It's hideous, and if the genders were flipped there'd be much more of an outcry over Nyaruko's actions throughout this series so far. But, because she's a girl, she not only gets away with it but actively gets to benefit from it.
Jul 23, 2020 5:33 AM

Apr 2018
Omg this episode was way too cute haha Nyaruko is a treasure
Oct 16, 2020 10:04 PM
Oct 2020
I'm a bit late to this, but felt that I should post my two-cents about this. I'm totally in support of Majiro turning down Nyarko for a simple reason: I look at this series as him actually not liking her. Thus, he's being truthful, at this point in the anime, he wasn't interested in her at all, but when he tried to push her away, everyone else shunned him and acted like he was a jerk.

Imagine if they acted like he was a jerk for not dating Hastur, or if Mahiro was a girl and she was being pressured into dating a male Nyarko. At the end of the day, it's up to Mahiro, and he's been adamant that he doesn't want a relationship with any of them, but they completely ignore his wants and desires. I think that Nyarko and the other deities are just terrible in that regard.

Additionally, as he eventually points out, Nyarko jokes about nearly everything, and her presence in his house could easily be explained as a convenient job to get access to Earth's entertainment. He'll never be entirely certain whether she's making an act to get what she wants, or she's being genuine. And from the generally kind way he acts towards Hastur, if Nyarko was less zany, he'd probably be kinder to her.

So yeah, I 100% support Mahiro, and I dislike the attempted rape scene heartily, including the same one in the first episode where she tried to molest him in the bathroom.

[Edit] As a quick note, lots of you are saying that, if you were in his shoes, you'd have sex with any girl that threw themselves at you. Congratulations, you're sexually repressed and have no qualms, good for you. No one needs any reason to not want to have sex or be in a relationship, but they do need a good reason to actively want that. And this is coming from a polyamorist with several open relationships. Two of my partners aren't even interesting in a physical relationship, to my eternal annoyance.
Fanatic665Oct 16, 2020 10:09 PM
Jan 22, 12:46 PM
Nov 2024
This episode was actually cute though, I love the advancement in their relationship.
Schopenhauer was more pessimistic. He believed happiness was a fleeting illusion, dependent on desires that, once fulfilled, only lead to new ones. In The World as Will and Representation (1818), he writes:

“Life swings like a pendulum backward and forward between pain and boredom.”
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