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Jul 15, 2012 11:25 PM

Apr 2012
Homolust said:
Oh god

that Keimi/Usopp scene

Sanji was <3 in this episode

This. Also, kudos to the author of the video below for making the Keimi/Usopp scene even more ridiculous by paring it with Mortal Kombat music.
Dec 14, 2012 4:11 PM

Mar 2010
luffy would die if he goes there..

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Jan 30, 2013 6:33 PM

Aug 2012
fishman island kind of reminds me of that island on pokemon on ruby/sapphire.
Feb 18, 2013 6:45 AM

Jul 2011
Mermaids...!! I wonna meet them too D:!!
Nov 2, 2013 11:15 PM

Jul 2013
All the fanservice is really getting to me. I'm starting to get sick of seeing a million girls with massive as boobs and Sanji overreacting over every one of them. Though, he did have a rough two years...
Luffy is so cute, that's all I have to say. He doesn't give a damn about those Mermaids.
Overall, a filler and fanservice second half but the first half was good. 4/5
Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!
- Doflamingo
Dec 7, 2013 7:55 AM

Dec 2012
this is my all blue- sanji. hahaha
Feb 7, 2014 12:08 PM

Dec 2012
Hahahaha Sanji I think Oda feels bad for making him suffer for two years XD
Loved Fishman Island so much :) One Piece's architectural elements are so inspired!
Feb 12, 2014 10:38 PM
Jan 2014
Was I the only one thinking of Peter Pan during the Mermaid scene?
Anyway, Sanji has finally found his "All Blue." * Tears of joy!
Also a Beverly Hills pun in One Piece coupled with "are you poor," what....?

Oda's world building skills are simply stunning, I hope this continues throughout this arc.
AibruceyFeb 12, 2014 10:42 PM
Feb 20, 2014 7:29 PM

Aug 2013
anime-cat said:
All the fanservice is really getting to me. I'm starting to get sick of seeing a million girls with massive as boobs and Sanji overreacting over every one of them. Though, he did have a rough two years...
Luffy is so cute, that's all I have to say. He doesn't give a damn about those Mermaids.
Overall, a filler and fanservice second half but the first half was good. 4/5

You know... I hate it too, but it doesn't bother me with One Piece, because it's not relying on boobs, they have had hundreds of episodes to make great characters and development, they can put boobs if they want now, it won't stop me from watching it, if it were a show that constantly shoved it in your face from the start, there's no way I'd watch it, though.
May 23, 2014 5:45 AM

Jun 2013
Usopp and Caime's clap fight (?) was so nonsensical, it's so freaking hilarious. XD
Jun 4, 2014 4:03 AM

Oct 2012
Lol @ Usopp & Caimie duo combi
Sanji & his harem paradise... Oh really? xD

If Hancock saw this... Oh what will happen? xD
Nakata Jouji!!!!!!!!!!
"Signature removed"
Sep 4, 2014 12:54 PM

Dec 2008
That voice at the end, awesome!
Dec 13, 2014 4:41 AM

Oct 2013
On to the next one.

Jun 29, 2015 5:39 PM

Jun 2015
Jul 18, 2016 11:25 PM

May 2013

Jul 30, 2016 7:19 AM

Mar 2015
Lel looks like Sanji's where he wants to be at last
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Apr 3, 2017 6:12 PM

May 2014
One Piece has been generally hilarious since the Time Skip...I've not laughed this hard since the beginning of Thriller Bark!!
Dat Usopp and Caimie freak out though XD

Sanji sobbing and wait- actually being popular with women?! What is this blasphemy??!
You squish your face into that PLOT my boy, you deserve it!

Hilarity aside, this arc has a vibe I've not really felt since Skypiea (and suitably so since both islands sit at the top and bottom of the world)- as if they exist very much outside of the common world. They exist inside almost fantastical realms, and also much like Skypiea, Fishman Island is a place that seems like paradise, whilst obviously having some dark secrets.

My guess is that there's some sort of friction between mermaids and fishmen that means they can't co-exist in the same place?

Now I wonder where the others floated off too...I hope Zoro didn't end up alone or else they might never see him again lol
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 26, 2017 8:06 AM

Mar 2014
The soup scene betweeen usopp and camie was too much for me XD

Oct 14, 2017 3:58 AM

Feb 2013
Sanji found his All Blue!
Jul 7, 2019 7:28 PM

Jun 2016
I was wondering how the situation on Fishman Island would be. We heard it was in tons of danger until Whitebeard took it under his name and now he's gone. However, outside of some class diversity, poor and rough areas mixed with rich ones, it doesn't seem horrible. Hammond and the New Fishman Pirates along with their boss are definitely interesting! Hammond looks like a punk and his crew seems to hate humans, they were all for Arlongs 'ambition' and called the Straw Hats foolish humans, disparaging the Kraken for helping them. Then a demand came, die or join us. Yet they understand that Luffy has helped Hachi and fought a Celestial Dragon for a fishman and a mermaid’s sake, the same thing as their hero Fisher Tiger- did so it's not fully black and white. Another interesting piece of information is how Hammond mentioned the Neptune army. Perhaps they are the law here.

Speaking of the Hammond pirates, the interaction they had with the crew at the start of the episode was incredible!!! The Straw Hats seem famous with fishmen to a degree but more than all the information we got, it was how the crew reacted that spoke to me. With everyone assuming "Luffy will not agree with them so get ready to blast in there" it created a super intriguing situation. With the suspense before Luffy's answer I think the situation was exploring how Luffy has changed, or how he hasn't. If they fought here under the sea with sea monsters and fishmen who could pop the bubble and crush them with the seas pressure, then as Nami said, they had practically no chance of survival. Luffy learned the hard way that believing isn't enough, I wondered, would he say yes to not risk his crew losing brutally like 2 years ago and potentially dying like Ace, even if it was to get their guard down and he had no intention of joining them? But nope! As if it was the same Luffy as always he stuck his tongue out, called them idiots, and said no way! All that said, despite the crew not knowing Luffy's new fighting capabilities, if he could just haki knock them out or use observational haki to absolutely dismantle them, then rather than them having no chance I think Luffy could have won, and I think he knew that. So if anything, I think this situation was showing that Luffy hasn't changed too much, perhaps we will see him back down or not take such a straightforward approach later, perhaps he will decide if he fights the way he normally does he will risk his crew dying and he'll back off. This time was not that though, so we don't have to worry about the Luffy we know and love being less bombastic than we're used to.

The way we had Lion versus Lion as the Sunny dodged out of the seakings way and blasted into Fishman island was so cool and the way Hammond planned to immediately head to the boss got my energy pumping.. Because of the coup de vent they broke into the second bubble and got sucked away by a strong current, separated into at least two groups! Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, Sanji & potentially Brook, Robin, Franky, Zoro, Nami. The casual crimin outfits were adorable and great, and further crimin is the design that the shark they saved had and thus it's probably Pappug's design!

Lastly, the actual landscape and residents of Fishman Island do not disappoint, the adorable sisters with Camie, the water tubes and turtle transportation for non Fishmen, the fact that there's a sky inside this bubble creating a super interesting level of verticality- underwater and overwater regions. And we must not forget the mermaids. Sanji starved of real women and finally having a dream he's had forever come true has sent him into a state of disbelief, crying and screaming, infact I think it's the second time he's ever cried maybe outside of his backstory and as Luffy said, it's more than when he thanked Zeff and left the Barotie. Sanji had me laughing so hard...
Dec 15, 2019 9:36 PM
Aug 2017
I feel you Sanji 😳, i feel u brother. Were simple men.
Camie CHWAAAAAN 😍😍😍😍
Apr 19, 2020 7:36 PM
Jun 2019
Haven't laughed this hard to a one piece episode in a while. The Sanji moments were fantastic!!
Dec 7, 2020 9:04 PM
Nov 2019
Sanji is having his best day ever lmao.
Dec 10, 2020 6:19 PM

May 2016
All these gorgeous mermaids ended up making Sanji feel like he's died and went to heaven and if it weren't for his vow, he really would've died on the spot with the biggest and bloodiest nosebleed of all time. I saw the "This is my All Blue" comment coming the moment the first of Camie's friends popped up and I was thoroughly amused that this was indeed the case.

I wonder where the others have gone. If they're at the bad side of town, I hope that Hachi would be there to help them.

Jun 2, 2021 8:42 AM

Jun 2019
Finally, Sanji's dreams become true. Beautiful Mermaids.
Jun 10, 2021 7:25 AM
May 2012
Finally after so long they finally reach Fishman Island, to think there would be so much stuff happening to them after they left Water 7.
Jul 20, 2021 10:41 PM

Dec 2012
Sanji's ALL BLUE!!

Jun 28, 2022 2:22 PM

Jan 2021
Nah I feel so happy for Sanji bro suffered the most these past 2 years he deserves this
Aug 29, 2022 3:17 AM
Nov 2018
Aug 29, 2022 3:18 AM
May 2021
chopper apenas Zzz
Jan 27, 2023 11:51 AM

Apr 2018
I lowkey thought the mermaids were going to look a bit different than Sanji's imagination. I guess all of the mermaids are pretty :o... There has to be a catch! 
Feb 20, 2023 12:15 PM
Dec 2022
idk tbh had me waiting for so much to happen like i was under too much suspense.
Feb 20, 2023 12:16 PM
Dec 2022
idk tbh had me waiting for so much to happen like i was under too much suspense.
Mar 26, 2023 4:31 PM
Jun 2021
cool show, likable mc and crew
Jun 26, 2023 2:44 AM
Oct 2019
Sanji finally found his All Blue 😭
davidyodo24Jun 26, 2023 9:04 PM
Jul 22, 2023 11:47 AM
Jul 2018
I’ve never really put too much thought into why all the sea monsters look like land animals. It’d be cool to find out more and it’d be the perfect time to do it.

The underwater apartment complex was really cool, I liked how the roofs were made out of coral (or maybe coral formed on top of the roof).

Maybe this arc will give a background story on Arlong, the “boss” character resembles Arlong so it’s a possibility that they’re related and he wants revenge.

Since the time skip I haven’t found any of Sanji’s lust gags funny but I enjoyed the gag where he met all the mermaids.
Dec 8, 2023 7:29 AM

Mar 2017
I’m really enjoying the adventure into this new underwater world. I swear Camie is looking cuter than ever too 😍

Even if he acts like a complete goof a lot of the time, Sanji does deserve a break after 2 years spent on the trans Island. Maybe he’ll finally get lucky with a Mermaid? Or maybe realise that won’t actually work xD
Dec 9, 2023 4:28 PM
Dec 2023
Fishman island is mid so far
May 17, 2024 5:37 AM

Apr 2024
I'm giving Sanji a break because he did survive 2 years of his personal hell but if his nosebleed gags continue on and start being a problem for the crew i'm going to start hating, please don't give him fights with pretty ladies i beg πŸ™‡πŸ»‍♂️
very sleep deprived
Jun 9, 2024 2:43 PM

Dec 2022
those good feelings, the tension followed by the bliss
so happy for Sanji “he didn’t cry this much when he left the Baratie” shed a small tear of joy for him myself ^_^
Jul 11, 2024 12:45 PM

Jun 2017
Sanji found his all blue paradise .It would be hard moving him out when they all have to leave the place
Aug 25, 2024 4:04 PM
Dec 2023
527 episodes. I spent nearly half a year watching this show. I have seen all of the ups and downs that these characters have gone through. But this. This is the biggest win yet. After more than 500 episodes, SANJI FINALLY ARRIVED TO THE MERMAID ISLAND. This is Sanji's All Blue, and I am so happy for him.
Jan 13, 11:36 AM

Aug 2024
Tbh I am little sad to see them all separated again. It would have been nice if they were together little longer.

But Sanji been too funny this arc. I don’t know how he going to get through this. But I don’t blame him. Camey looks as beautiful as ever.

I wonder if Aarlong will show up. He was not at imperial down. Also surprised to not see Jinbae yet.

Fun arc so far. One the funniest
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