Well my good friend Pastachan up there actually had a huge part in me deciding to give this one a shot. ^_^ It was not long after I saw Haibane Renmei that she said it reminded her a whole lot of LE, and after how wonderful an experience HR was I just HAD to check this one out! XD
It took me a while to FINALLY get around to watching it, like 9 months latter or so in fact, because of everything else I was planning to watch that I wanted to get out of the way first. But once I did, oh my goodness I was slapping myself for not having seen this series earlier! For the most part she was right, I'd say art and music wise it is pretty similar in a way, but in my humble opinion it has more in common with such fantasy world epics such as FMA, Wolf's Rain or Vision of Escaflowne. The world of LE is every bit as involving and as intriguing as those other ones, and just the sheer idea of it's steampunk nature also played a big part in it as well. In fact I'm actually kind of wanting to explore more steampunk out there simply because of it. ^_^'
I also have to agree with the notions that it reminds one a whole lot of a Ghibli series. Although personally I think it has more in common with Nausica than anything else. Nausica had very much the same steampunk feel that LE did, and Nausica's relationship with Asbel Kind of reminds me of the one Claus and Lavie have. Sort of a not old enough to be a romantic relationship but still very close kind of feel. I think both it in comparison to Ghibli (or at least some of Miazaki's stuff anyways) and to FMA, Wolf's Rain and Escaflowne, like I was saying, another thing I love about not only LE but a lot of other series like it is just how simple and easy to understand it is, yet it can still be a masterpiece nonetheless. MAN I really, really love series like these! :D I mean really, if you look at my top favorite anime series of all time, it's full of mostly series like these (LE is #5, by the way ^_^ )
Which that right there is really what I think made LE for me. For the most part what kept me going was not only the world but just how dang epic and exciting this series is, but at the same time I was just really falling in love with Claus and Lavie as a lead duo. I can honestly say that they've come the closest any anime duo ever has to knocking off the Elric brothers as my all time favorite anime duo. And they came really, really dang close too. Especially once the series started developing past episode 10 or so, and we REALLY got to see just how powerful that bond between them is, and how one is quite frankly not as complete a person without the other.
Personally, I must say I'm just astounded, and quite frankly kind of disgusted at the fact that someone like Cartoon Network never picked up on this one. I mean really, I see no reason not to. This is exactly the kind of series the mainstream anime fans would just eat up, and I actually think if it had it might have just helped Geneon out a whole lot. |